
“You have to pay more and more for heat in your apartment. IN management company They say that it is necessary to install plastic windows with triple glazing. But we've heard that it's both expensive and unreliable. What should we do?

Installation company managers often hear questions like this. plastic windows. Since managers have one interest, and consumers have another, we will try to answer this question.

Three-chamber glass design

Three-chamber double-glazed window

Triple glazing is a double-glazed window that includes four glasses and three air chambers between them. So to speak, this is the “heavy artillery” of energy saving and sound insulation. The correct name for such a package is "three-chamber", and its thickness varies from 40 mm to 58 mm (with 6 mm outer glass) and above.

Such structures are usually used only in areas with particularly harsh climatic conditions. They are also appropriate in buildings located near noisy structures.

That is, if you live in middle lane and your house is not located near an airfield, then there is no particular reason for you to install a three-chamber double-glazed window. For the simple reason that there are no advantages that do not give rise to disadvantages.

Advantages of three-chamber double-glazed windows compared to two-chamber ones

Cottage glazed with three-chamber double-glazed windows

In general, there are only two of them.

1. Compared to the ones that are becoming more and more familiar to Russians, the thermal conductivity of three-chamber ones is approximately one and a half times lower. The heat transfer resistance of a triple-glazed plastic window is in the range from 0.8 to 0.96 m2 * C/W, while for a double-glazed window it is in the range of 0.56-0.58. 2. Also, triple-glazed windows have almost one and a half times better sound insulation qualities. The noise insulation coefficient reaches 50 versus 36 for windows with double-glazed windows.

Disadvantages of three-chamber double-glazed windows

They also exist. These must be taken into account when ordering.

Three-chamber double-glazed windows are incomparably heavier than two-chamber ones

Cottage in Norway: you can clearly see that the double-glazed windows are inserted into a thick frame

Weight square meter approaching 50 kg. For this reason, three-chamber double-glazed windows are rarely used “in one sheet”. If it is necessary to glaze a large window with such a package, then they prefer to split it using a special binding into several small “window windows”. A separate double-glazed window is installed in each such “window”.

They also try not to use triple glazing in opening window sashes: if window fittings does not have sufficient strength, then such a sash will soon begin to sag.

If heat conservation in your home is at the forefront of your mind, and you are deciding whether to double or triple glazing you choose, stop at double: if you equip it energy saving glass, apply argon filling of the inter-glass chambers, then you will get the same effect with lower loads on façade structures your home, balcony, loggia.

Plastic windows with three-chamber double-glazed windows transmit light almost a third worse

That is, in a room with such windows there will be constant twilight or the light should be on. Which is not good either from the point of view of utility bills or from the point of view of maintaining the psychological tone of the inhabitants of this premises.

Prices will bite you

Glazing of window and door unit with triple glazing

If, when moving from a single to a double-glazed window, costs increase slightly, then the same cannot be said about a three-chamber double-glazed window. Main reason: windows with triple glazing in the central part of the Russian Federation are a piece product. References to small-scale production, exclusive equipment, special professionalism of installers, and the like can justify almost any price.

Although, using a telephone survey, we managed to find a company that was ready to supply triple glazing in a standard 1400*1700mm window for some 12.5 thousand rubles, but, obviously, this case is only the result of the need to obtain any order for this particular operator at a price. Typically, “telephone” managers started counting prices from a less modest 20 thousand and above.

The nuances of installing three-chamber double-glazed windows in an apartment building

It is necessary to pay close attention to the quality of installation of three-chamber double-glazed windows. There is no reason to use such a complex and expensive structure if it is installed somehow, “on a live thread.” Please pay special attention for the presence of hydro- (outside) and steam (inside) insulation around the perimeter of the fittings.

Three-chamber double-glazed window in a plastic profile

If you miss this moment, the craftsmen you hired will easily fill the assembly seam with foam and make it for you with a handle. At first, this is not critical, but in the absence of hydro- and vapor barrier, the foam will quickly get wet. It will transmit heat and lose its initial strength.

In addition, at present, fastening the window block in the wall opening is carried out using the so-called. "anchor plates". Typically, such plates are attached to load-bearing wall only in two or three places, and the window block itself is attached to them.

In the case of two-chamber or single-chamber windows This option may justify itself, but if you are installing triple-glazed windows, then require fastening, as expected, on dowels driven into the main wall.

Choosing plastic windows is quite a difficult task, because potential consumer offered as huge amount products various brands from different manufacturers, and a wide selection different types windows One of the decisive points when choosing is the number of glasses in double-glazed windows. What is more profitable to buy: double or triple products? To answer this question, you need to know the characteristics, features, pros and cons of each.

Triple glazing: what is it?

The product is a two-chamber double-glazed window. PVC windows consist of three panes of glass, forming two air chambers. This feature increases the heat and sound insulation properties of the structure. Compared to previous generation double-glazed windows designed for plastic windows, triple designs have improved characteristics. They are mainly used in residential buildings, but are also quite in demand in industrial and commercial premises.

