With a variety of flower colors, these plants are a delight to the eye. And their aroma is quite pleasant. But when the hyacinth has bloomed, what to do with the bulb? Its flowering and future development depend on proper care during this period.

It is very nice to receive a blooming hyacinth as a gift in winter or early spring. For sale during this period there is forcing - these are small bulbs with an inflorescence and leaves. Many people simply throw them away when the flowers fade. But it is quite possible to preserve hyacinth after flowering.

Caring for the bulb after forcing

Usually the plant is sold in small containers, where it lacks space, moisture, and nutrients. Forcing simply depletes the bulb. If the situation is really bad, then the still blooming hyacinth can be carefully transferred with soil into a larger pot. But this is, so to speak, an “ambulance”. It's better to wait until it blooms.

There are two ways save it after flowering. The main thing is not to dig up the bulb as soon as it has bloomed. After being forced out, she is weak and needs time to recover. The peduncle is cut off. It is better to do the following with the leaves: wait until they dry. If this is a spring forcing, then, if possible, it is good to keep the plant with leaves in a pot until July. To do this, place it in a dark place.

Moisturizing is needed regularly, but infrequently. Complete drought should not be allowed, but it is advisable that the soil dry out between waterings, gradually reducing it. After the leaves dry, they are removed , the bulb is removed from the ground.

It is dried and stored in peat chips or sawdust. Typically, their planting time is in the fall. With the first frost they are placed in open ground. If planted on warm autumn days, they may begin to grow, but with the arrival of cold weather they will simply die.

It is good to insulate beds with hyacinth for the winter with sawdust, peat, leaves or special material. Not all varieties are equally resistant to frost. Therefore, the shelter is removed only when the soil thaws.

But in practice this is not so easy to implement. Many bulbs cannot withstand storage until autumn and simply dry out. It is worth remembering that forcing them is depleted and even those that lasted until autumn will bloom only after 2 years.

Another way to preserve a plant is simpler and more effective. When the hyacinth finishes flowering, the arrow of the peduncle is cut off. If you haven’t transplanted from a small container before, now is the time. A drainage layer should be placed at the bottom of the pot. Pebbles or expanded clay are suitable for this.

The substrate can be taken ready-made from the store, or ordinary soil can be mixed with sand and peat. The onion is simply transferred to a new spacious container, without deepening it too much. Now the hyacinth should be placed in a warm place with plenty of light. A glazed, warm loggia would be a good option, but a window sill would also be perfect.

It is not difficult to care for: you need to water it in moderation, without soaking the bulb or over-wetting the substrate. Complex mineral compositions are suitable for feeding. With this care, hyacinth develops in almost the same conditions as in open soil.

When the plant produces leaves, it can be move to open ground. This should be done in the spring, when frosts have passed. Simply replant with a lump of earth into a planting hole without deepening the neck and level the soil. During its stay in the pot, the bulb accumulates nutrients. And next year you can expect flowering from it.

There is an important rule: after forcing the bulbs, you should not plant them in a pot and try to get them to bloom again. They are exhausted and need a rest period of about 3 months. Many people alternate planting them in open ground and in a pot.

Care after flowering in the garden

For plants located in open ground, the same question is relevant: the hyacinth has faded, what to do next? In principle, all procedures are almost no different from those described above. And in the open ground bulb formation and growth occurs precisely after the hyacinth blooms.

The peduncle arrow must be cut off even before the seed boxes begin to form. The fact is that they take a lot of nutrients from the bulb. But the leaves, on the contrary, supply substances for its growth. The longer the leaves stay green, the more nutrition it receives. Therefore, there is no need to remove them, but you should wait until they dry out on their own.

It is good to apply nitrogen fertilizers. Potassium and phosphorus mineral compositions are also suitable. They not only help the bulb recover after flowering, but also contribute to the formation of children. But you shouldn't overfeed them. Fertilizers are added to the soil after watering.

In open ground, after flowering, watering is carried out between rows once a week. As soon as the leaves turn yellow, it is stopped. When they are completely dry, it’s time to dig them up.

