The technological methods discussed above are combined into a common technological process for the production of compound feed. To organize continuous flow production of compound feeds, technological lines for the preparation of raw materials are created. A production line is a sequence of machines and devices designed to perform an operation. The number of preparatory lines depends on the productivity of the feed mill and the range of products produced. The total number of technological lines can reach 16...20, but the required lines are usually 7...10. Some lines can be used to prepare different products with similar properties. For example, lines for the preparation of mealy raw materials, meal, and loose grass meal can be combined. For the preparation of salt and chalk, you can use one line, for granular components - a grain line, etc.

At a feed mill the following lines can be distinguished: grain raw materials; floury raw materials; separation of films from oats and barley; loose herbal flour; feed products of food production; meal; pressed and lumpy raw materials; salt preparation; raw materials of mineral origin; input of liquid raw materials (molasses and fat); preparation and introduction of enrichment mixtures (premixes); processing of packaged raw materials; preliminary mixtures of difficult-to-flow components; preliminary dosing – mixing grain, granulated raw materials; heat treatment of grain raw materials; dosing - mixing; granulation.

Mandatory lines for the preparation of raw materials include lines for: grain raw materials, mealy raw materials, pressed and lumpy raw materials, feed products for food production, and raw materials of mineral origin. A plant operating using the simplest technology should have five raw material preparation lines and a dosing and mixing line.

Grain raw material line . Designed for cleaning and grinding corn, wheat, barley, oats, etc. Therefore, the line includes grain cleaning and grinding machines. To clean grain from impurities, air sieve and magnetic separators are used.

During the production of compound feeds, large impurities, sand, and metal-magnetic impurities are subject to mandatory separation.

The grain is crushed to a fineness, which is determined by the requirements of the regulatory and technical documentation for the produced feed. The required degree of grinding of raw materials is obtained by selecting sieves in crushers.

Feed mills use various grain grinding schemes. At high-capacity factories, several grain lines can be allocated, which operate in parallel; on each line, grain of a particular crop is prepared. In small-capacity factories, different crops are usually processed sequentially.

Line of floury raw materials . It is used to clean bran, flour from scraps of rope, packaging materials, etc., as well as to separate metal-magnetic impurities. Large impurities are separated in sieve separators.

Metal-magnetic impurities are separated in electromagnetic separators or separators with static magnets.

Line for separating films from oats and barley . Hulled oats and barley are introduced into a number of compound feed recipes, in particular for young poultry, fur-bearing animals, and piglets.

Films from grain are separated in two ways: by grinding the grain with subsequent screening of films; peeling grain in hulling machines. Before separating the films, oats and barley are cleaned of impurities and small grains are separated by passing sieves with holes measuring 2.2x20 mm. A large fraction is sent to the film separation line, since such grain is better hulled, and fewer unhulled grains remain. By first method The large grain fraction is subjected to single grinding in hammer crushers or double sequential grinding in roller machines.

When grinding grains, the kernel and shells are crushed unequally - the kernel to smaller sizes, and the shells remain mostly large. During the subsequent sifting of the grinding product, smaller core particles are obtained by passing the sieves, and the shells are obtained by going off. The quality of hulled oats and barley is checked for fiber content.

Second way involves the peeling of oat and barley grains in special hulling machines. Dehulling machines are usually used to peel oats. For better peeling, the grain is passed twice sequentially through the beakers with the separation of the husks after each system, as well as the selection of the kernel after the first peeling. Instead of peeling machines, centrifugal peelers can be used.

Loose grass meal line . Herbal flour usually comes in containers - fabric or paper bags. Therefore, the line of loose grass flour is designed for unpacking, cleaning from impurities and feeding raw materials into dosing bins. Unstuffing is carried out in dust collector cabinets or bag unstuffing machines. Herbal flour is cleaned from random impurities in sifting machines. Metallomagnetic impurities are isolated in electromagnetic separators or magnetic columns. Due to the fact that grass meal is a highly dusty product, it is advisable to use pneumatic suction units for its transportation.

Line of feed products for food production. Designed for processing various products of animal origin: meat and bone, meat, blood, fish meal, feed yeast and other products. Such products are highly hygroscopic, cake and form lumps, which can end up in waste during cleaning. In addition, many products have a high fat content, which impairs their flowability. Feed products are most often supplied in containers - bags, containers. In sifting machines, two sieves are installed, of which the upper one is designed to separate random impurities, the lower one separates large particles of crumpled products. The passage of sieves is directed into over-dispensing bunkers, and the waste is crushed in hammer crushers. After grinding, the drainage is attached to the passage of the lower sieve. Metallomagnetic impurities are separated in magnetic separators.

Meal line . Designed for cleaning from impurities and grinding meal. The line has approximately the same layout as the line of feed products of food production. The upper sieve is used to separate large impurities, the lower one is used to separate small and large meal. Coarse meal is crushed in hammer crushers.

Technological schemes allow processing of meal on the line of grain raw materials.

Line of pressed and lump raw materials. Many types of raw materials are supplied to feed mills in the form of pellets, briquettes, pieces (corn on the cob). The products are crushed in two stages: first in special machines - stone crushers, pulp crushers, etc. Lump products are crushed to a size characterized by particle sizes of 20...30 mm, and only then to the required size - in a hammer crusher. Second stage: the grinding products are sifted in sieving machines, returning the waste from the sieves for re-grinding in a hammer crusher.

Salt preparation line . Salt is added to feed in small quantities, so its uniform distribution requires fine grinding of the raw materials. Since salt is very hygroscopic, and at a humidity above 0.5% it becomes damp, does not flow well, when crushed it covers the holes of crusher screens, sticks to the walls and working parts of machines, etc., the salt preparation line must include a dryer and crusher.

