Investment volume:

Purpose of presentation:

Project Description

Business idea The project “Production of Glass-Magnesium Sheet (GML)” is not so much innovative as it is import substitution. The main and initial task is a timely and high-quality solution critical issues By preparation and implementation of the Project for the production of glass-magnesium sheets and its introduction to the building materials market. Creation of a highly profitable enterprise, in close proximity to the consumer, with a closed cycle of continuous production of SML, with high added value.
Project strategy that will lead to the achievement of project goals: In order to obtain the maximum possible added value, the investment project includes the creation of a full production cycle, including waste-free production in the manufacture of universal building material, which is the final product, ready for sale to consumers. This approach to organizing production is profitable and is possible due to the proximity of the largest sales markets, production flexibility, and the availability of the necessary production areas provided with communications and infrastructure.
Production is created to meet the needs of the markets of the North-Western and Central regions, as well as to solve a number of national priority projects and targeted programs. This line is the first step towards the development of LSU production in Russia, its popularization and promotion in the building materials market.

In the future, it is planned to reorganize the enterprise into Joint stock company, issue of shares, carrying out an issue and construction of a plant on the territory of the Sheksna technology park. Entering the territory of a technology park provides a number of significant advantages, both in preferential taxation and in the possibility of purchasing land plot ownership at a discounted price, which will ultimately increase the value of the business. The main production of LSU is currently concentrated in China, from where it is exported to Russia and other countries.

Mostly produced in China, the so-called “economy” class sheets are characterized by low, unstable quality. It has obvious deformations and low strength (it can be broken by hand). LSU of normal quality is called “Premium” class, but the cost is 2-3 times higher, but there are also quality problems here. Delivery time from China, taking into account customs procedures, is about 2 months, which is also inconvenient. As a result of transportation costs, the cost of LSU increases significantly, which is especially noticeable for the European part.

Opening own production on the territory of Russia (reducing the cost of material by 15% customs duty), subject to the availability of all necessary types of raw materials and proven production technology, will definitely contribute to leadership in the new emerging market. We, in turn, have developed a technology that allows us to produce LSU from both imported raw materials and Russian ones, which allows us to be independent from suppliers and guarantee the stability of the “line”. We made economic calculations that confirmed the efficiency of production. Reduced possible risks by concluding “agreements of intent” with suppliers of raw materials and buyers finished products.

Product Description: Glass magnesium sheet (SML, glass magnesite sheet, glass magnesium board, dolomite-fiber sheet, xylolite-fiber sheet) is a sheet finishing material. The main components of this material are: magnesium oxide (MgO), magnesium chloride (MgCl2, part of bischofite), perlite (SiO2, volcanic glass, used in this material as a soundproofing material), shavings (sawdust), water, fiberglass, polypropylene fabric . Glass-magnesium sheet (GFS) is a sheet construction and finishing material. Color white. A cross-section of LSU shows a grayish magnesium binder interspersed with fine wood chips. The mass of magnesium binder in SML significantly exceeds the mass of wood chips. The LSU is reinforced on both sides with layers of fiberglass. This method of reinforcement gives the LSU increased flexibility and strength. One side of the LSU is smooth, the other is rough. LSU is non-flammable and waterproof material. When immersed in water, LSU does not get wet and retains its shape.

Scope of application: Magnesium glass sheets belong to the group of construction and finishing materials. Thanks to its unique properties, LSU can be used in the construction of residential, office, industrial buildings and premises. The main advantages of this building material compared to others: - prefabricated structures made of magnesite slabs have light weight, and do not create a significant load on the floors, as brick partitions. Consequently, the frame of the house and the foundation can be made lightweight, which significantly reduces the cost of construction; - magnesite boards have excellent strength characteristics, resistance to environmental influences and are not sensitive to the “hardships of the road”, which facilitates the conditions for transportation and storage of the material. LSU is also used for internal and external facing works, production of “sandwich panels”, etc. Due to its moisture and heat resistance, SML is used for finishing baths, steam rooms, showers, saunas and swimming pools, machine rooms and garages. Soundproofing - allows the use of LSU for finishing subway stations, cinemas, concert halls, recording studios, etc. And also in the manufacture of bulkheads, canopies, permanent formwork, roofing, furniture parts, ventilation ducts, mines hidden wiring cables, pipes, etc.
Functional advantages compared to other facing materials - substitutes (substitutes):

Environmental friendliness - absolutely environmentally friendly safe material. According to the customs code, SML refers to the composition of refractories. It is not subject to certification in the CIS. Currently existing facing materials (plasterboard, fiberboard, chipboard and others) contain phenol-formaldehyde resins (binders), which are released into environment, and in case of fire they are a source of toxic damage to the upper respiratory tract.

