Disadvantage No. 1: semolina “eats” calcium

The fact is that semolina contains phytin, and phytin contains phosphorus, which binds calcium salts and prevents them from entering the blood. The level of calcium salts in a person’s blood should be constant - approximately 10 mg per 100 ml of blood serum. As soon as there are fewer salts, the parathyroid glands “remove” them from the bones and send them into the blood. But children don’t have that much calcium in their bones, and besides, children grow quickly and they really need it.

It turns out that semolina porridge deprives them of calcium. If there is little calcium in the body, the muscles and heart work poorly, and blood clots worse. A striking example of calcium deficiency is increased excitability of nerve cells and the appearance of seizures. Therefore, children who are heavily fed semolina porridge (2-3 servings per day) often develop rickets and spasmophilia.

Parents may have questions. Do other cereals also bind calcium? Yes, but to a lesser extent than semolina. This is why doctors now recommend feeding babies first with vegetable puree and then with meat. Will vitamin D help in this case? After all, it promotes the deposition of calcium in the bones. To this I answer this way: those doses of vitamin D that are needed with proper nutrition are insufficient for a child growing by leaps and bounds (and this is exactly how he grows on semolina porridge). The more you weigh, the more calcium and vitamin D you need.

Why doesn’t semolina harm adults? Why do we eat bread several times a day and not lose calcium? We, adults, do not eat so much porridge relative to our weight, and our need for calcium is much less than that of children. But if you eat only semolina, the lack of calcium will also affect an adult: osteoporosis will occur - increased fragility of bones. As for bread, phytin in it loses its ability to bind calcium under the influence of acid, which is formed in yeast dough. Many scientists believe that those peoples who did not master the production of sour bread and ate unleavened wheat or barley cakes were unable to create powerful, developed civilizations. “Rice” civilizations (white rice contains little phytin) - on the contrary, turned out to be viable.

Disadvantage #2: Not everyone is gluten intolerant.

Semolina contains a lot of gluten. This protein is also called gluten. It is gluten that gives elasticity to dough and soft fluffiness to bread. But many people are gluten intolerant. it causes them to develop celiac disease, a severe hereditary disease affecting approximately one in 800 Europeans.

Gluten and similar proteins are found in five grains: wheat, rye, oats, millet and barley. Under the influence of gluten in patients with celiac disease, the intestinal mucosa becomes thinner and the absorption of all nutrients, especially fats, is impaired.

The disease manifests itself when a small child is given semolina (less often oatmeal) porridge. The stool becomes copious, mushy or liquid, light-colored, with a shiny (fatty) surface. The child stops gaining weight, his stomach increases, and his muscles, on the contrary, decrease. If the disease manifests itself at an older age, the child complains of abdominal pain and intestinal dysfunction, but the disease does not manifest itself as violently as in infancy.

It must be said that gluten can cause another disease - allergies. It also manifests itself as stool disorder.

The diagnosis of celiac disease is not difficult to make - you need to do a biopsy of the intestinal mucosa. And then - diet: all products with gluten are excluded for life. You will have to give up bread and flour products, porridge (except buckwheat and rice) and all products that contain flour - boiled sausage and frankfurters, sauces, canned fish in tomato... After all, even 200-500 mg of gluten per day is enough to disrupt the intestines suction.

Parents are usually shocked by such a verdict. But in vain. If a child under one or two years of age has never eaten bread, buns or semolina, he will not be drawn to them.

Vladimir TATOCENKO, professor

Semolina porridge for children

Is semolina porridge harmful to children?

If Previously, semolina porridge for children was considered a healthy product. Now many parents are concerned about the question: Is it possible to give semolina porridge to a child?

Semolina is a cereal made from ground wheat.. obtained mainly from the endosperm, during the production process the wheat grain is deprived of the germ and most of the shells, i.e. a significant part of minerals, vitamins and part of proteins. What remains is the endosperm, approximately 70% of which is starch.

  • Semolina porridge contains phytin,
  • Semolina porridge contains gluten,
  • Semolina porridge contains few useful substances.

Let's look at each point in order.

Phytin in semolina porridge

Nowadays it is fashionable to say that semolina porridge contains a lot fitina. which prevents the body from absorbing calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc, which can lead to the development of rickets and anemia.

What is phytin?