The salt is dried in drum or screw dryers. After drying and control in magnetic separators, the salt is crushed in hammer crushers. The grinding products are sifted on a sieve with a mesh size of 1 mm.

One of the ways to add salt to feed is to add its saturated solution in water.

Mineral raw material line . Designed for the preparation of chalk, limestone, shells, etc. Like the salt preparation line, it includes a dryer, since processing mineral raw materials with a moisture content of over 10% causes great difficulties.

If limestone containing large pieces is received for processing, they are first crushed in stone crushers to pieces no larger than
10 mm. Pre-ground limestone and chalk are crushed in hammer crushers to a fineness characterized by the passage of sieves with holes 2 mm in diameter or wire mesh with holes 1.6x1.6 mm in size. The sieves are re-crushed in the same crushers.

Liquid components input line . A number of liquid components are added to the feed composition - molasses, fat, phosphatide concentrate, etc. Some components become liquid only at temperature
50...70° C. Therefore, the line of liquid components must have heating devices, and the lines must have good thermal insulation. Liquid components are supplied to feed mills in railway and road tanks (molasses), barrels, flasks (fats, phosphatide concentrate), etc. Sometimes solid fat is obtained in boxes or cardboard boxes. Factories can install either separate lines for molasses and fat, or a combined line for periodic preparation and supply of these components.

Line for introducing molasses into feed. Molasses is introduced into feedstuffs at different stages of their production. It can be introduced into the main mixer, into the mixer of the press granulator, when released to the consumer. When introduced into the main mixer or pellet press, molasses is usually heated. When introducing molasses during the feed dispensing process, the molasses may be in a cold state. In feed mills, molasses is stored in large tanks equipped with local heating devices in the form of hot water or electrically heated coils. Typical B6-DAB or B6-DAK installations have heated storage tanks, from where molasses is pumped into a heater tank.

Molasses is dosed using dosing pumps. For weight dosing, you can use measuring tanks in which molasses is weighed or measured. Molasses is pumped using plunger, centrifugal, gear and other pumps. Molasses has the lowest viscosity at a temperature of about 50°C; at higher temperatures, the process of sugar caramelization begins, solid phase particles appear that clog filters, pipelines, etc.

Fat injection line . Fats have a high energy value; their introduction into feed for animals and especially poultry significantly increases the value of the finished product. Most often, animal fats are used, the melting point of which exceeds 30°C. In addition, phosphatide concentrates, vegetable fats, etc. are introduced. The fat input line is equipped with a device for melting out of barrels, which is a vertical or inclined coil heated by steam.

If fat is introduced into bulk feed directly in the main mixer, then its amount does not exceed 2%, since introducing more fat sharply reduces the flowability of the feed, leads to its caking, as well as to sticking of the mixer.

Line for preparing enrichment mixtures . To enrich feed with microadditives (vitamins, salts of microelements, etc.), either ready-made premixes are used, which are produced at specialized enterprises, or enrichment mixtures are produced on site. Since the enrichment mixture is introduced into the feed in an amount not exceeding 1% (0.1...1%), fine grinding of the components and their thorough mixing are necessary.

The enrichment mixture (like premixes) consists of a filler and biologically active substances. Bran, ground grain, meal, etc. are used as filler. Preparation of the filler includes its grinding and sifting.

In the first mixer, salts of microelements (mainly sulfuric acid and chloride) are mixed with the filler; in the second - vitamins added in small doses, potassium iodide, carbon dioxide salts. Enzymes, amino acids, vitamin B 2 are feed preparations, and they are administered in relatively large quantities. Therefore, they are immediately submitted for final mixing. For better mixing, destruction of lumps of hygroscopic sulfuric acid and chloride salts, as well as their additional grinding, the products are ground a second time and sifted on a sieve with holes measuring 1.2 mm. The final mixing of all components and filler is carried out in the last mixer.

Processing line for packaged raw materials . Many types of raw materials (milk powder, bone meal, feed amino acids, feed yeast, etc.) are supplied to feed mills in packaged form, most often in paper bags. These products, as a rule, do not require grinding, so the main operations on the line are unpacking the raw materials and removing large and metallic impurities.

Line of pre-mixes of difficult-to-flow components . At a number of enterprises, in order to improve the technological properties of difficult-to-flow types of protein and mineral raw materials and increase the accuracy of their dosing, preliminary dosing is used - mixing these components. All components of animal and mineral origin, yeast, grass flour, meal, premixes are prepared on lines similar to the line of mealy raw materials, packaged products, feed products of food production, etc. After preparation, dosing - mixing of the components, the resulting mixture is subsequently used as one component.

Pre-dosing line – mixing grain and granulated raw materials. The principle of constructing this line is similar to that described above, with the difference that preliminary dosing and mixing is carried out for components that require grinding. The preparation of components is carried out along lines designed for the preparation of grain, granulated products, etc. After cleaning the components from impurities, they are dosed in the required ratio in weighing dispensers.

The components are mixed and crushed in one or two stages. The waste from the screens is returned to the same or a separate crusher for re-grinding. The resulting mixture is then used as one component in the main dosing/mixing line.

Line for heat treatment of grain raw materials . As a result of heat treatment of grain, the taste properties are improved, the nutritional value increases, and the raw materials are disinfected. The grain processing line includes devices for grain steaming, extrusion and expansion. After processing, the grain is crushed and sent to dosing bins.

Line for dosing and mixing components . The components are dosed in volumetric and weight dispensers of continuous and periodic action. Volume dosing is carried out continuously, and simultaneously in all dispensers. Each dispenser is assigned to a specific component and is adjusted to the desired performance. After dosing, all components are sent to a continuous mixer.

For weight dosing, single-component and multi-component batch dosers are used.

All dispensers are filled with the product in parallel, the dosing cycle ends after the last dispenser has filled the dose. According to the specified program, all dispensers are emptied simultaneously; the supply of product also begins in them. Since batch dispensers are used, the mixers installed after them must also be batch mixers. The dosing cycle in such dispensers is about 1 minute, while the mixing cycle is 5...6 minutes.

