The trees are quite large, with a sparse crown. The sweet and sour fruits are well retained on the branches, large, weighing 200 grams. Their surface is glossy, greenish in color. The pulp of the Belarusskoe Sweet fruit is very sweet, loose and very aromatic. Large-sized varieties of this variety belong to the early-fruiting types.

The period of consumption of fruits of the “Belarusskoe Sweet” variety is several months: from the beginning of October to last numbers February. If the deadline for harvesting fully ripened fruits is observed, the period of harvest preservation is significantly extended. The advantages of apples of the “Belarusskoe Sweet” variety are the presence of immunity to scab, excellent commercial qualities and high taste characteristics.

Apple tree “Sweet bliss”

Trees of the “Sweet bliss” variety are of medium height, their crown is strong, oval in shape. The sweet and sour fruits are round, weighing just over 100 grams. The coloring of the fruit is light yellow, with scarlet streaks of blush. The pulp of apples of the “Sweet bliss” variety is white, fine-grained, juicy and crisp. Ripe fruits are very aromatic, with a sweet dessert taste, without the presence of acid.

The plant prefers moisture-intensive, high-quality permeable, fertile soil. The soil should be loamy or sandy loam.

Apple tree "Arcade yellow"

The variety “Arcade yellow” is often called “Arcade summer yellow” or “Arcade orange”. fruit plant has a high level of winter hardiness. This old variety apple trees, and its origin is unknown.

Plant seedlings have an elongated crown type. Sweet and sour fruits are quite small in size. Standard weight apples rarely exceed 80 grams. The fruits are cylindrical in shape and covered with yellow skin. The pulp is of medium density, juicy, white with a hint of yellow. The taste is very sweet.

The yield indicators of the Arkad yellow apple tree are average. A distinctive feature is the presence of resistance to adverse external factors.

Apple tree "Mironchik"

“Mironchik” – ancient domestic variety. Sweet and sour fruits are of medium size and ribbed. They are oblong or spherical in shape and sometimes narrow to a saucer. The skin of the fruit is weak and insufficiently fragrant, smooth and thin, yellow color with the presence of red speckles over the entire surface. The pulp is yellow, quite tender and juicy. Sweet taste The fruit is accompanied by a slight bitterness.

Apple tree "Medoc"

Winter-hardy late summer variety. Formed fruits of medium or large size. Standard weight does not exceed 300 grams. The fruits are round, white-yellow in color, covered with thick skin. The ripening of sweet and sour apples occurs at the end of August and lasts about a month. The fruits are suitable for consumption in fresh, as well as for any type of home processing. The taste is sweet and sour, with a pronounced honey flavor. The white flesh is quite juicy and noticeably grainy.

The winter hardiness of trees is very high. The variety can withstand temperatures down to -42°C without freezing. The plant is resistant to diseases and pests.

“Medok” is the best variety for growing in the Moscow region. The columnar forms of this variety can significantly save space on the site.

The best varieties of apple trees (video)

Apple tree "Korobovka"

An ancient Russian variety of folk selection, widespread throughout our country. It is successfully cultivated in central Russia, as well as in the territory of the Republic of Belarus and the Baltic countries. The variety ripens in summer and has excellent winter hardiness.

The Korobovka apple tree has average yields and begins to bear fruit relatively late. The plant's foliage and fruits are resistant to scab. Varietal characteristics plants are of average height and the presence of a broom-shaped crown.

The fruits of this variety are quite small in size, and their weight does not exceed 50 grams. The fruits are very fragrant and sweet. They have slight sourness. The shape of apples of this variety is very often irregular, the color of the fruit is greenish-yellow with the presence of faint orange-red stripes. Harvesting of ripe fruits occurs in the last ten days of July or early August. The harvested crop can be stored in the refrigerator for a month.

The variety is interesting for cultivation in personal plots and attracts gardeners with the honey-sweet taste of apples. It is valuable as a basis for breeding other varieties with a special level of winter hardiness.

Apple tree "Candy"

The taste of apples of this variety is very sweet and largely reminiscent of candy, which is what gave the variety its name.