Mechanical strength - exceeds drywall several times. It is not destroyed during transportation and allows the production complex designs, which cannot be made from gypsum and other materials without maintaining the original strength properties. Allows you to hang any objects (drive nails, screw in self-tapping screws, reuse sheets, etc.). \

Fire safety- withstand fire of the 5th category without destruction of the material and release of any carcinogenic substances.

Noise absorption- a 6 mm thick sheet absorbs noise at the level of a wall of 1/2 brick. Durability (sheet manufacturers guarantee 50 cycles of frost resistance = 50 years of operation).

Fungicide(bactericidal and biocidal) - does not allow fungi and bacteria to develop, and the bitter-salty taste of bischofite also prevents the appearance of insects and rodents. None of the facing materials has this function.

High adhesion(adhesion) to any primers, putties, paints, which other facing materials do not have.

Weather resistance- the sheet can be mounted in any weather conditions.

Ease- this sheet is 30-40% lighter than plasterboard and other materials.

Dust-free- There is practically no dust observed during operation. It has vapor permeability - “breathes”. The thermal conductivity coefficient is lower than foam concrete and wood. Thus, with 100% confidence we can say that this type facing material, based on magnesite, is unique and has no analogues among the materials presented on the global construction market.
Prospect for the development of the project over time: Participation in the enterprise will be primarily interesting large companies developers aimed at comprehensive development of territories and mass developments. The construction of a number of large production facilities is planned on the territory of the Sheksna technology park. One of which is the car assembly shop of the FIAT concern. A pipe plant of the Severstal holding has already been built. All this will lead to an increase in the population of the nearby urban-type settlement of Sheksna from 15 thousand people. up to 100 thousand people Need for additional construction housing on the face. For this reason, the purchase of the company's assets will be a very profitable acquisition for developers.

Investment requirement, investment structure To start production and reach design capacity, the following is required:

Technological equipment - cost 15,440,800 rubles

Two-month production supply of raw materials and materials necessary for production - cost 8,600,000 rubles

Funds needed to pay wages and rent production premises until the enterprise reaches its design capacity (3 months) - 3,502,752 rubles

Costs associated with insurance of the facility and necessary preliminary construction and installation work - 2,000,000 rubles.

The amount of the required credit line is 29.6 million rubles. This amount will be used in tranches as necessary equipment and materials are purchased until the enterprise reaches its design capacity. The wage fund with taxes will be: 704,000 x 1.42 = 999,680 rubles
Cost of equipment for the production of SML: Total cost technological line for production is 11,488,000 rubles (according to the agreement with the General Contractor). Additional costs amount to 552,200 rubles (technology, commissioning and delivery of the production line to the installation site) Additional necessary equipment includes: - MITSUBISHI forklift - price 805,000 rubles - GAZ 3507 dump truck - 747,800 rubles x 2 = 1,495,600 rubles.
The total cost of creating a complete technological line for the production of SML is 14,340,800 rubles.
Total cost of the project: The total cost is 29,543,552 rubles

Project status
Key economic indicators
  1. Implementation period - 3 year(s)/years
  2. Payback period - 1.5 year(s)/years
  3. Total profit - RUB 108,500,000

Corporate structure

Project team:

· Valery Nikolaevich Korablev - General Director of LIST LLC, founder (1/3 share) and Project Manager.

· Isaev Boris Sergeevich - commercial director, Deputy General Director, founder (1/3 share)

· Isaev Mikhail Andreevich - lawyer, founder (1/3 share)

· Epshtein Oleg Markovich - financial director, chief economist of the Project.

· Markov Vyacheslav Anatolyevich - chief technologist.


