The appearance of moths in an apartment is almost a natural disaster. It contaminates food and ruins expensive carpets and clothes. Its larvae love to feast on wool and fur items. It won't work either three days, how a remarkable holey pattern will appear on your favorite pullover, and some items of clothing will simply turn into dust. Using special chemicals, you can quickly get rid of this scourge.

The main types of chemicals against moths

Moths are a common pest, so the range of means to combat them is quite wide. On store shelves you can find:

  • sprays and aerosols;
  • fumigators;
  • plates;
  • flavored tablets and pellets;
  • sticky traps and ribbons.

When choosing chemicals, consider the scale of the disaster. Do not spray cabinet shelves with sprays unless there are signs of pests. To be on the safe side, use pills. If moths are visible, you will need an anti-moth spray. In case of serious damage, use several types of drugs. First, treat the infested items with an insecticidal spray, place sticky traps for control, and also use a repellent (in the form of tablets or sachets) to maintain the effect of the chemical exposure.

Repellents are odorous substances that repel insects. Insecticides are chemical compounds that have a toxic, poisonous effect.

Moth sprays: review of famous brands

This is the most common form of release, since it is convenient to spray the insecticide, and the result is visible instantly due to the high concentration of active substances. Moths falling into the cloud of the drug die on the spot. Aerosols have powerful action and on insect larvae. Most sprays contain insecticides from the pyrethroid group.

Synthetic pyrethroids are an analogue of natural pyrethrins, which are contained in pyrethrum powder - dried and crushed Dalmatian chamomile flowers. The substance is characterized by selective action and low toxicity. When exposed to light and water, pyrethroids decompose, forming non-toxic products. They have a third class of danger for humans and domestic animals (moderately dangerous) and a second class (highly hazardous substances) for bees.

When working with aerosols, observe the following precautions:

  • use protective equipment- gloves and mask;
  • do not inhale chemicals;
  • Before wearing the treated clothing, take it to the dry cleaner, as it is possible to develop an allergy to the components of the drug;
  • After spraying the product on the surface of the cabinet shelves, temporarily leave the room;
  • for next three days after treatment, regularly ventilate the rooms.


This name refers to preparations based on organophosphorus compounds. They have been known and widely used for decades. The main reason for its popularity is its versatility: the chemical components kill both creeping and flying insects. Average price- 150–200 rubles. Famous brands:

To destroy moths in wardrobes, the product is sprayed for a certain time, taking into account the approximate consumption: two seconds per 1 m2 of area. The active phase of action begins after 15 minutes. The drug is aggressive: even the updated formulas are highly toxic and can harm humans. Therefore, use it when clearly necessary - if there are a lot of pests, and other means do not give results.

Do not spray Dichlorvos on bed linen, surfaces and cabinets where food, medicines, hygiene products and cosmetics are stored.

Mosquitall for moths

This effective remedy based on permethrin, designed to kill moths and moth larvae. It is also effective in the fight against skin beetles. The aerosol can be used to treat any clothing, regardless of the type of fabric, as well as carpets and upholstery. The volume of the bottle is small - 150 ml, its cost is about 150 rubles. When used correctly, it lasts a long time. The effect of using the aerosol lasts up to six months.

Unique combination components gives good result: Moskitol has already saved a single fur coat


The ingredients are still the same chemicals- tetramethrin and permethrin. The manufacturer of the product claims that the aerosol can be sprayed onto all fabrics, including fur and leather. It leaves no traces after processing, has the smell of lemon, but the aroma is very pungent, chemical and bears little resemblance to nature. Therefore, when choosing this aerosol, take care of safety equipment. To avoid inhaling harmful fumes, it is better to leave the treated area immediately after spraying. The estimated protective effect is 12 months.

Aerosol Raptor is a powerful moth repellent, but has a pungent odor, although with hints of lemon


This drug contains one active chemical component - permethrin. As with other aerosols, the instructions indicate the possibility of using it to treat any fabric. Guaranteed protection is 6 months. Smell: lavender, not disgusting. When processed, it does not leave streaks and is economical: the cylinder is enough to complete two treatments of the entire wardrobe. The price of the drug is about 100 rubles per 140 ml of product.

The smell of Armol aerosol is really lavender

Use of fumigators

This device can help in the fight against not only mosquitoes and flies. Special plates and liquids against moths and larvae famous manufacturers are not produced, but anti-mosquito tablets are made based on the same chemical as many moth repellents - vaporrin.

Vaportrin (empentrin) is an insecticide included in tablets and liquids for electrofumigators, as well as plates designed to protect fur and wool products from damage by insects.

As a result of heating, the chemical impregnation of the plate is released or the liquid evaporates from the bottle. The content of toxic components in this case is less than in aerosols and sprays, so the method is safer for humans. But its effectiveness is questionable, because when using electric fumigators, compliance with the rules is required:

  • the maximum operating time of the device is no more than 8 hours a day;
  • the need for an open window in the room for the entire time it is turned on.

Perhaps this will repel the moths, but to combat the larvae, the action of the substance must occur in a closed chamber space - a closet, a drawer. Thermal fumigation is more effective in the fight against moths.

