The document has registration number 23 933. The act operates in accordance with section “4 g” of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation number 354 dated 05/06/11.

The document came into force on September 1, 2012 and has since stated:

  1. Criteria for presence and absence technical feasibility installation of metering devices, including common ones, listed in the first appendix.
  2. Description of the act of studying the structure, determining the possibility of installing meters that calculate fees for the use of energy and water resources according to the rules specified in the second appendix.
  3. The principles for completing the previous document are listed in the third appendix.

First application

Factors of the presence or absence of the technical possibility of installing metering devices are determined for devices that count the consumption of water, light, gas and other substances. They determine the amount that the end user spends for life. The purpose of placement is to enable the production and/or sales company to issue an invoice for the relevant service.

Impossibility criteria

Before installation, an inspection is carried out to allow or prohibit the process. Installation of one or more types is impossible if any of the following factors are identified:

  • Major repairs, including replacement or installation, have not been carried out for a long time engineering systems, responsible for the supply of water, electricity, heat or gas to residential premises. For old buildings that lack the necessary piping, reconstruction is carried out. During the renovation, new engineering systems are created.
  • An inspection of the structure showed that installation is not allowed, since it is impossible to comply with all metrological conditions for the installation of the device and/or its location. The ban applies if the technical requirements to the installation procedure for this meter. In such cases, it is necessary to ensure compliance with the relevant rules and resolve problems.
  • At the point intended for placement, the rules of uniformity of measurements cannot be ensured. The legislation specifies a technical solution to the problem, including if it is related to problems in the building structure or engineering systems. The document also names the operating conditions of the devices and characterizes the features that ensure stable work. The latter include indicators of temperature and humidity, possible electromagnetic and water interference. Engineering Communication should allow citizens to easily take readings and, if necessary, maintain and replace individual or common meters.

If the survey shows that the building has a different than horizontal layout of the space heating system, it is prohibited to place heat energy metering devices for it. This fact does not apply multi-storey buildings, indicated in paragraph 5.

Installation permission

If the survey shows the absence of the prohibitions listed above, the installation of metering devices is allowed. The technical possibility of installing a meter applies to any multi-apartment buildings, except those mentioned in the fifth paragraph.

Installation of resource consumption metering devices is allowed for multi-storey buildings, described in Federal Law No. 261 of November 23, 2009. The document establishes requirements for buildings to equip them with metering devices at the time of commissioning. Also applies to the following articles corresponding to acts of legislation of the Russian Federation: 5711; 2291; 4160 and 4206; 4288 and 4291; 4590; 7061; 7344 and 7359; 7447 relevant acts of legislation: 48; 19; 31; 29; thirty; 49; 50; 51.

The results of the survey are recorded in a document characterizing the buildings. It lists the discovered criteria that allow or prohibit the installation of means of accounting for resource consumption by end users.

Third application

Principles for completing a survey document describing the feasibility factors for installing a meter or TDPU.

Persons involved in the procedure

The legal entity involved in the procedure is indicated. The purpose of the study is to determine the possibility of installing a device for metering the consumption of water, heat, gas and electrical resources in the premises multi-storey building. The act applies to both individual and shared devices. The full name and passport details of the individual entrepreneur, permanent residence address and contact details must be indicated.

Full name of all persons participating in the procedure, the purpose of which is to discover the opportunity to install meters. These include trusted legal representatives. person or individual entrepreneur executing the order. They also indicate the details of the document that allows these people to carry out the examination procedure (a power of attorney, surety, etc. is required).

Full names of all persons present during the inspection of the structure. In addition to those mentioned above, you must indicate:

  • Representative of the individual entrepreneur who is responsible for maintaining common property apartment building in good condition. Then indicate your full name individual or the name of the legal entity whose representative is the present participant in the process.
  • The owner of a building that is subject to a professional inspection to determine whether it is possible to install meters for water supply, electricity, gas, and heat. Representatives may be indicated.
  • Other persons present during the inspection of the house.


Describes the types of devices that are affected by the inspection process that determines whether installation is possible individual device accounting. It is also carried out if the latter is a communal one. Two indicators regarding devices are indicated:

  • How many end users does it connect to: one or all?
  • What resource consumption takes into account: water, electrical energy, gas.

Indicates the address of the building where the survey will be carried out. The goal is to allow or prohibit the placement of meters for water, light and heat consumption. The building can be a residential apartment building or a multi-storey industrial building.

Indicates the manner in which the inspection of the structure will be carried out. There are two types of study: simple inspection and using additional tools and/or tools.

