Not only furniture, but also textiles in the interior allow you to achieve comfort in your home. That is why it is so important to choose the right color scheme for window curtains. It is recommended to follow simple and understandable rules. For example, remember the ability of a warm range of shades to increase the amount of light in a room. Or, conversely, invite overly intrusive sun rays with the help of a cold spectrum.

Any designer to the question: “how to choose the color of curtains?” will answer that it is not enough to combine the shade of wallpaper, furniture upholstery and textile elements in the interior. But there is another option, which involves taking into account the contrast between all interior items. For example, bright sunny curtains contrasting with a black sofa.

It is more economically profitable to duplicate the color of furniture and curtains, rather than adapting to the color of the walls. After all, replacing household items occurs much less frequently than repair work. However, if the issue of saving is not in the first place, you can confidently sew curtains to match the wallpaper.

The perfect solution

It is absolutely not necessary to base your choice of textiles on considerations of compatibility with everything together. Experts agree that the largest or brightest object should occupy a dominant position in the interior. The base can be a huge soft corner or a chic kitchen set. If you combine the color of this base with the shade of the curtains, the result will be winning for any design.

Neutrality is always in fashion

Photo of beautifully colored curtains belonging to neutral colors shades, suggest another advantageous design solution. Beige, cream or white canvases on the windows will fit harmoniously into any interior, and will also suit people with different financial situations.

How to connect decorative elements with each other?

Even a neutral-colored fabric purchased to decorate a window opening can be tied in with the rest of the items in the room. To do this, just sew drapes or inserts on the curtains in a bright color that matches the design elements.

Window in the spotlight

It happens that a room cannot boast of the beauty of its individual elements. In this case, it is advisable to highlight the window opening. It was accentuated by bright striped or checkered curtains. It is important to repeat the color of the curtains in all components of the room. For example, in the upholstery of pillows, lampshades or bedspreads.

All the colors of the rainbow

The most creative individuals create a real riot of colors at home. Tones and shades in one room sometimes simply hurt the eye. To balance this diversity, it is worth sewing dim curtains, preferably in a muted color. The walls of the room, or at least one of the walls, should act as a base.

Kingdom of monochrome

Looks elegant and graceful monochrome interior, highlighted by equally graceful storms. The color of the textiles in this case should be a couple of tones darker than the main color in the room. A real find will be combined curtains that do not fade against the background of the upholstery and walls.

Color as a means of visually changing space

Those who intend to change the size of the room with the help of curtains should remember: warm shades visually make the window closer, and therefore the room begins to seem a little larger. This rule also applies in reverse side: the cold spectrum allows you to move the window opening away, while simultaneously reducing the space.

How to choose the color of curtains for a separate room?

The bedroom carries a functional load consisting of relaxation and tranquility. Therefore, it is best to curtain the metal-plastic windows in the bedroom with plain curtains. Under no circumstances should you destroy the intimacy of the sleeping area with overly aggressive or bright decor.

The living room appears as an experimental site. It is on these square meters that it is advisable to combine catchy curtains with original bedspreads, as well as upholstery materials.

The kitchen, a kind of office for the hostess of the house, requires sufficient lighting for proper cooking. This necessity dictates the general rule for kitchen curtains: the use of exclusively light and light fabrics.

What colors go harmoniously together?

Turquoise looks chic in any interior, but it is most beneficial to use this cool shade in combination with golden tones. Turquoise curtains look appropriate only in rich homes.

Due to its aggressiveness, red color should be diluted with pink or beige tones. Complemented with this image, red material will make any room cozy. With the help of coral curtains you can easily set off natural wood furniture.

50 photos of the perfect curtain color in the interior

In interior design, each detail plays its own, extremely important role. Therefore, in order to decorate the room as comfortably as possible, favorably emphasizing all its positive aspects, designers pay attention to every element of the interior. If you decide to arrange the room yourself, then do not forget that every little thing can play an important role in creating comfort in the room.

Textiles are one of the most important components of comfort. This includes sofa upholstery fabrics and other upholstered furniture, all kinds of curtains and curtains (on windows, doors and simply as a decorative element used to divide space), as well as pillows and other fabric parts. But today we’ll talk about how to choose a curtain for your interior.

Combination with the interior of the room

Curtains are one of the most simple ways It is beneficial to decorate a room for any purpose. However, when arranging it yourself, problems may arise with the choice of this decorative element. Right choice fabrics and the direct appearance of the curtains, you can effectively decorate the room, creating the necessary accents and hiding the shortcomings of the room. The choice of curtains can be based on certain nuances of the room’s interior - color, size and shape of windows, interior style, application features, etc. So, let's consider each of these nuances thoroughly. It is quite difficult to answer the question of what curtains are selected for in a room, because people are often guided by a fairly wide range various features when choosing curtains. Here are some of them.


The interior style determines the shape of the curtains and the fabrics used. So, in classic versions it is best to use heavy fabrics, while modern styles, on the contrary, love lightness and weightlessness. Therefore, if you have chosen a certain style direction in interior design. You should adhere to it to the end - even in choosing curtains. It is also worth noting that when creating the interior of a room based on a certain style, choosing curtains is quite simple, because, often, it is this parameter that can dictate the features given choice. For example, modern high-tech assumes straight lines and simple colors, avant-garde - bright contrasts and intricate forms, strict classics - simple, moderately elaborate elements. This way you can determine the features of the curtains and easily choose their type.


