Electric motors

Modern manufacturers have seriously taken up the production of various types of ties. If earlier, when people heard the word screed, they remembered ordinary cement mortars with the addition of sand, but now screed can be mixed from any components directly in a bucket of water.

It is quite obvious that working with this system is several times easier and faster. Not to mention improving the quality of the final product.

Features and characteristics of the mixture

Knauf Ubo is a dry mixture from a world famous manufacturer. The mixture is used to pour screed indoors. The differences between this mixture and a regular screed are very easy to notice. It’s not for nothing that they write on the packaging that the mixture forms a light screed.

The fact is that polystyrene balls are added to the Knauf Ubo mixture as a filler. The resulting material almost completely copies polystyrene concrete in its properties.

The advantages of screeds filled with polystyrene are obvious. They are lighter in weight than standard solutions. This is due to the use of a special filler. Moreover, the weight of the structure does not affect the density of the mixture in any way. It remains at the level of 600 kg/m 3, which is an excellent indicator.

Improved thermal insulation properties also cannot be ignored. It is because of them that polystyrene concrete and mixtures using similar technologies are so valued.

Knauf Ubo lays easily on the floor (including garage floors), and the good adhesion of the composition only contributes to this. A screed made from this mixture is never used as a facing layer. It is too soft and light for this. It can only be used as a base.

Moreover, the base can have from 30 to 300 mm in thickness, which can also be called a positive factor. On top of the screed, it is imperative to lay a layer of several centimeters of a more durable base or face covering. Ceramic tiles are perfect for this.

Knauf Ubo has a sufficient number of pros and cons. The mixture cannot be called completely universal, but it has good performance in its class.

  • Main advantages:
  • Low weight of solution even;
  • Excellent thermal insulation characteristics;
  • Low material consumption;
  • Easy and simple process of working with the screed;
  • The ability to apply the solution by any means and methods;

The main disadvantage is that the strength is too low, which leads to the need to lay a solid base on top of the screed.

Before you buy a Knauf Ubo, you should decide on your desires. The relatively low stability of the screed affects the possible ways of its use.

The mixture performs well when working with attic floors. The fact is that the attic floor, as a rule, was not planned in advance and, by and large, refers to extensions. Floors and load-bearing walls in such a situation were not designed for additional load.

Of course, they have a certain margin of safety, but it is unlikely to be enough to support a full floor made of heavy materials.

In such a situation, choosing a light screed is the right decision. It will not only become a reliable foundation for the front floor, but will also improve the thermal insulation of the premises.

And in general, buy a screed in cases where you need to insulate floors during the construction stage. You can do this with mineral wool or polystyrene foam, but with Knauf Ubo you will save time and money.

The solution is also well suited for insulating or treating attics. In basements, Knauf Ubo can only be laid after high-quality waterproofing of the floor.

The screed is light and quite cheap, which allows it to be used in residential premises. Just remember about its relatively low resistance to point loads and the need to lay a reliable coating.

The mixture is sold packaged in 25 kg bags. The price of Knauf Ubo in a bag is 6-8 dollars. Accordingly, for 1 kg of mixture you pay only 0.3 dollars, which is almost a record figure.

The material consumption is 7 kg per 1 m2 with a layer 15 mm thick. The minimum thickness of the screed is 30 mm. Therefore, the price of Knauf Ubo for 1 m 2 will start from 3 dollars. If you take into account the lack of need for additional floor insulation, then the cost of installing a screed will seem quite acceptable to you.

Application of material and nuances of work

  1. It was already mentioned above that the Knauf Ubo screed has a minimum thickness of 30 mm. You cannot go below this indicator, which is very important.
  2. The screed must also be mixed with great care. You need to mix it so that all the polystyrene balls are evenly distributed throughout the solution. Their accumulation at one point is unacceptable.
  3. Work is carried out only at positive temperatures. The higher the air temperature, the faster the screed will harden.
  4. The work surface should be thoroughly cleaned and prepared. The use of a primer is optional, unlike waterproofing. The solidified solution reacts negatively to excess moisture, so the base should be properly insulated.
  5. One full bag of mixture requires 9-10 liters of water. Knead the screed mechanically for 10-20 minutes. No plasticizers or additional substances should be added to the solution.

Apply the screed manually or mechanically and level it according to the rule. Here the process is no different from conventional screeding. The solution dries and gains the required density within 48 hours.

If the temperature is extremely high, the screed will dry out much faster and small cracks may form on it, but there is no need to worry. These cracks do not in any way affect the characteristics and serviceability of the finished base.

Knauf-Ubo is a dry mixture based on special cement and polystyrene foam granules as a filler. It is used as an alternative to dry backfilling when leveling the surface of a load-bearing floor and when there are a large number of laid cables, pipelines, etc. on it.

Has high thermal insulation properties. Can be applied manually and using continuously running high-performance mortar mixing pumps.