The sweetness of these fruits has made them especially loved by children. The size of the fruit is average, and the weight most often does not exceed 100 grams. The main color is light yellow with a pleasant reddish tint. The period of ripeness begins in July or August. The average shelf life is about a month. The pulp of apples is characterized by juiciness and tenderness.

Trees of this variety have small sizes and a rounded crown. Young plantings consistently bear fruit, and mature trees can enter periods of dormancy. The winter hardiness of young “Konfetnoye” is average. Resistance to scab damage is not high enough.

Apple tree "Lungwort"

Trees of the “Medunitsa” variety grow quite tall and have a wide pyramidal crown shape. The period of removable and consumer ripeness of fruits begins in the second half of August. Maturation is characterized by unevenness. The harvested crop is preserved quite well until October.

A short period of storage significantly improves the taste of the harvested fruits. The average weight of the fruit does not exceed 100 grams. Apples of this variety have a round and slightly conical or flat and rounded shape. The main color of the fruit is greenish-yellow.

The top color is a vague red blush with reddish or brown stripes. The pulp of the fruit has a yellowish tint. The taste of the fruit is sweetish-honey, which determined the name of the variety. Apples of this variety perfectly retain their taste for a long time.

How to plant an apple tree correctly (video)

When choosing seedlings for planting on a personal plot, preference should be given to zoned varieties that are characterized by high yields, shelf life and transportability. Sustainability is important fruit trees to the most common diseases and pests.

IN modern world there are many different varieties apples Every gardener tries to choose the right variety of apple tree, with the goal of collecting as much harvest as possible, which will not only suit the taste, but also suit the timing of fruiting.

This article will help you get acquainted with some of them and make the right choice.


The crown of the tree is oval, the height is average. A distinctive feature that is characteristic of this type of apple tree is a large amount of harvest and the ability to collect fruits annually. The tree begins to bear fruit 5-6 years after planting in the soil.

The fruit has a round-conical shape, weighs 100-120 g and is greenish-white in color with a bright red blush. The taste is sweet and sour. The apple ripens at the end of August and can be stored for 30 days. This variety is also characterized by excellent transportability.


The height of the tree of this variety is average. The densely leafy crown has a round-oval shape. A distinctive feature of the apple tree is that it begins to bear fruit 4 years after planting in the ground and produces a harvest annually.

The fruits ripen in mid-August and are stored for 10-15 days, and also have low transportability. This fruit has a round-conical shape, its weight reaches 100 g. The fruit tastes sweet and sour. This variety of apple trees has average winter hardiness and is resistant to pests and diseases (with the exception of scab).

Stark Erliest

The tree is of medium height and compact pyramidal shape. You can harvest apple trees of this variety almost every year. After planting the apple tree in the ground, the fruits will appear in 4-5 years. Ripening begins already in August. Apples have a round-conical shape, a shelf life of up to 20 days and a weight of up to 100 g.

Apples are highly transportable. The entire surface of the fruit has a bright red color. This variety is highly resistant to frost and is slightly affected by powdery mildew and scab.

Autumn varieties

Anise striped

The birthplace of this variety is the Volga region. The crown of the apple tree is wide-pyramidal or rounded, the tree is tall. Its peculiarity is that it has high yield and low early maturity. The fruit has a smooth and shiny surface, as well as a flat-round onion shape.

Its weight reaches from 70 to 90 g, the fruit tastes sweet and sour. This variety of apple trees has high winter hardiness and drought resistance, and average resistance to scab.

Bessemyanka Michurinskaya

The apple tree has medium or tall growth, and also has a compact dense crown and high yield. A distinctive feature of this variety is its high shedding and ripening of fruits at different times. The fruit size is average, weight reaches 133 g.

The shape of the fruit is flat-round, the skin is smooth with a high intensity of waxy coating. The apple has a sour taste with a subtle sweet note. The fruits of this variety have a high content of vitamin C.


