Didactic games, riddles, works of art on the topic “Furniture”, which can be used in joint activities with children


What kind of tower stands, Vanyatka is in me at night

Is there a light on in the window? Until then he will doze off sweetly,

We live in this tower, That he doesn’t want to get up.

And it’s called... (house) What kind of furniture am I? … (bed)

There are four legs, they sit on it,

one hat, watching TV.

Needed, If anyone is tired -

when the family starts having dinner. (table) Lay down, lie down. (sofa)

There are doors, legs, shelves,

And on the shelves there are countless:

Towel and linen

Both for my mother and mine. (wardrobe)

Behind glass on shelves in a row

The books are different. (bookshelf)

D educational game “Give me a word”

Kostya entered the room

And he put the juice... (ON THE table).

Candy for all the kids

I took it from a vase... (In the buffet).

Masha fluttered into the room,

I took the scarf and cloak... (FROM the chair).

Katya took out the giraffe,

Ball and gnome... (FROM the closet).

Rolled the drum

Our Olya... (UNDER the sofa).

In the portrait - Anya with a bow,

And that portrait... (ABOVE the sideboard).

Ivan's new book

I took it out... (FROM UNDER the sofa).

If Misha wants to sleep,

He will lie down... (ON the bed).

To rest your legs

He will sit a little... (ON a chair).

Then we will fall apart... (In the chair).

Didactic ball games.

a) “Call me kindly”

table - table; chair - high chair, etc.

b) “Name the furniture that is in the room”

c) “Pick up antonyms.”

big chair - small chair

high table...

wide bed -…

soft chair -...

thin leg - ... etc.

Didactic game"Count"

One chair, two chairs, three chairs, four chairs, five chairs.

One table...

One sofa...

One bed...

One chair... etc.

Didactic game “What is it made of?”

The cabinet is made of wood. What closet? - Wooden.

The table is made of glass. What table? - Glass.

The chair is made of plastic. What chair? - Plastic.

The chair is made of leather. What chair? - Leather.

The sofa is made of velor. What kind of sofa, etc.

Wooden bed - ... wooden

Glass table -…

Plastic chair -…

Furniture made of plastic - ... etc.

Didactic game “Big - small”.

Chair - high chair

Sofa -…

Bed - ... etc.

Didactic game "One - many."

One sofa, but many... (sofas)

One table, but many... (tables)

One chair...

One chair...

One bed...

One new sofa, and a lot... (new sofas)

One wooden table, and there are a lot of ... (wooden tables)

One velor chair...

One iron chair...

One oak bed...etc.

Didactic game “What’s extra?”

Apple, orange, pineapple, sofa.

Armchair, bed, tomato, chair.

Teacher, desk, cook, doctor.

Vacuum cleaner, ottoman, TV, refrigerator.

Nose, mouth, bed, ears.

Fox, wolf, chair, bear, etc.

Invite the child to listen carefully to the poem, and if he hears the names of the furniture in it, bend his finger for each name. When finished, count how many fingers the child bent.

Our apartment.

In our room - the dining room,

There is an excellent oak table,

Chairs - all carved backs,

The legs are bent and twisted.

And a nut buffet

For jam and sweets.

In the adult room - bedroom,

There is a mirrored wardrobe for dresses,

Two wide beds

With blankets on cotton wool

And a birch chest of drawers,

Mom takes the laundry there.

And in the living room there are armchairs,

They watch TV here.

There is a sofa and a coffee table,

There is a music center in the wall.

Finger games and exercises.

Massage of hands and fingers + finger exercises.

Invite the child to guess the riddles, and lay out the answers on the table using matches or counting sticks.

They sit on ... (a stool) at the table, and without it our home is uncomfortable.

We will put ... (a crib) in the bedroom and we will sleep sweetly on it.

There is a large...(window) in our room, I can see the lawn from it.

Mimic gymnastics.

