Saving. As a rule, the first floor is made of brick, and the second floor is made of wood. This makes the structure relatively lightweight, eliminating the need for an expensive foundation.

Fire safety. Usually on the ground floor there is a kitchen, boiler room, and fireplace. In this case, brick walls reduce the risk of fire.

Comfortable microclimate. The combination of stone and brick allows for good heat retention in rooms and provides an optimal level of humidity.

Our offer

The WoodHouse company offers services for the construction of combined houses made of timber and blocks. At all stages of cooperation, our engineers and builders provide professional consulting and technical support. Work with clients is carried out on the basis of an agreement, which stipulates:

  • deadlines,
  • total cost of the object,
  • our guarantees and obligations.

Options for combined houses for every taste

Employees of the WoodHouse company build combined houses with a wooden attic and a brick basement, a garage and offer a number of other solutions. Our clients can:

  • buy a ready-made project. Standard designs of country houses developed by our architects take into account the needs of the majority of potential customers and are tested in practice. All projects of combined houses presented in our catalog are accompanied by floor plans, as well as lists of works and materials included in the basic package;
  • order individual design. Taking as a basis the client’s wishes regarding materials and architectural solutions, we will build a house that meets the requirements of all regulatory documents.

As mentioned above, the word chalet meant lonely huts in the mountains; they usually served as shelter for shepherds or lumberjacks. In such houses they sheltered from snow and rain, and cooked food right there - in a stone hearth, the prototype of a modern fireplace. There was no specific owner of the house, so the furnishings were extremely simple and uncomplicated. A style was formed - simple, using natural materials. The first floor was made of stones, sometimes whitewashed with lime for beauty. The second floor was assembled from logs, which were prepared right there from nearby trees. They made a simple gable, low-set roof to protect from cold mountain winds and snow avalanches. The chalet style became widely known as Alpine ski resorts developed. It was usually wealthy people who skied, and many people liked this style. Over the long, centuries-old history, a lot has changed, but simplicity and natural materials remain unchanged - everything that made chalet house designs so popular.

Advantages of chalet style houses

The advantage is that the combination of stone and wood creates this distinctive and recognizable appearance. The first floor in chalet house projects is built of stone, building blocks or bricks are mainly used. The second floor is made of wood, using timber, profiled timber, double timber, and rounded logs. The main advantage is the combination of an enlarged base and a low, spreading roof. The projects are becoming more comfortable and larger than the first single chalets in the French Alps. However, you can be sure that when ordering the design of a chalet house from our company, you will receive all the benefits of this technology!

Features in design

When designing chalet houses, it is necessary to take into account their features:

  • high stone base (if the chalet project is one-story)
  • stone ground floor (if with attic)
  • the roof is squat, gable, with large overhangs
  • A special feature is the mandatory use of a fireplace
  • use of exclusively natural materials in construction
  • natural colors in decoration
  • rough plaster exterior, usually white
  • provide open terraces under long roof overhangs
  • balconies and loggias in the chalets are larger than usual

Chalet layouts

In our company, the layout of chalet houses depends on the wishes of the customer and the advice of an experienced architect. There are standard options for room layouts, the basic principles are as follows:

  1. The following rooms are usually located on the stone ground floor - kitchen, bathroom, boiler room, workshop, living room with fireplace.
  2. The layout of the second, wooden floor should contain bedrooms, possibly an office for work.

We carry out all layouts individually; we often order one-story chalet projects, sometimes they ask to include a garage or a bathhouse with a sauna on the ground floor.

Decoration and interior in chalet style

During the construction and exterior decoration of chalets, natural stone and wood in the form of timber or logs are usually used. The walls of the first floor, both inside and outside, are most often plastered in light shades, for example just white. Wooden surfaces are usually painted dark brown to give the effect of old, darkened wood. In interior decoration, the floor covering is artificially aged floorboard, either painted with a patina effect, or varnished. To decorate the ceilings in the interior, leave ceiling beams painted in a dark color in contrast with the light ceiling, which can be stretched. By the way, it will look very stylish, but quite natural.