Electrofumigators are not the most effective way moth control

Heat fumigator Raptor (Express moth elimination system)

The operating principle is based on the slow thermal evaporation of the active substance - transfluthrin - an insecticide with contact and inhalation activity. Due to its high volatility and penetrating ability, adult insects and larvae are killed 10 times faster than with other pyrethroid-based products. A special heating pad is used for heating. Within five minutes of contact with air, it heats up to 65 °C, the substance evaporates, the molecules settle on clothing, effectively protecting against moth larvae and egg laying on any fabric. The duration of the effect is at least four months. The price of the product is about 250 rubles.

The heat fumigator Raptor, installed in a cabinet, provides quick and long-lasting protection against moths at all stages of their development

Anti-moth tablets and balls

This form of larvae and butterfly repellent is quite common. They are available in scents of eucalyptus, lavender, and lemon. On average, a package costs up to 50 rubles, and the method of use couldn’t be simpler: just put a few tablets and balls on the shelves of your closets or in your pockets.


This is “grandmother’s” remedy, proven over the years, effective and inexpensive. But the effect of using naphthalene tablets is exclusively preventive. The active substance - a solid aromatic hydrocarbon made from oil and coke - does not destroy either clothes moths with larvae or eggs. In addition to balls, manufacturers offer other forms of release - briquettes and plastic sections with clamps.

Research has proven the carcinogenic properties of naphthalene: the substance is harmful to humans and domestic animals.

Photo gallery: naphthalene-based products

To protect against moths, naphthalene in the form of briquettes is laid out on shelves in wardrobe Pendants with naphthalene are easy to use and repel moths well. Naphthalene tablets - classic version

Greenfield tablets

They are produced in the form of talc balls with special impregnation from essential lavender oil with the addition of synthetic substances. The application is standard: several tablets are laid out on sections and shelves of cabinets. You can also put a couple of pieces in your clothing pockets. The deterrent effect of using the drug lasts up to 6 months. A bag weighing 100 g costs about 30–50 rubles. This amount is enough to protect a large cabinet from moths. Some people are not satisfied with the too strong smell, which takes a long time to dissipate. Others note that it is relatively pleasant and does not soak into clothing.

Greenfield tablets - a remedy that moths are afraid of

Balls Clean House

The drug provides reliable protection things from natural fibers from moths and their larvae, as well as from the skin beetle. The method of application is no different from other products of this type:

  1. Open the bag and take out the balls.
  2. Place them among items prepared for storage (woolen wardrobe items, fur items). Consumption: 2–3 pcs. for each shelf, drawer, box or section.
  3. Replace the balls after six months of use.

The tool does the job. But many are repulsed by the strong chemical smell naphthalene.

Moth balls often have an unpleasant odor to humans, but are good at repelling moths

Moth plates

These are cardboards with chemical impregnation. They are similar to mosquito repellent tablets for fumigators. They are placed in places attractive to insects. The plates protect against moth larvae, preventing the reproduction of adult moths. Unlike balls, they are not subject to destruction, which makes them easier to use. The product is safer than many anti-moth medications and is cheaper.

  1. Armol. There are 10 plates in one package. The impregnation contains the insecticide empentrin (pyrethroid). The drug has a pronounced lavender aroma and is used in enclosed spaces - places where fur and wool clothing is stored. It is better to place the records in the upper parts of the furniture - drawers, mezzanines: the spread of odor and evaporation of chemical impregnation occurs from top to bottom. Consumption: no more than 2 packages per 15 m2. If there are a lot of larvae, more pieces will be needed to fight them, since the range of action of the plates is small. Price is about 30–50 rubles per box.
    To protect one large item, you should use at least two Armol plates
  2. Glorus. Israeli remedy for moths and their larvae. Does not contain chemicals, therefore safe for humans. It should not be used in large quantities; the room must be well ventilated, especially if people who are prone to allergic reactions live in the house. The plates have a pleasant citrus aroma as they are soaked in orange essential oil. There is a product with a lavender scent. There is no insecticide in the composition, so it is more of a means of preventing the appearance of moths in the closet. Price per pack of 10 pcs. - 40–70 rubles.
    A safe remedy for moths - Antimol plates soaked in essential oils of lavender or orange
  3. Dr. Klaus. The plates are available in two versions: with lavender scent and BIO (odorless). The active ingredient in the impregnation is Vaportrin in high concentration (4%). It affects the pest, destroying the larvae. The effect is quick and lasts at least 6 months. Thanks to convenient form The product is easy to use in any furniture. It does not leave stains on clothes. Suitable as a budget option: a package (10 pcs.) will cost about 30–50 rubles.
    Moth preparation Dr. Klaus contains a large amount of insecticide, but is odorless
  4. Raid paper pendants. This is something between plates and sections with a hook. The peculiarity is that the cardboard plates contain round holes, with the help of which they are secured to clothes hangers. Impregnation insecticide - transfluthrin. Several pieces are strung on a hanger of expensive fur coats and cashmere coats. The product has a floral aroma, but is quite strong. Promised effect from using paper pendants: 3 months. Cost: 150 rubles per package (12 pendants).

    Raid paper pendants with the scent of spring flowers are used to protect the most valuable items of clothing

Anti-moth sections: compact and safe

The action of the product is similar to balls and plates. The differences lie in the method of application and installation. The sections are the same plates, but placed in a plastic case with a hook or adhesive tape at the base for fastening to the cabinet wall or baseboards. Their advantage is the reduction of direct contact of a person and his things with the repellent during use.