Apple trees of this variety grow predominantly tall. Their advantages include the fact that they are fast-growing (they begin to bear fruit 5-6 years after planting) and have a high level of productivity. The fruit is larger than average in size, weighing from 200 to 250 g.

The skin of the fruit is smooth and durable, the flesh is juicy and dense. The apple has a sweet and sour taste. The tree has average winter hardiness. The leaves of the apple tree are less resistant to scab than the fruits.

Green varieties

Antonovka vulgare

Antonovka is one of the most popular varieties apples Apple trees are tall trees with rounded and elongated crowns.

It is almost impossible to confuse Antonovka with other trees - its distinctive features are branches located close to the trunk, oval asymmetrical leaves, bright brown bark of shoots and white flowers.

Typically the fruits are large, oval and begin to ripen towards mid-autumn. If all storage rules are followed, apples can remain original appearance up to 2-3 months.

White filling

White filling is considered an analogue of Papirovka, because they are similar both in appearance and taste. The height of the trees is usually from 3-5 meters, they are considered medium-sized.

Crown of apple trees at a young age pointed, acquires a rounded shape over time. The leaves are oval and bright green, the petioles are elongated. The apples are small, their weight rarely exceeds 80-100 g. The fruits usually ripen by the end of August and are stored for no more than 3 months.


Amber has a unique sweet and sour taste, which makes it no less popular. Apple trees are able to withstand severe frosts, but with a minimum amount of precipitation, because... fruits and leaves may be significantly damaged. Twisty and slender trees with thin and long shoots are colored gray-brown.

The fruits are small and have a distinctive amber-yellow skin. The apple pulp has a creamy, milky hue. Fruit ripening begins in late summer - early autumn and ends by mid-September.

Pyramid varieties


Ostankino is an early winter variety, the fruits of which can be reaped already in the first half of autumn. The trees are small, medium-sized and compact. The shoots are medium thick, the leaves are long, green and rounded.

The fruits are large, bright red, their weight can reach 250-300 grams. The apples are strong and can be stored until late autumn. The pulp is white, fine-grained and very juicy.

The president

Apple tree of this variety - wonderful decoration garden Despite the fact that the height of trees rarely exceeds 2 meters, they are noticeable in any part of the garden. Distinctive Features are a thick trunk, large white flowers, a long branched crown and dark green oval leaves.

The apples are large, there are a lot of them - usually up to 15 kg can be collected from one tree. The fruits are yellow-pink, turnip-shaped. A huge advantage of the apple tree is its frost resistance, which allows it to withstand frosts down to -30 degrees.


Constellation is a winter variety, with apple sizes up to 150 grams. The color of the fruit combines dark red and lilac shades. The trees are medium-sized, with a small number of branches and with dark green and oblong leaves. The apples are large, sweet and sour, with yellowish flesh.

Trees are resistant to low temperatures and can withstand up to -40 degrees. In addition, they have high immunity to various diseases, so they do not require annual special treatment.

The best varieties


Apple trees are usually tall, with a spreading crown. The advantage of this variety is that the fruits can be harvested every year, and the yield is consistently high. Ripe apples have crisp, fine-grained flesh. They become ripe in early autumn, but it is recommended to harvest no earlier than October, but before the onset of cold weather.

After picking, you should refrain from consuming apples (due to the dense pulp) and wait a couple of months. The weight of the fruit is 160-400 g, the taste is sweet and sour. This variety is a winter variety.


The trees of this variety are dwarf (2-2.5 m high). A distinctive feature is that the harvest can be harvested 3-4 years after planting in the soil, and also that apple trees need pollination. Has high productivity. The fruits should be collected in September.

Apples can be stored until mid-February. The weight of the fetus reaches 110-160 g, in rare cases 200-250 g. Apples taste sweet and sour. The trees are frost-resistant and also resistant to bark diseases.

Northern synapse

Trees of this variety come in two types: dwarf and tall. Tall apple trees have a wide crown with an average density. The difference between this type is that the variety has the ability to form an ovary without the help of cross-pollination, but the yield level will not decrease.