The friends sat down on a chair, and his leg broke. - "chagrin"

Everyone was thinking about only one thing: “What to do?” - "astonishment"

Finally got it! - "joy"

They took a hammer and nails and fixed the leg. - "happiness"

Now there are no problems - you can sit quietly. - “calmness”

Read to the kids

Samuel Marshak

Forest Festival

What we plant

Masts and yards -

Keep the sails

The wheelhouse and the deck,

Ribs and keel -


In storm and calm.

What we plant

Light wings -

Fly to the skies.

The table at which

You will write.

And a notebook.

What we plant

Where they roam

Badger and fox.

Where is the squirrel

Hides baby squirrels

Where are the motley ones?

What we plant

To which

The dew is falling

Forest freshness,

This is what we plant


"Where did the table come from"

Take a book and notebook and sit down at the table.

Could you tell us where the table came from?

No wonder he smells like pine; he came from the depths of the forest.

This table, this pine table, came to us from the forest.

He came from the depths of the forest; he himself was once a pine tree.

But he won’t go into the forest anymore, he will live with us.

Day after day, year after year, he will serve us.

Finger game.

Legs, back and seat -

Here's a chair for you, surprisingly.

The table has four legs

The lid is like a palm on top.

A story from the book by O.V. DybinaWhat happened before...

Once upon a time, people lived in caves. They could hide from the rain and cold. There they lit fires, cooked food, and warmed themselves around the fire. And they sat on the stones.

Finger game.

Legs, back and seat -

Here's a chair for you, surprisingly.

The table has four legs

The lid is like a palm on top.

(Children place four fingers (except the thumb) on the table, like the legs of a chair, palm parallel to the surface of the table)

The stones were often cold, and people felt uncomfortable sitting on them. One day, when the hunters were returning from hunting tired, they sat down in the forest on a fallen tree. After resting, they turned their attention to this log.

And people realized that it was more convenient to sit on a log, because the tree did not cool down, but, on the contrary, warmed up under them. So the people brought the log to the fire.

But one day one man found a stump with uprooted roots in the forest, sat down on it and realized that the stump was better than a log. You can sit on it alone. This is how people got single stumps.

As time passed, people became smarter. They built big ones wooden houses, which had stone ovens. Sitting on logs and stumps in a hut is uncomfortable, so the man came up with the idea of ​​​​making a bench.

The benches were long and stood along the walls. Many people could be seated on them. But people began to live in families. The benches became inconvenient for them; they were large and difficult to move. And the man came up with a stool.

Now the stool could be placed anywhere. But this is not enough for a person: He needs not only to sit, but to sit and rest. And so a man nailed the back of a stool, and it turned out to be a chair, and then he nailed planks to the sides of the chair and it turned out to be a chair.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of compensatory type No. 21"


Direct educational activities

on implementation educational field“Cognition” (child and the world around him)

In the middle group

For children with general speech underdevelopment

Furniture theme

Compiled by


Tomilova Yulia Alexandrovna




Educational area "Cognition"

  • To clarify and expand children’s knowledge about furniture and the materials from which furniture is made.
  • Learn to distinguish and name furniture parts.
  • Form a generalizing concept of “Furniture”.
  • Introduce the new word “armrests”.
  • Develop mental operations.
  • Develop auditory and visual perception, memory, attention, imagination, intelligence.
  • Develop fine motor skills.

Educational field "Communication"

  • Activate and enrich the subject, high-quality, verbal dictionary on the lexical topic.
  • Activate children's speech.
  • Learn to form adjectives from nouns.
  • Make sure to use correct sound pronunciation.

Educational field "Socialization"

  • Cultivate careful handling of furniture.
  • To form a positive attitude in children to participate in classes and the ability to work in a team.

Educational field "Physical education"

  • Learn to coordinate movements with speech.

Educational field "Health"

  • Preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children through the use of brain gymnastics, accounting individual characteristics children.

