Family Compositae, or Asteraceae (Compositae,Asteraceae) includes 11-13 families, about 1000 genera and more than 28,000 species, widely distributed throughout to the globe. Most Asteraceae are herbaceous plants, but among them there are also many subshrubs, shrubs, and low trees are less common.


The leaves of Asteraceae are simple, entire or variously dissected, without stipules, and are arranged alternately in most species. Some species have lacticiferous or resin ducts in the roots, stems and leaves. The flowers are small, collected in inflorescences basket, surrounded by a wrapper of modified upper leaves. The main functions of the wrapper are to protect flowers from adverse environmental influences. The calyx is highly modified into a fly or pappus, which promotes the spread of fruits. The corolla is fused-petalled, tubular, ligulate, pseudo-ligulate, bilabial or funnel-shaped (Fig. 121).

The tubular flowers are bisexual, regular, their corolla is formed by 5 petals fused together in the form of a tube. Reed flowers consist of 5 petals fused in one plane, noticeable by the teeth. These flowers are bisexual and often form complete inflorescences. In false-lingual flowers, the lower lip of 3 fused petals ends with 3 teeth and has the appearance of a tongue, and the upper lip is reduced. False-ligulate flowers are most often located along the edge of the inflorescence, and tubular in the center (chamomile, sunflower). Funnel-shaped flowers are zygomorphic and asexual, usually marginal in the inflorescence ( knapweed). There are 5 stamens in a Compositae flower, they are attached to the corolla tube, the filaments are free, and the anthers are glued together. The gynoecium consists of two carpels; the style ends in a two-lobed stigma. Ovary inferior. The fruit is an achene. Seeds without endosperm.


The Asteraceae family is divided into two subfamilies: Asteraceae (Asteroidae), which includes 11 - 12 tribes and Lettuce (Lactucoideae), or Chicoryaceae (Cichorioideae), which include only one tribe. Material from the site


Subfamily Asteraceae characterized by the obligatory presence of tubular, or less commonly, two-lipped flowers in baskets and the absence of milky juice. It includes tribes: Sunflower (Heliantheae), Asteraceae (Astereae), Umbilicals (Anthemideae), Crusaderaceae (Senecioneae), Calendulaceae (Calenduleae) etc.

U subfamily Chicoryaceae or Lettuce all flowers in the basket are ligulate, and it is also characterized by the presence of milky passages in the roots, stems and leaves. Representatives of this subfamily grow mainly in the Northern Hemisphere.

Department . Magnoliophyta - angiosperms

Class . Magnoliopsida - dicotyledons

Subclass . Lamiidae - lamiids

Order . Lamiales - Lamiaceae

Family . Lamiaceae - Lamiaceae

View .

Mentha piperita - peppermint

Salvia officinalis - salvia officinalis

Thymus serpyllum - creeping thyme

Thymus vulgare – common thyme

Origanum vulgare - common oregano

Leonurus quinquelobatus - five-lobed motherwort

Leonurus cardiaca - motherwort

Leonurus sibirica – Siberian motherwort

Scutellaria baicalensis - Baikal skullcap

Ortosiphon stamineus - orthosiphon stamineus

Life Form: predominantly perennial herbaceous plants, subshrubs and dwarf shrubs.

Root system: taproot, some species have rhizomes.

Stems: tetrahedral, glabrous or pubescent.

Leaves: simple, whole, without stipules.

Leaf arrangement: opposite or whorled.

Inflorescences : flowers are solitary or in cymoid inflorescences: spike-shaped or paniculate thyrsi, the partial inflorescences of which are dichasia, whorls.

Flowers: zygomorphic, bisexual with a double perianth, the calyx consists of 5 fused sepals, the corolla is sharply two-lipped, the upper lip consists of 2 petals, the lower of 3, which grow together, androecium consists of 2 or 4 free stamens, gynoecium coenocarpous, formed by 2 carpels. Ovary top.

Flower formulas.

for all types Ca (5) Co (2+3) A 4 G (2)

Salvia officinalis  Ca (5) Co (2+3) A 2 G (2)

Fetus: coenocarpous fractional: dry coenobium, disintegrating into 4 erems, leaving a calyx with the fruit.

BAV: essential oil, tannins, flavonoids, saponins, coumarins.

in the tropics, subtropics, in temperate climates, they grow in steppes, meadows, the edges of light forests, in wet and weedy places, and are cultivated.

Peculiarities: A chemotaxonomic feature is the presence of essential oil glands, with an even number of glandular cells and their radial arrangement.

Characteristics of the Aster family (Asteraceae)

Department. Magnoliophyta - angiosperms

Class. Magnoliopsida - dicotyledons

Subclass. Asteridae - asterids

Order. Asterales - asteraceae

Family. Asteraceae, or - asteraceae, or

Compositae - Compositae

Depending on the structure of the baskets, the Asteraceae family is divided into 2 subfamilies: Tubiflorae and Liguliflorae.

Plants of the subfamily Tubifales have baskets consisting only of tubular flowers or of tubular and reed flowers, and the subfamily Lingulaeaceae - only of reed flowers.