The fruits grow juicy with a sweet and sour taste, weighing up to 95-150 g. They become ripe in mid-autumn, but apples should be picked after the leaves fall. Harvest harvested in the right time, will delight you with its taste until the beginning of summer. The trees have high frost resistance. Almost exposed to diseases.

You can learn more about the above and other types of apples from the following video:

Nowadays, when planting a garden, many often give preference to the decorativeness of plants rather than fruits. And what can decorate a garden better than an apple tree. Its small-fruited forms often look very elegant and unusual. And they require absolutely no maintenance.

Persistent Chinese girls

Chinese trees are winter-hardy, drought-resistant, durable, productive and very decorative both during flowering and with fruits. In addition to being decorative, china increases the yield of neighboring apple trees, as it is a good pollinator. The Chinese plant is also valued in nursery farming - its seed offspring produce winter-hardy, moisture- and drought-resistant rootstocks with a fibrous root system.

But Chinese fruit is a very polymorphic species with a wide variety of forms and varieties of unequal value in terms of fruit quality (forms are specimens selected from nature; varieties are often obtained by hybridization). Like the domestic apple tree, the varieties of the Chinese apple tree differ in the taste of the fruit, their color, shape, size, and ripening time.

Varieties of Chinese apple trees

About a hundred were studied various forms and varieties of Chinese women. Of these, such varieties are of greatest value for amateur gardening in the middle zone.

Chinese dark red. Fruit autumn term ripening, weighing 20-30 g, when fully ripe, brightly colored, tasty both fresh and processed. The trees are winter-hardy, small-sized and very early-bearing. They often bear fruit even in the nursery on ordinary (not dwarf) rootstocks due to the rare biological feature of laying flower buds on annual growth. Fruiting is annual and abundant up to 10-12 years, and then often periodic, that is bountiful harvest alternates with moderate.

It is advisable to pick the fruits in a timely manner, since large birds (crows) love them very much and take them away, breaking off the apples from the tree right with the stalk and damaging the buds.

Chinese Kerr- a variety of Canadian selection. This is a fairly large-fruited Chinese plant, fruits weighing 25-40 g, suitable for autumn-winter consumption. The apples are very beautiful, almost entirely dark red, tasty fresh, but especially good for all types of preparations (jam, candied fruits, juices, compotes, freezing). The fruits practically do not fall off and, being collected in September, can be stored in a cool place until December-January, which makes it possible to process them in the less busy winter time. A best decoration You can’t imagine it for a New Year’s tree.

The tree is quite winter-hardy, small-sized, with a small sparse crown that does not require complex formative pruning. It begins to bear fruit at the age of 3-4, first annually, and then alternating a heavy harvest with a moderate one. The size of the fruit varies accordingly from 20 to 45 g.

Except good quality fruits, the advantage of these varieties is the small size of their trees compared to the powerful trees of the more common Kitayka Saninskaya. It is also winter-hardy and productive variety, but fruits of summer-autumn consumption with a short (2-3 weeks) shelf life.

Unusual varieties of Chinese women

There are two unusual shapes Chinese One of them with a code name Long sweet delights all lovers of sweet apples. It tastes like the best sweet apple variety Candy. Ripens at the end of summer and can be stored for 1-2 months. The fruits are yellowish-red, elongated, quite large for Chinese fruits: up to 60 g with a moderate harvest and about 40 g with a bountiful one. The trees are very winter-hardy and early-bearing; they begin to produce crops in the 2-3rd year after planting.

The second Chinese woman is a beauty during the flowering and fruiting period, which is why it is called so - Gorgeous. A low winter-hardy tree, completely hung with garlands of beautiful yellowish-crimson oblong apples, can become a decoration for any garden. They are medium-sized, about 20 g, mature in late summer, and are very good for jam and compotes.

Gold in the garden

Some believe that the early golden Chinese has been undeservedly forgotten. No, it is not forgotten and is quite common. This variety is very interesting early fruit ripening, 7–10 days earlier than Grushovka and Papirovka. The fruits weigh 30–40 g, are golden yellow, almost always plump, tasty, but are stored for only a week. The trees are low, with a sparse crown and the main fruiting is at the ends of the branches, which is why the yield is low.

