Melon- a representative of the pumpkin family, excellent proof that healthy things can be tasty. It has been proven that it not only improves mood, but also normalizes digestion, helps get rid of insomnia, and provides the body with the necessary supply of vitamins and microelements. Growing melons requires some effort and skill, but your expectations will always be met if you follow the basic recommendations.


The melon should sit in soil with good oxygen supply. It feels best in sandy and loamy soils; it favors black soils and gray forest soils. Other types of soil require additional cultivation before growing melons.

Before planting, the ground must be well dug up, since the roots of the melon are located very close to the surface. Fertilizers are applied depending on the composition of the soil and its autumn preparation.

Melon grows best after grain crops, cucumbers and forage grasses. Planting melon in one area for several years leads to soil depletion and a significant reduction in yield.


Melon seeds can be purchased at the store or prepared yourself, but you need to take it into account specific features: When planting last year's seeds, you may end up with strong, healthy plants that will not bear fruit. This is due to the fact that the flowers on them may be male and not create ovaries.

Seeds that have been stored for three to four years will yield a higher quality harvest than last year’s. For planting, choose the largest of them and be sure to carry out pre-treatment. Solutions for soaking melon seeds are sold in stores; a solution of boric acid with zinc sulfate is a good solution. The seeds are soaked for 10-12 hours.

Timely seed hardening has a beneficial effect on plants.

To do this, the seeds are immersed for several minutes in water heated to +35°. Then they are kept for a day in the temperature range from +18° to +20°. After this, the temperature gradually decreases to 0° and stops at this mark, and after 20 hours the temperature is raised again to +18°. This procedure should be repeated three times during the last week before planting.


Melon is a southern plant, so it prefers to grow on southern slopes and well-warmed sunny areas, which are not reached by northern winds.

It grows well on light soils, is not afraid of drought and high salt content in the soil, but high humidity and acidification of the soil are destructive for it.

If your site has acidic or slightly acidic soil, add wood ash before planting the melon, making sure that the plant's root system does not come into contact with it.

When digging up a plot for melons in the autumn, enrich it with mineral and organic fertilizers: humus and double superphosphate in the soil in the fall will provide large fruits next year.

For middle zone In Russia, growing melon necessarily involves seedling method. Soil for seedlings can be found in the store or you can mix turf soil, peat and humus yourself in a 1:1:2 ratio, then add ash and mineral fertilizers.

At the end of March, the treated seeds are sown in special containers (about ten centimeters in diameter) to a depth of 1.5 centimeters. Separate planting of seeds allows you to prevent injury to plants when planting seedlings in the ground.

Seedlings, like the plant itself, love sunlight very much, so they will feel great on a well-lit windowsill while maintaining a temperature of +22°. At night, a temperature drop of 2-4° is allowed. If the weather outside is cloudy during the day, the temperature in the room should be approximately +18°, then the seedlings will not begin to stretch.


It is especially important to provide melon seedlings with fertilizing during their development:

  1. When the first true leaf appears, mineral fertilizers are added, for example, potassium chloride or ammonium nitrate. The volume of fertilizer is calculated according to the instructions indicated on the packaging.
  2. A couple of weeks after the first, repeat the same feeding.

The melon is planted in the ground when the seedlings have at least 5 true leaves. Before planting, the seedlings are well watered and placed at a distance of half a meter from each other.

To prevent fungal diseases, you can sprinkle around the plant. river sand. At first, use warm water for watering.


Two methods are used for growing melons: spread and on trellises.

The most common way growing a melon - spread out, means spreading a loop over the surface of the bed in different directions. To achieve good harvest Using this method, the shoots are pinched above the fourth leaf, allowing two strong lateral shoots to form. This facilitates delivery nutrients more towards the fruits, rather than wasting them on foliage.

Second way Growing melon is called “trellising”. He demands additional training, since to use it, two-meter-high frames must be prepared in advance in order to secure the plant with a rope already on the fourth day after planting. To do this, one end of the rope is tied to the trellis, and the other is tied around the plant so that it gradually twists upward along the rope.

With this method, immediately after planting in the ground, the melon is pinched above the third leaf, the so-called growing point pinching. After this, the plant begins to develop side shoots, of which we only need two. Select the largest and strongest ones and secure them to the trellis, removing the rest.

The advantage of this method is that it provides better heating and lighting for the plant, which undoubtedly has a positive effect on the quality of the crop.


The heat-loving nature of melon allows planting in open ground only in the southern regions, but even there planting is carried out no earlier than mid-April.

By the time of planting, the soil should warm up to +15º at a depth of approximately ten centimeters.

Please note that a plant that does not receive enough sunlight will never produce large and sweet fruits, so when choosing a place, do not forget about the lighting.

In the treated soil, dig holes at a distance of a meter from each other and place 5 seeds in each to a depth of 5 centimeters. The holes are filled with earth. It is best to plant seeds in moist soil, this will speed up the emergence of seedlings.

The beds are weeded as needed.

In dry weather, plants need watering. Please note that melon leaves and root collar should not come into contact with water during watering. Good decision will make small holes in the soil at a distance of ten centimeters from the plant and use them to supply water to the root system.