Color solution may turn out to be almost the most important thing in the process of decorating a room. Therefore, the question very often arises of how to choose the right color for curtains. Often, we strive to match curtains to wallpaper by color, texture or other visual characteristics. This desire is quite logical, because it is the color scheme of the walls that dictates the basic decor scheme of the room. Based on the chosen color, you can choose curtains to match the wallpaper, decorating the room as effectively as possible.

Of course, curtains can play the role of a bright accent in a room. So, the room itself can be made in pastel colors, and in order to add zest to the interior, you can choose the color of the curtains in a rather contrasting shade. But it is worth remembering that this contrast should be repeated in other decorative elements - in the pillow on the sofa or the color of the shelf.


Curtains can be used in any room of your home without exception - from the bedroom to the pantry. Curtains can be placed not only on windows, but also to cover a doorway or act as an air partition that allows you to zone the space of a room.

So, let's look at some of the nuances that will allow us to choose curtains for the bedroom. Since the bedroom is a place for relaxation, the basis of your choice should be pastel colors and thick fabrics that will protect your sleep from the morning sun and street noise. At the same time, if the bedroom windows do not face a noisy highway or sunny side, choosing lighter options will allow more light into the room and add warmth to the interior.

Next, we will determine the nuances that allow you to choose the right curtains for the nursery. . In a children's room, the problem of choice becomes somewhat more complicated, since this is a place for sleeping, studying, and playing. Worth considering various designs. These could be Roman blinds, which are similar to fabric blinds. Thanks to their design, you can fold or unfold the curtains if necessary, closing the window from sunlight.

It’s quite easy to choose curtains for the kitchen, because here curtains are needed exclusively for decorative purposes and perform a minimum of functions. The color scheme should match as much as possible with the main range of the kitchen interior. If we talk about materials, it is advisable to consider light, weightless fabrics that will increase the amount of light entering the kitchen. At the same time, it is worth considering such a factor as safety. The kitchen has quite a lot of household appliances and a stove. Therefore, curtains can create a fire hazard - make sure that they do not come into direct contact with open flame, or were simply at a sufficient distance from household appliances.

For the kitchen, the size of the curtains that will be used is very important. And if in all other rooms this parameter depends on the layout features, window design and your decorative preferences, then here the situation is somewhat more complicated. Therefore, now we will tell you how to choose the size of curtains for the kitchen. Most often, curtains are used here that are slightly higher or lower than the window sill. Curtains to the floor in this case will be far from the best the best option, since they can interfere with the cooking process, and also, since the kitchen is a rather dynamic room where there is constant movement, curtains that are too long will quickly become dirty.

Selecting a cornice

At first glance, the cornice is far from the most important element in interior design, but as we said earlier, it’s worth paying attention to all the details. Therefore, when choosing a cornice, base it on the already created interior. Cornices can be made of various materials - wood, metal, wood-based materials, etc.


Curtains in various interiors:

When you want changes in your home, the easiest way is to replace textiles and curtains, and even without major renovations, the room will be completely transformed. To understand how to choose curtains for the living room according to the color of the wallpaper and furniture, you need certain knowledge about combinations of colors and textures, as well as existing varieties curtains

Types of curtains

The most common types of curtains for the living room are:

  • classic;
  • roll;
  • Japanese;
  • Roman;
  • Austrian;
  • blinds.

Often thick curtains are combined with light tulle. You can read about the intricacies of choosing tulle for curtains in the article “”.


Classic curtains are pieces of dense soft fabric that fall from the ceiling to the floor. They are great for the living room and can create various effects, depending on the chosen color of the canvas.

Classic curtains have separate subtypes, depending on the type of their fastening:

  1. On hinges. The top edge of the curtain has fixed loops made of fabric, wood or metal, through which the cornice is threaded.
  2. On cords. Cuts of cord, satin, and ribbon act as loops for securing the curtains to the cornice.
  3. On the wings. Top part the curtains have a hemmed edge through which the cornice is pulled, making the fastening completely invisible.
  4. With lambrequin. Lambrequin is a separate piece of fabric, often with flounces or decorative elements, which is attached over the curtains at the top of the window, hiding all fasteners.
  5. On the eyelets. One of the most fashionable in modern interior options when the top of the curtain has holes, often with metal or plastic trim, through which the curtain rod is threaded.

The type of fastening is selected either for the cornice or for the general style of the interior. It is also worth considering that the curtains should be easy to remove and hang back after regular cleaning or washing.

Worth knowing! For curtains with patterns, the width of the fabric should be up to 1.5 times the length of the cornice so that the pattern is clearly visible. Plain curtains can be 3 times wider than the base, and then they will be gathered in spectacular folds.


Roller blinds are one of the fashionable options for window decoration. Technically, they are a day sheet of fabric attached to a shaft, with a load at the end. The main advantage of roller blinds is the fact that they can either completely cover the window opening or rise to any height and be fixed in in the right direction to regulate the amount of natural light in the room.

The main types of roller blinds, depending on the material from which they are made, are:

  • blackout (the fabric is dense and provides reliable protection from penetration of sunlight into the room);
  • day-night (double-layer curtains, which, depending on the position, can either completely darken the window or partially transmit light through transparent areas of the fabric);
  • single-layer, translucent (protect the room from prying eyes, but let in a sufficient amount of daylight).

Roller blinds are attached directly to the window. For ease of use they are equipped with:

  • special lifting/lowering mechanisms;
  • guide elements;
  • latches at the bottom of the window.

The great advantage of this type of curtain is the fact that they do not require washing, since the fabric has a protective coating.