Sticky moth repellents

Sticky traps and tapes are non-toxic. They lure small moths. When the pest flies up, it sticks to the sticky substance. Traps, for example, Swissinno or Aeroxon, work on this principle. They attach to any surface. Recently, a special anti-moth tape appeared - Ferokap. The sticky substance contains pheromones that attract males. But the effect applies only to food moths:

  • grain;
  • mill;
  • dried fruit;
  • barn.

The trap limits the proliferation of pests and prevents the appearance of larvae in food products. Its effect on clothes moths has not been detected.

For pest access, there are four entrance holes in the trap body

There are a lot of products for repelling and killing butterflies. How to choose an effective one that will help, will not harm health and will not be dangerous to children and animals? Most effective means from moths let's look at it in more detail.

Can be found at night. During the day, house moths hide from human eyes, lay larvae and eat clothing and food. What to poison them with?

Two types are used in the fight against moths:

  • Repellents;
  • Insecticides.

The action of the former is aimed at scaring away butterflies and protecting clothes from flying insects. Insecticides are designed to destroy the adult and larvae.

For preventive purposes, repellents are used, and for total disinfestation, insecticidal preparations are used.

The necessary ones are selected depending on the degree of infection of the object. It happens that no aerosols or sprays can save you from moths; the drastic solution would be to call the emergency services.

Sometimes it is enough to carry out a series of measures to completely remove pests.

Any disinfestation requires careful preparation. The preliminary stages are related to the fact that not every home remedy effective against larvae. Killing adult individuals will not get rid of pests; treatment will have to be carried out 2–3 times.

Preparing for disinfestation

We are preparing the apartment for processing. Necessary:

  1. Clean out the dressing room;
  2. Conduct an inspection for larvae and adult lepidoptera;
  3. On outdoors thoroughly shake all clothes;
  4. On a sunny day, leave to warm up under UV rays;
  5. Wipe the shelves by adding a few drops of lavender oil to a bowl of water;
  6. Heavily contaminated, eaten items should be disposed of and burned.

After completion preparatory stages begin disinfestation activities.

What drugs are used to control butterflies?

In destroying and repelling moths, the following work for results:

  • Sprays;
  • Sections;
  • Plates;
  • Aerosols;
  • Flavored sachets;
  • Figurines made of natural wood;
  • Pills;
  • Traps.

Aerosols, sprays, platins and moth tablets are aimed at killing flying insects. Intended for use on infected areas. The death of lepidoptera occurs within a few minutes.

Sections, sachets, wood figurines are repellents. Helps prevent infestation of clothing by larvae and adults.

Traps work to destroy food butterflies: they lure them with an attractive aroma and securely glue them inside the box.

Rating of the most effective means

The following brands have earned the trust of consumers:

  • Raid;
  • Raptor;
  • Mosquitol;
  • Extramit;
  • Klaus;
  • Combat;
  • Fumitox;
  • Clean house;
  • Help;
  • Armol.

Each manufacturer produces a whole line of moth repellents. Most are based on natural extracts of strong-smelling plants:

  • Orange;
  • Mandarin;
  • Lavender;
  • Jasmine;
  • Cedar and fir.

Plant extracts are safe. Exceptions are persons with individual intolerance to the incoming components and those prone to allergic reactions.


An aerosol is distinguished from a spray by the particle size of the active substance. The spray has a trigger and is used in the case of local application of a ready-made insecticide.

Mosquitol spray is the most popular among consumers. Contains fragrance – lavender. Protects against clothes butterfly. Purpose: processing large areas.

A drug based on permethrin and transfluthrin protects against re-infestation by moths for up to 1 year. Has the property of neutralizing unpleasant odors.

Textiles and leather, wool and carpet products. After application it leaves no traces.

Safe around children and pets.

Spray the product onto the contaminated item until damp. Actively kills adults and larvae.

Sprays are no less effective:

  • Clean house;
  • Antimol;
  • Klaus.

Should be kept away from children. In case of contact with mucous membranes, rinse with water.


Sections are created on the basis of plant extracts. They are safe and do not contain chemical compounds.

Effective against insects, and also eliminates the smell of mold and mustiness. Fills the room with a subtle aroma.

It is impossible to destroy moths and egg laying using sections. This is a repellent designed to scare away individuals.

If you do not prepare the room in advance, the butterflies adapt to the smell and breed, regardless of the section located nearby.

The Raptor section is in wide demand among consumers. The manufacturer offers a choice of a drug with a scent:

  • Lavender;
  • Citrus;
  • Jasmine.

Does not lose its active properties for 3 – 5 months. For every 50 cm 2 area, 1 section is required.

The Mosquitall section is no less effective. Placed on a shelf or hung on the door. Safe for children. Does not contain preservatives or hazardous compounds.

Fumigator plates and hanging

The plates can be made of polymer and thick paper. The base is impregnated with the active substance - flavorings, which thin out the repellent aroma.

The fumigator plates are placed inside the device and connected to a power source. When heated, an active substance begins to be released, which has a repellent effect on winged birds.

Suspension plates can be impregnated with a substance or filled with gel. Convenient mounts allow you to place the repeller in a closet or on a shelf.

Effectiveness period – up to 3 months. After the time has passed, the flavor plate should be replaced.