Integrative qualities of children:to form curiosity, mental and speech activity, independence, adequate use of means of communication, mastery of dialogical speech, and the ability to manage one’s behavior.


Subject: furniture, table, chair, bed, wardrobe, sofa, chair, lid, legs, drawers, doors, handles, walls, shelves, back, seat, armrests.

Qualitative: furniture, dining, writing, book, tableware, soft, children's, adult, high, low, doll, wooden.

Verbal: do, sit, store, sleep, lie down, rest, do not break, wipe, repair.

Methods and techniques: greeting ritual, questions from the teacher, looking at the furniture, a surprise moment (meeting the doll Lena), the didactic game “Collect a picture”, the ball game “What’s for what?”, result.

Health-saving technologies:gymnastics for the brain ex. “Elephant”, physical minute.

Individual work:continue to teach how to answer a question with the correct complete answer - Georgy, Vanya, Zhenya

Material: envelopes with cut pictures (furniture), doll furniture, doll, ball.

Progress of the lesson

Welcome ritual:

Educator: - Guys, let's hold hands and smile at each other to create good mood for the whole day. To learn a lot of interesting things in our lesson, you need to be attentive, not shout out from your seat, or raise your hand.

D/i “Collect a picture”

Educator: - Guys, there are cut pictures on the tables, collect them and guess what is shown there.

(Each child collects a picture, names a piece of furniture and sits on a chair).

Main part

Educator: - Children, how can you call these objects in one word?

Children: - This is furniture.

Educator: -Where are furniture made?

Children: - At the factory.

Educator: - What is the name of the factory where furniture is made?

Children: - Furniture factory.

Educator: - Well done. Guys, after the furniture is made, it is sent to the store. What is the name of the store that sells furniture?

Children: - Furniture store.

gymnastics for the brain ex. "Elephant"

Bend your knees, press your head to your shoulder, extend your hand forward (the one with which you are writing). Draw a lazy figure eight in the air while stretching top part torso following the arm, moving the ribs. Look beyond your fingers. Repeat this with the other hand.

Educator: - Guys, remember when we went to visit the little girl Lena? She needs your help again! Her parents bought new furniture, and Lenochka doesn’t know the name of the furniture and what it’s for. Let's help Lena.

(The children, together with the teacher, go to the doll corner, where the doll meets them.)

Educator: - Guys, where are the dishes on?

Children: - On the table.

Educator: - The table at which they dine, what table?

Children: - Dining table.

Educator:- What is the table at which they write?

Children: - Desk.

Educator: - What parts of the table do you know?

Children: - Lid, legs, drawers (at the desk).

Educator: - Right. Guys, what is the vase of flowers on?

Children: - The vase is on the cabinet.

Educator: - Let's look at the closet. What does the closet have?

Children: - Doors, handles, walls, shelves.

Educator: - What type of cupboard are books stored in?

Children: - Bookcase.

Educator: - What type of cupboard is it in which the dishes are stored?

Children: - Cupboard.

Educator: - Well done. Guys, look where the cat is?

Children: - The cat is lying on the bed.

Educator: - Touch the bed, what is it like?

Children: - The bed is soft.

Educator:- If the bed is for children, what kind is it?

Children: - Children's bed.

Educator: - If the bed is for adults, what is it like?

Children: - Adult bed.

Educator: - Guys, what are you sitting on?

Children: - On chairs.

Educator: -What does the chair have?

Children: - The chair has a seat, a back, and legs.

Educator: - Compare two chairs. What are they?

Children: - One chair is high and the other is low.

Educator: - Right. What's next to the table?

Children: - There is a sofa and an armchair near the table.

Educator: - What do the sofa and armchair have?

Children: - Seat, back, legs.

Educator: - The sofa and armchair also have armrests. Armrests - These are the arms of a chair or sofa, on which you rest your elbow. Repeat.

(Children repeat)

Educator:- Touch the sofa and armchair, what are they like?

Children: - They are soft.