It is recommended to use water heated to approximately +30º for irrigation, and to water the melons every ten days. The most favorable time for watering is morning, this allows the soil to warm up in the evening. During severe drought, watering can be increased to twice a week, pouring on every square. meter of 10 liters of warm water.


Fruit development includes two stages:

  1. Ovary formation and growth.
  2. Maturation.

The ripening stage begins immediately after the fruit has stopped growing. At this time, intense oxidative processes, which actively occurred at the first stage to accumulate nutrients, weaken and are replaced by anaerobic ones. That is, the ethylene content in fruits increases sharply, and the faster the accumulation of this substance, the faster the fruit will ripen.

The presence of pectin substances in melons plays an important role: not only the weight of the fruit, but also the duration of its storage depends on them. For example, a melon with a pectin content of 9% will be well transported, but will not be stored; fruits with a pectin content exceeding 10% will be well transported and stored, but if the percentage is less than 5%, there is no question of any transportation or storage. coming.

For long-term storage of fruits, specialized refrigeration chambers are used, although the shelf life largely depends on the selected variety.

There are four groups based on storage duration:

1 group: short-lived varieties. These are the varieties that produce the earliest harvest, but are stored for only a week without losing their properties.

2nd group: mid-early varieties. Can be stored for up to 20 days, but long-term storage the presence of sugar is significantly reduced.

3 group: mid-season and mid-late varieties. They can remain for up to three months and partially ripen in the first month after harvest.

4 group: winter varieties. Such fruits retain freshness and taste for six months from the moment of collection.

Melons intended to be eaten fresh are picked after full ripening. If the fruits will be stored for some time, they are picked without separating them from the stalk a couple of days before they are fully ripe.

Melons winter varieties harvested unripe but fully formed, about ten days before full ripening.


Ripe fruits are characterized by yellow and a sweet fragrant smell, they easily come off the stalk. Also, cracks form around the stem, and at the opposite end, when pressed with a finger, a small dent forms. Some varieties demonstrate their ripening by becoming covered with a net, some by yellowing. You should not pay attention to the size of the fetus.

Melons are harvested early in the morning or late in the evening, when the weather is least hot.


Powdery mildew

A sign of this disease are white spots that form on the leaves and stems of plants. Gradually, the foliage begins to turn brown, becomes brittle and dries out.

To avoid the spread of this disease, you need to promptly destroy diseased melons and everything that surrounded it. The remaining plantings on the site are treated every ten days with 80% sulfur powder, 4 grams per square meter. meter.

Fusarium wilt

This is a fungal disease that is most susceptible to late varieties of melons. It negatively affects the condition of the fruits themselves and reduces plant productivity. Melons lose their sugar content, juiciness and aroma.

It can also appear on young seedlings and plants with ripening fruits. The leaves quickly lighten and become covered with dark spots, and the plant wilts a week after infection.

Fight: first of all, it is necessary to completely remove the remains of the plant and everything that surrounded it. In the fall, dig the soil as deeply as possible; before planting, additionally disinfect the seeds with a formaldehyde solution (40%) for five minutes. Grow melons only in high beds, and during the formation of buds, be sure to spray them with a solution of potassium chloride.

To show his skills, a gardener or gardener needs very little - to successfully grow and obtain the fruits of a plant in areas for which this crop is considered non-traditional. And if many years of work on growing a tree can be destroyed by too severe winter frosts, then with annual crops the situation is much simpler: suitable conditions It is quite possible to create them during the period of their growth. In addition, modern developments by biologists and agronomists have led to the creation of varieties that are resistant to low temperatures and characterized by a shortened development period. For example, super early varieties melons allow the cultivation of melons in the middle zone.

Melon - the origin of the plant, its main characteristics

By origin, melon is a plant of the pumpkin family, cucumber species. This melon crop is a false berry. South India and Africa are considered the birthplace of melons. Like everyone else southern plants, melon loves well-lit areas, it tolerates drought quite easily, but low temperatures air and excessive soil moisture are poorly tolerated by it.

Melon gives good yields when optimal conditions When grown, up to 8 fruits can set and ripen on each stem, the weight of each of them can reach from 1 to 10 kg. Their ripening lasts from two months to six months.

Modern developments of biologists and ongoing breeding work have led to the emergence of early varieties, with short term growing season, resistant to cold, so growing melon in open ground, and giving good results can be observed today in the middle zone quite often.

Growing melon - what conditions can be considered ideal?

As we have already recalled, unshaded beds should be allocated for planting melons. For seed germination, a temperature of +17 C is required, but higher values ​​are considered ideal - from +25 to 35 C. For the growth and active development of melons, you will need +25 - +30 C during the day, and at least +18 at night. The possibility of waterlogging of the soil and air should be excluded - otherwise, melon crops are threatened by serious diseases caused by fungi. Air humidity of about 60-70% is considered optimal.