Effective and safe plates:

  • Armol. The active substance, pernethrin, has a suffocating effect. Each plate is individually packaged in foil. Thins out the lavender aroma. Has a detrimental effect on larvae and adults;
  • Oboronkhim. Plates impregnated with concentrated oils neutralize musty odors and protect against body butterflies;
  • Clean home: placed in the dressing room, base – lavender;
  • StopMol. Soaked in essential oils of fir and coriander. They have a repellent effect;
  • Raid. Active substance – transfluthrin, flavoring – spring flowers. Destroys adults and larvae;
  • Battalion commander Fragrance-impregnated cardboard strips essential oils citrus fruits. Protect up to 3 months, safe;
  • Klaus. They have repellent and insecticidal properties. There are scented and unscented. Valid for 3 months;
  • Shield. Plate with fastening, easy to hang in the closet. Can be placed in outerwear pockets.

Gel plates retain their aroma and repellent properties longer. They work continuously for up to six months.


Aerosol products are effective and effective drugs to get rid of moths at home.

When working with aerosol insecticides, protect your respiratory system with a respirator, avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes.

If contact does occur, rinse a large number running water. Keep the can away from children and dispose of it similarly household waste. Do not place the cylinder on a window to avoid heat from the sun.

The most popular among consumers are:

  • Raptor. Flavoring: lemon. Destroys clutches of eggs and adults. Reliable carpet cleaner. The base is permethin and tetramethrin. Causes death as a result of nerve paralytic action. Also penetrates gastrointestinal tract and systemic blood flow, causing intoxication and inevitable death;
  • Fumitox. An aerosol that has a lethal effect on adult moths and larvae. Contains tetramethrin. Keep away from children and direct sun rays. Works for 5 months. After the time has passed, repeat the treatment.
  • Bros. Aerosol with lavender scent. Works for 4 months. Copes with larvae and adult butterflies. Active ingredient: prallethrin;
  • Battalion commander It has nerve paralytic properties. Thinner thin pleasant aroma. The active substance is phthalthrin.

Procedure for using aerosols:

  • Close windows and doors in the room;
  • Open the cabinet doors;
  • Protect your respiratory system;
  • Spray the insecticidal substance indoors, focusing special attention clothes. Aerosols are not left behind greasy stains, do not spoil the fabric and six;
  • Ventilate the room 40–50 minutes after the end of disinfestation.

Modern drugs do not cause intoxication in humans and do not have carcinogenic properties.

Flavored sachets

Scented sachets are herbal infusions that have a repellent effect. Safe.

They can be used both in the fight against clothing and against targets. They do not have a pungent odor. Packed in a perforated bag. Protect for up to 3 months.

Earned consumer trust:

  • Raptor with jasmine scent. The active ingredient is transfluthrin. Provides protection for up to 4 months;
  • Help. Sachet containing only lavender flowers. Repels butterflies and freshens laundry;
  • Antimol Phytoprotection. Consisting of a bouquet of aromatic herbs and flowers that have a repellent effect. One sachet is enough for a cabinet with an area of ​​2 m2.

The sachets do not kill insects and larvae; the drug is effective in preventing infection of clothing.

Figurines made of natural wood

Figurines made from natural wood are gaining popularity every day. Cedar has a repellent effect.

Cut out shapes in the form of butterflies, circles and triangles are placed in the closet. American cedar is environmentally friendly, pleasant to humans, but not tolerated by insects.

Attention! When placing the pieces of wood, lay a thick sheet of paper over the clothing. Wood can leave greasy marks and ruin the fabric.


Tablets have a detrimental effect on larvae and adults. Do not place tablets near food. The drug is not used in the fight against kitchen moths.

Work effectively:

  • Antimol Cinderella. Contain natural oil lavender. Keep away from children. The tablets are placed on top shelf closet Duration of action – 3 months;
  • Kartas. Tablets based on concentrated oils of eucalyptus, cedar, mint, lavender. Has a repellent effect on pests;
  • Desmol. Tablet preparation based on natural essential oils. Effective against clothes.

Consumers choose tablets because they are cheap. Disadvantage: short-term effect. The aroma quickly disappears, the tablets lose their repellent properties.


The principle of operation of traps is based on luring individuals. The device is a plate impregnated with resins and pheromones that attract insects. Once trapped, the insect adheres to the adhesive base and dies.

Helps against, odorless adhesive is safe.

The following traps are in wide demand among consumers:

  • Raptor. The device is attached to the cabinet door using adhesive tape. Validity period – up to 3 months;
  • Argus - works on the Raptor principle;
  • Aeroxon. Food butterfly trap. It is odorless and effectively fights pests.

Fighting food butterflies

In the fight against kitchen moth plants and herbs that have a pungent odor are used.

It is advisable to use traps among industrial preparations.

Aerosols and sprays are used for severe infection. Products after processing should not be eaten.

With bulk products, you can have a section with the aroma of citrus or lavender. Tablets cannot be used.

Before laying out repellents, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory measures:

  1. Sort out the infected cereals, separate the larvae (glued together lumps of cereals);
  2. Rinse the clean product and heat it in the oven at a temperature of 55 - 65 C;
  3. Frying time – 2 hours.

Pour the clean product into sealed jars, wash the shelves in the closet and place repellents.

You can expel it with the following folk remedies:

  • Laundry soap;
  • Tobacco;
  • Black pepper;
  • Geranium;
  • Garlic;
  • Carnation;
  • Bay leaf.