Theoretically, bulbs can be grown in one place for several years without digging them up. However, gardeners advise not to leave them in the ground for the winter, but dig every year. And there are several reasons for this:

  • After wintering, hyacinth may not bloom well. Not all varieties tolerate frost well;
  • This way you can get more planting material;
  • The bulbs are preserved from disease and rotting.

They are dug out in the fall in order to then set them to the required depth. Without this, they may stop blooming altogether. After digging, they are also disinfected, sorted and stored. It is important not to miss the moment when the leaves die. After this, you may not find the bulbs, since the hyacinth grows deeply into the ground.

Bulb storage conditions

This point is of great importance in growing hyacinths. So, before sending the bulbs for storage, you need to disinfect in manganese solution. Then dry it, leaving it for a week in the fresh air (not in the sun) or simply in a well-ventilated area. The optimal temperature for this is about 20°C.

It needs to be cleared of soil and excess scales. Particular care must be taken to separate those under which children are located. It is also good to make cross-shaped cuts on the bottoms of the onion. It is important to disinfect the knife after each use. You can wipe it with alcohol.

During sorting, the children are separated from the bulbs if they are easy to detach and they have already acquired their roots. The seed material is placed in boxes or paper bags, sprinkled with sawdust.

There are several stages in storing bulbs:

  1. The bulbs are kept at 25° C for 8 weeks;
  2. After this, it must be reduced to 18° C;
  3. A few days before planting, it is good to keep them in a cold room (t 4-5 ° C). This will help them adapt to the external environment.

Indoor humidity is also important. The air should be dry, but not so dry that the bulbs dry out. Good ventilation is also needed. Bulbs from open ground can also be stored at home. at a temperature of about 5°C. This is done only with adult specimens.

What to do if the bulb is sick? Leaves may turn yellow for this reason. In such cases, the planting material must be immediately dug up, kept in a dark solution of manganese and placed to dry separately from the others, treated with special preparations.

Hyacinth bulbs contain oxalic acid. It can cause irritation for people with sensitive skin, so it's best to protect your hands when handling them.

Preparation of planting material and soil

The soil must be prepared before planting hyacinth bulbs. When choosing a location, it is better to give preference to a bed that is located on a slight slope. So flooding can be avoided, which is very dangerous for the plant. As an option, bulk beds with sides are suitable. They will protect hyacinth from groundwater.

It is better to dig up the soil in advance so that it has time to settle. From fertilizers, you can add mineral compounds and humus to the soil. Ash and dolomite flour are quite suitable.

Before planting, the bulbs are sorted. It is important that they are not damaged or rotten. Then they are disinfected in potassium permanganate. The procedure is also good for preventing diseases. The babies formed during storage are carefully removed and placed in separate containers. Here they will grow and develop.

After pre-planting treatment bulbs are planted in holes, making them sand shirts. Sand is poured onto the bottom of the planting hole, the top is also sprinkled with sand, and only then with soil.

These flowers were brought to Europe back in the 18th century. And they invariably enjoy well-deserved popularity. Proper care of hyacinth after flowering determines how the plant will develop in the future. After all, one bulb, with the right approach, can delight you with flowering for about 10 years.

Hyacinth is a flower whose name is translated from Latin as flower of rain. It has this name due to its love for excessive moisture; there is also an assumption that it is so called because of the time of flowering of this plant in nature, namely in the spring during the rainy season.

Hyacinth is native to Southeast Asia. In most cases, this bulbous flower is grown in gardens, but it can also be done at home, but caring for the plant in this case is slightly different.

This unusually beautiful plant attracts attention thanks to its colorful and bright flowers that look like small bells, which are located on a fleshy peduncle in the form of a racemose inflorescence. Flowers can be either simple or double in yellow, pink, blue, purple, indigo or white.

Bright green, smooth and fleshy leaves, in an amount of 5 to 8 pieces, form a rosette sprouting from the bulb, from which a peduncle emerges. The flower reaches a height of 30 cm. The flowering of Hyacinth is accompanied by a subtle pleasant aroma.

