Even under Peter I, the first clearing (now Maysky) was cut in Sokolniki, which laid the foundation for the radial layout of the park, which was finally formed by 1840. After the end of the War of 1812, dacha construction began in the grove (at the end of the 19th century there were already more than 800 dachas here). Since 1879, Sokolnichya Grove has become a public park. The beauty of the forest landscapes attracted hundreds of Muscovites here. The May Day festivities were especially crowded, bringing together representatives of all walks of life.

The Governor-General himself went to see the folk festivities in Sokolniki. There were baths on the banks of the Yauza. Burkina's dacha was especially famous with its illuminated garden, in which the orchestra performed not only waltzes and polkas, but also classical works. In the park there was a Kurtner ballroom pavilion, a restaurant, and a thriving tea trade.

In the 15th century, the territory of Moscow Sokolniki was the site of the Grand Duke's falconry, which became especially widespread in the 17th century during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich. Emperors Peter I and Alexander I loved to spend time in Sokolniki. Here the young kings held noisy receptions for their friends. Subsequently, Sokolniki became a place for traditional festivities of the Moscow nobility and people.

In 1879, the city became the owner of Sokolnicheskaya and the neighboring Deer Grove, purchasing the territory of the modern Sokolniki Park from the state treasury for 300 thousand rubles.

On May 16, 1931, the Presidium of the City Executive Committee and the Moscow City Council adopted a resolution “On the organization of a cultural recreation center on the territory of Sokolnicheskaya Grove,” and “the entire Sokolnicheskaya Grove was declared a City Park.” On the alleys of the Big and Small Circle, on Luchevye Prosek there are wooden buildings of the Krug concert hall, the Sokolniki restaurant, cafes, buffets, a dance veranda, concert stages, libraries and reading rooms, exhibitions, and attractions. The park was visited by hundreds of thousands of Muscovites and guests of the capital.

Transverse clearing. Dacha of the nobleman R.V. Pfeffer. 1912:

Transverse clearing. House of the “vodka king” Pyotr Smirnov. 1915:

Bogorodskoe highway. 1948-1950:


Transverse clearing. Near the Aviation Clinical Hospital. 1972:

The laying of clearings stimulated the construction of dachas; many plots were transferred to tenants on a “chinchev” right, which made it possible to transfer them by inheritance. The guidebook of 1867 reported: “Sokolniki is now dotted with lovely dachas, which every summer are occupied by the best Moscow society. Healthy air, proximity to a pine forest, select society, crowded festivities, various amusements, music, summer balls, performances, healing baths, the charm of country life.

In 1917, Lyamin's former dacha was nationalized, and a Forest School for weakened children was established here. In the first years of Soviet power, other dachas were also nationalized. The space between the clearings is almost a continuous forest, with a significant number of dachas scattered throughout it.

Another Lenin hid behind the Christmas tree at the Svyazist stadium.

Some large dachas have been preserved and, in restored form, are used for private institutions: gymnasiums and kindergartens.

In the east, Bogorodskoye Highway runs through the forest. Now only old fences remind of the former development of Bogorodskoye Highway and Rostokinsky Proezd.

In the west, Sokolniki Park is limited by the Yaroslavl direction railway line. Massive metal canopies at Malenkovskaya station appeared relatively recently.

Malenkovskaya platform. 1975:

Remains of a fence along the railway. A surviving fragment of the fence, painted poisonous green, can be seen in the southern part of the park.

Another local attraction is the Putyaevsky Ponds; they are a cascade of six ponds: the Upper Putyaevsky Pond, Zmeyka, Chertov and Morzhovoy, as well as two Lower Devil’s Ponds. They are located in the floodplain of Putyaevsky Stream.

Bolshoi Putyaevsky Pond. 1960:

Along the 4th Luchevoy clearing we head back in the direction of Bogorodskoye Highway. Such stars as Klavdiya Shulzhenko, Kirill Kondrashin, Dormidont Mikhailov and others performed on the concert stage. The original building has not survived; now you can see a replica in the park.

