Any buildings and apartments that are connected to the network district heating, use heat to organize and maintain optimal temperature from consumers. A device that monitors the amount of energy is called a heat meter. Such a device must meet the requirements for thermal energy metering units in accordance with the concluded agreement with representatives of the heating network. It can also monitor readings and parameters during the operation of coolants (water and steam circulating in heating devices) at consumers.

Rules for organizing commercial metering of thermal energy

When using a heat meter under a contract, the consumer pays only for the amount of heat produced. This device is needed to organize savings in the amount of heat consumed and reduce fuel consumption in accordance with the signed agreement after the adoption of the act. Technical accounting of thermal energy is a necessary organization for monitoring energy network equipment in a modern building.

The requirements for commercial heat metering units state that these are devices for organizing the measurement of temperature and volume of heat energy. According to the rules, they consist of a flow meter, inlet and outlet temperature sensors and an electronic calculator. Taking into account information about the mass of the flow, the consumer can use the meter to determine the volume of water and steam that the equipment produces.

To organize measurements of parameters, consumers can use the following formula: the mass of heat produced is equal to the volume of heat supplied through the flow meter, multiplied by the difference in temperature in the supply and return pipelines. This indicator is multiplied by the heat transfer coefficient, which characterizes the parameters of the equipment according to the operating agreement.

The current technical conditions and the passport of the thermal energy metering unit determine the installation rules. For example, a heat meter must be included in the register measuring instruments, like any other metrological device.

Flow meters, in accordance with the technical specifications for organizing the installation of thermal energy metering devices, are mounted on straight sections of the system, and temperature sensors– on pipelines with a diameter of at least 70 mm with the inclusion of additional fittings (filters, Ball Valves, measuring pressure gauges and thermometers). The work is carried out by representatives of the heating network.

According to the rules of the organization, this set of heat supply system equipment is called a commercial measuring unit. Requirements for work on its installation are regulated in Article 19 (Organization of commercial metering of thermal energy, coolant of the Federal Law “On Heat Supply”).

Installation of measuring equipment

According to the rules for installing thermal energy metering devices, there are two ways to install measuring devices:

  1. Measuring temperature and energy mass requires organizing heat meters for each coolant. To obtain the total heat mass consumption for an apartment, the consumer needs to add data about all equipment during the reporting period.
  2. The organization of one heat consumption meter on the riser and temperature sensors is carried out on each coolant at consumers. In this case, the scope of reprogramming work is determined by representatives of the heating network. They also add data for each pipeline to obtain the total consumption of consumers.

Single pipe only horizontal systems allow you to measure with one heat meter. However similar devices are equipped only in industrial and industrial buildings. That's why effective solution A problem that does not require significant capital investment and reconstruction of the premises is the installation of commercial temperature measuring instruments.

Requirements for thermal energy metering devices

According to the technical specifications, commercial measuring devices are installed on the pipes in specially designated rooms. It is necessary to provide access to heat meters and equipment for accounting and control.

Requirements for the installation of metering devices are based on the need to recognize them as commercial equipment that monitors the heat supply system for several years. These include:

  • mandatory registration in the register of measuring devices;
  • organizing protection against unauthorized interference in the operation of equipment during the reporting period;
  • the minimum number of registered parameters for calculating energy volume measurements;
  • autonomous power supplies that will work for at least 5-6 years;
  • compliance with the standard calibration time period (depending on the type of meter).

The choice of metering unit is carried out according to the characteristics of the coolant. The limits of permissible relative errors for meters, recording of operating and downtime time are regulated by the project. These parameters are determined by the requirements of the organization of commercial metering centers.

Engineering equipment is selected as follows:

  • consumers are determined by the type of equipment included in the register, or those devices that have passed state metrological certification;
  • For the measuring device, it is necessary to provide convenient premises into which unauthorized access is impossible. Also needed reliable waterproofing and accessible lighting in which meter readings can be easily carried out.

When developing a project for a metering unit, it is necessary to determine the technical data and take into account the requirements and recommendations for the organization and assembly of measuring instruments, pipe fittings, pollution control equipment and connecting elements. The installation must be carried out according to the contract, then the act is accepted by the head of the heating network. WITH detailed information can be found in the manufacturers' data sheets and regulatory documents for equipment. The operating agreement also defines the forms of reporting sheets of meter readings.