Subfamily. Tubiflorae - tubeflowers


Artemisia absinthium - wormwood

Artemisia vulgaris - common wormwood

Artemisia cina - wormwood

Matricaria recutita – peeled chamomile

Matricaria inodora - odorless chamomile

Matricaria matricarioides – daisy daisy

Bidens tripartita - tripartite sequence

Leucanthemum vulgare - common cornflower

Gnaphalium uliginosum - marsh grass

Tussilago farfara - coltsfoot

Achillea millefolium – common yarrow

Tanacetum vulgare - common tansy

Helichrysum arenarium – sandy immortelle

Centaurea cyanus – blue cornflower

Helianthus annus - annual sunflower

Inula helenium – tall elecampane

Calendula officinalis - calendula officinalis

Subfamily: Liguliflorae - tongue-bearing plants


Taraxacum officinale - dandelion

Cichorium intibus - common chicory

Cirsium oleraceum – field sow thistle

Hieraceum umbellatum – umbrella hawkweed

Life Form: all life forms: annual and perennial herbs, shrubs and subshrubs, trees, rarely lianas and aquatic plants.

Root system: taproot, many have rhizomes, some have stolons with tubers.

Leaves: simple, very rarely complex, without stipules, entire or variously dissected, often pubescent.

Leaf arrangement: alternate, less often opposite, many species form a rosette of basal leaves.

Inflorescences: the flowers are collected in baskets, which can represent a partial part of complex aggregate inflorescences: spikes, racemes, panicles or cymoid inflorescences; the basis of the basket is the receptacle, which can be flat, convex, elongated, cellular, pitted. Outside, the receptacle is surrounded by involucre leaves, which are arranged in one, two or several rows. The number of flowers in the basket varies, from one to a thousand.

Flowers: a) tubular, actinomorphic, bisexual, cyclic, with a double perianth, cup consists of five sepals, reduced to a pappus, consisting of a variable number of bristles, hairs or films, whisk of five petals fused into a tube, androecium of five stamens, which are fused by anthers and attached to the corolla, gynoecium coenocarpous, of two carpels. Ovary lower

b) reed - zygomorphic, bisexual, cyclic, with a double perianth, cup consists of five sepals reduced to a pappus, consisting of a variable number of bristles, hairs or films, whisk of five petals fused into one plate, androecium of five stamens, which are fused by anthers and attached to the corolla, gynoecium coenocarpous, of two carpels. Ovary lower

c) pseudolingulate - zygomorphic, unisexual (female), cyclic, three-circular, with a double perianth, cup of five free sepals, reduced to a pappus, whisk of three petals fused into one plate, gynoecium from two fused carpels. Ovary lower

d) funnel-shaped - zygomorphic, asexual, single-circular, with a simple corolla-shaped perianth consisting of three fused petals.

Flower formulas:

T ribbed Sa Co (5) A (5) G

I reed Sa Co (5) A (5) G

l lingualCa Co(3)G

funnel-shaped Co (3)

Fetus: pseudomonocarpous, dry, indehiscent achene, often equipped with a fly - a pappus, or pappus, formed by the hairs of a modified calyx, various films, auricular outgrowths, etc.

BAV: terpenes and terpenoids, alkaloids, saponins, coumarins, flavonoids, essential oils, inulin, species of the subfamily Glossaceae contain latex.

Distribution and habitat: found wherever plants can exist, many cosmopolitans. They grow in weedy places, meadows, forests, forest edges, along river banks, swamps, and are cultivated.

Peculiarities: 1) some species deposit the polysaccharide inulin in special cells - idioblasts, 2) there are compass plants - at noon their leaves are positioned edge-on to the light, with one wide side of the plate facing east and the other to the west, 3) some species react to change in atmospheric pressure, i.e. are unique barometers, 4) species belonging to the subfamily Glossaceae accumulate latex in laticifers, which hardens in air.

Latin name- compositae (asteraceae).
Class dicotyledonous.

Description. The Asteraceae family is considered the largest of all dicotyledonous plant families and plays an important role in the plant cover of the planet. More than 20,000 species include mostly annual and perennial herbaceous plants, which vary in size from very large (sunflower) to very tiny. Shrubs with a height of 1 to 3 m (sometimes up to 8 m) and low trees are less common. As an exception, the family includes: petiolate scalesia, which reaches a height of 20 meters and forms huge forests on the Galapagos Islands, as well as Brachylena merana, growing in Madagascar, up to 40 meters high and almost 1 meter thick, with rot-resistant wood.

Main distinctive features Asteraceae.

  • Complex structure a flower, which actually represents a whole inflorescence - a basket consisting of small flowers tightly adjacent to each other, the number of which varies from one (in the Mordovnik) to several hundred (in the sunflower). The latter are located at the expanded end of the peduncle and are surrounded by a common calyx, which consists of one, two or several rows of small modified upper leaves - bracts. As a result, you get something resembling a basket, main function which is to protect flowers from adverse effects external environment. Wild aster plants are usually characterized by a basket diameter of one to several centimeters, rarely up to 10-15 cm. In wormwood they are very tiny - only 2-4 mm, and in cultivated sunflower they reach about 60 cm.
  • Particular perfection of devices that promote pollination, fertilization and successful dispersal. Thanks to this property, Compositae plants are regarded as the most highly organized of all flowering plants.

Some plants of the Asteraceae family have unique property compass. At midday, in order to protect themselves from overheating, they turn their leaves with their edges towards the falling on them. sun rays. In this case, one wide side of the leaf blade is always facing east, the other - to the west, and the intensity of photosynthesis does not decrease. Compass aster plants usually live in open areas. The most famous of them are widespread in Europe and Asia. wild lettuce and North American lobed silphium.