Marketing management is carried out directly by the general manager. director of the company, which makes it possible to give an objective assessment of the enterprise’s capabilities when developing its marketing policy. The decision on quantitative and quality composition products, according to their prices and their adjustments, are accepted by the management of the LLC and approved by the general manager. director
Sales market investment project: Our primary target market is construction companies using permanent formwork technology for low-rise construction. The use of LSU allows you to reduce the cost of m2 of housing by reducing the cost of interior and facade finishing work. As well as organizations constructing facilities with increased fire safety requirements and facilities operated in conditions of high humidity.
The secondary target market is organizations and the private sector that are engaged in the repair, redevelopment of residential and non-residential premises using innovative building materials to increase the speed and quality of work performed. Due to this positioning, these organizations attract their customers. As a tertiary target market we see furniture manufacturers. Use of LSU in furniture production, as a substitute for chipboard, will allow furniture makers to reach a new quality level.
LSU can not only be laminated, but also veneered to match any type of wood. At high density LSU (Chinese is out of the question), furniture shelves, countertops are not allowed under any circumstances external environment and under realistically possible loads they do not deform. Furniture made from SML will meet the highest environmental requirements on the same level as furniture made from solid wood, with the difference that it does not burn. In this section we also include door manufacturers where SML can be used as a door leaf.
At the first stage of production development, it is advisable to attract ready-made distribution channels for building materials. Thus, the DiAL company in St. Petersburg is ready to buy all manufactured products. A letter of intent has been signed. In the future, it is planned to open our own dealer network with warehouses in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The delivery of information to the consumer is developed when determining the specific location of the warehouses.

Project management

The Project is managed directly by the General Director. Director of LIST LLC Korablev Valery Nikolaevich.

Contact information

About glass magnesium sheet

We bring to your attention equipment for the production of new material glass-magnesium sheet - sml(line for the production of sml). Glass-magnesium sheet is intended for installation of walls, partitions, finishing of wall and ceiling surfaces, columns, slabs, fire-retardant and moisture-proof surfaces in both residential and industrial buildings. LSU easily gives the required shape to curved surfaces. After installing the LSU, you can paint it and stick any decorative materials (wallpaper, plastic, tiles)

Advantages of LSU:

  • fire resistance (withstands heating up to 1200 C
  • high strength and hardness
  • moisture resistance (does not lose properties in a humid environment)
  • environmentally friendly (does not contain harmful, toxic substances)
  • ease of processing (easy to saw, drill)
  • has no smell
  • flexibility (ability LSU bend with a radius of curvature up to 3 meters)

Glass magnesium sheet consists of: natural mineral magnesite MgCO 3, bischofite MgCl 2, reinforcing material, fillers: perlite, sand, sawdust, talc, etc., additives that improve the quality of the sheet (strength, moisture resistance, etc.)

Thus LSU includes functional qualities plasterboard sheet(GKL) and gypsum fiber sheet(GVK) and has a number of advantages - a universal sheet finishing material, reinforced on both sides with fiberglass, lightweight, smooth, durable, moisture-resistant, non-flammable

Equipment for the production of SML

Currently, LSU sheet production lines are mainly made in China on the market. We offer a line for the production of glass-magnesium sheets of our own production.

High-quality Russian steel is used to manufacture the line; products are manufactured taking into account long-term operation in an aggressive hydrochloric acid environment. We complete the lines with imported equipment: pneumatics (Italy), drives, electrics (Germany). It is possible to manufacture part of the equipment at the Customer’s site according to our drawings, which reduces the cost of the equipment and reduces delivery costs.

We assemble and install equipment on site. Personnel training and development of the technological process, taking into account the binders and fillers used, takes place under the guidance of an experienced specialist. Warranty period 12 months. After-sales service.

If there is a lack of funds, you can order a line with a lesser degree of mechanization and automation with the possibility of subsequent modernization.

Line for the production of SML, capacity from 500

Scheme of the line for the production of SML, productivity from 500 sheets per shift:

The mechanized production line SML-800 is designed for the production of sheet finishing materials based on magnesium binder - glass-magnesite sheets (GMS) overall dimensions 2800x1200 mm thickness 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 25, 30, 40 mm.

The line is a conveyor along which forming and stacking units are located.

The unpacking post receives raw materials in soft big-bag type containers. Raw materials are loaded into hoppers using a lifting device and are alternately sent to the dispenser via screw conveyors. From the dispenser, the materials are fed by a screw conveyor into an SPD type mixer, where the raw materials are mixed.

From the mixer, the finished hard mixture enters the supply hopper.

