Providing a private home or country house building water is one of the most important components of comfortable living outside the city. In the absence of a centralized water supply, there is little. For the smooth operation of the plumbing system, it is necessary to have a water supply in it. pumping station, which will ensure the supply of water to each of the water intake points. Choosing a suitable unit for your home plumbing is not difficult. It is important to take into account all comments and reviews regarding each of the water stations for your home or garden.

Design and principle of operation of the pumping station

The main task of the pumping station is to provide residential buildings and adjacent land plot water from artificial or natural sources. It is these units that help fill additional tanks intended for watering the garden or garden plants, as well as provide water to traditional water points:

  • geyser;
  • etc.

Design of a pumping station for a private house

As a rule, a pumping station is a combination of several separate mechanisms combined into one powerful device for pumping water. Each of the elements of the device has a very important task:

  1. Pump. The workhorse of the station. It pumps water directly from the source to the reservoir.
  2. Hydraulic accumulator. Presented in the form of a hydropneumatic tank with a volume of 18 to 100 liters.
  3. Pressure switch. It is used to control the station.
  4. Check valve. Prevents liquid from flowing back to the source.
  5. Pressure gauge. Allows you to monitor pressure readings in the system.
  6. Connecting hoses and pipes.

Advice. A filtration system installed in front of the pumping station will not only provide users with purified water, but will also extend the life of the water supply system by removing hardness salts from the liquid, organic compounds and suspended substances.

What to consider when choosing a water pumping station

The first thing you need to pay attention to when purchasing a station is the power of the pump. The water pressure in the system and its flow rate depend on this indicator. The water supply parameter should be close to the maximum volume of consumption at all water points. As a rule, this indicator is averaged rather roughly and all models are adapted to a nominal flow rate of 1.5-9 m3/h.

Water pumping station

The pressure indicator is also entered into the station characteristics table separately. In the passport it is indicated as the distance over which the pump supplies water. But in fact, this parameter means the pressure that the station is capable of creating. So, the indicated pressure of 40 m shows that the pump will create a pressure of 4 atmospheres in ideal conditions. Since during operation there are some pressure losses on the pipeline layout, as well as water rising to a certain height, this figure will be significantly lower.

Important! Not always powerful device justifies the investment in it. As a rule, the productivity of such a system will exceed the filling of the well. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of the well. The shorter the distance to the source of water intake and the higher the level of occurrence water resource, the less power the purchased device should have.

Also, when choosing a water pumping station, it is necessary to take into account the autonomy of the unit. This will be needed by users living in areas with power supply problems. To ensure uninterrupted operation of the pump, you can additionally install a generator or solar battery on the site.

Types of pumps

Water stations differ from each other in the types of pumping units. This is the main part of the system that does all the main work. That is why the emphasis must be placed on choosing a pump for the water supply station of a private house.

Also, surface pumps differ in the type of ejector device. Designs are available with built-in and remote devices.

  • Models with built-in ejector Use when water depth is no more than 7 meters. Such pumps can lift water with a high concentration of mineral salts, gases and particles up to 2 mm in size. Capable of creating high pressure. Water is collected using a reinforced hose, the end of which is immersed in the source. As a rule, this type of pump is equipped with a filter rough cleaning, which prevents sand and other large contaminants from entering the housing.

Centrifugal surface pump with built-in ejector

  • Pumps with remote ejector capable of pumping water from a depth of up to 40 m. In this case, the diameter of the well should not be less than 100 mm. A prerequisite for installing such a device is additional installation filtration system. Such models are installed when the water source is located at a distance from the pumping station.

Self-priming pump with remote ejector

The durability, noiselessness and stability of the plumbing system depend on the material from which the product body is made:

  • stainless steel - increases the cost of the product, improves the aesthetic appearance of the station, does not affect the quality of the pumped liquid, but does not have sound insulation;
  • cast iron – prerequisite is the application of an anti-corrosion layer, pleases good level sound isolation;
  • plastic is practically silent, the possibility of corrosion and the presence of rust in water is excluded.

Hydropneumatic tank

Equipping water pumping stations with an accumulation tank will make the system autonomous in the event of a sharp drop in the water level at the source. This is achieved by accumulating the nominal amount of water resource specified in the documents accompanying the product. In addition, it acts as a pressure regulator in the water supply system.

