Scorzonera is quite easily absorbed by the body. In addition, root vegetables are useful for vitamin deficiency and atherosclerosis.

You can, of course, dig up burdock roots on the side of the road or force yourself to eat bitter dandelion roots. But I think it’s better to grow it on your own plot beautiful and very useful vegetable plant Kozelets Spanish, or Scorzonera Spanish, which I want to talk about.

Two years ago, at a local market, I bought seeds of this amazing plant. I sowed them at a distance of 20 cm from each other at a depth of 1-1.5 cm between the trees in the garden. In the first year, a rosette of lanceolate, elongated leaves grew. I forgot to cover them for the winter, and the plants overwintered in very harsh conditions, since at the beginning of December the frost lasted for two weeks down to minus 15°C without snow. I thought that my “scorzonera” would disappear, but everything turned out okay.

In the summer, the rosettes grew and sent out flower shoots up to 1 m high. And since the garden is large, and there are not enough hands for everything, I did not approach them immediately, but only when the first flowers opened. The curtain of blooming scorzonera seemed to illuminate the area. Tall, bright yellow, like dandelions, they attracted the eye. And when I approached them, I realized that they also smell very good. It was hot, and the aroma of chocolates was in the air. In clear weather the flowers bloomed, but before rain and at night they closed. I am partial to fragrant flowers, so I wanted to learn as much as possible about this plant. But that was not the case! I was able to obtain additional information about scorzonera only from a 1982 reference book on vegetable growing.

As it turns out, it has several other names - black root, sweet root, goat. Its spine is indeed black on the outside and white on the inside, and tastes sweet. Previously, it was grown as a vegetable root crop, but now this crop has been undeservedly forgotten, but in vain. It turns out that the root is rich in vitamins B and C, and contains calcium, iron, and phosphorus salts. It contains absolutely no fiber, starch and sucrose, but almost all dry matter consists of the polysaccharide inulin, which explains the sweetish taste. The energy value of 100 g of roots is zero. That is, in essence, scorzonera is dietary product, consisting entirely of digestible minerals, inulin and vitamins. There is no need to talk about how important such a product is in the diet of diabetics.

Inulin, unlike sugar and starch, is completely absorbed without increasing blood sugar levels. In healthy people, such a product will simply increase immunity.

Scorzonera roots can be eaten in fresh or prepare a healthy dietary dish from it.

The recipe is very simple: the root, peeled from the black shell, is boiled in salted water and fried in breadcrumbs.

Roots should be dug up in the fall or spring after the first year of growing season. Dry seasoning is easy to prepare. The roots must be washed, peeled, finely chopped or grated. Place the crushed product in a thin layer on a baking sheet and leave in a warm place. Dry until it flows and moisture completely disappears. Then grind in a coffee grinder and use as needed.

It grows wild in southern Europe and Siberia. Scorzonera is cultivated as a vegetable plant in Europe and America. It is highly valued for its root vegetable taste and is considered a delicacy.

Scorzonera roots can be boiled, stewed and eaten raw. Can also be dried - this good supplement to soups. The roots are especially tasty when boiled in salted water, watered butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs (the skin must be peeled). Raw, peeled and washed roots taste similar to young ones walnuts(when they have not yet freed themselves from the green pericarps).

Scorzonera is a cold-resistant and drought-resistant plant. Roots in the ground with deep snow cover can withstand frosts of more than 30 degrees, and seedlings can withstand prolonged cold spells and spring frosts. Seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of 4-5 degrees. In the first year, a rosette of lanceolate leaves and long, rough, fleshy roots of black or dark brown, in the second year - a stem up to 1 m high, flowers and seeds. The root of scorzonera is taprooted, cylindrical, about 3-4 cm thick, the flesh is white, and exudes milky juice when cut.

The main beneficial properties of scorzonera include the fact that it contains quite a lot of inulin, which is the main medicine for people with diabetes. This plant also contains asparagine, a substance that has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and kidneys.