The reinforcing mesh is unwound onto the technological pallet, milk of magnesia is evenly applied from the milk of magnesia mixer, and the working mixture is supplied to the pallet from the supply hopper. Laying is done using two calenders.

After forming, the technological pallets are conveyed by a belt conveyor to the cutting station, where the reinforcing mesh web is cut. Next, the technological pallets are sent to the stacking station.

The formed sheets on pallets are transported by forklift to the curing area, where they remain for 4-6 hours at an ambient temperature of at least 30-35 C. After curing, the formwork is stripped and the finished sheets are transported to the finished sheet cutting station, where longitudinal cutting is carried out and cross cutting of sheets to the required dimensions. Finished sheets are transported to the finished product warehouse.

Cutting waste is crushed, loaded into soft big bag containers and transported to the unpacking station.

Technology for the production of glass-magnesium sheet (GML).

The first operation in the SML production line is the preparation of the dry mixture. The quality of the finished LSU directly depends on the quality of preparation of the dry mixture. If the dosage of bulk components is incorrect, the performance indicators of the LSU deteriorate, or the consumption of expensive raw materials increases, which leads to an unjustified increase in costs. Since the quality of magnesium binders is poor Russian market leaves much to be desired, it is recommended that when receiving new batches of raw materials, analyze the magnesite for the setting time, as well as evaluate the strength of the LSU and the hardness of the resulting front surface. Taking into account the analyses, it is necessary to adjust the dosages of the starting materials.

1. Preparation of dry mixture.

To mix dry components, it is advisable to use a screw mixer with a four-lane helical screw of constant or periodic action. Dry components are supplied from bins by dispensers.

The ratio of dry components in volume fractions per batch:

Magnesium oxide - 20.5%;

- sawdust - 26.5%;

Perlite - 53%.

Using high-quality raw materials, you can reduce the consumption of magnesium oxide per batch, for sheets low quality, then take the ratio of dry components:

Magnesium oxide - 15.5%;

- sawdust - 38.5%;

- perlite - 46%.

Approximate values ​​of the bulk mass of dry components for recalculation:

Magnesium oxide - 916 kg/m3;

Sawdust - 50 kg/m3;

Perlite - 150 kg/m3.

To calculate dosages, it is necessary to take into account that the bulk mass of dry components may vary depending on the particle size distribution and relative humidity.

The quality of the structure of the finished sheet largely depends on the quality of the preparation of the dry mixture. Unsatisfactory mixing of parts of bulk components leads to the appearance of inhomogeneities, which in turn reduce strength and manifest themselves in the form of defects in the front and back surfaces of LSU.

2. Preparation of saline solution.

It is advisable to prepare the saline solution in two-layer plastic containers made from acid-alkali-resistant plastic. The density of the solution is assessed using selected samples using a hydrometer. For the dosage of magnesium chloride to bring the solution to the desired density, see table No. 2. Mixing MgCl 2 can be done circulation pump made from stainless steel. It is necessary to install a plastic grid in the container so that large undissolved pieces of salt do not damage the pump. It is better to prepare the saline solution in a separate container, and let it sit for 12 to 24 hours. To prevent insoluble sediment and contaminants from entering the technological process, ready-made saline solution is pumped into another container from which production occurs. Long term storage prepared solution is not recommended, because Over time, its activity decreases.The solution is supplied for mixing using a pump. The supply volume is regulated by the duration of activation and the nominal flow of the pump.

3. Mixing the dry mixture with saline solution.

First, the saline solution is poured into the mixer in the required dosage, then the dry mixture is fed, continuously stirring the resulting viscous mass. This method allows you to avoid “accumulation” on the mixer body and blades. To avoid leakage of the viscous mass and salt solution, it is advisable to use a mixer with lateral discharge by “tilting”.The following ratio is recommended: 1 kg of dry mixture is mixed with 1.1...1.2 liters of salt solution. A more liquid solution gives best quality surface and dense structure of LSU, however, leads to an increase in the cost of the sheet, an increase in its weight and an increase in drying time.

4. Molding of glass-magnesium sheet.

The molding process includes the following steps:

1. substrate preparation;

2. applying “glaze” to the substrate to obtain the front surface;

3. supply of fiberglass mesh for the first reinforcing layer;

4. supply of the main viscous mixture;

5. supply of the second reinforcing layer of fiberglass mesh;

6. innings nonwoven fabric(excluded when processing the back surface with a grinding machine);

7. feeding a layer of material for grinding the back surface (only for sanded sheets);

8. pre-forming;

9. cutting of raw sheet;

10. finishing molding.