Chalet in Russia

Chalet house designs are well suited to the Russian climate thanks to their strong construction; autumn dampness and winter frosts are not a problem for them! These are no longer traditional alpine houses, but the main recognizable features have remained unchanged due to their characteristic features. The chalet style has been tested by time and the harsh mountain climate, so it is perfect for designing houses in Russia. An example of comfort and simplicity, a combination of reliability and coziness, it is ideal for the home. Our design organization successfully designs chalet-style houses, and offers you to familiarize yourself with ready-made projects, or make an individual one.

Hello to all forum members!
Here, I am sharing with you my own practical experience in building a combined house for all-season living in Moscow from aerated blocks and timber. This is our first experience in construction; before this, my husband and I had never built anything (not even a birdhouse). However, the desire to move from the city to nature turned out to be stronger than all the fears, doubts and uncertainty before construction. I’ll say right away: my husband and I have mastered a lot thanks to this forum – its organizers and participants! We sincerely thank the forum members who constructively participate in discussions on various topics!

The beginning of our construction (choosing a house, drawings, heating, sewerage, drainage, connection to the site, pouring the USHP foundation, etc.) is here

The construction of the box began on September 3, 12. In this topic I will also voice, so to speak, some principles and motivations. Along the way I will pay attention to the “+” and “-”.
This is our house project in Google SketchUp. Collective image(yI have a couple of photo albums about the chalet, if you want, take a look).
- a couple of options for the facade of the house.
- the other side, so to speak.

Selection of the main building material. All winter 11-12. My husband and I were studying the building materials market. We wanted to maintain the traditional "Chalet" design principle. A minimum from history: “Chalet” - a shepherd’s house, was built in the Alpine Mountains from whatever came to hand for shelter from weather adversity - that is, stone and wood, under a sloping roof that overhangs the walls. The stone had to be abandoned in favor of a more modern material. After reading many sites, we compiled a table of materials that interested us:

Foam block or gas block? From the information we studied, this is what we learned for ourselves. Foam concrete and aerated concrete blocks- This is a class of lightweight cellular concrete. The internal structure of foam concrete and aerated concrete is cellular, but there are two important points that distinguish them and have a decisive impact on the construction and finishing technologies of these materials: 1 - completely different ingredients are used to obtain the final product; 2 - the production of foam concrete and aerated concrete have different technologies.
Foam concrete is obtained by mixing a cement-sand mixture with a foaming agent (chemical reagent). After mixing, the finished mixture is poured into special molds and becomes hard under natural conditions. Use of chem. foaming agent in the production of foam concrete leads to the formation of a closed structure of the material. made of foam concrete can last 2-3 years without finishing the facade. But the fact that foam concrete breathes and is similar in parameters to wood is not true, because it has a closed pore (cell) structure. The statement about the ability of blocks to “breathe” applies specifically to aerated concrete. prepared from cement, lime, sand and water. Aluminum powder is added to this mixture, which serves as a gas generator. The prepared mass is cut with strings and placed in a special form in an autoclave, where it undergoes long-term heat treatment at a pressure of 8 - 13 atm. Thus, aerated concrete receives a structure with open pores, which allows the walls to “breathe”.

