Part-time work is quite common, so it is important to know how to properly prepare all the necessary documents. Specific recommendations depend on the type of work; therefore, it is important to master not only practical, but theoretical issues.

It is important to understand that part-time work has several essential features:

  1. First of all, the choice of this form of employment is made only by the employee himself and only on a voluntary basis. That is, any compulsion to work part-time is not allowed.
  2. Such labor relations are always of an official nature and are secured by a corresponding employment contract.
  3. It always presupposes having a main place of work, which distinguishes it from a part-time job, which is often the only source of income.

Part-time work may involve maintaining an employment relationship for an indefinite period or for a season (for example, in the summer). In this case, there are 2 forms of work, which determine how to register an employee and how to correctly fill out all the documents:

  1. External – when an employee works for different employers.
  2. Internal – when an employee simply combines different positions within the same organization.

The internal one can be completed much easier, since the employer already has all the necessary documents, and the employee can only draw up his own application. At the same time, a citizen can theoretically combine an unlimited number of positions - both in different companies and within the same organization (if this does not violate the law).

Do not confuse internal part-time work with the performance of additional responsibilities or new assignments related to previous work. In the first case, a separate employment contract is always drawn up, but in the second there is no such need.

Who cannot be accepted as a part-time worker?

Any employee can be hired under these conditions, with the exception of several cases:

  1. Minor citizen.
  2. Those engaged in a certain type of activity as their main job and applying for the same type of activity in combination:
  • drivers;
  • workers working in dangerous and harmful conditions.
  1. Bank employees.
  2. Military personnel.
  3. Civil servants.
  4. Those working in law enforcement agencies, the prosecutor's office, judges at various levels, lawyers.
  5. Chiefs and employees in security organizations.

Business managers can be licensed to work part-time, but to find out how to do this correctly, you need to make sure they have permission. It is issued by all the founders (owners) of the company managed by this employee.

Registration procedure: step-by-step instructions

In general, the employment procedure is no different from the usual procedure: it is necessary to obtain all documents from the employee, conclude an official employment contract with him, and then draw up all the required papers (order, entry in the employment record, etc.).

Step 1. Collection of necessary documents

A specific list is provided in the Labor Code (Article 283). Mandatory papers include the following:

  • original and copy of passport;
  • SNILS;
  • if necessary, the original military ID;
  • a copy of the certificate, diploma, other educational documents (at the discretion of the employer);
  • extract from the employment record (at the discretion of the employer).

The employee must also draw up an application, the form and sample of which are provided by the employer. In the case of an employee of this company, this application will be the only necessary document.

You can take any sample as a basis, since there is no single form. The document reflects the following information:

  1. In the name of whom it is drawn up - usually the head of the company or the director of the branch.
  2. From whom – full name, address and contact details of the employee.
  3. Request for employment (indicating a specific position).
  4. A note about the probationary period (if there is one).
  5. Date of writing, signature and transcript of signature.
  6. If necessary, a signature is placed stating that the fire safety rules, rights, responsibilities of the employee, etc. were explained.
  7. Next, all responsible persons sign.

In some cases, you will need to provide additional documents.

If a citizen cannot provide a certificate stating that he is not engaged in a type of activity that excludes combination in this position, you can simply request a written statement from him. The document is drawn up in any form. After signing, the applicant himself takes responsibility for the accuracy of the data provided, and the employer will no longer be responsible for a possible error.

Step 2. Conclusion of an employment contract

After submitting all documents, an employment contract is concluded. Its form is no different from a regular contract. However, it is necessary to adhere to general rules - the document always reflects the following information:

  1. Place of work, position.
  2. Work schedule and wages.
  3. Nature of activity.
  4. Duration of the contract (fixed or unlimited).
  5. Working conditions.
  6. Rights and obligations of the parties.

NOTE. The document must include information that the employee is getting a part-time job. It is not necessary to reflect a specific type of combination (internal or external).

Like a regular employment contract, in this case the document can be concluded for a specific period or for an indefinite period. A fixed-term agreement is an agreement whose expiration date is known and does not exceed 5 years. It is usually signed in the following cases:

  1. Seasonal work.
  2. Temporary work (for example, during an increase in volumes).
  3. Urgent activities (for example, liquidation of the consequences of an accident, natural disaster).
  4. Replacing a temporarily absent employee (on a business trip, maternity leave, long-term sick leave, etc.).
  5. Internship and/or training.
  6. Work abroad is temporary.
  7. Performing public works in an elected position.

