If you notice reddish swellings-galls on the leaves of red currants, and the leaves of black currants are curled into tubes, you should know that pests are in charge of your berry gardens. This Aphid.

Red gall or currant hairy aphid lives on red, white and pink currants, but settles on black currants gooseberry shoot aphid.

Red gall or currant hairy aphid

Black oblong red eggs gall aphid winter openly on shoots. The larvae emerge from them when the buds open and settle on the underside of young leaves, sucking out the juice. In places where aphids accumulate, leaf tissue grows and dark red or yellow swellings (galls) appear. Currant leaves curl, and young shoots become bent, growth stops, the leaves darken and fall off. Black eggs of gooseberry shoot aphids overwinter at the base of the buds. The larvae hatch during the swelling and opening of buds, settle on their tops, and later on green shoots, petioles and leaves. Damaged petioles become bent, leaves curl and bend down.

Measures to combat aphids

If you notice such damaged leaves on your berry fields, tear off these leaves, as well as the tops of the shoots with colonies of aphids (they nest in the galls) and burn them.

Spray the plants so that the underside of the leaves is generously moistened. For this purpose, an infusion of tobacco (or tobacco dust) mixed with wood ash is suitable - 400 grams of each per 10 liters of water, or an infusion of greater celandine: 3-4 kilograms of fresh or 1 kilogram of dry grass, infuse in 10 liters of water for 24- 30 hours, then strain. In addition, after watering or rain, you can pollinate the underside of the leaves with dry ash with tobacco or shag (1:1), and use dry celandine grass to fumigate shrubs and trees.

You can also use infusion onion peel- Infuse 200 grams in 10 liters of water for 4-5 days. Dandelion is also useful in the fight against aphids - pour 400 grams of leaves or 200 grams of the plant itself along with the rhizome into 10 liters. warm water and leave for two hours.

Know that a significant number of aphids are destroyed ladybugs or lacewings. Where these insects live, aphids almost completely disappear, and an individual such as the dotted ladybird eats about 13 thousand during its life. spider mites. However, ants for the garden are by no means orderlies. These insects, on the contrary, breed and protect aphids. They also carry aphids into the crowns of trees and bushes. In such cases, you need to fight not only aphids, but also ants.

Aphids are small insect(2-3 mm), settling on currants, with a piercing-sucking mouthparts and two pairs of wings (winged individuals). The body may have a light green, grayish-green or yellow-green color. In the spring, when the first leaves appear, young insects hatch from overwintered eggs. Females reproduce quickly without fertilization. Are born exclusively females. The aphid colony is rapidly growing. When food becomes scarce, winged forms appear and migrate to neighboring bushes. Males begin to be born in the fall. They fertilize the females, and they lay eggs on branches near the buds before the onset of cold weather.

How to recognize aphids on currants?

This pest has been preparing for the new summer season since the fall: it lays larvae that overwinter on plants. In spring black, green, brown insects They reproduce quickly, feeding on the sap of young trees and bushes. Signs of aphids on currants:

  1. Reddish tubercles appear on the leaves.
  2. On the branches you can discern white scraps - pieces of skin that the aphid has shed.
  3. The leaves dry out, curl, bend, the buds do not have time to open, and the fruits do not ripen.
  4. There are many ants running along the branches.
  5. The plant is covered with honeydew, a sticky liquid produced by aphids. Ants feed with pleasure on these secretions.

Peak activity of aphids occurs in June. Over the summer, several generations of insects are born. When there is little food for all individuals on one bush or tree, winged forms of this pest appear. They fly to neighboring plants in search of a new place to live and food. Because of aphids, currants are lost nutrients and does not develop, and also begins to suffer viral infections. Therefore, it is necessary to remove aphids from the site in early spring.

Prevention with aphids on currants

Everyone already knows how to deal with harmful aphids on currants, but the important question is how to prevent aphids from entering your bushes. There are a number of activities, the regular implementation of which will reduce the possibility of infection. When pruning annually, you need to remove all affected shoots; it’s definitely better to be safe than sorry. Be sure to pull out the weeds around the bushes and thoroughly dig up the soil under and around the bushes in the fall and spring.

Ladybugs and lacewings do an excellent job of ridding the garden of aphids. If they live in the garden, then aphids will never disturb your plants, but the widespread use of chemicals broad action reduced them to a minimum at the dachas. To attract them, you can sow marigolds, yarrow, tansy, allisum, dill, and parsley between the currant bushes. Ladybugs often live on buckwheat. But you need to get rid of the ants, otherwise, no matter what you do, the ants will always bring aphids into the garden.

