Turquoise is not so often used when decorating and decorating the interiors of apartments and houses, however, the way it combines and harmonizes with other tones can help bring useful harmony and attractiveness to the home design. Perhaps that is why many modern designers, when designing furniture items, use color combinations with his participation as a leader.

But what ideas and advice do experts and trendsetters give us today when arranging home interior and repairs? Let's figure it out together, highlighting the main important points, once and for all answering the question: “What color goes best with turquoise?”

General information

Turquoise itself is a shade of green and blue. The name of the color comes from the name of one. The word "turquoise" is translated from Persian as "victory" and "stone of happiness." It, unlike many others, denotes 2 natural elements at once - air and water. This is probably why this color is often associated with freshness and lightness. Besides, calming effect turquoise has long been known for its use in holistic medicine.

Taking into account the fashion and beauty of such design, more and more often residents begin to choose it on a subconscious level, without remembering the ancient meanings and meaning.

But what are the features of this color, with which solutions turquoise is best combined, and with which its use is undesirable, what erroneous opinions can haunt buyers and how to create a unique and interesting interior in the house. We will talk about this in our article.

First of all, it is worth noting that turquoise refers to cold colors, and therefore its presence in the room always gives the design a comfortable “coolness and freshness”. In addition, it helps residents relieve stress, accumulated fatigue and irritation.

Based on this, a turquoise interior almost always remains the most pleasant choice for the fastest possible rehabilitation and relaxation after a difficult working day- color not only causes relaxation, but also lifts the mood and promotes a dreamy mood and pastime.

At the same time, turquoise offers a lot of different shades to create the most pleasant comfort at home, starting from deep dark to light and light. Here it is worth mentioning that it is also a shade of turquoise.

It is not necessary to use this color scheme as the main one. Quite often it is used after the main work has been carried out as a decorative element, using it as a complementary element to highlight and create accents in the room. Its use remains successful for any room, be it a bedroom or a children's room, making it possible to perform good combination with any shade.

The combination of turquoise with other colors allows you to achieve unusual and original combinations in the interior.

Many people think that the use of turquoise remains acceptable only when arranging bathrooms. However, this opinion is wrong! Of course, in a bathroom, such a finish will look great, but its use remains quite pleasant and unobtrusive in other rooms.

What color is best to combine turquoise with?

Despite the fact that turquoise goes well with many other colors, it is still worth highlighting the most good decisions which are used more often than others professional designers all over the world.

Turquoise goes well with bright colors . For example, it combines well with pink, orange and other tones.

As for pastel shades, there should also be no difficulties in using them together. Almost all pastel colors go well with turquoise.

What can you say about dark colors? There are also some design options here. Turquoise, black and will look good together.

As practice shows, most often when combining dark shades, appropriate furniture is used, complemented by small turquoise elements.

Looks good with turquoise and gold with silver. As a rule, they are introduced into the interior by adding various items of this color.

Applying color in different rooms

Living room decoration

The use of turquoise in the living room gives the room a certain fashion and brightness. In this case, upholstered furniture with this color would be an excellent addition.

Considering that turquoise is associated with sea ​​surface and relaxation, it is definitely worth using when arranging your living room. After all, this premises should only provide positive impression on guests, and in this design it will not only allow you to quickly relax and unwind, but will also remain fashionable and bright for a long time.

You can successfully complement the living room interior with the help of upholstered furniture turquoise color. This solution will enhance the relaxing effect.

As a result, turquoise in the interior can be recommended to people who hold positions of superiors and simply carry out work associated with stress, because this color, like no other, helps reduce aggression and fatigue.

Bedroom interior

Turquoise is ideal solution for the bedroom, since its relaxing effect on the body will always remain not only useful, but also pleasant and relevant for the given room.

This color can be used to decorate a bedroom as the main. Nevertheless, the positive effect will remain even if you limit yourself to a simple set of bed linen.

For the perfect holiday color combination, use small accents of green. For example, you can place a couple of jugs with plants in the room.

Arranging a nursery

When using turquoise when decorating a nursery, you should understand that there should be a certain amount of this color in the bedroom - it is important not to overdo it with the color scheme! This is due to the increased sensitivity of children to colors, which can greatly affect the mood, behavior and psyche of the child.