Growing melon in the middle zone - how to choose the right seeds

The choice of melon seeds should be taken wisely: pay attention to hybrids and varieties that are resistant to temperature changes, a short growing season, and rapid ripening of fruits. The choice of varieties with these characteristics on the shelves of seed stores is quite wide. It is possible to obtain high yields with excellent taste almost every year, provided, of course, that recommendations on agricultural cultivation practices are followed.

Experts do not recommend growing Central Asian melons - in the middle zone they produce poor seedlings and weak bushes, their flowering is not intense, and fruit production is possible only in the event of an abnormally hot summer.

The best varieties for the middle zone are:

  • hybrids Aikido, Galileo, Zlato Skifov, Cinderella, Polydor, Millennium,
  • varieties Iroquois, Ozhen, Sweet pineapple.

They are all different:

  • resistance to infection by powdery mildew and fusarium,
  • quite high sugar content, about 8-12%,
  • rapid fruit ripening,
  • The weight of the fruit, depending on growing conditions and variety, can range from 0.8 to 2 kg.

So, in order to get a tasty result, a melon for the middle zone must be planted, the varieties of which we recalled above; the second indispensable condition will be the creation of conditions suitable for its cultivation.

What conditions will need to be provided to obtain a harvest?

Normal growth of bushes will be ensured by planting on light and medium loamy soils rich in organic additives, heavy loams and sandy soils can ensure productivity only if the proper portions of mineral fertilizers are applied, but in any case taste qualities yields will be lower.

Melon is a southern plant; surprisingly, it can withstand soil temperatures up to +63 degrees C and air temperatures up to +43 degrees. At the same time, a decrease in air temperature to +15°C will slow down growth, to +10°C will stop it, and -1°C will cause the death of the plant. The optimal temperature for melon development is considered to be from +30 to +40°C.

Melon prefers well-lit beds. Lack of light can lead to a significant gap in the flowering period of male and female female flowers, which has a detrimental effect on the number of ovaries. The slowdown in photosynthesis, which is observed in cloudy weather, leads to a decrease in the activity of accumulation of dry substances and sugars in fruits.

Similar phenomena can also be observed as a result of artificial shading of plants - in the case of crowded planting. Therefore, compliance with the required planting density is a mandatory condition.

It is interesting that, despite their light-loving nature, melons are prone to more early flowering with a 12-hour daylight hours, with increasing daylight hours The flowering period comes later. If the daylight hours reach 8 hours, the plant slows down its growth.

The root system of melons is very well developed, reaching layers of soil that retain moisture even in hot weather. Growth is practically not affected by a decrease in air humidity. Melons can withstand drought, but timely watering and fertilizing will help increase yield.

To plant melons, you can use the same beds for no more than two years. The best predecessors for melons are the lands on which they grew: winter wheat or barley, corn for silage, onions or cabbage. Planting a crop in one area for 3-5 years in a row leads to soil depletion, reduced yields, and increases the tendency of plants to become diseased.

Technology for growing melon in the middle zone

Research shows what to grow full harvest in the middle zone it is possible if you use technologies for growing melons from seedlings, under temporary film cover or in greenhouses.

how to grow melon seedlings

To obtain high-quality seedlings, you will need to plant seeds in pots - it is undesirable to damage the root system of plants. To obtain a full-fledged seedling it will take from 30 to 35 days. The diameter of the pots is 10 cm, 2 grains can be planted in each of them. If you purchase untreated seeds, then before planting they are soaked for half an hour in a purple solution of potassium permanganate, then washed under running water. Germination of seeds is also practiced; it is especially effective if done in a special solution of microelements throughout the day.

Sow seeds in last days April, when the seedlings reach 30 days of age, they are planted in the soil. During this period, frosts are practically not observed.

The optimal place for growing seedlings is greenhouses or greenhouses, but if there are none, then you can use a window sill, or any suitable place, but with the organization of lighting - fluorescent lamp, placed at a height of 15 cm above the seedlings.

As soil for seedlings, use a mixture of soil from the garden and loose humus; it is advisable to add a half-liter jar of ash to a bucket of the mixture. If the soil is heavy, add peat. The soil needs to be steamed, then the following is added to it:

  • 1 teaspoon potassium sulfate,
  • 1 tablespoon of superphosphate.

Sow the germinated seeds to a depth of one and a half centimeters, cover with polyethylene, and leave at a temperature of +20 C.

The greenhouse or greenhouse must provide reliable protection plants from frost, sufficient lighting. If you use a window sill to grow seedlings, you will need to provide for the possibility of hardening off the plants.

Watering is done without allowing water to get on the stems. To do this, the soil around the stem should be formed in a cone shape. Moderate watering is required - if there is too much moisture, the root collar will begin to rot.

Seedlings are fertilized twice:

  • the first - dissolved mullein (1:10) or bird droppings (1:15), with the addition of 1 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate;
  • the second - mineral fertilizers: Mortar or Kemira-universal.

The readiness of seedlings for planting is indicated by the presence of 4 to 5 true leaves.

how to plant seedlings in the ground

Returning spring frosts can be observed before the onset of June, in more early dates planting seedlings is impractical. To grow melon in open ground, it is recommended to cultivate high beds (10-15 cm), 0.3-0.4 m wide, on which plants are planted in one row, or 0.9 m wide - in 2 rows.