We chose Itong (0.625x0.375x0.250). Aerated concrete about 40 cm thick can not be insulated in our strip (in addition to the technical characteristics, there are also reviews from people living in houses made of aerated concrete), laying large blocks is not difficult and quick, manufacturers have, in addition to the blocks themselves, various jumpers, U -blocks and many others etc., which facilitates the construction process.

timber(spruce-pine)20 cm thick, as the manufacturers say, meets the weather conditions of our strip, i.e. there is no need to insulate it. But, according to reviews and data on the Internet, the thickness of the tree should be more than 30 cm for a cold winter (see table). Although particularly cold winters are now a rarity, there is no desire to freeze (even for 2-3 weeks during the winter). Glued laminated timber is expensive (and more than 30 cm is very expensive!); Naturally dried timber shrinks a lot, and there is a possibility that it will turn out or crack... We preferred profiled chamber-drying timber measuring 19.5 cm x 14.5 cm. It is more expensive than natural drying timber by only 3-3.5 rubles per cube We are not planning to decorate the inside of the rooms, but we want to insulate the outside with mineral wool and sew it up with imitation timber. The attic project was ordered from a company that we found at an exhibition of wooden houses. The market is now teeming with laminated veneer lumber. At the 2012 winter exhibition of wooden houses there were only two representatives selling kiln-drying profiled timber (not glued). We were supposed to buy 20x20 timber. We, of course, are ignorant people in this matter, but after listening to the arguments and opinions of various specialists in this area, we decided to settle on the size 20x15 (the exact factory size is 0.195 x 0.145), since it dries better with such a cut.

Chalet-style buildings originated in southeastern France and the mountains of Switzerland. Initially, this was a shepherd's house, where he could take refuge from bad weather at any time. Typically, such buildings were built from wood, but today combined chalet houses made from a combination of stone and wood are very popular. These houses are especially valued for their strength, reliability, environmental friendliness and extraordinary beauty. A modern chalet house is by no means a shepherd’s house, but a respectable cottage or villa, which is most often built at expensive ski resorts or as a home for permanent residence in a picturesque, mountainous area.

Style Features

Chalet house designs can be easily distinguished by their characteristic features:

  • The basement of the house or the entire first floor is made of natural stone (brick is used less often).
  • A special style is given to the structure by a gable, pointed roof with large overhangs, supports and cantilever beams. To balance the massive roof overhangs, the first floor of the structure is made quite squat and wide.
  • On the site, such a house is installed according to the cardinal directions. As a result, the main façade of the structure should always face east. The design of living rooms is done taking into account sufficient insolation of the room by sunlight.
  • The space under the massive developed roof does not remain unused. Often an attic floor is installed here, often a second light and internal balconies are installed in the living room. Balconies and terraces are conveniently located under the external roof overhang.
  • The combined chalet house is built only from natural materials. Usually, in combination with natural stone, glued and profiled timber, rounded and untreated logs are used. Modern finishing materials are not used at all in the interior and exterior of such a building.
  • Another characteristic feature of this style is the abundance of glazing, namely large windows, panoramic glazing, and floor-to-ceiling windows.
  • In modern combined houses, chalets are often equipped with glazed or open terraces, balconies, canopies, winter gardens, etc. All of them allow you to balance the massive roof of the house, visually expanding the first floor.

People began to combine stone and wood in chalets back in ancient times. This technique was used to protect wooden structures from getting wet, rot, and mold. The durable and strong stone reliably insulated the wooden part of the building, thanks to which the service life of the structure only increased.

Chalet house projects

In addition to the exterior of a chalet-style house, its interior should also emphasize the rustic simplicity of the style and functionality. When choosing designs for combined chalet houses, you should pay attention to the following nuances of such buildings:

  1. If the first floor of such a house is made of stone, then the second and attic floors are characterized by the use of large-sized wooden wall elements (logs, beams). However, sometimes the second floor of a combined chalet house is made of brick, because it is a fairly strong and durable material.
  2. Chalet house designs usually include a ground floor, especially if the house is located on the terrain. The basement floor does not necessarily contain utility and utility rooms; here you can arrange a cozy living room or kitchen.
  3. Only natural materials predominate in the interior decoration. The walls are whitewashed and plaster, the floor is made of wood. There can't even be any hint of ultra-modern decor.
  4. Quite often, the attic occupies part of the space under the roof; the rest of the under-roof space serves as a second light in the living room. Usually the windows in such a room are made to the floor. And the roof slopes with exposed rafters of a contrasting color serve as the ceiling in such a living room.
  5. A fireplace can be considered an invariable attribute of any chalet home. Moreover, the massive fireplace chimney is part of the building’s exterior and is also decorated with natural stone. Naturally, the fireplace is located in the spacious living room so that you can enjoy the surrounding landscape through panoramic windows and warm yourself by the fire in a cozy armchair.