Without a doubt, the triple glass design is the most powerful and advanced on the market. It is especially widespread in regions with cold climates and in megacities, where the average noise level is higher than permissible standards.

Benefits of triple glazing

  • Triple glazed windows are durable and reliable. Thanks to their increased anti-burglary properties, it is simply impossible to enter a house or apartment through window openings.
  • Very important factor is the presence of an air gap between the glasses. Free space filled with an inert gas (krypton or another), the thermal conductivity of which is significantly lower than the thermal conductivity of air. Gas performs a heat-insulating function. Thanks to the air gap, even in the harsh Siberian climate, the windows will not fog up.
  • A metal coating is applied to two glasses of a triple-glazed unit, which has the ability to reflect long-wavelength radiation. infrared light, resulting in significantly increased thermal insulation of windows. As a rule, the heat transfer coefficient of windows of this type is less than one. In some cases this can be as low as 0.5, making triple glazing the standard for passive energy efficient buildings.
  • To others obvious advantage triple glazing is excellent sound insulation - a quality that is very relevant in conditions big city with busy traffic, active traffic, a large number people. After all, the noise level in megacities can exceed 65 decibels.
  • The installation of such windows is very important in the case of private houses with autonomous system heating, since it allows for significant savings on heating.

The main disadvantages of triple glazing

Plastic windows with triple glazed windows have some features that, if available, certain conditions make their use impossible.

Double or triple glazing

An important point when choosing between a double- or triple-glazed window is the number of floors of the building, the climate, the change in temperature during indoors. It is also necessary to take into account that not only the number of glass sheets matters, but also the type of profile and glass thickness.

It is necessary to take into account a number of factors regarding the characteristics of specific premises:

  • Triple glazed windows are perfect choice for those rooms where increased sound insulation is required. These include living rooms(in particular bedrooms), children's and medical institutions, educational and public institutions.
  • Good noise protection is needed when the rooms are located on the ground floor or overlook busy streets.
  • Double-glazed windows are not suitable for buildings in regions with long, cold winters (in this case they can only be used for glazing loggias). In conditions low temperatures You should definitely choose triple structures that provide additional thermal insulation.
  • Windows with triple glazing are recommended to be installed in rooms located on upper floors high-rise buildings, where due to more strong winds increased insulation is required.

High-quality windows will in any case provide the necessary level of protection, and in some installation cases double designs turns out to be quite enough.

  • Double glazed windows are perfect for warm and temperate climates.
  • Such double-glazed windows were found wide application for glazing verandas, balconies, loggias and entrances.
  • Double glazed windows - the only thing possible option in the case of old wooden buildings, where any excess load can lead to weakening or even destruction of the building.

A double-glazed window is a system of interconnected glasses, the space between which is filled with air or inert gas. This space is called a chamber. There can be one or two such chambers in a double-glazed window, and two or three glasses, and in accordance with the number of the latter, the double-glazed window can be double or triple. Heat loss is prevented by stationary air or gas acting as a heat insulator, hermetically “sealed” between the glass of such a chamber, and a spacer frame. Accordingly, a system of two chambers with three glasses retains heat more effectively than a single one, more reliably protects against heat loss and maintains a favorable microclimate in the room all year round.

For this reason, it is more expedient to use window structures from one chamber as budget option for glazing non-residential or unheated premises, where the issue of comfort gives way to the task of saving. They are also suitable for premises in regions where climatic conditions do not create a need for additional insulation buildings and structures.

Choosing the optimal design is not always simple and the answer to the question of what is better, double or triple glazing, depends on the purpose of the room and, as already mentioned, on the budget. If you care thermal insulation properties windows, comfortable temperature indoors all year round and the ability to save heating energy consumption, then for glazing a house or office building It is better to choose designs consisting of three glasses, giving preference to products from the leader in the double-glazed window industry - the STiS company.

STiS double-glazed windows: best among equals

  • The production of STiS products is based on many years of experience development window designs for different climatic regions of our country. Even the budget sample product Thermal package S, compared to conventional single- and double-chamber double-glazed windows of the old model, retains heat twice as well in winter, providing tangible savings on heating bills.
  • The glass of our thermal packages is coated with an environmentally safe and completely invisible coating, which allows the useful light part of the solar spectrum to enter the room, but protects from hot temperatures. sun rays. At the same time it reflects back inward thermal energy heating devices. An additional heat insulator is the proprietary “warm” frame, which protects the edge zone of the thermal package from the cold, and argon gas pumped into the space between the glass, which insulates the structure by another 10-15%. Due to this, the room remains warm in winter and pleasantly cool in summer. All together allows you to save not only on heating in winter, but also on air conditioning in summer. Regular double or triple glazed windows do not have these properties.
  • Diversity additional options makes it possible to choose a functional thermal package to solve any problem: STiS Select sun protection or additional sound insulation

Windows with double or triple glazing used in the construction of a house no longer surprise anyone, since they have become so firmly established in human life that it is no longer possible to imagine a living space without their existence.

A double-glazed unit is usually called a single-chamber double-glazed unit, the first glass of which will necessarily consist of triplex (two glasses of 3 millimeters each + a film and two air chambers located between them - the total thickness of the package is 6 millimeters). This film glues the glass together.