5. Formation of the front surface of glass-magnesium sheet.

To give the front surface increased hardness and “glossy”, a specially prepared “glaze” is used. The glaze consists of magnesium oxide powder, magnesium chloride solution, plasticizer and talc. Gypsum can be used as a plasticizer, which increases the “survivability” of the solution to 30...40 minutes at a 3% concentration. When the sheet dries, gypsum gives increased hardness to the front surface. The ratio of magnesium oxide and magnesium chloride solution 205...210 g of magnesium oxide is mixed with 1.1...1.2 liters of salt solution. It is recommended to add about 3% by weight of bulk dry components - gypsum and 2...5% - talc.

There are different ways to apply the “glaze”:

- dipping the first layer of fiberglass mesh into a special bath;

- supplying the glaze directly to the matrix before laying the first layer of fiberglass mesh.

In any case, a roller is needed that levels the glaze layer on the matrix, recessing the first layer of fiberglass mesh. The specified roller is best made of stainless steel, then the adhesion of “glaze” to the surface of the roller is insignificant and the wear of the roller surface from cleaning devices will be less than when it is made of plastic materials.

6. Reinforcement of glass-magnesium sheet.

Reinforcement of glass-magnesium sheet in classic version carried out with fiberglass mesh in two layers. On the front surface it is advisable to use a fiberglass mesh with a fine mesh. On the back surface you can use a cheaper fiberglass mesh with a large cell. For the front side, it is recommended to use plaster fiberglass mesh with a cell size from 5×5 mm to 7×7 mm, density
from 60 g/m2 to 140 g/m2.

To increase the strength of the sheet and reduce costs, through the use of cheap fiberglass mesh with a large cell, fiber can be used. The greatest increase in strength is provided by basalt fiber.

The second layer of fiberglass mesh is applied after laying the main layer of the viscous mixture. If the sheet is subjected to grinding, another layer of material is applied to the second layer of fiberglass mesh for finishing grinding.

7. Formation of the back surface of a glass-magnesium sheet.

The back surface of the sheet is formed in two ways:

- feeding nonwoven material and further rolling with rollers;

- rolling with rollers without feeding non-woven material and further grinding on a machine;

When producing premium sheets with a ground back surface, it is recommended to use rolls made of stainless steel. The wear on the surface of such rolls, as well as the adhesion of material to them, will be minimal.

8. Drying glass-magnesium sheet.

Drying of glass-magnesium sheet should be carried out in two stages. The first stage is drying on a substrate in a cassette. The second stage is drying the sheet removed from the substrate in the “edge” position. In this case, the likelihood of sheet warping will be minimized. During the reaction between magnesium oxide and magnesium chloride, intense heat is released (exothermic reaction). If it is found that no heat is released during initial drying, then you should pay attention to the proportions of magnesium oxide and magnesium chloride, or check the quality of the raw materials.

Primary drying of the sheet on the substrate should be carried out at a temperature of 32...36 0 C. For this purpose, it is necessary to organize a special drying chamber with forced circulation air. With the specified drying mode, the sheet gains sufficient strength to be removed from the substrate in 6...8 hours. If the drying temperature is lower than specified, then the reaction between magnesium oxide and magnesium chloride will not be completed properly, the sheet will not gain sufficient strength and will subsequently become hygroscopic and brittle.

Strengthening, after removing the sheet from the substrate, must take place at a temperature of 20...24 0 C for at least 24 hours. After which the sheet will be ready for final trimming of the edges. In this case, the sheet will have a light surface, a color close to white or cream, while the raw sheet has a surface color close to gray.

Depending on the quality of the raw materials used, at the beginning of drying the sheet may increase in thickness and subsequently decrease. The amount of thickness change is determined experimentally and may vary for different supplies of magnesite.