The soil is carefully dug up and added to each square meter:

  • 1 bucket of compost or humus,
  • 1 tbsp superphosphate,
  • 1 teaspoon potassium sulfate,
  • 1 teaspoon of urea.

The prepared bed is watered with a pink solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate(a tablespoon per 10 liter bucket of water). After drying, holes are made at a distance of 0.4 - 0.5 m, and seedlings are planted. The arcs over the planted plants are covered with film. The height and width of the arcs should be about 0.7 m. In the event of an unexpected decrease in the temperature of the arc, the film is additionally wrapped on top of the film with old polyethylene or any materials that will prevent hypothermia of the air under the film.

In warm weather sunny weather the film should be opened to ventilate the plants. It is recommended to remove the film on the twentieth of June (one should take into account weather conditions). During this period, flowering begins; for pollination, insects will need to have access to the flowers.

After removing the film, the beds are weeded and the shoots are evenly distributed over their territory.

basic rules for caring for melons

Watering is carried out once a week, with warm water, under the root, avoiding wetting the root collar. IN hot weather Watering is carried out in the evening, in cool weather - in the morning. Loosening the soil will be required after each watering; weeding should be stopped when the leaves of the plants close.

Watering plants is limited during the period when fruits ripen.

Fruit set occurs on the side shoots, so after the appearance of the sixth leaf, the main stem needs to be pinched - this will cause more active branching. Female flowers appear on the first or second nodes of the lateral branches.

After the formation of two or three fruits, all emerging ovaries are removed, and the tips of the shoots are pinched. Side shoots without the ovary they are removed - this will improve the illumination of the plants.
Fertilizing is carried out after 1 or 2 waterings. At the same time, it is necessary to strictly regulate nitrogen fertilizers- they cause too rapid growth of vegetative mass, but significantly reduce yield. Fertilizing is done alternately with mineral and organic fertilizers. Can also be used herbal infusions. Until the melons begin to bloom, you can add ammonium nitrate solution or mullein; the flowering period will require the use of full mineral fertilizers.

Agronomists consider the increased growth of one of the fruits while all the others turn yellow as an alarming symptom - this means that the plant does not receive sufficient nutrition. To improve the situation, you will need to organize additional feeding. You can use slurry (1:10) and urea. Periodically watering should be done with a solution of potassium permanganate.

pests and diseases

Especially important point is the fight against diseases and insect pests. Here are the most common ones.

Fusarium - caused by fungi, reduces yield and taste. Symptom: leaves acquire a grayish tint and spotting. Plants die from fusarium within a few days. Infection occurs through the root system; planting melons in the same place significantly increases the risk of an epidemic. The fight against fungal infection consists of:

  • in refusing to plant melons in these beds for 6-7 years,
  • collecting and burning all diseased plants,
  • carrying out deep autumn plowing,
  • treating seeds before sowing with a solution of 40% formaldehyde (5 min),
  • uniform watering without causing excessive moisture,
  • loosening the irrigation furrow,
  • spraying melons with a solution of potassium chloride.

Plant death is often caused by powdery mildew, manifesting itself by the appearance of spots on the bottom and then the top of the leaves, lashes and stems. The fight against the disease consists of:

  • in the rotation of crops,
  • thorough cleaning of areas from infected plants,
  • in spraying plants with wettable sulfur powder when the slightest signs of disease appear and repeating the procedure every 10-12 days.

Copperhead or anthracnose - initially manifests itself in the appearance brown spots on the leaves, deformation, drying out, the lashes suffer - they become thinner and break off, the fruits change shape and rot. Control measures are:

  • in proper agricultural technology,
  • treatment with ground sulfur,
  • spraying with Bordeaux mixture.

The most common insects that harm melons are:

spider mites

tobacco thrips. Treatment with agrochemicals can be recommended as effective methods of control: Fufanon, Komandor Maxi, Actellik, Kemifox, Fitoverm.

To grow tasty and healthy melon on your plot, you need to know the requirements under which it grows best. Of course, we are not talking about Central Asian or Transcaucasian melons - they are late-ripening and do not ripen in central Russia.

In our country, it is easiest to grow early ripening summer melons with a growing season of 80 - 100 days. In our conditions, such varieties of melons as Kolkhoznitsa, Bykovskaya, Kazachka, and Pineapple have proven themselves well.

Now let's take a look at its requirements one by one.

Melon loves warmth

Melon seeds begin to germinate at an air temperature of +12 +14 o C, but the optimal temperature for germination and initial development of melon seedlings to the seedling stage is considered to be +20 +25 o C.

If the air temperature rises above +35 o C, then the germination of melon seeds stops.

In the future, as the plant grows further, in the flowering and fruiting phase of the melon, a temperature of +30 +35 o C is considered favorable.

A decrease in air temperature to +12 +15 o C at this time leads to the fall of flowers and ovaries, and can even cause a slowdown in plant growth if the temperature drop lasts for more than a week. Therefore, in the spring, when temperatures drop, it is better to cover the melon crops with agrospan if they grow in open ground.