Based on this, it is important to understand that this kind of decoration can not only relax and calm the child, but also greatly interfere with his development and learning.

Turquoise kitchen

Sometimes it seems that not all colors can be used when arranging a kitchen, and at first glance it may seem that this applies primarily to turquoise. Many will think that such a decision will make the room too fresh and even cool, since the kitchen has always been considered a warm room, and sometimes even hot.

We fundamentally disagree with such a statement. Quite the contrary, a turquoise kitchen can look original and cozy, especially the walls.

Turquoise goes best with kitchen interior, if the room is installed light set. The same goes for furniture with varnish coating to match the color of natural wood. However, it is not recommended to make facades too bright and colorful. Great option more restrained tones will serve, be it a bluish or dark shade.

Turquoise can reduce appetite, and therefore it makes sense to use this color in the kitchen for girls and ladies who are planning to lose weight.

Stylish bathroom

When decorating a bathroom, many fashion followers often choose turquoise. In general, the choice of this color for the bathroom remains quite logical, since it is associated with water. In this case, its use is reduced to the role of the main one. IN finished interior In addition to water, the color scheme will also contribute to maximum relaxation after a hard day.

You can highlight the color in a favorable light using white. If desired, you can use dark vertical lines. In the latter case, it is important not to overdo it, using stripes only for zoning the room.

When using white as the main color, turquoise is perfect for small accents in the interior.

A design using turquoise will look most advantageous only if there are windows, going to sunny side . Only under this condition will the interior begin to look cool and light.

We can only wish you good luck! Try it various options design, don’t be afraid to experiment and then turquoise will certainly transform old interior beyond recognition.

Photo gallery

In conclusion, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the photo gallery, which presents the most successful finishing solutions.

Word " turquoise" comes from the name gemstone“turquoise”, symbolizing two elements - air and water, and is not only a symbol of beauty, wealth and luxury, but also freshness, lightness and purity. Despite the fact that turquoise is a cool color, it can make almost any room more sunny and bright. It is not for nothing that turquoise is so often used to decorate bathrooms - rooms that are most often deprived of natural light.

However, do not forget that the same shade of turquoise in different rooms may look different depending on the chosen lighting system and other colors and shades present in it. Let's look at examples, How does turquoise combine with other colors?, what the result is and what impact it has on interior design.

Let's start with such a common classic color combination as turquoise and brown, in which two natural shades (the color of the sky, water and wood) emphasize and complement each other well. This combination will great solution for the kitchen, dining room, bedroom and living room. IN in this case Brown color often presented in natural wooden furniture or high-quality wall decoration.

Turquoise and cream (beige)- a pastel color combination that is ideal for gentle and dreamy natures. Very often, light turquoise color is used to create such interiors, since it sets a soft, soothing tone. However, bright turquoise color can also be combined with cream and light beige shades, but only in moderation. For example, you can decorate only one wall in bright turquoise, and the rest in pastel colors. It is also better to choose furniture in neutral colors so that the interior does not turn out too provocative and tacky.

Turquoise and white- a light, airy ensemble that creates the impression of freshness and coolness. Particularly good are the combinations of blurred turquoise and white, which can be used in absolutely any living space - living rooms, bedrooms, children's rooms, kitchens, dining rooms and even home offices. However, bright turquoise also goes well with white, which emphasizes turquoise, making it even brighter, richer and more refined.

A very interesting and positive color duet is created by turquoise and yellow - two more natural colors, perfectly harmonizing with each other. Moreover, this harmony is not built on combination, but on contrast. Turquoise and yellow are two contrasting, opposite colors (cold and warm), perfectly shading each other, and thereby emphasizing their best advantages.

The combination has almost the same effect turquoise and red with the only exception that red is more aggressive than yellow, so it must be used more carefully.

Gives softer and more delicate combinations turquoise and pink color - great option for decorating the room of little girls, teenage girls, girls and young women. Less often such color combinations can be found in living rooms, kitchens and bathrooms.

The perfect combination gives turquoise and purple(lilac, lilac) color, as well as turquoise and green color. Depending on the chosen tonality, such combinations can be either calm and neutral, or bright, and even provocative.