Fitin is an organophosphorus compound that is found in the shells of cereals, but in addition it is found in vegetables, nuts, and legumes.

It, and its component inositol, belongs to vitamin-like substances and is needed in a certain amount by our body (for children, the estimated daily need for these substances is 20 mg per 1 kg of weight, for a one-year-old child approximately 200 mg/day, for an adult 1 - 1 .5 g). Inositol is specially added to infant formulas. Previously there was also medicine phytin. which was prescribed, including to children with rickets, to strengthen bone tissue. This medicine is now discontinued.

But a constant excess of phytin in food is harmful, because phytin is able to bind certain minerals and remove them from the body. It is specifically used in wine production to remove iron from wine.

Now about the phytin content in cereals.

    Fitin. is known to be found in the shells of cereals. Therefore, the most phytin is in wheat and rye bran (770 mg per 100g). Next come whole grain cereals: wheat, rye, barley, oatmeal, corn (200 – 400 mg per 100 g of cereal, 100 g of porridge contains 10 times less). The more processed the grain in the cereal, the less phytin it contains. The least amount of phytin is in rolled oats (oatmeal) and semolina. Polished and polished rice does not contain it at all. Corn, oat and wheat porridge are produced in the form of ready-made instant baby porridges and are recommended as complementary foods for children in the first year of life, despite the content they contain fitin, and are considered useful. The only caveat is that it is recommended to give porridge to a child only once a day in the amount recommended for age. What phytic acid It has long been proven that it forms stable compounds with some minerals. Currently, researchers are arguing whether phytin disrupts the metabolism of calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc in the human body. Recent studies show that dephytinization of food products (removal of phytin) does not affect the level of the above minerals in the blood. Fruit acids have also been proven to neutralize phytin. That's why It is recommended to add fruits and vegetables to porridge. Pre-soaking allows you to reduce the phytin content in products. In yeast dough, under the influence of acids, the phytin content also decreases.
    Since semolina is a refined grain and contains virtually no cereal shell (wheat), it contains significantly less phytin than other grains. The presence of phytin in any porridge is not a reason to completely exclude this porridge from a child’s diet, but it is a reason to consume it in a reasonable amount.

Gluten in semolina

Celiac disease

Some people do not have or have very few enzymes capable of breaking down the proteins of cereals, as a result, products of incomplete breakdown of these proteins accumulate in the intestines, which cause inflammation in the intestines, and with regular long-term exposure, the immune system is involved in the process and the villi of the small intestine are destroyed. As a result, the child’s intestinal absorption of nutrients is impaired, diarrhea, dystrophy and signs of polydeficiency occur. A diet with the complete exclusion of gluten from food leads to the disappearance of clinical symptoms and improvement of the condition.

Celiac disease is hereditary. In addition to the severe form of celiac disease (celiac disease), which occurs with a frequency of approximately 1 case per 1000 - 6000 children and is detected in the first year of life, after the introduction of cereal complementary foods, there are also erased and asymptomatic forms of the disease that are detected much later, including in adults, but much more often 1 case per 100-200 people. The diagnosis can be made by the presence of antibodies to gliadin in the blood.

There is also a temporary (transient) deficiency of this enzyme after intestinal infections, taking antibiotics, against the background of general immaturity of the digestive tract in children of the first year of life. In these cases, a diet is needed for a shorter period; enzyme activity is restored over time or with age.

In addition to celiac enteropathy, there is an allergy to gluten, which manifests itself as skin rashes.

What is gluten?

Gluten(gluten) are storage proteins found in the endosperm of cereals. All cereals have storage proteins, but the disease is caused only by gliadin, which is found in wheat and rye, and closely related avenin (in oats) and hordein (in barley). The endosperm proteins of buckwheat, rice and corn differ significantly in structure from gliadin and do not cause disease.

Recent studies indicate that oat proteins, when consumed over a long period of time, do not cause villous atrophy in patients with celiac disease. But this statement is still controversial, so oats are still excluded from the diet of such patients.

It turns out that the term celiac is not entirely suitable for defining the disease. Gluten ( gluten), many cereals have, and the disease is caused only by the proteins of some of them. Hence some discrepancies. Designation gluten free for food products - means that the product does not contain wheat, rye, oat and barley proteins (in this case, gluten - means a protein that can cause celiac disease). In the literature related to agriculture, you can find the terms: corn gluten, buckwheat or rice gluten (in this case, gluten means the reserve protein of a certain grain), despite everything, these cereals do not contain proteins that can cause celiac disease.