After such a long drop in temperature, it is very appropriate to feed the melon plantings with nitrogen fertilizers; they promote further plant growth.

When the autumn temperature drops to + 10 o C, the growth of melon vines stops, and when the temperature drops to 0 o C, the plant dies. But before the cold weather sets in summer varieties melon at proper care mature successfully.

Melon is a light-loving plant

It does not tolerate shade at all; moreover, it grows poorly and does not produce crops in cloudy, rainy years.

In mid-May, when the soil warms up, holes are made with an approximate distance between them of about a meter and a depth of 20-25 cm. It is advisable to put a tablespoon of complex mineral fertilizers or superphosphate with a glass of wood ash in each hole and mix thoroughly with the soil.

Sowing melon seeds to the side of the hole has a good effect. To do this, you need to pour as much water into the hole as with regular watering. After the water is absorbed, melon seeds are sown on the side of the hole at the level of the water-wetted line to a sufficient depth - up to 6 cm, but if the soil is heavy, then 3 cm is enough. You can plant two or three seeds, followed by thinning.

Such sowing is very convenient because the seeds are not washed away during watering, and melon seedlings correctly form a root system directed downward, so such plants grow and bear fruit better. After the seeds are planted, the hole is watered again and dusted with humus; it will simultaneously serve as mulch and an additional source of nitrogen, and will prevent the soil from caking.

If the sowing of melons was carried out with dry seeds, and they suddenly did not sprout, then sowing should be carried out only with sprouted seeds.

After sowing, the holes can be covered with agrospan, film or other available means.

Further care for melons

At the cotyledon development stage, the melon needs to be earthed, this will cause the formation of adventitious root hairs. A powerful root system absorbs more nutrients and gets the necessary moisture from the depths.

After 1-2 true leaves appear on the melon seedlings, you need to carry out the first thinning, removing the weakest or improperly developing ones.

The second time, the melon crops are thinned out when 3-4 true leaves appear, leaving only one of the strongest plants in the hole.

In the 6-leaf phase, it is advisable to pinch the main shoot of the melon. This will cause side shoots to grow and speed up flowering.

After 5-6 fruits have formed on one plant, pinch out all growing points.

Water melons only warm water in May - June. There is no need to provide additional fertilizing for melons; favorable years with a warm summer, the harvest of melons is already ensured, provided that fertilizers are applied in the fall and during sowing. The rest of the melon care is based on its requirements.

Image source Desert Botanical Garden, Forest and Kim Starr, /, 阿橋

Is there anyone who doesn't like juicy food? sweet melon? We are all waiting for the season when we can buy this magnificent southern fruit. Is it possible to grow melon in open ground in our not-so-warm latitudes?

Today we will talk about how to provide yourself with melons yourself.

First stage: site selection and seed preparation

As you know, melon is very heat-loving plant. Therefore, the site for its cultivation needs to be selected appropriately: protected from the wind, well lit and warmed by the sun, fertile.

You need to prepare the site in the fall: dig up the bed shallowly (about the size of a shovel) and fertilize the soil with humus at the rate of 3-4 kg per 1 square meter. If clay soil predominates on the site, do not forget to fluff it up using river sand - half a bucket per 1 sq.m.

In the spring, continue preparing the beds. Dig it again and apply potash and phosphate fertilizers in the proportions indicated on the package. Immediately before planting melons, add nitrogen fertilizer or rotted manure.

Now start preparing the seeds for growing seedlings. You can buy them in the store or prepare them yourself.

Try to choose large seeds melons for growing

It turns out that melons have an interesting feature. Seeds from the previous harvest can produce strong, strong plants which will not bear fruit. This is explained by the fact that the flowers on such a plant will only be male and will not set an ovary. To get a good harvest, it is better to take seeds that are at least three years old.

When choosing seeds for seedlings, pay attention to the larger ones. Be sure to process them special composition for such seeds, which can be bought in a store, or a solution of zinc sulfate with boric acid. The seeds are soaked in this solution for at least 12 hours.

Experts advise hardening melon seeds for growing in the middle zone. Drop them in warm water(up to 35 degrees), remove, and keep for 24 hours at a temperature of 18-20 degrees. Then gradually reduce the temperature to 0 degrees, and keep the seeds in these conditions for about 20 hours. Raise the temperature back to the original setting. This procedure must be repeated three times in the last week before planting the seeds.

Growing seedlings

Peat pots or peat pots are perfect for growing seedlings. peat tablets with a diameter of up to 10 cm. You can also use cardboard or plastic cups. The advantage of peat containers is that they can be completely immersed in the soil along with the seedlings without removing them. Peat will act as a natural fertilizer over time.

Seeds should be planted in specially prepared soil

  1. Fill cups and pots with special soil for vegetables. You can prepare the following mixture yourself: 1 part sand, 9 parts peat, mix thoroughly, add wood ash at the rate of 1 cup per 10 liters of soil.
  2. Soak the seeds for a day before planting. Empty seeds will float, discard them immediately. This way you will cull.
  3. Plant 2-3 seeds in prepared pots to a depth of 5 cm. Before the first shoots appear, keep the containers indoors, observing temperature regime: during the day 18-20 degrees, at night - not lower than 15 degrees.
  4. The first shoots should appear in about a week. Thin them out, leaving one of the strongest sprouts in the pot.
  5. After the appearance of the third or fourth strongest leaf, pinch the seedlings. This promotes the development of side shoots.
  6. Caring for seedlings is not at all difficult. The only feature is less watering without water getting on the stems and leaves. To avoid blackleg, place a layer of dry river sand around the stem.