It is also important to understand that if an employee is hired temporarily due to the long-term absence of another employee, it is necessary to indicate the appropriate grounds for dismissal, which is expected in the future. There is a special procedure according to which the employer not only records this information in the employment contract, but also notifies the part-time worker at least 2 weeks in advance (in writing).

Step 3. Submitting an employment order

The last stage involves the preparation of several documents:

  1. Making an entry in the work book (by the main employer).
  2. Establishment.

There are no strict recommendations on how to correctly fill out an employment order, but you need to include information that part-time work is expected. You can use the unified T-1 form or develop your own sample, which states:

  • Full name, employee position;
  • terms of payment;
  • presence/absence of a probationary period;
  • reference to the employment contract;
  • signatures and transcripts of signatures of the parties, date of drawing up the order;
  • a note indicating that the employee has familiarized himself with this document (date, signature).

Step 4. Register in your employment and personal card

As for making an entry in the work record, this remains at the discretion of the employee himself. Anyway Only the main employer has the right to make an entry. An employee can write a statement about this at any time during the term of the main employment contract. It is drawn up according to a random template, but the text must indicate attachments (documents confirming the fact of employment in a second job).

All that is required is the desire of the employee and the relevant documents:

  • a certified copy of the order for admission to the 2nd (3rd and subsequent) job;
  • a certificate from a second job confirming the fact of employment.

The entry looks like this.

A situation is possible when certain personnel changes occur in an employee’s position at an additional job:

  • it is promoted/demoted;
  • transferred to another position.

Then the entry can again be made at the request of the employee and only by the main employer. The wording will look exactly the same as if the change in position had occurred at the current location.

NOTE. The second employer cannot require the original work book from the employee.

Finally, it remains to create a personal card, the form of which is no different from the usual case (except that it indicates the fact of part-time work). If necessary, the employee signs other documents (work rules, collective agreement, etc.).

If part-time work becomes the main one

This case is also possible, and it is worth considering separately, since several significant changes occur at the same time:

  1. Termination of relationship with the main employer.
  2. Changing the employment contract with the second employer.

In fact, dismissal from the company occurs in the usual way: an application is submitted, 14 days are worked, the contract is terminated, a work book and a salary are issued.

And in case of changing a part-time job to the main job, 2 options are possible:

  1. The employer fires the employee and hires him again.
  2. The employer simply transfers the employee to his main job.

First option

Both options are completely legal. For each case there are official comments from Rostrud. For example, if a case involving dismissal and new employment is used, you can refer to the letter, an extract from which is discussed below.

External part-time jobis often practiced today. Against the backdrop of rising unemployment and periodic waves of layoffs, many working citizens find employment somewhere else on an external part-time basis in order to have additional sources of income. Read our article about what these conditions are, how such a specialist should be registered for work, and what it is important for the employee not to forget when applying for a job.

External and internal part-time work: what is the difference

So, if an employee decides to take a second job in order to obtain an additional source of income, he may have several alternatives:

  • First, you should ask your main employer if the company has any vacant positions available on a part-time basis. If there is one, the employee can take this position in addition to his main job. This option is called internal part-time work (Article 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Note! Internal part-time work must be distinguished from the concept of “internal combination of positions” (in one organization).

  • If it is not possible to find a second source of income at the main place of work, the employee has the right to additionally get a job in another company, retaining his previous place of work as his main one. This option is defined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation as external part-time work (Article 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

However, regardless of which company (your own or a third party) the employee will be listed as a part-time worker, one general rule must be observed: part-time work should be performed by the employee only during those hours that, by virtue of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (and the employment contract), should not be be assigned to perform functions at the main place of work (Article 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Important! The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not contain any restrictions regarding the maximum number of positions an employee can simultaneously hold. On the contrary, the code establishes that a specialist can have as many additional jobs as he likes (Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Restrictions on external combination work

At the same time, not all specialists can work part-time somewhere else in addition to their main job.