Conclusion: semolina is a cereal obtained from wheat - it contains gluten, therefore:

    Semolina porridge is not the starting point for complementary feeding, as is the case with other gluten-containing porridges. Semolina porridge should not be eaten by people suffering from gluten intolerance. For healthy people who normally absorb gluten, semolina porridge is not harmful, just like oatmeal, wheat, etc.

Semolina porridge is the most useless

    Compared to other cereals, semolina contains the least number of useful substances. 67% of the total mass in it is starch. Its protein has low biological value, because does not contain a complete set of essential amino acids. Semolina porridge contains significantly less vitamins and microelements than other porridges. Semolina porridge contains little fiber, so it can contribute to constipation.

Semolina porridge has a low nutritional value, approximately the same as pasta, white bread, and cookies, so it is not recommended as a complementary food for children under one year of age. Preference is given to healthier products.

Including semolina porridge in the diet too early, especially daily and in large quantities, can lead to excess body weight in a child and a deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals in the body, and, as a consequence, to the development of rickets and anemia.

The benefits of semolina porridge

When can a child have semolina porridge?

Recipe for semolina porridge for children

Bring the milk to a boil and slowly add the semolina while stirring constantly. The ratio of semolina to milk is 1. 4. Bring to a boil again and cook for 1-2 minutes with constant intensive stirring. Remove from heat, add prunes, dried apricots, and raisins cut into pieces, cover with a lid and leave until the milk is completely absorbed. Then add butter: for 100g of porridge – 5g of butter. You can cook porridge with baked milk instead of regular milk.

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Semolina porridge, the most beloved by grandmothers for up to a year, is the most harmful, as modern pediatricians and nutritionists say. How can this be, you say? We grew up on semolina porridge. Why can't our children? I'll try to explain the problem to you in a simple way.

Regarding the inclusion of cereals, including semolina, in a child’s diet, the results of recent studies have shown that you should not start complementary feeding for a baby with cereals, vegetables, fruits and natural juices. This is justified by the fact that the gastrointestinal tract is not yet ready to digest such food, and the enzymes secreted by the pancreas, capable of digesting large amounts of carbohydrates, mature only by the first year. Don’t rush into complementary feeding up to 6 months at all, because for infants the best source of vitamins and beneficial nutrients is mother’s milk, and for artificial babies up to 5 months – good, highly adapted formulas.

So, why is semolina porridge so disliked now?

Semolina is generally a special grain; in fact, it is a by-product formed during the production of wheat flour. After grinding, there always remains 2% of small fragments of grain, which are only slightly larger than flour dust - this is semolina.

Disadvantage one . There is a lot of starch in semolina, its caloric content is off the charts, so frequent consumption of semolina porridge by a baby (especially if you feed him more than once a day and replace it with mixtures) leads to calorie overfeeding and the development of obesity. In addition, there is little protein, vitamins, minerals and other benefits, so the body will not be able to develop fully.

Second disadvantage . Semolina is rich in phytin, and phytin contains phosphorus, which binds calcium salts and prevents them from passing from the child’s intestines into the blood. The level of calcium salts in the baby’s blood should be constant. As soon as there are fewer salts, the parathyroid glands “wash” them out of the bones and send them into the blood. But children don’t have much calcium in their bones, and besides, children grow quickly, and calcium is very necessary. It turns out that semolina porridge deprives children of calcium. If there is little calcium in the body, the muscles work poorly (hypotonia develops), the heart, the blood clots worse. A striking example of a lack of calcium is increased excitability of nerve cells and the appearance of seizures. Therefore, children who are heavily fed semolina porridge (2-3). servings per day), often develop rickets and spasmophilia.

Phytin changes the environment in the child’s intestines in such a way that calcium and vitamin D supplied from food in sufficient quantities are simply not absorbed. Parents may have questions. Do other cereals also bind calcium? Yes, but to a lesser extent than semolina. That is why doctors now recommend feeding babies first with vegetable puree, and then with cereals and meat. Will vitamin D help in this case? After all, it promotes the deposition of calcium in the bones. No, the doses of vitamin D that are needed with proper nutrition are not sufficient for a child growing by leaps and bounds (which is exactly how he grows on semolina porridge). The more you weigh, the more calcium and vitamin D you need.

