Became an indispensable attribute holidays, especially the New Year. After the chimes strike, the whole sky is illuminated by many lights flying into it. Good fireworks are not cheap, but there is a way to get them for almost nothing, that is, to make fireworks with your own hands.

Before preparing, you need to make sure that safety precautions are observed, since this is not the safest activity; after all, you will have to work with an explosive substance.

Manufacturing instructions or how to make fireworks with your own hands

Detailed instructions for making fireworks with your own hands or “Everything in order...”

  1. First you need to prepare a mixture, which will subsequently explode, sparkle and illuminate the sky. There are several ways to prepare it. For example, you can take a metal object coated with magnesium that you scrape into a separate container. If possible, it is better to purchase special magnesium shavings; they will be the most effective and easiest to use. Magnesium needs to be scraped off in small pieces, grinding it as much as possible - this way the effect will be better in the future.
  2. Next, you need to very carefully clean the sulfur from the matches, carefully making sure that no wood gets into it. This may take up to two or three matchboxes. The resulting powder must be mixed with magnesium shavings until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  3. Then you need to take a pre-prepared hollow metal tube with holes on both sides, one of which should be tightly sealed with a plaster plug, which can also be made by hand. It should be taken into account that even liquid should not penetrate through the hole closed with a stopper.
  4. You need to pour the prepared composition of sulfur and magnesium into the tube. The mixture should occupy from one third to one second the volume of the tube, but in no case more.
  5. Next, the tube is wrapped in foil, for example, intended for baking. It is better to wrap it in several layers. Carefully insert a wick through the foil into the hole in the tube that is not closed with a plaster stopper.

We just made our own fireworks at home! All that remains is to take it outside, preferably away from residential buildings and trees, and light the fuse.

It is worth remembering that homemade fireworks can be unsafe for health and even life, both during production and when launched. Therefore, under no circumstances should you keep a composition of sulfur and magnesium or ready-made fireworks near an open fire or smoke during its manufacture.
Launching fireworks prepared by yourself will certainly become an unforgettable experience for everyone and will make the holiday brighter, filling it with magic.

Opportunity crafting fireworks appeared in Minecraft 12w49a snapshot, and in the next one, Jubilee 12w50a, the fireworks system was slightly changed and is stable today. Officially, the ability to craft fireworks appeared in Minecraft 1.4.6, for which it is actually a highlight, since Minecraft 1.4.6 is a festive update of the game before the New Year.


Below we have collected full list ingredients that will most likely be supplemented.


Paper. Dye. Powder.

Ingredients influencing the effect:

Creating the color part of the fireworks

The basis of any color part of the fireworks is gunpowder. If you add several dyes to it, you will get a color part, which will be the future fireworks of stars that will scatter across the sky after the fireworks are launched and exploded.

Attention, when creating the color part of the fireworks, you can use any quantity and any accessible view dyes. The more different dyes you add to the color part, the more multi-colored stars will appear in the night sky when the fireworks are launched.

Below is one of the options for creating the color part of the fireworks

In order to see what colors are already in the color part of the fireworks, just hover over it with the mouse cursor.

Making fireworks

The game provides the ability to create a rocket without using the color part. In truth, such a rocket will not be of interest to anyone, but still.

To create a pacifier you should use gunpowder and paper:

Now let's consider the option of creating a full-fledged fireworks display.

To do this, you should use the color part, paper and gunpowder. By combining all the ingredients on the workbench, we get a full-fledged fireworks display that is ready to be launched.

Attention: when creating a full-fledged fireworks display, you can use up to seven different color parts. This will only add unforgettable beauty to your fireworks.

Now let's try to run it.

As you can see, after a few launches the fireworks appear a little "square". Fortunately, this is not the entire scope of the fireworks crafting system, so for even greater beauty and individuality, it’s worth working on the effects, which will be discussed later.

Application of ingredients

All the ingredients listed above, except gunpowder, are used exclusively at the stage of creating the color part. Once you have your gunpowder and dye on your workbench, you can add one or more of these ingredients to it. Some of them are added in one unit, that is, 64 units of light dust cannot fit into one color part.

In addition, you should take into account the fact that those ingredients that change the shape of the future fireworks are not compatible for one color part. But they can be used in one fireworks display by simply adding them to different color parts. This way you will get a double or even triple firework (depending on the color parts) that will explode various forms.

