The construction of a garage can be ordered from third-party specialists. You can also study the available instructions and build a great garage with your own hands. In this case, you will not have to spend money on anything other than construction and finishing materials. You will personally control every stage of the work and can be confident in the quality and reliability of the finished structure.

Choose the right material for building a garage. The structure can be made from “stone” building materials and metal. Brick, foam blocks, cinder blocks, etc. are usually used as stone materials.

A stone structure is characterized by higher reliability when compared with metal structures. A metal garage wins in terms of complexity and speed of construction. Otherwise, you will have to make the decision on the appropriate building material yourself.

First, the procedure for constructing a garage from stone materials will be discussed, and at the end you will receive recommendations for building a metal garage.

Project preparation

A competent project is the key to successful work. Project documentation can be the most modest. The main thing is that the project reflects the following information:

  • tasks assigned to the future structure. A garage intended solely for storing a car will differ from a building in which it is also planned to carry out any repair work. Be sure to take this point into account and reflect your wishes in the project;
  • dimensions of the structure. Depends on the requirements for the future garage and the area of ​​the available construction site. A room measuring 3x6 m is sufficient for storing a passenger car. For the rest, focus on your needs and capabilities.

Consider the points described above and draw a sketch of the future garage on paper or in a computer program.

Marking and excavation work

Transfer the finished sketch to the real area. A number of reinforcement pegs will help you with this. Typically, rods with a diameter of 12 mm are used. You will mark the corners and sides of the garage using pegs driven into the ground and string stretched between them.

After completing the marking, proceed to the main excavation work. The earth can be dug using special equipment or manually. If you are planning to equip a viewing hole in your garage or even a full-fledged cellar, it is recommended to use the help of companies specializing in excavation work. Digging such a large hole by hand is very difficult.

When digging, take into account the features of the future foundation. For a strip base, a trench 60-100 cm deep is sufficient. The specific depth depends on the climatic conditions and type of soil at the construction site. A meter depth is sufficient in most cases.

Level the bottom and walls of the pit. An ordinary shovel will help you with this.

Foundation structure

Today there are many types of foundations. Private garages are usually built on rubble concrete foundations. This is a relatively inexpensive and extremely easy-to-install system that you can do yourself.

First step. Place rubble stone in the trench. This stone must be placed in layers, pouring concrete mortar over each layer. Prepare the solution using cement M400 or higher. Place the stone up to the top of the hole.

Second step. Install wooden formwork for the base around the entire perimeter of the pit. Assemble the formwork structure from boards. Boards about 10 cm wide are suitable. In general, the structure is set strictly according to the level.

Third step. Lay moisture-proofing material along the base. Two layers of roofing felt will be more than enough. The material is laid dry.

Fourth step. Fill the base of the future garage with concrete mortar to the level established by the formwork.

Installation of gates, construction of walls and construction of a roof

First step. Install the gate. This element is installed strictly before the construction of walls begins. Weld reinforcement rods with a diameter of about 12 mm to the gate frame. Thanks to the rods, a stronger connection between the garage door and its walls will be ensured. During the construction of the walls, reinforcement will be embedded in the seams. Install the gate strictly vertically. Once the gate is level, secure it using wooden braces.

Second step. Start laying out the walls from the selected material. The next row of masonry, regardless of the material used, must overlap the seams of the laid row. The actual laying should begin from the corners. Be sure to check the verticality of the walls, the correctness of the angles and the horizontality of the masonry rows at each stage.

Third step. Install the garage roof at a slope necessary to drain atmospheric water. To obtain a slope, make the end walls of different heights. Traditionally, a slope of 5 cm per 1 m2 is performed. For example, if the garage is about 6 m long, the total height difference will be about 30 cm.

The ceiling of a private garage will have the form of metal beams with additional lining made of wooden boards. Prepare I-beams. Their height should be about 12 cm. Use beams such that their length is approximately 250 mm greater than the width of the future garage. Insert these beams into the structure by at least 100 mm. At the support points of the beams, cinder block, brick or other building material used should be replaced with monolithic concrete blocks.

Lay the beams across the building at a distance of about 800 mm from each other. The beams are laid embedded in the long wall of the building and with the same slope as that of the given wall.

Step four. Attach wooden boards 4-5 cm thick along the bottom of the beams. Lay the boards as closely as possible to each other. Cover the boards with roofing felt. The edges of this waterproofing material should extend approximately 100 mm onto the wall.

Fill the roofing material with slag or cover the waterproofing with other insulation, for example, mineral wool insulation boards. Visors protruding approximately 40 mm should be installed along the rear and front edges of the roof. Use boards to make canopies. Pour a cement screed about 3-3.5 cm thick over the insulation. Try to level the screed as thoroughly as possible. Be sure to treat the hardened screed with a bitumen primer.