Hydraulic accumulators

The volume of the expansion tank directly depends on resource consumption. Therefore, than more quantity simultaneously active water points, the larger the required tank volume. The most common station models are equipped with hydropneumatic tanks up to 50 liters. Maximum volume – 100 l.

Advice. If only 1 person lives in a house or country house, then a tank with a volume of 18-21 liters will be sufficient.

Electronic control – additional protection of the pumping station

To increase the service life of the water station, it is equipped with an electronic control unit. The main functions that lie on it are protective.

The disadvantage of pumping stations equipped electronically controlled is their increased cost. This is what turns off many buyers.

Rules for installing a water pumping station for a private house

The main thing when installing a pumping station on a site is choosing a location for its placement. Here you need to take into account all the basic requirements:

  • the distance to the source of water intake must correspond to the characteristics specified in the passport;
  • the device must be installed in a heated room if operation is planned in winter;
  • to avoid condensation caused by temperature differences environment and the pumped liquid, it is imperative to select a well-ventilated room;
  • Providing soundproofing of the walls of the room will help maintain the level of comfort in the house.

Water pump installation diagram

To dampen pump vibration, the station is installed on shock-absorbing rubberized pads or a mat. It is also important to take care of the grounding of the installation operating from the mains. This will ensure the safety of the system’s interaction with household members.

If the station pipes are not sealed, the pressure is lost. Therefore, in case of any deviations in the operation of the system, it is imperative to inspect all connections in the device.

Timely maintenance of the system will help prolong the operation of the water pumping station. Regular inspection for damage or blockages will save you from additional costs for repairs and the purchase of new equipment.

Pumping station for a private house: video

Pumping station: photo

(19 ratings, average: 4,42 out of 5)

Water supply is the main benefit of civilization, necessary for full-fledged comfortable living outside the city. Owners country houses and cottages located far from the centralized water supply, ensure uninterrupted water supply to their homes by installing a pumping station. With round-the-clock water supply for hot and cold water supply for family needs, for irrigation personal plot, as well as a washing machine or dishwasher, a household pumping station can easily cope.

Connecting the pumping station

Unit selection

When choosing a pump for installing a pumping station in a private home, you should provide several indicators:

    Model performance: The needs of the family must be fully satisfied, without exceeding the debit of the hydraulic structure. The daily water consumption rate for each person is about 250 liters.

    The depth of water rising from the source. For a well depth of no more than 10 m, a single-pipe system is sufficient; to supply water from a depth of 10 to 50 m, a two-pipe pumping station with an ejector is recommended.

    When calculating maximum pressure both the height of the water rise and the length of all horizontal sections of the water supply system are taken into account.

    Control system: automatic or manual.

    Pump type: surface (placed on the surface) or submersible (lowered into a well or well). Stations from surface pump They are very noisy, but easier to maintain and repair, submersible pump silent, but very difficult to repair.

    Availability and volume of water storage. Storage tanks, having large dimensions, complicate the installation of a pumping station with your own hands. And without having a forced influence on the flow of water, they do not contribute to the stability of pressure in the pipes. To ensure constant pressure The storage tank must be mounted at a height in the pipeline. Its filling level is regulated by a float, if it malfunctions there is a risk of flooding the room. Using such a " water tower"Not very convenient.

About 20 years ago it became widespread crazy system, which combines the operation of a pump with a hydraulic accumulator and does not require the construction of complex high-rise structures to connect the pumping station to the well.

The principle of operation of a station with a hydraulic accumulator is based on the fact that the main unit is divided internally into two compartments that perform the functions of pumping both water and air into the pipes. In addition to the pump and hydraulic accumulator, this pumping station connection diagram contains a pressure switch, a drain valve and a pressure gauge.

Hydraulic accumulator for placement not required additional room , since its volume is 25-100 liters. The pressure is regulated automatically using an installed relay. When the required pressure level in the water supply system is reached, the operation of the device is suspended. Improper connection and adjustment of the start relay can lead to disruption of the entire water supply system. Lower cut-in pressure pumping device It is recommended to set it at 1.5 bar. Upper pressure shutdown is set as standard by the manufacturer at 2.5-3 bar, sometimes it is increased with your own hands to 5 bar.