This package is subsequently connected through the use of a spacer with another glass. In total, the design includes 3 sheets of glass.

Triplex can have a thickness of 8 millimeters, in which case the thickness of each glass will be 4 millimeters each.

Types of glass used in double glazing:

  1. Triplex.
  2. Tinted.
  3. Tempered.
  4. Low emission.
  5. Reinforced.

Advantages of double glazing

Double glazing has a number of advantages, for which they prefer to choose it for glazing window openings in residential and office premises.

Good thermal insulation. This indicator achieved by applying silver ions or oxides of other metals to the glass surface by sputtering. It is on the principle of using such technology that they are created double-glazed windows energy-saving, which operate on the principle of a thermal mirror.

Window reflecting infrared radiation in housing, does not allow it to go outside, leaving heat inside the living space.

The insulating properties of a double-glazed window can be increased by pumping an inert gas into its cavity; most often argon or krypton is used for such purposes.

Possibility of tinting glass. This type of window is in great consumer demand. Such a double-glazed window is obtained in two ways:

  • When making glass, high-quality additives are added, as a result of which the glass acquires a bluish, smoky, opal tint.
  • A special sticker is applied to the glass, which has a tinting effect. The film can be used as a decorative material.

Most often, owners of office centers and medical centers prefer to tint their windows.

The film can also protect the glass unit from vandals who like to either break glass or scratch it. It can withstand a light impact, but if the window does break, the film will allow it to retain the fragments, as a result of which broken glass it'll just crack

Excellent sound insulation. In urban living conditions you simply cannot do without such windows. Double-glazed windows will not allow outside noise to enter the living space.

Today, many people can affirmatively say that 3 glasses are better than 2.

A triple-glazed unit consists of 4 glasses and three sealed cavities - chambers. It is the last characteristic regarding the number of sealed chambers that affects all the positive properties of plastic windows. Triple glazing has:

  • Greater sound insulation.
  • Better thermal insulation.

Characteristics of the glass unit

In order to make a double-glazed window of this type, it is necessary to use different thicknesses of glass.

When using energy-saving glass, the glass itself is coated with special coatings, which in turn allow it to reflect heat rays and increase the thermal insulation properties of the glass unit.

Used for glazing loggias, balconies and attics tempered glass, which is obtained as a result of the use of additional heat treatment. Thanks to the use of such double-glazed windows, the chance of obtaining a burglary-resistant plastic window increases.

The use of polymer film will also help to become great solution to save window glass. As a result of a blow directed at it, the glass will not shatter into many fragments, but will simply crack.

Triplex is known for its excellent sound insulation properties.

When using reflective glass coated with a special metal oxide, anyone using this double-glazed window can forget about the dangers of ultraviolet radiation.

Common features between double-glazed windows

  • They have the same set of characteristics (good sound insulation, thermal insulation, anti-vandal function), which they cope with perfectly.
  • Used in the construction of residential premises.
  • They are a very heavy structure.


  1. These double-glazed windows differ in the number of glasses and chambers.
  2. The thermal insulation of triple glazing is higher than that of double glazing. Double glazing is not suitable for cold winters.
  3. Builders advise installing triple-glazed windows on the upper floors, this is due to their more enhanced sound insulation.
  4. Double-glazed windows transmit light into the room better, while their counterparts, on the contrary, dim the light in the room.

A triple-glazed unit is a product made of several glasses that are connected to each other by three frames (for example, made of aluminum). The filled space between the glasses is filled with a special gas, which prevents the formation of condensation and fogging. For Russian climate conditions, triple perfect solution, as they have increased thermal insulation qualities. Also this type glazing is suitable for those who need to provide reliable protection from noise. It is recommended to install three or more cameras in places of high noise, as well as glass of different thicknesses to prevent the formation of sound resonance. No one is saying that the noise will completely disappear, but you will feel a significant difference.

Triple glazed windows are installed when living in windy areas of the north, since such designs guarantee the absence of drafts. In addition, triple glass is different increased strength and will withstand force majeure cases (for example, being hit by a ball). It is also necessary to approach the choice of accessories very carefully. For example, maco fittings are distinguished by their anti-burglary mechanism, which virtually eliminates the risk of entry into the room through a window.

Triple glazing has both pros and cons:

· The weight of the triple glass package is too heavy. Therefore, they are difficult to install as glazing, as well as in openings of significant size (they are recommended only for indoor glazing).

· Triple glass combination reduces throughput light by approximately 10%. But decide for yourself what is more important. Noise, drafts or minimal refraction of daylight.

· To increase reliability, triple glazed windows are divided into small windows, and this spoils aesthetic appeal windows, what is true for windows large sizes(glazing of facades).

  1. How many windows need to be made 1-2-3 or more (discount on order quantity)
  2. Please provide dimensions or approximate details
  3. How windows should open (pivot, tilt-and-turn, fixed)
  4. It is necessary to take into account delivery, dismantling, installation
  5. Our manager will make calculations and help you choose the optimal solution for you.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):