The Aster family includes many economically important plants:

  • oilseeds (sunflower, safflower, madia);
  • vegetable (artichoke, lettuce, chicory, endive, lettuce);
  • feed (jerusalem artichoke);
  • medicinal (arnica, chamomile, calendula, wormwood, elecampane, tansy);
  • rubber (guayule);
  • decorative (aster, dahlia, chrysanthemum, marigold, marigold, etc.).

Some are considered harmful weeds: thistle, sow thistle, burdock, ragweed, mustard, cocklebur, cornflower, yarrow, etc.

Asteraceae flowers are an integral part of the inflorescence - the basket, which at first glance is perceived as one flower. They are usually dioecious or bisexual, sometimes sterile. Based on the symmetry and nature of petal fusion, five types of flowers are distinguished:

  • Tubular (thistle, wormwood) in most cases are hermaphroditic and much less often unisexual. Their corolla is formed from five petals fused into a tube, which slightly expands at the top or has a small five-toothed bend. These flowers are usually located in the center of the basket ( yellow flowers in sunflower, chamomile, daisy). Flower formula: L (5) T 5 P 1.
  • Reed (sow thistle, dandelion, chicory) - the shape of the corolla looks like a shortened tube, from which fused petals branch off in the form of a tongue. The flowers have 5 denticles on the upper edge (the tips of the fused petals), 5 stamens and 1 pistil. L (5) T 5 P 1 .
  • Funnel-shaped (edge ​​flowers in the cornflower basket) are asexual flowers of asymmetrical shape. Their corolla is a long tube with a large expansion at the end, resembling a funnel. They have a greater number of teeth due to partial bifurcation of the free ends of the petals. Stamens and pistil are usually absent. The formula looks like: L (6-9) T 0 P 0.
  • False reeds resemble reeds in appearance, but are formed by merging not five, but three petals, as a result of which they have the same number of teeth on the upper edge. They are usually arranged as edge plants (sunflower, chamomile), attracting pollinating insects. L (3) T 0 P 1
  • Bilabial (nassuvia) - unisexual or bisexual flowers, are very rare. From the long tube of the corolla extend an upper lip consisting of two teeth and a lower lip with three teeth.

In some species, the baskets may consist only of tubular flowers or flowers of two types: tubular in the center, and funnel-shaped or false-ligulate along the edge. Others have only reed ones. Often the flowers in the basket also differ in their sex ratio. The anthers open with cracks into the tube, where a lot of pollen accumulates. The fruit of the Asteraceae is a single-locular, non-dehiscent achene with a woody or leathery shell, sometimes equipped with a volatile.

Leaves in plants of the Asteraceae family, they are mainly alternate with different types feathery venation, less often opposite with purely parallel or parallel-arc venation. Their shape, size and degree of dissection of the plate different types varies greatly. The leaves of the leafless baccharis are so tiny (only a few millimeters) that the function of photosynthesis is performed by twig-like stems, and the leaves of the Japanese butterbur reach a length of about 2 meters. Some American vines of the genus Mutisia can boast the most original form of leaf blade.

Many representatives of Asteraceae are characterized by pubescence. Thick down is especially pronounced in species growing in conditions of sudden changes in temperature or constant dryness. The hairs of the fur coat are quite diverse: soft and hard, single- and multicellular, straight or sinuous, unbranched (simple) and bifid, stellate, etc.

Root system in most species of the Asteraceae family it is represented by a well-developed tap root, which is often tuberously thickened (burdock). Many plants also have retractive roots, and some have fungal roots.

Spreading. Compositae plants live in almost every corner of the planet where the existence of higher plants is possible. In America, Central Asia and southern Europe they are distributed in significant numbers, and in the northern direction the number of their species noticeably decreases. Some species have taken root in the tundra, among alpine snows and even on barren sands. In the highlands of tropical America and Africa, original rosette asters are found. In deserts you can see heavily pubescent, shrubby or cushion-shaped, thorny and almost leafless plants with flattened green stems.

Reproduction. The vast majority of plants in the Asteraceae family are insect pollinated. They have inconspicuous tubular flowers in the center of the basket surrounded by bright white, yellow, orange-golden or red large flowers, perfectly visible from a great distance. They are often sterile and perform only a signaling function. Other asteraceae with inconspicuous inflorescences attract insects with nectar released at the base of the style and pollen. The main pollinators are bees, bumblebees and wasps, and in some species of the genus Mutisia - birds. Some members of the family (for example, dandelion) produce fruits without fertilization.

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Aster family: general characteristics

​corolla; in false tongues, the lower lip consists of three fused petals, ends with three teeth and looks like a more or less long tongue. These flowers are only pistillate. In the center of the inflorescence there are tubular flowers, and

​thank you very much

Flower structure

​If this species is too big for you, get its opposite - elecampane (Inula salicina), only 30-60 cm high. This is a completely ordinary meadow plant.​

  • ​Azure Beauty​
  • ​Beautiful in the flower garden and
  • ​, its bright, densely double yellow-orange flowers are not too large, but there are a lot of them, and the bush itself is quite compact.​
  • ​B recent years original varieties appeared, completely different in color scheme from standard pink and white. Thus, varieties with orange and yellow reed flowers appeared. There are also variegated ones, in which the color of the reed flowers is two-colored, for example, yellow with an orange-red honey mushroom. All new varieties have a complex hybrid origin from various species of Echinacea.​
  • ​that do not save external signs when reseeding). The best place for it in the garden is sunny areas with rich, loose and moderately moist soil.​

