They often provide poor quality utility services and are reluctant to eliminate various breakdowns in house communications. But this is their direct responsibility, prescribed in the rules approved by the government.

And if you are faced with violations of the norms and rules of service on the part of utility companies, you need to fight this. And we'll tell you how. In this article we will look at how to achieve high-quality and well-heated food supply to your apartment. hot water. After all, it has long been included in the list of necessary amenities for living.

Normal temperature of hot water in the apartment

Hot water is one of the most expensive items in the payment receipt for housing and communal services.

  • Its cost is formed from the price per unit volume of water spent, multiplied by the number of cubic meters spent. But this is the case when a hot water supply meter is installed in the home.
  • And when it is not there, the fee is calculated taking into account the consumption standard, the number of registered residents and the established tariff.

According to the standards enshrined in SanPin, the temperature supplied from the tap to residential buildings hot water at the point of reception should be kept in the range from 60 degrees Celsius to 75. Utilities do not have the right to exceed or lower this threshold. After all, we pay monthly for this service.

There are fixed standards for permissible deviations from specified values. At night, which lasts from 00 to 05 hours, should not exceed five degrees. During the day - no more than three degrees up or down.

The State Housing Inspectorate and similar agencies should control the quality of services provided to the population. state organizations. They are obliged to respond to requests from citizens and send inspection inspectors to the “utility workers” against whom the complaint was filed.

The following video will tell you in more detail about temperature standards hot water in the apartment and what to do if it does not meet this standard:

Now is the time to find out what to do if the hot water temperature is below normal.

What to do if they are not followed?

So, what should you do if the hot water is at a low temperature?

Well, first of all, you need to use your own, prescribed in the Constitution Russian Federation, the right to appeal to government agencies. We are writing a statement about committing an administrative offense to the State Housing Inspectorate.

How to file a complaint

Let's look at how to properly file a complaint:

  • in the right top corner write where and from whom, indicating your registration address and contact information;
  • in the header we write the word “statement”, and then this text “about the commission of an administrative offense under Article 7.22 of the Code of Administrative Offenses “Violation of the rules for the maintenance and repair of residential buildings”;
  • then we move on to the text of the complaint itself in the form that at the address of such and such a housing department such and such does not comply with the norms of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation indicating the main essence of the problem;
  • at the end, we write an appeal to the State Housing Authority official with a request to organize a verification of this fact, issuing an order to eliminate and punish the perpetrators;
  • We put our signature and date.

A good sample application indicating all legal norms and acts, as well as its electronic submission form can be found on the RosZhKH website. In addition, you can download such a statement.

Sample complaint about low temperature hot water in the apartment

Sample complaint about low hot water temperature in the apartment - 1

Sample complaint about low hot water temperature in the apartment - 2

Sample complaint about low hot water temperature in the apartment - 3


Now we’ll describe step by step what to do if the temperature of the hot water in your home drops:

  1. we write an application to the State Housing Inspectorate (if the application is not only from you, but also from your neighbors, then the utility services will begin to work much faster);
  2. we send it there, either in person or by registered mail;
  3. We are waiting for a response from the official. By law, he must give it no later than thirty days from the date of receipt, plus time for forwarding;
  4. usually the time allocated for elimination varies, but on average it is one and a half months;
  5. If the problem is not resolved within the agreed time, feel free to file a lawsuit.

Poor quality water: what to do?

Just as in the case of the temperature of hot water supplied to your home, the issue of its quality is spelled out in SanPiN. It clearly states that hot water should be clean, without excess taste and unpleasant odor. Our “hard-earned” money is also retained monthly for this service. And, if the water still does not have the characteristics established by sanitary doctors, you need to complain.

So, what to do and where to go if it comes out of the tap poor quality water?

  1. You can record the fact that such liquid is being supplied to your home by calling emergency service. Dispatcher in mandatory records your complaint in the call log, indicating the time, address and reason for the complaint. After that, ask him to tell you the registration number. If the reasons associated with the deterioration of water quality in your home are known to a specialist, he should inform you about them.
  2. Within a couple of working days, an inspector from a resource-saving company and a representative of the housing department must come to you. They draw up a report on poor quality water according to a standard model.
  3. If the engineer does not arrive within the specified time, call the house officer management company and any two neighbors, in their presence you draw up this document, after which all those present sign it with a note about the absence of the inspector. Such paper is considered valid. Based on the act, a statement is written.

The complaint scheme is identical to the one discussed above about the complaint about improper hot water temperature. You also draw up an application to officials from the State Housing Inspectorate, guided by the same regulations and review deadlines. The only thing that will differ in your complaint is the reason for your appeal. You indicate it as “poor quality water” or “water of inadequate quality.”