Disadvantage three . After using semolina porridge, there is a deterioration in the absorption of iron, because semolina porridge is prepared mainly with cow's (less often goat's) milk, and this complicates the absorption of iron. Eating such foods can lead the baby’s body to some serious consequences, such as anemia, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, rickets, as well as constant runny nose and frequent colds, which can further affect the child’s health during school years.

Disadvantage four - the most serious. Semolina contains a substance harmful to the child's body - gliadin or gluten (a special protein in cereals), which can cause a disease such as celiac disease or celiac enteropathy. This protein is also called gluten. It is gluten that gives elasticity to dough and soft fluffiness to bread. Gluten and similar proteins are found in five grains: wheat, rye, oats, millet and barley. Under the influence of gluten in patients with celiac disease, the intestinal mucosa becomes thinner and the absorption of all nutrients, especially fats, is impaired. The disease manifests itself when a small child is given semolina (less often oatmeal) porridge. The stool becomes copious, pasty or liquid, light-colored, with a shiny (fatty) surface. The child stops gaining weight, his stomach increases, and his muscles, on the contrary, decrease. If the disease manifests itself at an older age, the child complains of abdominal pain and intestinal dysfunction, but the disease does not manifest itself as violently as in infancy.

Cereal protein intolerance is hereditary. Many genes - units of hereditary information - take part in the development of the disease. A defect in the gene involved in the breakdown of gluten leads to the accumulation of gluten and its toxic effects on the small intestinal mucosa. When gluten interacts with special cells (lymphocytes), antibodies are formed that destroy intestinal cells and cause necrotizing enterocolitis.

There are situations when the number of defective genes is not enough for the manifestation of the disease, but the disease can be triggered by an intestinal infection, often a viral one, which changes the receptor apparatus of the cell.

As the disease progresses, irreversible autoimmune processes are launched, and antibodies to one’s own intestines and other organs appear, i.e. self-destruction of the body occurs. As a result, other diseases may begin: type I diabetes mellitus, autoimmune thyroiditis, damage to the adrenal glands, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. Renewal processes are intensively taking place in the mucous membrane of the small intestine, a large number of immature cells appear and the risk of cancer increases.

Violation of absorption processes in the intestine leads to a decrease in the level of microelements, proteins and vitamins in the blood. A lack of calcium and phosphorus causes severe pain in the bones, dental caries, brittle nails, a lack of iron leads to iron deficiency anemia, and zinc leads to hair loss and even baldness. Protein and vitamin deficiency can lead to frequent acute respiratory viral infections, increased bleeding, roughness, dry skin, and furunculosis.

It must be said that gluten can cause another disease - allergies. It also manifests itself as stool disorder. Due to impaired intestinal permeability, allergens (substances that cause allergic reactions) are absorbed. Therefore, most children have manifestations of food allergies, respiratory allergosis, even bronchial asthma.

Gluten, entering the body (in children it is semolina and oatmeal, \"Hercules\", milk mixtures with oatmeal \"Baby\", \"Malyutka\", etc.), damages the genetically predisposed intestinal mucosa, triggering into it are mechanisms that cause thinning of the mucous layer and death of the villi. It is due to the villi that the absorption surface of the intestine of a healthy person increases many times. A damaged mucous membrane ceases to be a reliable barrier to the absorption of compounds harmful to the body, and they penetrate into the patient’s blood, causing intoxication (poisoning). The baby experiences a loss of strength, headaches, dizziness, pallor, sweating, aggressiveness, and various skin manifestations. At the same time, substances necessary for the body pass through the intestinal tube without being absorbed.

Therefore, complementary foods begin with so-called gluten-free cereals - buckwheat, rice or corn. If the baby responds well to the first porridges (buckwheat, rice, corn), then after them you can introduce oatmeal. It is not difficult to determine if your child has a reaction to gluten - with a negative reaction, rashes appear on the skin, and the character of the stool changes.

However, I want to say a few words in defense of this product.