Step five. Finally, the roof needs to be waterproofed. To protect against moisture, you can use the roofing material you already know. This waterproofing material is laid using the fusion method. Roofing felt can also be fixed using bitumen mastic. Lay roofing felt sheets with an overlap of about 100-150 mm. At the edges of the roof, overlap the visor.

Guide to installing floors and blind areas

Make the floor at the level of the upper border of the base or slightly higher. The floor structure must be strong enough to support the weight of the vehicle and other loads. For pouring, use concrete prepared with grade 500 cement. Or buy ready-made concrete grade M200. The thickness of the filling layer should be about 10 cm.

First step. Carefully level the base for pouring the floor.

Second step. Align the beacons to the required level and pull the string between them. Lighthouses can be made, for example, from a profile pipe or other suitable material.

Third step. Place a cushion of crushed stone about 5 cm thick on the base.

Fourth step. Pour concrete in strips between the beacons. After laying all the concrete, the surface should be carefully leveled.

Fifth step. While the floor is gaining strength, start doing external work, in particular, constructing a blind area. In the case of a garage, a blind area 50-60 cm wide is sufficient.

The blind area is created in the same order as the floor, i.e. first you install the beacons, then prepare the base from crushed stone and pour the concrete solution. Just first you need to install boards that will mark the boundaries of the blind area, i.e. make formwork. It is recommended to make the blind area itself with a slight slope from the garage walls. The recommended thickness of the structure is 40-60 mm.

As a rule, special attention is not paid to the decoration of the garage. In most cases, owners simply rub the walls with cement mortar and cover them with a layer of plaster.

A more significant point is the thermal insulation of the structure. Mineral wool and polystyrene foam slabs are suitable for insulation.

The ceiling, walls and garage doors are insulated in a similar manner. A sheathing is attached to the surface to be finished with a step equal to the width of the insulation slab, then a polyethylene film is laid on the sheathing, insulation is laid on top of the waterproofing, the laid slabs are covered with moisture insulation, and finally finishing sheathing is performed, for example, with clapboard, siding or other material of your choice.

The procedure for constructing a metal garage

Setting up a metal garage requires less money and time.

First step. Make a foundation. Pre-prepare a trench about 400 mm deep around the perimeter of the future metal structure. Fix the formwork boards along the outer boundaries of the pit. Make the formwork at such a height that after pouring, the layer of mortar protrudes above the ground by at least 10 cm. Pour the mortar over the entire area at once.

Second step. Make a frame from a profile pipe. You will need a welding machine. Attach the frame elements to the dried concrete base. For fixation, use anchors about 20 cm long and about 14 mm in diameter. Anchors can be made from reinforcement. For greater convenience, pre-prepare holes in the concrete with a diameter equal to the diameter of the anchors.

Third step. Weld the bottom chord of the garage frame to the driven rods. To securely fix a structure measuring 4x6 m, 15 anchors will be enough. Continue welding the cross members of the structure until you get the frame to the required height.

Fourth step. Cover the frame with sheet metal. Sheets 3-4 mm thick will be enough.

Fifth step. Insulate the garage walls from the inside. To do this, first attach a frame made of wooden blocks to the walls. Place the beams in increments equal to the width of the insulation slab. For thermal insulation, it is most convenient to use mineral wool or polystyrene foam. The wooden frame should first be covered with plastic film, and insulation should be laid on it. Place a vapor barrier film over the thermal insulation. Finally, cover the walls with clapboard, OSB, siding, chipboard or any other material of your choice.

Thus, if you need a simple and inexpensive garage, opt for a metal structure. If built correctly and handled carefully, a metal garage will last a very long time.

If you want to have a capital and most durable structure, make a garage from concrete blocks, bricks and other similar materials. Both tasks can be solved on your own without any problems, you just need to carefully follow the instructions and unconditionally follow the basic recommendations.

Good luck!

Video - Building a garage with your own hands

A garage is an important construction facility that performs a considerable number of functions. In addition to its direct purpose, i.e. a place where you can leave a car behind secure walls; a garage can be a kind of storage for various supplies and products from the dacha: food, building materials, winter supplies. Therefore, its construction should be considered not only by car owners, which is acceptable, but also by other people.

In addition to its obvious economic benefits, building a garage will also be beneficial from a financial point of view. The fact is that it is difficult to constantly pay for paid parking, and these expenses themselves are not comparable to the price that you will pay for building a garage.

What to build a garage from?