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If you want to see what effects and colors are already present in the color part, you just need to hover your mouse over it.

Launching fireworks

Fireworks can be launched in two ways:

Manual start- to do this, just go to the place you need, select a ready-made rocket and right-click on the block that surrounds you. This will be the launch point for your fireworks.

Automatic start - it’s not difficult to guess that the launch in this way is carried out from the distributor. To do this, place the fireworks you need in the dispenser, draw a diagram or place a button/lever and press it at the right moment. All fireworks placed in the dispenser will fly up with joy and decorate your night sky.

How to make fireworks?

In fact, the Chinese invented gunpowder to make fireworks, not to use it for military purposes. A variety of pyrotechnics have long been used in the Eastern tradition to ward off evil spirits.

Nowadays, fireworks are used during various celebrations, since a good fireworks can decorate any holiday - from the New Year to a birthday. Therefore, it’s worth figuring out how to make fireworks yourself.

To make fireworks you need to learn how to make:

  • sleeves;
  • powder;
  • wick.

Manufacturing of sleeves

First you need to make the sleeves. They are divided into two types:

  • thin-walled, which burn together with fireworks. Used for low-power trains.
  • thick-walled. These cartridges do not burn out when burning fireworks. They are used for strong compositions and complex fireworks.

Thin-walled sleeves

To create them we will need:

Let's move on directly to the manufacture of a thin-walled sleeve:

  1. Sprinkle the wooden rod with talcum powder so that the finished sleeve can be easily removed from it.
  2. Coat the outer surface of the paper with paste.
  3. On the glass we begin to roll the paper onto the rod.
  4. Knurling can be done either with the palm of your hand (in the case of small cartridges) or with a flat board.
  5. Make sure that the first turn lies perfectly flat, otherwise the paper will roll in ledges and the sleeve will have to be thrown away.
  6. We cut the sleeve blank to the length we need.
  7. We tighten one end of the sleeve with a rope or strong thread. Don't forget to leave room for the wick. To do this, take a wooden cylinder with a nail driven into one side and tighten the end of the sleeve around the nail.
  8. The last stage of making the sleeve is drying. It is quite possible to dry the shells in the room by putting them on sticks.

Thick Wall Paper Sleeve

Thick-walled paper sleeve made in exactly the same way and from the same materials. Only more paper will be required, since the walls of the sleeve must be thicker. Also, the warbands will need to be more massive, from 10 to 25 mm. Ideally, the thickness of the sleeve walls is 1/3 of its internal diameter.

Making gunpowder

Now we need to make compounds that, in fact, will explode. It is best to make gunpowder for our fireworks.

Method 1

The first type of gunpowder, which is also called “pulp,” is made from the following ingredients:

  • potassium nitrate;
  • coal;
  • sulfur.

We also need accurate kitchen scales to make gunpowder.

Work progress

  1. First, we take 750 grams of potassium nitrate, 125 g of coal and 125 g of sulfur.
  2. All substances must be crushed into flour.
  3. Mix all three components on a sheet of paper. The “pulp” is ready.

Method 2

The second type of gunpowder that can be made at home is grain gunpowder. It is made from the same components, but in different proportions. At the same time, all components must be crushed coarsely, the grains should be the size of a small salt crystal.

  1. Mix 780 g of potassium nitrate, 120 g of coal and 100 g of sulfur.
  2. The grain powder is ready.

Method 3

This type of gunpowder is made from Berthollet salt. For this we need:

  • Berthollet salt;
  • coal;
  • gum.


  1. Mix 20 parts by weight of bertholite salt, 5 parts by weight of coal and 1 part by weight of gum.
  2. Grind the resulting powder thoroughly.
  3. Roll the resulting mass into flat cakes and grind them.
  4. We dry the resulting grains.

This composition should be handled with care as it is easily explosive on impact and flammable by strong friction.

Filling cases

Now let's move on to stuffing the sleeves and mixing different compositions. The sleeve is stuffed as follows:

Wick making

Now we need to make a wick for the fireworks. To do this you need to prepare:

  • cotton thread;
  • fine gunpowder (“pulp”);
  • wine spirit;
  • starch paste.