There are many types of Hyacinth, including: Ostara, Amethyst, Rosalia, Sunflower, La Victoire, Litvinova, Transcayspian, Arentina Arendsen.

But the most popular and widespread in home growing is

Forcing at home

Caring for Hyacinth is not difficult, but you need to follow some rules. The first rule is choosing a bulb, from which the flower will be grown. The size of the bulb in diameter must be at least 5 cm, it must be dense, not affected by rot, diseases and insects. The second rule is to create the necessary atmosphere for successful flower cultivation.

Choosing a pot and soil for planting bulbs

The vessel for diluting Hyacinth should be medium in size and have drainage holes at the bottom. From 1 to 3 bulbs sit in one container. They should not come into contact with each other or with the walls of the pot.

A layer of drainage must be laid out at the bottom of the pot; for this, you can use a layer of sand about 2 cm.

The bulb is not completely placed in the soil; its upper part should not be covered. The substrate used is one that has a neutral acidity level, since high acidity is not suitable for the flower. To avoid rotting of the bulb, the surface of the soil is also covered with sand.

After planting the bulbs, they need to create a dormant period of about two months. The flowerpot is placed in a dark, cool place, perhaps even in the refrigerator, the temperature should be +5-7 degrees. Occasionally the soil needs to be watered to maintain constant moisture. During this time, the bulbs take root well and will produce flower stalks in the future. After the bulbs produce a pair of leaves, the flower is transferred to a bright place with a temperature no higher than +15 degrees.

And only when inflorescences form, the flowerpot is placed in a permanent place, where the plant is fully cared for.

Care during flowering

The flowering period of Hyacinth lasts on average about two weeks; during this period care is required, thanks to which the flowering will be lush and longer.


Hyacinth loves light very much, he needs it at least 15 hours a day. If you place it in a place where there is not enough light, you need to additionally use artificial lighting sources. On hot summer days, the plant needs to be shaded to avoid direct sunlight.


The best temperature for growing Hyacinth is +20-22 degrees. It is not recommended to keep the flower close to heating devices. You should also avoid drafts, as they can lead to the death of the flower.

Watering and spraying

The soil in the pot should always be slightly moist, this is especially important during flowering, active growth and wintering. You should also avoid stagnation of water, which can lead to rotting of the bulb and the development of fungal diseases. To do this, water is poured from the pan immediately after watering. Another important point is the method of watering itself: To ensure that water does not fall on the bulb, in the axils of the leaves and buds, the water must be poured near the edge of the pot.

The water should be soft at room temperature; it is good to use rain or melt water, preheating it.

Top dressing

The plant needs frequent feeding, about twice a month. To do this, use any universal fertilizer for indoor bulbous plants. Before feeding, you need to water the flower.

Care after flowering

Hyacinth, like all other flowering plants, fades over time. But in this case, its vital activity does not stop, but the care of the flower simply changes.

  • First the peduncle is cut off, the leaves remain, and caring for the flower continues until they die completely. After this, it is necessary to dry the bulbs and place the plant for a period of rest. To do this, the flower is removed from the pot, the roots are cleared of the soil, and the top of the plant is cut off at a distance of about one centimeter from the bulb.
  • The bulb is sprayed with a disinfectant solution, for example Fundazol, to avoid infections and remove the top unnecessary peel. Then the bulb is dried, at which time it must be turned periodically to dry completely.
  • When the bulb is completely dry, you need to wrap it in paper or sawdust and place it in a dark, dry place for 2-3 months, after which it can be planted again.

Video about caring for Hyacinth after flowering

Very often, flower growers adjust the flowering of Hyacinth to a certain time of the year, for example, to get an inflorescence on March 8, this must be done in October. For this purpose, a manipulation such as forcing - in this case, the bulbs are specially brought out of dormancy.

In this case, the planted bulbs are covered with a bag in which a hole is made so that the plant can breathe. Then the flower is grown, as with ordinary planting of bulbs.