Sowing seeds should be done in April, and seedlings can be transplanted into the ground after 25 days.

Planting melon seedlings in the ground

So, the melon bed on your site has already been prepared. Fluff the soil thoroughly using a rake. Make holes, maintaining a distance between them both in length and width, approximately 70-80 cm.

Please note: under no circumstances should you plant seedlings if frost has not yet passed. It’s better to wait until the final warming, otherwise the melons will die at the seedling stage.

Treat melon sprouts very carefully so as not to damage the roots in any way. It is best to plant seedlings along with the soil in which they grew in a pot or glass. It is in this case that you can be convinced of the benefits peat cups or tablets: they are simply immersed in the hole and sprinkled with earth.

Maintain a distance of 70-80 cm between the holes in which the seedlings will be planted

Before planting, pour water into the hole and add a little humus. Plant the stem so that it does not go deep. The lump of soil with which you planted the seedlings should protrude slightly above the surface of the earth. Water the planted seedlings again and sprinkle with soil.

During the first two days, create shade for the seedlings to help them grow better. If there are strong temperature changes between day and night, cover the plantings with film, which will also protect the melons from rain.

The film can be replaced with the usual ones plastic bottles. Cut a large (2 to 5 liters) bottle into 2 pieces across. Cover each sprout with half the bottle. Such a simple design is very easy to remove before watering, and then put back in place.

The most popular melon varieties in the middle zone

  1. The Kolkhoznitsa variety, bred by the Biryuchekutsk experimental station, is the most suitable for the middle zone. It is very stable and therefore has become widespread. The fruits of this variety are round, orange, and weigh about 1 kg. The pulp is white, very light and sweet. During the season, the harvest can reach up to 100 centners per hectare.
  2. Variety Alushta, bred by the Crimean Experimental Station. The fruit ripening period is 70 days. The fruits are oval-shaped, large, orange-yellow, and weigh up to 1.5 kg. The pulp is white, juicy, sweet. Productivity can reach 175 centners per hectare.
  3. Golden, a variety bred by the Krasnodar Research Institute, belongs to mid-season varieties. The ripening period is 80-90 days. The fruits are round, yellow with an orange tint, with a weakly defined network. Weight up to 1.6 kg. The pulp is juicy, white. Productivity reaches 120 centners per hectare. The variety is very resistant to diseases.
  4. Variety Dessertnaya 5, bred by the Krasnodar Research Institute of Vegetable Farming. Fruit small size, short-oval, with a fine-mesh surface. Weight reaches 1.6 kg. The pulp is sweet, tender, white-green color. The variety is high-yielding and can bring from 140 to 160 centners per hectare. The advantages of this variety are the long-term storage of fruits.
  5. Yuzhanka (sometimes the variety is called Kuvshinka) was bred by the Kuban experimental station VNIIR. The fruits are large, weighing 1.8-1.9 kg, round, with longitudinal ribs, orange-yellow in color. The sugar content is the same as that of Kolkhoznitsa. High-yielding variety, the yield reaches 220-240 centners per hectare.

Melons of different varieties

We care for melon during the period of growth and ripening

Melon is not very demanding in care, but nevertheless, it is necessary to observe certain rules. During the entire growth period, the melon needs to be weeded, hilled, watered, and the soil around it loosened.

  1. Do the first 2 loosenings between rows no deeper than 15 cm. The next time loosening is carried out to a depth of 10 cm, and the soil next to the stem is not affected. After the first side lashes appear, hill up the melon, raking a roll of earth towards the stem.
  2. In melon conditions, the crop grows practically without moisture. Therefore, watering should be moderate. If dew falls in the morning, watering should be canceled. You need to water the row spacing so that water does not get on the vines and leaves.
  3. The first pinching is done while the melon is still in seedlings. After the melon is planted in the ground and has gone through an adaptation period, perform another pinching over the 7th leaf of the main stem. Do the same with the side loops, and then remove the excess flowers, leaving 3 tied fruits, located at a distance from each other. Remove shoots without fruits so that they do not draw juice.

In addition, melon needs feeding. The first time this is done 2 weeks after planting in the ground. To do this, you can use saltpeter, cow manure or chicken manure. The following feedings should be done every 10 days. You can buy complex fertilizers or dilute chicken manure and add ash. Before the fruits ripen, fertilizing can be stopped.

To avoid rotting, place a board or plywood sheet under the ovary

Weeding the melon beds is carried out only when necessary. Do not forget to regulate the growth of the lashes; they should not fall between the rows. Place a board or plywood under each ovary to protect the fruit from rotting when it touches wet ground.