Determining the installation location

Since the bezbashenka cannot be used on an open surface without heating in the cold season, it installation at the dacha is possible only in three places:

  1. In a warm, dry basement at home. If its area allows to accommodate pumping unit, the selected room is insulated and soundproofed. Since the equipment vibrates strongly during operation, it should be installed on a separate, strong, well-reinforced platform, not adjacent to the walls. Otherwise, during operation, damage to water pipes or walls of the house may occur.
  2. In a separate heated structure, subject to the same rules as when installing in the basement of a house. If there is no separate room, it is permissible to place the pump in the bathroom or kitchen, understanding that it will make a lot of noise during operation.
  3. In a caisson. It must be located below the soil freezing level, that is, at least 2 m. Additional insulation requires a caisson cover.

The selected water supply location should be as close as possible to a water source (well or borehole) and should provide easy access to equipment for inspection and repair. It is not advisable to place energy sources in the same room as pumping equipment. Without a separate room or basement, it is possible to use a warm (not lower than +5 degrees) and dry subfloor with a detachable hatch for pumping station equipment. Thick rubber will help you not to hear how the pumping station works.

Connection diagram

For uninterrupted water supply to the pipeline, it is necessary correctly combine a water source into a single scheme(well or well), pumping station and consumers. In any scheme, regardless of the chosen installation location pumping equipment, there is a suction pipeline connecting the well or well with the pump, the station itself and the pipeline to consumers.

Do-it-yourself installation of a pumping station for a well or caisson conditionally divided into several stages.

  • The trenches are laid below the freezing line of the soil at a slight slope towards the water source.
  • Polyethylene pipes with a diameter of 32 mm are installed in a well or well to supply water to pumping equipment and connected to the unit.
  • Pipes home water supply connected to a water supply station.
  • The electrical wire is installed and the system is started.

At the end of the supply pipeline, lowered into a well or borehole, a mesh filter is installed to prevent various impurities (sand, clay, other small debris) from entering the water supply system. Next is installed check valve for the pump, preventing water from flowing back under its own weight when the engine stops working. Then there is a pipe to the unit. From the pumping station, a pipeline is laid to the house.

The closer the water source is to the home, the less work will be required to lay trenches and pipes. The caisson is usually equipped with reinforced concrete containers or concrete rings according to the principle of constructing a well. For insulation and waterproofing inner surface glued on bitumen mastic extruded polystyrene foam. In dry areas, where the groundwater level is at least a meter below the caisson, it is possible to lay a brick pit and fill the bottom with concrete.

A two-pipe connection diagram, more complex, but more often used, is carried out according to the following algorithm:

All connections needed seal very carefully using flax or sealing paste.

The filter must be cleaned regularly. A clogged device stops passing water to the pump, contributing to its breakdown.

For normal operation check valve and setting the start relay, before the first start, a small amount of water is poured into the pump through the provided hole.

It is possible to purchase in specialized stores pipe with check valve for water for pump and mesh filter assembled.

If the network centralized water supply passes in close proximity to your country house, the pumping unit can be connected to it. To do this, at the point where the pipeline is disconnected, the water supply system is divided into two parts. The city main pipe is connected to the storage tank, and water flows from the tank through pipes to the pump. The housing pipeline is connected to the outlet of the installation.

When installing a pumping station yourself, you must Consider some important aspects:

  • Water pipes should be purchased with a reserve, since during installation the flow rate increases due to corners, turns, bends and if the thickness of the foundation is incorrectly calculated.
  • Tighten all threaded connections with a wrench to avoid water leakage.
  • The pressure in the accumulator should not fall below 1.2-1.5 atmospheres.

The water supply system in a country house is considered one of the most important, so it is installed first. Thanks to modern technologies you can create an effective water supply system that will provide all the needs of the family. Required element The water supply system is considered to be a pumping station, which can be done. We invite you to find out what are the types of pumping stations? for home and connection diagram.

What is a pumping station

Pumping stations vary in type. They are industrial and household.
Industrial stations are installed only by specialists, and are suitable for home use household station. Such a station ensures a stable water supply for drinking, using water for household and household needs, as well as water supply heating system.

