As with any other type of agricultural crop, tomatoes are divided into different groups of varieties according to the characteristics characteristic of these plants. One of them is the need for pinching - removing part of the side shoots. Thanks to many years of selection by scientists for open ground We obtained low-growing tomatoes without pinching - varieties that significantly reduce the labor intensity of growing this tasty vegetable.

Advantages of low-growing tomato varieties

Low-growing tomatoes for open ground have a number of undoubted advantages:

  • Tomatoes form low, compact bushes that do not require staking to stakes or trellises;
  • Due to the limited growth of green mass - stems and leaves - rapid ripening of tomato fruits is noted;
  • Optimal illumination of growing ovaries with sunlight and sufficient intake nutrients it provides high taste qualities of tomatoes;
  • The early ripening of the fruits of low-growing tomatoes in open ground conditions makes it possible to obtain an additional tomato harvest from the ovaries ripening on the stepsons.

Features of growing low-growing tomatoes

Tomatoes for open ground without pinching should be planted in nutrient-rich soils. Sandy loam soil or loam, which has a neutral reaction, is best suited for this purpose. The planting site for low-growing tomatoes should be protected from gusts of wind and optimally warmed up.

Tomato seedlings for open ground are planted in mid-May - early June.
In the northern regions, these dates can be shifted by 1–2 weeks so as not to expose low growing tomatoes for open ground exposed to late frosts, since they have insufficient resistance to low temperatures.

Productive low-growing varieties tomatoes grow well in medium-heavy open ground with a uniform content of clay, sand and peat, ensuring optimal access of moisture to the roots of the plants. Low-growing tomatoes for open ground can be fertilized by adding humus, complex mineral fertilizers. Treating the soil with a solution will help disinfect the soil and increase the resistance of low-growing tomatoes to diseases. copper sulfate(for 10 liters of water - 1 tbsp.). It should be done before digging in a ratio of 2 liters. solution per 1 m2.

The seeds of each tomato variety should be sown separately, not densely distributed on moist, fertile soil.
After the appearance of 4 leaves, it is advisable to pick low-growing tomatoes for open ground - plant them at a distance of 2–3 cm.

Planting ready seedlings in open ground can be done in a checkerboard pattern or in rows so that for each bush of any variety of tomatoes the amount of nutrients is sufficient. Early varieties are planted at a distance of 30x40 cm, ripening in the middle - 50x50 cm.

Disease Prevention

Low-growing tomatoes for open ground are quite resistant to diseases such as late blight, especially early ripening varieties, which are distinguished by early ripening. The fruits on these bushes ripen before the onset of the disease. Important points, increasing plant resistance are on-time landing, maintaining sufficient distance between bushes, regularly removing weeds, loosening and moistening the soil.

To prevent damage to tomatoes viral diseases Before planting seedlings, the holes are disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate, and the seedlings themselves are Bordeaux mixture. Timely watering and fertilizing will strengthen the plants and get the maximum from each bush. bountiful harvest.

Fungi develop well in shaded conditions and high humidity, therefore it is necessary to ensure maximum access to the fruits sun rays and air. It is useful to periodically treat the vegetative mass of plants with a copper-soap emulsion, dissolved in 5 liters. water 1 g of copper sulfate and 100 g of laundry soap.

Additionally, you can water mid-season tomato varieties with a solution containing iodine (20 drops per 5 liters of water) and potassium chloride (15 g). Under unfavorable atmospheric conditions - high clouds and prolonged rains, you can spray low-growing tomato varieties with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

The most productive varieties of low-growing tomatoes

The following varieties of low-growing tomatoes are characterized by high productivity combined with unpretentiousness to growing conditions:

  • Watercolor - a variety with an elongated fruit shape and delicate pulp, in demand for canning, grows and bears fruit well in open ground conditions;
  • Red Fang is an early tomato variety that produces good harvest, the fruits are sweet, tasty, great for cutting into salads and for preparing for future use;
  • Utya – gives large harvest fruits of orange color, universal in use;
  • Krakowiak is an early variety of tomato with round red fruits;
  • Nevsky is a super early variety, the fruits are not large, the weight of one fruit is approximately 50 g, thanks to rapid maturation resistant to the most common fungal diseases that affect tomatoes, in particular late blight.

