designer 2019-02-21

Wenge - this shade is constantly heard, but when you start looking for examples of its use in interiors, search engines show wide range brown and burgundy shades. Which of them can be considered Wenge and which not?

All the confusion occurs for one simple reason. Wenge is a tropical tree native to East Africa. Wood differs in shades in different layers of one log. She's in the center Brown, and in the sapwood it turns into cappuccino and can overflow with milk. At the same time, younger trunks have a less saturated color. In addition, the color is affected mineral composition soil.

Since natural wood has high strength and a pronounced texture of coarse fibers, manufacturers love it luxury furniture. And they were right. The material is so saturated with oils that it is not afraid of moisture, fungus and mold. However, it is not easy to process. Stains, varnishes and impregnations do not take well to it. Therefore, all that can be done is to coat the furniture with wax compounds.

In view of all the above features this type wood is an expensive VIP class material. Its imitation is actively used to create interiors in which the goal is to show the richness of the decoration.


The material may be brown with golden veins. In this case, any shades are possible from dark burgundy and purple to chocolate and almost black. The only thing is that you need to clearly convey the texture of the coarse fibers of natural wood and add characteristic black veins.

Designers spent a long time deciding which of the possible shades to take as the basis for the reference color. As a result single solution was found and expressed in different formats.

  • RGB: 47, 37, 38 (used for website layout, television and printing).
  • HEX: #2F2526 (web design hexadecimal system).
  • HSV: 354°, 21%, 18% (you work with it in Adobe Photoshop).

Of course, living wood has a richer palette. At the same time, a clearly defined shade helps in the development building materials, furniture and textiles.

Manufacturers offer several shades of wenge. But when viewing catalogs, different shades may be hidden under the same name.

Wenge Melinge. Cool mid-tone range.

Wenge Tsavo. Warm mid-tone range.

Wenge Aruba. Dark deep burgundy shade.

Wenge Linum.

What colors does it go with in the interior?

Deep tones of brown look beautiful against the background

  • vanilla,
  • creamy shades,
  • delicate turquoise.

Cold sea notes will slightly extinguish the sultry passion of African wood.

Orange shades are incredibly wenge-friendly. Especially the peach shade. At its core, brown is orange with a drop of black added to it.

Pink tones will suit purple shades wood. Rich accents in pink color can be used for sofa cushions, vaz. A scattering of red and burgundy splashes will emphasize the atmosphere of luxury and help make a lasting impression.

Interspersed with blue are allowed.

Since olive and grass green tones pair equally well with brown, purple and burgundy shades, they can be used as companion colors in interior design.

At the same time, you need to ensure that there are at least 65% light shades in the interior. If you want more wenge, be sure to dilute the dark tone big amount windows and additional square meters.


As mentioned above, furniture of this shade needs to be accompanied by a light color. In this case, the structure and nobility of the material is clearly demonstrated.

IN small rooms You should not install a set completely decorated in this shade. It is better to use a combination of contrasting tones. For example, let the facades shimmer with a milky-creamy palette, and the use of wenge in the framing of cabinets will give the desired severity. This option is good for the nursery and kitchen.

In the living room, you can increase the amount of dark tone and give it a set with upholstered furniture. In this case, be sure to maintain the noble shade with light walls and flooring. The smaller the square meters, the more light shades.

You should not use two types of wood with a pronounced texture in one interior. The best companions for this African wonder would be bleached oak and ash.

Wenge sets are good in classic and modern interiors. However, for classic projects It is better to use this color in measured quantities when making any frames, handles, small details and accents.

The texture of the material is best revealed in modern directions such as: modern, eco-style, African and colonial. This shade is also good for urban interiors in the spirit of constructivism and loft.

The fittings should only emphasize the beauty of the material. She is given a supporting role. For warm shades Bronze and gold are well suited for facades. Cold purple tones will support silver, chromium and mercury.

Sometimes you can find advice to combine wenge with zebrawood. It should be noted that both materials have a pronounced character and texture. Such juxtaposition is possible only when they are present in small quantities in the form of accents. You shouldn’t combine both textures in one headset. The best framing for both materials is plain materials that will not compete with them for the right to be the first violin in the orchestra.