Japanese curtains help complete the decoration of a room in a minimalist or oriental style. They are long sheets of loose, translucent material. Such curtains are fixed in the upper part of the window to a guide, and a weighting weight is installed in the lower part.

On a wide window, curtains of this type are placed in several panels, which can slide behind each other or slide apart across the entire width of the window opening. By moving them, you can completely close the window opening, or partially open it for daylight.

Selection of ready-made Japanese curtains simply huge. They can be made from either plain fabrics or materials with patterns and ornaments. The width of one strip can be up to 4 meters, which allows you to decorate any size window with such a curtain.


Roman blinds are a special category in the range of window textiles. They represent fabric sheets with a special fastening to the window and horizontal rods inside. The fittings provide lifting and lowering of the curtain. When closed, the fabric is smoothed out, and when lifted and fixed at the desired height, it gathers into uniform soft folds.

During the folding process, the curtain can be assembled both into even horizontal stripes and into folds (when excess fabric is provided during cutting).

The choice of folding type directly depends on the interior design:

  • horizontal fold is suitable for minimalist, modern and high-tech style;
  • Folded folds are appropriate in romantic interiors, rustic, nautical, and Provence style living rooms.

French curtains are fabrics with frequent horizontal folds and tails. In addition, such curtains have a vertical stitch into which a rope is sewn, lifting the fabric.

When lifting such a curtain, the fabric gathers into spectacular gathers. There are also stationary French curtains, the lifting of which is not provided. In this case, translucent material is chosen for them.

In classical and baroque style living rooms, such curtains are most appropriate. Disadvantage French curtains is their high cost, since they are not only difficult to sew, but also require large quantity fabrics.

Advice! Considering the texture of French curtains, you should not use them in small living rooms, as they can visually reduce the space.


Austrian curtains are in many ways similar to French ones, since they also form folds, but at the same time they have an assembly mechanism similar to Roman curtains.

When unraveled, the Austrian curtain is a straight fabric with a small fold at the end. It is raised to the desired height using a cord, which creates folds on the canvas.

Advice! When sewing an Austrian curtain, the length of the fabric should be a couple of centimeters below the window sill line so that there is space for the fold.

For Austrian curtains in the living room interior, it is worth choosing light translucent fabrics that will not weigh down the room.


Many people consider blinds to be an outdated window design option. However, with their modern variety, blinds are often more appropriate in the living room than curtains.

There are blinds:

    • horizontal;
    • vertical.
  1. Depending on the material of manufacture:
    • wooden;
    • metal;
    • plastic;
    • fabric.
  2. Depending on the design:
    • plain;
    • colored;
    • with pattern;
    • with a photograph.

Worth knowing! Blinds can be used in window decoration either independently or in combination with curtains. In this case, curtains are combined exclusively with horizontal blinds.

Vertical blinds look more impressive in the living room interior, but at the same time they are quite capricious in care and cleaning, and when high humidity may even lose their rigidity and shape.

Color selection

Quite often, curtains are combined with the main interior not so much color scheme, so much in style, general style or ornament.

However, if window textiles are selected independently, without the participation of a professional designer, you can follow certain recommendations.

Combination with wallpaper

The easiest way to choose curtains for the living room is to combine them with wallpaper. At the same time, you should not hang curtains on the windows that completely match the color of the walls in the room.

To choose the right curtains for the living room to match the wallpaper, you should adhere to one of the following strategies:

  1. Tone on tone. The color of the curtains is similar to the color of the wallpaper, but a couple of shades darker or lighter, depending on the amount of natural light in the room.
  2. Game of colors. If there is bright wallpaper or patterns on the walls, neutral-colored curtains are selected, and vice versa.
  3. Contrast. If several types of contrasting wallpaper are used in the room, the curtains are matched to one of them based on pattern or color.
  4. Light pastel colors. A win-win option, regardless of the color of the walls, as it goes with everything.
  5. Pattern and solid color. If the walls have a smooth finish, then curtains can be chosen with a pattern; therefore, for walls with noticeable prints, plain, neutral curtains that will not overload the room are more suitable.

Advice! Regardless of the number of windows and natural light in the living room, white with a slight bluish tint, translucent curtains will look impressive and add freshness to the room.

Combination with furniture

Quite often, especially when you need to save money, curtains are selected not according to the color of the walls, but to match the upholstery of the furniture. Furniture in rooms is changed much less frequently than the color of the walls, and with this selection, window textiles will not need to be changed after renovation.

The main rule to follow when choosing is a harmonious combination of furniture fabrics with curtains in color and texture.

When selecting window textiles for furniture, you can also play with warm and cold shades of the same color, and use sofa cushions as an additional accent.

Space correction

The right choice of window textiles can completely change the visual perception of a room, both positive and negative. negative side.