After following the entire procedure, we receive a response from the inspector and wait for the problem to be resolved. Remember collective complaint or accelerates the solution of the resulting decline in water quality in a positive direction.

For a competently and correctly compiled application in electronic form, look for the same email address, at RosZhKH. Or you can watch and download it directly.

Sample statement about poor quality water

Sample statement about poor quality water - 1

Sample statement about poor quality water - 2

How residents filed a complaint about non-compliance with hot water quality standards apartment building, watch the following video:

We require recalculation

There are rules for payment and provision utilities, which are regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. They cover very competently and in detail all recalculations for utility services provided poorly.

So about hot water it says that it must be delivered uninterruptedly and be of the proper temperature and quality. in case of a shortage or excess (which happens much less frequently) of temperature is: a decrease of 0.1 percent from the base tariff per unit of volume for every 3 degrees.

You can reduce the fee for the number of days or hours when poor-quality hot water was supplied as follows:

  • divide the number of days on which hot water was poured into poor quality, by the number of days in a month;
  • We multiply the resulting amount by the tariff rate.

The resulting number will be a discount for poorly rendered utility services.

We hope that our advice will help you protect your rights against the “lawlessness of public utilities.” Never be afraid to do this - and you will always have all the necessary benefits of civilization in your home! After all, as it shows arbitrage practice regarding consumer claims for poor quality drinking water, it is really possible to do all this!

Such amenities as heat, gas, electricity and water are perceived by us as components of the usual comfort of a city dweller. It’s especially difficult for us without hot water, which is sometimes turned off as planned.

But what if hot water can only be called that because it comes from the corresponding tap. In fact, it is slightly warm, but not hot at all. Let's look at the standards and find out what temperature it should be.

Hot water temperature standard according to SNiP

The temperature regime of hot water supplied to the water supply systems of an apartment building is established by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, SNIPs and GOSTs.

SanPiN Decree lists the following hot water standards:

  • at least 60 degrees in an open heating system;
  • at least 50 degrees in a closed heating system;
  • no higher than 75 degrees, regardless of the system.

The lower threshold is set in a range that allows you to protect water from pathogenic bacteria. If the upper limit (75 degrees) is exceeded for any reason, it may cause damage plastic system water supply These are the systems now in every modern home.

The temperature of hot water from the tap should not be lower than 60 0 C and not higher than 75 0 C

It is worth noting that in legislation you can find permissible deviations in hot water temperature. They should not be more than:

  • three degrees during the daytime;
  • five degrees at night.

If the deviations turn out to be greater than the specified values, consumers have the right to demand a reduction in fees. When the water in a hot tap does not reach 40 degrees in temperature, its cost should be calculated according to the standard, as for cold water supply.

How to measure the temperature of hot water in a tap

Before filing a complaint and requesting measurements, you can independently monitor the temperature of the water from the hot tap. To do this, you first need to open the tap and let the water flow for two to three minutes. This is necessary so that the water in the water supply system takes constant temperature. Then it is collected in a container where the thermometer is immersed. You can use a regular water appliance.

After the temperature on the thermometer becomes constant, write it down and take a series of measurements at other times of the day. When, during all the measurements taken, the instrument column shows a temperature below the standard, you should contact the management company.

What to do if the DHW supply is not normal

It is necessary to report a discrepancy between the water temperature and the specified standards based on the results of measurements taken, since you pay for the resource and have the right to demand compliance with the standards. The management company must accept applications both in writing and by telephone.

All actions aimed at identifying the causes of violations must be recorded by the dispatcher. He, in turn, is obliged to notify the applicant about the work being carried out on the water supply line. If there are no problems on the water supply line, a representative of the management company (MC) is obliged to come to the address specified in the application and take measurements. The estimated exit time is set at two hours unless otherwise agreed with the applicant.

In the process of taking measurements in the presence of a representative of the management company, all thermometer readings are recorded in a report. This document must be completed. It is on this basis that you can demand a recalculation of the payment for hot water supply. Two copies are drawn up: one for the applicant, the second for the Criminal Code.

If temperature regime is violated regularly and repeatedly, the consumer has the right to contact the utility service with a complaint. It will definitely be considered, but it is important to draw up the document correctly and argue the problem as clearly as possible.