The bushes can be periodically dusted with wood ash or tobacco crushed into dust. It is advisable to do this after rain, so that the dust lingers longer on the leaves; carefully treat the underside of the leaves and all young shoots.

Preventive methods usually take a lot of time, but they can really rid currants of aphids, and owners will not have to deal with pests, risking the harvest or even their health.

How to fight aphids on currants

First, decide how you will fight aphids, that is, with the help of folk remedies or bio- and chemical ones. drugs. If this is the first option, then you will have to be patient, since you will have to process the currants more than once. But it seems to be environmentally safe. The second option is to destroy aphids with special preparations that will destroy the aphids in 1 application and protect the plant from further attack by the pest. The effect of such drugs is usually at least 30 days. Of course, this is chemistry, but if you follow the instructions for use, then the harm to humans is minimized, since all drugs have a waiting period indicated, that is, after how many days the currants can be eaten without fear for your health. As a preventive measure against aphids on currants, it is advisable to plant around the bushes those plants that repel this pest: marigolds, calendula, garlic, dill, parsley, basil, mint, coriander, tansy, yarrow. This may not help 100%, but in any case the number of pests will be much smaller.

Folk remedies for the prevention and control of aphids on currants

Wood ash. Preparation and dosage:

  • 200 - 300 g pour 1 liter. boiling water;
  • leave until completely cool;
  • Bring the filtered solution to 10 liters, add crushed laundry soap.

Wood ash + tobacco. Preparation and dosage:

  • 400 g of dry tobacco leaves;
  • 400 g ash;
  • 10 l. water.

Insist for a day. Before use, strain.

Celandine. Preparation and dosage:

Pour 3.5 kg of ground leaves and stems into 10 liters of water for 18 – 24 hours.

Onion peel. Preparation and dosage

  • 200 g per 10 liters of water, keep for 3-4 days

Soda ash + laundry soap. Preparation and dosage:

  • 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water.

The advantage of infusions and solutions is that they are safe for humans and environment. They are easy to prepare from plants and available materials. Perhaps some gardeners will object that the work of procuring raw materials and obtaining solutions takes a lot of time. But the systematic use of environmental products does not harm health, ensures the quality of fruits, and does not pollute the atmosphere.

True, you need to be careful with some plants, for example, celandine juice is poisonous and you need to work with it in rubber gloves. The disadvantage of homemade products is that they have a “mild” effect on pests. That is why they are best used for prevention or in the initial stages of infection.

Fighting aphids on currants: treating bushes with chemicals

Chemicals that need to be applied in several stages will help get rid of gall aphid colonies on currants. Use chemicals only needed in advanced cases and mass pest attacks.

  1. The first spraying of currants is carried out in the spring, at the time of bud bloom.
  2. The treatment should be carried out a second time when the bush is flowering.
  3. It is better to spray currants for the third time immediately after flowering.
  4. The final treatment should be carried out only after the harvest is complete.

How to treat currants against gall aphids?

For treatments, chemicals are used that are dissolved in water. The following drugs have proven themselves well:

  • Actellik (dilute 15 ml per 10 liters of water);
  • Novaktion (dilute 5 ml per 10 liters of water).

Currants are one of the most common berry crops in our latitudes. Valued by gardeners for their ease of care, lush, aromatic greens And delicious berries saturated with vitamins and microelements. For successful cultivation crops, it should be clarified how to deal with aphids on currants - a fairly common pest.

Did you know? Ants are kind of patrons of aphids because they feed on the honeydew that they secrete. Sometimes in winter they even bring aphid eggs into the anthill to protect them from the cold.

Aphids on currants: what the pest looks like

An aphid is a small insect (2-3 mm) that settles on currants, with a piercing-sucking mouthparts and two pairs of wings (winged individuals). The body may have a light green, grayish-green or yellow-green color.

In the spring, when the first leaves appear, young insects hatch from overwintered eggs. Females reproduce quickly without fertilization. Only females are born. The aphid colony is rapidly growing. When food becomes scarce, winged forms appear and migrate to neighboring bushes. Males begin to be born in the fall. They fertilize the females, and they lay eggs on branches near the buds before the onset of cold weather.

What is dangerous, signs of aphids on currants

Before you learn how to get rid of aphids on currants, you need to find out how they harm this crop.

The insect pierces currant foliage and young branches with its proboscis to feed on the sap of the plant.

