daria_kornienko in Mixing styles

Style implies the artistic unity of the constituent elements. The basis of artistic unity is a bright idea. All modern styles flock to six main directions, which can be mixed with each other. But not all eclecticism is stylish. You can combine things from different style directions, if they share some common characteristics. You can combine them by color and accessories - this is called harmony of identity. You can combine things from unmixed style trends if there is contrast in the image itself. This is called harmony of contrast. The easiest way to mix styles is by combining certain elements: color-shape-texture.
For example, the color and texture are natural, the shape is classic.
Mixing options:
Classic + Dramatic (business style, military)
Classic + Serious romanticism (business lady)
Romanticism+Naive romance (princess style)
Natural + Naive romance (rural style)
Natural + Sports (casual, safari)
Dramatic + Sports (sports glamour, clown)
Dramatic + Natural (Amazon, royal hunt).

Biggest mistake: combining things by color. For example, white and black. What at first glance seems like a win-win solution cannot become flawless if style is not taken into account.

Classic + Romanticism

Classic + Dramatic

Dramatic + Natural + Sporty

Classic + Dramatic

Dramatic+ Classic

Sports + Dramatic

Dramatic + Sporty

Classic + Dramatic

Sports + Naive romance

Naive Romance + Dramatic

Serious Romanticism + Dramatic

Classic + Natural

Sports + Natural

Naive romance + Classic

Serious Romanticism + Natural

Dramatic + Sporty


A stylistic assessment of the use of words with different stylistic connotations in speech can only be given by keeping in mind a specific text, a specific functional style, since words necessary in one speech situation may be inappropriate in another.

A serious stylistic flaw in speech can be the introduction of journalistic vocabulary into non-journalistic texts. For example: The council of residents of building No. 35 decided to build a playground, which is of great importance in educating the younger generation. The use of journalistic vocabulary and phraseology in such texts can cause a comic, illogical statement, since words with a high emotional sound appear here as an alien stylistic element (one could write: The council of residents of building No. 35 decided to build a playground for children’s games and sports.).

IN scientific style errors arise due to the author’s inability to use terms professionally and competently. In scientific works, it is inappropriate to replace terms with words of similar meaning, descriptive expressions: A hydrant clutch with control driven by air using the operator’s load-resistant handle was designed... (need: hydrant clutch with a pneumatic control system...).

Inaccurate reproduction of terms is unacceptable, for example: The driver’s movements must be limited by a seat belt. The term seat belt is used in aviation; in this case, the term seat belt should have been used. Confusion in terminology not only damages the style, but also exposes the author to poor knowledge of the subject. For example: Peristalsis of the heart is noted, followed by a stop in the systole phase - the term peristaltism can only characterize the activity of the digestive organs (it should have been written: Cardiac fibrillation is noted...).

The inclusion of terminological vocabulary in texts that are not related to the scientific style requires the author to have a deep knowledge of the subject. An amateurish attitude towards special vocabulary is unacceptable, leading not only to stylistic, but also to semantic errors. For example: Near the Central German canal, they were overtaken by madly racing cars with bluish tints of armor-piercing glass - there could be armor-piercing guns, shells, but the glass should have been called impenetrable, bulletproof. Strictness in the choice of terms and their use in strict accordance with their meaning - mandatory requirement to texts of any functional style.

The use of terms becomes a stylistic flaw in the presentation if they are not clear to the reader for whom the text is intended. In this case, terminological vocabulary not only does not perform an informative function, but also interferes with the perception of the text. For example, in a popular article the accumulation of special vocabulary is not justified: In 1763, the Russian heating engineer I.I. Polzunov designed the first high-power two-cylinder steam-atmospheric machine. Only in 1784 was D. Watt's steam engine implemented. The author wanted to emphasize the priority of Russian science in the invention of the steam engine, and in this case, a description of Polzunov’s machine is unnecessary. The following stylistic edit is possible: The first steam engine was created by Russian heating engineer I.I. Polzunov in 1763. D. Watt designed his steam engine only in 1784.

A passion for terms and book vocabulary in texts that are not related to the scientific style can cause pseudoscientific presentation. For example, in a pedagogical article we read: Our women, along with work in production, also perform a family and household function, which includes three components: childbearing, educational and economic. Or it could have been written more simply: Our women work in production and pay a lot of attention to family, raising children, and housekeeping.