Of course, a modern chalet house can be made entirely of wood, stone or brick by choosing the appropriate cladding for the facade. But in this case, it will cease to be a chalet house, its originality will be lost, which is especially noticeable when combining materials. Thanks to the skillful combination of textures and colors of stone and wood, such a house can be given any ethnic shade and emphasize its characteristic historical features.

In modern chalet houses, improved materials with a longer service life, better characteristics and a more reasonable price are often used. For example, instead of natural stone, the first and basement floors are made of aerated concrete, which can later be lined and produce an equally attractive surface reminiscent of natural stone. However, in terms of price and speed of installation, if you use aerated concrete, you will only benefit.

Instead of rounded or unprocessed logs, it is advantageous to use glued and profiled timber for the installation of the second and attic floors. They do not shrink as much, are faster and easier to install, and also have better thermal insulation characteristics. Moreover, when using these materials, you do not need to do interior decoration, because the smooth, beautiful surface of these elements allows you to get perfect walls.

Advantages of houses

  1. The combination of two materials when building a chalet allows you to get significant benefits, because they do not have the disadvantages that exist when using one material. For example, stone walls need careful insulation and do not allow air to pass through well. However, since only the first floor is made of stone, on the plan of which there is usually a kitchen, bathrooms, living room, hall, laundry room, garage, boiler room and sauna - in a word, all those rooms in which people do not stay constantly, then such properties of the stone are only to their advantage.
  2. But the second and attic floors should be warmer, more comfortable, with a favorable microclimate. These are the qualities that natural wood gives to bedrooms, children's rooms and an office located on this floor. At the same time, at such a height from the surface of the earth, the wood is not afraid of increased humidity and mold from the proximity of groundwater, seasonal soil movements and freezing of the ground, because the timber is reliably protected from all this by the stone walls of the first floor.
  3. Wood is responsible for natural air exchange, regulates indoor humidity and saturates the air with beneficial phytoncides and a pleasant aroma. Moreover, on the second floor, under the protection of large roof overhangs, this unique and beautiful material will retain its attractiveness and properties for a long time.
  4. The construction of a completely wooden house costs less financially than the construction of a building made of natural or artificial stone material. But compared to wood, a brick or stone house is more durable. Therefore, when choosing combined chalet houses, we find a middle ground - immediately getting durability, strength and cost savings.
  5. If you choose aerated concrete and timber to build such a house, then the box can be built in a few weeks. At the same time, the shrinkage time of such a structure is insignificant, so you will not have to take a long pause before moving in and finishing the house.
  6. Since the second floor of the house is light in weight due to the wall material used, by correctly calculating the foundation, you can use its lightweight version and not make an expensive, powerful foundation.


Since the chalet is the style of Alpine shepherds, it is characterized by practicality and simplicity in everything. The main attributes of this style in the interior are considered to be open ceiling beams and supports of a rich dark color. They should stand out in contrast against the background of lighter walls. As we have already said, a fireplace with an open fire and large windows allow you to achieve unity with nature and harmony. When decorating the interior of a house, only natural materials in natural colors should be used.

This style is characterized by the use of the following techniques in interior decoration:

  • To process all wooden elements, special compounds are used that give them a rich color, but do not hide the wood texture.
  • Often, an aged, worn look is intentionally given to interior details and furniture to emphasize style.
  • Wooden finishes can be used not only on the floor, but also on the ceiling. Stone inserts are often used in wall decoration. Entire wall fragments can be designed this way.
  • If plastered and whitewashed walls seem uncomfortable to you, you can cover them with wood.
  • To emphasize the naturalness of the material, the flooring boards are not painted, but treated with oil.
  • The colors of furniture and textiles should be as close as possible to natural tones.