Video about forcing Hyacinth by March 8

Reproduction methods

There are several ways to propagate Hyacinth. Among them: propagation by children, propagation by seeds, cutting the bottom and notching the bottom. At home, the first method is most often used, since the others are very time-consuming and complex; they are used by breeders and professionals.

On average, a bulb can produce 2-4 babies per year. They must be carefully separated from the mother bulb and planted in a separate container. If the baby is difficult to separate, then after a period of dormancy, the mother bulb is planted along with it and separated only after the next flowering of Hyacinth.

With this method of propagation, the plant blooms in 2-3 years.


Pruning the peduncle is necessary after flowering has completed, because if fruits form after the flowers, this will drain all the strength from the flower. Also When the leaves dry, they are also cut off.

Diseases and pests

Most often, Hyacinth is resistant to various types of threats when grown at home, because when transplanting the bulbs are treated with disinfectants. But sometimes hyacinth is threatened by the following diseases and pests:

  • Bacterial rot. There are many causes of infection with this disease and various symptoms of its manifestation, for example, the appearance of black spots on the leaves, rotting of the bulb, drying out of the roots, etc. The disease can only be dealt with in industrial production; at home, this leads to the death of the flower. In this case, it is necessary to get rid of the plant and soil, and disinfect the pot.
  • Insects. For example: aphids, mites and others. You can get rid of them by spraying the flower with chemicals, but only before the flowering period.
  • Physiological disorders. These are deformations of the peduncle, for example, curvature or incorrect flowering, which appear in case of non-compliance with the “forcing” regime, or rather the cooling period.

The bulb is affected by rot

Peduncle deformation


Thus, p The problem of growing Hyacinth at home is not great, if you follow all the rules for caring for this flower, and also provide appropriate care for it during the dormant period. In this case, Hyacinth will delight with its beautiful and fragrant blooms.

Hyacinth belongs to that group of flowers that are attractive to gardeners, which are universal and unpretentious in care. So, they will please the eye not only in the flowerbed in the garden, but on the windowsill of your home. And thanks to the abundance of different shades, you can turn a window sill or flower bed into a real multi-colored masterpiece.

a brief description of

Hyacinth is a bulbous perennial. The color received its unusual name thanks to a cruel ancient Greek myth, according to which a beautiful young man named Hyacinth was killed by one ancient Greek god out of jealousy. Another ancient Greek god, Apollo, and part-time friend of Hyacinth, managed to create a beautiful flower from his blood, named after his comrade.

You can remember this myth already in early spring, when hyacinth begins to bloom.

By combining different shades (see photo), you can choose simply unique combinations. Hyacinth amazes with its variety of shades, including: white, blue, purple, pink and even such rare options for colors as black and burgundy.

Names of commercial hyacinth varieties:

Another undoubted advantage of this flower is that it is perennial. Therefore, with proper care, it will delight you for more than one season.

The period of its flowering is delimited depending on the type of hyacinth. So, blue varieties are the pioneers, then their blooms are picked up by snow-white, pink-red and purple flowers. Finally, the orange and yellow varieties are the last to bloom.

The flowers of the plant form racemose inflorescences that take the shape of a cone. The perianth is a bright bell-shaped funnel. The fruit of the flower is three-locular. Each nest contains a pair of seeds.

The flower bulb includes succulent lower leaves. The flowering stem is a continuation of the bottom. It dries up after flowering, along with the leaves that frame it. However, a bud appears on the edge of the top leaf on the stem inside the bulb. Gradually it becomes a bulb and will be able to bloom next year. At the edges of the remaining leaves, other bulbs also appear - weaker. They can be detached and used for vegetative propagation.

General landing rules

When planting hyacinths in the ground or on a windowsill, there are some peculiarities. At the same time, in both the first and second cases one must be guided by general rules.

  • Primary attention should be given to the soil. It should contain both turf and leaf soil with the addition of baking powder.
  • Hyacinth needs to be provided with bright lighting, but avoid direct rays.
  • Fresh organic matter should not be used as fertilizer.