Work progress

  1. Mix gunpowder in a container with alcohol until a paste is obtained.
  2. Add paste and mix thoroughly.
  3. We twist several threads together to form a wick.
  4. Place the resulting wicks in a bowl for several hours.
  5. Dry the wicks. Depending on air humidity, this will take from 3 days to 2 weeks.

Making fireworks


The easiest option is to make sparkler. For red fire you will need:

  • antimony sulphide - 6.5 parts by weight;
  • coal - 3 parts by weight;
  • sulfur - 16 parts by weight;
  • nitrogen-strontium salt - 64.5 parts by weight;
  • Berthollet salt - 10 parts by weight.

When everything is ready, carefully mix the composition. You can burn it by pouring it onto a metal strip or stuffing it into a thin-walled sleeve.

Salute "Swarm of Bees"

Let's look at how to make a more complex fireworks display yourself, for example, “Swarm of Bees”.

  1. First, we prepare several small cartridges and fill them with gunpowder.
  2. Then we take a large thick-walled sleeve and fill it with sparkling composition.
  3. We make several holes in the walls of a large sleeve at different heights.
  4. In small sleeves we make one hole at the bottom.
  5. We glue small sleeves at different heights to the outer wall of the large one.
  6. Using a wick, we connect the hole in the small sleeve and the large sleeve. They will light up one by one and create the effect of a swarm of bees.

Safety precautions

Before you get started, you need to learn a few necessary rules:

  1. All substances must be dried, they must be dry and always clean.
  2. If the composition contains Berthollet salt, the degree of its safety should be determined. Lightly moisten the composition with water and place in warm place. If the composition changes color or begins to smell strongly, it is dangerous and should not be used under any circumstances.
  3. Potassium nitrate is needed only in powder form. Pour boiling water over it (1/4 of the weight of saltpeter), then, stirring constantly, evaporate the composition.
  4. Sulfur must be pure, no acids.
  5. Gunpowder generally does not spontaneously combust, but only if the temperature is below 100 degrees.
  6. Salts of barium, copper, lead, and antimony are extremely dangerous if ingested. At the same time, potassium and sodium salts, gum, ammonia, sulfur, etc. are absolutely harmless.
  7. To make color compositions, it is necessary to use new tools and paper on which they are mixed each time. Otherwise, foreign impurities will ruin everything.
  8. The order in which the mixture is poured into the sleeve is very important. When using each specific composition, carefully read the instructions. For example, if you first add potassium chlorate, and then, for example, sulfur, the mixture will immediately explode. But if you add potassium chlorate at the very end to a composition where sulfur is already present, the substances will not react.
  9. When mixing, the compositions are not ground, but poured onto a sheet of paper.
  10. We recommend passing all formulations through a hair sieve.
  11. If finely ground gunpowder is mixed with coarse powder, then the small parts are first poured onto the paper and only then the large ones are added.
  12. To make a colored composition with sparks, we take cast iron filings or coal.

Greetings to all Minecrafters, hardworking and cheerful inhabitants of our wonderful world of Minecraft. If you, my friends, are tired of the everyday worries in Minecraft, then it's time to have a little fun.

How to make a simple rocket

So, dear friends, let's start making our pyrotechnic miracle: a rocket that will allow you to arrange colorful fireworks in Minecraft. I would like to note, friends, that pyrotechnics in Minecraft is not such a simple task. This business requires various expensive resources. But more on that a little later, but now let’s look at how to make a simple rocket.

For this we need: paper and gunpowder. We place them on the workbench and get our “firecracker”:

Gunpowder can be placed from one to three units; the flight altitude depends on the quantity: the more, the higher it flies.

Gunpowder in Minecraft can be obtained by killing all sorts of undead: ghasts, witches and creepers. Or, if you're lucky, find it in treasuries.

We have already told you how to make paper in Minecraft, but in short, you can make it from reeds growing near the water:

How to create colorful fireworks

Now that you already know how to make a simple one, we will tell you the secret of making a “firecracker” that will create colorful multi-colored fireworks in the sky, unlike the usual one, which just takes off, but does not flash lights in the sky. To make such an improved rocket, you need to add a new component to the craft, namely an asterisk. In order to make stars, we will need various dyes. As well as some other components that, in addition to color, give additional properties to the stars. A rocket can have from one to seven stars. But let me, my friends, tell you about everything in more detail.