Floor, doors, windows

Wenge color is used not only in furniture. He's good for floor coverings, creating a feeling of stability, confidence and reliability. In this case, it is desirable that the doors echo the floors at least with platbands.

Not every room can withstand the powerful pressure of dark color. And if you make the door leaves dark brown, this can significantly reduce the already small room. There is an exit. It is enough to decorate only the extensions and platbands in a noble shade. And the doors in this case will be milky-creamy tones.

The same principle works for windows. In spacious living rooms and bedrooms you can install frames covered with high-quality imitation African wood. If the scope and concept of the project allows, then it is permissible to use dark window sills.

In rooms with a modest area, it is advisable to assign wenge the role of an accent and auxiliary shade.

At the same time, there should be an abundance of white and pastel colors around the noble color. In this case, you will achieve the desired result.

At the same time, there are cases when you need to create a subdued, intimate atmosphere. Billiard rooms, wine cellars, home cinemas, poker rooms - these are rooms in which an excess of dark chocolate color is appropriate. But even here it should receive an elegant frame in light colors. Instead of covering all the walls with wenge, alternate it with pearl gray, blue, pale pink, turquoise color. Give him coffee and tea shades as companions.

Examples of interiors in wenge color

In the dining room and kitchen, it is better to use a classic scheme, according to which dark shades are given a place below head level. In this case, the room will seem more spacious. In addition, dark brown has a relaxing effect, which is not entirely appropriate in the kitchen, where the housewife needs a lively mood for preparing holiday dishes.

Wood tones are not necessarily present in furniture and flooring. Wenge can find a place for itself on the ceiling in the form of a tier multi-level ceiling. This solution is quite suitable for high walls. In this case, black wall cabinets they hide, creating a niche effect, and do not compete with the nobility of the African guest.

What to do if you want dark brown walls? Maintain this shade in the chandelier, chandelier and tabletops. Decorate the walls and floor in creamy tones. Decorative accents of red, burgundy, and green are allowed.

Can wenge make friends with toffee? Yes, if you mix it with golden veins. A dark shade will emphasize the depth of the niche in kitchen set. And so that he does not feel lonely, we will give him a door, a chandelier and lamps as companions. The chocolate napkins are the icing on this cake.

IN last years Wenge has become an incredibly popular furniture color photo original interiors rooms for different purposes can be seen in the selection. But what colors should it be combined with for a person without much experience in such matters, and in what proportions? We invite you to learn how to combine such a unique shade with room decoration made from different materials.

Wenge is an African tree whose wood is famous for its high strength, sophisticated appeal, and original deep brown color. Due to these qualities, it is actively used for making furniture. for various purposes, size design. Since this material is not very common, interior items made from it are quite expensive. Not all consumers can purchase such goods, but many want to do so.

For this reason, the modern furniture industry has offered customers an alternative to Wenge furniture, which does not have such high price. And an alternative to this was furniture made from chipboard, MDF, plywood coated with Wenge veneer, which is distinguished by its deep color and high performance parameters.

Wenge wood veneer has high performance parameters: practicality, resistance to sunlight, high humidity, scratches and the like. Therefore, furniture sets with a similar coating are often purchased for residential premises: living rooms, bedrooms, children's rooms. They serve long time, do not lose their original attractiveness and retain functionality. It is for these reasons that wenge furniture is so popular and in demand.

Possible shades

The wenge furniture color is very diverse and deep, the photos below will demonstrate this. It goes well with other colors, allowing you to create very attractive interiors.

Wenge-colored furniture is unique because this color is multifaceted. It is impossible to determine exactly what it should be. These are brown shades with golden tints, deep dark chocolate tone, brown with blackish veins and even a light shade of brown with hints of purple. These are respectable color solutions that attract attention.

The warmth of wenge color attracts and enchants, and the clearly defined structure of the wood looks especially natural.

But the beauty of this color scheme needs to be successfully emphasized by choosing a good background for it. Only then will it open up fully, bringing into the room special charm and positive mood.

Types of wood used

Today, a special technology is used to produce wenge-colored furniture in the interior of premises for various purposes. Instead of natural wood, which is quite expensive, manufacturers use cheaper material, covering it with natural wood veneer. This makes it possible to reduce the cost of furniture several times, making them affordable for most consumers on the domestic market.