Today, construction from the following types of material is justified:

  • brick;
  • foam block structures;
  • cinder blocks;
  • tree;
  • sandwich panels.

It is worth noting that these materials can be of different nature, i.e. be temporary and permanent. This difference lies in the fact that the structure can be easily disassembled to move it to another location.
The common similarity is that their construction requires a foundation, but it performs a different function. In the case of a permanent structure, a foundation is needed to transfer the load from the walls to the ground, and in temporary buildings - to level the ground so that technical modules can be installed on it.

Pros and cons of different types of materials

  • Brick. When building a garage, not only the financial component is important, but also the purpose of this building. If you use the garage only in the warm season, then insulating the walls is not practical. For year-round use, it is necessary to select a material that meets these requirements. Brick garages, if they are not first insulated, will not be the best option for using a garage all year round. In addition, it is worth installing a brick garage in cooperatives, which will protect against possible intruders. Brick garages can also be built in vacant areas, but in this case, you will have to take care of fairly thick walls of the building (at least one brick wide). Building a brick garage is a difficult task, because you need at least minimal knowledge of masonry methods.

  • Foam concrete. This type of material is quite popular, gradually displacing the usual brick buildings. This is achieved due to a simple and convenient method of constructing these objects, deep energy saving and speed of masonry. Blocks made of foam concrete or aerated concrete are large in size and light in weight, which makes the process of building a garage a simple matter. Upon completion of construction, the outer surface of the blocks is treated with a primer (modular, acrylic). This is necessary to protect the garage from exposure to moisture and other aggressive environments.

  • Wooden beam. A little time ago, this type of material was unsuitable for the construction of garage structures, due to the fact that wood was considered a fire hazardous material. Today, thanks to the advent of effective fire-resistant impregnations, wooden garages have become commonplace and commonplace. The main advantage of this material is its appearance, thanks to which you can easily make all the buildings on your site in the same style. In addition to the external treatment of the timber, the interior is lined with basalt wool slabs, which will improve the fire resistance and integrity of the building. When installing the floor, you need to think about insulation in advance. To do this, we use expanded clay screed, which we cover the floor with. This procedure is necessary for a comfortable stay in the garage, and to preserve the vehicle body.

  • Sandwich panels. This material belongs to the prefabricated category, which makes the material attractive for purchase. It is based on a metal frame, which is later sheathed with corrugated board. To build an insulated structure, a certain gap is left between the frame posts, into which the mineral wool slab is placed. Sandwich panels are divided into 2 types:
  1. an ordinary sandwich with various insulation (foam, mineral wool, etc.);
  2. OSB sheets with polystyrene foam.

Construction will require skills in working with a welding machine and a screwdriver, so self-assembly is difficult. When purchasing, they also order the installation of the structure, so there will be no problems with this. When constructing a structure, the main point is considered to be a properly poured concrete floor. Errors in this work lead to difficulties when installing garage walls, so you need to be careful.

What is cheaper to build a garage from?

The materials have advantages over competitors. Some are inexpensive, like cinder blocks, while others are durable, like foam concrete or brick structures. But it is important to remember that the choice of material should not be based on momentary calculations of the cost of building a garage, but on a relatively long period of time, equal to months.
Wooden garages will be an economical option for consumers, but there is one caveat.

Over time, boards tend to rot, so restoring and installing new boards can be very expensive. Based on this, the most preferable option, taking into account reasonable price and quality, is a garage made of foam concrete. In addition to the low cost of purchasing material, the construction of this garage is considered less difficult than when working with other materials.

Cost calculation

If we consider foam blocks as an option for a material suitable for building a garage, then it is easy to calculate the necessary cost estimate required for the construction of this structure.
The first stage of costs is the purchase of foam blocks:

  • Wall blocks - average cost is about 3 thousand rubles per m3 (block dimensions - 60/30/20 cm). The price for one block is 100 rubles.
  • Partition blocks - average cost within 2800 rubles per 1 m3.

In addition to purchasing blocks, for construction you will need a standard set of building materials:

  • Cement. Price for 50 kg (M300) – within 250 rubles.
  • Sand. The price per cubic meter is within 200 rubles.
  • Crushed stone – 1700 rubles per 1 m3.
  • Gravel – 1200 rubles per 1 m3.
  • Insulation - within 1300 per 1 m2.
  • Waterproofing - from 40 rubles per 1 m2.

As we can see, building a garage, even taking into account the low cost of foam blocks, will cost a lot of money. There are ways to help save on construction costs:

  1. The floor in the garage is covered with crushed stone, rather than making a monolithic layer of cement. It is only necessary to pre-compact the soil before backfilling.
  2. Making a foundation on pillars, which will help save on cement mortar.
  3. Purchasing materials can be cheaper if purchased in winter.