Only our own photographs were used - shooting date: 04/18/2014 and 06/08/14

Khlebnikova's dacha

How to get there

A two-story wooden building - the dacha of Maria Petrovna Khlebnikova, built at the end of the 19th century.

Manor Tsigel

Address: 5th Luchevoy Prosek, 14, building 1,2; 16, pp. 1,3
How to get there: M. "Preobrazhenskaya Ploshchad", Tram 11, 9 stops, 11 min., to the stop. Institute of Foreign Languages.

The dacha was built in 1915–1917. for the merchant of the 1st guild, construction contractor P.V. Tsigel, completed in the 1930s. Architect - S.Ya. Aizikovich.
Architectural monument. Cultural heritage sites also include the estate's service building and a fence with gates and wickets.
Presumably one of L.P. Beria’s dachas was located here.
Since 1960 The building was occupied by the recording studio of the NPO Videofilm. Then there was a Youth House here.
Information about the estate was taken from the website: .

Lyamina's dacha

Built in the 19th century. Since 1918, a children's forest school was located here.
Now - a private school for individual development with in-depth study of foreign languages, mathematics and physics "Thinker".
Cultural heritage sites on the territory of the dacha include:
- main wooden two-story house
- kitchen outbuilding
- fragment of a fence with gate pylons
- stable
- winter garden building with a tower
- barn
Ivan Artemyevich Lyamin is a representative of the Lyamin family of merchants, known since the end of the 18th century. He took an active part in the public life of Moscow, was a hereditary honorary citizen, chairman of the Moscow Exchange Committee and a member of the Moscow branch of the Council of Trade and Manufactures. In 1871, Ivan Lyamin was elected to the position of mayor. During I.A. Lyamin’s tenure in this position, active measures were taken to develop education and culture in Moscow. In 1871-1872 Five city schools for boys were opened. I.A. Lyamin was a member of the Committee for the establishment of the Polytechnic Museum and put a lot of effort into its opening.
At the factory in Yakhroma, Lyamin built a school for 350 students and a hospital for workers. Numerous so-called “Lyamin barracks” were built for the workers, which are still used as housing. Lyamin donated his house in the city of Dmitrov for the construction of a home for elderly workers. In the estate purchased from Prince Golitsyn, Lyamin built a rest house for workers. During the Crimean War 1853-1856. I.A. Lyamin donated large funds to the needs of soldiers, for which he was highly awarded a gold medal.
In the 1850s, Lyamin acquired a plot of land in Sokolniki, where he built a summer estate for his family. At the same time, I.A. Lyamin became the chairman of the Commission for Improvement in Sokolniki. Here on Shiryaev Field, at his expense, a wooden church of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk was built in 1875 according to the design of the architect P.P. Zykov.
The revolution destroyed the life and usual connections of the Lyamin family. The house in Sokolniki was nationalized, and Nadezhda Krupskaya organized the “Forest School” there, a sanatorium for sick children. When the sanatorium ceased to exist, the building was protected by the Soviet authorities as a memorial place for Lenin and Krupskaya.

6th Luchevoy clearing, 21. Lyamina's dacha.

6th Luchevoy Prosek, 21, building 11. Lyamina's dacha.

Lyamina's dacha

Lyamina's dacha. Fountain

6th Luchevoy Prosek, 21, building 11. Lyamina's dacha. Outbuilding

Lyamina's dacha. Grotto

Lyamina's dacha. Water tower of the Winter Garden.

Lyamina's dacha. Water tower of the Winter Garden.

6th Luchevoy Prosek, 21, building 11. Lyamina's dacha. Winter garden

Lyamina's dacha. Sculpture "Lenin and Children".

Dacha of merchant I.Ya.Testov

Address: Bolshaya Tikhonovskaya st., 18 building 1

The end of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century. – an object of cultural heritage.
The main house, outbuilding, and covered passage have been preserved.
Ivan Yakovlevich Testov is a Moscow merchant, restaurateur, owner of the most popular tavern in Okhotny Ryad, a character in Gilyarovsky’s stories.
Now there is a private closed kindergarten and the Olympic school.
The territory is fenced with a three-meter continuous fence.
Information about the dacha was taken from the site: .