Indicates the results of the procedure. Allows or prohibits the installation of metering devices.

To be filled in if it is discovered that it is impossible to install a water, electricity or gas meter. Indicate what type of device the ban applies to, and the reasons for the impossibility of installation.

The item is completed if one or more persons have a personal opinion regarding the verification process and/or results. In such situations, indicate the full name of the person who expressed the personal opinion, as well as its content. It may concern exclusively work issues related to the examination. Otherwise, filling out will be refused.

Indicate the number of copies of this act. One copy is issued to each person present (all individuals or legal entities named in paragraphs 1-3 of this appendix).

After the main part, indicate the following points:

  1. If there are tools used for installation work, the report describes their characteristics.
  2. If there are devices involved in measurement, its name, metrological features and the date of the next inspection are recorded in the report.

A copy of the report is given to each person present during the examination. Residents of the building where the event is being held can request and receive a copy of the document.

Can water in a well freeze? No, the water will not freeze, because... both in sandy and artesian well the water is below the freezing point of the soil. Is it possible to install a pipe with a diameter greater than 133 mm in a sandy well of a water supply system (I have a pump for a large pipe)? It does not make sense when installing sand well install a pipe larger diameter, because Sand well productivity is low. The Malysh pump is specially designed for such wells. Can it rust? steel pipe in a water supply well? Slow enough. Since when constructing a well suburban water supply It is sealed, there is no oxygen access into the well and the oxidation process is very slow. What are the pipe diameters for an individual well? What is the productivity of a well with different pipe diameters? Pipe diameters for constructing a water well: 114 - 133 (mm) - well productivity 1 - 3 cubic meters / hour; 127 - 159 (mm) - well productivity 1 - 5 cubic meters ./hour; 168 (mm) - well productivity 3 - 10 cubic meters/hour; REMEMBER! It is necessary that...

Registration N 23933

In accordance with subparagraph "d" of paragraph 4 of the Government resolution Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 N 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings And residential buildings"(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 22, Art. 3168) I order:

1. Approve:

criteria for the presence (absence) of the technical possibility of installing individual, common (apartment), collective (common house) metering devices in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this order;

the form of an inspection report to determine the presence (absence) of the technical feasibility of installing individual, common (apartment), collective (common house) metering devices in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this order;

the procedure for filling out an inspection report to determine the presence (absence) of the technical feasibility of installing individual, common (apartment), collective (common house) metering devices in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to this order.

3. The Department of Housing and Communal Services, no later than 10 days from the date of signing, send this order to state registration to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

4. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation A.A. Popova.

And about. Minister V. Tokarev

Appendix No. 1

Criteria for the presence (absence) of the technical possibility of installing individual, common (apartment), collective (common house) metering devices

1. Criteria for the presence (absence) of the technical possibility of installing individual, common (apartment), collective (common house) metering devices cold water, hot water, electrical energy, natural gas, thermal energy (hereinafter referred to as the metering device of the corresponding type) are installed in order to determine the possibility of using metering devices of the corresponding type when calculating fees for utility service for cold water supply, hot water supply, electricity supply, gas supply, heating.

2. There is no technical possibility of installing a metering device of the appropriate type in an apartment building (residential building or premises), with the exception of the apartment building (residential building or premises) specified in paragraph 5 of this document, if the presence of at least one of the following criteria:

a) installation of a metering device of the appropriate type according to the design characteristics of an apartment building (residential building or premises) is impossible without reconstruction, overhaul existing in-house engineering systems (in-apartment equipment) and (or) without the creation of new in-house engineering systems (in-apartment equipment);

b) when installing a metering device of the corresponding type, it is impossible to ensure compliance with the mandatory metrological and technical requirements for the metering device of the corresponding type, including the place and procedure for its installation, required in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements and on technical regulation;

c) in the place where a metering device of the corresponding type is to be installed, it is impossible to ensure compliance with the requirements in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements and on technical regulation mandatory requirements to the operating conditions of the metering device of the corresponding type, which are necessary for its proper functioning, including due to technical condition and (or) operating mode of in-house engineering systems (in-apartment equipment), temperature regime, humidity, electromagnetic interference, flooding of premises, and (or) it is impossible to provide access to take readings from a metering device of the appropriate type, its maintenance, and replacement.

3. There is no technical possibility of installing an individual, common (apartment) heat energy meter in the premises of an apartment building, with the exception of the apartment building specified in paragraph 5 of this document, if, according to the design characteristics, the apartment building has a vertical distribution of intra-house heating engineering systems.