The most common method is dosing using multi-component weighing dosers. Such dispensers are more compact, quite accurate, and you can switch to another recipe relatively easily.

Granulation line . As a result of dosing and mixing, loose feed is obtained, which is not always convenient for feeding poultry and fish. Compound feed is also produced in the form of granules, the sizes of which depend on the type, age of the animals, and the method of feeding them.

The bulk of granulated feed is produced using the dry method. Domestic factories use DG-type granulation plants, including press granulators and a cooler-pulverizer. In the mixer of the press granulator, the feed is steamed with dry steam, which is supplied under pressure up to 0.5 MPa. Liquid binder components can also be supplied to the mixer.

The resulting granules are then cooled in a cooling column, since when hot they are fragile and easily destroyed. After cooling, the granules are sent either to a grinder or to control sieving on sieves to separate small particles that are sent for re-granulation.

It is unprofitable to produce small granules for young poultry, since when they are produced, the productivity of the press significantly decreases and the specific energy consumption increases. Therefore, it is advisable to obtain larger granules and then grind them into grits, the size of which corresponds to the type and age of the bird. The grinding products are sieved on sieves, the size of the holes depends on the required size of the granulated feed.

Granulated fish feed must be highly water resistant, i.e., retain its shape in water for a long time. Granules obtained by the wet method are more water-resistant, but their production process is more labor-intensive compared to the dry method. Therefore, fish pellets are produced mainly using a dry method, but measures are taken to increase their water resistance. Water-repellent compounds are applied to the surface of the granules or special treatment of the granules is performed. Increases the water resistance of granules and the use of components with a high protein content, as well as granulated raw materials. This can be achieved by treating the granules with steam, which creates a protective film on their surface.

The capacity of individual technological lines must ensure continuous operation of the plant as a whole with a minimum of maintenance personnel.

Feed mills

The feed industry is represented by factories and workshops with varying degrees of technical equipment. There are plants built according to standard designs with a capacity of 315, 320, 400, 420, 525, 630, 1000 tons/day. There are also feed mills of old (pre-war) construction, which exceed their design capacity by 2...6 times, and factories built according to so-called local projects, with a capacity of 150...200 t/day. The latter have simplified technology.

For large livestock complexes and poultry farms, specialized factories produce feed in a certain range. Such factories have lines for separating films from oats and barley, frying, heat treating components, and granulating. Large feed mills have specialized workshops for the production of premixes, urea concentrate, and BVD.

Modern feed mills use automatic means and automated process control systems. Dispatch automated control (DAC) of individual large operations or the entire technological process is carried out remotely from a control panel. Process control and management tools provide the ability to control the consumption of raw materials and finished products, filling and emptying of bins, product temperature, steam pressure, etc. The highest level of automated systems is direct control of the process by computers and microprocessors. Large feed mills (with a capacity of over 1000 tons/day) have already been put into operation and are controlled by computers.

In addition to industrial enterprises, our country has a significant number of off-farm feed mills, as well as factories and workshops belonging to various associations and enterprises of other forms of management, which use their own grain fodder and ready-made industrial BVD and premixes.

Off-farm enterprises produce complete feed mixtures for ruminant animals on a large scale. The composition of such mixtures includes 50...70% of crushed roughage (straw, corn cobs, sunflower baskets and other crop waste). Such feed mixtures are produced in the form of granules, briquettes and are used as an addition to main feeds or as complete feeds, mainly for fattening cattle. Carbamide concentrate or carbamide is often added to feed mixtures.

Agricultural business is a fairly promising area of ​​activity, provided that you are able to properly organize your business. The number of farms in our country is constantly increasing, and accordingly, the demand for feed and other consumables is growing. Experts believe that feed production as a business is the best option for beginning entrepreneurs.

Business Features

Recently, the agricultural industry has begun to develop intensively. In this regard, various feed mixtures are in great demand in the market. Therefore, when choosing a direction of activity, many beginning businessmen give preference to the production of compound feed.

Modern livestock breeders put forward serious demands on producers of such products. One condition remains unchanged under any circumstances - a balanced diet. Manufacturers regularly develop new recipes, using various legumes and grains, as well as all kinds of hybrid varieties.

When developing a business plan for the production of compound feed, it is necessary to take into account that only high-quality products, which are a combination of components rich in vitamins, microelements and natural protein, are in great demand.

According to experts, such a business is highly profitable. But it requires large capital investments. To open such an enterprise, you will need at least 2 million rubles.

Types of feed

Combined feeds are intended for poultry and animals. They are made from grains and various protein supplements. In addition, the product contains all kinds of vitamins and microelements, as well as specialized additives.

Since animals and poultry are most often kept in closed ranges, they need balanced feed to maintain normal physical condition. Many farmers start producing compound feed at home in order to provide their farms with high-quality feed mixtures and receive additional income from the sale of their surplus. A good owner understands perfectly well that you cannot skimp on quality feed, so such an enterprise can become a real goldmine for you.

Manufacturers produce a huge range of animal feeds of different types. In addition, they offer products for young animals and adults, pregnant and lactating females in various product areas.

Based on nutritional value, feed is divided into:

  • Concentrated, which contain a large number of different nutrients;
  • Balancing supplements containing vitamins and microelements;
  • Complete food for daily use.

The most popular are bulk feeds of medium grinding, as well as granular fractions. They are commonly used to raise poultry and pigs. Briquetted feed is produced for cattle breeding.

Scheme: production of compound feed

To produce high-quality products, you need to contact specialists who will help you select the composition of the mixture from local components and conduct laboratory tests of raw materials. In addition, they will help calculate all expenses, future profits and production costs.