Rules for planting in the open ground garden

Before you plant this flower, you need to make sure that the conditions you want to provide the hyacinth meet its needs, including:

  • sunny place, sheltered from the wind;
  • absence of holes and other irregularities on the site;
  • soil enriched with nutrients.

If you have chosen hyacinths for the garden, then planting should be done in late September - early October. Pre-prepare the soil for planting. To do this you will need:

  1. Dig up the soil.
  2. Fertilize it with minerals.
  3. Add peat or sand if necessary. If you have sandy soil, increase the addition of magnesium and potassium substances.
  4. In spring, feed the flower with nitrogen fertilizers.

Advice! For planting, choose bulbs that are not too large. They form flower stalks that are weather-resistant. Before planting, it is better to soak them in a fungicide solution for about 30 minutes.

The bulbs should be planted to a depth of approximately 15-18 cm, maintaining a distance between them of approximately 15 cm. The distance between rows should be 5 cm greater. If your bulbs are smaller, then they need to be planted more densely and not so deep.

Advice! For better growth of the bulb, plant it in the so-called. "sand shirt" Place some clean river sand at the bottom of the hole. Lightly press the onion into it and cover it with sand. And only then - with soil. This will prevent water from stagnating in the soil, which will reduce the likelihood of the bulb rotting.

After planting is completed, the area should be watered.

Rules for planting on a windowsill

Hyacinth is not only a garden flower, but also a house flower. If you decide to plant hyacinth at home, for example, on a windowsill, then the sequence of actions will be slightly different.
First, the pot needs to be prepared for planting. To do this, drainage soil should be placed on its bottom. Then it should be covered with sand no more than a couple of centimeters, and only then the pot should be filled with soil mixture to the edge.

At the next stage, the actual planting work begins. Planting hyacinth is somewhat different from planting other bulbous plants, so be careful. The bulb should come out 1/3 of the soil. At the same time, if you have a long, large pot in which you want to plant several hyacinths at once, then you should maintain a gap between the bulbs, which should not be less than 2.5-3 cm.

Plant care

Like any other plant, hyacinth must be carefully cared for after planting.

  1. Here, it is quite natural, but no less significant, that weed removal is mandatory. In this regard, hyacinth is a well-known “clean plant”.
  2. The next no less important rule is to constantly loosen the soil.
  3. Provide mandatory watering in dry soil.

As you can see, the rules are not complicated and differ little from recommendations for caring for other flowers, but they must be followed regularly, and not from time to time.

At the same time, ideally, caring for hyacinth should be accompanied by some specific procedures, including the need to feed approximately 2-3 times during the growing season.

If your hyacinths bloom on the windowsill, then after planting, when watering, use a 0.2% solution of calcium nitrate. Then place the pot for a couple of months in a cool, dark place at a temperature of about 5 to 9 degrees.

Varieties of hyacinth

Currently, the classification of hyacinths includes three types, including:

  • oriental hyacinth;
  • Litvinov hyacinth;
  • Transcaspian hyacinth

The above species provide the basis for the cultivation of all possible variations of this plant. Its varieties differ, first of all, in the shape of the flower (according to this criterion they are divided into double and simple), as well as in the duration of flowering (late, middle, early). Another classification is by color.

Hyacinth is an excellent option for decorating your garden bed or windowsill; fortunately, its bulbs can now be bought without any problems.

The plant’s homeland is the warm shores of the Mediterranean and the lands of the Middle East, which is why it blooms in temperate zones even at the end of winter. Accustomed to certain climatic conditions, hyacinth does not change its habits even in our latitudes, which are less affectionate for it.

When properly managed, hyacinth delights us with its exotic beauty in early spring, at Christmas, and on the magical days of the New Year. Bright ears of fragrant inflorescences flash on the windowsills like a cheerful rainbow, filling the house with a delightful aroma. How to achieve success, what does a plant need, and what are the rules for caring for it?