4. The technical feasibility of installing a metering device of the appropriate type in an apartment building (residential building or premises), with the exception of the apartment building (residential building or premises) specified in paragraph 5 of this document, is available if, during the inspection of the technical feasibility of installing a metering device of the appropriate type the absence of the criteria specified in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this document will be established.

5. Regarding apartment buildings(residential buildings or premises), for which Federal law dated November 23, 2009 N 261-FZ “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2009, N 48, Art. 5711; 2010, N 19, Art. 2291, Art. 4160, No. 29, Art. 4291, Art. 4590, Art. N 51, Art. 7447) establishes a requirement to equip them with certain types of energy resource metering devices on the date of their commissioning; the technical possibility of installing such metering devices is available.

6. The results of the inspection of the technical feasibility of installing a metering device of the appropriate type are indicated in the inspection report to establish the presence (absence) of the technical feasibility of installing individual, common (apartment), collective (common house) metering devices.

Appendix No. 3

The procedure for filling out an inspection report to determine the presence (absence) of the technical feasibility of installing individual, common (apartment), collective (common house) metering devices

1. In paragraph 1 of the inspection report to determine the presence (absence) of the technical feasibility of installing individual, common (apartment), collective (common house) metering devices (hereinafter referred to as the survey report), the full name is indicated legal entity(last name, first name, patronymic, passport details individual entrepreneur) conducting the survey, as well as contact details of such a legal entity (individual entrepreneur): address (location ( permanent place residence) and contact telephone number.

2. In paragraph 2 of the inspection report, the surname, first name, patronymic of each person - a representative of the legal entity (individual entrepreneur) conducting the survey, as well as details of the document confirming the authority of this person to conduct the survey (power of attorney, assignment, order, etc.) are indicated. ).

3. Paragraph 3 of the inspection report shall indicate the last name, first name, and patronymic of each person present during the inspection, including:

A representative of a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) responsible for the maintenance of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building, as well as the name of such legal entity (last name, first name, patronymic of the individual);

The owner (owner's representative) of the premises, residential building, in respect of which an application has been submitted for the installation of an individual, common (apartment) metering device;

Other persons participating in the survey.

4. In paragraph 4 of the inspection report, the type of metering device is indicated, for the installation of which the presence (absence) of the technical possibility of its installation is being examined:

Individual or common (apartment) or collective (common house);

Metering device for cold water, hot water, electrical energy, natural gas, thermal energy.

5. Paragraph 5 of the inspection report indicates the address of the apartment building (residential building or premises) in which the inspection is being carried out to determine the technical feasibility of installing a metering device of the appropriate type.

6. Paragraph 6 of the inspection report indicates the method of conducting the inspection: by inspection or using tools/measurements.

If a tool is used during a survey, its name and characteristics are indicated.

If a measuring instrument is used during a survey, its name, metrological characteristics and the expiration date of the next inspection interval are indicated.

7. Paragraph 7 of the inspection report indicates the results of the inspection, namely the presence or absence of the technical possibility of installing a metering device of the appropriate type.

8. Paragraph 8 of the inspection report is completed if during the inspection it is determined that there is no technical possibility of installing a metering device of the appropriate type, indicating specific criteria identified during the survey for the lack of technical feasibility of installing a metering device of the corresponding type.

9. Paragraph 9 of the survey report is completed if any of the persons present during the survey has a special opinion regarding the progress and results of the survey.

In this case, paragraph 9 of the inspection report indicates the last name, first name, patronymic of the person present who has a dissenting opinion, as well as the content of the dissenting opinion.

10. Paragraph 10 of the survey report indicates the number of copies of the drawn up report, which must correspond to the number of persons present during the survey.

The drawn up acts are handed to each of the persons present during the examination.







In accordance with subparagraph "d" of paragraph 4 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. "On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 22, Art. 3168 ) I order:

1. Approve:

criteria for the presence (absence) of the technical possibility of installing individual, common (apartment), collective (common house) metering devices in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this order;

the form of an inspection report to determine the presence (absence) of the technical feasibility of installing individual, common (apartment), collective (common house) metering devices in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this order;

the procedure for filling out an inspection report to determine the presence (absence) of the technical feasibility of installing individual, common (apartment), collective (common house) metering devices in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to this order.

3. The Department of Housing and Communal Services, no later than 10 days from the date of signing, sends this order for state registration to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

4. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation A.A. Popova.