By offering a wide range of products for different types of animals, you can attract more customers. Accordingly, the enterprise will bring good profits.

Raw materials

A variety of raw materials are used to prepare feed mixtures:
  1. Hay, meal or cake. In some cases, high quality straw is used;
  2. High-quality grain without mold and mildew;
  3. Meat and bone meal;
  4. Salt;
  5. Syrup;
  6. Vitamins;
  7. Protein impurities.

The choice of components depends on the recipe and production technology.


The choice of feed production technology largely depends on the composition of the raw materials. For example, to make poultry feed, barley must be dehusked. Such grain is not used for other mixtures.

The most popular area of ​​activity is the production of granulated feed.

It consists of the following steps:

  • Grinding of main raw materials;
  • Dosing;
  • Mixing all components;
  • Granulation of the mixture;
  • Product cooling;
  • Packing.

Primary raw materials, depending on the recipe, are crushed into particles of 30-40 mm or 5-10 mm in a conventional crusher. After this, it is sent to the dispenser. At this stage, all necessary additives are also supplied. Remember that the quality of the finished product largely depends on the accuracy of dosing. Next, all components are sent to the mixer and processed into a homogeneous mass. Bulk feed is packaged and sent for packaging.

To obtain granules, the resulting mass is sent to a agitator hopper using a conveyor. Through it, the mass is evenly fed to a granulator press, which forms lumps of a certain size from the mixture. After this, the feed is cooled and served on a sifting table, where substandard feed is separated. The last stage is packing into bags.


In order to establish a full-fledged production process, you will need a room in which you can place the equipment. In addition, it is necessary to equip warehouses for storing raw materials and finished products.

The ceiling height in the room should not be less than 4.5 meters. It is better to entrust workshop planning to specialists. They will help you install the equipment correctly, in accordance with all existing standards.


In order for the enterprise to operate fully, it is necessary to purchase high-quality equipment for the production of animal feed. For a small workshop you need to purchase two units - a grain crushing machine and a mixer. If you want to open a mini feed production plant, it is advisable to purchase a production line. The approximate price of equipment for the production of mixed feed is 150 thousand rubles. When the enterprise begins to develop, you can buy a more powerful line with a productivity of 3 tons/hour. It costs about 2.5 million rubles.

When developing a business plan for granulated feed, you should take into account that for the manufacture of such products you will need a special production line. It costs about 1.5 million rubles. The productivity of such equipment is 1t/hour. You can also purchase a more powerful line with a capacity of 3t/hour. Its cost is approximately 3 million rubles. In addition, you will have to purchase a raw material grinder. For this you will need another 20 thousand rubles.

Costs and profits

The biggest cost item is the equipment of the workshop, since the price of extruders for the production of mixed feed ranges from 2–3 million rubles. Therefore, in order to save money at the start, you can purchase used equipment for the production of compound feed at home with a productivity of 0.5 t/hour. In this case, your enterprise will produce 92 tons of finished products monthly. The wholesale price of compound feed is approximately 10 thousand rubles per ton, respectively, monthly revenue will be approximately 1 million rubles.

In addition, additional funds need to be allocated for:

  • Rental of premises – 100 thousand rubles;
  • Salary to workers - 120 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of raw materials – 200 thousand rubles;
  • Transport costs and payment of utility bills - 100 thousand rubles.

If you can provide the right approach, the initial investment will pay off in literally 10-12 months and the company will achieve net income. After this, you can modernize production and purchase more powerful equipment.

Home production

Entrepreneurs who do not have large start-up capital can open a small business at home. In this case, you can purchase inexpensive used equipment or make it yourself.

The owner of a private house will certainly find a suitable room on his plot in which he can install a granulator and extruder. In addition, you will need a raw material crusher, mixer and scales. If you have your own personal plot, over time you can build a full-fledged workshop with an area of ​​100 square meters. meters and purchase a more powerful production line.

Sales of finished products

Since feed production in Russia is developed at a high level, competition in this area is quite strong. Therefore, when drawing up a business plan for the production of compound feed, it is necessary first of all to find distribution channels.

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Compound feed is purchased in large quantities:

  • Farms;
  • Resellers;
  • Nurseries for breeding various animals;
  • Private owners;
  • Zoos.

It is advisable to sell goods in large wholesale so that the products do not sit in warehouses, so try to conclude agreements on the supply of products with public or private companies.

Selling feed to intermediary companies is not profitable, since such organizations do not offer good purchasing prices. They buy products for pennies, make a large markup and sell them at retail to private individuals.

Characteristics of products, raw materials and semi-finished products. Compound feed is a complex homogeneous mixture of various feed components and additives, purified and crushed to the required size, formulated in accordance with the requirements for complete feeding of animals and poultry, taking into account their species, age, sex, health status and feeding purpose. The production of compound feeds involves their balance in energy, protein, macro- and microadditives, vitamins and biologically active substances.

Depending on the purpose, there are complete feeds, feed concentrates, feed mixtures, protein-vitamin-mineral (PVMD), protein-vitamin (PVD) and mineral additives, premixes.

Complete feeds fully satisfy the animals' needs for energy, nutrients and biologically active substances, without additional feeding of other feeds and microadditives. They must contain all the nutrients necessary to ensure high productivity and product quality, good animal condition and low nutrient costs per unit of production.

Compound feed concentrates are intended for cattle, pigs, rabbits and other animals. They have a high content of protein, minerals and biologically active substances. These feeds are fed to animals in limited quantities, exclusively as an addition to grain, roughage and succulent feeds. Concentrated feed in its composition must correspond to the quality of roughage and succulent feed, providing the necessary nutritional indicators of the diet. As a variety, it is sometimes customary to distinguish a separate group of starter feeds, i.e. mixed feed for young animals in the first periods of their life.