Other varieties of Chinese apple trees

There are other varieties whose names contain the word “Chinese”: Pepin the Chinese, Chinese pendant, Qandil the Chinese, Saffron-Chinese, Chinese mother and others. But these are not small-fruited Chinese plants, but hybrids, their fruits weighing from 90 to 120–140 g. In the middle zone they are not winter-hardy enough and are not of particular interest.


You should be aware that with vaccinations, physiological incompatibility of tissues is possible. Antonovka, Papirovka, and Cinnamon striped may be incompatible with Chinese ones. But Melba is well compatible, and its winter hardiness and the longevity of trees in China increases. The most successful scion-rootstock combinations have to be selected experimentally.

Physiological incompatibility manifests itself quite quickly due to the following signs: poor survival rate of grafts, the formation of an unnatural influx on the scion at the site of its fusion with the rootstock, premature change in leaf color, accelerated formation of flower buds with weak shoot growth, falling off of all ovaries, the appearance of wild shoots, scion breaks in place of fusion with the rootstock and others. Therefore, it is better to replace clearly incompatible vaccinations with others in a timely manner.

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Apple trees can be seen in every garden, country house, or even just on a city street. An apple is an incredibly valuable product, containing many vitamins and microelements; it is especially valued for its iron., as well as positive and negative qualities. A thorough study of each type of apple tree helps you understand how to care for these plants, when to harvest, and how long the harvest will be stored.

Summer varieties of apple trees

"Melba"- not enough tall plant, with a lush developed crown. This variety is often affected by scab and is moderately resistant to wintering. Already in 5-6 years you can collect the first fruits from this tree. After the first fruiting, the tree produces good harvests, which are fully ripened by the end of August. After collection they will last a short time - only a month. Apples are not damaged during transportation.

The fruit has a round-conical shape. The surface of the apple is dotted with small stripes, and the sides are painted with an attractive blush. The average fruit weight of this variety is 100-120 grams. The apple itself is light green in color, with white flesh. The taste is sweet and sour, delicate.

- a small tree with a round-oval lush crown. Moderately resistant to frost, as well as various diseases and pests. The exception is scab, which especially affects the plant during rainy summers. At least 4 years must pass from the moment of planting for the apple tree to begin to bear fruit. Harvests are produced annually. By mid-August you can pick ripe, tasty, sweet and sour apples of a light yellow hue. The average weight of one fruit reaches 100 grams. This variety can be stored for only 15 days after harvesting, so transportability is low. The shape of the apple is rounded, slightly conical. A small seam is visible across the entire surface.

- The tree has a low structure with a flat-rounded crown. A winter-hardy variety that is also resistant to scab. In the 4th year after planting, the tree can bear its first harvest. Annual fruiting allows you to harvest apples weighing 100 grams. The fruits begin to ripen somewhere in early August (10 days before Papirovka’s apples ripen). The ripe fruit has a round shape (slightly flattened) and its color is light yellow. The pulp is characterized by a sweet taste and snow-white flesh.

- an apple tree with moderate height, has a compact pyramidal crown. The variety is relatively winter-hardy, but can sometimes be affected by powdery mildew or scab. 4 years after planting, the apple tree begins to bear fruit. Ripening occurs a week earlier than in Papirovka. The collected apples will not last long because their shelf life does not exceed 20 days. The fruits are medium, 100 grams each. The fruit is round-conical in shape, with a blurred bright pink blush that spreads over almost the entire surface. Has a soft, juicy middle, with sweet and sour taste. Due to the fact that ripening is uneven, it is best to harvest in several approaches.

- the tree has an average height, during the process of growth of which the appearance of the crown changes. In young apple trees it is pyramidal, in adult plants it is round. The variety is moderately sensitive to frost and can easily become infected with scab. Already 2 years after planting, a plant grafted on a dwarf rootstock begins to produce its first fruits, and one grafted on an adult tree begins to bear fruit 5 years later. The apple tree bears fruit every year. The fruits fully ripen only in August. Keeping quality is relatively good. This way, the harvested apples can be stored for up to 3 months. The fruits are medium - 100 grams each, and can be of two shapes: round-conical or wide, egg-shaped. Apples are light green in color, with a yellowish tint. The pulp is tender, juicy, homogeneous, snow-white in color. The taste is sweet, with a slight sourness.