And about. Minister


Appendix No. 1

to the order of the Ministry

regional development

Russian Federation





1. Criteria for the presence (absence) of the technical possibility of installing individual, common (apartment), collective (common house) metering devices for cold water, hot water, electric energy, natural gas, thermal energy (hereinafter referred to as the metering device of the corresponding type) are established in order to determine the possibility the use of metering devices of the appropriate type when calculating fees for utility services for cold water supply, hot water supply, electricity supply, gas supply, heating.

2. There is no technical possibility of installing a metering device of the appropriate type in an apartment building (residential building or premises), with the exception of the apartment building (residential building or premises) specified in paragraph 5 of this document, if the presence of at least one of the following criteria:

a) installation of a metering device of the appropriate type according to the design characteristics of an apartment building (residential building or premises) is impossible without reconstruction, major repairs of existing in-house engineering systems (in-apartment equipment) and (or) without the creation of new in-house engineering systems (in-apartment equipment);

b) when installing a metering device of the corresponding type, it is impossible to ensure compliance with the mandatory metrological and technical requirements for the metering device of the corresponding type, including the place and procedure for its installation, required in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements and on technical regulation;

c) in the place where the metering device of the corresponding type is to be installed, it is impossible to ensure compliance with the mandatory requirements for the operating conditions of the metering device of the corresponding type, which are necessary for its proper functioning, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements and on technical regulation, in including due to the technical condition and (or) operating mode of in-house engineering systems (in-house equipment), temperature conditions, humidity, electromagnetic interference, flooding of premises, and (or) it is impossible to provide access to take readings from a meter of the appropriate type, its maintenance, replacements.

3. There is no technical possibility of installing an individual, common (apartment) heat energy meter in the premises of an apartment building, with the exception of the apartment building specified in paragraph 5 of this document, if, according to the design characteristics, the apartment building has a vertical distribution of intra-house heating engineering systems.

4. The technical feasibility of installing a metering device of the appropriate type in an apartment building (residential building or premises), with the exception of the apartment building (residential building or premises) specified in paragraph 5 of this document, is available if, during the inspection of the technical feasibility of installing a metering device of the appropriate type the absence of the criteria specified in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this document will be established.

5. In relation to apartment buildings (residential buildings or premises), for which the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 N 261-FZ “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation Federation, 2009, No. 5711, No. 2291, No. 4160, Article 4206; , N 49, Art. 7061, N 50, Art. 7344, 7359, N 51, Art. 7447) a requirement is established for them to be equipped with certain types of energy resource metering devices on the date of their commissioning; the technical possibility of installing such metering devices is available.

6. The results of the inspection of the technical feasibility of installing a metering device of the appropriate type are indicated in the inspection report to establish the presence (absence) of the technical feasibility of installing individual, common (apartment), collective (common house) metering devices.

Appendix No. 2

to the order of the Ministry

regional development

Russian Federation

FORM OF INSPECTION REPORT FOR ESTABLISHING THE AVAILABILITY (ABSENCE) OF TECHNICAL POSSIBILITY OF INSTALLING INDIVIDUAL, COMMON (APARTMENT), COLLECTIVE (COMMON HOUSE) ACCOUNTING DEVICES, city _______________ "__" __________ 20__ 1. _________________________________________________________________________ (name of legal entity (individual entrepreneur), wire current examination ) ______________________________________________________________________________ address (location): _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________, contact telephone number: ____________________________________________________________, 2. Represented by ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________, (last name, first name, patronymic of the person - representative of the legal entity (individual entrepreneur) conducting the survey) acting on the basis of _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ (details document confirming the authority of the person to conduct the survey) 3. In the presence (indicate if present): ___________________________________________________________________________ (name of the legal entity (individual entrepreneur) responsible for the maintenance of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building and the person representing his interests during the survey) ___________________________________________________________________________ (last name, first name, patronymic of the owner (owner’s representative) of the premises, residential building in which the survey is being carried out) ___________________________________________________________________________ (other persons participating in the survey) 4. An inspection was carried out to determine the presence (absence) of the technical feasibility of installing _________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ (individual, general (apartment), collective (household) metering device ______________________________________________________________ (cold water, hot water, electric energy, natural gas, thermal energy) 5. At the address: ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ (indicate the address of the apartment building (residential building or premises) in which the examination) 6. The survey was carried out: ___________________________________________________ (indicate how the survey was carried out: ______________________________________________________________________________ by inspection or using tools/measuring instruments) using the following tools ___________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ (indicate the name of the instrument, if it is used during the survey, and if a measuring instrument is used, indicate its metrological characteristics and expiration date of the next intercheck interval of the measuring instrument) 7. As a result of the examination, it was established: _________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ (indicate the presence or absence of the technical possibility of installing the metering device) 8. There is no technical possibility of installing the metering device due to the establishment following criteria absence of such possibility: ____________ ___________________________________________________________________________ (indicate specific criteria for the lack of technical possibility of installing a metering device) 9. Dissenting opinion of those present (if any): ________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 10. This Act is drawn up in ____ copies Signatures of persons who took part in the survey: ________________________ ( _________________________) ________________________ (_________________________) ________________________ (_________________________)