The connection of this installation depends on the type of water supply. There are sources three types, this is a central water supply line, a well and a borehole. The pumping station operates automatically or is controlled manually. This directly depends on the amount of water consumed daily.

Where is the pumping station installed?

A home water supply station can be installed in basement, ground floor, caisson, or separate room. If the station is installed in a basement, it is protected from moisture in case of any possible flooding or rising groundwater. To do this, install a shelf or stand. The station must not touch the walls. The room must also have heating.

If it is a caisson, then it is pre-insulated. The station is located below the soil freezing level by at least 20 centimeters. The depth of the caisson should be about 2 - 2.5 meters. If the well is 10 meters long, a single-pipe station is suitable. If it is 20 meters, then a two-pipe ejector station is installed.

Pumping station connection diagram

To assemble the ejector, that is, a cast unit with 3 connecting outputs, a mesh filter is inserted into it. A squeegee with a diameter of 32 millimeters is placed on top of the ejector and secured to a plastic socket. The drive has two parts with special adapters. At the outlet, a bronze coupling is attached. The coupling connects the outlet to the polyethylene pipe. For reliability, a sealant made of flax, tape, or paste is wound (applied) onto the threads.

The trench is dug deeper than the freezing point of the soil. A pipe is laid into the finished trench. Its length should be generous. If the pipe is left without reserve, the pipeline may subsequently leak. All possible turns and bends, the thickness of the walls, everything must be taken into account. For the casing pipe, you need a head that fits on it. If there is no head, you can take a knee with a slight slope. To connect the pipe with the ejector, special couplings are used. The second end is led into the elbow with a slope of 90 degrees. The resulting space is foamed with installation foam. After this, the pipe is connected with adapters with an angle of 90 degrees and is aligned with the pipe from the outside.

Pumping station connection diagram

The ejector is placed in the well (well) to a pre-marked depth. The head is secured with reinforced tape to the casing pipe; other material is not suitable. If the pressure in the accumulator drops below 1.2 atmospheres, it is necessary to increase the pressure using a car pump or compressor.

If it is necessary or desirable to connect the pump to the central line, for example, to supply water to a heating system or when the water in the well is not enough for constant pressure, you need to install a storage tank in the form of a tank. There may also be a lack of water due to old equipment or growth in the family (increased water consumption).

A place is being prepared for the water pipe connector. The end of the pipe removed from the main is connected to the storage tank. Water is discharged from the storage tank to the inlet of the pumping station. At the exit, a pipeline leading to the household is connected.

Watch the video: Autonomous water supply system. Pumping station and storage tank

When these manipulations are done, the electrical wiring is installed. Then the equipment is configured. The pressure is equalized. A small amount of water is poured into the snail through a special hole. When turning the pump on and off, you need to check the pressure. To start work it should be 1.5 barrels, to finish it should be about 2.7 barrels. If the indicators do not match, the pressure decreases. To do this, remove the cover from the pump relay and tighten the screw in one direction or the other.

For long-term operation of the pump, it is necessary to install a filter. To select a suitable filter, the water is analyzed for all components it contains. All harmful impurities must be cleaned before water is supplied to the pump. To do this, a filter is installed on the suction device of the station. Sand and clay entering the pump will soon cause it to fail. In this case, the vibration pump station breaks down the fastest.

How to make water supply at home

Any filter lowers the pressure and the pressure becomes smaller. To minimize this, you need to clean the filter regularly. Otherwise, the dirty filter will clog and the pump will break down. When purchasing high-quality water supply equipment and installing it correctly, soon the entire system will pay for itself and will work without interruption.

Now you know the features installation of a pumping station, so if you want to save money, you can install it yourself. Use step by step diagram and the tips from this article, then your home or dacha will have full-fledged running water. Improve your own country house, then you can stay in it not only during the weekend, but also spend a full vacation with your family.

Such an important procedure as connecting a pumping station can be carried out using various schemes, which allows you to pump out liquid media from different water supply sources. The choice of a specific connection scheme is determined by factors such as the water supply source used; number of water intake points; number and type household appliances, which require water to function; the number of people living in the house; availability garden plot(and therefore plants that need watering). After analyzing all of the above factors, you can choose specific model and begin connecting the pumping station according to a specific scheme.

What is a pumping station and what does it consist of?