Restrictions on this are established by Art. 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as special industry legislation.

In particular, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation prohibits taking on a part-time basis:

  • for work that involves hazardous working conditions, specialists who work in the same conditions in their main position;
  • minors (Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • for the position of driver, driver, pilot or other person whose work is related to driving vehicles, a specialist who performs similar duties at the main place of work (Article 329 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

A specific list of positions for which registration for part-time work is prohibited is given in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 19, 2008 No. 16.

  • state and municipal employees;
  • members of the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • judges;
  • heads of state universities, schools, colleges and other educational organizations established by the state.

Employees of security structures cannot combine their main job with another:

  • military personnel, including employees of intelligence agencies (SVR) and the FSB;
  • police officers.

In addition, the ban on part-time work applies to bank employees holding certain positions. Some restrictions also apply to teachers, doctors, pharmacists, and cultural workers.

The company should look for specific restrictions in relation to these categories of citizens in special industry legislation (for example, for police officers - in paragraph 4 of Article 34 of the Federal Law “On Service in the Department of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation” dated November 30, 2011 No. 342-FZ).

Important! If a company nevertheless decides to hire a part-time person for whom the legislator has established a corresponding prohibition (restriction), it is important to understand that the company is subject to administrative liability for this in accordance with Art. 5.27 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. And an employment contract with a part-time worker, in turn, may be declared invalid (clause 11, part 1, article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

It should be noted that labor legislation does not oblige a potential part-time worker to submit, when applying for a part-time job, a document confirming the absence of any restrictions on combination work in relation to him. In this regard, the question is relevant for many organizations: what should be done to protect themselves as much as possible when hiring a part-time worker?

The best option is to ask the potential part-time partner for such information (for example, about the main position held and the nature of the work) in free form. If there are no restrictions, it will be easy for the applicant to provide such information so that the company decides to hire him. If he refuses to provide such information, nothing prevents the company from finding another candidate, because the risk of a fine under Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation remains valid even in the case where the company allegedly did not know about the existence of restrictions.

Registration of external part-time work - what documents are needed when applying for a job

So, how to arrange a part-time job for a specialist needed by the company? To do this, the company must conclude a separate employment contract with him (Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The specific requirements for the content of such an agreement are basically similar to the requirements for a regular, standard employment contract. It requires:

  • register the position of a part-time specialist, the responsibilities that will be included in his functionality;
  • establish the procedure and amount of remuneration for his work;
  • indicate the time during which the employee will perform the functions of a part-time worker.

Important! In addition, it is important for the company not to forget to indicate in the employment contract that the work will be performed by a specialist on a part-time basis (a direct requirement of Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In addition, the organization has the right to conclude an employment contract for external part-time work either for a certain period of time or without a time frame (Article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). So if a company hires a part-time worker only before the expiration of a certain period, this period must be specified in the employment contract.

The list of documents with which the candidate must come for registration generally corresponds to the list required when applying for the main place of work:

  • passport;
  • education document;
  • insurance certificate;
  • registration certificate/military ID.

Note! At the same time, the candidate for part-time work does not have to present a work book. If he wants, a record of part-time employment can be made in his work book, but this must be done by the main employer (Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

However, there are some additions. So, if a candidate gets a job with hazardous working conditions, he must provide information about his main job so that the 2nd employer can make sure that the candidate does not fall under the above restrictions under Art. 282 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

An important issue concerns the termination of the work of a part-time worker at an enterprise. As under a standard employment contract, relations with a part-time worker can be terminated at the initiative of one of the parties, by agreement and other grounds provided for in Art. 77 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

But there is a nuance here: the company has the right to terminate the powers of a part-time worker if it has found another candidate in his place who intends to occupy this position as his main job (Article 288 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, the company should notify the part-time employee in writing of the termination of cooperation with him no later than 2 weeks before dismissal.

What rate can you apply for when working part-time?

Labor legislation establishes one significant limitation regarding how much time an employee is entitled to spend on part-time work. Namely: he can be entrusted with work that takes no more than 4 hours per day (Article 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

However, if on some day an employee is not busy at his main job, he has the right to work part-time all day. The main thing is that in a month he does not work more than half of the monthly norm that the legislator has provided for the corresponding category of workers.