- a tall, confident tree, with wide pyramidal or spherical foliage. The variety is resistant to winter frosts. The apple tree bears fruit almost every year.

The maturity required for harvesting occurs only in early August, and the harvested fruits are not transportable. The fruits are small, weighing about 100 grams. The color is light white, and the flesh is juicy, sweet, with sour notes.

- a medium-sized tree with good winter hardiness. Due to the fact that the plant is susceptible to a disease such as scab, ripe fruits most often quickly fall off the branches. Starting from 5-6 years after planting, the apple tree already bears its first fruits. The harvest can be harvested annually, with the exception of some unfavorable years. The peak of apple ripeness occurs at the end of August - beginning of September. Shelf life is limited - only 2-4 weeks. The fruit is round, a little flat, average weight - 100 grams. There is a slight blush in the form of stripes on the peel. The core of the fruit is yellow, with juicy sweet and sour pulp.

- has a tall tree. Resistant to frost. On a dwarf rootstock you can harvest fruits after 3 years, and on a powerful rootstock - after 5 years. With the arrival of August, apples begin to ripen and are easily removed from the tree.

They have a round-conical shape, average weight (from 80 to 150 grams). This variety has an interesting fruit color: yellow-green color combined with brown stripes. The taste is sweet.

- a powerful, tall apple tree, characterized by durability. The crown is lush and refined. A winter-hardy variety of apples. In mid-August, the fruits formed on the tree fully ripen and become suitable for consumption.

Shelf life is short - up to 1 month. The size of the fruit is average - about 100 grams. Color yellow. The pulp is somewhat rough, but sweet.

- represents trees that grow to medium height. The crown is round, dense, sometimes pyramidal shape. The variety is winter-hardy. On a dwarf rootstock, an apple tree is capable of producing fruit in the 4th year of life, and only in the 7th year if the tree was grafted on a strong rootstock. Apples are subject to picking only in mid-August - early September. On average, the fruit is small - about 100 grams each.

Regular, rounded shape and bright colors - a combination of light green and pink blush. Aromatic pulp, sweet and sour taste, moderate presence of grains.

Autumn varieties of apple trees

- a tall, semi-spreading tree with a remarkable, pyramidal crown. The variety is resistant to drought and frost, but there have been cases of infection by diseases such as black cancer. After planting the plant, fruiting begins 6 years later. Only with the arrival of September can you begin to harvest. On average, you can collect 250 kg of apples from one tree. The fruits are not large - 50-70 grams, rounded-flattened, somewhat ribbed. The surface of the apple has a light waxy coating, the color is green with a dark cherry coating. The pulp is sweet and sour, juicy. Keeping quality is average - in general, if the proper conditions are created, apples can be stored until the beginning of winter. This variety has a drawback - fruiting does not always occur every year.

- a medium-growing plant, the crown is thick and round. It has moderate sensitivity to scab and is a fairly winter-hardy tree. Harvesting can take place annually, starting 6 years after planting. In September, apples begin to mature. Each apple has a relatively high weight of 150 grams. The shape is turnip-shaped or compacted-round. The color is light yellow, with a slight reddish blush. The pulp is aromatic, tasty, homogeneous, yellow in color. The variety shows excellent preservation results - in dark places it can last until January, and in the refrigerator until March. The main advantage is excellent presentation.

- a tall plant with a paniculate crown. The density of the leaves is moderate. The variety is cold-resistant and immune to scab. At the 5th year of life, fruiting begins, which occurs annually thereafter. At the beginning of September it is already possible to harvest the first apple harvests, average weight which reaches 120 grams. From one tree it is possible to pick more than 200 kg of apples per season. The shelf life of the fruit is 2 months. The shape of the apple is round, turnip-shaped. The color is yellow, the surface is diluted with a pink striped blush. Juicy, homogeneous pulp, sweet and sour taste.