According to the classification of stones, turquoise is classified as precious. Just as jewelry with this mineral brings its owner success in life, business success, luck and an inexhaustible charge of optimism, so the turquoise color fills the interior homely atmosphere cheerfulness, good mood, has a positive effect on the well-being of apartment residents.

Mineral (in Ural tales Bazhov called azure spar) has color palette from bright blue to light blue with a greenish tint. When used in decorating premises, any of these color nuances is called “turquoise”, so for special lovers of this color, if desired, you can decorate the entire interior, adhering to the chosen range.

About colors and harmony between them

Pure turquoise is too saturated a color, so the second dominant color of the interior, used on large surfaces, cannot be bright red (opposite to blue in wavelength in the rainbow spectrum), as well as its shades - pink, crimson, violet.

Emerald green, purple, and turquoise are in harmony within the interweaving of the ornament, but three walls of the room painted with these tones will cause severe irritation.

To enter a large number of bright bluish-green into the interior, you need to create a suitable opponent for it - options of white, gray, beige, gold, chocolate and even black will cope with this task perfectly.

To make your choice easier, below are the best and not the best companions for turquoise color in the interior:

Good combinationCan be combined providedDisharmonious combination
All white options

Shades of gray from light silver to dark steel

Sand range

Rich brown

Anthracite, blue-black

Blue palette

Cinnabar, emerald, ultramarine - when used together with green-azure in complex patterns

Brick - how textured surface with a visible chiaroscuro effect, against which turquoise inserts stand out

Full spectrum pink

Green tones (rich herbal, spring greens)

Cool shades of yellow (lemon, lime)


Pastel shades of light colors

Interior styles

Diversity style directions, where the use of turquoise shades is more than appropriate, is quite large.

Wide stripes in vertical textile and wall decor, patterned glazed dishes, plain pillows, bedspreads have a cozy holiday And wall panel“Swallow birds”, as a symbol of Greece, are a few design tricks that will help you organically fit Greek style to a modern house.

Each space has its own shade

When thinking about the design of any room in the house, choosing the turquoise color as the “red” thread that unites all the interiors, it is worth considering several design solutions, which will help highlight the preferences of the whole family in order to then select Decoration Materials and decorative items with a clear understanding of the desired result.

Boy's room or office

Sea style. It is quite suitable for creating the interior of a man’s office or a teenage boy’s room. Marine theme will be reflected in the whitened or saturated range of wall finishing materials, textile window decor,. Use geographic Maps with oceanic expanses, painted in the right color, where the water is illuminated with a gentle green-blue, and iridescent air bubbles resemble the silky shine of polished turquoise, fabrics combining dark and light shades blue palette. Well-chosen upholstery, dark or light wood furniture (according to the age of the owner of the room), a few accent details will complete the arrangement of a real wardroom.

Children's design in light colors

Using all shades of turquoise in the interior of a child’s room, combining it with warm beige, sand, and cream colors is a good way to fill the living space with air, sea spray and sun. This will increase the activity of the little person and bring a positive emotional mood. The deep color used to paint the furniture, curtain rods, even door leaf, supported by lighter, softer textiles, can create an atmosphere of happy wakefulness in bright lighting, and when dimmed by a night light, it can provide a restful sleep.

Room for a girl

When decorating the room of a young girl who likes turquoise and dreams of Bounty Island, you should find out which shade is preferable: rich or delicate? Easy selection azure green tone, as the main one, can be played with white wooden furniture, flowing transparent curtains, glass simple shapes. Add to ready premises a few bright details (paintings, pillows, blackout curtains, made in richer colors) can be done later if tastes change. This will not require significant expenses.


Any shade of blue is associatively perceived by people as cool and clean. For the bathroom, as a room for daily cleaning procedures, where water washes away not only physical dust, but also emotional fatigue, option with turquoise will suit best way. Wide range sea ​​wave represented by collections of single-color wall tiles or mosaics that combine all the richness of the chosen color. By adding accessories (marine, transparent, or copying the texture of stone) and ceiling lamps, using an analogue of turquoise as decorative insert, tropical shower lovers will find a rich fresh air a space that will give optimism and a great mood to the owners of the house every day.

Avoid using plain blue floor tiles in your bathroom - the smallest splashes of water, when dried, will leave noticeable stains that will have to be constantly wiped off.