In addition, there are other cases when a part-time worker can work more than 4 hours a day.

Thus, in general, part-timers are attracted only at 0.5 bets, which means they receive an appropriate reward. How to calculate the specific amount of such remuneration?

How is an external part-time worker paid?

Art. 285 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation defines the following payment options for external part-time work:

  • for hours actually spent on work, based on the hourly rate;
  • for the amount of work actually performed;
  • on any other terms based on the provisions of the employment contract.

The salary of a part-time worker, like any other employee, must be paid twice a month (Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In addition, the company should remember that part-time workers are entitled to leave of at least 28 days (Articles 114, 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Moreover, the employee must receive such leave at the same time as he rests at his main place of work (Article 286 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Part-time employees should also know that they have the right to count on receiving all the guarantees and compensation due to them not only at their main place of work, but also at part-time work, with the exception of guarantees for those combining work with study and workers in the Far North (Article 287 of the Labor Code RF).

In particular, for guarantees for pregnant part-time women, see the article.


External part-time work is a common option through which a specialist gets the opportunity to work in several jobs at once. For a company that hires a candidate on an external part-time basis, it is important to know that hiring such a specialist must be formalized through a separate employment contract. To complete it, the candidate must bring a standard package of documents, with the exception of the work book.

The company can determine the workload of a part-time worker for no more than 4 hours a day. At the same time, his salary and vacation pay must be transferred according to the same rules as for main employees.

The employee must understand that if the 2nd employer finds a replacement specialist who agrees to occupy the position as his main job, the position will have to be left due to the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Part-time work is a phenomenon that occurs all the time. The desire to earn extra money, especially if the salary at the main place is not too high, is natural for every person. And if for an employee everything is simple and clear: he found a second job, a selection came and began performing the assigned functions, then for the personnel department the question arises: how to register a part-time worker.

Part-time work: highlights

Let's start with the fact that there are two types of part-time work: external and internal. External- this is when an employee does not work in the organization, but comes as a part-time worker from outside. At internal in combination, an employee on the company’s staff is involved to perform tasks.

For internal and external combination, it is important that a number of conditions are met. In particular, formality and regularity of work, decent wages and time free from main activities. At the same time, each employee has the right to perform as many additional duties as he can physically handle - in this case, the law does not provide for any restrictions.

The main difference between internal and external part-time workers is the paperwork when applying for a second job.

Internal alignment: the essence

The peculiarity of internal combination is that an employee can combine work while in the same position. This practice is common, for example, among teachers and professors, when they teach part of the classes in one subject and part in another. Most often, internal combinations occur at the request of employees, which management willingly supports: hiring a person you already know well is much more profitable and productive than hiring a stranger.

Preparation of documents for internal combination

In order to correctly register an internal part-time worker, it is necessary that an employment contract be signed with the employee. But first you need the employee to write application for combination. In this case, you no longer need to present any additional documents - copies of your passport, SNILS, Taxpayer Identification Number, education certificate, etc. are already stored in the personnel department of the organization. The only thing worth considering is that if you plan to apply for an internal part-time job in another specialization, then the employee will be required to provide documents confirming it.

After accepting the application with the employee an employment contract is signed. Its main essence should not differ from a regular employment contract, but it is necessary to include the designation “on a part-time basis.” In addition, the number of hours an employee spends on part-time work cannot exceed 50% of the standard number of working hours per week.

The employment contract signed by the parties is the basis for issuing the relevant order management of the organization, which must contain the number of hires as an internal part-time worker, as well as a mention of the employment contract.

If the employee expresses a desire, then in his work book, the company’s personnel specialist is obliged to make a record of the combination.

So, let's summarize. To arrange internal alignment, you need to take several steps.

  1. Receiving an application from an employee about the desire to work part-time;
  2. Signing an employment contract with the employee “on a combination basis”;
  3. Issuing the relevant order;
  4. Making an entry about the combination in the employee’s work book (at the request of the parties).

External part-time registration

Both internal and external part-time workers must be officially registered. Unlike internal part-time jobs, the list of documents for external part-time jobs is more impressive, and the procedure itself is somewhat more complicated.