Additionally, the following can be noted productive tomatoes low-growing for open ground without pinching, different large fruits and early ripening: Lord, Vityaz, Raspberry Viscount, Danko, Dolka Far Eastern, Skorospelka. These tomato varieties are standard forms with a small bush height. To avoid breaking the trunks of low-growing tomato varieties, they are tied to a support with fabric ribbons or other soft material.

The table below shows low-growing tomato varieties that have a longer time to reach ripeness:

Caring for low-growing tomato varieties that grow well in open ground is not a difficult task. Not having to constantly remove newly growing stepsons saves a lot of time. An early variety will provide you with the first delicious fruits grown with your own hands; middle varieties will give a bountiful harvest for preparing preparations for the winter, evoking warm memories of summer in the cold of winter.

Seeds of low-growing tomatoes - leaders in personal plots. The reason is that they are much easier to care for than tall bushes. Small tomatoes do not require tying or pinching; they ripen in early dates and tomatoes do not have time to get late blight. Let's consider the shortest tomatoes for open ground without pinching.

What is tomato pinching and why is it needed?

Pinching is the removal of side shoots growing from the axils of the leaves, especially in the lower part of the stem. This technique is especially relevant when it comes to tall, indeterminate tomatoes. Determinate low-growing varieties, as a rule, do without pinching.

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All varieties of tomatoes are divided into 2 groups: indeterminate and determinate. The former are capable of unlimited growth of the apex, and in the latter, upon reaching a certain size, a fruit raceme is formed instead of an apical bud.

Stepchildren have the greatest negative effect on tall people late varieties. Additional stems absorb some of the nutrients that are necessary for the ripening of tomatoes on the main stem. Flowers and ovaries formed on the stepson do not have time to grow and ripen. The advantage of low-growing determinate varieties for open ground is that most of them are early ripening and the stepsons can produce another harvest.

Advantages of low-growing tomato varieties

  • Few leafy bushes.
  • The fruits ripen at the same time.
  • The tomatoes are the same size.

Tomatoes that do not need to remove unnecessary shoots tolerate well low temperatures. The fact is that many low-growing varieties of tomatoes are grown in open ground without transplanting seedlings. You just need to plant the seeds in the ground. A tomato grown from seeds directly in open ground is more resistant to natural disasters, various stresses and becomes highly hardened.

For beginning vegetable growers, low-growing tomatoes are an excellent option for mastering this type of activity. Only beginners may have problems with correct stepsoning. The fact is that it is very difficult to distinguish leaves from stepson. You need to remember that the stepson grows in the axils, and not on the stem of the plant.

Tomato varieties that do not require pinching

Currently, through the efforts of breeders around the world, many tomato varieties have been developed that do not need to be planted.

  • For example, the Tomato Nepasynkuya Pink is endowed with various positive qualities, including ultra ripeness and good yield. The height of an adult plant reaches no more than 75 cm; the bushes do not need to be rid of excess shoots. Cultivated vegetables grow up to 100 g, they are fleshy, round and pink in color when ripe. The agricultural technology of this tomato variety is simple: in March, the seeds are sown for seedlings; by the end of May or early June, the young plants are transplanted into open ground. Up to 3-4 bushes of low-growing nightshade can be grown per 1 m²;

  • Vityaz (belongs to the best varieties, its main advantages are very high yield and excellent taste of fruits, which have high shelf life and transportability);

  • Lord (a mid-early variety and is well suited for beginners due to its unpretentiousness, the fruits have good taste qualities and are suitable for both pickling and cutting salads);
  • Gina TST (variety with fleshy, tasty fruits, medium ripening, suitable for open ground or film shelters);

  • Agatha. The fruits ripen 98-100 days after the appearance of the first shoots. The variety has a simultaneous yield. It grows quite compact to a height of 45 cm. It has average resistance to diseases. The berries are red, round in shape and light weight. The largest fruits reach only 110 grams. Their taste is sweet and the flesh is fleshy. Possess for a long time storage and are easily transported to the point of sale. They have the peculiarity of simultaneous ripening of fruits in one cluster;
  • Raspberry Viscount is an early ripening plant: from the moment of planting to the appearance of the first fruits, 90 to 105 days pass. It all depends on the time of planting in the ground, climatic conditions and bush health;