9. Finish trimming the edges of the glass-magnesium sheet.

Finish cutting of the edges of the glass-magnesium sheet is carried out on a machine. The most common design is a periodic machine. In this option, sheets are loaded in batches. The number of sheets in a batch depends on the thickness of the sheet and the quality of the saw blades. The most common problems arise when saw blades overheat due to their incorrect positioning in relation to the cutting axis. You should pay attention to the principle of moving the carriage with saw blades and the table with sheets laid on it. There is a significant drawback in the design with rollers resting on guides under the influence of gravity. This design cannot provide sufficient cutting rigidity. Defects in the cutting edge of the sheet may occur in the following cases:

- leaf that is not dry enough;

- dulling or rubbing of the cutting edges of saw blade teeth;

- exceeding the number of sheets in a batch laid on the cutting table;

- ingress of foreign objects (cut sheet strips) onto the guides of the cutting table or guides of the carriage with saw blades;

- overheating of saw blades

Our company is pleased to offer you buy SML glass-magnesium sheet By low prices . This is a modern environmentally friendly building material, created by advanced technologies to replace drywall.

The LSU board is covered with fiberglass on both sides. All components of the glass-magnesite sheet are environmentally friendly and do not emit toxic substances. Delivery of SML slabs wholesale and retail is possible. Magnesium glass sheet is the best option for many types of finishing. It can be classified as a material widely used for dry and prefabricated construction. Its composition unique properties allows with much best result replace traditional OSB, DSP, chipboard, plywood and flat slate, it is especially convenient to replace gypsum fiber sheets, including moisture-resistant ones. Glass-magnesite sheet is almost 50% lighter than plasterboard, much stronger and many times more moisture resistant, does not break or crumble during operation, and is classified as non-flammable.

Magnesium sheets, having a good ability not to break when bending, can be bent to a curvature with a radius of up to 3 meters, which allows it to be used for installation of curved surfaces, without fear of cracks and fractures. The glass-magnesite sheet contains only natural and environmentally friendly components, without the possibility of mold and fungi. One of the main qualities of a magnesite board is its ease of processing, without the use of special tools and equipment.

SML sheet application

  • For cladding internal and external walls of buildings.
  • For the manufacture of floors and ceilings.
  • For installation of interior partitions.
  • For cladding saunas, swimming pools and bathrooms.
  • For installing a soft roof.
  • For the installation of ventilated facades.
  • SML glass-magnesium sheets are actively used for the manufacture of fences and enclosures.
  • In the furniture industry
  • Shopping malls, entertainment centers, hotel complexes, restaurants, factories, warehouses, new buildings, renovation of old premises, medical institutions, kindergartens, schools and other educational institutions.

First of all glass magnesium sheet is a modern and significantly better replacement for drywall. and although it is very similar in properties, there are a significant number of distinctive features that make it much more practical and reliable. Included glass magnesium sheet includes fiberglass mesh, which significantly increases the hardness and strength of the sheets, the density also increases, thereby increasing moisture resistance. This allows this building material to be used in exterior decoration buildings and in places with high humidity. The glass-magnesium sheet is not afraid of significant temperature changes; it is easy to process and does not crumble or produce a lot of dust, and technological feature it is such that the sheets have a uniform thickness along the entire perimeter, which makes its installation less labor-intensive and convenient.

SML buy

Our company is ready to provide special wholesale prices and the opportunity to buy directly from the manufacturer or from a regional warehouse.


1) Moisture resistance- glass-magnesium sheet does not undergo deformation, does not swell and does not lose its properties after 4 months of being in water. The coefficient of change in shape in the wet state is 0.34%. The bending resistance force in a dry state is 18Mra, the bending resistance force in a wet state is 22Mra.

2) Fire resistance, fire resistance- it has been experimentally confirmed that the SML sheet is a non-flammable material. Magnelite was assigned the NG class of non-flammability of materials by the State Authoritative Testing Inspectorate. High fire resistance prevents fires and the spread of fire during a fire. With a sheet thickness of 8 mm, it holds fire for up to 3 hours, withstands heating up to 3000C

3) Soundproofing- 12 mm sm glass-magnesium sheet in terms of sound transmission corresponds to four layers of twelve mm plasterboard sheet, which also corresponds to sound transmission brick wall 150mm thick

4) Strength characteristics- in the presented characteristics it is clearly visible that magnetite exceeds the main ones in strength finishing materials both in dry and wet conditions. All results are confirmed by quality and examination certificates.

5) WEIGHT- The specific gravity of the 8mm Premium CLASS glass-magnesium sheet is 23kg!!! Anything below is standard or (lower grade). This is a very important indicator, since it is usually difficult to determine the quality of a product by eye. Compared to light steel through run specific gravity which is 31.5 kg/m2, is much lighter, which contributes to a significant reduction in the weight of the structure and faster installation.