Of course, semolina porridge is far from useless. This is a wonderful dietary product. The only question is: can it be given to small children? At the very least, it is not recommended for children under the first year of life. After a year, it can gradually be included in the diet, when the normal functioning of the intestines has already been established and its enzymatic system is sufficiently mature. Up to three years of age, semolina porridge can be given to children in strictly limited quantities. 0

First of all, all cereals are divided according to their gluten protein content:

  • Cereals containing gluten: oatmeal, wheat groats, semolina, pearl barley and barley groats. Some people suffer from intolerance to this substance - celiac disease, which can manifest itself as food allergies, indigestion and other symptoms.
  • Gluten-free cereals: buckwheat, rice, corn and millet. These grains can be eaten by those suffering from celiac disease. These are the most low-allergenic cereals. They are extremely rarely the cause of food allergies.

It's important to know that grains have high levels of phytic acid, a substance that reduces the absorption of minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc and magnesium. The phytic acid content can be reduced by soaking or sprouting cereals before consumption. In addition, during soaking and germination of grains, the processes of breakdown of gluten and other difficult-to-digest proteins occur.

1. Buckwheat- the healthiest, gluten-free. It contains the most valuable protein. Most vitamins and minerals. It is low in carbohydrates and starch. It has the lowest glycemic index among cereals.

2. Oatmeal- has an enveloping consistency, so it can be used in the nutrition of patients with gastrointestinal diseases. Oatmeal contains many healthy fats. It contains the least amount of easily digestible carbohydrates and starch and a lot of complex carbohydrates. Oatmeal contains quite a lot of vitamins, microelements and healthy protein. She has only one drawback - gluten.

3. Whole wheat porridge- contains many vitamins, microelements and fiber. But it contains gluten, as well as more carbohydrates and starch than oatmeal and buckwheat.

4. Corn porridge- low-allergenic porridge, does not contain gluten. Contains selenium, which slows down the aging process of our body, improves the condition of teeth and gums. But corn protein has low nutritional value and is high in starch.

5. Millet porridge- does not contain gluten, is a low-allergenic porridge. Together with oatmeal, it is the leader among porridges in terms of the content of healthy vegetable fats. Despite its high calorie content, it has a low glycemic index. Contains many vitamins and microelements, champion among cereals in terms of vitamin B6 content. But millet protein has low nutritional value.

6 and 7. Semolina and rice porridge- contain a lot of easily digestible carbohydrates and starch and have a high glycemic index. Rice has little protein, but it contains all the essential amino acids, so its nutritional value is similar to oatmeal and buckwheat proteins. They contain less minerals and vitamins than other cereals. But they are a gentle food, so they are useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including diarrhea. Porridge made from brown rice is healthier, since this rice does not undergo additional processing, so it retains more of all the beneficial substances.

8. Barley and barley porridge- pearl barley is a less processed cereal than barley. Barley contains less fiber. Barley protein has low nutritional value. Quite difficult to digest. Contains a lot of carbohydrates and starch. But they contain the essential amino acid lysine, have a low glycemic index, and contain many vitamins and microelements.

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Many people are often concerned about whether gluten is harmful to health and what the signs of gluten intolerance are. A list of gluten-free cereals will be useful when organizing a diet for people with celiac disease.

The essence of the problem

Gluten is a complex protein called gluten found in grain products. Gluten is a tasteless gray mass, the gluten compound contains various peptides, amino acids and proteins. The most gluten is found in cereals such as wheat, barley, semolina, rye, and oats. Its high content is in wheat flour (more than 80%), so the more gluten, the fluffier and softer the dough will be. For this reason, gluten is found in almost all baked goods and desserts, such as pastries, pies, and cookies. It is also included in products such as chips and breakfast cereals. Bread products that do not contain gluten will differ in taste from conventional baked goods. They are not as soft and airy and taste bland. The shelf life of such gluten-free products is significantly shorter.

In addition to baked goods, this protein is found in many other products. Sauces, ketchups, gravies, and ice cream contain this gluten, which helps manufacturers increase the thickness of their products. It is also contained in various semi-finished meat products and sausages to improve the plasticity and density of minced meat.

This protein can also be found in various alcoholic beverages, beer, dairy products, candies and chocolate. The following table shows the gluten content in various products:

What is celiac disease and what are its symptoms?