Making stars with dyes

So, dear beginner pyrotechnicians in minecraft, how should we make our stars? To create them we will need: gunpowder and various dyes. Any ones found in Minecraft will do. You can use one dye, or you can take and mix up to eight different colors in one star. Moreover, during the fireworks, the star will flash with all the colors it contains. That is, the colors do not mix in it, as is the case when we paint armor.

Adding new components

As we have already mentioned, in addition to dyes, you can add some other components to the crafting of stars that give interesting properties to our stars. Here is a list of these “mysterious” components:

  • diamonds- stars scatter in the sky, leaving bright traces
  • fireball - increases the size of fireworks in the sky
  • glow dust- causes fireworks particles to flicker before disappearing completely
  • feather- deprives the fireworks of symmetry
  • gold nugget- fireworks take the form of a star
  • creeper head- takes the form of a creeper’s “face”

These components can be combined with each other, but some of them are not compatible in one particular sprocket. Although, if you make a rocket using different stars containing these incompatible components, then they will all appear in the explosion.

How to set off fireworks

Now, my friends, when everything has been done, all that remains is to go out onto the porch and launch our rockets into the sky, setting off a colorful fireworks display.

Manual start

You can launch them manually by simply right-clicking (right mouse button) on any hard surface while holding a rocket in your hands.

A celebratory salvo from a “battery” of distributors

And if you, my friends, are planning a special event, you can build a “battery” of dispensers and fire multiple volleys into the sky. To do this, you will have to make a similar design, changing the number of distributors and, accordingly, the number of repeaters as desired.

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Who doesn't love bright and colorful fireworks? People are happy to leave their homes on holidays to see colorful fireworks. You can do something similar on your own computer. To do this you need to know how to make fireworks in Minecraft.

The game gives quite a lot of scope for creativity, so ready-made explosions here can have the most different shapes and color. It all depends on the selected recipe, available ingredients and some other factors.

Preparatory process

Recipes for fireworks can consist of just two components, or they can be created from a whole set of different things. However, this will always require collecting two main ingredients.

  • Paper. To get such an item, you will have to run around looking for reeds. It grows randomly on blocks of sand, dirt, or grass. The main condition is that there must be water nearby. Subsequently, you can start growing cane yourself. To create paper, three plant units are required, which are laid out as follows.

  • Powder– the second important component for creating fireworks. It can be used in different quantities, and this will determine the height and force of the explosion. You can get this ingredient by killing mobs: creepers, ghasts and witches. The most material falls out from the last ones - up to six units. Gunpowder can also be found in chests of desert temples and treasuries. In this case, you can get up to eight units.

On this required elements are running out, but beautiful fireworks will require many other ingredients. For example, an asterisk. Without it, it will be possible to create a simple rocket that will fly up, but will not explode.

Preparing to create a star

No matter how simple the star may look, in fact the number of its variations is incredibly large. It exceeds twenty quadrillion. It all depends on how and with what ingredients you combine the materials. To create an asterisk, two are required:

  • Powder,
  • Dyes.

How to get gunpowder has already been described above, but you also need to understand the creation of dyes. You can add up to eight colors to your future fireworks, and the explosion will be colored in a mixture of them. Thus, in Minecraft you can get fireworks of almost any color.

Let's look at the process of making basic dyes.

  • White. Created from skeleton bones, which fall out when killing the corresponding mob. From one you can get up to two pieces. It is enough to place a bone in any cell and get three units of bone meal.

  • Black. To get it you will have to go to a large body of water. They contain friendly octopus mobs, but you will have to kill them to get the ink sacs.

  • Red. This shade is created from a variety of flowers, such as poppy, rose or even beetroot. All this can be found in forests or on plains. You can actually grow your own flowers by adding bone meal to a grass block. Seeds for growing beets are stored in End chests. Most dye can be obtained from rose bush- two units at once. For the remaining ingredients - one at a time.

  • Pink. Created from peonies and tulips. The first one produces two units, the second one.

  • Yellow. Sunflowers and dandelions are used. The first ones are quite difficult to find. They grow independently only in a special sunflower valley, but they produce two dyes. Dandelions are present almost everywhere and are also grown from bone meal and earth block. They give one dye.