  • Bakhtemir. Low-growing tomato varieties, such as "Bakhtemir", bear fruit very well. Due to the fact that the stems grow inactively and then stop growing altogether, the bush turns out to be completely strewn with fruits weighing up to 80 grams. The variety is a mid-early variety and ripens in 121 days. The taste is good, tomatoes can be stored for a long time and can be transported over long distances. Plant height is approximately 45-50 centimeters;
  • Aztec. This is an ultra-early ripening variety of tomatoes that can be grown in small containers on the balcony and window sills. Height is only 40 cm. No need for stepson. Fruiting is continuous from July until the first frost. The fruits are small, 25 grams each. yellow color. They have a good sweet taste. Used both in salads and in canning. Can be grown in containers - this is suitable for city dwellers;
  • Zhigalo is a low-growing tomato of medium ripeness; it does not need seedling method growing. From the moment the seeds are planted in the ground until the fruit is fully ripened, it will take a little more than 3 months. Zhigalo is a standard bush, so the plant reaches a height of 40 cm. This means that there is no need to shoot the tomato and tie it up. Inexperienced vegetable growers often mistake the gigolo fruit for aurea variety. The fruits of these two varieties are of the same type in shape. The gigalo has aurea and the shape of the fruit is oblong and cylindrical. A gigalo tomato weighs on average 150 grams and is 10 cm long. The yield from each bush is about 3 kg. Zhigalo is used in cooking for preparing canned salads, since the natural dryness of the fruit is rarely in demand for fresh consumption.

Tomatoes in our country are often grown in gardens. This is very delicious vegetable, which will be welcome on any table. To get a harvest without any problems, professional gardeners often choose low-growing varieties. After all, there is no need to plant undersized tomatoes, which simplifies their care. This article will tell you about tomatoes without pinching for greenhouses.

Characteristic features of varieties without pinching

In addition to the fact that plants do not require pinching, they are characterized by the following properties:

  • low bush height;
  • increased productivity;
  • moderate foliage;
  • simultaneity of fruit ripening;
  • same size.

Tomatoes that do not require pinching are usually quite cold-resistant. Some of them can be planted with seeds directly into the ground, without requiring prior cultivation of seedlings in separate containers. The beds with seeds sown in the soil are covered with film. Such sowing is carried out at the end of April, and the first harvest can be expected by mid-July.

Tomato varieties without pinching for greenhouses

Such varieties are suitable for beginning gardeners, and will also be a help to those who have been growing them for several years.

Tomatoes Ob domes

The list of the best low-growing tomatoes for the greenhouse opens with the Obskie Domes variety. We have before us an early ripening hybrid with high yield. Planting in open ground is possible, but this option must assume a warm climate. Aboveground part grows up to half a meter in open ground and up to 0.7 m in closed ground. As for early ripeness, you can receive the products already 3 months after planting.

Berry. Very large fruits, which are colored red with a pinkish tint (similar in color to the variety " Bull's heart"). The average weight of a tomato is 200 g, but it can set berries that weigh about 250 g. The skin on the fruit is dense and fleshy. Distinctive feature variety is precisely the shape of the fruit, which resembles a persimmon. When the fruit is cut open, the seed chambers resemble a five-leaf clover in shape. Average yield - 6 kg per square meter V closed ground and 5 kg in open.

Tomatoes Sanka

Before us is the best salad super early variety of tomatoes, which can also be grown in open ground. “Sanka” belongs to the standard tomatoes that do not need garter. It should also be classified as a low-growing tomato for greenhouses that does not require pinching. The aboveground part of the plant grows up to 60 cm, the leaf density is average. The fruits ripen on clusters of 6 pieces; their average weight is 100 g. They are distinguished by excellent taste and good uniform color. This variety has become popular due to the fact that the first berries can be picked already on the 90th day. This ideal variety, which will give you the opportunity to try your first tomatoes at a time when only imported options can be found in stores. Also, the advantages include resistance to cold and undemandingness to light, which makes it possible to significantly save on lighting.

The yield per square, provided that the tomatoes have received appropriate care, is 13-15 kg. In conclusion, it is worth talking about one more quality that allows you to obtain environmentally friendly products. The fact is that “Sanka” has resistance to all common tomato diseases, and the variety is extremely rarely affected by pests.