The list of documents includes the following items:

  • passport or any other identification document;
  • certificate of education;
  • document confirming qualifications (if the job requires special knowledge and skills);
  • a certificate about the characteristics of work at the main place of work (if part-time work involves performing duties in harmful and dangerous conditions).

Important! When hiring an external part-time worker, the HR department does not have the right to demand a work book from him, since it is stored at his permanent place of work, but you can ask for a certified copy of it to confirm your work experience.

After all the documents have been provided and the applicant for a part-time job has written a corresponding application, an employment contract is concluded between the organization and the part-time job. On the main points, this agreement should not differ in any way from the standard agreement accepted in the organization, with the exception of the validity period (fixed or unlimited).

If the contract is fixed-term, then it is either terminated after all the functions established under it are completed after a certain period or extended. In the case of an open-ended contract, both the employee and the employer have the right to terminate it at any time convenient for themselves unilaterally (but be sure to notify the other party of the intention in advance).

In the agreement on external part-time work, the note “by combination” is also required.

After issuing and signing all documents, the part-time employee must be familiarized with the internal regulations adopted by the enterprise, as well as all other important local regulations relating to its activities.

He must also be in accordance with the chronology and order established in the organization.

Attention! If a part-time worker has expressed a desire for information about part-time work to be written down in his work book, he needs to apply for this at his main place of work - personnel department employees, at the request of the part-time worker, are required to make an entry about this in his work book.

Who cannot work part-time

Although Russian legislation provides relative freedom in terms of part-time work, it also clearly defines the categories of workers who cannot be accepted as part-time workers. These include:

  • citizens who have not reached the age of majority;
  • people applying for part-time work related to harmful and dangerous working conditions, if their main place of work has the same characteristics;
  • judges, prosecutors, police officers (except for teaching, creative and scientific activities);
  • some other employees, a detailed list of which is given in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If, due to ignorance of the laws, the company’s personnel officer nevertheless accepts as a part-time worker a person who is prohibited by law from working part-time, then he is obliged to dismiss him within a short period of time on the basis of a violation of the rules of the employment contract, which preclude the continuation of work.

Hiring a part-time worker: an approximate step-by-step procedure



Steps prior to hiring a part-time worker

  • Presentation of documents by the employee. Acceptance by the employer of documents from the future employee. Review by the employer of the documents presented and make a decision on eme employee to work.

At this stage, it is necessary to find out whether or not the candidate has restrictions on engaging in certain types of activities (Article 351.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

According to Art. 283 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when applying for a part-time job with another employer, an employee is required to present a passport or other identification document. When hiring a part-time job that requires special knowledge, the employer has the right to require the employee to present a document on education and (or) qualifications or a duly certified copy thereof, and when hiring a job with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions - a certificate of the nature and working conditions at the main place of work.

When making a decision about hiring, you should remember that part-time work is not allowed:

Persons under the age of eighteen;

At work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, if the main work is associated with the same conditions;

A number of prohibitions and restrictions on part-time work have been established for judges, prosecutors, police officers, military personnel, civil servants, municipal employees, etc.

The employer (personnel employee or other authorized person) gets acquainted with the presented documents and checks their authenticity.

If the parties decide to accept the employee to work for the employer, then in the future the employer (personnel employee or other authorized person) takes copies of the documents and certifies them (if necessary, place such copies in the employee’s personal file in cases where the employer maintains personal employee files), transfers information from the presented documents to the employee’s personal card, then the original documents (passport, education document, etc.) are returned to the employee.

  • Medical examination of the employee in cases provided for by law.

According to Art. 69 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the following are subject to mandatory preliminary medical examination when concluding an employment contract:

1) persons under the age of eighteen;

3) other persons in cases provided for by federal laws.

  • Notifying the employer of mandatory information.

According to Art. 64.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, citizens who have filled positions, the list of which is established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, after dismissal from state or municipal service for two years, are obliged, when concluding employment contracts, to inform the employer about their last place of service.

Steps to apply for a part-time job

1. Receiving a job application from an employee.

This step step-by-step procedure for hiring a part-time worker is not mandatory for most employers, because the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not provide for the filing of such an application by the employee. Submission of an application is mandatory when applying for state and municipal service (Federal Law dated July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”, Article 26, Federal Law dated March 2, 2007 N 25-FZ “On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation”) Federation”, art. 16).