The pseudoscientific style of presentation often becomes the cause of inappropriate comical speech, so you should not complicate the text where you can express the idea simply. Thus, in magazines intended for the general reader, such a selection of vocabulary cannot be welcomed: The staircase - a specific room for inter-floor connections of a preschool institution - has no analogues in any of its interiors. Wouldn’t it be better to abandon the unjustified use of bookish words by writing: The staircase in preschool institutions connecting the floors has a special interior.

The cause of stylistic errors in book styles can be the inappropriate use of colloquial and colloquial words. Their use is unacceptable in an official business style, for example in minutes of meetings: Effective control has been established over the prudent use of feed on the farm; The administration has done some work in the regional center and villages, and yet there is no end to the scope of improvement work. These phrases can be corrected as follows: ... Strictly control the consumption of feed on the farm; The administration began to improve the district center and villages. This work should be continued.

In the scientific style, the use of foreign style vocabulary is also not motivated. When stylistically editing scientific texts, colloquial and vernacular vocabulary is consistently replaced by interstyle or book vocabulary.

Becomes boring over time, especially if it no longer matches the character of the inhabitants. For example, young people want to bring some variety to the design of their living space, considering the “parental nest” in which they grew up inconvenient or outdated. To ensure that everyone is happy, and that their needs and desires are satisfied, residents of the home can use a mixture of styles called eclecticism in interior design. This will be discussed in the article.

Style Relationship

The designers are convinced that the ideal combination of interior elements gives the room its individuality. The question arises: “How to combine modern and classic solutions?” Design recommendations boil down to the fact that the mixture of different styles in the interior should be observed in a proportion of 80/20. With rare exceptions, the combination of styles turns out to be 50/50. More is still 60/40 or 40/60.

When deciding on the combination of different designs, disputes and conflicts may arise, which makes it possible to create something new, similar to the style of each family member. For example, classic and rustic furniture can be combined with Japanese or Arabic cultural items. For example, the photo above shows a room with an eclectic decor style with classical and Japanese elements.

Do not confuse simple renovation or redevelopment of an apartment with the creation of a new style. These concepts are not equivalent. Style is an image, and to create it you need details and accessories, which are chosen based on what the soul strives for. After all, you live in this interior.

Compromise in style choice

Each family member has his own view on the design of the room. In the photo below, the room has a golden mean in interior design, it’s not too classic version, and at the same time not too modern. Compromise eclecticism - a mixture of styles, in in this case the best design solution.

In the room, if we pay attention to the furniture, we see not chaos or kitsch, but rather a balanced, in complete harmony a combination of furniture and interior elements in different styles. Along with classic armchairs and a sofa, a large pouf upholstered in modern material harmoniously fits into the decor. It can serve as both a table and a place to relax.

Eclectic style

We can talk about style as an image of artistic expression or a specific interior. But it exists along with these definitions individual style, which has absorbed certain features of other interesting interior solutions. When contrasting boundaries are erased, with a competent approach and the presence of taste, a mixture of styles is born in the interior - eclecticism; with clutter and bad taste, the result is kitsch.

It is difficult to name the boundary at which you need to stop when creating your own style. Designers can do this because they have the necessary lore to create a composition, skillfully use finishing materials, and have taste. They will correctly place accents, thanks to which the room will acquire a unique individual look - its own style. He is the secret beautiful apartment.

Interior design in eclectic style

Modern eclecticism has its own characteristics, the most important of which are compactness and functionality. It is believed that eclecticism can only be realized when a common idea has been formed that connects all elements. Usually eclecticism is a mixture of styles in the interior. This is not a completely correct interpretation of the concept. IN Greek the word "eclectic" means "chosen". That is, not a simple connection, a merging of styles, but the selection of the best belonging to each of them.

Link elements between styles

There are so-called connecting elements - links between styles. Sofa cushions can have the same pattern, but be in different colors. Draperies can also have elements of either color or pattern, and act as a bridge when mixing styles. Figurines from different cultures must at least consist of the same material.