The beginning of organizing the operation of the measuring control device is carried out by a representative of the heat supply together with the consumer after acceptance of the device. Two identical copies of the certificate of admission to operation of the thermal energy metering unit are drawn up, with one copy provided to the consumer, the other to the heating network employee. The act of commissioning a heat metering unit for consumers is approved by the head of the heating network within a few days.

Thermal energy meter or heat meter- this is a device, according to the indications of which payment is calculated for the received thermal energy.

Purpose of installation

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By installing a meter, it becomes possible to control the costs of thermal energy and make decisions on the implementation of energy saving measures. After installing a heat meter, payments for heat are usually reduced, but the meter itself does not provide savings.

Cost reduction occurs due to payment for actual heat supplied, and not based on calculations based on average monthly temperature environment and standard temperature in the apartment.

Thermal energy meters can be installed either on separate apartment, and for an apartment building.

A metering device installed for one consumer is called individual; for several consumers it is called collective. As you know, from the course of general physics, the amount of heat is calculated using the formula Q= m × (t1-t2).

To calculate thermal energy, the values ​​look like this:

  • Q – Amount of heat;
  • m – mass of water passing through the heat meter in one hour (water consumption);
  • t1 – temperature in the supply pipeline;
  • t2 – temperature in the return pipeline;

They also work on these 3 indicators. To measure temperature, thermal sensors are used, which are installed in the return and supply pipelines. The difference between heat meters is in the types of measuring the amount of water.

Varieties: pros and cons

There are several types of heat meters:

  1. Tachometer. These are mechanical devices. The principle of their operation is quite simple. The flow meter must be connected to the heating system of the house, and it will take into account the amount of coolant that has passed through it. An impeller is installed inside the flow meter, which rotates from the flow of water. As you know, batteries in an apartment and house heat up due to hot water. For heating systems with very hard water, it is better not to use mechanical devices, The cost is relatively low.
  2. Ultrasonic. This type of counter has a large number of modifications. However, they all work on the same principle. It is installed on the supply or return pipe. As an example, the following type of installation: the emitter is installed after the battery, and the sensors are installed in front of the radiator. These meters are quite different high class accuracy, while the price of such devices is quite reasonable and depends on the modification.
  3. Electromagnetic. This type can be classified as the most expensive. This is the price to pay for great opportunities. It can be used to account for thermal energy in both closed systems heating, and in open. It additionally allows you to take into account water flow and temperature flow. All processes are automated, and calculation data is displayed on the screen.
  4. Vortex. They are capable of measuring not only water, but also steam. According to the principle of operation, they differ from other heating meters. The device is installed on a pipe between 2 pipes.
  5. Radiator sprayers. They are most often installed on heating radiators in apartments where there are several heating risers.

How to install the device: instructions

The following actions must be taken:

  1. Hold a meeting of all residents of the house and document the installation decision heat meter, choose responsible person(draw up and sign a protocol).
  2. Send a letter to the heating supply organization in order to obtain technical specifications for installation. It is important to take into account that the location of the heat meter will be the limit of responsibility for the condition of the pipelines. Before the TSO metering center - after the apartment owners or Management Company. The technical specifications will indicate:
    • installation location;
    • his specifications;
    • diameters of pipelines on which installation will be carried out;
  3. With the received technical specifications you need to contact design organization to compile project documentation. The project for installing a heat meter is usually standard, but requires adaptation to the specific installation location. The documentation preparation period can take up to two months. As part of the project in mandatory must be indicated:
    • A specific model of a heat meter (preliminarily agreed with the customer), corresponding to the received technical conditions.
    • Installation diagram.
    • Estimate documentation.
  4. The developed project must be approved by the organization, which issued the technical specifications. The approval period is from 1 to 2 weeks, provided that the documentation has not been sent for revision.
  5. It is necessary to purchase the meter specified in the project documentation. When purchasing, please note that the heat meter passport contains a valid government approval stamp.
  6. Installation of a heat meter. Installation of heating meters is carried out only by specialists, and on our own such work cannot be performed. It is necessary to contact a company that has all the necessary permits to provide services of this type.
  7. For commissioning it is necessary to sign an agreement with the thermal energy supplier. Even though this stage seems simple, it can take a significant amount of time. Before putting it into operation, it must be sealed. Responsibility for the integrity of the seals during the entire period of operation rests with the owner.

During operation, it must be submitted for state verification once every 4 years. This is done to verify correct operation. Also, during the non-heating season it is necessary to clean the filter mechanical cleaning and replace batteries.