If an application for employment by an employee is nevertheless submitted and accepted by the employer, then it is registered in the manner established by the employer, for example, in the register of employee applications.

2. Familiarization of the employee with the employer’s local regulations and the collective agreement (if any).

According to Part 3 of Art. 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when hiring (before signing an employment contract), the employer is obliged to familiarize the employee, against signature, with the internal labor regulations, other local regulations directly related to the employee’s work, and the collective agreement. The job description, as a rule, is also a local regulatory act of the employer (in rare cases, it is an annex to the employment contract).

The procedure for familiarizing yourself with local regulations is not defined by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; in practice, there are various options:

familiarization sheets are attached to the local regulatory act, on which employees put signatures confirming familiarization and the date of familiarization (such sheets are stitched together with the local regulatory act),

maintaining logs of familiarization with local regulations, in which employees sign confirming familiarization and indicate the dates of familiarization.

When hiring an employee, the text of the employment contract may include a phrase stating that the employee, before signing the employment contract, is familiar with the local regulations of the employer, and these acts are listed.

A certain procedure for familiarizing yourself with local regulations may be enshrined in one of the employer’s local regulations. Find out your employer's procedures for familiarizing employees with local regulations before you begin introducing them to the employee.

3. Conclusion of an employment contract with the employee and, if there are grounds, an agreement on full financial responsibility.

According to Art. 67 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employment contract is concluded in writing, drawn up in two copies, each of which is signed by the parties. When concluding employment contracts with certain categories of workers, labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms may provide for the need to agree on the possibility of concluding employment contracts or their terms with the relevant persons or bodies that are not employers under these contracts, or to draw up employment contracts in more copies.

The employment contract must include mandatory information and conditions (Part 1 and Part 2 of Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and additional conditions may be included (Part 4 of Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

At the same time, the employment contract with a part-time worker must take into account the specifics of the legal regulation of work with part-time workers, established by Chapter 44 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The employment contract must indicate that the job is a part-time job.

Please note that concluding a full liability agreement is an optional step. However, at this stage it can be very useful. Let’s assume that an agreement on full financial responsibility is not immediately concluded with an employee, but after being hired, he refuses to enter into this agreement. The law does not directly indicate how to resolve this situation: whether it is possible to force an employee to enter into an agreement on full financial responsibility, whether it is possible to punish or fire those who are disobedient. There are different points of view on this matter among lawyers, judges, and inspectors. And in order not to prove your position to someone in an unpleasant case and to avoid unnecessary problems, it is better not to get into such a situation and to conclude an agreement on full financial responsibility before the employee begins to resist, even when deciding on hiring and applying for a job. At the same time, do not forget that the conclusion of such agreements is possible only with a circle of employees strictly defined by the legislator.

According to Art. 244 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, written agreements on full individual or collective (team) financial liability can be concluded with employees who have reached the age of eighteen and directly service or use cash, commodity values ​​or other property. Moreover, lists of works and categories of workers with whom these contracts can be concluded, as well as standard forms of these contracts, are approved in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Lists are currently in effect positions and works replaced or performed by employees, with whom the employer may enter into written agreements on full individual or collective (team) financial liability, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2002 N 85. This resolution also approved standard forms of agreements on full financial liability.

4. Registration of an employment contract and an agreement on full financial liability in accordance with the procedure established by the employer. For example, an employment contract can be registered in the register of employment contracts, and an agreement on full financial responsibility can be registered in the register of agreements on full financial responsibility with employees.

5. Handing the employee his copy of the employment contract.

According to Art. 67 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, one copy of the employment contract is given to the employee, the other is kept by the employer. The employee's receipt of a copy of the employment contract must be confirmed by the employee's signature on the copy of the employment contract kept by the employer. We recommend that you put the phrase “I have received a copy of the employment contract” before your signature.

If an agreement on full financial responsibility is signed with the employee, then one copy of it is also given to the employee.

6. Issuance of an order (instruction) on hiring.

An order to hire an employee is issued on the basis of a concluded employment contract, and its content must strictly comply with the terms of the concluded employment contract.

7. Registration of an order (instruction) on hiring an employee in the order established by the employer, for example, in the log of orders (instructions).