​Their second name is reeds, unlike the previous family they contain only seven tribes, and the number of genera is about two hundred - this is a small part of the total number of plants included in the aster family. Representatives of chicory grow on almost all continents, in our country the most known species- this is a common chicory, notable for its bright blue flowers and spread like a weed. But nevertheless, the plant is a good honey plant, and the root is used in cooking to make coffee.​

​We will talk about one of the most numerous families among dicotyledonous plants - Asteraceae (Asteraceae). Without noticing it ourselves, we encounter its representatives almost every day - in everyday life, in cooking, and just on the street. Flowers of the aster family are perhaps the most common in our flower beds and gardens, and not a single kitchen can do without sunflower oil. In funnel-shaped flowers​ ​Thank you.​ ​Unlike its large brother, elecampane is good in mass. This species blooms a little later - from July to August. But at the time of its flowering, the entire meadow is buried in bright yellow, numerous, though not very large, baskets. So for compositions in the currently fashionable natural style, it’s easy irreplaceable plant.​ ​with bright lilac semi-double flowers;​ ​pearl anaphalis (Anaphalis margantacea)​ ​Among the varieties of heliopsis there are also variegated ones, with bright white or pink-white spots occupying most of the leaf, but they are less stable, and the flowers they are much smaller.​ ​Species Echinacea and the very first varieties (with pink or white simple baskets) are quite unpretentious, preferring illuminated areas with moderately moist, rich garden soils. But still they do not differ in longevity. If young plants are very resistant, then over time, a large powerful bush can, in one miserable winter, take up and leave without a trace without declaring war. That is why you should not delay replanting and dividing for a long time; this operation must be carried out at least once every 4-5 years, otherwise you may simply lose the plant.​

Structure of leaves and roots

The use of plants of this family in cooking has long been popular; the most famous example is the oilseed sunflower. Its homeland is North America. It has successfully acclimatized in our area, and now sunflower is grown in industrial scale. The most important product from it is, of course, sunflower oil. But in addition to this, seeds, lard (solid fat used to make margarine and soap) are obtained, and production waste is used as animal feed.​

What fruits do plants of the Asteraceae family have?

​The family includes very large number genera, it is quite difficult to give an exact figure; it ranges from 1100 to 1300, and there are more than 20,000 varieties. Most plants are pollinated by insects. The distribution area is quite wide; representatives of this family are found in all climatic zones: from hot and humid tropics to cold tundra, high in the mountains and on the sea coast. They grow on fertile black soils and desert sands. A large number of species provided asters with a wide range of economic use in a person's life.​

Life form of Asteraceae

​the corolla is fused-petalled with five teeth, the flowers are asexual, usually in marginal inflorescence (cornflower); reed flowers consist of five petals fused in one plane. These flowers are bisexual, often completely forming an inflorescence; have five stamens fused with anthers; one pistil and a fruit - an achene. The sunflower basket consists of tubular (in the middle) and

​1. The inflorescence is a basket, surrounded by a wrapper of green leaves.

Elecampane can grow both in the sun and in light partial shade. Elecampane is quite unpretentious to soils, but the maximum decorative effect possible only on fertile ones. loose and moderately moist soils. There are no problems with the propagation of this plant - it can be propagated both by seeds and vegetatively - by dividing overgrown bushes. By the way, if you do not remove faded inflorescences, elecampane can produce abundant self-sowing.

​Lady Hindlip Mii​

​-compact plant 30 cm high. The whole plant is silvery-white and fluffy.​

​Read also: Sunlight helianthemum - types of flower​

Subfamily Asteraceae (tubeflowers)

​But with modern varieties the situation is completely different. They are much more capricious; in snowless winters they can freeze, but in warm winters get wet or propped up. And their lifespan is much shorter. My advice is that if you want to preserve the variety you like, be sure to divide the plant into small sections every spring (late May or early June). If the plant has not overwintered well and it is difficult to get a part with roots from what is left, take the cuttings. Echinacea reproduces well by cuttings. The optimal solution is a cutting with part of the rhizome. It needs to be placed under glass jar in a semi-shaded place and water regularly, making sure that the soil does not dry out. And new rooted plants can be planted for growing in about three weeks.​

Subfamily Chicoryaceae (or lettuces)

​Purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)​

Aster family: nutritional value

​Another bright and edible, but, unfortunately, we do not have a growing representative of the family - the artichoke (pictured). Traditionally it is considered a vegetable, but in fact it is an unopened bud. As an independent dish or side dish, it is widespread in Mediterranean countries and America.​

A distinctive feature of all the plants that the Asteraceae family includes is a complex inflorescence - a basket, which consists of many small and inconspicuous flowers, but together they make up a very impressive picture.

Decorative and medicinal value

​False-ligulate (along the edge of the inflorescence) flowers. Blue cornflower (weed) has

​2. The perianth is always double, but the calyx is usually not developed. *H (5)L (5)T5P1 or *L (5)T (5)P1.​

Read also: Tall elecampane - medicinal and beneficial properties of the plant

- semi-double pink flowers;

Aster family - plants and flowers

Flowers of the aster family

Its narrow oblong leaves are densely pubescent, but the most impressive are the numerous small snow-white baskets.