Danko tomatoes

The plant bush is of a determinant type; in open ridges it grows up to 45-55 centimeters. When planted in a greenhouse, it can reach 1.2-1.5 meters in height. A variety with mid-early ripening. Fresh fruits after emergence can be harvested in 106-112 days. Bush of medium degree of branching, best results yield is shown when formed with 3-4 stems. The number of leaves is small, medium in size, green in color, slightly corrugated. Lower leaves As the bush grows, it is recommended to remove it to increase soil ventilation. The plant does not require pinching; when planting in a greenhouse, the stems must be tied to a support. Gardeners like it not only for good taste, but also for the variety’s resistance to dry conditions. Although during drought the number of formed tomatoes decreases somewhat. The first fruits that grow in the cluster are the largest, and those on the edge of the cluster are much smaller.

Tomatoes Alaska

The Alaska tomato is ideal for seedless cultivation in areas of risky farming. The variety is early ripening (85-100 days) and high-yielding. The fruits begin to ripen at the end of June. "Alaska" is considered determinate, that is, it has limited stem growth. A bush about 0.5 meters high needs to be tied to a support. The first inflorescence is formed above the 8-9 leaf, the subsequent ones - every 1-2 leaves. Number of nests – 3-4. No molding is required when growing. The yield of the variety is 2 kg per bush (with proper agricultural technology).

Tomatoes Honey cream

Tomatoes are truly like honey cream, characterized by a neat appearance, smoothness and strength. When tomatoes are ripe, they are a rich red color. The tomatoes weigh a little over half a kilo. The fruits have a good balanced taste and are not prone to cracking. “Honey Cream” has another undeniable advantage - the absence of a reaction to almost all known diseases, including verticillium and fusarium. Thanks to such quality as early ripening, the crop does not suffer from late blight. The plant has an average ripening period and is characterized by high yield (over 10 kg per 1 m2). Bushes are compact in size, up to 1.2 m high.

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Tomatoes Velvet season

By planting this variety of tomatoes in an area of ​​open ground, you are guaranteed to get a good harvest of early and sugary fruits for salads and canning, weighing up to 300 g. Fruiting in this case depends little on the weather. Tomato tops The Velvet season usually does not exceed a height of 70 cm.

Tomatoes Nevsky

It is believed that this is the earliest variety of tomatoes in existence. At proper care The fruits are harvested already 60-65 days after planting the seeds.

Small fruits (weighing about 50 grams) ripen early, often right on the bush. They have a pleasant sweetish taste. Nevsky is sown directly into the ground, covering the ridge with film. The variety is good for growing in a greenhouse. Suitable for most areas Russian climate. Resistant to rot and late blight because it ripens very early.

Caring for tomatoes that do not require pinching

It would seem that low-growing tomatoes, whose shoots do not need to be plucked, do not require particularly careful care and attention. However, there are some subtleties and peculiarities of growing:

  • Make seedlings yourself from proven seeds. This way you can be sure what you are growing. desired variety. Homemade seedlings are usually robust and disease resistant.
  • Even low-growing tomatoes Garter required. Be sure to secure the bushes when they set and begin to bear fruit. Usually a lot of them are formed, and the plant has only one branch, which leads to its breaking or the tomatoes falling to the floor, hence their contamination and rotting.
  • Follow the regime of fertilizing and watering. This is especially important for varieties of this type.

Low-growing varieties of tomatoes for growing in greenhouses that do not need to be pinched - great option for beginner gardeners and gardeners. They are easy to grow, and with proper care, these tomatoes are amazingly fruitful.

It is difficult to imagine a garden without bright and aromatic tomatoes. However, some inexperienced gardeners refuse to grow this crop due to the need to plant them. This is a procedure for removing excess shoots that form on the bush during the growth process. Pinching is required so that the power of the bush is directed towards the formation of strong and large fruits, and not towards the growth of long and dense branches.

For those who do not want to bother with pruning shoots, it is recommended to plant tomato varieties without pinching for open ground. In this article you can choose best tomatoes for open ground for the Moscow region without pinching, and also learn about their advantages and characteristics of cultivation.

Features and advantages of tomato varieties without pinching

Varieties without pinching are most often low-growing bushes, the height of which does not reach a meter. Such varieties most often produce an average yield, but are distinguished by early ripeness, large fruits and resistance to most diseases.

The main advantages of varieties without pinching include:

  • High speed of tomato ripening.
  • Easy plant care.
  • The ability to grow such varieties in a greenhouse without using seedlings.
  • Resistance to late blight and other diseases.
  • Good resistance to temperature changes and lack of moisture.
  • An excellent harvest of tomatoes without the need to form a bush.