Main points of complaint:

  1. In the header, in addition to the organization and the official to whom it is addressed, you must indicate your data: full name, full registration address, contact phone number.
  2. The text must contain all the information about the problem indicating the measurements taken. Data is taken from the act drawn up jointly with the representative of the management company. The date when the measurements were taken, the temperature as measured by the device and the data of the representative must be indicated. Here you can indicate the dates of requests and visits on this issue.
  3. Finally, the complaint states requirements to eliminate the causes of deviations from the standards.
  4. The complaint is sealed with the signature of the interested person and the date of its preparation.

The complaint can be submitted in printed form or by hand in two copies. One of them is transferred to the management company. In this case, during a personal visit, you can demand to register it in the presence of the applicant and put the entry number on the second copy, which remains in the applicant’s hands.

Sample application for measuring hot water temperature

The period for consideration of a complaint is set at 30 days, although management companies often respond to written requests much faster. A collective complaint may affect the speed of solving the problem if there are several dissatisfied with the quality of the water.

In case of inaction of the Criminal Code, you should contact the state supervision structures - Rospotrebnadzor and the prosecutor's office.

Hot water is as integral a part of our comfort as electricity, gas, heating. In terms of the level of needs, it can be put on a par with satisfying hunger and thirst.

If we refer to the Rules for the Provision of Public Utilities, then in accordance with sanitary rules and standards under Russian legislation (SanPiN 6−09) the permissible limits for hot water temperature should be from 60 to 75 degrees.

So, from 65 to 75 degrees. These are the values ​​you need to focus on.

The same document reports acceptable standards deviations at the water intake point:

  • if we are talking about night time (from 0:00 to 5:00), then tolerance no more than 5 degrees;
  • if it is daytime (from 5:00 a.m. to 0:00 a.m.), then the deviation should not exceed 3 degrees.

Recalculation if the temperature does not meet the standards

If the hot water temperature at the time of collection was only 40 degrees, then payment for its consumption must be made at the rate for cold water. In order for recalculation to be made, it is necessary to make temperature measurements water.

First, you should contact the dispatch service of the management company or housing and communal services. Mandatory fixing the application about the water temperature being lower than required in writing, indicating the application number, the time of its acceptance and the name of the dispatcher. Perhaps the drop in water temperature occurred due to technical malfunction pipeline or for any other known reason. In this case, the dispatcher is obliged to notify emergency mode and timing of troubleshooting.

If the temperature of the supplied hot water is reduced for unknown reasons, it is necessary to agree on the day and hour taking measurements. Next, after taking measurements, a report is drawn up. Number of copies of this document must be equal to the number of participants in the procedure. Based on the measurements taken, it does or does not happen. recalculation of payment hot water according to cold tariff.

Features of measurements

  1. Draining the water should take at least two to three minutes.
  2. It is worth paying attention to where the hot water comes from (for example, from a heated towel rail pipe or from an “independent” pipe).

It is also necessary to eliminate the discrepancy with SanPiN; there is an article for this 7.23 in the Administrative Code, it sounds “Violation of standards for the provision of public utilities” and involves a fine.

Why exactly this temperature?

I would like to understand why the hot water standards for a residential building 60 - 75 degrees? When developing standards temperature supply hot water, the main aspects are the growth of bacteria and the likelihood of burns. That is temperature run should be such that harmful bacteria are killed, but at the same time that the water consumed does not lead to burn injuries. The latter is very important for children's or medical institutions.

Fresh and warm water- This beautiful place For reproduction and habitat such a dangerous bacterium as Legionella. This bacterium is very dangerous and can multiply in heating, air conditioning and humidification systems.

For example, in 2007 in Verkhnyaya Pyshma, due to legionella pneumonia, which entered through the hot water supply system, over 160 citizens, 5 deaths were recorded.

If we consider the temperature regime of water, then the effect on deadly bacteria following:

  • 70−80°C: at this temperature the disinfection process occurs;
  • 66°C: Legionella dies within 2 minutes;
  • 60°C: the bacterium dies in 22 minutes;
  • 55°C: bacteria are destroyed in 5-6 hours;
  • 20−45°C: temperature of active reproduction of bacteria;
  • Below 20C the bacterium does not multiply.

It would seem that the conclusion is obvious: it is worth supplying hot water with high temperature heating But there is back side. If the water temperature in the tap more than 50 degrees, there is a chance of getting burned. Water temperature more than 65 °C - burns the skin in 2 seconds, temperature 65 °C - burns the epidermis in 5 seconds, water temperature 55 °C - burns the skin in 90 seconds.

Thus, the temperature in backup storage facilities for heating and supplying hot water must be very high. But its use is only possible with the simultaneous supply of cold water.

Temperature of hot water supply at the point of water supply of the apartment building.

Analysis of the main problems.