  • Blue. It requires finding lapis lazuli ore and destroying it with a stone pickaxe. The most material can be obtained at a height of 19 blocks.

  • Blue. It again requires flowers, namely a rather rare blue orchid. It grows only in swamps and produces one dye.

  • Purple. It is made from lilac, which is found in various forests, or onion, which grows only in the flower forest.

  • Green. To do this you will need to go to the desert and find a cactus there. Subsequently, you can grow it somewhere at home by planting it in the sand and removing the top blocks. The cactus must be burned in a furnace to obtain the dye.

  • Brown. This color can be earned by going to the jungle, where cocoa fruits grow on the trees. A mature one drops three units of beans, but it is better to replant some of them (on other jungle trees). Sometimes dye is obtained from leaves, or beans drop from chests.

  • Light grey. In the plains and forests you can find cornflower, chamomile or tulip, which will give one dye.

These are the primary colors obtained from the raw materials. In addition to them, secondary and tertiary shades are also distinguished. Secondaries are created by mixing primary ones, and tertiary ones are created by mixing secondary ones (with the same secondary or primary ones). Thus, the range of possible colors is very large.

Creating a star

The possible number of shades and modifiers explains why there are so many variations of the star. Having found gunpowder and created a suitable dye, you can begin making it. To do this, the ingredients are placed as shown below. IN in this case yellow color was used.

Since there are still a few free cells left in the crafting field, you can place other shades in them and try to create an interesting color scheme. All colors will be visible when bursting, but the amount will not affect the density. To make the fireworks even more beautiful, you need to turn to possible modifiers.

  • Glowing dust. It is mined from the stone of the same name, which can only be found in the Lower World. Here, on the ceilings, coral-like structures are generated. They need to be destroyed. Glow dust will give the explosion a shimmer and make it crackle like a real firework.
  • Diamond. You can get it from the most valuable game ore, which, quite obviously, is an extremely rare block. But such a modifier will leave a beautiful trail from each explosion.
  • Feather. It's not that hard to get. All you need to do is find the friendly mob Chicken. They roam throughout the world and allow you to obtain up to two units of material. The feathers will make the explosion not a smooth ball, but a chaotic accumulation of bright sparks.
  • Golden nugget. It's hard to guess, but it drops when you kill a neutral mob of the Nether - Zombie Pigman. Changes shape to a star.
  • Fireball. It is difficult to obtain, as you will have to look for ingredients for crafting. In addition to the same gunpowder, you will need fire powder, as well as some type of coal. But as a result, the fireworks will increase significantly in diameter.

  • Head. You can add absolutely any head to the recipe so that the explosion takes the shape of a creeper's face.

Unfortunately, you cannot mix all the modifiers into your star at once. For example, a fireball will not be able to increase the size of a star. This also means that the cells cannot be completely filled with dyes. All that remains is to decide on the components, place gunpowder in the center and create your own star.

How to make fireworks in Minecraft?

First you will need to make a simple rocket. It can be used on its own, but it will not explode, but will only fly up. The assembly proceeds as follows from paper and gunpowder. It is not necessary to put one unit of the latter. The more gunpowder (up to three pieces) - the higher the rocket will fly.

To create truly beautiful fireworks you will need a star., the creation process of which is described above. It is added to paper, gunpowder and selected modifiers.

All that remains is to launch the finished rocket. To do this, just place it on the ground by right-clicking on any hard surface. The rocket must be in your hands. You can also put the future fireworks in the dispenser, then the explosion will occur only after pressing the button or lever. This will help create a long lasting fireworks display.

You can also arrange a magnificent fireworks display right under water. Such an environment will in no way prevent rockets from flying into the sky and exploding. Moreover, they can be launched directly into the portal in lower worlds or into the web. In the second case, the projectile will stick to it, and the fireworks sparks will become slow.

Home too suitable place for something like this. Fireworks tend to explode a few seconds after contact with an object. Thus, in the house they will explode when they hit the ceiling, and all the multi-colored particles will be as close as possible to the player. True, non-solid or liquid blocks do not stop the rocket.

The glass does not affect the fireworks in any way - the projectile simply flies through it calmly. In version 1.11.1 and higher, rockets received new properties. Firstly, they now cause damage (if the difficulty is normal or higher), and they are also used for acceleration with elytra.

Video instructions

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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