A large colony of aphids oppresses the currant, it begins to wither, lag in growth, does not bear fruit and, ultimately, dies. Also, aphids, feeding on sap, can carry viral diseases that are dangerous to the plant.

When aphids infest white and red currants, characteristic swellings (galls) are visible on the leaves and branches of a reddish color; on black currants, foliage is twisted into a tube. It is necessary to begin the fight against gall aphids as soon as possible.

Methods of pest control

The question of how to destroy aphids on currants is relevant for almost every summer resident.

How to fight aphids on currants, manual method

If it is not revealed a large number of insects, you can simply collect them wet rag into a bucket and then destroyed. Damaged leaves with galls are also taken from the site. You can also wash off the aphids with a hose.

Did you know? This method is not very effective if the insect colony is large.

Manual assembly requires a lot of time and physical effort from the gardener.

Gall aphids on currants often require more serious control measures.

How to treat currants against aphids, chemicals

You can remove aphids from currants using modern insecticides:

The fight against aphids on currants with the help of chemicals begins in early spring, before the kidneys open. The next spraying is carried out as soon as the first leaves appear, the third - at the height of summer.

How to get rid of aphids on currants using traditional methods

Folk remedies for aphids on currants are cheap, safe and quite effective. For example, for spraying you can use a mixture wood ash and shag (tobacco). 400 g of one and the second substance are mixed in 10 liters of water.

Fighting aphids on currants folk remedies includes the use of soda ash solution(1 tbsp per 1 liter of water). Add a little laundry soap to the product.

It is successfully used for spraying affected bushes and celandine infusion. 3.5 kg of fresh raw materials are thrown into 10 liters of water for 24 hours.

Important! When working, you must use a mask and gloves, since celandine juice is poisonous.

An infusion of onion peels (0.2 kg) or plant feathers (3.5 kg) has good effectiveness. The raw materials are filled with 10 liters of water for several days. Instead of onion peels and feathers, you can use 3-4 finely chopped onions.

One of the most effective ways To get rid of aphids is to use wood ash. 250 g of the substance is poured with boiling water (1.5-2 l). After cooling, filter, add a little soap to the liquid and top up required amount water. You should get 10 liters of product.

amateur humid air and one of the most compact and rare orchids pafinia is a real star for most orchid growers. Its flowering rarely lasts longer than a week, but it can be an unforgettable sight. You want to look at the unusual striped patterns on the huge flowers of the modest orchid endlessly. IN indoor culture pafinia is rightly ranked among the difficult-to-grow species. It became fashionable only with the spread of interior terrariums.

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In our family Bell pepper they love it, that’s why we plant it every year. Most of the varieties that I grow have been tested by me for more than one season; I cultivate them constantly. I also try to try something new every year. Pepper is a heat-loving plant and quite whimsical. Varietal and hybrid varieties of tasty and productive sweet peppers, which grow well for me, will be discussed further. I live in middle lane Russia.

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It is no secret that many drugs from pharmacies have migrated to summer cottages. Their use, at first glance, seems so exotic that some summer residents are perceived with hostility. At the same time, potassium permanganate is a long-known antiseptic that is used in both medicine and veterinary medicine. In plant growing, a solution of potassium permanganate is used both as an antiseptic and as a fertilizer. In this article we will tell you how to properly use potassium permanganate in the garden.

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Poliscias – great alternative classic variegated shrubs and trees. The elegant round or feathery leaves of this plant create a strikingly festive curly crown, and its elegant silhouettes and rather modest character make it an excellent candidate for the role of large plant in the house. More large leaves do not prevent it from successfully replacing Benjamin and Co. ficuses. Moreover, polyscias offers much more variety.

Pumpkin cinnamon casserole is juicy and incredibly tasty, a little like pumpkin pie, but unlike pie, it is more tender and just melts in your mouth! This is the perfect sweet recipe for a family with children. As a rule, kids don’t really like pumpkin, but they never mind eating something sweet. Sweet pumpkin casserole is a delicious and healthy dessert, which, moreover, is very simple and quick to prepare. Try it! You'll like it!

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Many crops require picking (and more than one) in the first weeks of development, while for others transplantation is “contraindicated.” To “please” both of them, you can use non-standard containers for seedlings. Another good reason to try them is saving money. In this article we will tell you how to do without the usual boxes, pots, cassettes and tablets. And let’s pay attention to non-traditional, but very effective and interesting containers for seedlings.