If you need to adjust the living room space with curtains, you should consider following rules:

  1. Light shades of a cold range visually expand the room, while rich and dark shades, on the contrary, make the room narrower. For a small living room that needs to be enlarged, at least visually, it makes sense to choose curtains in green or blue tones.
  2. In the living room, where the penetration of natural light is limited, use dense and dark curtains inappropriate. It is better to opt for translucent fabrics and light shades.
  3. Drawings and patterns on curtains, especially large ones, visually narrow the space. It is better not to use patterned textiles on the windows of a small living room, opting for plain fabrics.
  4. If there are not so many square meters in the living room, you should choose simple curtains, without draperies and additional details, for example, classic straight ones, or plain roller ones. Decor takes away natural light from the room and visually makes the room smaller.
  5. Using curtains you can visually adjust not only the volume of space, but also the height of the room. For rooms with low ceilings, you can choose curtains with vertical stripes. A narrow room with a normal ceiling height can be expanded with a horizontal stripe on the curtains.
  6. A dark living room can be made lighter and more spacious by decorating the windows with curtains warm shades: peach, milky, yellow, pink. For hot rooms on the south side of the house, it is better to choose cool curtain colors: green, blue, light blue.
  7. If the room is narrow and the window is small, it makes sense to use a curtain on only one side of the opening, and cover the entire window with translucent light tulle.
  8. A lambrequin in a small room can be straight on a fold or tie, or arched. This element is combined with both tulle and curtains. In this case, the lambrequin and tulle should be light shades, and used only when the ceiling height in the room is high enough.
  9. The living room has a high ceiling and large windows It is advisable to use long curtains with ruffles; French curtains will also look good.
  10. You can correct the proportions of a room that is too wide by hanging long, thick curtains of a dark shade on both sides of the window.

Color combination rules

The colors in window textiles are combined according to certain rules, which are always guided by professional designers. It is acceptable to combine both related and contrasting colors, but the final choice depends on the overall color scheme of the room.

When choosing a color, you can either play with shades of the same color scheme or choose completely opposite colors. To determine shades that are compatible with each other, you can use the color wheel, which designers love so much.

Shades located in adjacent sectors of such a circle, as well as directly opposite shades, always look good with each other.

Advice! If the room uses a variety of decorations and furniture, then it makes sense to decorate the window in shades adjacent to the largest piece of furniture in the room.

Colors are selected according to following rules:

  1. In monochrome rooms, curtains are chosen in the basic color scheme, but the shade of textiles is chosen slightly lighter or darker.
  2. For a living room with bright walls - calm curtains, with a neutral finish - curtains in a rich shade, maybe with a pattern or decorative finishing(tacks, lambrequins, rings).
  3. Curtains in neutral shades will look good regardless of the decoration of the room. If it is difficult to decide on the color of textiles, pay attention to sand, beige, terracotta or gray.
  4. It is possible to combine the color of curtains with accessories in the living room, for example, sofa cushions, by sewing curtains and pillowcases from the same fabric.

Winning color combinations:

  1. Interior in beige-brown tones requires neutral curtains. Sand, cream, milk and light brown shades are suitable. Curtains in wenge and chocolate colors will look beneficial in such a room. You can make a window in a beige or brown room contrast with yellow, green, peach or turquoise curtains.
  2. For a turquoise room, light tulles or darker curtains are suitable sea ​​wave. Such curtains look impressive with a discreet pattern that will make the room less austere.
  3. Black and white curtains will look good in the living room with neutral wallpaper, especially when combining black curtains with a black leather sofa.
  4. Pink room walls can be combined with white tulle and gray curtains.
  5. For a bright purple or lilac sofa, you can choose curtains in calm shades: ocher, peach, milky.
  6. You can combine beige, gold and white curtains with a red sofa.


The style of the living room and the furniture in it plays a significant role in the selection of textiles. Incorrect choice design, color or pattern on the curtains can negate all efforts to decorate the room in the same style.

For each interior style, there are certain rules in the selection of window textiles.

  1. Classic. In a classic interior, straight curtains and tulle are appropriate, but they can make the room too strict. You can soften the design of the room with the help of lambrequins, tiebacks, ruffles, drapery and a correctly selected pattern on the curtains, combining furniture, windows and walls into single composition.
  2. Modern. For this style, especially if there is a large window in the room, French cascading curtains with sophisticated, weightless drapery are ideal. This window decoration will make the interior of the room luxurious and rich. You can combine textiles with the main colors in the room either in the same range or in contrast.
  3. Scandinavian style. This style is now at the peak of popularity and is characterized by simplicity, reliability, and naturalness of the materials used. Since the Scandinavian style is characterized by an abundance of natural light and space, curtains should be chosen translucent, in light shades. You can combine textiles with furniture, which in this style is made from light wood species: birch, pine, beech.
  4. Minimalism. The very name of the style suggests that an abundance of details is not welcome in it. The ideal window decoration for a living room in this style would be roller blinds or Roman blinds.
  5. High tech. For a modern and technological style, curtains should be simple and smooth. The shade of textiles can be in the same color scheme as the room, or contrasting. But preference should be given to cool colors. The cut of the curtains in the high-tech style is straight, classic, without details or frills.
  6. Provence and the style of old England. These interior styles are characterized by light colors and floral motifs. It is worth choosing curtains with flowers, in pastel shades, and regardless of the pattern on the walls. Ruffles, frills, lambrequins and other decorations will be very appropriate.

Important! When sewing curtains with drapery, you should use only plain fabrics. Fabric with a pattern is suitable for Roman and roller blinds.

Texture and decor

When choosing curtains, the texture of the fabric plays no less a role than the color. It is also important to combine it with walls or pieces of furniture so that the overall design of the room looks complete and harmonious.

There are certain rules for choosing the texture of curtain fabric:

  1. For thick and thick wallpaper (vinyl, paintable wallpaper), curtains and drapes made of thick and even rough fabrics are suitable: jacquard, linen, cotton, velvet. Such curtains will not only harmonize with the wallpaper, but will also add chic and variety to the living room interior.
  2. Light and thin wallpaper, especially paper wallpaper, will look harmonious with thin fabrics on the windows - organza, cambric, delicate tulle, without a pronounced texture.
  3. If thick wallpaper loads the room too much, you can dilute it with a lighter fabric window decoration, but in this case it is worth using additional decor on the curtains. You can make light curtains heavier with tassels, fringe, rhinestones, large rings, and massive additional accessories.
  4. If the wallpaper in the living room has a pronounced texture, it makes sense to repeat this pattern on the curtains. It is not at all necessary to choose curtains with a pattern for this; the design can be made in the form of embroidery or tie.
  5. The texture of upholstered furniture is also taken into account when choosing curtains, and it should be in harmony with the texture of the curtain fabric.