Food moths react acutely to odors. The pungent aroma scares off moths, and they tend to leave their usual habitat. Experienced housewives know: in order to prevent infection, it is enough to leave an open packet of herbs or hot seasoning in the cupboard.

Food Pest Traps

Cereal – contaminates food and makes it unfit for consumption. Odorless products - glue traps - will help you get rid of them in your apartment. Safe and effective:

  • Aeroxon - adhesive sheets. Contains pheromones, provides protection for 6 weeks. Safe, does not contain chemical compounds harmful to health. The adhesive trap is glued to the cabinet door;
  • Pheromone trap from food moth. Operating principle: a substance similar to that secreted by the female is applied to the adhesive surface. The insect flies to the pheromones, sticks and dies. The included substances are highly effective in baiting kitchen moths;
  • Argus. Adhesive, works up to 3 months. If the adhesive gets on your skin, rinse with water. Keep away from children and animals.

The best location is the door kitchen set. food pest will fly away from home correct use traps.

How to remove persistent odor from repellents

Even a hypoallergenic effective remedy for moths and larvae can cause spasm of the respiratory tract. Some people react quite strongly to strong aromas.

If signs of an allergic reaction appear, it is necessary to urgently dispose of the repellent and neutralize the persistent aroma in the room. A prepared vinegar solution will help remove the smell.

Treatment of floors, air and cabinets:

  • Dilute 2 tablespoons of acetic acid in 3 liters of water;
  • Wipe cabinets, the outside of containers with bulk products;
  • Wipe the floor;
  • Spray vinegar water in the kitchen.

After treatment, open the windows in the room and leave to ventilate for 30 - 40 minutes. Vinegar neutralizes persistent odor from chemical influences.

If you are allergic to vinegar, protect your respiratory system during treatment.

The difference between industrial products, insecticides and repellents, lies in the active compound and release form. Aerosols are more expensive than sections, tablets are cheap, but are not used in the fight against food butterflies.

The choice of drug depends on the degree of infection. For prevention, it is enough to use sections and repellent plates.

Many people are perplexed where moths come from in their houses and apartments, because they can even be found in the cleanest homes, in which always reigns perfect order. The appearance of small gray butterflies depends not only on compliance with hygiene rules, but also on some other factors.

Clothes moths appear after purchasing carpets; woolen, knitted and fur clothing. Furniture moths usually enter the house along with old, used furniture. Insects can live in closets, suitcases, fur coats and hats, as well as in products made from natural wool.

Review of the product:

It depends on everyone, but we have a special moth - it doesn’t eat fur coats or sweaters in the closet, but the upholstery of the sofa from the wall side. Personally, this was my first time encountering this. It's good that you can easily move the sofa to spray. In short, we didn’t bother for a long time, bought the notorious Raptor and quickly sprayed everything. Well, what can I say! Indeed, the moth disappeared, but I just had to treat it with Raptor almost every day for a week. And the upholstery also had to be bent a little and embroidered. Because their whole family was located between the upholstery and the wooden frame.

Spray "Moskitol"

Insecticidal aerosol effectively protects carpets, furniture upholstery and clothing made from any type of fabric from clothes moths. The drug has a delicate effect, it does not leave stains and does not damage the structure of wool and fur products.

  • Method of application. The product is sprayed onto the interior of furniture and clothing, at a distance of 20 – 25 cm.
  • Manufacturer - Russia.
  • Volume –100; 150; 200 ml.
  • Best before date - 3 years.
  • Depending on the volume of the drug, its cost may vary from 90 -.130 rubles.
  • Contraindications. The spray is not recommended for use by people who are hypersensitive to the substances included in its composition. After treatment, the apartment must be ventilated for thirty minutes.


My friend's moth almost ate her new fur coat. We bought Moskitol from annoying insects at the supermarket and sprayed everything in the closet. To be honest, I found the smell quite pleasant. I even doubted that it would work. But after a couple of treatments, the winged beeches died.

Insecticide aerosol "Clean House"


Good afternoon As for me, “Clean House” is too expensive for its price trademark. I bought this product when I moved into the apartment I bought. stood there old furniture with moths in the closet (of course! – we bought the apartment after an old grandmother). I bought the aerosol for 450 rubles at the nearest hardware store. The smell is disgusting, but there is an effect - the moth dies. It took 2 days to ventilate the apartment, and to clean the inside of the closet. I really wanted to keep the rare cabinet for myself))).

Aerosol "BROS"


Spray "Armol"

The spray is intended for treating furniture; fur and woolen clothing; bed linen, carpets and other textiles. The product contains the active ingredients permethrin and methylpyrrolidone, it does not leave marks on clothes, has pleasant smell and guarantees effective protection against insects.

  • Method of application. The can must be shaken and then directed at the surface to be treated.
  • Manufacturer – Russia.
  • Volume – 140; 165; 190 ml.
  • Shelf life – 3 years.
  • Depending on the volume, the price of the drug can range from 70 – 135 rubles.
  • Contraindications. The product is toxic and flammable; it should be used with open windows, in the absence of animals and people. After using the drug, the face and hands should be thoroughly washed with soap. The treated room should be ventilated for thirty minutes.