The owner is obliged to operate the meter correctly, in accordance with the technical requirements. Thus, the owner of the metering unit must sign an agreement for Maintenance metering devices with a service organization (for example, it could be an installation company, an energy supply organization, a management company).

Readings for calculations for supplied heat are taken once a month on the dates specified in the contract. When readings are taken, representatives of the heat energy supplier and the consumer are present. The recorded data is entered into the relevant act and confirmed by the signatures of both parties.

Calculation of thermal energy consumption

Payment for the received heat is made according to the amount of heat consumed over a certain period, at the price specified in the contract.

For example, 50 Gcal were supplied per month at a price of 1,100 rubles per 1 Gcal, therefore, payment was 55,000 rubles. Now you need to spread the amount across all homeowners. To do this, we must remember that thermal energy is used not only for heating apartments, but also for.

non-residential premises

Therefore, the area of ​​heated non-residential premises is evenly distributed in proportion to the living space among all owners.

For example, if the total area of ​​the house is 1200 m2 and the living area is 1000 m2, then for every meter of living area there is 0.2 m2 of non-residential area. Then add up the area of ​​the apartment and the area of ​​its share in the home property. The result is multiplied by the cost of heating one “square meter”.

At whose expense and how much does it cost to install the device? According to the Federal Law (as amended on July 18, 2011) dated November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ, until July 1, 2012, owners of premises in apartment buildings

are obliged to ensure the installation of thermal energy meters.

Paragraph 12 of Article 13 of Federal Law No. 261-FZ establishes that if the owners of premises in an apartment building fail to fulfill the obligation to ensure that such a house is equipped with a communal meter for the utility resource used, the person obliged to ensure that the house is equipped with the specified device becomes the organization supplying the house appropriate utility resource. Price But given the fact that the cost of the entire complex of work is shared by all homeowners, the numbers do not look terrifying.

So, to install a meter for a typical five-story building you will have to pay about 400 thousand rubles. Having recalculated the cost of installation, accordingly square meters living space, it turns out to be approximately 4 thousand rubles from the owner of an apartment of 50 m2. If such an amount is unaffordable, then home owners have the right to an installment plan for up to 5 years. True, you will have to pay interest on the loan at the level of the refinancing rate.

The payback period for installing heat meters is on average 3-4 years. If you additionally engage in step-by-step energy saving, you can achieve savings of 30–40%.

The quality management system is certified for compliance

requirements of GOST RV 15..

Statement of Compliance No. BP. ZK.22/.

288" height="34" style="vertical-align:top">

_________________________ № _______________________

To No. ___________________ from _______________________

To the head

TECHNICAL CONDITIONSNo. _____________ dated “_____”______200__


(place of installation of the metering unit, type of attached object)


Qmax= Gcal/hour


Connection of the thermal load is carried out in accordance with:


(technical specifications "Electronics" No.______________ dated "______"____________200___)


1. For design, the following documents are required:

1.1. “Technical conditions for connecting the consumer’s heat load” to heat networks, issued by Electronics,” indicating the design heat loads by type of heat consumption (for newly designed facilities).

1.2. The existing energy supply agreement, “Technical conditions for the reconstruction of a heating point” (for subscribers for whom reconstruction with replacement of equipment is planned), issued by Electronics.”

1.3. Existing energy supply agreement, “Technical conditions for connection to an existing heating point additional heat load (facilities)” issued by Electronics, indicating the design heat loads by type of heat consumption.

1.4. Temperature and hydraulic schedule of coolant parameters, agreed upon with the Consumer and the energy supply organization.

2. The project must provide for:

2.1. Compliance of the Project with the requirements of the “Rules” technical operation thermal energy installations"; “Rules for metering thermal energy and coolant.”

2.2. Heat consumption schedule by day (heating and summer periods), certified by the thermal energy consumer.

2.3.Functional diagram for measuring coolant flow, temperature, pressure and thermal energy.

2.4. Schemes for installing flow and temperature sensors on pipelines, in compliance with the lengths of straight sections specified in the passport data of the thermal energy meter.

2.5. Diagrams of communication lines, power supply circuits from flow, temperature, pressure sensors to the heat meter.

Communication lines and power circuits are laid in separate electrical installations steel pipes or metal sleeves. The types of cables used in the circuit must comply with those specified in the technical requirements of the manufacturer of the thermal energy meter.