Type of material Advantages Flaws
Plywood Low cost, light weight, practicality. Low resistance to high humidity and high loads.
Chipboard Affordable price, widespread. Average level of resistance to high humidity.
MDF High aesthetics, variety of textures, practicality, high practicality, interesting design. Decent price, average resistance to high humidity.
Natural wood Natural aesthetics, naturalness, environmental friendliness, natural smell. High cost, impressive weight.

When choosing furniture with Wenge veneer, it is important to pay attention to the fact which of the described materials was used in the manufacturing process of the products. This will allow you to understand whether the seller quoted an adequate price.

How to combine with other colors

Wenge furniture, original in design and color scheme, is important to successfully combine with wall decoration and ceiling surfaces in room. Then the attractiveness and deep charm of the color will be fully revealed and sparkle with bright colors.

The most universal combination, which suits almost any room in style and purpose, is wenge and milky white. Interiors with such a design look solemn, fresh, and not boring, as it may seem at first glance. The main thing is to add bright accents into the decor of the room. It is worth using pillows, carpets, and textiles on the windows in one bright color. Then the room will look holistic and harmonious.

Wenge also looks very attractive in contrast with beige. Such interiors look calm and cozy, and living in them is always comfortable.

And if you add a few golden shades to the design, it will sparkle with luxury and solidity. The combination of wenge + olive or grassy green also exudes calm. It looks very natural, as it is often found in nature.

If you want to give your home dynamism and brightness, you should add red or red-orange tones to the wenge furniture set. The expression of red is successfully combined with the depth of dark brown shades. They can also be combined with blue.

For fans ultra-modern interiors in the high-tech style, the designers prepared an original color composition: wenge, white, gray. And an excessively dark shade should not be used to decorate the walls of a room in which dark chocolate-colored furniture was selected

Which rooms is it suitable for?

Decorating a residential building is not an easy task, the implementation of which must be approached with all responsibility. The interior should be comfortable, cozy and attractive in appearance. The color schemes used should not distract, irritate or depress. They should fill the space with positive notes.

These are the properties that distinguish furniture in dark brown tones.

Wenge - valuable breed tree that grows in the tropical jungles of Africa, belongs to the legume family. Furniture, parquet, and doors are made from it. The unusual texture, unique coloring and incredible strength have created a fashion for the use of wenge in design. Except natural wood surface lamination with imitation of wenge color and texture or veneer finishing is used.

Wenge furniture in the interior

When choosing the color of wenge furniture, it is worth considering overall design interior If more than two wood textures are used in a room, wenge loses its representativeness. In addition, for impressive looking Wenge-colored furniture has a very important background. Possible options interior design: bright (background and accessories), contrasting (white or very light background and accessories) and “dry” (background more subdued in relation to wenge).

Most of the furniture is harmoniously combined with wenge-colored furniture. light colors and shades: cream and milk, turquoise and pink, pistachio and olive, lilac and lime, orange and yellow, red and shades of gray, light tones of brown and others. The presence of light details is mandatory in an interior with wenge-colored furniture.

Wenge furniture in the bedroom

The design of a bedroom with wenge-colored furniture is usually simple and minimalist. With such furniture, the lush decor will look ridiculous. Rather, such a bedroom will appeal to lovers of Asian comfort.

Wenge furniture in the living room

A living room with wenge-colored furniture will be a good basis for a classic or modern style your house. To emphasize the exclusive, respectable appearance of the furniture, its surface is made matte.

Wenge furniture in the kitchen

Wenge kitchen furniture is practical due to the high strength of the material. The noble appearance of such furniture emphasizes the refined taste of its owners.

Laminate flooring for wenge furniture

A light-colored floor goes well with the dark color of the furniture. It is possible to use a creamy monochromatic coating or with imitation of light wood. Red shades also go well with wenge-colored furniture.

Below we will talk about two similar wood structures and their colors, and therefore combine well with each other in interior design. For example, kitchens oak - wenge - bleached oak, not just a list of the color and structure of the wood, but completely real set, suitable for one or another color scheme finishing materials in room.

After all, to create a certain ambience, it is not enough to purchase any furniture - you need to coordinate it with everything else.