Many curtains themselves are textured and bright, so they do not require additional decor. These are French, Roman, Austrian, pleated curtains. Classic curtains can be played up with the most various details, making them more interesting and functional.

Worth knowing! A universal accessory for curtains is a tieback, which is not only a useful addition, but also helps to fit the curtain into any interior style.

Fashion trends

Interior fashion is as changeable as clothing fashion. At the same time, living in a room that has long outlived its era becomes uncomfortable, and you want to keep up with the times.

Today, fabrics that are quite simple in texture are at the peak of popularity, but at the same time, multi-layering and decorative accents are encouraged in the design of windows. The fashion for layering began with clothing and reached interior design.

Unusual accessories and additions for curtains are extremely popular, including:

  • eyelets;
  • rings;
  • grabs;
  • holders;
  • tassels and fringe;
  • ribbons;
  • lambrequins;
  • curbs.

Worth knowing! The most popular curtain fabrics are painting-style designs, geometric patterns, zigzags, and irregular geometric figures.

However, in addition to decorating a room, the main function of curtains is still protection from outside light and prying eyes. First of all, you should pay attention to whether the living room is planned exclusively for receiving guests and spending family time, or whether it is also used for night sleep, and dense protection from the sun and light from lanterns is required.

When choosing the design of curtains and the material for sewing them, in addition to the color of the wallpaper and furniture, the shape of the window also matters.

Depending on the design of the window opening, the type of curtains is determined:

  1. For a rectangular window stretched upward, any curtains that match the decoration of the room are suitable.
  2. For a window that is elongated in width, it is advisable to use asymmetrical curtains, Japanese curtains, curtains with a lambrequin. This design will not only even out the proportions of the room, but will also help to visually raise the window opening.
  3. Arched windows require the installation of a cornice right under the ceiling, otherwise they lose their beauty and originality.
  4. Large panoramic windows The floor can be decorated with Roman, French and Austrian types of curtains. Great option A simple transparent tulle will also work, especially if the window is stained glass.

Today, fabric manufacturers themselves are ready to help make the choice of curtains and other textiles for the room much easier. Often fabrics are produced in entire collections from materials that harmonize with each other. In such a collection you can easily select tulle, fabric for curtains, and upholstery for furniture.

When decorating a window with textiles, you can save a lot of money by buying fabric yourself and sewing curtains and tulle in a studio, or by yourself. You can read how to sew tulle correctly in the article “”.

Color is of no small importance. Home textiles create in the house the coziness that every housewife dreams of. The overall perception and atmosphere of the room and the entire apartment depends on its combination with the color scheme of the interior. The right shade will refresh the atmosphere, add zest and transform the usual space.

Let's look at the most common color variations in combination of curtains with the overall interior:

  1. - white tulle and curtains to match the color of the furniture or walls. Similar combinations are found in most apartments. This is a surefire option, especially if the rooms are not planned repair work and change of scenery. Designers advise observing only one nuance: curtains matched to the color of the wallpaper should be a tone lighter or darker so that optical merging does not occur.

  2. Another stylish and fairly common option is choosing the color of curtains to match a large piece of furniture. This could be a closet, a rug, an armchair, a sofa, a dining table in the kitchen, or a blanket on the bed in the bedroom.
  3. Practical housewives often choose a neutral shade. Beige, coffee or gray tones fit perfectly into almost any design. Their advantage is that such colors can always be diluted with an accessory and drapery, for example, piping, bow, or lambrequin.
  4. Those who want to focus on the windows choose curtains in bright colors or with patterns. Unusual prints, large flowers, geometric designs will not only decorate the room, but also hide the imperfections of the interior, attracting attention to themselves. You just need to know how to choose the right element so that it does not look like a bright spot on a plain background. This can be an ornament on vases, panels, floor lamps, sofa cushions, napkins, selected in the same color scheme as the textiles on the windows.

Matching the style

For those owners whose apartments are decorated in a certain style, it is more difficult, since choosing the right curtains for a specific stylistic direction- it’s not an easy matter. But even here there are laws and rules. Recently it has gained great popularity country style in an interior with floral fabrics. However, colored curtains are milky or creamy with small crimson, purple and pink flowers are appropriate. For country, for example, natural fabrics in muted tones are more suitable: peach, pink, beige, etc.

Another multi-colored shabby chic style will appeal to romantic people. For those who want to have a princess-like bedroom, you should take a closer look at curtains in soft peach and pink tones with lace and floral prints. Textiles in the shabby chic style are often made in light shades, as if they were copied from doll palaces and fairy houses. But very often these are bright and even “flashy” shades.

The opposite of cozy country are rococo and. Curtains in this style cost a fortune on one window. And their color matches their status - gold and silver. Even if a different color is chosen, curtains in the Rococo or Baroque style are necessarily complemented by lambrequins, fringe and tassels in the same noble colors.

Such a different and interesting oriental style is very popular today. Moreover, textiles play an important role in Asian interiors. Curtains of rich colors with intricate patterns will be appropriate not only in luxurious palaces, but also in ordinary apartments. They will add a touch of charm and tenderness to the atmosphere.