Feed mixtures are intended mainly for cattle. They can be made from waste from flour milling and cereal production, for example, from barley husks, flour with the addition of molasses, urea, and other additives, preferably in granular form. If feedstuffs produced for one reason or another with significant deviations from regulatory and technical documentation do not meet zootechnical requirements, they can be classified as feed mixtures. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus does not recommend the use of this type of feed.

Protein-vitamin additives (PVD) and master concentrates are balancing feed additives, which are homogeneous mixtures of high-protein feed products, micro- and macro-additives, vitamins and other biologically active substances crushed to the required size. They are produced according to scientifically proven recipes and used for the preparation of feed based on grain fodder. This type of feed additives is intended for supply to collective farms, state farms, interfarm feed mills, and farmers for the production of so-called “secondary compound feeds” based on the feed grains available on farms, herbal vitamin flour and other feed products. These feeds must fully correspond in quality to complete feeds or concentrate feeds.

Premixes are special concentrated feed additives, which are a homogeneous mixture of pre-prepared biologically active substances, crushed to the required particle size, and in some cases microadditives with filler, used to enrich feed and protein-vitamin supplements. The premixes are based on vitamins, microelements, and amino acids. In addition, premixes may contain substances with a stimulating effect (antibiotics, etc.); substances that have a protective effect on feed, preventing a decrease in their quality, promoting better use of feed (antioxidants, emulsifiers, enzymes, flavoring additives, etc.); having therapeutic and prophylactic effects (furazalidone, sulfadimizine, etc.); sedatives (tranquilizers); surfactants (detergents).

Features of production and consumption of finished products. The technology for the production of mixed feed is a set of operations, the sequential implementation of which makes it possible to obtain feed with specified parameters depending on the recipe from various raw materials, differing from each other in physical and mechanical properties and chemical composition. The main requirements for the technology are to obtain high quality products, which, in turn, is due to compliance with all stages of the technological process and the introduction of automation of machine operation control and product quality control. The final products are produced at feed mills in loose and granular form. Compound feed is an important part of animal and poultry diets. In feeding rations, its share can be up to 27...36% for cattle, 38...90% for pigs and 60...100% for poultry.

It is customary to evaluate the technology of feed production using process diagrams that graphically show the sequence of operations, as well as the place of each of them in the overall structure of preparing the final product from different types of raw materials. Each technological scheme consists of a number of preparatory and main lines, which are a system of interconnected machines and mechanisms arranged in the order of sequential execution of operations.

The technological process diagram is usually depicted graphically and indicates: the quantity and location of unloading of raw materials from vehicles, types and sizes of mechanisms, and their productivity; number of warehouses; their capacity, and for silo warehouses - the number of silos, places of loading and unloading of warehouses, types and sizes of transport mechanisms and their productivity; number of lines for supplying raw materials to production; number and capacity of scales for raw materials when supplied to production; the number of production lines of the technological process and the equipment used with the main characteristics and technical data; number of warehouses for finished products, their capacity; places for unloading and loading finished products into vehicles; directions of flows of raw materials, components, products and waste* at all stages of the technological process; the number and length of magnetic barriers, the location of their installation along the lines, the amount of aspiration equipment and its distribution along aspiration networks with reference to aspiration machines.

Stages of the technological process. The preparation of mixed feed includes the following basic operations:

Reception, weighing and storage of raw materials;

Purification of raw materials from foreign impurities;

Hulling of oats and barley; crushing grain and other components;

Drying and grinding of mineral raw materials;

Preparation of a mixture of microadditives with filler;

Introducing liquid additives into animal feed;

Dosing of components according to recipes;

Mixing components;

Granulation or briquetting of mixtures;

Accounting and distribution of mixed feed.

Characteristics of equipment sets. The structure of feed milling production includes main and auxiliary processes. The main ones include processes directly related to the transformation of raw materials into compound feed. Auxiliary processes are not directly related to the production of compound feed. These include: transportation, reception, placement and storage of raw materials; storage and release of finished products; recycling of main production waste, etc.

The organization of production should ensure the minimum duration of the technological cycle, complete mechanization and flow of the process, timely quality control in the main sections of the line, uninterrupted operation of inter-shop and intra-plant transport, accounting of raw materials and products, efficient use of technological and power equipment, operational dispatch control, favorable working conditions and etc. Production flow and process continuity are ensured by: maximum use of the flow properties of products; introduction of operational bunkers into the production lines (over-crushing, over-dosing, etc.); dividing the general flow into separate lines, specializing depending on the properties of the components; rational choice of productivity and rhythm of lines, as well as the percentage of components in accordance with the recipe.

Technological operations are usually carried out on specialized production lines, which is due to the range of recipes and possible changes in their composition. Such lines are part of feed mills or workshops. Moreover, their number, depending on the purpose of the plant, can be different both in quantity and in composition. Feed mills include the following main technological lines: 1) reception and processing of grain raw materials (there may be several parallel lines equal to the number of types of grain); 2) separation of films from oats and barley; 3) mealy raw materials (bran, flour); 4) vitamin herbal flour (loose or granulated separately); 5) feed products from food production; 6) meal; 7) pressed and lumpy raw materials; 8) processing of raw materials in containers; 9) preparing table salt; 10) preparation of feed chalk and other raw materials of mineral origin; 11) input of molasses (hydrol, liquid concentrate, feed lysine); 12) input of feed fat, MEK (multi-enzyme compositions) or vegetable oil, fish oil; 13) input of premixes (preparation and input of enrichment mixtures); 14) input of urea (in dry form, in the form of a solution of molasses with urea, urea concentrate); 15) dosing and mixing; 16) granulation; 17) expansion, extrusion of grain raw materials or mixed feed; 18) placement, storage and release of finished products; 19) preliminary mixtures of protein components that are difficult to flow; 20) preliminary mixtures of grain, granulated and other raw materials.