Dacha of merchant N.D. Stakheev

Address: Bolshaya Olenya st., 6

The end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries is an object of cultural heritage.
The grotto and foundation of the fountain in the southern part of the territory have been preserved. Architect K.F. Bugrovsky, 1890s.
Nikolai Dmitrievich Stakheev is a large businessman, gold miner, owner of coal mines and oil fields, owner of weaving factories and many shops, tea merchant, representative of the richest merchant dynasty of the Stakheevs, known in the 19th century. all over Russia. The Stakheevs went down in history not only as successful entrepreneurs, but also as philanthropists - they donated, according to various sources, from 1 to 7 million a year for the construction of churches, monasteries, and shelters.

  • Sokolniki - great place in the northeast of the capital to get some fresh air: 600 hectares of land, half of which is green spaces.
  • Admire different varieties of roses and lilacs can be in the Big and Small Rose Gardens (in summer), as well as in the Lilac Garden from April to November.
  • Wide possibilities for active recreation, including bike rental, table tennis, skate park, trampoline arena, and in winter a ski slope and skating rink.
  • Children's Art House, open from Monday to Saturday, offers a variety of exciting activities.
  • Unique The museum of calligraphy reveals to visitors masterpieces of Slavic and European writing, calligraphic works of the Jewish and Arab schools.
  • All signs in the park are duplicated in English.

Moscow parks are increasingly delighting Muscovites and guests of the capital with their nature, infrastructure and atmosphere. Large-scale work to modernize recreation areas has given the city dozens of cozy, safe areas with beautiful landscape design and developed infrastructure. Sokolniki Park, located in the north-east of the capital and founded in the 19th century, provides year-round opportunities for sports, recreation and family recreation in a carefully preserved natural environment. This vast park is decorated with two rose gardens, and the museum of calligraphy is the only one of its kind in the capital.

The Great Ones in Sokolniki

The picturesque area and diverse nature of Sokolniki have often become a source of inspiration for artists and writers. The landscape painter I. Shishkin often spent his days here. A. Savrasov in 1869 painted a sketch and painting “Losiny Island in Sokolniki”. In 1879, I. Levitan added to the collection of masterpieces with the canvas “Sokolniki. Autumn day." Both paintings are now kept in the Tretyakov Gallery. P. Chaadaev wrote one of his famous “Philosophical Letters” in Sokolniki, N. Leskov and V. Mayakovsky rented a dacha near the park at different times, and made Sokolniki the site of the duel between Pierre Bezukhov and Dolokhov in War and Peace.

At the end of the 19th century. The first sports sections were organized in Sokolniki and a tradition of holding musical evenings developed, which is still maintained. The founder N. Rubinstein lived in Sokolniki, and artists from the Moscow Art Theater and the Maly Theater performed at the famous Tivoli variety theater, F. Chaliapin sang in the Arcadia garden, and P. Tchaikovsky often visited. On August 7, 1912, it was in Sokolniki that S. Prokofiev’s first piano concerto was performed for the first time.

Landscape art

Sokolniki Park is almost 600 hectares of land, half of which is entirely occupied by green spaces of coniferous and deciduous trees. It’s worth going for a walk here if only to breathe fresh air and replenish your oxygen reserves. Here you don’t have to worry about getting lost - good luck Thanks to its good layout, the park is easy to navigate. The central alley from the main entrance leads to the Sokolniki circle, from which eight more alleys diverge in different directions, intersected by the Transverse Clearing. Thus, the park is divided into nine sectors, each of which has its own tree species.

“Sokolniki” is a monument of landscape gardening art; here, in addition to elms and oaks, you can find dozens of different species of plants from the Red Book, as well as various varieties of roses and lilacs that grow in specially equipped areas: the Big and Small Rose Gardens, operating in the summer time of year, as well as in the Lilac Garden, open from April to November. But visitors need to remember: the rose gardens and lilac garden are quiet zones, it is not recommended to talk loudly there, and, as throughout the park, it is prohibited to pick and destroy plants.

The modern concept of Sokolniki is based on the principles of ecological balance and harmony, peaceful coexistence of man and nature, therefore separate waste collection, careful attitude towards flora and fauna, as well as control over the behavior of pets are encouraged here.