Watch a video on how to build a garage from foam blocks with your own hands

Bottom line

Construction of a garage is justified for car owners. Initially, the cost estimate for this construction may scare you, but considering that a car left in the open air will be the goal of every thief, these costs will seem like a trifle to you.

The question of the need for a garage is not discussed if you already have a car. In most cases, the car owner tries to provide the most reliable shelter for his vehicle. But it happens that circumstances favor the need to build a garage at minimal cost and as quickly as possible. Is this really real? This will be discussed in the article.

Preliminary stage

Doing it cheap does not mean doing it poorly. Although different materials can be used to build a garage, the preliminary stage will be the same for each of them.

Selecting a location

The convenience of using it will depend on how well and correctly the location for the garage is selected. If there is no other way out, then you can start from the free area in the yard. If possible, it is best to place the garage closer to the main building. In this case, it will be easier to operate it in bad weather, since you will not have to travel long distances, for example, in a downpour. If circumstances allow, then you can build a small transitional canopy for these purposes. It is good to place the garage structure in line with the main gate. If you are planning a parking area in front of the garage, then you need to step back five meters from the main gate. This will ensure that even with a parked car it will be possible to open the gate.

The site on which the garage will be built should not be the lowest point on the site. If this is the case, then rain and melt water will certainly accumulate inside the room, which is not good for both the car and the tool that is in the garage. This is also bad for most building materials from which the garage will be built. When servicing a car, you will definitely need water and electricity, so it is necessary to locate the garage in such a way that you have to put in less effort when connecting communications.

Laying the foundation

The optimal solution when constructing a garage structure at the lowest cost would be a slab foundation. A foundation of this type can hardly be called the cheapest solution, but it will eliminate the need for subsequent pouring of the screed. In the selected area, the dimensions of the future structure are clearly indicated. This can be done with string or fishing line stretched between the pegs. After this, the turf is removed from the designated area. This will make it possible to simplify the task of soil sampling. Next, a pit is dug over the entire area of ​​the structure. Its depth should be half a meter. If it is known that the soil in the area is very frozen and heaving is observed, then additional insulation will be required.

The bottom of the pit for the garage structure is leveled and compacted well. After this, sand is added, which is also well compacted and leveled. A layer of 10 cm will be enough. A backfill of medium-fraction crushed stone is made of the same thickness; it is also leveled and compacted, which will simplify the task of subsequent filling. If insulation is necessary, insulation in the form of extruded high-density polystyrene foam is laid on top of the crushed stone. The one used for insulating routes is suitable.

The next step is to construct a metal grate. For a pouring height of 15 cm, one level of the grid will be sufficient, which is laid out with a cell of 10 cm. The metal rods are tied together using knitting wire. The dimensions of the grate itself should be 5 cm shorter on each side compared to the overall size of the foundation for the garage. The metal structure should not be laid directly on insulation or on crushed stone. It should be raised by 5 cm. This can be achieved with special plastic stands that are commercially available for this purpose.

The final stage in forming the foundation of the structure is pouring the concrete solution. It is better to use a concrete mixer for its preparation, since it will provide sufficient pouring speed to make the slab monolithic. After pouring, a deep vibrator is used. Its task is to correctly distribute the solution over the prepared base structure while removing air from the thickness. Smoothing can be done with a large trowel. Further work on the construction of the structure can begin in two weeks, if we are talking about the warm season.

Advice! If groundwater is close to the surface, then the foundation is waterproofed. For these purposes, waterproofing material is placed under the insulation.

Possible options

The most affordable materials for constructing a garage structure at the lowest cost can be considered wood, corrugated board and cinder block. Each garage option has its own nuances that are important to consider during construction.


The simplest version of a wooden structure can be considered a garage built using frame technology. Without much difficulty, the entire structure can be built independently. In this case, a pitched roof is used, which requires a simplified rafter system. The basis will be a square beam with a cross-section of 10 cm. The first step is to waterproof the surface of the foundation under the lower trim. The latter is made by laying logs around the perimeter of the foundation. The logs are securely fixed to the surface of the structure using anchor bolts. During pouring, it is possible to provide special metal plates that are embedded in the foundation and subsequently act as log holders.

After the bottom trim of the garage has been completed, vertical posts are installed. Corner ones are made from the same timber. It is important that they are positioned vertically and secured with jibs. Along the upper edge of the structure, the top trim is made with the same beam. At a distance of 60 cm, additional vertical posts are installed on each of the walls, except for the one where the entry gate will be located. A window and door opening is provided, which, along with the opening for the gate, is reinforced with additional racks. Rafters are laid across the entire length of the garage structure, onto which the roof will be fixed.