Educator: - Guys, a chair, a table, a bed, a wardrobe, an armchair, a sofa - what is it?

Children: - This is furniture.

Educator: - If the furniture is for dolls, what kind is it?

Children: - Doll furniture.

Educator: - Guys, what is the furniture made of?

Children: - The furniture is made of wood.

Educator: - If the furniture is made of wood, what kind is it?

Children: - Wooden furniture.

Educator: - Well done.

BALL GAME “What for what?”

A chair is needed in order to... (sit).

A bed is needed in order to...(sleep, lie).

A closet is needed to...(store books, dishes, clothes).

A chair is needed in order to... (sit, relax).

The sofa is needed in order to... (sit, lie).


Educator: - Children, what did we talk about today?

Children: - About furniture.

Educator: - What needs to be done to ensure that the furniture is preserved for a long time?

Children: - Don’t break it, wipe off the dust; if it’s broken, you need to fix it.

Educator: - Well done, guys! The girl Lena now knows what furniture is for.

Gaming educational activities for older preschoolers. TOPIC: Furniture

1. Learn to identify prefixed verbs in the speech stream, practically use them in speech.
2. Learn to remember and follow complex instructions with prefixed verbs.
3. Continue to work on the formation of dialogical speech.
4. Expand children's vocabulary on the topic.
EQUIPMENT: subject pictures on the topic; pictures "hallway, " living room", "kitchen", "bedroom".
I. Organizational moment.
Children approach the table on which there are pictures depicting pieces of furniture and take turns naming them.
- How can you call these objects in one word?
- What is the furniture for?
-Where is she standing? (in a house, apartment).
They go to their places.
II. Updating knowledge.
- I invite you to visit. I open the door and you find yourself where? (picture of the hallway).

- In the hallway.
- What kind of furniture do we see here?
- Hanger, bedside table.

Go to the kitchen (picture of the kitchen). What kind of furniture is there?

- I invite you to the room (picture of the room). What kind of furniture do we see here?

- What kind of sofa? What kind of chair? etc.
- Now let’s go to the bedroom (picture of the bedroom).

- What kind of furniture do we see here?
- Name the furniture you can sit on. What about sleep? What is the table for? How many legs does he have? What kind of furniture is in our group? Office?
III. Grammatical categories. Prefix verbs.
1. Memorizing, speaking and following complex instructions with prefixed verbs.
a) Go to the table, walk around the table, move away from the table towards the door.
b) Go out to the bedroom, go to the bed and go to the group.
c) Bring a watering can from a corner of nature, bring it to the table, take it to the windowsill.
d) Move the watering can from the windowsill to the table, take it out of the group, take it to a corner of nature.
2. Game "On the contrary"(transformation of prefixed verbs according to the pattern):
- enter the room - leave the room;
- open the door - ...,
- come to the table - ...,
- come to visit - ...,
- drive up to the gate - ...,
- bring a toy - ... .
3. Game "Lost Words"(finishing sentences with prefixed verbs based on plot pictures).
- Roma into the house... (enters).
- Roma to the house... (approaches).
- Roma leaves the house... (comes out).

- Roma pours water into a glass... (pours it).
- Rum from glass to glass of water…. (overflows).

4. Game "Correct the mistake"(consolidating the understanding of prefixed verbs).
- Children are pouring flowers in the flowerbed.
- Mom pours soup into a plate.
- The cooks pour gravy over the casserole.
- Vanya pours water from a watering can.
- Tanya pours water into a glass.
IV. Summary of the lesson.
- What did we talk about today?
- Who needs furniture for?
  • Activating the dictionary, mastering antonyms:
  • Mastering categories etc. with the preposition with:
  • Consolidating the use of prepositions on, for, under, because of, from under:
  • Development of coherent speech.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

The one who matches the piece of furniture to my sign will sit.