A pumping station is a complex of equipment and technical means, intended for supply, as well as for further transportation through a pipeline, of a liquid medium. The source of water supply to which such an installation is connected is usually a well (or well). Installing a pumping station in a country house or in a private house allows you to provide yourself with the required amount of water both for everyday needs and for watering the garden.

On modern market you can find many pumping stations of various types and models. That is why it is important to know how to choose a device to solve certain problems, as well as how to install a pumping station in accordance with the chosen scheme so that such equipment operates with maximum efficiency.

Pumping stations, when compared with a separate water pump, ensure that the equipment operates in a more gentle mode, which significantly extends its service life. To understand how such installations work, you must first understand what kind of structural elements they consist.

So, the main structural components of pumping stations, used both to equip industrial enterprises and to solve everyday problems, are:

  • a pump whose task is to pump out water (in the vast majority of cases, pumping stations are equipped with surface-type pumps);
  • a hydraulic accumulator, which is a container, the inside of which is equipped with a membrane that separates the liquid medium pumped by the pump from the air;
  • a control unit that ensures the operation of the pumping station in automatic mode, turning the pump on and off when the pressure level in the hydraulic accumulator reaches a certain value;
  • control devices, the main one of which is a pressure gauge that allows you to determine the pressure level in the water pumping station (WPS) system.

How to choose the right pumping unit

The question of how to connect the pumping station to a well or borehole is secondary. First you need to choose the right equipment. In this case, one must be guided by a number of factors.


According to their purpose, pumping stations are divided into two main types: domestic and industrial. The latter, as their name implies, are equipped with manufacturing enterprises. Specifications These installations make it possible to use them for pumping significant volumes of liquid media. Connection, adjustment, and especially installation of industrial-type pumping stations are carried out by qualified specialists.

Domestic-grade pumping stations are easy to install and easy to use

You can install a pumping station with your own hands if this equipment is intended to solve household problems (providing a summer house or country house the required volume of water used for domestic needs, watering green spaces, organizing heating and operating washing and dishwashers, boilers, showers, instantaneous water heaters etc.).

Source type

A pumping station for a private home can be connected to various water supply sources. Each of them determines the scheme according to which the pumping station should be installed.

Operating mode

The connection diagram of a pumping station to a well, borehole or water supply system may imply manual or automatic mode. Depending on the required degree of mobility on the modern market, you can choose a stationary or mobile model.

When choosing a pumping station based on its operating mode and other parameters, one must also take into account how much water it must pump per unit of time. Thus, it is generally accepted that one person living in a private house needs 250 liters of water every day. When choosing a pumping station to equip a dacha this indicator can be reduced somewhat.

Installation location

Installation of a pumping station in a private house can be carried out in the basement of the building itself, in a separate building or in a caisson. The best of all the listed options is to install the station in the basement of the building it serves, where certain conditions are created for it.

So, in particular, it is necessary that the water supply pumping station, when installed in the basement of a house, be located at a level that will not allow it to be damaged when groundwater rises. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that the pumping station, which is installed in the basement, does not touch the walls with its body, which can lead to vibration. It should also be borne in mind that the room in which the pumping station is installed must be heated. This will protect the equipment from freezing in water during operation in the cold season.

If you decide to use a caisson, then it must also be insulated, and the station itself must be located below ground level at a depth at which the soil no longer freezes. Thus, the depth at which the caisson is mounted must be at least 2 meters.

If the depth of the underground water source, for which the pumping station is used, does not exceed ten meters, you can opt for single-pipe models. If this parameter is in the range of 10–20 meters, you need to choose two-pipe pumping stations for a well or well, equipped with an ejector device. Before equipping an underground water source with such equipment, it is necessary to develop a scheme according to which the pumping station will be installed in a well or borehole.

If a separate room located on the territory of a personal plot is used to install a pumping station, then the problem with the noise that such equipment produces is solved, but access to it for maintenance and repair is difficult. This option also assumes that the room in which the pumping station will be installed is insulated. It is also necessary to ensure that the pipes through which water from such equipment is supplied to the water supply system of the house are reliably protected from freezing.

How installation is carried out according to various schemes

Connecting the pumping station to the water supply in the house, as mentioned above, can be carried out according to various schemes. In order for you to choose the best one, you should consider each in more detail.