​Same bright plant- large-flowered coreopsis (Coreopsis grandiflora). It will decorate any composition in your garden, the only pity is that this plant is short-lived. Depending on the variety,

Asteraceae - helenium

​Echinacea can be used both in various flower beds and in separate groups against the background of a lawn. Some varieties can also be used as cut flowers. - personal perennial. And we still come across another name - rudbeckia purpurea, although it has officially become outdated for a couple of hundred years. By the way, translated from Latin the word “echinacea” means “prickly”, this is due to the fact that the middle of the echinacea flower is prickly, like a disturbed, curled up hedgehog.​ ​It is famous taste qualities Jerusalem artichoke, cultivated not only as a food plant, but also as a technical and fodder plant.​

​(2).​​The name of the inflorescence seems to speak for itself: a basket, that is, a certain container in which something is folded. The container is a peduncle widened at the end; it can be flat, convex or concave. Numerous small flowers are located on it. And all this is surrounded by one or several rows of bracts. All flowers of the family are divided into five types: tubular flowers, and funnel-shaped flowers along the edge. Dandelion has baskets with only reed flowers, and

​3. The fruit is an achene. Usually crested, flying.

Aster family - Echinacea

​If there are a lot of shady places on your site,​Sommerneuschnee​

​Anafalis blooms very profusely and for a long time - from July to September.​

Coreopsis can reach a height of 60-80 cm. In a non-flowering state, coreopsis is hardly noticeable, because its thin dissected leaves are lost against the background of other plants. But from June until autumn, coreopsis is completely covered with bright yellow flowers.​ ​Read also: Echinacea - varieties, cultivation, care, benefits and applications​ Echinacea purpurea has pale purple petals with a red-brown center. Echinacea blooms for a long time - from mid-July to September. ​The aster family (photo) has long been famous for its decorative and beautifully flowering species.​​It is characteristic of the entire Aster family. The flower formula is deciphered as follows: the flowers are bisexual, have several planes of symmetry, a calyx, a corolla of five petals, 5 stamens, two pistils, and an ovary above them.​

​Tubular, most often hermaphroditic and much less often unisexual. They have the shape of a tube, which expands at the end or has a bend. This is only with tubular flowers. Many Asteraceae (or Asteraceae) have decorative value (for example, dahlias, asters, chrysanthemums, daisies).​ ​4. The basket contains tubular (thistle), funnel-shaped (cornflower) or reed (dandelion) flowers. ​plant beautiful telecia (Telecia speciosa)​- white with pink tint flowers.​

​Propagates both by seeds and by dividing overgrown bushes. The poorer and drier the soil, the better for this plant, and of course, do not forget to choose the brightest place in the garden for it.​

To fill your flower garden with a warm yellow tint, plant in your garden

Even wild Echinacea bushes, due to their numerous stems up to 100 cm high with fairly large (up to 12 cm in diameter) flowers, look very decent. However, now “savage” is practically not grown, being tempted by varieties that surpass the original appearance in both shape and new colors, including orange and even yellow. And you won’t surprise anyone with a white one for a long time. So, quite an old, but time-tested white variety is very interesting.

Breeders have developed an innumerable number of varieties of garden flowers. Everyone is familiar with the popular flower shops chrysanthemums and gerberas. At least once, everyone who has flower beds has grown asters or daisies, zinnias and marigolds, dahlias and ageratums.​

Asteraceae - heliopsis

​The structure of the leaves can only be said in general outline, since this is a fairly large group of plants, represented by various life forms. Sunflower, burdock, thistle, asters and zinnias, Jerusalem artichokes, tree forms, yarrow, gerberas and many other species are all in the aster family. General characteristics lies in the fact that the arrangement of leaves is usually alternate, but can also be opposite. The sizes, and even more so the shape, vary over a very wide range from a few millimeters to 2-3 meters. The venation of representatives of the family is most often pinnate. The leaves can be pubescent, the degree of expression varies, many plants have spines.​​False-ligulate flowers - they are formed as a result of the fusion of three petals and have the same number of teeth located on the upper edge.​ ​*L (5) T (5) P1 ​

​Double perianth, corolla of 5 petals fused into a tube, 5 stamens, 1 pistil,​

​.​ ​Do not forget to regularly, once every 3-4 years, divide the overgrown bushes, and then this plant will delight you for many years. Well, to make flowering more abundant, plant the small-petalled plant in a sunny area with rich and moderately moist soil, and of course, do not forget about fertilizing.

And of course, we must not forget about​Coreopsis lanceolata​

Rough heliopsis (Heliopsis scabra). ​White Swan​​From medicinal plants the most popular and useful are: chamomile, yarrow arnica, string, milk thistle, wormwood, tansy, calendula and many others. Their healing effects on the body have been tested and proven; decoctions or infusions of these herbs are the most valuable homeopathic remedies.​

The root is quite well developed and in most plants it has a tap structure (a well-developed main root and many adventitious roots). For example, it is enough to recall a typical representative of the family - the officinalis dandelion; many are familiar with it and its root system. There may also be modifications with thickenings resembling a tuber, for example in burdock.​

Reed - the corolla has the shape of a shortened tube, from which petals extend, fused together. As a rule, they have five stamens and one pistil.​