In addition to the listed lines, modern plants may also include such lines as a line for thermal dextrinization of grain raw materials, preparation of a preliminary mixture of table salt with filler; line for introducing table salt in the form of saturated solutions, line for receiving and introducing mineral premixes (MPR) or vitamin-amino acid preparations (VAP) and others.

Design and operating principle of the line. There are several principles for constructing a technological process at a feed mill.

Serial-parallel preparation of all components and one-time dosing is the most common. This is a classic principle of staffing feed mills, widespread in many countries. Components for dosing are prepared separately. On some lines - in series, and on others in parallel. They are placed in over-dispensing bins (Fig. 5.1). This configuration is distinguished by a large number of over-dispensing bins capable of accommodating a supply of components for 8...36 hours of operation of the main dosing unit. The number of preparation lines in this case ranges from 10 to 12.

The basic algorithm for the operation of such plants and their lines can be formulated as follows:

The desire to constantly fill all over-dispensing bins with the initial components necessary for current production, according to the recipe;

Parallel preparation of additional components for the next batch (recipe) of feed to minimize time loss when switching from one recipe to another.

Figure 1 - Classic flow chart for completing a feed mill

Feed grain from the corresponding silo or bunker 1 enters when the bottom outlet window is opened with the help of flow regulator valves 2 through the drain pipes to the conveyor 3. The silos are equipped with upper and lower level sensors, which are connected to the central control center of the plant. With the help of valve-regulators 2, a batch of grain is formed that is sent for processing into mixed feed. Electropneumatic valves are used as flow regulators. Each grain stream passes through magnetic separators 4, and then enters the crusher 5. In the separators 4, metal impurities are removed. The crushed product is then supplied by pneumatic transport of the crusher to the cyclone-unloader 6, and from it to the sieving machine 7. Large impurities are returned to the conveyor 3, and the product fraction of the required degree of grinding is sent to the conveyor-distributors into the super-metering bins 8 of the component mixing area. Other dosing bins receive crushed protein raw materials and mineral supplements. From bins 8, raw materials enter multicomponent weighing dispensers 9, which, according to the recipe, form a feed component flow of a certain intensity. The dosed flow of the corresponding raw material enters by gravity or using special conveyors 10 into the batch mixer 11.

The disadvantages of the classical principle of constructing a technological scheme include the large amount of time spent on preparatory operations at the beginning of the shift if the dosing bins were empty. In addition, when carrying out shifting (ten-day) cleanings, it is very difficult to take into account the mass of raw material residues in the bunkers, and therefore the cleaning of the production building is carried out once a year.

Classical schemes, due to numerous parallel technological lines, are saturated with main, transport and auxiliary equipment, including aspiration, the operation of which requires large amounts of energy. Managing production operations is difficult due to the need to obtain and process a huge amount of information.

The technology for the production of compound feed is a set of operations, the sequential implementation of which makes it possible to obtain feed from feed raw materials that differ significantly from each other in terms of the complex of physical and mechanical properties, nutritional value, and chemical composition in accordance with the recipe with the given parameters. In this case, the final product in the form of compound feed takes into account the type, sex, age, condition and purpose of feeding farm animals.

Compound feeds are prepared in strict compliance with the operating mode of the equipment in accordance with the zootechnical requirements of regulatory documents approved for state enterprises by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food or, on its instructions, by special laboratories and institutions.

The structure of feed milling production includes main and auxiliary processes. The main processes include processes directly related to the transformation of raw materials into feed. Auxiliary processes are not directly related to the production of compound feed. These include: transportation, reception, placement and storage of raw materials; storage and release of finished products; recycling of main production waste, etc.

The preparation of mixed feed includes the following operations: receiving, weighing and storing raw materials; purification of raw materials from foreign impurities; peeling of oats and barley; moisture-thermal processing of grain, crushing of grain and other components; drying and grinding of mineral raw materials; preparing a mixture of microadditives with filler; introduction of liquid additives into animal feed; dosing of components according to recipes; mixing components; granulation or briquetting of mixtures; accounting and distribution of mixed feed.

There are several principles for constructing a technological process at a feed mill.

Serial-parallel preparation of all components and one-time dosing. Components for dosing are prepared separately, in some lines in series, and in others in parallel. They are placed in over-dispensing bins (Figure 1). This method is sometimes called classic; it is common in many countries. It is distinguished by a large number of over-dispensing bins capable of accommodating a supply of components for 8 ... 36 hours of operation of the main dosing unit. In this case there are from 10 to 12 or more preparatory lines, communications are extended. The main operating algorithm can be formulated as follows:

— the need to constantly fill all over-dispensing bins with initial components for current production in accordance with the executed recipe;

Parallel preparation of additional components for the next batch (recipe) of feed to minimize time loss when switching from one recipe to another.

The main disadvantage of the classical principle of constructing a technological scheme is the large amount of time spent on preparatory operations at the beginning of the shift if the dosing bins were empty. In addition, when carrying out replaceable (ten-day) cleaning operations, it is very difficult to take into account the mass of raw material residues in the bunkers. Therefore, the production building is cleaned once a year.

1 - grain silo; 2 - valve; 3 - chain conveyor; 4 - magnetic separator; 5 - hammer crusher; 6 - cyclone-unloader; 7 - sifting machine; 8 - over-dispensing bins; 9 - multi-component weighing dispenser; 10 auger; 1 1 - batch mixer.

Figure 1 - Classic flow diagram:

Classical schemes, due to numerous parallel technological lines, are saturated with main, transport and auxiliary equipment, including aspiration, the operation of which requires large amounts of energy.