Connecting elements beautiful home accessories appear: paintings, carpets, tablecloths. So, in the photo above, the traditional living room has several shades in the upholstery, pillows and floral pattern of the curtains. The living room shows features of the grunge style - simple shapes and finishing, a prototype of the classics combined with modern style.

Basic principles of eclectic style in the interior

The interior creates eclectic mixtures of a maximum of three types: a fusion of textures, architectural lines and colors. People who are addicted artistic photography can take photos of eclecticism in the interior. In this case there will be an unobtrusive combination individual elements classics of Art Deco and modernity.

Furniture consisting of two or three different objects, each of which is a representative of its own style, can be easily combined. But when creating an eclectic style, they should have a similar texture, color or shape.

Modern eclecticism

Modern eclecticism is a style with great potential. The correct approach to a problem and its implementation inside a house or apartment acquires an exclusive, completely unique and individual character, providing a simultaneous combination of no more than two or three solutions.

The most commonly used method in creating an interior: the architecture of a room in one style, furniture and decorations as complements from elements of another. Decorative style- it's kind of modern eclecticism. Decorations, complemented by elements of furniture and accessories, are in a fast way give the room original look.

Color, shape and texture are also chosen depending on the main design. Versatility is about convenience. Nice interior it turns out when the room is not too overloaded with details (from eclecticism to kitsch one step).

The most obvious eclecticism is manifested in the details. Texture in furniture upholstery, the most unusual colors and decorations are the main points that make eclecticism popular. However, it should be remembered that the eclectic effect (mixing styles) has nothing to do with the unity of the image created in one space, but still harmoniously unites all its parts.

Ideas for creating an eclectic style

The variety of eclectic style options inspires us to new transformations of old, dear to the heart things, often inherited from beloved grandmothers. But even for those who do not own rare pieces of furniture, the opportunity to purchase them may arise when visiting flea market or auction, as well as a regular antique or consignment store. You shouldn't get rid of the crooked-legged closet where your grandmother's dresses were stored. It can rightfully be in the center of the living room or bedroom as a wonderful accessory.

Anything can act as decor when mixing styles: painting, printing, vases, table lamps, decorative frames. Combine them with other items interior design, based on the contrast of materials and textures. For example, the silky or velvety texture of textiles will visually emphasize the glossy metal base for table lamps.

Eclectic style appeals to many people. It is based on creative imagination And unusual taste, allows you to create a living space that is not only beautiful, stylish and comfortable, but also more individual and unusual.

There are many criteria for classifying interior design styles, but globally they can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. Modern
  2. Classic
  3. Ethnic

This division allows me to formulate good rule: never mix styles from different directions. Of course, there are exceptions, but they are rare and complex, so for most cases this rule is relevant.

Never mix modern, classic or ethnic styles in one interior.

Modern styles

All modern trends mix well with each other, and the boundaries between them are very arbitrary. This allows us to combine attributes various styles and make truly unique designs.


Pure minimalism is rarely used in the interior. Although visually this is the ideal style for small rooms, in practice it falls short in functionality.

But minimalism is the foundation for other modern styles. That's why he goes first.

Those. basic finish for almost all current styles The interior is done as in minimalism, and then the decor, furniture and light are designed in other directions.

Walls - white paint. Floor - parquet or laminate. The ceiling is flat white, often without lamps at all (American theme - all the light comes from wall sconces and floor lamps).

Silhouettes of cabinet furniture with right angles, without smooth lines and roundness, decorations and decors are completely excluded. Smooth lines due to upholstered furniture. Large storage cabinets are either built-in or built to the ceiling and match the color of the walls.

Style does not accept accessories that serve only for beauty. Each thing in the interior must perform a specific function, otherwise it has no place here. Modern, unobtrusive paintings (usually abstraction) can be used as decorations.

Scandinavian style

My subjective opinion is the best, most relevant, problem-free, risk-free and bold in terms of beauty/functionality interior style.

Scandinavian style is similar to minimalism, but has great variability in colors and materials. The basis of the style - white, simplicity, light wood, desaturated (dirty) accent colors. Although it refers to modern trends, some items may be in retro style.

Unlike minimalism, it allows large number inexpensive accessories with history and a lot of textiles. Most people think the most cozy style design.