Advice! To create a garage roof slope in the required direction, it is necessary to provide in advance that two of the four side posts are longer.

A sheathing is made on top of the rafters for a specific type of roof for the garage structure and the finishing flooring is installed. The walls are covered with any suitable material. For a garage, you can use a moisture-resistant OSB board, which is subsequently painted in the required color or covered with decorative plaster. We are installing windows, doors and garage gates. Below in the video you can clearly see how a garage of this type is built.

cinder block

The second material option that can be used to build an inexpensive garage is cinder block. It consists of blocks made from a solution that is mixed with slag, which is a by-product of any production. The cost of a cinder block is low, but you can build a good-quality garage from it. After waterproofing the foundation, construction of the walls of the structure begins. Laying cinder block is carried out in the same way as brick. But in this case it is necessary to try to make minimal mortar joints.

After the garage walls are ready, you can proceed to the construction of the rafter system. A Mauerlat is mounted on the upper edge of the garage walls, which can be made of wood or poured in the form of a monolithic armored belt. The reinforcing structural element allows you to reduce the load on the walls and securely fix the garage roof. In this case, it is also more convenient to use a pitched roof, which will save on wood for farms. According to the requirements of the roofing decking manufacturer, the sheathing and finishing sheeting are installed.

The final stage is the installation of gates, doors and windows. Cinder block cannot be left without external finishing, because it absorbs moisture well and can be destroyed over time. To prevent this from happening, the surface of the garage walls can be plastered or covered with siding. The second option will be completed in a shorter time and will cost less. A video of a completed garage project of this type is below.

Corrugated sheet

Another option for an inexpensive garage is a structure made of corrugated sheets. In this case, it is best to use a metal frame, which will serve as the basis of the entire structure. Before laying the foundation of the structure, it is necessary to install support pillars. They are installed every two meters. As garage posts, you can use a metal pipe measuring 8x8 cm. A hole is made under each post using a garden drill. It must go below the freezing point of the soil, so that when the top layer freezes, the frame does not lose its geometry due to exposure to heaving soil.

After the supports of the garage structure have been walled up and the foundation has been poured, the top frame of the structure is completed with a profile of the same size. The entire structure is further strengthened by jumpers made of square pipes measuring 4x6 cm. The number of elements will depend on the height of the garage and the number of sheets that will be used to construct the structure. The next stage is the assembly of roof trusses. It is better to paint each structural element on the ground, since later you will have to spend more time if you paint them in place. The trusses are lifted and welded to the top frame. The sheathing under the roof deck is installed on the trusses and the roof is laid.

The next step is to cover the garage walls with corrugated sheets. This is done by using special roofing screws or rivets. If the presence of windows is provided, then openings for them can be cut after the garage has been sheathed. But mortgages for windows in the garage must be provided in advance. Simultaneously with the sheathing, the roofing decking is laid. The last step is to install gates and doors, as well as wiring the electrical network throughout the garage. A similar garage design is described in the video below.


As you can see, a cheap building can be erected quite quickly and from materials that are available in almost every area. It is worth remembering that when constructing a garage structure from corrugated sheets, you can use the wall option. It has a lower cost than roofing, but when placed on the wall it is not inferior in strength. A strip foundation can be constructed for a cinder block structure. To do this, you will have to deepen it below the freezing level so that it maintains its integrity. Inside the room, a screed is subsequently poured, the thickness of which must be at least 5 cm in order to withstand the weight of a passenger car.

In many regions of our country, a garage made of wood is the most optimal construction option, due to the affordable cost of materials, ease of installation and the beautiful appearance of the finished structure. In this article we will tell you how to make a wooden garage with your own hands, what materials to build it from, and also show diagrams, photos and video instructions.

Selection of construction technology

The main thing is to select the optimal construction technology and complete all stages in strict accordance with the chosen type of construction.

The most common two technologies for constructing garages made of wood: using frame technology and using rounded logs.

It is necessary to give preference to the construction of a box for a car using log technology if the main building, house or cottage, is built from similar material. A frame structure will cost less, it is easier to select materials for it, and the construction time will be significantly reduced. In addition, the exterior of a wooden frame garage can be finished with any facade materials suitable for the style of a country house immediately after the construction of the building or after some period of time.

Preparatory work

Maximum speed and ease of work are the main advantages of frame technology. But, despite its simplicity, the construction of a frame garage requires preliminary preparation and the development of a project, with the help of which it will be possible to calculate the required amount of materials and components. The project is calculated independently, with the involvement of experienced specialists, or downloaded from specialized Internet resources. The dimensions of the building should take into account the number of cars, the presence of an open shed for summer car storage and an attic floor, which many car enthusiasts install above the garage.