Formation of preliminary mixtures of grain and protein-mineral raw materials with repeated dosing. Each of the mixtures is processed in its own process flow. When using this principle, the following options may arise:

one (two) of the mentioned mixtures is created, which is associated with the specific tasks of production development and the order of work to modernize production;

the remaining components continue to be prepared based on the first principle;

the formed mixture (mixtures) is sent to the over-dosing bins and then for repeated dosing through the main dosing - mixing line (Figure 2). In this case, the preliminary mixtures are processed in a stream (crushed, sifted, and metal-magnetic impurities are removed). The capacity of dosing bins for pre-mixes must be at least 20... 30 tons.

The disadvantages of schemes with the preparation of preliminary mixtures and their re-dosing (if the rules of multiplicity and synchronization of the operation of lines and other methods of technological preparation of production are not used during operation) include the occurrence of unaccounted residues of preliminary mixtures, the so-called tails. All this complicates the transition to feed production from one recipe to another, as well as accounting and reporting.

Formation of preliminary mixtures of grain, protein and mineral raw materials without repeated dosing. The mixture(s) are formed in strict accordance with the actual capacity of the main mixer, i.e. in portions (Figure 3).

1 - over-dispensing hopper; 2 - multi-component weighing dispenser; 3 - processing of the preliminary mixture; 4 - portion mixer; 5 - preliminary processing of protein-mineral raw materials.

Figure 2 - Technological diagram with the formation of preliminary mixtures

1 - over-dispensing hopper; 2 - multi-component weighing dispenser; 3 - processing of a preliminary mixture of grain and granulated raw materials; 4 - hopper for pre-mix, installed parallel to the main weighing dispenser (A - for prepared grain and granulated raw materials; B - the same, for protein-mineral); 5 - portion mixer; 6 - processing of the preliminary mixture of protein-mineral raw materials.

Figure 3 - Technological diagram with the formation of preliminary mixtures with one-time dosing and batch processing of mixtures:

Processing in the process flow is also carried out in portions, and therefore the operation of hammer crushers in an unsteady mode, with idling in each cycle, is inevitable.

The resulting portion (or portions) of the preliminary mixtures, bypassing repeated dosing through a low-capacity operational hopper (2...3 tons), is sent directly to the main mixer. With this construction of the technological process, the former main dosing line is simplified; 2...3 components remain in it (mealy raw materials, meal, possibly feed phosphates) and several bins leading to one multicomponent doser.

The advantages of technological schemes with clearly expressed batch work are low inertia, quick response to control input, the absence of unaccounted for raw material residues, and the possibility of switching to the production of mixed feed according to a different recipe with minimal loss of time.

The disadvantages of such schemes built according to the third principle include periodic operation of crushers at idle speed in each cycle. This circumstance increases the likelihood of “pop” occurring in crushers, since according to the theory, in each cycle twice, when entering the mode and when leaving it, explosive concentrations of the crushed product are formed.

To eliminate this drawback, you can work with implicit cycles (the experience of the Ramenskoye Bakery Plant), preventing the crushers from idling. In this case, the load of the main electric motor is reduced to 30% of the nominal, the plumb line of the components follows the plumb line with the minimum possible interval, and in the event of a rhythm disturbance, the upper level sensors built into hoppers A and B (see Figure 2) will block the operation of multi-component weighing dispensers No. 1 or No. 3 and 4. The situation when there are two plumb lines in bins A and B in a well-functioning production can only arise in the event of an emergency stop of one of the crushers.

Direct flow method. All components are dosed and processed in the flow until a portion of the finished product is released. The scheme (Figure 3) is as direct-flow as possible and is designed for the use of purified technological raw materials. It is built from top to bottom, fits well into high-rise buildings, has a minimum of lifts and low specific energy consumption for the production of 1 ton of feed. The scheme can implement one- or two-stage grinding; a mixer-averager may be absent if the design of hammer crushers allows mixing to be carried out simultaneously with grinding.

The advantage is the full use of the principle of direct flow in high-rise buildings. The disadvantages include the need to use fully prepared, purified raw materials.

The general trend in the development of feed production technology is a movement from schemes of the first principle to schemes of the fourth through various options of the second and third. An evaluation indicator in choosing a particular scheme should be the possibility of creating reliable and simple control of technological processes.

When choosing a technological scheme for an enterprise, it is necessary to take into account the main zonal factors: volumes and assortment of local raw materials, the need and formulation of the necessary feed; the possibility of importing missing raw materials, their cost and remoteness of production; construction and financial capabilities of the farm; the cost of construction and operation of the enterprise.

At enterprises operating on ready-made BVD, one-time costs are 7... 10%, and current costs are 15... 20% less than at enterprises with a complete technological scheme.

1 - elevator; 2 - turntable; 3 - silos; 4 - multi-component weighing dispenser; 5 - mixer (average); 6 - sifting machine; 7 - magnetic column; 8 - hammer crusher; 9 - batch mixer.

Figure 4 - Direct flow flow diagram

During operation, in order to improve the technology, the enterprise is given the right to make individual changes to the technological process diagram in agreement with a higher organization.

After making changes, the technological scheme of the enterprise (shop) must be reviewed and approved by a higher organization. The technological process diagram must be re-approved at least every 3 years. In this case, a copy of the technological diagram is posted in workshops and areas of the enterprise to study and monitor the operation of individual machines and equipment.

The organization of production of compound feed, protein-vitamin supplements and premixes at the enterprise is carried out in accordance with established documentation.

Compound feed is a mixture that is used to feed farm animals and birds. Thanks to the use of high-quality feed, animals receive adequate nutrition. There can be many recipes for preparation, and each type, as a rule, contains the same types of raw materials, which are contained in different proportions and are accompanied by various additives.

Breeding poultry and livestock is a very important area in every country, and feed production is usually carried out by highly specialized companies. If you have experience and skills in this field, then this type of business will be an excellent option. Typically, organizations involved in the field of agriculture give preference to imported feed, but due to the rise in price of the latter, they have increasingly begun to purchase domestic feed, which is not inferior in quality.