The nuances of decorating a living room

The turquoise color in the living room interior can be present in different versions:

  • prevail (in this case, wall finishing materials, textile decoration, furniture upholstery and decorative accessories are selected by combining various bluish-green shades);
  • be included in the overall color palette with small inclusions (meaning the presence sky blue in ornaments of curtain fabrics, wallpaper, furniture inlay, lamps);
  • be a local dominant spot.

In the latter case, a large object that stands out against a general monochromatic background attracts attention and becomes a striking accent that makes a strong impression. Bright turquoise chair in a white bedroom, interesting shape a rich blue-green hue as the center of the living room, one wall painted aqua, decorated with large-volume contours, paintings or photographs - these techniques are used in different interior styles. But they are united by color, which plays a significant role in creating a complete interior.

Turquoise color is presented in rich blue, blue and green tones. With their help you can give the room lightness and freshness. The main thing is to choose the right combination turquoise color with other colors in the interior. This and much more will be discussed in this article.

In the original, the turquoise color is too saturated, so it should not be dominant. It is recommended for use on small surfaces. To decorate a room in this color, it is advisable to use a soft palette, combining it with pink, purple, crimson and cream shades.

How to get turquoise color?

In the color palette, turquoise is between green and blue. It has many variations from pastel, calm to rich, provocative tones.

It is not always possible to purchase a jar with the required turquoise tint. In such a case, you can create desired color yourself by mixing two other tones. It's simple, mixing paints in the required proportions.

  • We will need green and a drop of blue.
  • You need to mix the colors carefully, gradually adding one or another shade.
  • If you like the resulting tone, apply it to the surface, paper, to understand whether the desired color is obtained or not.

Combining green and blue paint The result is a turquoise color that can be used to paint walls, ceilings or other surfaces.

Shades of turquoise

The color palette of turquoise is varied. Therefore, it is possible to decorate the room in lighter or darker shades of turquoise. We offer the most popular shades of turquoise in which rooms are decorated.

13-4909 TCX13-4910 TCX13-5309 TCX13-5313 TCX
light blue colorblue tintturquoise pastel colorArabian blue color
13-5412 TCX13-5414 TCX13-5714 TCX14-4522 TCX
color of beach glassesice green color cabbage colorbachelor button color
14-4816 TCX14-5416 TCX14-5420 TCX14-5714 TCX
shining blue colorbermuda colorcockatoo colorgreen plexiglass color
14-5718 TCX14-5721 TCX15-4825 TCX15-5217 TCX
opal colorelectric green colorcuracao colorblue-turquoise color
15-5416 TCX15-5421 TCX15-5425 TCX15-5516 TCX
color of Florinsky springswater green colorcolor of Atlantiswaterfall shade
15-5519 TCX16-5114 TCX17-4919 TCX17-5024 TCX
turquoisedusty turquoise shadeduck color Tealturquoise blue color
pale turquoiseturquoise greenbright turquoisedark turquoise
mint turquoisePersian green coloraquamarine colorcolor turquoise blue Crayola

The color range of turquoise shades is multifaceted. She is magnificent, amazing and unique.

What colors does it go with in the interior?

With almost all the colors of the rainbow, the turquoise palette allows you to create unusual solutions in the interior. With this color, rich tones, muted and pastel shades. Each combination makes it possible to give the room sophistication and unique luxury.

We offer several primary colors that will complement the turquoise hue.

White color . This is the most airy shade for the interior. Combining white with turquoise, you can decorate your living room or bedroom in an interesting way. If the room is too cold, dilute it with a different tint palette. It can be red or yellow, mint or beige. White color can be replaced with cream, milky.

Beige color. This discreet shade combined with turquoise will add luxury to the room. Give preference to gold or silver flowers. Gold-tone figurines, vases or lamps look great on a turquoise background, etc. decorative elements. This combination is the most profitable and successful.

Red color. These are two bright and contrasting colors that complement each other perfectly. But one of the tones should be lighter and the other softer so that the room does not look too flashy. The main thing is to use the combination carefully, then you can get a stylish and elegant room.

Purple. The turquoise and purple colors combine delightfully. Lilac and delicate will do lavender shade. The right tonality can give the room the necessary mood. He can be calm or defiant.