After hardening and drying, a hard covering must be placed on the surface of the KNAUF-Ubo screed, for example, dry prefabricated KNAUF floors made of gypsum fiber sheets, or high-strength screeds with a thickness of at least 35 mm.

Preparing the base

Conditions of work

The temperature of the surface of the base and the air in the room should not be lower than +5°C.
Elevated temperatures accelerate the hardening of KNAUF Ubo solutions; low temperatures, on the contrary, slow them down.

Preparation of the base surface

The base surface must be dry, durable, free from dirt, dust, paints and oil stains. If there is capillary rise of moisture, a layer of waterproofing should be installed. Moisture-absorbing substrates should be primed with KNAUF-Tiefengrund primer. If it is impossible to lay directly on the base, Knauf-Ubo can be laid on a separating layer of waxed lining paper. In places where the KNAUF-Ubo screed adjoins walls made of hygroscopic materials (brick, plasterboard sheathing, etc.), their surface should be primed or a separating tape should be used.

Work order

Preparation of the solution

Mix the dry mixture with water, mechanically or manually, in the ratio of 25 kg of mixture (bag) - 9 liters of water. The addition of any other components is not permitted. When using mixing pumps, for example, PFT or similar mechanisms, adjust the consistency of the solution by changing the water flow.


Apply the solution manually or using a mixing pump evenly onto the base until the required level is reached and level using the rule. Fresh screed must be protected from sun exposure and drafts. During rapid drying, especially at high temperatures, cracks may appear in KNAUF-Ubo, but they do not reduce the performance properties of the leveling screed.

When stopping the pump, it is necessary to rinse the hoses and tools within 30 minutes.

Consumption of materials

Consumption of dry mixture per 1 sq.m with a layer thickness of 30 mm is 17.6 kg.


Layer thickness: from 3 to 30 cm
Density (dry): ~ 600 kg/m3
Strength: compressive > 1.0 MPa, bending > 0.5 MPa
Thermal conductivity coefficient (λ): 0.1 W/m °C
Ability to walk: after 48 hours

A dry mixture based on special cement and polystyrene foam granules as a filler.
It is used as an alternative to dry backfill when leveling the surface of a load-bearing floor and when there are a large number of laid cables, pipelines, etc. on it.

After hardening and drying, a hard covering must be placed on the surface of the KNAUF-Ubo screed, for example, dry prefabricated KNAUF floors made of gypsum fiber sheets, or high-strength screeds with a thickness of at least 35 mm. For interior work.

The temperature of the surface of the base and the air in the room should not be lower than +5°C. Elevated temperatures accelerate the hardening of KNAUF-Ubo solutions; low temperatures, on the contrary, slow them down.
During rapid drying, especially at high temperatures, cracks may appear in KNAUF-Ubo, but they do not reduce the performance properties of the leveling screed.
KNAUF-Ubo lightweight cement screed has high thermal insulation properties.
It can be applied manually and using continuously operating high-performance mortar-mixing pumps, for example, “G4” (G4), “G5” (G5) from PFT in a layer of 3 to 30 cm.

Layer thickness from 3 to 30 cm
Density (dry) ~ 600 kg/m3
Compressive strength > 1.0 MPa
at bending > 0.5 MPa
Thermal conductivity coefficient 0.1 W/m °C
Walkable after 48 hours
Consumption at a layer thickness of 10 mm 7.0 - 7.5 kg/m2

Dry screed has many advantages over other materials:

  • Construction screed is made mostly from special cement mixtures with the addition of polystyrene foam granules, making the composition very light and does not overload load-bearing structures and foundations.
  • In terms of its thickness, the screed can reach a layer of up to 30 cm, which is not allowed by any other building material.
  • It is often used when installing heated floors, as it has excellent thermal insulation qualities.
  • This material can serve as the best type of insulation against impact noise.

An alternative cement screed, Knaufubo, is used to level and fill the surface of a load-bearing floor and then cover it.

In construction, it is often necessary to level load-bearing foundations or fill them. As an alternative, for these purposes you can use knaufubo - a cement screed, which will perfectly fulfill its task. This screed is made on the basis of special cement, and the filler will be polystyrene foam granules in it.

At the same time, Knaufubo, the price of which is 380 rubles per 25 kg, will be extremely profitable, since its consumption per square meter with a layer of 10 millimeters is from 7 to 7.5 kilograms. It is perfect for any type of base, even where there may be accumulations of live cables.

Area of ​​application and installation method

Knaufubo is an excellent alternative to screeds, but it is especially useful in leveling the surface of a load-bearing floor that contains a lot of electrical cables. This is possible thanks to dry backfill for leveling, but after this it is necessary to pour hard self-leveling floors or simply cover it with any hard floor coverings.

Knaufubo screed is used everywhere in the construction industry, thanks to it it is good not only to fill, but also to level floor coverings, and it will be necessary to cover this screed with any hard coating.