European style is more suitable for modern, minimalism, or high-tech trends. Neutrality of tone, lack of pattern, contrasting combinations - all this is inherent in modern styles. When choosing such curtains, you should pay attention Special attention on their color. It must be combined with the overall interior. No unnecessary details or elements, only rigor and simplicity.

Color solutions

The color of curtains can visually expand or reduce a room. Warm shades will add coziness, make the room brighter, and the window size larger. Textiles in cool colors will expand a small kitchen or living room. It happens that space needs to be filled and made smaller. How to choose the color of curtains in this case? Very simple. Rich reds, purples, or in combination with dark walls and floors will create the effect of a chamber box room, so beloved by French and English decorators.

The color of the textiles also depends on the purpose of the room. For the living room, you can choose absolutely any color - from soft pastels to experimental prints and patterns. The main thing is to maintain the combination with the interior of the room.

In the bedroom, calm tones are most appropriate. For this room, it is especially important to choose the right curtains so that their color does not cause irritation or discomfort. Shades such as pearl, dark blue, green, and brown will help you get a good night's sleep.

For the kitchen, curtains are usually selected based on the width of the room. Light colors are suitable for a small kitchen; dark colors are suitable for a spacious room. In addition, it is important to match the shades with the style of the room.

They completely visually expand the space, but they look boring and empty. If the color is not related to the design idea, then it is better to complement such curtains with some soft shade - cream, beige or pink.

Blue and are a classic choice for living rooms and bedrooms. They relax and calm. In addition, the combination of blue or green textiles with white walls and light furniture- win-win interior solution. The main thing is not to overdo it when choosing curtains for the living room. dark color so that the room does not look gloomy.

Red curtains are rarely used. They are usually hung in a room with natural wood furniture. The noble color perfectly emphasizes the luxury of the interior. Bright red color can have a negative impact on the psyche, depress and irritate. However, warm shades of red will completely transform the room without harming its inhabitants.

Orange and yellow colors will be appropriate if you need to match the curtains to the interior of the nursery. The latest trend is terracotta curtains. However, these shades are suitable for both the living room and the kitchen, if they are decorated in appropriate colors. A bright, cheerful color will add sun to the room if the windows face north.

Another trend in the world of home textiles is turquoise color. However, he is quite capricious. Before you pick

Today it is almost impossible to imagine a living space without curtains. It immediately loses comfort and harmony. The correct choice of curtains for your home determines the overall composition of the interior style and the comfort of living in it.

What it is?

The first curtains appeared on the territory of present-day Georgia 34 thousand years ago. At that time, certain Arab peoples lived there and they came up with the idea of ​​covering the empty window space from the sun with linen ropes.

Nowadays, a curtain is not just a sheet of fabric. This is a whole art. Just look at the rich palette of colors and dozens of types of models.

Curtains can not only be pulled back different sides, but also be rolled up or gathered in delicate soft folds into a small canvas.


Curtains for windows can be made of either thin fibers or dense fabrics. Translucent tulle adds elegance and lightness to the room, and thick curtains slightly shade it.

Combinations of fabrics and decorative embellishments create truly fabulous curtains. A wide selection of bows, ribbons, decorative ribbons and various eyelets allows you to make artistic experiments even in the most inconspicuous small rooms.

Many people think that single models look too modest. But there are options for roller blinds, Roman or Austrian, which in their appearance outshine massive multi-layer compositions.


Designing a window space is an art. Window type, lighting, color scheme, interior - all this influences the choice of a certain type of curtains.


The most popular option for curtains is a tandem of two panels, which are made from different fabrics. The first layer is spacious curtains made of thin materials (voile or chiffon) completely enveloping the window space. And the second is thick curtains, framing transparent fabric at the edges. The classic version of curtains is appropriate in any type of room.

Various fastenings of the canvases give the classic an unusual look and literally change the space before your eyes. For example, a lambrequin makes the curtains visually more massive, but at the same time more luxurious. A room with small ceilings cannot withstand this design. Therefore, lambrequins are only appropriate in large halls.

Decorative ties and loops add orderliness and discreet luxury to the curtain composition.

Simple and stylish model from the category of classic tailoring - a curtain with a drawstring. Holes are immediately made in the canvas, which are easily threaded into the cornice.

Metal or plastic eyelets are suitable classic options for living room or bedroom. Eyelets turn ordinary curtains into modern element window interior.


Scalloped curtains are made of material that is gathered into horizontal folds using lacing. When the curtains are down, they are practically invisible. Soft drapery along the bottom edge - distinguishing feature this model.

Austrian canvases are made from shiny fabrics: silk, polyester, voile. The latter adds amazing lightness and airiness to the interior of the room. Curtains go perfectly with the design of living rooms or bedrooms.


At first glance they look like Austrian curtains. But here light waves are present only on the upper part of the canvas. The drapery is created using ribbon or braid. If the curtains are raised, the material falls in light folds, which form semicircular waves at the bottom.

The composition fits perfectly into the kitchen. Romanesque curtains, barely touching the window sill, reveal the lower part of the window. They do not clutter up the space, but at the same time make it very impressive. Patterns, ornaments and combinations of shades allow you to use curtains in different interior styles.


London curtains are arranged in a soft cascade. When raised, their lower frill is shaped like a New Year's garland.

In the design of such curtains you can find various designs stylized in the English style: tartan, vertical stripes, small flowers on chintz fabric and huge roses.