Pink color. Soft shade, in combination with pink, is perfect for decorating a children's room for a girl or girl. A similar combination is also used for kitchens, bathrooms and living rooms. The palette can be more saturated or soft.

Blue. These are similar tones, so they should flow smoothly into each other. One of the shades should be leading, and the other should be paler and lighter. The combination helps you relax and unwind.

Green color. The combination of turquoise color and mint, delicate green tones will create an indescribable atmosphere of comfort and tenderness. Natural freshness enchants and delights.

Brown color. This color scheme is mainly used to decorate the floor or select furniture. A brown shade in combination with lighter turquoise walls will look harmonious color range. You can also arrange a room in bold design, painting the walls and floors brown and the furniture turquoise.

Grey colour. Another beautiful combination, which is used to decorate any room. Gray shade will emphasize the richness of turquoise, creating an accent spot.

Black color. This shade should not be too much in combination with turquoise color. Accessories may be black. A vase, carpet, painting, candlestick or other decor will look original. Do not overdo it with dark tones, otherwise the room will be too gloomy and uncomfortable.

Interior in turquoise tones

The turquoise shade is used in different rooms. His correct use guarantees unusual style and a sophisticated look.


This room, decorated in a turquoise palette, will look noble and will visually expand the space. The disadvantage of color is that if the room is not well lit, it will look gloomy. Therefore, be sure to use warm lighting around the entire perimeter; you can also install lamps above the dining area and food preparation area.

Living room

This is a place where family gathers and guests gather. Therefore, the living room should be comfortable, conducive to relaxation and tranquility.

It is worth noting that the windows should face the sunny side, which will allow the cold turquoise to look warm. Add warm colors in accessories, install lamps, lamps, floor lamps.


The turquoise color scheme looks especially good in this room. Use soft shades to create an atmosphere of calm and help you relax.

You can wallpaper in turquoise or use this shade only in elements and accessories. Suitable furniture, decorated in discreet beige tones, cream, pastel. Curtains and decor in this color will look unusual.


In the room it is possible to use the most saturated colors of turquoise. For more warm design Only bright details of the color scheme are used in the room. A different shade of turquoise palette looks advantageous in the bathroom. This could be a mosaic consisting of different tones of a given color. The accessories and decor also look original.


The design is suitable for girls and boys. The color will combine perfectly with green or pink tones. Do not give preference to a too thick palette, stick to soft shades.

Paste or paint the walls in a soft turquoise tone, and leave the furniture and curtains in a different color scheme. Use warm shades: cream, white, beige, butter, pearl, champagne and caramel.

Turquoise wallpaper

The walls can be covered with turquoise wallpaper, and tiles of this shade are also used for the bathroom. The color looks original, unusual and stylish. It is worth noting that flooring may be light or dark colors. The shade will depend on the size of the room or the style in which the room will be decorated. It will complement turquoise brown and red colors to advantage, and for delicate design will suit neutral palette in accessories and decorative elements. Turquoise walls add coziness and warmth.

The shade harmonizes with green, blue, light colors. A turquoise sofa can change the lighting depending on where it is installed. In the room you can lay out turquoise pillows, curtains, bedspreads, and flooring.

You should not use exclusively a turquoise shade for the bathroom, it will make the room too cold. Shade turquoise with beige, orange, yellow, and other warm colors. Use a natural palette, this will give the room sophistication and nobility.

This is not the first season that turquoise items have attracted our attention on all the world's catwalks. Obtained as a result of the fusion of blue and green, it emits not only natural brightness, but also a unique harmony of color, revealed in several shades. Not a single true fashionista can pass it by, but a lack of understanding of what the turquoise color goes with in clothes can keep her from buying it. And the presence of several of its main shades, different in mood and warmth, can simply be confusing, so it’s worth understanding this topic in more detail.

What color types is turquoise suitable for?

This question is the easiest to answer, since girls of all types of appearance can safely afford an outfit in this color without fear of looking pale and exhausted. The main thing in this is to choose “your” shade.

If it is difficult for you to accurately determine the color type, try taking an indicator such as the contrast of appearance as a starting point. It is determined by identifying the degree of difference between hair and skin tone. The richest shades of turquoise will harmonize perfectly with a contrasting appearance.