Appendix No. 3

to the order of the Ministry

regional development

Russian Federation





1. In paragraph 1 of the inspection report to determine the presence (absence) of the technical feasibility of installing individual, common (apartment), collective (common house) metering devices (hereinafter referred to as the inspection report), the full name of the legal entity (last name, first name, patronymic, passport details) is indicated individual entrepreneur) conducting the survey, as well as contact details of such a legal entity (individual entrepreneur): address (location (permanent place of residence)) and contact telephone number.

2. In paragraph 2 of the inspection report, the surname, first name, patronymic of each person - a representative of the legal entity (individual entrepreneur) conducting the survey, as well as details of the document confirming the authority of this person to conduct the survey (power of attorney, assignment, order, etc.) are indicated. ).

3. Paragraph 3 of the inspection report shall indicate the last name, first name, and patronymic of each person present during the inspection, including:

A representative of a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) responsible for the maintenance of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building, as well as the name of such legal entity (last name, first name, patronymic of the individual);

The owner (owner's representative) of the premises, residential building, in respect of which an application has been submitted for the installation of an individual, common (apartment) metering device;

Other persons participating in the survey.

4. In paragraph 4 of the inspection report, the type of metering device is indicated, for the installation of which the presence (absence) of the technical possibility of its installation is being examined:

Individual or common (apartment) or collective (common house);

Metering device for cold water, hot water, electrical energy, natural gas, thermal energy.

5. Paragraph 5 of the inspection report indicates the address of the apartment building (residential building or premises) in which the inspection is being carried out to determine the technical feasibility of installing a metering device of the appropriate type.

6. Paragraph 6 of the inspection report indicates the method of conducting the inspection: by inspection or using tools/measurements.

If a tool is used during a survey, its name and characteristics are indicated.

If a measuring instrument is used during a survey, its name, metrological characteristics and the expiration date of the next inspection interval are indicated.

7. Paragraph 7 of the inspection report indicates the results of the inspection, namely the presence or absence of the technical possibility of installing a metering device of the appropriate type.

8. Paragraph 8 of the inspection report is completed if during the inspection it is determined that there is no technical possibility of installing a metering device of the appropriate type, indicating specific criteria identified during the survey for the lack of technical feasibility of installing a metering device of the corresponding type.

9. Paragraph 9 of the survey report is completed if any of the persons present during the survey has a special opinion regarding the progress and results of the survey.

In this case, paragraph 9 of the inspection report indicates the last name, first name, patronymic of the person present who has a dissenting opinion, as well as the content of the dissenting opinion.

10. Paragraph 10 of the survey report indicates the number of copies of the drawn up report, which must correspond to the number of persons present during the survey.

The drawn up acts are handed to each of the persons present during the examination.

Many apartments still do not have meters for the consumption of utility resources, and people pay according to the standard - most often more than they would pay according to the readings of the meter. But there are also those who have nowhere to install the meter simply physically, there is too little space, the design of intra-apartment networks does not allow it, it will be difficult to take readings, the pipes are old. How to legally competently be the first to equip your home with meters, and the second to refuse this? We are discussing the topic with the director of the MBU “Contact Center under the Mayor of Ulyanovsk” Denis Sedov.

— Denis Konstantinovich, what are the criteria for the technical possibility of installing a metering device and what significance do they have for a specific resident of a specific apartment?

— The installation of utility meters is regulated by several regulations. Firstly, this is Law No. 261-FZ of November 23, 2009 “On Energy Saving...”. Secondly, these are the Rules for the provision of public services No. 354 of May 6, 2011. And thirdly, Order No. 627 of December 29, 2011, which is called “On approval of the criteria for the presence (absence) of the technical feasibility of installing individual, common (apartment), collective (common house) metering devices, as well as the form of the inspection report to establish availability (absence) of the technical ability to install such devices and the procedure for filling it out.”