6) Thermal resistance- glass-magnesium sheet is 1.14; this property allows you to maintain the temperature inside the room.

7) Installation - SML glass-magnesite sheet It is convenient for installation, since it is cut by cutting the fiberglass and breaking it off at the point of the cut. Fastening is carried out with screws to metal or wooden frame by analogy with the principle of fastening gypsum fiber board (gypsum fiber sheet).

8) High plasticity of the material: Magnelite has high ductility (flexibility). Thanks to the reinforcing fiberglass mesh, Magnelite can bend with a radius of curvature from 25 cm to 3 meters, which allows it to be used on curved surfaces and reduces the likelihood of fracture during installation and transfer. Which in itself makes it indispensable for certain types of work.

9) Environmental friendliness- Mineral raw materials, plant fibers and other natural raw materials are used for production. The radioactivity level is much lower than the maximum permissible norm by Gosstandart. It meets the environmental requirements of Gosstandart and is a material recommended for use.

Glass magnesite sheet is made from natural mineral components and water. The base is magnesium oxide, there are no organic solvents, oils, no toxic ingredients, no heavy metal salts or asbestos. Magnesium oxide combines well in the form of a system of MgO, MgCl2 and H2O alkaline agent, having a stable colloidal state, which ultimately forms the basis for strength and all other qualities and allows it to be characterized as a new frameless decorative material, especially unique in its waterproofness, fireproof qualities, high resistance to corrosion, its ductility is better than many other building materials of a similar category.

SML glass magnesite sheet. Physical and mechanical characteristics.

SML Standard

Face hardness

Frost resistance

Thermal conductivity

no more than 0.197 W/mK

Moisture absorption

SML Premium

Dry flexural strength

Wet flexural strength

Face hardness

Frost resistance

Thermal conductivity no more

no more than 0.266 W/mK

Gypsum plasterboard sheets (GKL) currently serve as a ubiquitous finishing material. They are used to seal slopes, level walls, construct partitions, and restore the geometry of rooms.

Such designs do not require subsequent special treatment and can be used in its original form. But even moisture-resistant drywall is not suitable for outdoor work. Therefore, we developed an analogue - glass-magnesium (glass-magnesite) sheet (GML), resistant to environmental influences.

The product, having appeared on the building materials market, quickly gained popularity, and this is not surprising. It can be used with equal effectiveness both in ordinary rooms (dry) and in those with high humidity: in bathrooms, toilet rooms, in kitchens, swimming pools, boiler rooms, etc.

Business Opportunities

According to statistics, in countries Western Europe and the USA, up to 70 percent of all finishing and repair work is carried out using glass-magnesite sheets. The same trend is emerging in our country, but domestic market is not yet so saturated with this material. Therefore, the production of LSU in Russia is very profitable business: There is little competition in the segment, but the sales market is so large that there will definitely be no problems with the sale of products.

Characteristics and properties

Glass-magnesium sheet has many advantages over plasterboard. This is a universal material for finishing surfaces for interior and exterior work. LSU is made from wood chips, fiberglass and magnesite, mechanically connected.

The result is a slab white(there is a slight shade of ivory color) up to two centimeters thick with one smooth side and the other embossed (due to fiberglass reinforcement). If the smooth side is used as the front side of the room, then it can be decorated with wallpaper, film, veneer, and if it is embossed - with plaster, any paint, or finished with ceramic tiles.

Advantages of LSU compared to gypsum board

  • Strength. The glass-magnesium sheet is more elastic, lighter, more resistant to impacts, but at the same time has good density.
  • Moisture resistance. LSU does not absorb liquid, does not warp, does not deform under the influence of moisture, and after being kept in water for a long time, when dried, it restores its quality and shape.
  • Thermal insulation. The material has a low thermal conductivity coefficient.
  • Fire safety. The glass-magnesite sheet can withstand significant thermal loads and is non-flammable.
  • Soundproofing. LSU absorbs sound perfectly.
  • Economical. A sheet eight millimeters thick can replace a 25 mm layer of plasterboard. The use of LSU allows you to save money and time.
  • Environmental friendliness. The material does not emit toxins (including asbestos) and is environmentally friendly.
  • Ease of use. Due to their flexibility and lightness, glass-magnesium sheets can be used in complex architectural compositions (the edges of the LSU do not crumble or break during installation) and can be used as a finishing layer even without decoration (pasting, plastering, painting, etc.).