2.6.Installation of the heat calculator, power supplies, adapter, and automatic power supply units in a separate, sealed metal panel that prevents unauthorized access to the specified equipment.

3. For installation on thermal units of Electronics subscribers, they are recommended following types devices included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments: "Takeoff", VKT, TREM, TS-11, TS-7, SPT.

4. Requirements for installed heat energy metering devices:

4.1. Accuracy class when measuring network water flow< ± 2 %.

4.2. The minimum limit for measuring the network water flow rate of the metering device must be lower than the actual coolant flow rate.

4.3. The registration sheet of daily heat consumption parameters, printed from installed heat metering units, must contain:

Amount of thermal energy consumed per day (Gcal);

Coolant consumption in the supply pipeline per day (t);

Coolant consumption in the return pipeline per day (t):

Average daily coolant temperature in the supply pipeline (C0)

Average daily coolant temperature in the return pipeline (C0);

Coolant consumption per day for make-up internal systems heating and ventilation (t);

Operating time of the thermal energy metering unit (hour);

Drive readings at the beginning, end of the reporting period and their difference during the reporting period;

Thermal energy consumption;

Consumption of network water in the supply and return pipelines;

Make-up water consumption;

Operating time of the device.

4.4. Provide for the transfer of information from the subscriber's thermal energy metering station via telephone wire or cellular communication channels.


5. To commission a heat metering unit and issue an Admission Certificate, you must:

5.1. Availability of a “Project for a heat energy and coolant metering unit” agreed with Electronics.”

5.2. Compliance of installation of metering station equipment with the Project agreed upon by Electronics.”

5.3. Availability of a Statement of registration of daily heat consumption parameters for the unit being rented out for a period of at least 7 days.

5.4. Availability of passport documents for the installed elements of the thermal energy metering unit.

5.5. Availability of original certificates of State verification of metering unit elements.

5.6. Absence of actual overestimation of t2 fact, in comparison with the temperature graph t2 graph on the thermal unit.

5.7. Absence of excess network water leaks at this subscriber.

5.8.Lack of admixtures raw water on this subscriber.

6. Additional conditions:

6.1. Work on the design and installation of thermal energy metering units should be carried out by a specialized organization.

6.2. The unit shield should be equipped with connectors for connecting a portable adapter and a laptop.

6.3. Provide for the transfer of information in the project: a report for consumed thermal energy and its current values ​​– via the communication system in Electronics.”

6.4. Acceptance of the accounting unit and communication system is formalized in a single act.

7. The validity period of the “Technical Conditions” is up to ______________________20___.

Director of Operations

Valid for 1 year. After the expiration of the validity period, the technical conditions must be reissued, otherwise the technical conditions are considered cancelled.

1. Name of the object

__________________________________________________________________________ 2. Location of the object __________________________________________________________________________ 3. Border balance sheet: ________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 4. Thermal load a) for heating ___________________________________________________________________ b) for ________________________________________________________________________ c) for hot ______________________________________________________________ 5. Range of changes in coolant temperature a) in the supply pipeline _______________________________________________________________ b) in the return pipeline _______________________________________________________________ 6. Pressures in the heating network at the input to the central heating station a ) in the supply pipeline ________________________________________________________________ b) in the return pipeline ________________________________________________________________ c) in a static state ________________________________________________________________ 7. Heat release mode: quality regulation By heating schedule ______________________________________________________________________________ 8. Requirements for the placement of equipment for a commercial metering unit.

The equipment of the commercial metering unit must be located in a room with a relative temperature of no more than 80% at a temperature of up to 35°C, without moisture condensation. Ambient temperature from 5 to 50°C. The presence in the air of vapors of acids, alkalis, impurities, sulfur dioxide and other aggressive gases that cause corrosion is unacceptable. The lighting of the room must comply with the requirements of SNiP 23-05-95 and VSN 59-88 Electrical equipment for residential and residential buildings.