Two-pipe connection

Connecting a pumping station to a well or well using a two-pipe scheme is carried out according to the following algorithm.

  1. The ejector is pre-assembled (for this you will need a cast iron tee with outlets for connections and a fitting).
  2. A mechanical cleaning filter is mounted on the lower pipe of the ejector.
  3. A plastic socket is installed on the upper branch pipe of the ejector, to which a fitting of the required length with a diameter of 1 1/4 inches is connected. To connect a given ejector pipe to a pipeline of a certain diameter, it may be necessary to use several connections.
  4. To connect the last flow to the pipeline, a coupling made of bronze is used.
  5. When placing the ejector in a well shaft, it must be taken into account that the inlet pipe must be located at a distance of at least 1 meter from the bottom of the underground source, which will protect the device from getting into it. inner part large stones and sand.
  6. The length of the plastic pipe to which the ejector is connected before descending into the shaft is calculated as follows: one meter is subtracted from the distance from the bottom of the source to the mouth of the well.
  7. A pipe bend bent at an angle of 90° is installed at the upper end of the casing pipe. WITH casing pipe This homemade head is connected using plumbing tape.
  8. The upper end of the pipe, which is connected to the ejector, is inserted into the socket of a homemade head and the space between the walls of the pipes is sealed using polyurethane foam. The second socket of such a head is connected to the outer part of the water supply using corner adapters.
  9. After carrying out the above procedures, it is necessary to connect a well pump with a hydraulic accumulator to the system, configure it to work with an ejector, and perform the first start of the pumping station.

You can learn more about what the above-described pumping station piping scheme looks like and how it is practically implemented in a video that is easy to find on the Internet.

When connecting a pumping station to a well with your own hands using a two-pipe scheme, you should avoid typical mistakes listed below.

  • When installing the pipeline leading from the pumping station to the house, the required pipe length margin was not taken into account.
  • Not very reliable and poorly sealed threaded connections, which may cause leakage of water supplied to the pipeline.
  • No appropriate attention was paid to the hydraulic tank, which should ensure a pressure in the pipeline of at least one and a half atmospheres. If the pressure value is lower, then it should be increased by pumping into air chamber air using a compressor or a simple pump.

Connection to the water supply system

The question of how to start a pumping station so that it pumps water from the main water supply most often arises in cases where the pressure is not enough to efficient work heating system. To properly connect the pumping station to the existing water supply, you must perform the following steps.

  • At the place where the connection is planned, the water pipe is disconnected.
  • The end of the disconnected pipe through which water flows from the central system is connected to the hydraulic tank.
  • At the outlet of the storage tank, a pump is installed, the pressure line of which is connected to the pipeline leading to the house.
  • Then the electrical part of the work is performed (connecting the power supply to the pump and performing a test run).
  • Based on the test run results, the pumping equipment is adjusted and adjusted.

You can also get acquainted with the above-described process of connecting a pumping station in more detail using videos posted on the Internet.

It is very important to understand not only how to make the connection, but also how to adjust the pumping station, which is installed in a caisson, well pit or embedded in a central water supply system.

A properly adjusted set of such equipment should automatically turn off at a certain pressure (2.5–3 atm), and also automatically turn on when the liquid pressure in the system drops to 1.5–1.8 atm.

Both the installation of a pumping station in a well, borehole or a central water supply system, as well as its adjustment, can be done by yourself, the main thing is to know the algorithm for performing such procedures. After the borehole pump has been connected to the well, a pumping station has been installed in the well or pumping equipment has been inserted into central system water supply, you can proceed to adjustment.

Pumping stations are installed wherever it is not possible to connect to the central water supply system. In such situations, they become the only reasonable option. However, it is not enough to just buy a station; it also needs to be properly installed and connected to the water supply system.

This article will discuss in detail the connection of the pumping station, its stages and important nuances. Advice on choosing it will also be given, and reviews from people who have many years of experience use of this equipment.

1 What does a pumping station consist of?

Well pumping stations consist of the following functional elements:

When setting up pumping stations with your own hands, two types of pumps are most often used for water intake - vibration pumps (such as “Baby”, “Rucheek”, and the like) or centrifugal units. Choose vibration pump It is worth it if water is taken from a shallow source - a well, or a sand well, the depth of which does not exceed 10-15 meters.