Useful vegetable soup from red cabbage with celery, red onion and beets - a vegetarian soup recipe that can also be prepared on fasting days. For those who decide to lose a few extra pounds, I would advise not to add potatoes, and slightly reduce the amount olive oil(1 tablespoon is enough). The soup turns out to be very aromatic and thick, and during Lent you can serve a portion of the soup with lean bread - then it will be satisfying and healthy.

Aphids multiply quickly, and their secretions lead to the development of various fungal diseases on plants and attract ants. Therefore, it is important not to miss the moment and start fighting aphids at the first signs of infection of currant bushes.

Green aphids on currants: how to fight and get rid of them quickly

To combat aphids on currants, insecticides or traditional methods are used. You can combine both. Depending on how affected the bushes are by the pest, a control method is selected.

In addition to treating the bushes with insecticides in case of severe infestation of currants, they prune the affected branches and remove weeds. To prevent infection, strong-smelling plants are planted next to currant bushes: dill, basil, elderberry, marigolds, tomatoes, etc.

During the season, at least 3 treatments are carried out against aphids - in early spring, before buds open, during flowering and after harvest. Before the buds open, the diseased bush is doused with boiling water; this helps to partially destroy the aphid larvae, which should hatch from the eggs after wintering. TO rapid destruction aphids are caused by treating bushes with insecticides. You can use Intavir, Actelik, Novaktion and other drugs.

How to fight aphids on currants during flowering with chemicals

The type of aphid that lives on currants (mainly black currants) is called gooseberry aphid. The insect settles on the underside of currant leaves and petioles.

To combat the pest, systemic or contact insecticides are used, which do not penetrate the plant, but kill insects only through direct contact with them. You can use any insecticide from the class:
— organophosphorus compounds;
— neonicotinoids;
- pyrethroids.

During flowering, choose a drug with a waiting period of up to 14 days. If the chemical takes longer to break down into safe components, it cannot be used during flowering. The biopesticide Fitoverm has proven itself well against aphids.

How to fight aphids on currants in the spring and during fruiting if there are already berries

During spring treatment use insecticides, alternating them every year so that insects do not get used to them. Popular drugs are:
— Aktara;
— Wofatox;
— Kinmiks;
— Inta-vir;
— Karbofos;
- Rovikurt, etc.

The first treatment is carried out before the buds open. The second - after the appearance of young leaves. If there are already berries, insecticides are not used to treat currants. You can try to wash off the aphids with water and spray after harvesting.

How to fight aphids on currants in summer and autumn - the best drugs

The best drugs for controlling aphids are those that are relatively harmless to humans and are effective in killing insects. You can use bioinsecticides - Fitoverm or Actofit.

For treatment with Actofit, 40 ml of the drug is diluted in 5 liters of water. The treatment is carried out with a fresh solution using a sprayer. You can use a hand sprayer, directing the stream to areas where insects accumulate. The waiting period for Actofit is only 48 hours. Consequently, they can be used to treat currants during flowering, as well as after harvesting in summer and autumn. The air temperature during processing should be no lower than 18 and no higher than 30 degrees.

A good remedy for treating currants against aphids is Inta-Ts-M in tablet form. After it, there are no single aphids left behind, as there are after biological products. Active ingredients insecticides are malathion and cypermethrin.

It is best to carry out the treatment before the currants bloom in the spring, but if it was not possible to get rid of the pest before harvesting, the Inta-Ts-M bushes are treated after harvesting in the summer or autumn. The tablet of the drug is crushed directly in the package, dissolved in a liter of water, then the liquid is added to 10 liters. Spray the plants on a calm, dry day early in the morning or in the evening.

How to fight aphids on currants with folk remedies: nettle, ammonia, vinegar, soda

If there are few aphids in the area, you can try to get rid of them traditional methods, for example, using nettles. To prepare the product, collect 2 kg fresh leaves, pour a bucket of water and let it brew for a day. Then the infusion is filtered and the currant bushes are sprayed against aphids without diluting with water.

To combat aphids, use a solution based on ammonia. To prepare it, dilute 40 ml of ammonia in 10 liters of water, stir, and spray the currant bushes with a spray bottle.

Many gardeners like to fight aphids with vinegar. According to them, this remedy helps to forget about harmful insects. To prepare the solution, dilute 1 tablespoon of vinegar in 1 liter of water. Spray the plant several times during the week until the pest completely disappears.

Popular methods of controlling aphids include spraying currant bushes with a soda solution. Even if it does not help completely get rid of aphids, it certainly does not harm. To prepare a solution of 75 grams baking soda dissolve in 10 liters of water. Spray infected bushes and trees.

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