Initially, the loft style required large areas and large windows, high ceilings and heaps free space. Now the boundaries are blurred and many understand this style in different ways.

General features: no need for perfect surfaces, natural materials, natural colors, unique and bright accent items, cult of concrete, deliberate negligence, brickwork, brutality, highlighted beams and columns.

Now the loft is modern style, Where technical solutions are not disguised, but are elevated to the absolute and put on display.

Rough surfaces are still slightly processed (at least primed) so that there is no dust and dirt. Often these materials are imitated. In a good half of the photos, it’s not real concrete, but decorative plaster, stylized after him. Ideally, all these surfaces should be illuminated with separate light sources: due to their heterogeneous texture, they all look gorgeous under side lighting.

The loft is beautiful for its creativity: you can use any furniture, any accessories, including homemade ones. And it will look organic and relevant. Indistinguishable from grunge style.

The accessories are unique, coming from the past, but processed in a modern way: an antique box or chest, a rare bathtub, an old ship’s searchlight repainted red, etc. Or, on the contrary, ultra-modern.

There is a Soviet version of the loft - .


Minimalism, stuffed with technological gadgets and sophisticated light sources. Costs much more because... requires metal and glass to comply with the canons, and now it costs just astronomical money.

In the first place in the high-tech style are modern, complex and expensive equipment and lamps. Accessories and decor are practically absent. Their role is played by numerous light sources and all other objects. In high-tech you cannot save on anything: even ordinary simple door or a heating radiator will ruin the whole picture. High-tech - the most expensive of modern styles.

The finish is either standard minimalistic or futuristic with lots of smooth lines and avoidance of corners. In the latter version, it is practically unsuitable for life.


Techno is a minimalistic variation of high-tech, where only really necessary items are left, and that’s all. additional design absent. A strict style with clear lines, geometric shapes and an abundance of cold materials - glass, plastic, metal. To many, such an interior seems uncomfortable and unsuitable for home, although this is only a matter of taste.

The main colors in techno style are gray, white, steel, khaki. Wood can only be found in floor finishing. Rough textures are used to decorate the walls. Equipment - steel and chrome.

Art Deco

An eclectic style where the rule about the inadmissibility of mixing modern and classic styles is violated. Glamor, high cost, deliberate chic and very bold combinations of colors, shapes and eras. A complex style that has virtually no limitations.

I advise you to consider it only if you have an unlimited budget and involve a professional designer. Read separately: , .

Eco style

The name of the style speaks for itself. Here they combine natural materials, elements of living nature and natural colors. The furniture is only simple and regular in shape. For decoration interior will suit artificial grass, stones, natural wood accessories. The safest style in terms of the likelihood of errors. WITH natural materials and you can't go wrong with the colors.

Retro style

Yes, modern retro style. This design exaggerates ideas about some era from the past, for example, America in the 60s.

By the way, life hack: some models of old Soviet armchairs are almost no different from American models of the 60-80s. The only differences are in the color of the upholstery. Should be bright yellow, red or blue. At many flea markets there are advertisements for buying such chairs - these are cunning designers.

Pop art

Pop art is a bright, defiant style, where any format of references to popular culture a certain era. An abundance of bright, saturated and sometimes acidic shades. Lots of accessories, patterns, posters, drawings.

Most often it is done in the theme of cinema or music. One of the most common pop art wall decorations is vinyl records. Other attributes musical culture The 80s are also in price.

There is not much furniture, but each item attracts attention with its unusualness. Bright accessories and decorative compositions, posters, souvenirs and equipment as design elements.

Boho style

It originated in France as a desire to inexpensively decorate and personalize a living space with design elements rather than decoration. There are a lot of bright, colorful things with a history, bought at flea markets, which serve as decor. The finishing is simple and cheap. Good option for decorating a temporary home, but not as the main style for a full renovation.


Kitsch is an extravagant, even rebellious style that denies classical art. Modern interiors this style destroys all stereotypes about design.

The main signs of kitsch are a combination of incompatible shades, many accessories from different cultures, mixing details inherent in opposing styles, and a deliberate emphasis on the “unauthenticity” of classical objects.