Kitchen – (set, table, cabinet, sideboard);

Office – (table, chair);

Bedroom – (set);

Living room – (table);

Wooden – (bed, bedside table, banquette, ottoman, couch, bench);

Plastic – (table, chair);

Bookshelf – (shelf);

Soft – (sofa);

Dining – (table);

Wooden – (cabinets);

Kitchen – (sideboards, cabinets);

Comfortable – (chair);

Beautiful – (ottomans);

Kitchen – (pedestal, shelf);

Wooden – (sideboard, table, trellis);

Coffee table - (table);

Desk - (table).

2. Game “Say the other way around” - with a ball.

My bed is new - and my bed is old;

My bed is wide and my bed is narrow;

My bed is big and my bed is small;

My bed is long and my bed is short;

My bed is low and my bed is high;

My bed is light and my bed is heavy;

My bed has a soft mattress, and my bed has a hard mattress;

My bed has a light polish and my bed has a dark polish.

3. The doll Masha came to our lesson. She doesn't know what the furniture is for. Let's help her.

What do you think furniture is for?

To make it convenient and comfortable for us.

What is the table for? (eat, write, draw, do different things).

What is the bed for? (sleep, lie down, rest).

What is a closet for? (store, hang).

What is the shelf for? (put).

4. Turn the pictures over. The artist drew pictures, but did not complete the details. Tell me, what details should the items have?

5. Physical exercise.

One, two, three, four, five,

Armchair, chair, sofa, couch,

Shelf, wardrobe, bed, bench

6. Game “Say the Word”

Development of grammatical structure of speech, consolidation of prepositions, case forms nouns.

Kostya entered the room

And he put the juice on... (table).

Candy for all the kids

Took it from a vase... (at the buffet).

Masha fluttered into the room,

I took the scarf and cloak... (from the chair).

Katya took out the giraffe

Ball and gnome... (from the closet).

Rolled the drum

Our Olya... (under the sofa).

In the portrait - Anya with a bow,

And that portrait... (above the sideboard).

Ivan's new book

I took it out (from under the sofa).

If Misha wants to sleep

He will lie down... (on the bed).

To rest your feet

THEN we will fall apart (in the chair).

7. There is a picture of a room on the board. Masha treated her toys poorly, and they hid from her. Help the girl find toys. (Doll, bear, ball, bunny, matryoshka, pyramid, car, cube). We need to arrange the toys.

Night fell and the toys began to come to life. The cube rolled under the table, the doll hid in the closet,

Speech therapy session for children senior group

Correctional educational goals: expanding ideas about furniture and its purpose. Clarification and expansion of vocabulary on the topic (sit, lie, sleep, table, chair, bed, closet). Consolidation in speech of a noun with a general meaning furniture. Improving the grammatical structure of speech (formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes, forms of nouns genitive case the only and plural, the use of the conjunction so that, adjectives from nouns based on the purpose of the item, the material from which the furniture is made. Coherent speech. Improve the ability to write short descriptive stories about types of furniture.

Corrective and developmental goals: development speech hearing, memory, coherent speech. Development of fine motor skills of the hands, coordination of speech with movement.

Corrective educational goal: develop the ability to care for furniture and treat it with care.

Equipment: subject pictures, cut-out pictures of furniture, ball.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

The one who calls will sit down extra item: plum - pear - chair; tomato - table - cucumber; doll - spinning top - bed; truck - stool - bus; sneakers - boots - closet; sofa - tit - bullfinch; poplar-birch-bedside table; plate - ladle - chair; shelf-sweater - coat; rose - poppy - couch.

2. Game “Say the Word”

If you want to sleep, there is a bed waiting for you in the bedroom

How nice it is to lie on our Tanya’s (sofa)

To rest your legs, sit on (a chair)

Frosts are not scary if you are sitting in a cozy (chair)

We'll drink tea with pies at the dinner table.

Carefully fold the sweater, jacket, and warm scarf into the (closet)

What do you think we will talk about today? (About furniture.)