English-style curtains provide poor protection from the sun, but they look great on small, deep-set windows. They usually decorate the kitchen, bathroom and hallway.


Such structures are erected in a large window space. The curtains are pulled diagonally towards the cornice, forming a semi-arch. The rings are mounted on the underside of the curtains. It is through them that the cords are threaded.

The upper part of the canvases is connected, so they cannot be completely moved apart in different directions. The rail cornice perfectly fixes the composition, which is ideal for rooms with high ceilings and large windows.


The name of the composition fully reflects the appearance of the curtains. They are gathered at the top and bottom with a drawstring. Then they are pulled onto round rods. In the middle, the curtain is tied with a decorative garter, ribbon or cord.

The model will look harmonious with windows that have several sashes. In a small window space, such curtains look tasteless and cheap. The design is universal in its execution. It is appropriate for both baroque and country.

Japanese (photo curtains)

These are smooth rectangular curtains that resemble an inverted TV screen or sofa bedspreads cut into several pieces. Sliding canvases hold their shape well and move easily along the cornice due to rigid inserts.

In Japan, such curtains are used not only as protection from sunlight, but also as a partition to separate the interior space. The materials do not have to be dense. Often, photographic canvases are made of thin chintz or silk.


A roller shutter is a woven fabric that is wound on a round shaft and hidden in a special cassette compartment on the top of the shutters.

Using a special mechanism, the curtains can be lowered to the required level and fixed. This design makes it possible to regulate the level of lighting in the room. Roller blinds are often made from thick BlackOut fabric, which completely blocks the light supply.


Such curtains are precisely selected to fit the size of the window opening. They conceal space and perfectly protect from the prying glances of passers-by. There is a ribbon of contrasting fabric on the top of the canvases.

There may be a weight at the bottom of the curtains that will help you gather them into a roll. If there is no weighting agent, then the curtains look wrinkled and sloppy.

To decorate Chinese curtains, multi-colored translucent materials made from voile or silk are used. But for darkening it is best to give preference to coarse felt fabrics. Such models cannot be combined with other curtains.


These horizontal blinds are mounted on a special structure, which is adjustable in length by a cord, chain or electric drive. The pleated curtain is collected into a roll and becomes almost invisible.

This model can almost completely darken the room or create a twilight effect. Thick BlackOut fabric absorbs sunlight. She's getting soaked special solution, thanks to which the canvas does not fade and repels water.

Curtains in the hall can be supplemented with pleated curtains so that on sunny days the level of comfort in the room does not drop. When combined with other curtains, you should give preference to plain pleated models so as not to overload the color palette.


Such curtains are not particularly popular in universal interiors because of its extravagant appearance. They are made from thin threads or beads. Even for sloping openings, for which it is very difficult to choose curtains, you can try on rope models.

So that the threads do not interfere with cleaning, they can be easily removed to one side and secured either with a special crab or with a rope made of small beads. The design creates a bohemian image in the interior, applicable not only for windows, but also for doorways. Rope curtains zone the space and sometimes replace transparent tulle.


When choosing curtains, you should pay special attention to the fabric. Their quality is a guarantee of comfort for the residents of the house.


This is a mixed fabric. The curtains made from it are quite dense. Natural fibers The composition allows you to easily create soft drapery. And thanks to synthetic fibers, the material is easy to dye.

The design of voile fabrics is very diverse: floral and geometric patterns, embossed small patterns, photographic drawings. The shades in the color palette are also diverse and are presented to suit every taste. The veil is perfect for any room.


Mixed fibers are also present here. The amount of synthetic materials exceeds natural ones. Therefore, it is not recommended to hang curtains made of such fabric in the bedroom, especially in the children's room. When heated, organza melts and releases phenol-formaldehyde substances that are hazardous to health.

In addition, these curtains do not allow air to pass through well and provide little protection from the flow of sunlight. But in combination with thick curtains they are well suited for halls.

Organza does not require careful care. It washes very easily and dries quickly even at room temperature.


This natural fabric excellent air conditioning and shade indoor space. Translucent thin canvases are hung in children's rooms, halls and kitchens.

Linen fibers are also present in burlap curtains, they are slightly denser than standard models. They can be used as a shade curtain in the living room or alone in the bedroom.

The material is completely safe to use, but is somewhat demanding in terms of care. Small wrinkles cannot be smoothed out without steaming, and washing in hot water instantly leads to tissue seating. This needs to be taken into account in advance, so that after six months the luxurious linen curtains do not turn into an unsightly curtain.


Silk is also included in the category of natural materials. But it is often added to mixed synthetic fibers. This fabric produces both transparent and dense fabrics. The choice of one density or another depends on the type of room. For example, it is better to buy thin air curtains for the hall so that you can combine them with thick curtains. It is recommended to frame the sleeping window with thick silk for comfortable sleep and rest.

The fabric is easy to care for. It is perfectly ironed and can be draped if desired. Special impregnation on the curtains will protect household members from insects. The only negative is that the material quickly fades in sunny rooms. Therefore, when purchasing such curtains, you should pay attention to the additional lining.


It will never go out of style . This natural fabric is suitable for any design and type of room. It recreates a natural atmosphere in the room and adds freshness.

Satin curtains are made from cotton, which look good in the opening of bedroom windows. The color palette of the curtains is gorgeous. The abundance of colors, patterns and designs on the canvases makes it possible to play with styles and combinations of fabric compositions that are not even complemented by other decorative elements.