Active recreation in the park

It’s nice to stay in Sokolniki with the whole family - there is everything for active recreation at any age. In the northern part of the park there are free outdoor exercise machines. There are bicycle paths and table tennis tables throughout the area. Extreme sports sections are open - a skate park, a trampoline arena, and a unicycling school. There is a chess and checkers club, a karting center, a sports center “Leader” and a sports and recreation complex. The park is a great place to practice yoga, billiards or Nordic walking. In the winter, there is an all-weather ski slope and an outdoor ice skating rink, where you can try your hand at speed skating, and where there is a figure skating school for children and adults.

Since 2004, the Children's Creativity House has been operating in the park (Mon-Sat from 9.00 to 21.00), offering many options for children's leisure and development. For young visitors, Sokolniki hosts a variety of events, educational master classes, concerts and theatrical performances. For example, a young visitor can celebrate his birthday with the park, go to the unusual RoboYelka, learn the laws of physics and chemistry in Innopark ", hang a bird feeder or with your parents have fun on the rides.

Sokolniki will not let adults get bored either: the park has prepared a rich cultural and recreational program for them. Here you can go to the Starry Sky People's Observatory, where the sun, thanks to the latest equipment, is at arm's length; in the summer, spend time in an open-air cinema or on the Symphonic Stage, where, as before, classical music concerts and cultural events are held. In the winter season, fire pits where you can warm up will prevent you from freezing, and dancing, which is very popular in Sokolniki: the Rotunda, Veranda of Dance and Dance Floor +3 stages await guests from three to three in any season. ... years of dancing with body and soul to retro and modern music.

Regardless of weather conditions, the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy is open in the park on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. This is the only museum of its kind in Moscow. Its exhibition includes masterpieces and unique examples of Slavic and European writing, sophisticated calligraphic works of the Jewish and Arab schools, strict forms of classical Japanese calligraphy, examples of ancient Chinese writing, as well as rare handwritten publications and writing instruments of the past and present. Thematic lectures and master classes are also held here.

The pavilions of the Cultural and Exhibition Center are open every day in the park, where fashion shows and exhibitions are held. You can relax and have a snack in cozy cafes.

And for those who If you have fallen in love with Sokolniki and want to keep the memories of it longer or help develop the park area, there is a “My Park” program that offers various types of activities for regular visitors. Thanks to it, you can take part in various competitions, for example, determine your favorite place in the park, become part of the volunteer project “I’m making a museum” (at the Park Museum, which opened in the fall of 2015) and learn how to independently select exhibits for an exhibition, try your hand at historical reconstruction, or just buy a souvenir with Sokolnikov branding.

History of the park

Sokolniki is a park with a long and interesting history. The first mention of the Sokolniki district, widely spread in the north-east of the capital, dates back to the 14th century, when the Stromynskaya road passed through dense forests on the outskirts of Moscow, leading to the village of Stromyn and the city of Suzdal. History claims that it was along this route that Prince Dmitry Donskoy went north with his troops in 1382, trying to get ahead of Khan Tokhtamysh. A little later, in the 15th century, this forest area became a place for the Grand Duke's falconry, which was especially popular among the Russian nobility during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich. There is a legend about the royal falcon Shirai, who crashed to death while hunting. Legend says that it was in his honor that Shiryaevo was named Le, Shiryaevskie streets and passages. And from then on the hunting location itself began to be called Sokolniki.

The activities of another Russian tsar, who became, are reminiscent of the May Alley (Maysky clearing), cut through on his orders. During the Spring Festival on May 1 and on Sundays in summer, feasts were held here for foreign artisans. Therefore, in the 18th century. Sokolniki was given the name “German Tables”. And in 1801, the celebration of the coronation day of Alexander I took place on the territory of Sokolniki.

Fundamental planning, which determined the modern appearance of the green area, took place in 1848. It is interesting that in 1879, with the help of S. Tretyakov, the city bought Sokolnicheskaya and Deer Groves from the state treasury, so not only is the park associated with the name of the Tretyakov philanthropists in Moscow "Sokolniki".

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):