Aster family - coreopsis

​This is one of the largest families, which includes about 1000 (1300) genera and more than 20,000 species. Representatives of the family are widespread throughout the globe. They grow mainly in mountainous regions, steppes and deserts. In forest communities, the number of species is not numerous; representatives of the family are found mainly in clearings, sparse and bright areas.​ ​Asteraceae or Asteraceae

​Her flowers will be added sunlight, making the shady garden brighter. Despite the fact that this plant is quite tall (up to 200 cm), it looks very elegant. The leaves are quite large (up to 25 cm long), broadly ovate in shape. Telekia blooms long and profusely (from late June to August), so the bright yellow color will not leave your garden for a long time.​ ​Among the large plants that bloom in July-August. worth talking about​Yarrow (Achillea millefolium).​​Elongated, lanceolate-shaped leaves. The plants are more compact, 50-60 cm high. Terry varieties are especially impressive. So, this is a bright, sunny plant. That's why it got this scientific name, which in Latin means “like the sun.” Heliopsis is a perennial herbaceous plant that is resistant to conditions middle zone Russia. It is quite tall, up to 1.5 m, and over time forms a thicket. The specific name of Heliopsis rough is due to the fact that its leaves are covered with small bristles that are rough to the touch. Heliopsis petals are yellow or orange, and the center is yellow or brown. The flowers themselves are quite large, and depending on the variety they can be single (or single), semi-double or double. Heliopsis blooms profusely and continuously from the second half of June until autumn. The culture is unpretentious, but does not tolerate excessively wet soils. Heliopsis grows well and blooms only in sunny areas. Since the plant grows quite quickly, once every 3-4 years the overgrown bushes need to be divided. When planting, the distance between plants should be at least 40-50 cm.

​, in Russian translation it sounds like “ white swan" Of the more modern white-flowered varieties, it should be noted

Aster family - gaillardia

​The Asteraceae family, whose representatives are known, perhaps, to everyone, has given the world an incredible amount of valuable economic, ornamental, and medicinal plants.​​Asteraceae (Asteraceae) have an achene fruit. It is dry and contains one seed. The pericarp is leathery and does not rupture when ripe. The formation of various hairs, protrusions, and peculiar hooks on the achene is widespread, which in turn contribute to the spread of seeds in the wind (in dandelion, wormwood), with animals or on people’s clothing (sedum, burdock). Funnel-shaped - flowers of asymmetrical shape, asexual , the corolla is in the form of a long tube, greatly expanded at the end (funnel).​

Asteraceae - navel flower

​Among asteraceae there are annual and perennial herbs, subshrubs, shrubs, vines and small trees. Woody representatives of the family, usually not tall plants, growing mainly on oceanic islands. Thus, on the Galapagos Islands, endemic plants of the genus Scalesia grow, some tree species of which reach a height of 20 m, for example S. pedunculata. Representatives of this genus form real forests. The largest tree from the Asteraceae family grows in Madagascar - this is a tree of the first size, up to 40 m high and with a trunk diameter of up to 1 m, Brachylaena merana. Among the Asteraceae there are also rosette trees. Their trunk does not branch or is weakly branched and bears a crown of leaves at the top like a bunch or rosette. Rosette trees of the genus Senecio reach a height of 7.5 m and are found in the highlands of Africa. Among the representatives of the family there are succulent plants; they grow from the southern tip of Africa to Ethiopia and Madagascar. Flower formula: L (5) T (5) P1

Anaphalis from the aster family

​The plant actively spreads due to mass self-seeding.​ Silphium perfoliatum​Let natural look is completely dim and its white or pale pink corymbose inflorescences look rather modest, but it blooms for a long time - from June to autumn, and precisely closer to autumn, when there is little flowering plants, you can appreciate it. However, why think about natural forms now, when there are many bright varieties - bright red, dark crimson, cherry... And hybrid varieties adopted yellow and orange colors into their palette.​

​Early Sunrise​

Now there are a number of interesting varieties.

​White Luster​


​No matter how much we say that we don’t compete with our neighbors, we still want our flowerbed to be at least as good. If it's worse, something needs to be changed. When reconstructing a flower garden, it is easiest to rely on plants from the Asteraceae family (aster is Latin for star). Below we will talk about some representatives of this botanical community, and you decide for yourself what color spot to create under your windows - purple, yellow, blue or something else. At the same time, we’ll tell you which plants to decorate a flower garden in the shade, and which ones in the sun. If, with this article in your hands, you don’t win over your neighbors in a flower garden competition, then you really aren’t striving to win. Life forms are presented almost in in full, and this is primarily due to the huge distribution area, but still asteraceae (Asteraceae) are mainly herbaceous plants (annual or perennial). Sizes vary widely - from very tiny representatives to giants several meters high. Double-lipped flowers - the corolla tube is quite long, and two tongues (lips) bend from it. Can be bisexual or unisexual.​

Leaves are whole or dissected, sometimes reduced, without stipules. The leaf arrangement is most often alternate, less often opposite or whorled. Size, shape and degree of dismemberment leaf blade vary greatly, from very large, like the Japanese butterbur (Petasites gaponicus, Sakhalin, Kuril Islands, Japan), the leaf blade of this plant reaches 1.5 m in diameter; to very small, reduced as in the American leafless baccharis (Baccharis aphylla). Most species have leaves with pinnate venation, although there are species with parallel or parallel-arcuate venation, characteristic of some species of the genus Scorzonera.​ ​Inflorescence - basket.​​So it will soon appear in the garden in a variety of places, which, however, will look very natural. Telekia can also be propagated vegetatively - by dividing overgrown bushes.