Knaufubo cement screed must be laid with the following criteria and rules:

  1. It is necessary to make a layer of at least 30 mm, maximum 300 mm. It should be remembered that 7-7.5 kg goes to a 10 mm layer in one square. This means that approximately nine packs will be needed per 10 square meters, since the filler is packaged in paper packs weighing 25 kg.
  2. Work is carried out in a temperature range from +5 to +25 degrees Celsius.
  3. Partial loading of the filler, after its use, can be done after two days.
Color grey

interior work(any humidity)

Application method manual and machine
Recommended layer thickness 3-30 cm
Recommendations for mixing 9.5 liters of water per bag
Consumption for a layer thickness of 10 mm per 1 m 2 7-7.5 kg
Viability of solution 30 minutes (at a temperature of 23?WITH )
Operating air temperature range +5 - +30 ? C, humidity<75%
You can walk in 2 days

Compressive strength after

strength gain(at least 28 days)

> 1.0 MPa
Shelf life one year in undamaged packaging
Package 25 kg
Number of bags per pallet 18 pcs

Self-leveling floor Knauf Ubo for screed - an innovative cement-based construction mixture with granulated polystyrene foam filler. This Knauf flooring mixture has no alternative when it is required to create a relatively strong, thick but light base with the qualities insulation. If you need to lay pipes in the floor screed in a new building, you should buy this particular mixture. Especially considering that a thick layer of Ubo has a specific gravity three times less than conventional cement-sand screeds.

You can buy Knauf floor screed in the online store of materials for finishing and repair Material-Stroy with delivery throughout Moscow and the Moscow region, and you can also pick it up yourself in our store in Myakinino (Strogino). Price for mixtures for self-leveling floorsKnauf with a discount when ordering over 50 bags.Services for lifting building materials to the floor .

Purpose and features of use

Lightweight floor screed Knauf Ubo is used on any hard surface of load-bearing floors of buildings. The operational range of layer thickness (from 30 to 300 mm) easily allows for hidden installation of pipes and other utilities under the floor covering. It is for this reason that the Ubo mixture will be most optimal and in demand for use in new buildings or in residential buildings subject to major renovation.

Mixing the dry contents of the package with water is best done with a powerful construction mixer or concrete mixer. The finished self-leveling floor screed can be applied to the floor either manually or using industrial pumping devices.

Further work on the surface can be carried out after two days.

On top of the lightweight Knauf Ubo floor, it is necessary to install a hard floor covering, for example, from high-strength cement screeds or GVL, since the hardened fill does not have the necessary strength and wear resistance.


The main advantage of the Knauf self-leveling floor is the ability to fill it in a large thickness with a relatively small weight load on the base.

Another positive property of a lightweight cement-based self-leveling floor with expanded polystyrene granules is low thermal conductivity. A layer of screed 10 cm thick will replace a dry pine board of the same thickness or a 5 cm slab of basalt fiber.


? The room temperature when pouring the Knauf Ubo self-leveling floor should be more than 5°C. Low temperatures significantly slow down the rate of strength gain, while elevated temperatures accelerate them.

? At elevated room temperatures, hardening of the solution may be accompanied by the appearance of cracks, which is normal and does not impair the final quality of the solid layer.

? The mixture is not intended for external use. .

Self-leveling floor Knauf Ubo is made on the basis of cement and polystyrene foam granules as a filler and is a dry mixture. Knauf-Ubo self-leveling flooring is used to level the surface of a load-bearing floor. Self-leveling floor Knauf Ubo can also be used in the presence of a large number of laid cables, pipes and other engineering and plumbing communications. It has heat and sound insulation properties; with a layer of up to 30 cm, Knauf-Ubo lightweight cement screed does not shrink.

Application area of ​​Knauf-Ubo

Knauf Ubo is a building material used as an alternative to dry backfill when leveling the surface of a load-bearing floor and when there are a large number of laid cables, pipelines, etc. on it.

Knauf Ubo lightweight cement screed can be applied manually and using continuously operating high-performance mortar-mixing pumps, for example, “G4” (G4), “G5” (G5) from PFT in a layer of 3 to 30 cm.

After hardening and drying, a hard covering must be placed on the surface of the Knauf Ubo screed, for example, dry prefabricated Knauf floors made of gypsum fiber sheets, or high-strength screeds with a thickness of at least 35 mm.

Knauf Ubo for interior work

The process of using Knauf self-leveling floor includes the following stages of work.

  • Preparation of the base surface.
  • Preparation of the solution.
  • Application of the solution. Consumption of dry mixture of self-leveling floor under laminate per 1 sq.m with a layer thickness of 30 mm is 17.6 kg.
  • The temperature of the surface of the base and the air in the room must be at least 5C.
  • Elevated temperatures accelerate the hardening of Knauf Ubo solutions; low temperatures, on the contrary, slow them down.
  • When drying quickly, especially at high temperatures, cracks may appear in Knauf Ubo, but they do not reduce the performance properties of the leveling screed.

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