However, thoughtful designer kitsch should not be confused with bad taste. True kitsch is characterized by a certain glamor, which is emphasized by accessories that deliberately resemble classics. These are curtains and drapes made of simple fabric, artificial fountains. For finishing materials Imitations are also used - foam columns, “wooden” cabinets made of plastic, or laminate imitating marble.

Kitsch can be described in two words - uncomplicated chic. The main thing is not to overdo it with extravagance, so that you can live in such an interior.

The most risky interior style - I absolutely do not recommend it.


A mixture of all styles and trends, colors and shapes, ideas and eras. After all, boundaries are only in our heads.

Another thing is that it is very difficult to implement such a direction and not slide into a collective farm. This is a game on the edge.

Classic styles

The budget for renovations in a classic style is significantly larger than for a modern style. Such repairs are always a risk. Even a small number of small mistakes can turn a classic into a collective farm.

Therefore, the main rule when renovating in the classics: be sure to hire a designer and set aside a decent budget, or don’t mess with the classics. It sounds rude, but such repairs are always out of the ordinary. In order to get involved in it, you need to have absolute confidence in your abilities, tastes and budget.


An interior style that is difficult to understand and describe, which appeared at the junction of eras in the 1900s. Modernism in the interior was manifested in the rejection of patterns of classical styles and general simplification. The idea is naturalness interior decoration and furniture, but this vision is far from modern trends. Therefore, the style is classic.

The decoration and furniture are all in smooth lines, with a lot of carved structures and wood. The latter is left in its natural brown shades, unlike other classic styles where it was often painted white.

Accessories and interior decoration without kitsch and luxury, but in large quantities. The color scheme is natural, without pure saturated shades.


Provence could also be classified as ethnic, because this is essentially french style interior The only one of the classic styles that I personally do not disgust.

Provence is not about high cost or luxury, but about comfort and tenderness. A large amount of textiles, pastel desaturated colors (mostly pale blue), bronze instead of gold, smooth lines throughout the design. This creates the mood of the French province.

Gothic style

Interior with high ceilings and tapering windows, predominantly in dark colors, with a minimum of cold shades. Stained glass windows, carved details and candles in candelabra are characteristic decorations for the Gothic style.

It is perceived as monumental, and for some, gloomy. More strict style without showing off the high cost, but it is still perceived as deliberately pompous.

About 4 styles below very briefly. I categorically do not recommend them for places where you are actually going to live - that is not what they are for.


In maximum contrast with Provence, the Baroque style in the interior is about deliberate luxury and excess. Attributes: marble, gilding, frescoes, stucco, carved massive furniture, carriage tie. Each element in the premises is decor and must be complex.

The style just screams that it is very expensive and a ton of money and time was invested in every detail. Suitable for large houses only.

Empire style

Imperial style in a mood of solemnity, pomp and some theatricality and unreality. Columns and pilasters with stucco and general pomp. Unlike Baroque, Empire style in the interior is more about greatness than about high cost, although general impression they leave the same.


The main idea of ​​classicism was rationality, simplicity and rigor in interior design, but only in comparison with other classical styles. The ideas of rationality among the elite of the early 17th century obviously differ from those of today.

Arches, stucco, furniture with high backs, less gilding, crystal, curtains with lambrequin - typical classicism in the interior.


Although it is in many ways similar to Baroque, Classicism and Empire (with the latter visually, not ideologically), it still has some features. The main thing is the monstrous amount of small details in the interior design. The number of colors used is greater. Lots of paintings to decorate the walls.

Ethnic styles

Looking for original design for your home, you can look to foreign cultures for inspiration. You can create a unique atmosphere even in a small city apartment by choosing the style of the country that appeals to you the most. To create an ambience, stylized accessories will be useful, including self made. The most difficult and dangerous(in terms of creating really stylish design, not bad taste) design style.


Walls - wallpaper, usually gray or dark green (Oxford green), with vertical stripes. Furniture in natural wood colors with carved elements. The overall color range is medium to dark, which is due to the climate and the small number of sunny days. Main lighting on medium rather than high level(sconces and floor lamps).


A collective image that has absorbed features different countries. Such an interior is filled with light, because here large windows. Used for furniture and decoration natural wood, and the room itself is painted in light shades.


The rigor inherent in the style makes Japanese interiors similar, so they are not original. For this reason, in our regions japanese style more often used partially. A minimum of furniture, light and natural shades, and natural materials, sleeping place on the floor.