Equipment for the production of SML

The technological line is not very complicated, which will certainly please entrepreneurs. Not counting belt rollers, only three main units are used:

  1. The molder is the actual machine in which the production of glass-magnesium sheet occurs. The device is a complex of molding plates - special plastic molds, filled with a prescription mixture and connected into a single unit.
  2. The platform for mixing raw materials is an automatic mixer equipped with a dispenser into which the starting materials are poured. Then they are fed in portions into the mixer, where they are homogenized (brought to the desired condition).
  3. An automatic cutting machine is a device into which dried SML workpieces are fed in batches for the purpose of cutting them to predetermined sizes.

Also, the equipment for the production of glass-magnesium sheets must include drying chambers, waste processing machines and other units.

Manufacturing of SML

To make the essence of the technology more clear, let’s break the entire process into intermediate stages.

  1. First, the raw materials are prepared (mixtures are prepared according to the recipe).
  2. The sheet is formed (a semi-finished product is produced).
  3. Then the material is laminated (grinding on one or both sides). This is an optional action, because during finishing work, as a rule, the surface of the sheet is additionally decorated.
  4. Washing is carried out (dust and other foreign particles remaining after lamination are washed away).
  5. Drying is carried out (with or without the use of drying chambers).
  6. The uneven edge is trimmed.
  7. The chamfer is removed (the LSU is given a geometrically correct appearance).
  8. The sheets are packed into bundles.

Equipment cost

A minimally equipped line, including only a molder, a cutting machine, one unloading cassette and one curing bath, will cost from three million rubles. This option does not provide drying chambers, so drying will have to be carried out in a separate, specially equipped room.

The process takes 30-50 hours at room temperature. Also, the line does not include a platform for mixing raw materials, and the bath and unloading cassette are present in a single copy, so if necessary, they will need to be ordered additionally. The production of glass-magnesium sheet will be carried out at a speed of 1 SML per minute.

The mid-range line requires larger area, since it includes more units. This, in addition to the equipment provided in the previous line, includes dispensers, a vibrating sieve, a waste crusher, conveyors, and mixers.

Such equipment will cost about one and a half times more than in the first case (about 4.5 million rubles), but it is also technologically more advanced. Firstly, thanks to the presence of a waste crusher, the production of glass-magnesium sheet will become waste-free, and secondly, due to the presence of dispensers ready mix will be automatically fed into the bunker, thirdly, the conveyors will mechanically mix the mixture. Productivity will, of course, increase.

If funds allow, you can purchase a line full type, which is actually an entire factory. It will cost between 8-9 million rubles.

Production premises

To place the necessary equipment and materials, you will need a workshop with four rooms, these are:

  • the actual premises where the production of glass-magnesium sheet will be carried out;
  • a warehouse where the components will be stored and the mixture will be prepared;
  • room for drying material;
  • warehouse for storing finished products.

To accommodate a week's supply of raw materials, you will need a warehouse with an area of ​​100-120 square meters. Production workshop, in which the production line will be located, must have an area of ​​at least 200 square meters (width at least 5 meters, length - 40 meters).

An area of ​​100 square meters is enough for the room in which drying will take place, provided that it works in one shift (2 shifts - 200 sq. m, 3 shifts - 300 sq. m). A warehouse for finished products can have a fairly small area - 100-150 square meters.


To work one shift you will need:

  1. Two working areas for mixture preparation.
  2. Five workers on the line.
  3. Four people for the drying and cutting areas.
  4. One forklift driver, simultaneously performing the functions of a storekeeper.
  5. Two loaders.
  6. One foreman (shift supervisor).

This makes a total of fifteen people per shift. The wages of unskilled workers in the country as a whole range from 20-25 thousand rubles; a forklift driver and foreman will need to be paid 35 thousand rubles and above.

In conclusion

So, truly universal material is glass magnesite sheet. Its use in interior decoration can significantly simplify renovation work, so the popularity of such material is only gaining momentum. Even if you work one shift, the costs of starting a business will be recouped within six months. We hope that the information presented in the article helped you understand how to open your own LSU production. Good luck!

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):