In 2009, by the Decree of the Main State sanitary doctor RF dated 04/07/2009 No. 20 approved “Hygienic requirements for ensuring the safety of hot water supply systems” and clause 2.4 determined the hot water supply temperature parameter at the point of water collection (i.e. at the consumer, directly at the outlet of the locking device - mixer), which was 60ºС regardless of the heat supply system used - open or closed (in earlier documents, this parameter was less stringent and was about 55ºС). It seems that the difference of 5ºС is insignificant, but it is precisely this that has led to numerous conflicts between consumers, resource supply organizations and management companies.

IN in this case we will not discuss or touch on this topic, but will explain the situation as a whole and analyze situations that mainly lead to violations in the parameters of the supply of public services - hot water supply and what the service organization needs to do in this case.

Case one– the temperature of the hot water supply at the point of water intake does not correspond to standard parameters even after prolonged draining of water. The situation in this case is simple - look at DHW temperature at the entrance to the house and the difference in forward and return temperatures, which should be in the range from 3 to 10ºС, while taking into account that what more difference temperatures at the inlet and outlet, the lower the DHW circulation along the MKD. We also do not forget about the DHW pressure on the direct pipeline and on the return one. If there is no pressure drop:

1. Malfunction of shut-off valves at the entrance to the house - replace it shut-off valves(most often the shut-off valves on the return pipeline fail).

2. If the internal shut-off valves are in working order, we call representatives of the heating network (the fault is located in the intra-block network DHW supply- lack of coolant circulation).

Case two– the temperature of the hot water supply at the point of water collection is restored during prolonged draining tap water. The situation is also unpleasant, since everything has already been installed individual meters accounting for water consumption and draining hot water from the tap to the required temperature causes a clearly negative feeling in the consumer. This situation is also not very problematic.

Most often, residents of one of the entrances of a residential building complain about this situation. We analyze this situation - we take the entrance floor and check this situation in the apartments on this floor. For example, we have four apartments - everything is fine in three, but in the fourth apartment this situation occurs. To confirm our assumptions, we check in the same way apartments on the floor above or below, no difference. The situation is 100% repeatable - there is no need to check further. You are dealing with unauthorized re-equipment of utilities related to common property. From practice, there are cases when, in a 17-story building, residents carried out such a conversion in 16 vertically adjacent apartments, which led to a complete lack of hot water circulation in the system and, as a result, the residents of this building bombarded the supervising authorities with complaints about poor-quality utility services .

This situation arose from the resident’s ignorance of the boundaries of property division, i.e. what is personal property and what is common property. And almost all residents believe that they can do whatever they want in their apartment. This leads to extreme negative consequences. This situation occurs in the absence of control on the part of the organization servicing the housing stock, which themselves in many cases do not understand what this leads to. Since, without the knowledge of the organization servicing the housing stock, to manipulate engineering communications communal property is impossible - you must have access to the control valves, which are located in the technical basement of the apartment building (in theory, closed from outsiders).

Most often, residents install heated towel rails on a hot water system with a narrowed pipeline section, and install shut-off valves there (even one closed tap on the system leads to a complete blockage DHW circulation according to the system), arrange floor heating systems, etc. All this together leads to disruption of the circulation of hot water in the system and, as a result, in order to take a shower, you need to drain the water for half an hour. Previously, this was perceived as normal, but now it is not, for economic reasons.

In this article, we examined the most typical cases and causes of violations in the hot water supply system of an apartment building. In the next article we will look at:

1. How to find a way out of this situation, since this issue, despite its simplicity, is very difficult to solve.

2. Let us present a complete algorithm of actions in this situation for the employees of the organization servicing the apartment building, since all responsibility for the provision of low-quality utility services primarily lies with it.

The temperature of hot water in the tap according to the standard in 2019 is regulated by SNiP ( building codes and rules) N II–34–76 and SanPiN These documents determine the quality of water supplied to residential buildings

for household and drinking needs.

Inadequate quality of tap water In addition to the temperature, the hot water must match such parameters as cleanliness and pressure. What good is hot water if it runs in a thin stream or is dirty? High blood pressure

This is also not a reason for joy: this entails damage to couplings, valves and other elements of the water supply system.

For hot water, pressure limits are set from 0.3 to 4.5 atmospheres. Exceeding these boundaries is a direct reason for contacting the Criminal Code for recalculation. Impurities in the aquatic environment can be either organic or inorganic

origin: rust, entry into the earth system, rotting wood, etc. If such cases are frequent and long-lasting, it is necessary to file a complaint with the water utility with a request to inspect the treatment systems, which should be carried out jointly with the housing office.