The production of compound feed has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages include the following:

  • A product in demand, since agriculture does not stop in its development and constantly needs to purchase quality feed.
  • Ease of doing business. To open this business you will need a minimum of knowledge and skills.
  • Small capital investments, their optimal ratio to profit, which ensures a quick return on costs.
  • Despite the high level of competition, even a start-up enterprise, thanks to well-designed advertising, can find its customer base.
  • Possibility of further development. Despite the nuances, the business is promising, and a small enterprise can subsequently grow into a larger one and occupy a large part of the market.

Despite the advantages, the area also has a number of disadvantages:

  • Competition.
  • Difficulties in finding quality raw materials.

So, despite a number of disadvantages of the project, its opening will be very promising and will bring the owner significant amounts of profit and the opportunity for further development.

Types of feed and purposes of their use

There are several types of feed that depend on nutritional value. The optimal composition depends on the recommendations of veterinarians, as well as on the latest research data, which reflect the influence of certain substances on the taste characteristics of food. Regarding production, it can be noted that any product must be saturated with the entire spectrum of essential nutrients, and their proportions must be strict.


Compound feed is divided according to the form of the product, which can be loose, granular and briquette. Classification is also carried out based on the types of animals for which it is intended. For example, one type of feed will be used for animals intended for breeding, and another type will be used for animals for slaughter. The type also depends on their age and breed.

The main question that manufacturing companies will face is related to the quality of their products. The fact is that animals that are bred and raised at home need to consume high-quality food, because their health and life expectancy largely depend on this.

The second problem is pricing. The retail price of good quality food will not be low. But due to the crisis, many farmers adhere primarily to the criterion of price rather than quality.

Domestic manufacturers sell their products through wholesale organizations, as well as through direct sales. Ideally, you should agree that certain companies will regularly make wholesale purchases from you. This way it will be possible to ensure stable sales of products.

Production premises and equipment

  • Production of placer and granules. The line will employ 3 people, the productivity is 1000 kg/h. As additional equipment, a chopper is purchased, which costs about 15,000 rubles.
  • Production of bulk and granules with 4 specialists on the line.

The best option for creating a small business would be to purchase an inexpensive unit; it is recommended to choose LPGK and KR-02, which is optimal in terms of price-quality ratio. In addition, the technical equipment of a small plant will include tools such as a crusher, mixer, electronic weighing device, conveyor, control panel, and separator.

In order to start your own business, you will need to prepare a workshop and warehouse. The height of the first must be at least 4.5 meters. And it is important to comply with the basic requirements for the premises:

  • Heating up to +5 degrees.
  • Ensuring production has sufficient space.
  • Compliance with equipment layout diagrams.

Where to get raw materials?

The main raw material is hay, straw and cake. Also during production you will have to use the following components:

  • Grain – barley, corn, oats, beans, other crops.
  • Several types of flour - grass, fish, meat and bone.
  • Raw materials based on starch.
  • Minerals, salt, chalk.
  • Chemical elements.
  • Vitamins.
  • Antibiotics.
  • Proteins, microadditives.

The composition of the feed and components largely depend on the intended purpose. You can purchase ingredients from private and public enterprises that collect grain crops and produce the necessary elements - chalk, salts, minerals.


Technological operations consist of carrying out sequential actions, the intensity and duration of which depend on the final goal. Pelleted feed is very popular on the market, and the main stages of its production include the following:

  1. Grinding.
  2. Distribution, packaging by doses.
  3. Mixing.
  4. Production of granules.
  5. Package.

Hay or straw is used as the primary raw material; it is crushed in several stages. The grain is crushed using a special crusher, then weighed, and it is fed into a special dispenser.

When packaging by dose occurs, various substances are added to the feed. Dosing must be very accurate, since product quality and cost depend on it. After adding feed, the components enter the mixer, where they are mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed.

You can find out more detailed information about the manufacturing process of this product from the following video:

Sales channels

There are many options for marketing pet products:

  • intermediaries;
  • agricultural farms;
  • nature reserves, zoos, nurseries;
  • private farmer organizations.

The advantages of selling feed include the fact that purchases are carried out constantly.

Total costs

There are several cost items when starting such a business:

  • Purchase of equipment. It will cost more than 1,000,000 rubles (approximately 1,200,000 rubles depending on the place of purchase and condition).
  • Equipment installation– 400,000 rubles, this includes delivery.
  • Organizing inventory– 500,000 rubles.
  • Warehouse and workshop preparation– this amount will be about 400,000 rubles.
  • Registration of a legal entity and other expenses associated with advertising– 100,000 rub.

In total, the cost of opening the project will be 2,400,000 rubles.

However, it is worth considering the monthly costs of renting premises, purchasing materials, equipment maintenance, advertising, taxes, and employee salaries.

Profit calculation

According to statistics, a starting small enterprise for the production of compound feed has a profit of about 30,000-100,000 rubles for 1 month. The payback period is 18 months or 1.5 years.

On average, the price of feed depends on its quality and can range from 10 to 40 rubles per kilogram. Many companies set a price slightly below the market price in order to gain a customer base. Based on the capacity of the equipment, a minimum of 200 kg of products can be produced per day. With good turnover of goods and minimal stagnation of inventory, the following sales volume can be achieved:

  • 200 kg * 30 days = 6,000 kg/month.

The proceeds will be (at a price of 40 rubles per kilogram):

  • 6,000 kg * 40 rub./kg = 240,000 rub.

After deducting the costs of renting premises (20,000 rubles), employee salaries (75,000 rubles) and other costs (50,000 rubles), you can calculate the amount of net profit:

  • 240,000 – 25,000 – 75,000 – 50,000 = 90,000 rubles.

So, with proper organization of production and optimization of inventory levels, it is possible to achieve sustainable development of the enterprise and large amounts of profit.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):