What kind of flower is this

In the middle zone, an eastern plant species is chosen for cultural propagation. Its hybrid forms take root well in our latitudes, not only on apartment window sills, but also in summer cottages, under the open sky. The photo of hyacinth clearly shows its juicy, multi-faceted, cob-shaped inflorescences. They can reach a length of 40 cm, but more often there are cobs 20-30 cm long. The leaves form a grooved shape, are painted in a rich green color, 15-20 cm high with a width of only 1-1.5 cm.

The natural color of the plant's inflorescences is blue, but the bred varieties provide a riot of colors, ranging in all shades of yellow to pink, red, purple, and even black. They all exude a thick sweet aroma.

How to properly care for hyacinth

The flower belongs to the bulbous plants and has about 30 species. However, some scientists are inclined to consider the plant to be monotypic, creating different forms and varieties in one species. It was brought to Europe in the 16th century from the countries of Asia Minor. The hyacinth bulb is perennial; it does not form replacement bulbs, like a tulip, and therefore requires special treatment. The new-forming parts of the flower are renewal buds, which are formed annually in the same bulb. The long process of care begins with the bulb.

Forcing the bulb

To successfully bring the plant to flowering, you need to choose large, at least 5-6 cm, bulbs.

Advice: If the seed is taken from open ground and not in a store, then it should be dug up at the end of June, after flowering has completed. The bulb is allowed to rest until September and only after that they begin preparing for a new revival.

So, the hyacinth has faded, what to do with the bulb? It must be planted in soil made from a mixture of earth and sand, having previously laid a drainage layer on the bottom of the pot. Press the body of the bulb bottom down and cover with soil. When planting, make sure that the bulbs do not touch each other or the walls of the pot. Then the plant is removed to a dark and cold room. At home, a refrigerator is used for this. The plant should spend 2 months in this mode.

Important: when the bulb is in the refrigerator, do not dry out the soil, moisten it regularly, otherwise the flower will not wake up.

As soon as you notice that the flower has sprouted sprouts 2-2.5 cm high, it’s time to move it to a warmer place, with a temperature of 10-12 degrees. Wait for the buds to appear and transfer your treasure to the windowsill. Please note that by planting a bulb in September, you will receive the first flowers by the New Year, and planting in October will give results by March 8th. Now let's look at how to care for the flower further.


For a mature plant, a temperature of +20 degrees is considered comfortable. It does not like drafts and does not tolerate proximity to heating radiators. Choose a place where your handsome man will be cool and not windy. When planting and caring for hyacinths in open ground, place the plants under the protection of shrubs to protect them from drafts.


An adult plant requires optimal lighting conditions. It requires light, but it is better to use artificial lighting when caring for hyacinth than to expose it to direct sunlight. In the garden, the plant should be slightly shaded with the help of neighboring flowers or shrubs.

The soil

In care, the main thing is to choose the right soil composition. The flower loves permeable, well-fertilized soils, without acidification. When growing plants in open spaces, acidic soils must be limed, and sand and peat must be added to clay soils. For your home, just buy a universal flower mixture.

Attention! Do not fertilize the plant with fresh, slightly decomposed manure. Such feeding will lead to burning of the bulb.


For a summer cottage, the planting regime changes. What to do after hyacinths bloom if they grow in your garden?

    • First you need to prepare the area. Work begins in August to allow the soil to settle and prevent the roots of the plant from breaking off.
    • The soil is dug up to a depth of at least 40 cm.
    • Then fertilizer is applied. Humus or rotted manure is taken at the rate of 10-15 kg per square meter of soil. Peat, sand and mineral fertilizers (superphosphate) are added, calculating a portion of 60-80 g per square meter.

  • Planting begins at the end of September or early October. Early planting can cause the plant to grow in winter and die.
  • If planting occurred at the end of October - beginning of November, the plant must be well insulated and covered with film from snow and cold rain.
  • For flowerbed planting, when a lot of planting material is taken, the soil must be raised by 15-20 cm. Such a rise will provide good aeration in the spring, and the soil will warm up faster.