Well, this Armol has a pungent smell. And the manufacturers write that the smell is pleasant. I personally found it just creepy! But the moth actually disappears after using it. It's inexpensive and kills insects. I have never trusted any hangers, bags or pads in the closet that are sold against moths. For some reason it always seemed to me that aerosols should help faster. So Armol helped. True, after it I had to wash so many things, wash out the closet, and then ventilate the room for a long time. Fortunately, the aroma sticks helped!

When choosing a drug, you must be guided by the following requirements:

  • safety for apartment residents;
  • ease of use— processing should not require special training and professional skills;
  • availability– the product must be affordable and available for retail sale everywhere;
  • versatility– destroy all types of moths and other insect pests.
  • rapidity– it is desirable that the destruction of moths does not extend over a long period of time;
  • efficiency– the drug must destroy moths at all stages of development and completely;
  • chemically inert– the product used in the apartment should not damage furniture, clothing, or textiles.

Taking into account all the listed requirements, it is difficult to choose the best remedy from moths, but it’s worth trying to get closer to the ideal. Let's consider all the pros and cons of anti-moth medications that are on sale.

Characteristics of some types of insecticides and repellents

The most popular and effective means of combating moths can be divided into two large groups according to their mode of action:

  • insecticides – preparations that kill moths;
  • repellents are means that repel insects.

Also, all funds can be divided according to the form of release:

  • spray and aerosol;
  • pills;
  • plates;
  • fumigators;
  • sections;
  • sticky tape;
  • sachets and pads;
  • gel;
  • etc.

Each product has its own advantages and disadvantages, which we will consider using the example of the most popular anti-moth drugs.

Moth aerosols are considered the most effective against butterflies flying around the apartment.

The most popular product in aerosol packaging, according to reviews on social networks, is Raptor. The product is flavored and has a lemon scent. The aerosol does not leave stains on clothes. Effectively fights butterflies, destroys larvae and egg laying. Protective properties last up to 12 months. Active ingredient The drug is an insecticide with enteric contact action, permethin. It provides fast action and guaranteed total destruction of flying and crawling insects. Raptor also contains a modern pesticide from the permethrin class - tetramethrin, which has a neuroparalytic effect. Upon contact with the respiratory tract, digestive system and the entire surface of the larvae’s body, substances block the basic functions of the systems and cause the death of insects.

The smallest drops of aerosol settle on the walls of the closet and things, having a prolonged effect and penetrating into the cracks of the furniture, destroying clutches of moth eggs.

It is necessary to use an aerosol by applying it to things. Carpets, furniture, inner surface wardrobes.

Before processing, items must be cleaned of dirt and dried. After spraying Raptor, the room needs to be ventilated for 30-40 minutes.

Modern pesticides and insecticides for treating apartments do not have a toxic effect on humans. However tiny particles When sprayed, aerosols can cause an allergic reaction, so it is recommended to spray the products while protecting the respiratory system with a cotton-gauze bandage or a respirator.

Popular aerosol moth repellents include:

The aerosol can also be used against food moths. Only apply the product to the inside surface of cabinets and drawers, avoiding contact with food. Even sealed packaging does not guarantee the safety of products from insecticide.

Moth spray

A spray differs from an aerosol in the size of the substance particles sprayed. Sprays are equipped with a trigger for spraying the solution. Among the most popular is Moskitol. Spray Moskitol with the scent of lavender is suitable for protecting residential premises from moths and allows you to treat large surfaces. The insecticide contains two active substances - transfluthrin and permethrin. The product neutralizes odors, destroys moths instantly and prevents them reappearance within a year. Used to protect products made of fur and leather, clothing made of wool and silk, carpets, upholstered furniture. Does not leave stains, does not contain preservatives or propellants.

The product is sprayed onto the surface to be treated until lightly moistened. The bottle (100 ml) is designed to treat 7-9 m2 of surface. Mosquitol effectively fights 6 types of moths and skin beetles. Destroys all types of butterflies, larvae and egg laying.

The industry produces the following moth sprays:

  • Delicia– professional spray in a large package against all types of domestic insects. Has no smell. Sprays using a trigger and does not contain carrier gas.
  • Shield– anti-moth spray;
  • Sniper;
  • ARGUS– spray with lavender scent. Kills and repels moths with prolonged action.
  • Wenko– moth spray contains natural lavender oil.
  • Zitol;
  • Tornado;
  • Aggressor– the effect of the drug lasts 8 weeks.
  • Tarol– the drug not only scents clothes and shoes, but also protects them from moths and skin beetles, etc.

The effectiveness of sprays is the same as that of aerosols. Often the manufacturing company produces the same product in the form of an aerosol and a spray. They are convenient to use, but require the purchase of several cylinders and time, since you need to carefully treat all things and surfaces.

Moth fumigator

Fumigators are compact devices that operate from a standard electrical outlet and consume 4-5 W of electricity. The insecticide can be filled in the form of plates or a vessel with liquid. Equally effective against clothes, fur and food moths.

A moth fumigator has its advantages and disadvantages. It is easy to use, does not require time-consuming treatment of the room, and kills and repels flying insects. If you place the fumigator in a closet, the fumes from the plate soaked in insecticide will affect the moth larvae. The disadvantage of the fumigator is that the device runs on electricity. If there is no current or outlets, it cannot be used. In order for the fumigator to act in wardrobe, an extension cord is required. Which is also not very convenient. The action of the insecticide is extended over time. Sometimes it takes several days, and sometimes even weeks, for the moth to be completely destroyed.