- a spreading, tall tree with a dense crown. Frost-resistant variety with scab immunity. The first harvest most often occurs 5 years after planting. The ripeness of apples occurs in early September, as evidenced by the bright red sides of the apples. The peel color is greenish-yellow. The pulp has a greenish tint, juicy, pleasant, sweet with sourness. The average weight of one fruit is 130 grams. Productivity - 130 kg per tree. The main advantage of this variety is its high yield. But there are also disadvantages, for example, that the fruits quickly fall off the branches due to uneven ripening.

- a medium-growing plant, with a wide, cone-shaped sparse crown. The variety is quite often affected by scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at the 5th year of life. Already in early September it will be possible to collect the first harvests. On average, about 200 kg of apples, 100 grams each, can be removed from one tree. The collected fruits can remain in cool rooms until the beginning of January. The apple is shaped like a ball, slightly flattened. The fruit is golden yellow in color, and the sides are red or orange. Juicy pulp, sweetish-sour taste.

- a tall plant with a large, spreading crown. The variety is not afraid of cold and frost, and is not affected by scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit 5 years after planting and is famous for its irregular harvests. The ripeness of apples begins with the arrival of September. The shelf life of the crop is December-January. Each apple is quite large, weighing up to 170 grams. The peel is colored greenish-yellow, and the blush is striped and dotted (red). The pulp is homogeneous, juicy, sweet and sour. This variety has excellent marketability, making it suitable for commercial purposes.

— the height of this plant is average, with a rounded crown. Foliage is moderate. The variety is endowed with resistance to scab and also easily tolerates winter frosts. After planting in the ground, fruiting occurs in the 5th year of the plant’s life. At the end of September it is already possible to pick ripe, juicy large berries. The weight of each fruit is from 130 to 160 grams. From one apple tree to good year You will be able to collect about 100 kg of apples. The shape of the fruit is wide, round or round-conical. The fruit has an attractive, creamy surface with crimson-red sides. Light cream flesh and sweet, with sour notes, taste. The fruits have for a long time storage, and also contain a large amount of ascorbic acid.

- a low tree with round, dense foliage. It is resistant to frost, as well as to a disease called “Scab”. The first fruits can be collected already in the 5th year of the plant’s life. The variety is characterized by high yields. After harvesting, the fruit can be stored until the end of winter, in particular until February. Each apple weighs approximately 90 grams. Its shape is somewhat reminiscent of a turnip. The color of the fruit is golden yellow with red sides. As for the pulp, it is snow-white, with a greenish tint. Juicy, appetizing, with sour notes. The number of grains is small.

- a tree with a spreading, powerful crown, tall. Resistance to scab is weak, but the variety easily tolerates frost. The apple tree begins to bear fruit only 5-7 years after planting. At the beginning of September you can already reap the first harvests. Despite the fact that the plant has established itself as a high-yielding plant, it cannot boast of stable fruiting. Each fruit grows with a mass of 130 grams. Their shape is an oval-conical figure. The color of the fruit is light cream, there is a scattering of small dots on the surface, the sides are red. Juicy pulp, unforgettable wine-sweet taste.

- a strong, slender, tall plant with lush, cone-shaped foliage. It is frost-resistant and scab-resistant. The first fruits are formed only 3-4 years after planting. Fruiting is long - apples reach maturity in August - early September. The yield is average - from an apple tree up to 70 kg of fruits of 50-70 grams. The shape of the apples is round-conical, with an attractive color: cream with a bright purple striped blush. Inside, the ripe fruit is juicy, aromatic, tender, sweet and sour.