At the preparatory stage, the location of the future garage and the type of building are established: detached, attached to the main task, type of gate opening and combination with the general entrance area to the site. The selected site is thoroughly cleaned, leveled and, if necessary, compacted.

Foundation work

A high-quality and reliable foundation is the basis of any structure. The choice of technology for constructing a foundation depends on many different factors: the design of the structure, the characteristics of the soil, the financial capabilities of the owner, etc.

Basically, for the construction of a garage, the base is a concrete slab poured using monolithic technology.

The concrete slab will serve as a subfloor, which can then be lined with any finishing materials. Being a type of “floating” foundation, a concrete slab absorbs evenly high loads, helping to avoid deformation of the structure during its operation.

To construct a monolithic foundation, a shallow trench is dug around the perimeter of the planned building and formwork is installed. First, make a cushion of sand and gravel and compact it. Then the base is reinforced with two meshes of metal rods, preparing the site, and it is filled with concrete. After this, the foundation must be allowed to stand for about 3 weeks.

Assembling a frame from boards and timber

The bottom trim is made of a 100x50 mm wooden board, pre-treated with an antiseptic. For racks in the corners of the garage and in the gate leaves, 100x100 mm timber is used, for other parts of the building - rafters and floor blocks - 100x50 mm. In the lower trim between the posts, a pitch of no more than 1200 mm is maintained.

To give the frame greater strength, struts should be installed in the corners of the building.

If the garage is planned to be more than 4 m wide, it is better to make the ceiling beams from stronger and more reliable boards 50x100 mm. The longitudinal elements are made of timber no less than 50x50 mm.

Roof and walls

To equip the roof, a 100x25 mm board is used, which is sheathed with a pre-selected roofing material. Metal tiles or slate can be attached directly to a wooden sheathing, not forgetting to equip a hydro- and vapor barrier system to organize a comfortable microclimate in the garage.

A drain must be installed outside the roofing system, which can be made independently from a plastic pipe cut in two.

For cladding the outside of the building, you can use a special facade lining or a solid wooden board, pre-treated with impregnation to protect it from moisture. The inside of the garage is insulated with mineral wool, always laid with a layer of vapor barrier and covered with clapboard.

Wooden garage 6x4

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the principle of constructing a garage, the size of which is 6x4 m with a ceiling height of 3 m. It will have a gate of 2.8x2.5 m in size, the foundation is made of reinforced concrete slabs, and the frame is made of wooden beams 100x100 mm. As for the exterior finishing, it will be made of corrugated board or other similar material.

The first thing you need to do is clean the construction site. At the site of the future structure, remove soil up to 10 cm deep. The bottom of the pit is filled with sand, leveled and compacted.

Lay formwork boards 1.5×0.5 cm around the perimeter and 15 cm in height. The base is reinforced with Ø 12 mm wire. The cells must be made 20x20 cm. The resulting mesh should be in the middle of the formwork. After this, concrete is poured. Although it may seem that such a foundation is unreliable, it is important not to forget that the weight of the frame structure of a 6x4 m garage is relatively small.

The principle of frame construction has already been described in this article. The difference here is that it is important to respect the dimensions of the garage. So, a frame is erected from beams 3 m long. Assembly begins with the lower crown. You attach the corner drains to it and the upper crown is already on them.

In order for the racks to have a reliable fixation, they should be temporarily fixed using slats or boards.

The resulting structure will be quite strong. If necessary, the frame is reinforced with jumpers for greater rigidity. As for the opening, a beam is laid horizontally on top of the racks. It must also be securely fastened.

In our case, we will build a gable roof for the garage. The ridge beam will be attached to two supports, the cross-section of which is 10x10 cm. These supports will rest on the gables. For the manufacture of rafters and ridge, a 40×100 mm board is used.

The rafters are installed close to each other. This will allow the roof to remain stable under strong wind loads. They are pulled together with puffs. This technology will relieve the load on the horse. The boards themselves should be secured not to the crossbar with an overlap, but under the ridge on top of the tie-downs. Finally, the structure is sheathed with USB or plywood.

The floor in the garage can be made using different technologies. For example, you can make it wooden, concrete, or use self-leveling floor technology. The walls can be treated with construction paper, and hardboard is attached on top of it. But other finishing materials can also be used. As stated at the beginning of this description, we propose installing corrugated sheeting on the façade outside. To do this, you need to make a small sheathing of 40x40 mm timber. The ceiling can be hemmed with wooden boards.