​, a plant rarely found in cultivation. It is absolutely resistant to the conditions of central Russia. Over time, it forms a large clump up to 200 cm high. The leaves of

Small petals

​There are more spectacular look yarrow -​ ​Golden-yellow terry baskets decorating the garden from the second half of June to August.​​Goldfeeder​

  • ,forming a powerful bush up to 120 cm high.​Describing aster flowers in gardening publications is a real punishment for a botanist. The fact is that these are not flowers, but inflorescences. What a normal person considers to be a petal is, in fact, a flower (reed or false reed, depending on the structure), the fluffy center of the flower is a collection of tubular flowers. But reluctantly I will try to be understandable, although I will bend the truth.​
  • Many species are subshrubs or shrubs of quite impressive size (up to 5-8 meters in height). For example, Melampodium swamp, which is native to the wet, swampy forests of Louisiana in the USA.​ ​If we take the same sunflower as an example, then we are all accustomed to perceiving it as a separate lush and beautiful flower. And this is absolutely wrong from a botanical point of view. Since in reality this is an inflorescence that contains more than 1000 individual small flowers (tubular), and the wide and bright petals are orange or yellow- these are reed flowers. An amazingly complex and subtle organization, thought out by nature to the smallest detail.​
  • ​Plants of this family are usually easy to recognize by their typical inflorescence - a basket. The base of the basket is formed by an expanded inflorescence bed, on which flowers closely adjacent to each other are located. Outside, the common receptacle is surrounded by an involucre, consisting of more or less strongly modified upper leaves. Flowers are collected in capitate inflorescences or baskets. The sizes of the baskets vary from a few millimeters to several tens of centimeters. The exception is cultivated plants, some of which have baskets up to 60 cm in diameter, for example annual sunflower (Helianthus annuus). The baskets are single or collected in complex inflorescences: spicate, paniculate, racemose and others. Flowers are bisexual or dioecious, sometimes sterile. The types of flowers are different: tubular, false-ligulate, reed-shaped, funnel-shaped. Some species may have only tubular flowers or two types of flowers in their baskets: tubular in the center and false-ligulate or funnel-shaped along the edges; Others have only ligulate flowers in baskets. Often the flowers in the basket differ in gender. The following combinations are common:​ ​Fruit - achene.​


Silphium pierced leaf ​meadowsweet yarrow (Achillea filipendulina)​ All coreopsis are plants of sunny areas with loose, moderately moist soils. The easiest way to propagate coreopsis is by seeds, although young plants can be tried and divided. Since coreopsis ages quickly, do not forget to regularly replant young plants.​ - double flowers, golden yellow. Blooms profusely in July - August. Plant height up to 140 cm.​ Of the rose-flowering varieties, it should be mentioned

I'll start my story with

Elecampane is also from the aster family

The Asteraceae family also has representatives among trees, although they are all inhabitants of the southern regions. For example, scalesia in the Galapagos Islands, which can reach 20 meters in height, but it is endemic and is not found anywhere else on the planet. Or plants of the genus Brahilena from South Africa. Giant trees that have enough durable wood, resistant to rotting, for which they are highly valued.​ ​Representatives of the family have the following flower formula:​​Marginal flowers are sterile, internal bisexual (sunflower);​

The calyx has turned into hairs

The family Asteraceae (or Asteraceae) is the largest family of flowering plants. There are about 300 thousand species of flowering plants on Earth, of which about 25,000 belong to the Asteraceae family. These are mainly herbaceous plants, less often shrubs and trees. This family includes many types of ornamental plants (asters, chrysanthemums, dahlias, daisies, etc.). Among the wild ones I am very much weeds(sow thistle, cornflower, small petal, etc.) and medicinal (chamomile, dandelion, yarrow, chicory, etc.).​

​whole, ovoid in shape, with wavy jagged edges. And yet golden flowers are its main decoration.​

​. This species reaches a height of 70-130 cm. Compound-pinnate gray-green pubescent leaves with a strong balsamic scent adorn the garden from spring to autumn. But keep in mind that this foliage color is only possible on poor, dry soils. If the soils are rich and sufficiently moist, then the foliage will turn green. From July to the end of August, numerous small yellow baskets appear, collected in large shields.​


Well, if yellow is not enough for you, add yellow-orange-red shades to your garden palette ​Neue Hybriden​​light pink Lilliput​

​Helenium hoopesij.​

​On alpine meadows In New Zealand, Haatsia fluffy forms entire thickets. This is a tree-like form that covers fairly large areas with a thick carpet up to half a meter high (one plant can grow up to two meters in diameter).​

​Marginal flowers are female, internal bisexual (nivery);​

What are the life forms of the Asteraceae (Asteraceae) family?

zvagelski michael-michka

​or missing.​

​The flowers are usually small, collected in a dense inflorescence - a basket, outwardly similar to one flower.​
Silphium is extremely durable and unpretentious, although it works better in rich and fairly moist soils. Can grow in both sun and partial shade. Although in partial shade the bushes become more compact, and flowering becomes less abundant. Since the plant is tall, the best place for it in the flower garden is in the background of the composition. By the way, it can become an excellent screen for decorating unattractive parts of the garden. Besides this great way isolate yourself from your neighbors, if you have. Of course, there is such a desire.​

Yarrows are unpretentious plants that love bright sun and poor, dry soil. They propagate both by dividing the bush and by seeds (there are variety mixtures on sale that are very decent in color). By the way, all yarrows - great plants for winter bouquets, because when dried their inflorescences retain their color and shape.​

​gaillardia grandiflora​

Alexander Rassamakin

- flowers are simple, yellow in color. Blooms in July-August. Plant height is about 140 cm.​

Kristina Viktorova

- the name itself speaks of its height; it is quite small and reaches only 45 cm. Terry is also interesting

Please write the formula of the Asteraceae flower. But not in Latin.