The advantages of vibration devices include minimal cost, simple repairs, and sufficient for undemanding household use, productivity.

However, if you own artesian well, the depth of which exceeds 30 meters, you will need a deep centrifugal pump. Such units are an order of magnitude more expensive, but their power and service life are incomparably higher than those of the Malysh pumps.

Surface pumps are also often used, but they have a relatively low possible water intake depth (approximately 12-15 meters), and therefore for use inside deep wells or wells are not suitable.

  1. Hydraulic accumulator

A hydraulic accumulator for pumping stations is a container that performs the function of storing water. In addition to the fact that there will always be in the house required quantity water, such a tank will protect the entire system from water hammer and provide optimal mode pump operation.

2 Stages and nuances of connecting pumping stations

Now that we have understood the design of pumping stations, let us turn to a detailed study of the specific stages of its installation.

2.1 Stage No. 1 – choose a place

Installation of a pumping station begins with determining its location. There are two options, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages: in a borehole caisson, or in the basement of a summer house.

  1. Installation in the basement of the cottage.

If you have the opportunity to install a pumping station in the basement of your dacha, then you need to use it. Since the station is always at hand, you can constantly monitor its operation and, if necessary, carry out repairs yourself.

In addition, the basement of the dacha, even in the coldest season, will have more high temperature than even a well-insulated caisson, which allows you not to worry about possible freezing of the equipment. The location inside the dacha for the station must be selected taking into account the fact that the equipment will create quite serious noise during operation.

  1. Installation in a caisson.

In most cases, at the well design stage, the caisson is planned precisely as a future reservoir for pumping stations. This best option for those who cannot install it in the basement of the dacha, or in any other room, due to lack of free space.

2.2 Stage No. 2 - laying the pipeline

When arranging the pipeline, it is necessary to take into account that the water supply to the dacha will be carried out all year round, and therefore care must be taken to ensure that the pipes do not freeze in winter.

There are two options for solving this issue: the first is to dig a trench for pipes with your own hands to a depth lower than the freezing level of the soil; the second is to insulate the pipes themselves, this can be done mineral wool, or any other similar insulation.

As practice and reviews show, it is better to combine these two options - only in this case can you be sure of the effectiveness of insulation. Direct installation of the pipeline is carried out in the following sequence:

2.3 Stage No. 3 – work with submersible equipment;

If you want to install a ready-made industrial pumping station, in which the accumulator capacity is combined with a surface pump, then you need to prepare a water intake pipe that will go down into the well. You can make it with your own hands from a piece of ordinary polymer pipe.

To do this, we install a coarse filter (a metal mesh with a small mesh size) on the lower section of the pipe, which will perform primary filtration of water from major mechanical contaminants.

You also need to install a check valve at the bottom of the water intake pipe; you can’t do it yourself - it can be purchased in specialized stores, at a price of one hundred to five hundred rubles. After completion preparatory work We connect a pipeline to the water intake pipe and place it inside the well.

2.4 Stage No. 4 – installation and connection of the pumping station

Having chosen the area of ​​the dacha where the pumping station will be connected, you need to take care of its preparation. The station itself must be mounted on a special base - a low platform made of wood, brick or concrete, the main thing is that it dampens vibrations (for this you need to lay a rubber mat on its surface) and is stable.

The equipment is secured to the base with anchor bolts. After securing the equipment to the station, it is necessary to connect the pipe coming from the well. To do this you will need a coupling that has external thread, corresponding pipe corner, check valve, and shut-off valve. Having connected all the parts, we proceed to connecting the station to water pipes dachas

We do this in a similar way: a shut-off valve is installed on the pressure pipe of the station, a coupling is connected to the valve, into which it is soldered plastic pipe. The presence of shut-off valves at the inlet and outlet of the well is required so that in the event that equipment repairs are needed, you can quickly turn off the water and disconnect the unit yourself.

2.5 Stage No. 5 – checking system functionality

Before starting the station for the first time, you must first fill the pump and storage tank with water. After turning on the equipment, make sure that the pressure reading on the pressure gauge is within the normal range, which is individual for each pumping station (usually 1.5 - 3 atm.)

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):