To prevent the roof from sagging under the weight of snow, it is recommended to attach fillets to the rafters from the walls. This will also allow you to make the cornice trim and roof overhang more attractive.

For wall cladding, it is better to use 3 m sheets. Thus, the structure will be airtight without unnecessary joints. Finally, all that remains is to make a metal gate.

Following this simple technology, you can make a garage out of wood measuring 6x4 m.


The process of building a frame garage in video format:


In the provided photo gallery, you can see various options for constructing a wooden garage:

Schemes and drawings

If you decide to build a wooden garage yourself, then first study the diagrams and drawings:

Brick is expensive, but lately it has not been in demand, and not only because of its high cost. Yes, the brick looks beautiful and has excellent characteristics, but construction takes too much time. Another thing - alternative materials:

Here are the three main building materials used frugal builders. Let's explore the detailed technologies building a garage cheaply and reliably.

Made from wood

Perhaps, wood- this is the best option, because here, like no other option, external aesthetics, environmental friendliness, efficiency and ease of construction are successfully combined. But working with wood also has its own nuances.

Please note that there are two construction methods: from rounded logs And frame technology. The first is more reliable, the second is cheaper. Choose the option that suits you best.


How to build a garage cheaply with your own hands from wood? Preparatory stage consists in choosing the location of the future building and its model. Garages can be free-standing or attached to a building. The types of gate openings are also multivariate. All these points should be decided in advance.

After drawing up the plan and layout, the construction site is leveled, cleared, and compacted. The site must be perfectly flat so that there are no kinks or distortions afterwards.

The site is ready, it’s time to begin the most important part of our construction - pouring the foundation. Along the perimeter of the future building, a trench is dug on which the formwork is installed. A must do pillow from several layers of sand and gravel, which is carefully compacted.

The base is reinforced with metal rods and filled with concrete. Now we need to let the foundation stand at least three weeks. When the foundation is ready, we proceed to the lower trim, which is made from the board 50x100 mm.

ATTENTION: Don't forget about wood's tendency to absorb moisture and rot. Therefore, treat the construction boards in advance antiseptic.

For corner posts and gate leaves it is best to take timber, while other frame elements are made of boards 50x100 mm. When performing the lower trim, maintain an interval of no more than 120 cm.

Also, if you want your garage to be as durable, strong, solid and last a long time as possible, install braces in the corners. This will give the structure greater stability.

The hardest part of the job is pouring the foundation And erection of the frame. For the frame you need stronger, thicker boards, while for the arrangement you can use a 25x100 mm board; even simple lining will do here. The board is then sheathed with any finishing material, after which it is necessary to carry out hydro- and vapor barriers by laying several layers of polyethylene or polypropylene film.

As you can see, the garage is the cheapest made of wood not that difficult to build.

Photo of the garage made of wood:

cinder block

The second most popular building material for a garage is cinder block. Today, cinder blocks come in several types:

  • made from blast furnace slag, which is famous for its excellent characteristics and durability;
  • shell rock;
  • brick fight.

To improve performance, some manufacturers add more perlite, polystyrene and other materials.

Everyone loves a cinder block, but there's one in it. flaw: like a tree, he absorbs moisture, which is why it quickly collapses. In dry soil, this quality of material will not be problematic, and with proper construction it will last up to fifty years, but in places where there are groundwater, it is better to choose another material, because if the wood can still be treated with varnish, you can carry out such manipulations with a cinder block it is forbidden.

ATTENTION: You need to know that cinder blocks are divided into types not only by composition, but also by configuration: hollow, which are used for walls, and solid, intended for the foundation. Ignoring this feature can lead to rapid destruction of the entire structure.


In the construction of a garage from cinder block, we also carry out preparatory work, cleaning and leveling the site, developing a plan for the future structure.

A poured foundation is ideal for wood, but cinder blocks do not need such powerful support; this will work here. The strip foundation is made as follows: the top layer of soil is removed and a trench is dug about 45-50 cm deep and 40-45 cm wide. Then a cushion is made of sand and broken brick, which is then filled with cement.

You can do it another way: the trench is filled with sand and then filled with water. The combination of water and sand gives the structure strength and makes it resistant to time and changes in temperature and humidity. After this, reinforcement is laid at the bottom and the entire structure is concreted.

In a month you can begin construction of the walls. The third method of constructing a strip foundation even simpler: Instead of sand, rubble stone is poured into the trench and the entire structure is filled with cement grout, not lower than grade 150.

After the foundation is erected, the base is equipped with heat and vapor barrier materials. The most universal option for hydro-, heat- and vapor barrier is simple roofing felt.

  • walling;
  • floor screed;
  • roofing works;
  • hanging the gate.