Care after flowering

If you don’t know when to dig up this beauty after flowering, take note: the most preferable time is the end of June - the beginning of July. In the garden and at home, you need to dig the bulb out of the ground, wash it, dry it, separate the bulblets, if any, and store them. Then proceed to their forcing, described above.


In flower propagation, bulbs, bulb scales and children are used. If the task is to breed a new variety, take the seeds of the plant, which, as a rule, do not inherit the characteristics of the mother flower. The process of growing from seeds is very complex and quite expensive, so it is better to use the first three methods for your home and garden.

    1. The simplest solution is to wait until the babies appear at the central bulb. However, when you dig up the hyacinths after flowering, you will find 2, maybe 3 or 4 babies there, no more. If you want to get a lot of children from a plant, you should interrupt its flowering so that it directs its forces to reproduction.
    2. Cutting out the bottom also helps speed up the formation of young bulbs. This must be done very carefully so as not to cause dangerous damage to the parent bulb. Use a teaspoon with the tip pointed. After cutting the bottom, remove the bases of the scale-like leaves and plant the bulb in the soil mixture, placing it cut side up. Maintain the temperature at +20 degrees for two months, until new bulbs form. Children appear on sections of scale-like leaves.

  1. If you doubt the success of the previous method, simply cut the bottom of the onion several times. The depth of the cuts is 0.5 cm. 4 or 2 cuts are sufficient, depending on the size of the planting material. Place the onion with the cuts in a dry, warm place for a day, at a temperature of 20 degrees, then transfer it to a prepared container with soil and wait for the babies to form.

Important: do not forget to treat sections of scale-like leaves and cuts with a fungicide to prevent their disease.

Diseases and pests

The first step to the disease can be poor planting material. Carefully cull the bulbs, mercilessly parting with diseased and damaged ones.

A characteristic disease of adult plants is yellow bacterial rot. It affects the plant bulbs, turning their tissues into shapeless mucus with a rather specific odor. The rotting process cannot be stopped, so all infected bulbs must be destroyed.

If the inflorescence falls out of the rosette of leaves, it means that you have flooded the flower. Excess moisture provokes an increase in root pressure, the inflorescence weakens and falls off.

In order to avoid such troubles as stunted growth, curvature of leaves and peduncles, it is imperative to treat both the soil and the bulbs before planting.

Yellowed leaves of a flower indicate a low amount of moisture and light. Move the plant to a brighter place and restore normal watering.

The best varieties for home and garden

The main difference between all varieties of hyacinth is the color of the inflorescence. Most gardeners choose a plant based on it. Flowers can be double or regular. In our latitudes, an oriental type of flower is grown, and the best varieties are recognized as:

    • White Festival and White Pearl with snow-white cobs;

    • Blue Festival and Delft Blue with inflorescences painted in the amazing Gzhel blue;

    • Woodstock, which produces stunning burgundy flowers;

  • Jan Bos will delight you with red and pink lights, and Pink Pearl will decorate the garden with bright pink blooms.

When choosing varieties, think about what you want to see in your garden or on the windowsill. For a large-scale composition, create organic combinations, and on a home windowsill, even one blooming hyacinth gives birth to an amazing symphony of beauty.

If you are not afraid of complex care, then you will become the owner of an amazing flower. It got its name from the god Apollo, who immortalized in it the name of his lover, killed by the god of the west wind Zephyr. So, from a drop of blood of a beautiful young man, a charming flower came into the world, conquering the hearts of millions.

Hyacinth is a beautiful flowering bulbous perennial plant native to the Mediterranean and southern Asia. Many cultivated varieties of this flower have been developed, which are distinguished by the variety of colors of the inflorescences.

Lush, bright flowering, a variety of colors and shades, as well as a subtle, but at the same time rich aroma, have made this spring flower extremely popular among gardeners, many of whom grow it at home, in a flower pot.