Thanks to the abundance of construction technologies and materials, the choice of a modern person is not limited to traditional house options - entirely wooden, brick or stone. There are a lot of alternative solutions available to him, among which combined chalet-style dwellings are especially attractive. Despite the fact that these were initially considered the prerogative of mountainous areas, today they are being built everywhere. What is so specific and tempting about them? To understand, let's get acquainted with the architectural and technological features of houses, their advantages and popular variations of projects.

Chalets have been known in the Alpine regions since the 18th century - then they were small rural houses. Over time, the buildings were improved and underwent many transformations. As a result, today we have a lot of variations of chalet-style houses, each of which has its own specific differences. Combined houses also have their own signature features. Among them it is worth highlighting:

Attention! The presence of a remote sloping roof necessitates the installation of a reinforced rafter system - it is needed so that the structure does not deform under the weight of layers of snow that accumulate on the roof slopes.

Combination of materials

To build chalet-style houses, various variations of stone, concrete and wood are used - metal and plastic in their pure form are practically not used.

The first floor is traditionally constructed from natural stone, brick or gas and foam blocks. In terms of performance and aesthetic indicators, stone is considered the most optimal option - it is durable, practical and closest to the authentic image of the chalet. The only thing in which it is inferior to its competitors is the price: brick and concrete blocks are somewhat more economical. But, in turn, blocks do not guarantee the same spectacular appearance of the facade as stone, and brick requires additional external insulation.

The second level of the combined house is made of natural wood. Most often, profiled or glued beams are used - thanks to their neat shape, they allow you to build smooth walls, and due to their tight fixation with each other, they guarantee protection of the structure from moisture and cracking.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Combined chalet houses have a considerable set of advantages:

  • interesting exterior - the duet of wood and stone provides the home with a respectable and original appearance;
  • efficiency of construction - since the first floor of the house is made of stone materials that do not shrink, the construction of the second level can begin immediately, without any intermediate stages;
  • durability - combined houses are resistant to various external negative influences: the stone is not afraid of moisture and rot, the external roof protects from wind and precipitation, and the wooden walls themselves are highly durable, which together guarantees the structure a long service life;

Chalet with panoramic windows on the ground floor

  • energy efficiency - wood retains heat efficiently, so residents can not only not worry about heat loss, but also save some money on heating.

Among the disadvantages of combined housing is a complex construction technology, which includes various kinds of manipulations for the high-quality connection of dissimilar materials.

House projects

Having understood the features of combined chalet houses, we will get acquainted with several popular projects of such dwellings in order to know about possible variations in their internal layout.

Option #1. House with a large terrace-entrance. In the basement there is a small boiler room. On the first level there is a spacious entrance hall, a central living room, a combined kitchen-dining room, and a bathroom. On the second floor there are two bedrooms, a children's room, an office and a bathroom.

Option number 2: Housing with an attic. In the basement there is a garage. First floor - kitchen, bathroom, living room, separate dining room, hallway, hall. On the attic floor there are three bedrooms, a separate dressing room and a bathroom.

Option #3. The house has both a terrace and an attic. In one wing of the first floor there is a full-fledged boiler room, a sauna and a bathroom, in the second there is a kitchen-dining room, living room, pantry and hallway. On the second attic floor there is a children's room and a bedroom or two bedrooms, a central recreation room, a dressing room, an office, and a bathroom.

Thus, a chalet-style house is a combination of Alpine charm, non-trivial design and high reliability. Such a home will be a worthy alternative to traditional homes and will be able to satisfy the needs of every developer, because the variety of house designs that you can see in the photo allows you to choose the best architectural option to suit your needs and capabilities.

Combined chalet-style house: video

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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