Oak, wenge, furniture and design


  • Oak wood varies somewhat in strength, depending on the region and soil in which it grew. But, nevertheless, its structure practically does not change, so chipboard or MDF, finished in oak, differs only in color (dark or light).

  • So, the color of oak can be normal, that is, yellow-brown, in more or less light colors, inherent fresh wood. But if oak wood for a long time, up to a hundred years, kept in water, then it darkens greatly, acquiring a dark, almost black color. This is called stained oak (this color of natural wood is also achieved by brushing or artificial aging).

  • The color of bleached oak is considered somewhat differently, because its shades can vary, being very different from each other. Its shades start from light gray, almost white(arctic oak) to dark grey, aged. This coloring of furniture has one very attractive feature - it can easily be combined with any colors of finishing materials, both contrasting, calm or even faded.


  • Wenge is a rather rare species of tropical wood, so its price is quite high, and it is not very common to find products made from solid wood. In the interior, preference is usually given to light colors, because it is easier to choose finishing materials for them (wallpaper, ceramic tiles, laminate, color) - almost any combination of shades will be acceptable.
  • The texture of Wenge is considered somewhat rough, which gives a special charm to furniture. Light Wenge can be classified as imitation wood, however, this does not detract from its value in the manufacture of furniture.

  • The wood of an adult Wenge can be dark burgundy or the color of dark coffee, yellow-brown and almost purple or the color of black coffee. The natural colors of this wood are widely used in the interior; for example, a Wenge kitchen and bleached oak laminate will perfectly complement each other. Also natural shades tropical plant good in combination with bright, contrasting colors - red or crimson, orange, turquoise or white.

Wenge Oak in a modern interior

  • It’s difficult to say why, maybe because of the similarity of the structure, or maybe because of the mechanical qualities of the wood, both types of trees were merged together and the sets are often called that, for example, kitchen Wenge oak and bleached oak. In practice, this often means that the furniture combines light or dark shades of oak or Wenge or both.

  • In the photo above you see one prominent representatives such a combination - Wenge kitchen milky oak, that is, a combination milky Wenge structures with dark color the same Wenge or bog oak. However, it is not so important which tree structure is imitated by chipboard, plastic or metal - the main thing is that they fit perfectly into the surroundings and are combined with each other.

Kitchen Design

Light Wenge - minimalist kitchen

  • As you can see above, the kitchen - light Wenge perfectly reflects itself, or rather, the structure of the wood allows you to see the significance of the furniture, its luxury. As a rule, for such a design you will not need additional elaborate elements - this will lead to bad taste. Some miniatures and some flowers are more appropriate here, but nothing should come to the fore.

  • Please note that the kitchen is Wenge at the bottom and the top is light, which complements and emphasizes each other very well. In addition to the milky oak furniture panels at the top, the apron is made of the same color ceramic tiles. Wenge elements (several tiles and a range hood) dilute the light tone on the work wall and above, and the milky facades below seem to create a precedent for the light tone above.

  • Considering the fact that the tree grows in Africa, this in itself creates some kind of bias in assessing such an interior. If you decide to design your own, then think about specific features continent and try to create a touch of primitiveness. This could be a rug on the floor with animal skin colors or some kind of mask on the wall.
  • As you noticed, very often dark color is emphasized by light and vice versa. So, a light Wenge kitchen can be with dark facades or have a polarity of up and down. Fancy-shaped floor lamps or figurines of African origin would be very appropriate, especially in a large room.

  • The Wenge kitchen interior cannot be complemented with cheap items - although it represents primitive simplicity - first of all, it is a style of luxury and prosperity. Please note that kitchen furniture and fittings must meet these conditions. That is, it is advisable to install countertops from natural stone In any case, made of plastic-coated chipboard imitating this type of rock, taps, sinks, lamps, sockets and hoods must have a presentable appearance.

  • Do not forget also that you need an appropriate floor, or rather, a decent floor covering for a kitchen set in Wenge color and let this serve as instructions for use. We have already said that the dark color of Wenge goes well with light tones or those neighboring on the spectrum. In this our extravagant shade falls under general rule interaction of colors and shades, so it is appropriate to follow the general provisions.
  • But let’s return to the floor covering and see what finishing materials can be used for this. The most appropriate in this case would be ceramic tiles that imitate natural materials(stone, sand, marble, wood) and laminate, but here imitation of wood is more appropriate.