The law introduces the obligation of consumers to install metering devices - both communal and individual. The rules regulate the procedure for accounting for resource consumption, and the Order with this long name determines under what conditions it is possible to install meters and under what conditions it is not possible. But the criteria, I emphasize, were developed not so much to determine the possibility of actually installing the device, but to determine whether the meter can be used when calculating utility bills. Here's a nuance.

- Is this already installed device may be considered unsuitable for calculating payments?

- It turns out this way - based on whether the device itself, its installation location and operating conditions comply with the criteria prescribed in the Order. The first of them can be called absolute: technical specifications for the installation of metering devices a priori exist in houses put into operation after the Law “On Energy Saving...” came into force. This is November 27, 2009. There are features of installing individual heat energy metering devices, which require horizontal wiring in-house engineering systems, whereas in most multi-apartment residential buildings in use today it is vertical. Obviously, there are conditions for instrumentation not only in houses newly built after November 27, 2009, but also those put into operation on this date after major repairs or reconstruction. That is, the legislator actually obliges developers to furnish such houses before they move in, and future residents no longer need to worry about this.

— What about houses built before November 2009?

— For houses put into operation before November 27, 2009, the criteria are established in Appendix 1 to the Order. To conclude that it is not technically possible to install a meter, it is sufficient to identify at least one of the following circumstances:

- installation of a metering device of the appropriate type according to the design characteristics of an apartment building or premises is impossible without reconstruction, major repairs of in-house engineering systems or in-apartment equipment, or without the creation of new systems and equipment;

— when installing a metering device, it is impossible to ensure compliance with the mandatory metrological and technical requirements for the metering device, including the location and procedure for its installation, required in accordance with Russian legislation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements and on technical regulation;

— in the place where the metering device is to be installed, it is impossible to ensure the requirements for the operating conditions of the device that are necessary for its proper functioning. Including due to the technical condition of indoor equipment, humidity, temperature conditions, electromagnetic interference. Or it is impossible to provide access for taking readings, servicing the meter, or replacing it.

If during the survey it is revealed that the above circumstances do not exist, then the technical capabilities for installing the appropriate metering device are available.

— Who conducts this examination?

— According to the Order, the owner of the residential premises may be present during the inspection (and if an application has been submitted for the installation of an individual meter, then his presence is required), a representative of the RSO, a representative of the organization servicing the common property, who will provide, if necessary, access to the boundary of the networks where usually and the device is installed, other persons. However, the presence of government representatives is not mandatory. Based on the results of the inspection, an act is drawn up - its form is given in Appendix No. 2 to the Order, in which a conclusion is made about the availability of technical capabilities for installing the meter or its absence. If one of the survey participants has a special opinion about its results, an entry about it is made in the report. One copy of the act is given to each of those present.

— In whose name is the citizen applying?

— Clause 9 of Article 13 of the Law “On Energy Saving...” the responsibility for installing metering devices, their operation and replacement is assigned to resource supply organizations (RSO), which do not have the right to refuse to enter into an agreement with persons who apply to them, since it is public. The procedure for concluding an agreement and its essential terms were approved by Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia No. 149 of April 17, 2010. After receiving an application from the customer, RSO must conduct an inspection of the facility in order to verify the technical feasibility of installing the device. If available, RSO sends the customer a signed contract and technical conditions that the customer must fulfill before installing the meter. And if there is no technical possibility, the customer is sent a refusal to conclude a contract. If the owner of the premises did not turn to RSO, but to some other company, then it is not obliged to sign an agreement or draw up an inspection report for the possibility of installing the device, and this point may come up later, when installed counter will be introduced managing organization(performers) into operation. The contractor may discover that the installed meter is not suitable for use when calculating utility fees. It will reveal, in other words, exactly what the criteria for the presence or absence of the technical ability to install metering devices were developed for. And he can draw up an act about this.

— The law also provides for the forced cleaning of houses and apartments. How is it done in this case?

— Yes, the deadlines for the voluntary installation of metering devices of all types, except for thermal ones, have expired, and RSOs must do this forcibly, providing owners with an installment plan for five years in payment for instrumentation work. It also follows from the meaning of the regulatory documents that if for some reason the facility is unsuitable for installing meters, resource specialists must themselves carry out all the work to prepare, say, apartment engineering systems for instrumentation, and then install the metering devices themselves. This can greatly increase the costs of owners for equipping their homes with metering devices. However, it is quite difficult to imagine this working in practice. Rather, the RSO will conclude that it is not technically possible to install the device.

Gennady Yakimchev

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):