The speech therapist shows a presentation (exposes pictures) with images of furniture: chair, table, bed, stool, wardrobe, sofa, cabinet, armchair, shelf, couch.

3. Conversation about furniture

Children, look at the pictures, but how can you call all this in one word? (-furniture)

Furniture is items made mainly of wood or plastic; furniture can be covered with leather or fabric.

Furniture needs to be looked after, but who knows how to do it?

Wipe, wash, clean, repair, vacuum, knock out

Where is furniture made? (Furniture is made at a furniture factory.)

Who knows what furniture is made from?

Furniture are items made primarily from wood, plastic, or plastic. Furniture can be covered with leather, leatherette, fabric.

4. Didactic game “Say kindly” (with a ball)

Let's look at the pieces of furniture on the screen and call them affectionately.

Vocabulary material: chair - stool; table - table; bed - crib; wardrobe - locker; sofa - sofa; nightstand - nightstand; armchair - armchair; shelf - shelf; couch - couch.

5. Finger gymnastics“There is a lot of furniture in the apartment”

1, 2, 3, 4, clench and unclench your fists

Lots of furniture in the apartment

We'll hang the shirt in the closet and bend our finger

And we’ll put a cup in the buffet and bend our finger

To give your legs a rest

Let's sit on the chair for a little while and bend our finger

And when we were fast asleep,

We lay on the bed and bend our finger

And then the cat and I sat at the table, bending our finger

They drank tea with jam and clapping their hands together

There is a lot of furniture in the apartment.

6. Now tell me what furniture is needed for, using the word so that (Furniture is needed for in order to sit (lying down, eating, reading, writing, resting, working, hanging up, putting up, etc.)

A chair is needed to (sit)

The sofa is needed to (lie down, relax)

A bed is needed in order to (sleep)

A closet is needed to (store clothes)

A chair is needed to (sit, relax)

7.Let's look at several pieces of furniture and name their details.

The table has four legs and a lid. The chair has four legs, a back and a seat. The chair has a back, seat, armrests and four legs. The sofa has a back, seat, armrests and four legs. The chest of drawers, handles, lid, walls.

8. Now guys, tell me what happens table?

Round, square, rectangular, dining

What kind of sofa is there?

Soft, large, small, folding, comfortable

What kind of bed is there?

Large, light, soft, wooden

What kind of chair is there?

Hard, soft, high, low

What kind of closet is there?

Small, large, open, closed, wooden

9. Physical education lesson: “Kiryushka’s crib”

Here is Kiryushkina’s crib, (spread your arms to the sides)

So that Kiryushka sleeps sweetly, (sit down, palms under the cheek)

So that in a dream he grows up, (rise slowly)

So that he becomes big as soon as possible (stand on your toes, stretch your arms up)

10. Game “One - many”

11. Didactic game “What doesn’t happen”

A table without a lid, a chair without a back, a cabinet without a door, a sofa without a seat, a stool without a leg, an armchair without an armrest, a sideboard without shelves. etc.

12 . Now tell me where I can buy furniture? That's right in a furniture store.

Let's imagine that we came to furniture store and we want to buy furniture for our apartment. But we can't choose what better chair or a chair. We need compare these two items.

Let's determine how they are similar:(you can sit on both a chair and an armchair; Both a chair and a chair have a seat, a back and 4 legs; Both an armchair and a chair are furniture).

Now let's find the differences:(The chair has armrests, but the chair does not; The chair is soft, but the chair is hard; The chair is made only of wood, and the chair is made of wood, foam rubber and fabric). In which room can you put the chair? (in the kitchen, bedroom, children's room). And the chair? (only in the living room). Therefore, before you go shopping, you need to decide for what purpose you need furniture, because it is so different in its purpose, color, shape, and size.

13. Self-massage

Our smart head I was thinking cleverly today (pat myself on the head).

The ears heard everything (stroke the ears), the eyes looked (stroke the eyelids),

The hands did everything (pat the palms), and the legs sat (pat the legs

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):