9. Requirements for the project for the installation of commercial metering devices.

Develop a project for installing metering devices in accordance with the “Rules for metering heat energy and coolant”, 1995. and “Rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants” 2003. Set of rules SP 41-101-95. Metering devices installation project and kit operational documentation fulfill in accordance with the requirements of GOST 21.602-2003. “Rules for the implementation of operational documentation”, GOST 21.408-93 “Rules for the implementation working documentation automation technological processes", GOST21.101-97 "System for construction. Basic requirements for design and working documentation." All diagrams and drawings must comply with GOST 2.701-84 “Unified system of design documentation. Scheme. Types and types. General requirements for implementation", GOST 21.404-85 "Automation of technological processes. Designation of conventional devices and automation equipment in diagrams”, GOST 21.110-95 SPDS “Rules for fulfilling the specifications of equipment, products and materials”. Submit the project for approval with the provision of a license or certificate of membership in the SRO of the organization that completed the project.

On the diagram of the heating networks in the project, indicate the lengths and diameters of the pipelines from the interface to the installation site of the converters.

The project will provide for the possibility of remotely taking readings of pressure, temperature and volume. Install the heat calculator, adapter, and power supply circuit breakers in a separate metal panel that prevents unauthorized access to the specified equipment.

The project must contain:

Common data.

The following diagrams and drawings:

Electrical diagram of power supply and external connections;

Metering unit equipment layout diagram;

Site drawings.

Attached documents:

Hydraulic calculation of the metering unit;

Hardware Specification;

Passports of devices included in the metering unit;

Assignment for designing a metering unit, approved by the customer;

These technical specifications for the design of a metering unit.

The act of delimiting the balance sheet ownership of heating networks and operational

responsibility of the parties.

10. Basic requirements for equipment included in commercial metering units.

Complete heat meters type ESKO-MTR-06; ASCOT;

Heat meter-recorder VZLYOT TSR-M;

Heat meter LOGIC 961K;

Heat meter SPT-9xx or its analogue, equipped with primary converters included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments.

Heat meters of domestic or imported production, included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments and meeting the requirements of these technical specifications, can be used in metering units.

The equipment of the unit for metering the consumption of thermal energy and hot water must determine:

Hours of operation of the metering unit;

The resulting thermal energy;

- (volume) mass of coolant received through the supply pipeline and returned through the return pipeline;

- (volume) mass of coolant received through the supply pipeline and returned through the return pipeline for each hour;

Average hourly and average daily temperature of the coolant in the supply and return pipelines of the metering unit;

- (volume) mass of coolant consumed for water collection in hot water supply systems using a flow meter connected to a heat meter;

- (volume) mass of the coolant, circulation pipeline of the hot water supply system using a flow meter connected to the heat meter;

Average hourly and average daily temperature of the coolant used for water collection in hot water supply systems;

Average hourly coolant pressure in the supply and return pipelines of the metering unit.

Main technical characteristics of the heat meter:

Number of flow measurement sensors – from 1 to 8 pcs.

Number of temperature measurement sensors – from 1 to 6 pcs.

Number of pressure measurement sensors – from 1 to 6 pcs.

Requirements for metrological characteristics must comply with clause 5.2 of the “Rules for metering thermal energy and coolant” dated 01/01/2001

The heat meter must provide: direct measurements of temperature, pressure, pressure difference, flow and volume of coolant by converting electrical signals coming from sensors located in the pipelines. Indirect measurements (calculations) mass flow, coolant mass and thermal energy based on the results of direct measurements of the above quantities. Saving hourly, daily, monthly, annual archives and outputting data to external devices using a standard RS-232 or RS-485 interface.

The thermal energy metering unit must be equipped with a GSM modem or a modem operating with a wired or fiber-optic communication line for remote data transmission, compatible with the information and measuring data collection system ASKURDE "NII IT-ESCO" or with the dispatch and data collection software complex "VZLET" -SP" ("VZLET-IIS").

Main technical characteristics of the flow meters used:

The diameter of the flow meter must be specified during design depending on the hydraulic calculation.

Based on the principle of operation from the point of view of reliability, simplicity and ease of maintenance, it is recommended to use electromagnetic flow meters with pulse, current or frequency output of domestic or imported manufacturers having a certificate of conformity of the State Standard of the Russian Federation and connected to the heat meter.

The flow meter is installed and assembled in accordance with the installation instructions.

Requirements for operating conditions and choice of installation location should take into account external factors, which can negatively affect the accuracy of measurements and the performance of the measuring complex.

The choice of flowmeter size is determined by the range of flow rates in the pipeline and taking into account hydraulic losses. When designing, it is necessary to take into account the technical characteristics of the flow meter output and the input of the heat meter used. The type of flow meter used is determined by the project.