The style is not as strict as the previous one, so there are combinations here bright colors, a large number of accessories, and the rooms are divided into functional areas. The atmosphere of the Chinese interior encourages a calm, relaxed pastime.


The most original of ethnic styles. It reminds you of the hot desert sun. Specific accessories will tell about distant African peoples, their lives and crafts. In decoration and used Genuine Leather, fur, bamboo; or their high-quality imitation.

If you do not have a clear preference for classical or ethnic styles, if you have a limited budget, if the apartment is small or the number of residents is significant, then our advice is to stick to modern styles.

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A variety of articles describing various designer styles interiors, is permeated through and through with one general idea that mixing styles is unacceptable and in no case should be present in finished interior. But, like any other rule, there is an exception to this too! And not even one, but three (!) and with generally accepted names: fusion, eclecticism and kitsch.

These trends in interior design are nothing more than an arrogant, deliberate and pronounced mixture of styles. Nevertheless, current trends fashion dictates its own rules to us: “stand out”, “be different from everyone else”! And these styles seem to unquestioningly obey such slogans.

Exclusivity and maximum freedom of expression are their main, but far from the only advantages.

Eclecticism, fusion and kitsch are completely different styles, but they are all similar in one thing: they combine several directions, seemingly completely opposite. But the most amazing thing about this mixture is that its end result always looks elegant and harmonious.


In the photo: project of a living room in a cottage in the village. Raspberries

Eclecticism is considered the most suitable combination of style solutions for decorating a living space. It is quite restrained and conservative, it is based on classic style, which is neatly and elegantly complemented by elements of other trends: modern, gothic, renaissance, less often - ultra-modern high-tech or loft.

In a word, eclecticism is a modernized classic that can emphasize the individuality and unsurpassed taste of the owner of the room. In addition, functionality and comfort are integral components of such an interior.

Eclecticism is characterized by the predominance of light and pastel shades, skillfully and very carefully diluted bright elements decor. Light is more important here than color.

A distinctive feature of this style is the limited number of directions it can combine: no more than three, and they must be imbued with one idea and look harmonious.


Extravagant and incredibly interesting fusion provides enormous scope for creativity and self-expression. There is an opinion that this style arose spontaneously with the advent of fashion for traveling and purchasing memorable souvenirs in every corner of the planet visited. This is where the harmonious mixture of Western and oriental styles. It would seem that such a combination may look extremely ridiculous, but experienced designers successfully cope even with such a complex task.

Fusion style is a combination of classical trends, as well as their unification using one common idea (in this we see the key difference from kitsch, where it is absolutely not needed).

In the photo: a project for a recreation room in the attic of a house, demonstrating a mixture of styles.

Even Art Nouveau combined with Gothic can look absolutely stunning if you work on mixing them professional designer. And guests in such a room will definitely not be bored: handmade decorative elements, a variety of colors, a mixture of eras, and at the same time a unique feeling of spontaneity, naturalness and comfort are the main trump cards of the style.


Kitsch is the same style that fearlessly stands on the very edge of a cliff, every now and then trying to fall down, where the cliff is absolute bad taste and complete absurdity. The most extravagant and insanely complex style, attracting all attention to its details, bright colors and combination of seemingly completely incompatible directions. Kitsch is ideal for decorating nightclubs, youth cafes or hobby groups, and is in no way welcome for residential or work premises, since it is psychologically impossible to stay in such a room for a long time.

Combination bright colors(orange, red, yellow, purple), a mixture of many different styles (country and futurism along with loft and Scandinavian style), a variety of small details and decor, exclusivity bordering on madness and a complete feeling of a flea market - it’s all about kitsch.

To summarize, we can say that the combination of different style trends, united by one idea, in in capable hands gives a very interesting result: an exclusive, elegant and memorable interior, which will certainly highlight your individuality and become business card premises.

Do you dream of stylish and comfortable interior, but are not a fan of any one style? We will help you get a “dream home” without strict reference to “loft”, “classic”, “minimalism” or “Provence”. Competently combining, mixing and mixing, creating something new, unique, and, most importantly, “yours” is one of our primary tasks! Call!

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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