In addition, this color has the ability to give the skin a warmer color, so even if, despite the height of the beach season, you have not yet seen the sun, you can not hesitate to wear such an outfit, since it will only emphasize the aristocratic whiteness of the skin, the only thing is that it is better to choose a more cool shade colors. Girls who have managed to soak up the warm rays should not worry at all, since absolutely all variations of turquoise suit them.

The charm of monochrome

Monochrome outfits are not always considered a good option, however, in the case of turquoise, you can safely go for such experiments. Contributes to this wide range shades, from dominant blue to pronounced green. Such diversity allows you to create unique images in which the shades do not merge, but smoothly transition into each other, creating a gradient effect.

The interweaving of shades of turquoise will look impressive regardless of the age, type or build of the lady, since correctly selected and harmoniously combined tones will always be effective. The same applies to hair color: fair-haired ladies will perfectly be able to create a light and incredibly romantic look by wearing a pale turquoise outfit, while sizzling brunettes simply need to emphasize their brightness with rich shades of turquoise, which highlight their natural showiness.

Win-win combinations

One of the absolute options for what color turquoise goes with is, of course, white. This duet is one of the most spectacular, since both colors perfectly complement and add depth to each other. Any options are appropriate here: a white top in combination with a turquoise floor-length skirt or such fashionable bright trousers, or vice versa - white pants with a turquoise top or blouse. A snow-white dress, complemented with turquoise accessories: jewelry, belt or clutch, will look very elegant. In general, there are no restrictions, so feel free to experiment!

A combination with yellow and similar colors will be very natural, and therefore incredibly successful, because they are the colors with which turquoise in clothes is most harmoniously combined. Rich shades of turquoise, combined with the same yellow, will create a unique image in a retro style, since this duet was at the peak of demand in the middle of the last century. More muted and closer to pastel colors - perfect option for a romantic look. The ensemble with brown color will be no less harmonious. The main thing is not to forget about the compatibility of shades, since lighter ones will always look more impressive with the same ones, and rich shades can create an incredibly impressive image.

No less organic would be the combination of turquoise with cold tones, close to its nature. For example, blue. Any of its variations in denim will be perceived with a bang with turquoise, and it can be not only a jeans-top combination, but also a great addition to a turquoise dress would be, for example, a denim vest or a short jacket. A set of turquoise pants with a denim shirt would also look good.

A combination with purple will be quite unusual, but no less effective. If we talk about what color is combined with turquoise in clothes in the most eccentric way, then this is exactly the case. Such a duet simply cannot fail to attract attention, since the brightness and richness of the tones speaks for itself. Therefore, such images are chosen by quite bold and extraordinary people who are not afraid to stand out from the crowd.

Turquoise will also be close in spirit to the emerald color, which also has a common “ancestor” with it. This combination will be very gentle and at the same time quite contrasting. It would also go well with all shades of turquoise and coral, which, despite its opposite, will highlight turquoise, adding depth and sophistication to it.

How to combine shades?

If so, what colors go with turquoise in clothes? , It’s already clear, how to choose the right combinations for its shades still remains a mystery. Thus, there are five main tones of turquoise: pale, dark and bright turquoise, turquoise blue and green, sometimes topaz blue is also added to them. Already from the names it becomes clear that each of them requires a separate approach, since perfect combinations they will produce with completely different tones.

So, for pale turquoise, the best “partners” will be silver, muted shades of coral, golden or similar yellow, woody, burgundy or burgundy. Softer tones are suitable for a dark shade: lilac, lavender, cream, beige, pastel yellow, bronze. Combinations with bright turquoise are best built according to the type of contrast, combining it with the same rich and eye-catching colors: blue, rich pink, purple, bright yellow.

Turquoise blue is a classic shade that most people refer to as turquoise. It's incredibly deep and distinctive, yet it doesn't have any overpowering notes. Its combination with almost any color will be beneficial, but some duets are especially impressive. These will be deep pink, fuchsia, pale light green, all other shades of turquoise, aquamarine and yellow.

But turquoise with greenery will blend very organically with muted and pastel colors. An ensemble with lilac, pink, sand, and shades of blue will be beautiful.

Sometimes, in order to create a spectacular image, it is enough to add only turquoise-colored details: jewelry, belts or a handbag. This addition will make your look complete and simply unforgettable!

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