Cinder block laying identical with bricklaying, only here this work is carried out several times faster. Laying can be carried out in half a stone (spoon method) or in one stone (poke method).

Masonry of 2 and 1.5 stones is also practiced. You choose the option that suits you, remembering that the thickness of the walls directly affects the durability of the garage and its ability to withstand sudden temperature changes. A garage of one stone will freeze in winter, even if several heaters are installed in it, while one and a half and two stones will be warm and cozy.

When erecting walls, you should first lay out corners, and only then, stretching construction cords between them, begin laying the blocks using the brick method, that is, overlapping the seam of the previous row.

When constructing a floor, remember that the screed must be not less than 10 cm. Concrete is good for screeding M200, which is poured in several layers and then, after drying, rubbed over.
The final stage – electrification And interior decoration.

Photo of the garage from cinder blocks:

Corrugated sheet

What's the easiest way to build a garage? A universal material is suitable for this. corrugated sheet. It is perfect for fences, for sheds, and also makes good garages. But the most important condition here is the competent choice of corrugated sheeting: for the construction of a cheaper garage, only brand PS or WITH.

The corrugated sheet is marked with a letter and a number. Letter "WITH" stands for "purpose for walls", number – sheet stiffness. The higher the number, the stronger the sheet. S-20– the most optimal option for construction.

Sometimes sellers, due to their illiteracy or when there is no twenty in stock, recommend a ten or an eight for construction, but! Never fall for this sales trick! A garage made of such a sheet, although it will cost much less, will not last long, and in winter it will be icy, and it will be impossible to warm it up. And the wind will make the walls shake. Do you need it? We think not, so we stick to the standard one. twenty.

Ideal flooring thickness: half a millimeter.


How to build a cheap garage with your own hands from corrugated sheets? We will need:

  • reinforcement and concrete for foundation construction;
  • elements for the frame: corner, bars, metal rods;
  • metal elements for gates;
  • self-tapping screws

Arm yourself with the following tool:

  1. screwdriver;
  2. welding machine;
  3. Bulgarian;
  4. metal scissors;
  5. jigsaw

Photo of the garage from corrugated sheets:

Let's get to work. First of all, fill it in. Having cut off half a meter of soil, fill the resulting trench with sand and fill it with water. Wells are made for frame racks, which will also become foundation racks.

This work will help make the foundation stronger and more resistant to ground movement. The wells are driven to a depth of at least half a meter.

The following is all according to the standard: A wooden formwork is erected, onto which the reinforcement bars are installed. For strength, the rods are secured with wire. Now the main thing is not to forget to install frame structure racks in the wells.

IMPORTANT: Before installing the racks, it is necessary to process bitumen underground part of the structure.

To prevent the racks from becoming warped, they are carefully aligned using level. The last stage of work is pouring concrete into the reinforcement. Use mark 300, for this case, this is the ideal option.

Some builders claim that construction can be done within two or three days after pouring concrete, but professionals still advise waiting until the required time. three weeks, otherwise the foundation may crack, and then it will no longer be possible to correct the mistake. Patience and more patience is the key to success.

When the foundation is ready, they build metal frame. Welding, a grinder with a jigsaw for cutting metal pipes of the required size, and some other welding skills will come in handy here. With basic welding skills, the frame can be welded in a day or two. It takes a newbie a week. In order to make a frame, you need to carefully study the drawing several times and cut the material according to its data.

Using welding, we weld horizontal metal rods to the racks. Welding is underway at three points. If the frame is made of timber, then in addition to everything, special fastenings for wooden crossbars are welded to the racks. The bars are attached using self-tapping screws.

Now the corrugated sheet is attached self-tapping screws. You can adjust the sheets to size using a jigsaw. It's better to do this job team of three or four people, it is almost impossible to cope with it alone.

When the frame is completed, the gate installation stage begins. Here you also need to show patience and maximum attention to avoid mistakes. The gate frame is made from metal corners and sheathed with corrugated sheets. This work can be completed in a day or two.

As a rule, it is performed in a single-pitch version. The roof frame is made of crossbars (wooden or metal), onto which a clapboard sheathing is attached. It is important to take into account the climatic features of your region.

In the southern regions, a lightweight sheathing design can be used. In the northern regions, where the winter period with blizzards and snow drifts is quite long, it is better to make a stronger, more durable structure that can withstand a load of snow.

We described the main stages of construction technology. Now it's your turn to choose from what cheaper build a garage with your own hands for your swallow. And all we can do is wish you good luck and peaceful skies above your head!

Useful video

How to properly lay cinder blocks during construction budget garage, watch the video:

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):