How to grow hyacinth in a pot, how to care for it at home, what to do with a hyacinth donated or planted by you after flowering, is what our conversation today will be about on the “Popular about Health” website:

Planting material

First of all, you need to purchase hyacinth bulbs. When purchasing, pay attention to their appearance. The strength and quality of flowering of your flower depends on the quality of the seed.

The bulbs must be strong, healthy, without rotten, spoiled or wet barrels, at least 5 cm in diameter. Before planting in the soil, it is recommended to treat them with a disinfectant solution, for example, a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

You can plant one or three onions. This depends on the size of the pot or other container where you will grow the hyacinth. Leave the distance between them 2-2.5 cm.

Soil and pot

In order for the beautiful hyacinth to be healthy and bloom well, you should prepare high-quality soil. It can be purchased at a gardening store or made independently from turf, leaf soil and compost humus. Add a little sand and peat to the mixture, taken in equal quantities.

Select a pot that is not deep, but wide, with mandatory holes in the bottom.


Before filling with soil, first add a layer of drainage. Then add some soil and level it out. Next, add a thin layer of clean river sand. Now place the bulbs on the sand, lightly press them into the sand, then add soil. To avoid rotting of the bulbs, sprinkle the surface of the soil with sand.

It is important that the bulbs are not completely in the ground. Their top should protrude slightly above the surface.

How to care for hyacinth in a pot at home?

Although hyacinth is quite unpretentious, you need to remember that it is, after all, a garden plant. Therefore, in order to grow it at home and admire the abundant flowering, you need to follow some rules and know the features of its cultivation. First of all, it is necessary to create conditions as close as possible to natural ones:


Hyacinth needs a lot of light. Therefore, place the pot in a well-lit, but not hot place. In winter, when daylight is not enough, it is necessary to use special phyto-lamps for additional illumination.


Maintain the air temperature moderately warm - from 20 to 22C. If there is a heat source near the plant, move the flower pot to a different location to prevent the leaves from drying out.


At home, hyacinth in a pot needs frequent, abundant watering. This is especially important when flowering begins. However, it does not like stagnant water; tender roots may rot or fungus will appear. Therefore, remove water from the pan in a timely manner.

Water with settled water at normal temperature when the soil begins to dry out. Make sure that moisture does not get on the surface of the bulb, buds and leaves. Therefore, it is better to water at the root.

Top dressing

For abundant, bright flowering, you need to feed with nitrogen and phosphorus compounds 2-3 times a month.

Loosening the soil

Be sure to periodically loosen the soil in the pot. Just do this very carefully so as not to damage the bulbs and roots.

What to do with hyacinth in a pot after flowering?

It happens that hyacinths in pots are given as gifts for some holiday. A beautiful flower certainly brings joy. But at home it will soon fade and what to do next? Many people simply throw it away as unnecessary. But why throw away such beauty, especially since the bulb in the pot is alive and, if provided with normal conditions, a new flower will grow.

Wait until the right time to plant the bulb outdoors. It is unlikely that you will achieve a quick re-blooming of hyacinth at home that has just faded.

After the end of flowering, the bulb begins a period of rest, until the onset of a new favorable period for flowering. During this time, the bulb must ripen and accumulate the nutrients necessary for the future development of a new flower.

After flowering, the hyacinth in the pot still needs to continue to be watered, loosen the soil and feed until the leaves dry out. After this, carefully cut off the upper dried part of the flower. Next, try to save the onion. How to preserve hyacinth bulbs after flowering?

Remove it from the soil, place it in a clean, dry paper bag and place it in the refrigerator (vegetable and fruit compartment) or other cool, dry place. You don’t have to clear the soil from it so as not to damage the delicate roots.

Plant in the ground in late autumn, at the end of October - November, when it becomes quite cool outside during the day. Then the hyacinth bulb will have time to take root before frost.

In the same way, you can plant a bulb in a flower pot. This does not have to be done in the fall. The main thing is to create conditions suitable for flowering.

The plant should be placed in a cool place (10-12C). When a peduncle appears, return the pot with hyacinth to its original bright place and care for it as described above. Good luck, dear flower growers!

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