8. Familiarization of the employee with the order (instruction) about employment against signature.

According to Art. 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer’s order (instruction) on hiring is announced to the employee against signature within three days from the date of actual start of work.

9. Resolving the issue of recording in the work book.

The work book of a part-time worker is kept by the employer at the main place of work. At the request of the employee, information about part-time work is entered into the work book at the place of main work on the basis of a document confirming part-time work.

Thus, if an employee is hired on an internal part-time basis, then, if the employee wishes (which is recommended to be formalized by the employee’s application), an entry about part-time work is made in the work book.

If an employee is hired on an external part-time basis, then he should be asked whether he plans to make an entry about part-time work in his work book at his main job. If the employee wishes, upon his written application on the basis of Art. 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a copy of the order for admission to part-time work, duly certified, and a certificate of part-time work are issued, so that the employee can provide them at the main place of work to make an entry about part-time work in the work book.

10. Registration of a personal card for the employee, familiarizing him with the signature in the personal card with the entry made in the work book, with the information entered in the personal card.

According to clause 12 of the “Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work book forms and providing them to employers”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 N 225 “On work books”, with each entry made in the work book about the work performed, transfer for another permanent job and dismissal, the employer is obliged to familiarize its owner with a signature on his personal card, which repeats the entry made in the work book. The form of the personal card is approved by the Federal State Statistics Service.

A personal card can be registered in accordance with the procedure established by the employer, for example, in the register of personal cards of employees.

11. Inclusion of the employee in the time sheet and other documents.

12. If an employee is hired on an external part-time basis, then you can ask him a certificate from the main place of work stating when he will be granted leave this year.

It is advisable to do this because persons working part-time are granted annual paid leave simultaneously with leave for their main job.

Additional steps are also possiblestep-by-step procedure for hiring a part-time worker: registration of a personal file, notification of an employee’s employment to his former employer, notification of information about the employee to the military registration and enlistment office, etc.

  • Registration of the employee’s personal file, if in relation to his position the employer has established the obligation to maintain a personal file. For most employers, maintaining personal files is not a requirement. Maintaining personal files is mandatory only in cases where it is prescribed by law, for example, for civil servants, municipal employees, customs employees, and the prosecutor's office. An ordinary commercial company, which is not required by law to maintain personal affairs, has the right not to maintain them. But he has the right to lead if management considers it necessary. In this case, the procedure for managing personal affairs is determined by the employer’s local regulations governing relations related to the employee’s personal data (for example, regulations on personal data and management of personal affairs). Personal files can be registered in the manner established by the employer, for example, in the employees’ personal files register.
  • Notification to the former employer about the conclusion of an employment contract with the employee, if the hired employee is a former civil servant or former municipal employee. According to Art. 64.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when concluding an employment contract with citizens who filled positions of state or municipal service, the list of which is established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, within two years after their dismissal from state or municipal service, the employer is obliged to report the conclusion of such an agreement to the employer’s representative within ten days (employer) of a state or municipal employee at his last place of service in the manner established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. This procedure is established inRules for notification by an employer of the conclusion of an employment or civil contract for the performance of work (provision of services) with a citizen who has held positions in the state or municipal service, the list of which is established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 21, 2015 N 29) . The document that is sent to the former employer is registered in the manner established by the employer, for example, in the journal for registering outgoing documents.
  • Referral to the appropriate military commissariat and (or) local government bodies information about a citizen subject to military registration and his employment (clause 32 of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006 N 719). The document, which is sent to the military commissariat and/or local government authorities, is registered in the manner established by the employer, for example, in the journal for registering outgoing documents.

Some HR specialists, when familiarizing an employee with local regulations, ask himindicatenot only the date, but also the time of familiarization, thus emphasizing compliance with the code’s requirement that the employee must, before signing an employment contract, be familiar with the employer’s local regulations directly related to the employee’s work activity. Accordingly, when signing an employment contract, the employee is askedindicatetime. We do not object to such diligence, but we believe that it will be sufficient to familiarize the employee with the local regulations of the employerindicatethe date of familiarization, and include in the employment contract a phrase stating that the employee, before signing the employment contract, is familiar with the local regulations of the employer (with a list of these acts).

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