​Many of you are familiar with it close relative Helenium autumnalis is a bright plant that blooms at the end of summer. In comparison, Helenium Hoop can be considered almost small, because its height does not exceed 80 cm. And in general, they cannot be confused at all. For example, the leaves of this species are large, up to 50-60 cm long.
​Among the Asteraceae, vines (mikania, mutisia), succulents and even such rare life form, like tumbleweeds (spreading cornflower, dwarf asteriscus).​
​(0, fused)​
​The outer flowers are female, the inner ones are male (coltsfoot);​

Elena Snigireva

The flowers have a double perianth. The calyx usually does not develop in sunflower and aster, or is represented by a tuft in cornflower. The corolla is formed from 5 petals fused into a tube, 5 stamens and 1 pistil.​

Valia Ovs

​Flowers in an inflorescence basket

Add yellow color to the garden

​If you are a lover of rich colors and lush flowering, then be sure to plant
​. Gaillardia reaches a height of 30-70 cm. Against the background of oblong leaves, in the second half of June and until September, numerous, rather large baskets appear. The petals can be yellow, red, orange or variegated in various color combinations, and the center has a red-brown tint. Guylardia, like coreopsis, is a young plant, usually in the 4-5th year it loses its decorative effect and dies. Fortunately, it reproduces well by seeds. Gaillardia can also be propagated vegetatively by dividing the bush. In order for the plant to remain decorative, it must be divided and replanted regularly, every 3-4 years. It needs sunny areas with moderately moist, fertile soils.​
​Another great variety -​
​variety Razzmatazz​

But most importantly, it blooms much earlier - in June-July for 40 days. In one place, Helenium Hula can grow up to 7-8 years, then the plant must be divided, since aging bushes lose their decorative properties. This species can be divided both in spring and autumn. The plant also reproduces well by seeds (unlike varieties

Tatiana Simanova

​Traditionally, the entire aster family is divided into two subfamilies: tubifales and reeds.​
​Plants are dioecious (cat's paw);​
The flowers are small, collected in basket inflorescences, surrounded by a wrapper. The calyx is strongly reduced, the corolla is fused-petalled, five-lobed; There are four types: tubular, lingular, false lingual and bilabial.
A group of flowers in a basket is surrounded by a wrapper of modified leaves. Aster flowers are of a five-membered type, bisexual, but can be female or asexual. The calyx is usually modified and is represented by either a jagged edge or tubercles, but more often it is transformed into a pappus, which plays the role of a parachute when the fruit is distributed by the wind. Corolla sphenoletal, various shapes: tubular, reed, funnel-shaped, bilabial, false-lingual. The fruits are achenes (sunflower, asters), in other plants (dandelion, sow thistle) - an achene with a flying tuft.
​elecampane (Inula helenium).​
​beautiful small petal (Erygeron speciosus).​
​Papavka (Anthemistinctoria)​

Natalia Tarasenko


Which members of the Asteraceae (Asteraceae) family?

Ivan Ivanov

With large double inflorescences with a diameter of 12 cm and a plant height of about 75 cm.

​helenium autumn​

​The vast majority of flowers are tubular. This group of plants contains more than a thousand genera and more than twenty tribes (taxonomic rank in botany, which is lower in importance than family, but higher than genus). For example, the most famous are aster, calendula, sunflower, navel, marigold and others.​

All flowers are bisexual (dandelion).
​in the form of a funnel (funnel-shaped). Tubular flowers are bisexual with five small petaled lobes
​From cultivated plants The most important is the sunflower - an annual tall plant with a large inflorescence basket. It is called the “flower of the sun.”​
This is a large plant, sometimes exceeding 250 cm. Elecampane is not only decorative, but also has medicinal properties. This species is most decorative from the end of June, when bright yellow inflorescences-baskets appear against the background of large oval leaves. At the time of flowering, elecampane is an excellent accent in the garden.​
Its blue and purple, pink, and less often white inflorescences-branches, appearing in the second half of June - July, are so numerous that because of them the leaves are completely invisible. Over time, growing, the small petals form dense clumps, up to 60-80 cm high. Large groups consisting of varieties of different colors look especially beautiful. Scatter these groups throughout the garden and they will create bright accents. There are many varieties of small-petalled grass; most often you can find only a few of them on sale here:

- a fairly compact (up to 30-60 cm high) plant for the garden. Its delicate, finely cut dark green leaves, which persist in winter, are very, very elegant. Well, the numerous bright yellow small baskets that appear in July-September decorate this plant even more. The navel is a young plant, but it reproduces well by seeds and produces abundant self-sowing, so much so that favorable conditions can turn into a weed. In addition to seeds, it can also be propagated vegetatively by division. The best place For her, sunny, dry areas are suitable.

Cracked cherry bark Tomato disease photo

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):