When using a fumigator, do not allow the accumulation of fumes in the residential area. The insecticide is irritating to the respiratory system and can cause an allergic reaction or trigger an asthma attack.

The most famous brands of fumigators:

  • DiK-3;
  • Mosquitall;
  • Moth raid;
  • DiK-6 Universal;
  • Clean house;
  • PR-2, etc.

In addition to the form of the insecticide, the moth fumigator differs in the material from which the body is made. It can be plastic, ceramics, glass. Depending on the material and the company that manufactures the fumigators, the price of the product varies. In terms of effectiveness, all brands are the same - they act on all types of flying insects.

Many people remember about anti-moth tablets, since Naphthalene was produced in exactly this form. Now there is a wide selection of tablets for moths:


In order for the tablets to work more efficiently and not damage clothing, they must be placed in packaging - gauze bags that can be placed in the corners of the closet or hung under clothes on a hanger.

The advantage of tablets is their low cost. If you change the product in accordance with the recommendation on the package, the moth will leave the closet forever. The disadvantage of tablets is that they have a short duration of action: from several weeks to several months. They do not kill insects, but repel them, which does not guarantee the return of pests. However, ease of use and low price attract buyers.

Moth plates are made from various materials– cardboard, polymers. The plates are impregnated with insecticides and repellents with different odors. They kill and repel moths, their larvae, and skin beetles. Easy to use. Eat hanging options, made in the form of a hanger.

Judging by consumer reviews, the following are successful:

Plates filled with gel are also sold. The method of action is similar to plates and pendants. The gel is in a protective package with a convenient hook pendant. According to reviews, Raid Antimol with the scent of lavender or cedar is very effective. The gel is valid for 4 months, then the packaging should be replaced. Perfectly scents clothes and repels moths.

In addition to the listed anti-moth remedies, they produce sachets, bags, and pads filled with dried flowers of lavender, geranium, mint, etc. They use folk remedies that help get rid of insects. Environmentally friendly, do not cause allergies.

Moth trap

A moth trap operates on a slightly different principle. These are plates coated with an adhesive substance based on rubber and natural resins, impregnated with pheromones. On back side– an adhesive strip with which the trap is attached to the cabinet wall. It is very effective because it is non-toxic and odorless. Such traps from the Raptor line protection against food moths (odorless) are in demand.

Similar traps are:

  • Aeroxon food moth trap;
  • ARGUS glue trap, etc.

Attention! Traps are placed in a dry, cool, draft-free place. After gluing, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

In addition to adhesive ones, stationary electronic traps against flying insects are produced. Thus, Eco Sniper GH1M attracts insects with the help of UV diodes, and the fan sucks them into the storage tank. The device can serve a room of 30 m2, operates from the network and consumes 2 W. The device weighs only 3 g, it is compact, silent, and environmentally friendly.

A large selection of products for controlling moths in residential areas allows you to make a choice in accordance with your preferences and wallet. Which product is better is up to consumers to decide.

Today, various insects can appear in residential premises, causing discomfort to residents. As a rule, the reason for their presence in the apartment is various cereals stored in the kitchen or pantry. To avoid negative consequences measures must be taken immediately to eliminate them. Removing moths is very big problem, since this harmful insect has high vitality. However, if it has started up in your apartment, then you need to get rid of it, otherwise it will lead to damage to things. Today in our country the chemical industry is very well developed. You can find it on store shelves huge amount various products designed to combat moths. But not all of them correspond to manufacturers’ statements and meet consumer expectations. Very often the situation happens that a person bought insect repellent tablets, but they do not give any result. To prevent this from happening, let's figure out what the best moth remedy can be found on sale today.

Basic requirements for insecticides

Let's look at them in more detail. If you have moths in your house, then you should take the choice of chemical very seriously. This is especially true in cases where several types of insects live in an apartment at the same time. Despite their similar life cycle, they may be resistant to certain insecticides. The best moth repellent must match following criteria:

  • Safety for human health and life.
  • Easy to use. Processing should be carried out without preliminary preparation of the premises and without any special skills.
  • Availability. The product should be commercially available and not very expensive.
  • Efficiency. The drug should have a detrimental effect on several types of insects at once in a short period of time.
  • Chemical inertness. The insecticide should not damage wardrobe items and furniture.

If you take into account all the criteria listed above, you will be able to choose the best remedy for moths in the apartment. Reviews of the most effective and inexpensive chemicals will be discussed at the end of the article.

Classification and release form

A good moth repellent does not have to be expensive, but choosing the right one is very important. All drugs according to their mode of action can be divided into two main categories:

  • insecticides - directly killing insects;
  • repellents - having a repellent effect.

According to the form of release they are as follows:

  • spray and aerosol;
  • gel;
  • pills;
  • plates;
  • sections;
  • fumigators;
  • pads;
  • sticky tape;
  • traps.

Each chemical has certain pros and cons that must be taken into account. Next, each type of insecticide will be discussed in detail so that you can choose the best remedy against moths and quickly get rid of them.