Popular varieties of tomatoes without pinching

Tomatoes without pinching varieties for open ground ripen on average in 95-100 days. Optimal varieties which are recommended for breeding in the regions of the Moscow region:

Nevsky. The best early variety of tomatoes without pinching. Its ripening occurs already on the 60th day after the appearance of the first shoots. If you plant seedlings at the usual time, the first harvest can be harvested in mid-July. Due to the fact that this variety ripens quickly, it does not suffer from late blight, which affects tomatoes due to temperature changes. The fruits are small in size, dense in texture and have a pleasant taste.

Dwarf. A variety with low bushes that do not require pinching. The fruits are small in size, have a dense texture and excellent taste. The plant is resistant to temperature changes, as well as various viruses and diseases. Regardless weather conditions, tomatoes do not crack, rot or become stained.

Oak. An excellent variety for open ground and growing in a greenhouse or greenhouse. Suitable even for cool regions. The variety is resistant to a variety of viruses. Tolerates moisture deficiency well. Can be used for pickling, canning and preparing other homemade rolls. The fruits are juicy, soft, have round shape and tasty pulp. Ripe tomatoes have a presentable presentation, so they can be grown for sale.

Cio-chio-san. A tomato variety that is excellent for growing in greenhouses and open ground. Has a high level of resistance to the virus tobacco mosaic and late blight. Has a wonderful sweet taste. Can be used for preparing preserves, and can also be used in fresh. The fruits are plum-shaped.

Comet. It is distinguished by high yield, pleasant taste and red color. The peculiarity of this variety is a good education ovaries even in those periods when it remains very heat air. The fruit size is small. On average, one tomato weighs 60 g. Tomatoes can be used for any kind of seaming, as well as for preparing salads.

Rocket. Elongated plum-shaped tomatoes that have a small spout characteristic of the variety. One of better varieties for preparing home preserves. The average weight of one fruit is 45 g. The advantages of this variety include the ability to transport fruits over long distances without losing their presentation and taste. Tomatoes of this variety are resistant to infection by rot and late blight.

Mars. The fruits are distinguished by their original flat-round shape, juicy pulp and resistance to mechanical damage. The tomato variety is optimal for fresh consumption, as well as for various processing. The average weight of one fruit is 75 g.

Amber. The variety belongs to the ultra-early variety. Among its advantages, one should highlight the absence of the need for pinching, resistance to various diseases and the ability to obtain a harvest in the shortest possible time. The fruits are a ball with a diameter of 5 cm. The weight of the fruit is about 50 g. The tomatoes have a pleasant golden color, sweet and juicy pulp. Can be used for making rolls or fresh salads. The harvest can be obtained 80-100 days after the appearance of the first shoots.

Lady fingers. A feature of tomatoes is gradual ripening. This allows you to get a harvest starting from the beginning of July and ending in mid-September. The fruits have an elongated shape, juicy and fleshy pulp. Tomatoes are red in color and weigh on average 130 g. Another advantage of tomatoes is their unique resistance to cracking.

Brawler. This variety was bred by Siberian agronomists, so it is optimally suited for cultivation in the Moscow region. Can be grown both in a greenhouse and in open ground. Tomatoes of this variety are red in color and cylindrical in shape. Refers to universal varieties for any soil and weather conditions. Perfectly resists moisture deficiency, temperature changes and various diseases. The fruits during the first half of fruiting have an average weight of 150-200 g, and in the end their weight is about 75 g. Tomatoes can be used for canning, pickling, juicing and fresh consumption.

An excellent variety for growing in the Moscow region and other regions with low temperatures. The height of the bush is about 40 cm. The fruits are red, round in shape and weigh about 90 g. Tomatoes have a pleasant-tasting pulp and resistance to mechanical damage. This variety is resistant to various diseases, including late blight. Can be used for preservation and fresh consumption.

Little Red Riding Hood. The variety has good and stable yield. The fruits have a round shape, tasty and juicy pulp. Can be eaten fresh or used to make homemade rolls. Tomatoes are resistant to temperature changes.

Snowdrop. An excellent tomato variety for cool regions. Tomatoes have a smooth and dense peel, a semicircular shape. The weight is about 100 g. This variety tolerates temperature changes, lack of sufficient sun, as well as various diseases.

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