Winter varieties of apple trees

- a tree with an oval crown, quite tall. Despite the fact that the variety is winter-hardy, scab damage occurs. Only 8 years after planting does the apple tree begin to bear fruit. Ripening continues until mid-September. The yield is excellent: on average, you can harvest up to 200 kg of apples from one plant. Each apple grows up to 100 grams. The fruits have a long shelf life (from two to 4 months). The shape is round, slightly flattened at the bottom. The representative of “Antonovka” is yellow-green in color, with yellow juicy pulp and a remarkable sweet and sour taste. This variety is different high quality fruits and annual fertility.

- the plant is tall, and as it grows it acquires a lush, rounded crown. Fruiting begins 5 years after planting. By the end of September, all the resulting fruits reach their harvestable maturity. The apples are large, with excellent presentation, their weight is from 200 to 250 grams. This variety has a long shelf life: the harvested crop can remain in a cool, dark place until the end of February. Resistance to frost and scab is average. The shape of the fruit resembles a wide cone. The color is yellow-green, but a large surface is occupied by a rich purple blush. The middle is yellow, homogeneous, with sour notes.

- a large tree with a drooping crown. Endowed with natural resistance to scab and severe frost. The fruits begin to ripen in late September - early October. The harvested crop can last until mid-May without spoilage. The apples are small - on average, no more than 140 grams each. The shape is conical, slightly rounded. The color is green-yellow with slightly light red colored sides. The crumb is white, fresh, sweet, but there is some sourness.

— the height of this plant is average, the crown is flat-rounded, with developed foliage. The fruits are small - only 100 grams, greenish-yellow in color. The variety has good resistance to frost, scab and fungal diseases. Removable maturity occurs with the arrival of September. Shelf life is until February. The core is juicy, dense, fine-grained, sour-sweet. The main advantage of the variety is its dessert purpose.

- a strong, spreading apple tree, with a thick, slightly inclined crown. The variety is resistant to scab and also tolerates frost well. After budding, the apple tree begins abundant fruiting year after year. The fruits are different long term storage - until March. The apples are slightly flattened, spherical, weighing 100 grams. The fruit has slight ribbing. Light green apples have a slight purple blush on the sides. The pulp is rich, homogeneous, sour-sweet, with a moderate amount of grains. The plant needs regular pruning, otherwise the fruits become smaller over the years.

- the apple tree is famous for its thick, beautiful crown and tall. There is resistance against scab, as well as average immunity to frost. Already with the arrival of September, the fruits enter the active phase of ripening. The yield of this variety is high - more than 200 centners from a plot of one hectare. The size of the apples is small - about 120-140 grams each. The shape is correct, slightly flattened. The surface of the fruit is greenish-yellow, with small specks and red sides. There may also be blurry stripes in the color. The pulp is refreshing, tasty, tender.

- this apple tree has a powerful, low structure and a densely leafy structure. Average winter hardiness, there is immunity to powdery mildew and scab. Harvest formation begins in the 6th year of life. High-yielding variety- 200 centners of fruit per hectare. Maximum shelf life reaches 250 days from the date of collection. The fruits are medium-sized, weighing up to 100 grams, greenish-yellow in color, with a barely noticeable reddish tint. Aesthetic elongated conical shape. The middle is juicy, moderately grainy, sweet and sour.

— the tree has a rounded, dense crown and average height. Winter-hardy, scab-resistant variety. Yield indicators border on high levels— you can easily collect up to 300 centners of apples per hectare. At the end of September, the resulting fruits begin to ripen. The harvested crop will last for several months, until the beginning of spring. Each apple weighs up to 100 grams, and its shape resembles a regular circle. Attractive green-yellow hue and purple sides. Characteristic of this crop is a sweet and sour taste, a white center, and excellent transportability. There are also disadvantages - small fruits in cases where the tree is overcrowded or not pruned.

- a moderately growing tree, with a dense, but drooping crown with age. The variety has average frost resistance and average immunity to scab. From the moment the oculant grows, the apple tree begins to bear fruit only in the 6th year. Productivity is average - up to 110 c/ha. Ripening occurs in early September, and shelf life is until May. The apples are relatively small - 100-130 grams each. The shape is round, slightly flattened. The surface of the fruit is green, with a barely visible blush. Homogeneous pulp with pleasant, sweet and sour notes.

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