Blackout curtains are usually made of flock. It's almost completely synthetic material from recycled fibers, wool and cotton. TO The lei used to treat curtains is unsafe, so you should not place curtains on windows in a child’s room.

Thin fabric provides as much sun protection as thick fabric, but it doesn't look as elegant. In addition, voluminous patterns are made on dense flock due to the thick pile. The soft material is very beautiful.


Fashion and designers bring new ideas to the interior every year. But they are all based on long-known design styles, each of which has its own individual characteristics.


This style will never go away. It concentrates chic, harmony and traditions that have been formed over centuries. The most exquisite materials carry the spirit of the classics of ancient times and modern trends. Kisey, velvet and silk are the main trio of this genre.

Any type of window and room allows for a classic style. Arched openings are framed with curtains with lambrequins and tassels. Triangular windows welcome single compositions made of translucent silk. Curtain colors range from nude tones to deep brown tones.


Free spirit, simplicity and fashion came together in an elegant style that came from the West. Overloaded space is the enemy of minimalism. Therefore, there are no patterns, prints or designs on the curtains. A monochromatic palette is the main point in conveying the true flavor of a style.

Very often curtains are made of cotton or linen. These fabrics of delicate colors look discreet, rather ascetic. For sleeping rooms, light vertical drapery is allowed. Dense plain fabrics in non-flashy warm shades decorate the half-empty room of the apartment.


The south of France gave the world the rustic style of Provence. It has incorporated all the decorative elements to create comfort and harmony.

The short length of the canvases is the main feature of the style. But cascading models are also welcome. Small folds and ribbons will enhance the spirit of the French countryside in the design.

Patterned colorful curtains are undoubtedly combined with other interior elements: wallpaper, bedspreads, furniture. Without this, the style will be unrecognizable and tasteless.


Art Nouveau burst into the design world also from France. The bohemian Parisian style delighted European fashionistas at the beginning of the 20th century. Today it has become even more popular and versatile in execution than a century ago.

The disorder of lines, fabrics, and patterns looks as harmonious as the chaos of imagination can afford. Several curtains can be randomly thrown over each other and secured with a single tape.

Curtains are clasped from above or below. The main thing is that modernity should feature layering and drapery without contrasts. The color palette in any design is used from one row of shades.


This style rather fulfills decorative function rather than practical. Curtains in the Chinese interpretation do not particularly protect from the sun; they scatter the rays with soft shadows. Airy light curtains use a very simple cut and design. There are no lambrequins, bows or velvet tassels here. But external asceticism does not negate the fact that curtains are made from expensive materials: silk and rice fibers.

The width of the canvas does not extend beyond the window opening, and the length does not fall below the level of the window sill. Several curtains are attached to a single cornice made of metal or wood.


This style is bright and unusual. Looks great in southern rooms. The combination of blue and white shades adds freshness and the eternal presence of summer to the atmosphere.

Dense coarse fabric in nautical style very colorful. It is decorated with felt loops in the eyelets and a lacing girth.

Draped white curtains with a thick texture are hung in the bedroom. And in the living room, dark blue curtains with light stripes are most appropriate.

Ideas and examples in the interior

To avoid imbalance, the canvases must be in harmony with other details of the interior of the house. The general trend is to combine curtains with furniture, bedspreads and sometimes wallpaper.

A smooth transition from the color of the walls to the shade of the curtains is achieved by choosing one line from the color palette. The main thing is to maintain balance, because exact copying of patterns and ornaments sometimes looks cluttered and cheap.

  • The kitchen allows you to experiment with the length of the curtains. Z Both long and short options are appropriate here. There are also no special restrictions in terms of colors and patterns; the selection is carried out within the chosen style.

  • The living room is an excellent platform for designers’ imaginations. It is possible to use both a tandem of multilayer materials of different densities, as well as single compositions in the form of dense BlackOut fabrics or translucent veils framed on top with lambrequins.

  • Curtains for two windows must have a slit in the middle for convenience. Such paintings are very original today. The bow pleat along the entire length complements the chic look well.
  • Non-standard curtains are made for triangular attic windows. They are hung without a cornice on a special fishing line.

  • Stylish options can be selected not only for living rooms, but also for the entrance area. The corridor canvases are made of transparent lightweight materials. Their length barely touches the window sill. Using tape holders, they are fixed to the wall so that sunlight illuminates the room during the day.

  • For bathrooms, manufacturers have come up with special curtains that have a water-repellent texture. Typically this is roller blinds with manual mechanism. Unusual models are presented in the form of photo curtains or wooden canvases.

A color scheme

To choose the right color for curtains, you need to take into account the possible combination with adjacent decorative elements and the place of the canvases in the interior composition (background or bright accent), as well as their functionality.

Neutral shades of white, beige, gray and black colors will be appropriate in any design and style . Minimalism is entirely based on such a palette.

If the wallpaper matches the curtains almost tone-on-tone, it means the designer wanted to unify the space and make it more homey and cozy. But it is not recommended to copy patterns and ornaments, so as not to burden the room.

Dark shades make a room smaller. Dark burgundy colors in small apartments they look heavy and gloomy. It is more prudent to add them to large rooms with high ceilings.

Playing with contrasts is a bold decision that completely reshapes strict design. Here nude shades border on rich colors. For example, peach tulle in tandem with orange curtains will create strong energy in the atmosphere of the living room. And the blue curtains in white stripe fit perfectly into the marine theme.

Two-color curtains with a pattern are a risky step in a design idea. A combination of such shades must be duplicated either on furniture or on bedspreads, otherwise such a model will seem foreign in the interior.

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