The main technical characteristics and type of pressure sensors and temperature sensors, as well as their installation, are determined by the project in accordance with the conditions of use and the heat meter used. To ensure uninterrupted operation of the equipment of the commercial metering unit for thermal energy and coolant, it is necessary to provide a connection in case of a power outage uninterruptible source power supply with continuous operation of the equipment from it for at least three hours. The minimum calibration interval for the equipment used must be at least 4 years in the case of using a complete heat meter. When using a non-complete heat meter, the calibration interval is set by the manufacturer for each component of the commercial metering unit separately. Guarantee period services must be determined according to the equipment specifications.

Verification of the metering unit equipment is carried out within the time limits specified in the operating instructions. Verification is carried out at the Federal State Institution VTsSM or at organizations accredited in accordance with the established procedure in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

11. Coordinate the project with the TTK branch in the city.

Heat supply

It is possible to do without a common house heat meter, but this will soon become an expensive pleasure. If your home does not have a meter, then you pay according to the standards. In addition, increasing factors are already applied to you. Every year they will grow. It is legal. It is stated in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2013 344. The document talks about the following increasing coefficients for residential premises without metering devices:

since 2017 1.6.

Let us add that, compared to the standards, even without an increasing factor, fees in apartment buildings with metering devices are still lower. True, you won’t be able to save money if the windows in the entrance are broken, the attics are blown out, and there is ice in the basement. According to standards, the temperature in the entrance should be at least 12 degrees Celsius. And if there is no access heating, the walls of the apartments begin to “cry”, the temperature drops by 4-5 degrees. There is no point in installing heat meters in such houses.

Let us recall, initially, by Federal law 261, all apartment buildings residential buildings With central heating must have been equipped with communal metering devices before July 1, 2012. Then the deadline was repeatedly postponed, until 2015. Today, management companies, homeowners' associations and housing cooperatives face fines in violation of the law, that is, legal entities. And residents of such houses will simply pay more for heat.

When installation of metering devices is impossible

The increasing factor is applied only when technical feasibility meter installation. Eat residential buildings, which are exempt from installing communal heat meters. The list of them was determined by the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia in Order 627 of December 29, 2011.

Installation of metering devices is not possible if this requires:


Major repairs;

Creation of new in-house systems.

General house meters are not installed if it is not possible to ensure compliance technical requirements, as well as create conditions for their proper operation.

The reasons for this may be:

Emergency conditions of intra-house systems;

Failure to comply with temperature conditions;

Failure to comply with permissible humidity;

Failure to comply with permissible electromagnetic interference;

Inability to provide access for readings and maintenance.

In this case, the management organization or HOA must take care of drawing up a special act and provide it heat supply organization.

Necessary actions for installing communal heat meters

1. General meeting of residents. First of all, residents must conduct general meeting and make a decision on installing a meter and financing the installation work, because the heat metering unit belongs to common property apartment building. 2. Application for technical specifications. The next step is an application to the organization that supplies heat to your home. There you will be given the technical conditions that are needed when drawing up the project. Without technical specifications, heat meter readings will not be taken into account in calculations. The technical specifications indicate the parameters of the heat supply system: configuration, thermal load, maximum coolant flow rates, design pressure, temperature graph.

3. Selecting a contractor. Owners need to choose an organization that will prepare a project, install a meter, and deal with warranty and service. The organization must have the appropriate license.

4. Equipment selection and project development. You can choose a meter yourself or entrust this to the company with which the residents decide to work. It is necessary to take into account the features of heat meters, efficiency, operating life, and cost.

5. Project approval. This should be done by the company with which the contract for work on the metering device has been concluded. The company coordinates the project with the heat supply organization.

6. Installation and commissioning. Installation work Installation of a common house appliance is usually carried out within one day at a temperature not lower than minus ten degrees. After the meter is installed, it is necessary to invite an inspector from the heat supply organization. The inspector inspects and seals the metering unit and draws up an admission certificate for the metering unit. The act is signed by the inspector of the heating supply organization and the representative of the owners. From next month, payments for heat supply must be calculated according to meter readings. And for the previous months - according to the standard, taking into account the increased coefficient.

How to pay for a meter

Heat meters cost a lot. Citizens can choose one of two options: pay immediately (in this case, the resident will have to contribute about 1.5 - 3 thousand rubles), or repay these costs in installments over several years. In this case, several tens or hundreds of rubles will be added to the regular utility bill every month, depending on the cost of the meter and the chosen payment period.

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