Celiac disease is a severe and rare disease associated with dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract and the body's inability to tolerate gluten. Gluten allergy or intolerance is much more common, especially in newborns. It differs from celiac disease in that gluten-containing foods are not digested in the stomach and such unpleasant symptoms occur as abdominal pain, bloating, liver disease, dermatitis, skin diseases, etc. Very often, intolerance to this protein manifests itself in people who have reached adulthood, therefore People over 50 years of age need to pay attention to the possible appearance of such symptoms. In this case, you need to tell yourself: now I eat gluten-free foods! And change your diet, exclude from it cereals containing gluten, baked goods made from wheat flour and replace them with healthier products: lean meat, vegetables, fruits, gluten-free cereals.

Which cereals do not contain gluten?

The diet of a healthy person who has no contraindications to consuming gluten must include this protein, since the absence of this gluten leads to a lack of vitamins B and D, iron and magnesium. If you have problems with gluten tolerance, you need to switch to gluten-free cereals. Which cereals do not contain gluten? These include the following grains:

  1. 1. Millet. Millet does not contain gluten and is a good source of iron, calcium, zinc, silicon, magnesium, as well as vitamins E, B1, B2, B5 and PP, reduces cholesterol levels and helps prevent atherosclerosis. Millet porridge is an alkaline grain product; it neutralizes the adverse effects of acidic foods such as sugar, meat, and dairy products.
  2. 2. Fig. Brown rice is considered especially healthy because it is minimally processed. Rice grains can be used to produce cereals, flour and starch, while rice germs can be used to produce oil. Rice cereal is high in carbohydrates and protein, but lacks gluten. The use of rice vinegar in preparing Japanese dishes has now become popular. Thanks to the content of complex carbohydrates, rice is very nutritious, but at the same time low in calories and promotes weight loss. However, you should not consider rice as a monoproduct, as this can lead to health problems.
  3. 3. Buckwheat. Buckwheat grains also do not contain gluten. The cereal obtained from these grains is known mainly in fried form. However, roasting destroys about half of the vitamins, so unroasted buckwheat is more valuable and rich in nutrients. It retains a lot of folic acid and vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron. It looks greenish in color and has a pleasant creamy taste.
  4. 4. Corn. Porridge made from coarsely ground corn flour is inferior in nutritional quality and vitamin content to other gluten-free cereals, but it contains complex carbohydrates, selenium, vitamin A and potassium. For those on a gluten-free diet, corn pasta is made from ground corn kernels. At the same time, people with celiac disease need to know that the germ of corn kernels contains gluten, so they cannot eat canned corn kernels, as well as flour and non-commercially ground cereals.
  5. 5. Oats. Opinions differ about this cereal. The proteins found in oats do not cause the same strong immune response in celiac disease as wheat, rye or barley, and people with gluten intolerance can consume them in small quantities. However, in some regions, oats are heavily contaminated with other grains during the growing process and may contain gluten. There, people with protein intolerance are advised to completely eliminate it from their diet. Oatmeal is richer in nutrients than oat flakes; it is characterized by a high content of B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, and iron. It lowers cholesterol levels, has a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa, and lowers blood sugar levels.

There are a number of little-known cereals that do not contain gluten. These include:

  1. 1. Quinoa. This cereal contains all the essential amino acids, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, B vitamins, vitamins A, E, C. Substances contained in quinoa grains have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, improve immunity . The only disadvantage of this cereal is its high cost.
  2. 2. Amaranth. This type of grain is from the same family as quinoa. It is also rich in saturated fatty acids, antioxidants, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and B vitamins. Eating this cereal helps lower high blood pressure and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  3. 3. Sorghum. This grain contains a lot of thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, biotin, ascorbic and folic acids, and it is also rich in magnesium, iron, selenium, zinc, and phosphorus. Due to its high carbohydrate and protein content, sorghum is considered a highly nutritious grain.
  4. 4. Sago. This is a cereal produced from the trunks of the sago palm. Potato and corn sago have become widespread in Russia; this cereal is based on starch, which potatoes and corn are so rich in. Sago is gluten-free and contains a minimum of protein, it is well absorbed by the body and is rich in vitamins PP, E, A and microelements.
  5. 5. Chumiza. The so-called black rice. Can also be used to make gluten-free porridge. Cereals or flour are made from grains. The cereal has a very high energy value and is rich in carotene, B vitamins, silicon, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium. Chumiza dishes normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, blood pressure, strengthen the heart muscle, remove heavy metals and toxins from the body

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