So, what are they and what makes them special? They are considered one of the most effective. According to experts and many consumers, Raptor has proven itself well. The aerosol is completely safe for humans, does not damage clothing and has no unpleasant odor. Kills not only adult insects, but also their larvae and eggs. The protective effect lasts for 12 months. Active substance is permethin, which has an enteric contact effect. It quickly penetrates the body of insects and destroys them. The aerosol also contains tetramethrin, which, covering the body of the butterfly, paralyzes it and blocks all systems, due to which death occurs much faster.

If you want to buy a good moth repellent, then pay attention to the following insecticides:

  • "Armol".
  • "Moskitol" against moths.
  • "Clean house"
  • "Extramit".
  • Klaus".
  • Combat Super Spray.
  • "STOP Mol."
  • "Extra mit."

Absolutely all aerosols are intended for treating clothing and furniture, which must first be cleaned of any contaminants. After applying the insecticide, the room must be ventilated for at least half an hour. In addition, even if you have chosen the best remedy for moths in the apartment, which does not pose any threat to human life, you need to work with it in a respirator. This will reduce the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction.


Why is it worth buying them? It differs from an aerosol in the smaller number of sprayed particles, but is in no way inferior in efficiency. Among the most common sprays is Mosquitol. It has a lavender aroma, which allows the insecticide to be used even in residential areas. The product is produced on the basis of two active ingredients- transfluthrin and permethrin. They suppress unpleasant odors, instantly kill insects and prevent their reappearance for 12 months. Suitable for processing leather, fur, silk and wool products. One bottle contains 100 milliliters of the drug, which is enough to treat a surface area of ​​9 square meters. "Moskitol" is effective against six species of moths and the skin beetle. Kills not only adult insects, but also larvae with eggs. Also among the good sprays are the following:

  • Delicia.
  • ARGUS.
  • "Tharol."
  • "Sniper".
  • "Zitol".
  • "Wenko.
  • "Aggressor".
  • "Shield".
  • "Tornado".

If you are looking for a good moth repellent, then you can safely buy any of the above. Some of them are professional and are used by many companies specializing in the control of household insects. Most insecticides are available in both spray and aerosol form. They are very convenient to use, however, to treat one home you will need at least 2-3 cylinders.


Let's look at them in more detail. Represent small appliances, operating from electrical outlet. They are produced in the form of plates and liquids, which are inserted or poured into the block. Fumigators effectively combat fur, food and clothes moth. Among the main advantages of these products are ease of use, minimal time spent on treating premises and a deterrent effect. As for the disadvantages, there is only one - the need to connect to the mains. What is the best moth repellent available in the form of fumigators that you can buy today? The most famous are the following:

  • "DiK-3".
  • Mosquitall.
  • "Moth Raid".
  • "Clean house"
  • "Fight."
  • "PR-2".
  • "DiK-6 station wagon".

It is worth noting that fumigators differ not only in the release form, but also in the body material. It can be made of ordinary plastic, ceramics and glass. The material is not of fundamental importance, but the cost may vary greatly.


So, what are they and what makes them special? Previously, naphthalene was produced in their form, which for many decades was used to combat harmful insects. Today their range is much wider, so you can choose the best moth repellent in your closet. The following tablets have proven themselves:

  • Greenfield.
  • "Crash moth."
  • "Lavender".
  • "Selena."
  • "Kartas".
  • "Desmol."
  • "Cinderella".

To achieve maximum efficiency from pills and without damaging wardrobe items, they should be laid out in the closet in special gauze bags. If you compare the tablets with other moth repellents, they are the cheapest. This is due to the short period of validity.


For their production they use the most various materials- from ordinary cardboard to polymers. They are considered universal because they act as both insecticides and repellents. Kill larvae and adult insects. As in the case of tablets, the plates should be placed on shelves in the closet among clothes. Hanging options are also available. The following products are considered some of the best:

  • "Armol".
  • Combat.
  • "Clean house"
  • Cosatto.
  • "Stop Mol."
  • Klaus.
  • "Oboronkhim".
  • "Raid".
  • "Shield".

Plates containing a special gel are also available for sale. They have better efficiency, since they kill moths much faster and retain their effect much longer. The closest analogues of the plates are bags and pads, which are made on the basis of mint, geranium and lavender. These plants not only repel moths, but also kill them. Moreover, they are completely safe for humans and do not cause allergies.


This is another very good moth repellent, but it works on a slightly different principle than aerosols, sprays, fumigators and tablets. Traps are a plate whose surface is coated with a special adhesive made from natural resins. They contain pheromones that attract insects. Traps are mounted on the wall inside the cabinet. They have no odor and are non-toxic. In great demand The following means are used:

  • "Raptor".
  • ARGUS.
  • Aeroxon.

To make the fight against moths most effective, it is recommended to place traps not only in the closet with clothes, but also with food. At the same time, it is very important that there are no drafts in the room and too high humidity air, since an excess of moisture quickly renders the traps unusable. After handling traps, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap.


If you are looking for the best moth repellent, then definitely consider this option. However, you need to take into account the fact that the sections will be useless if there are already butterflies in your apartment, since they are intended only to repel insects. These products are made on the basis of essential oils, so they are environmentally friendly and safe. Among the most common products in this category are the following:

  • "Raptor".
  • Mosquitall.
  • Raid.

The main purpose of the sections is to prevent the appearance of moths. They are inexpensive, so if your apartment is not yet infested with insects, then it makes sense to place sections in the closet.

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):