Adviсe. When installing a heated floor system in the kitchen, you are better off abandoning laminate in favor of ceramic tiles for practical reasons.

Laminate wood or chipboard floors do not transmit heat well, even if they are considered thermally conductive. To decorate such a kitchen, use exclusively African ethnic items (figurines, masks, drawings, paintings).

But at the same time, try to ensure that all this is sufficiently illuminated. That is, complex zone lighting is suitable for a kitchen in this design, but it must be sufficient.


To design your kitchen, check out the video on this page, and it will provide you with significant assistance in design.

But, under no circumstances try to copy, because each work represents a single whole, where you can feel not only the African flair, but also the personality of the owner.

Today, the shade has gained immense popularity. And this is not at all surprising, because a wenge bedroom in the interior can impress any person.

Experts note that the color is beautiful and practical, promotes faster calm and restoration of strength.

From this it follows that wenge has positive influence on the human body.

That is why a bedroom in wenge color is optimal solution for people who want to escape from the hustle and bustle, relax, unwind.

It is actively used for decoration various designs, because it has the ability to fit harmoniously into absolutely any style. For different solutions use wenge-colored furniture, wallpaper or textiles.

Even in modern bedrooms The shade looks very good and is used quite often.

Any bedroom with wenge furniture takes on a completely new, sophisticated design, so such an ultra-fashionable style as hi-tech also allows the use of wenge.

However, to design this style, only plastic and hardware, which are stylized in wenge.

Selection of furniture and decor

Experts recommend a responsible and thorough approach to the issue directly related to the choice of furniture. Because it is with its help that you will place accents, and if the choice is made incorrectly, you will not be able to correctly emphasize the elegance of the style.

Please note that in wenge bedrooms it is permissible to use a variety of wicker furniture (sofas, armchairs, tables).

But if you prefer more modern furniture, then sliding wardrobes equipped with a door with a mirror, as well as small, neat bedside tables are suitable for you.

The color of the furniture should be selected based on the shade the walls of the room are painted. If the walls in the room are painted in dark shades, then preference should be given to several light objects.

It is worth noting that you are free to choose the color you like, since this moment there are no certain rules. And yet, remember that the abundance of dark colors can negatively affect the design of a wenge bedroom, due to its gloominess.

You can decorate the room in the style that is closest to you. You can use simple country style, or chic neoclassicism.

You can decorate the room with curtains or tulle, various paintings and panels. The setting is well emphasized by figurines with intricate designs, floor vases. You can place artificial or fresh flowers in them, which will add color.

Pay attention to the photo of the wenge bedroom, which is presented below. Here you can see how versatile the color is. It goes with almost everything, so its popularity is absolutely justified.

Bedroom Decor Ideas

For people who like calm tones, it is better to decorate the room using combinations light walls with a darker furniture set.

Using this combination, you will turn your bedroom into a bastion of comfort, which will be more reminiscent of a cup of hot and aromatic coffee with milk.

Of course, a bedroom with wenge-colored furniture is very well suited for a relaxing rest after a hard day.

But if you absolutely do not like dark furniture, then it’s better for you to use a wenge shade in the design of the walls. In combination with light furniture the effect will be amazing, and the contrast will lose its aggressiveness.

If you are the lucky owner spacious bedroom, then you can afford to add more dark objects to the wenge-colored bedroom interior.

Everyone knows that dark objects visually “eat up” the space of the room, so such experiments are unacceptable in small rooms.

But, if your room has enough free space, you can use more dark curtains, floor, paintings framed in black frames. This will add coziness to the room; it will no longer be perceived as too formal, since soft shades will bring a touch of comfort.

To decorate the walls, you can use wallpaper with various patterns. The main requirement is maintaining the range.

Thus, the design of the walls should be done either in brown tones, or in dark green. Many masters tend to believe that a wenge-colored bedroom design goes very well with lighting fixtures with soft, almost dim light.

Therefore, using too bright light sources is not recommended. You can complete the look of the room by installing a large enough mirror.

Its frame can be made of either natural wood or metal. In a wenge-colored bedroom interior, both frames will look equally good. However, it must be remembered that not a single detail should stand out from the overall composition.

Photo of a wenge-colored bedroom

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