Please note: in the climatic conditions of the middle zone, the best option would be to choose early ripening melon varieties. Even if the melon does not have time to ripen before frost, and you have to pick it prematurely, it will reach ripeness at home.

When growing melons, always follow three main rules:

  • timely protection of seedlings planted in the ground from frost;
  • correct formation and pinching of stems, removal of excess ovaries;
  • timely systematic feeding.

This way you are guaranteed to get a good harvest of melon.

Video about growing melon in open ground

We hope that our tips will help you grow sweet, juicy melons even in our conditions short summer. If you have experience growing melon in the ground, share with us in the comments, tell us about your methods, advise more suitable varieties. Good luck and have a warm summer!

Diversity of plants on modern vegetable gardens and summer cottages are truly mesmerizing. Gardeners are constantly learning innovative technologies processing, sowing, and growing plants that promise to significantly increase yields.

At the same time, familiar plants are widely popular and have become an invariable attribute on tables, the list of which includes melon. Almost every experienced gardener knows how to plant a melon, and there are a number of features, taking into account which you can get a really good harvest.

Melon, what is it: a vegetable, a berry or a fruit?

Even among experienced summer residents and farmers, melon lovers, few can accurately answer the question of which family this plant should belong to. If you evaluate the taste of melon, then it can be confidently classified as a fruit, since it has a very delicate sweet taste, as well as a pleasant aroma.

At the same time, if we draw an analogy with another melon crop - watermelon, melon can be classified as a berry, but this would also be a mistake. According to species classification melon belongs to the class pumpkin plants, which is confirmed by the root system of the melon, which is in many ways similar to other representatives of this species. Hence, melon – vegetable.

Melon has been grown for many years, as a result of which information about where it first came from has already been lost. Considering that it has a lot in common with vegetable crops, berries and even fruits, experts attribute it to the order of false berry or pumpkin plants.

Did you know? There is a belief that melon is one of the fruits brought to earth by the archangels. Almost every variation of melon is considered a delicacy. Moreover, melon has anti-aging properties. In a number of countries, including neighboring countries (Turkmenistan, Abkhazia, Tajikistan and others), melon in one form or another is used in folk medicine to improve immunity and treat diseases.

Planting melons in open ground

The most familiar and in many ways in the classic way Planting melons is planting seeds in open ground. In order for this procedure to be successful, during its implementation several main factors should be taken into account that will ensure the normal development of the plant, as well as high yield.

Did you know? In ancient times, melons and watermelons were often grown in greenhouse conditions, providing proper care. This practice made it possible to obtain large harvests in all territories of the country, regardless of climatic conditions. By now the landing in closed ground practically not practiced.

It should be remembered that melonThis is a plant that loves the sun and reacts negatively to excess moisture, therefore, when choosing a location, preference should be given to elevated areas on the ground where water will not accumulate, as well as unshaded places where it is warm and sunny throughout the day.

Where is the best place to plant a melon on the site?

Considering the needs of the plant soil in the garden with a large number shadows - unsuitable option. It would be optimal to use a plot of land that is illuminated by sunlight throughout the day.

As such areas, you can use land that is located away from sources of moisture. For example, a plot of land on the edge of a summer cottage or vegetable garden can be used.

Important! As the melon grows, it puts out a vine, on which the fruits appear. Given this, it is extremely important that the area for planting the melon is of sufficient size. This will allow it to fully develop and prevent the vine from getting into other beds, which is extremely undesirable, because the vine can not only damage, but also destroy other plants.

After what crops is it better to plant melon?

When wondering why melon grows, do not forget that crop rotation is the most important rule that helps to achieve maximum quality and productivity of a crop such as melon.

That is why when choosing soil for planting, you should pay attention to the previous crops. Largest quantity The melon will receive the necessary nutrients from the soil if it is planted where it was previously grown onions, turnips, cabbage, beets, radishes, beans, as well as herbaceous perennial plants.

Neighboring crops should not be cucumbers and pumpkins. The best garden options for melons are corn and various greens, with the exception of parsley. Such a neighborhood will not only not cause harm, but will also provide normal conditions for plant development.

How to prepare the soil for planting

Before growing a melon in a country house, garden or personal plot, it is necessary to first prepare the soil for planting. To do this, select an area in the open, but at the same time protected from the wind. IN autumn period This area is dug up, after which humus is added to it at the rate of 3-4 kg per 1 square meter.

In cases where the soil on the site is clayey, which is completely unsuitable for growing melons, river sand should be added to it, at the rate of 0.5 buckets of sand per square meter of land. After completing the above procedures, the soil is left to winter.

IN spring period The fertilized and treated soil should be dug up again and additionally added fertilizers that contain phosphates and potassium. The proportions for applying fertilizer can be read on the packaging, since the amount recommended for use may vary depending on the manufacturer.

Immediately before planting, nitrogen fertilizers or rotted manure should also be added to the ground. Growing melons in areas prepared in this way will lead to a good harvest.

How to prepare melon seeds for sowing

Another condition for obtaining a good harvest of melons is proper preparation seeds for sowing. Seeds can be purchased at a specialized store or collected independently from locally grown own plot fetus The choice should be made on large specimens.

Before planting melon seeds, they should be pre-treated special solutions, which are sold in stores, or a solution of zinc sulfate and boric acid, which will provide protection against various diseases to which the seeds of such crops are susceptible. It is recommended to soak melon seeds for 12 hours before planting.

Important! Product range specialized stores have dozens of compositions for treating seeds before planting. It should be remembered that in the future the melon fruit will be used as food, which is why it is strongly recommended to give preference to those solutions whose components do not contain substances harmful to humans, or whose concentration is minimal.

How to plant melon seeds correctly

After treatment, you can begin planting seeds. Depending on preferences and capabilities, seeds can be planted both in open ground and in pots for growing seedlings. For such purposes, it is most suitable to use peat pots up to 10 centimeters in diameter.

As soil mixture you can use peat with sand, which is combined with wood ash. Planting seeds in such pots should be carried out to a depth of no more than 5 centimeters, and the temperature environment should be about 20 degrees.

The main condition proper disembarkation When planting melon seedlings in the ground, careful handling of the root system is essential. The best option is to plant melons in holes along with the soil in which the seedlings are grown.

A small amount of humus and water should first be added to the holes. After planting, the seedlings should be watered abundantly and sprinkled with dry soil.

When planting melons, it is important to remember that the first few days after planting the plant should be in the shade, since it is precisely in such conditions that it is better accepted.

If there are strong temperature changes between day and night, the plant will require additional protection, so at night it can be covered with film. The same film can be used to cover plants during rain, which will prevent excessive unwanted moisture from entering the soil.

Comprehensive care for melons on the site

Comprehensive care for melons includes a range of necessary procedures, which will ensure high yields as well as resistance to diseases.

The melon must be regularly loosened to provide the root system with the necessary oxygen, fed, watered, and also regularly removed weeds that may interfere normal development plants. This procedure very simple and understandable even for a novice gardener.

It is also necessary to protect the melon from birds, since they often attack and destroy the seedlings. It is recommended to install a repellent system on the site.

In addition, it is important to carefully turn the melon fruit regularly, and to prevent contact of the fruit with the ground, it is recommended to place a board, which will avoid a number of diseases and preserve the harvest.

What kind of watering does melon like?

Yellow melon has eastern origin, so the plant does not tolerate excessive moisture. During dry periods, the plant needs to be watered twice a week. In this case, the water for irrigation must be warm, and the watering itself must be carried out directly under the root.

The use of cold water, as well as its contact with melon leaves, can lead to a number of diseases, reduction or complete loss of yield. In cases where the amount of prolonged rain significantly exceeds soil moisture standards for melons, it should be covered, since this plant reacts painfully to high humidity.

Important! Experienced farmers and summer residents recommend creating a canopy using a rain net when planting melons - it will prevent the soil from becoming oversaturated with moisture, but will allow you to obtain a sufficient amount sun rays. Watering at the root, in turn, is best organized using drainage system(tube leading directly to the root system) - this type of watering is the most effective and safe.

How and with what to fertilize melons

It is recommended to feed melons with both mineral and organic fertilizers. Among mineral fertilizers highest value for these plants have calcium and potassium. It is recommended to apply mineral fertilizers after rains or watering, followed by loosening the soil.

Provided there is a sufficient amount of potassium in the soil, the processes of formation and flowering of female flowers are significantly activated, therefore, productivity increases. In addition, this mineral helps to increase the plant’s resistance to disease and also helps the ripening processes. During the period of fruit formation, the plant's need for potassium increases.

Organic fertilizers containing nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, as well as vitamins and microelements are an essential component for plant health. Most best option organic fertilizer for melons – humus, including plant and animal remains.

Can also be used rotted manure. Organic fertilizers should be applied in the form of concentrated solutions in a ratio of 1 to 5, followed by abundant watering which will avoid the accumulation of harmful nitrates.

What is the use of pinching

In order to properly form a bush, use pinching a melon, which, among other things, has a positive effect on the speed of fruit ripening. On the main lash, pinching is performed after the fifth leaf, while on the additional ones - after three leaves located behind the ovary.

Ripening and harvesting dates

The ripening time of melon depends on the region where it is grown. Climatic conditions have a significant impact on how the melon grows and ripens. In warm climatic zones these processes occur faster, whereas in temperate climate– much slower.

An important factor is also the variety of melon, which implies the timing of plant development, fruit formation and ripening. In addition, the taste of melon largely depends on these conditions.

Depending on the variety, the melon can be yellow, light orange, dark orange or even white. The shape and size of the fruit depends on the variety.

Did you know? There is a Yubari King melon in the world, which is officially considered the most expensive. It is grown only in a small Japanese province. Distinguished by the most juicy and sweet taste of the tender pulp, it stands out among others for its unprecedented cost - up to $20,000 per kilogram. It is noteworthy that you can buy it exclusively at special auctions.

The process of growing melon own garden, personal plot or cottage is quite simple, accessible and understandable. Compliance with basic rules for preparing the soil and caring for the plant, which includes watering and fertilizing, will ensure excellent harvest delicious, aromatic melon, rich in vitamins.

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