It is worth noting the rather low calorie content of these root vegetables, which makes it possible to use them during diets and during dietary nutrition sick people. In addition, it is recommended that obese people include this vegetable in their diet. In addition, scorzonera is quite easily absorbed by the body. In addition, root vegetables useful for vitamin deficiency and atherosclerosis. It is recommended that people with anemia eat this vegetable regularly. This root has the ability to resist the development of rheumatism, gout and polyarthritis.

Use in cooking

It is used to prepare soups, salads, vinaigrettes, main courses, raw, fried and stewed. The root is boiled in salted water and prepared as cauliflower. It makes very tasty sauces for meat and vegetable dishes. Young leaves are used for salads (from autumn to spring), in pickling and canning cucumbers to give them crunch.

In its raw form, scorzonera is not very tasty and resembles a cabbage stalk. To consume the plant in this form, the roots should first be soaked in salt water and grated on a fine grater. Boiled scorzonera is an exquisite delicacy, like asparagus, which is why it is called “winter asparagus.” They also add it instead of chicory to coffee. The roots are very good after they are caught by frost.

In addition to the root vegetables themselves, you can use the young leaves of the plant for food, which perfectly complement the taste of various salads and pickles. Scorzonera can be dried, crushed and used as a seasoning.

Scorzonera benefits and treatment

The benefits of scorzonera are due to a large number of biologically active substances. Root vegetables are widely used in folk medicine. For example, this plant is an excellent pain reliever, as well as its It is recommended to use for gastrointestinal diseases. Using the root improves metabolism and heals the body. IN lately There is information that scorzonera helps remove radioactive elements from the body.


Scorzonera is a plant that is not demanding on agricultural technology. Very cold-resistant, can overwinter in the soil. In spring, its root crops are suitable for food and for seed purposes.

Scorzonera seeds are large, 15-20 mm long, about 1.5 mm thick, ribbed, grayish. Weight of 1000 seeds is 15-20 g. It is better to sow with fresh seeds (germination lasts 1-2 years). It is better to germinate them for 5-7 days at a temperature of 250C. After 10 days, the sprouted ones are selected and sown, the rest are washed and sprouted for another 5-7 days, then sown. The sowing pattern is 20x8-10 cm, the seeding depth is 2-3 cm.

Sowing can be done in three periods:

  • in spring (from April to May) for cleaning in autumn;
  • in summer (late July);
  • before winter (in October) for spring harvesting and for obtaining seeds.

Root crops can be harvested after two months of growth, but for storage they are usually harvested in the middle - end of September when they reach a weight of 100-150 g. Moreover, root crops cannot be overexposed, otherwise they will become flabby.

When harvesting, root crops must be dug up and freed from the soil by hand so as not to be damaged. Only uninjured, healthy root crops are placed in boxes with sand. The sand is kept moist throughout the storage period.

If scorzonera roots are left in the ground for the winter, then early spring shoots will begin to grow from them, which can be successfully used for food. In autumn, old leaves are cut short, at a distance of 1-3 cm from the soil surface. Then the rows are sprinkled with a 15 cm layer of earth. Therefore, shoots that begin to grow in the spring without access to light will be bleached (etiolated).

In April–May, the soil from the plants in the rows is raked away, exposing young shoots. By this time, their length is 10-15 cm. When forcing, you can do without hilling (and therefore bleaching). In this case, the shoots turn green and lose their taste. In June, overwintered plants throw out flower stalks. With the start of bolting, the taste of root vegetables deteriorates sharply. Scorzonera – good honey plant. It blooms in the second year after planting; the flowers are yellow and smell like vanilla.

The inflorescence is a basket. As soon as the inflorescences look like a “fluffy” dandelion, they are picked and laid out in a ventilated room to dry and ripen, and then ground. Well-ripened seeds usually have a germination rate of 80-90% in the first year, and only 30-40% in the second year.

A few plants are enough to grow seeds. “Early ripening” plants that bore shoots in the first year should not be left for seeds.


Peel the root vegetables, cut into pieces and cook until soft in salted water or broth. Take half of them out, rub through a sieve and put back in the pan. Add parsley, yolk and a little sour cream. Before serving, add oil.


Wash scorzonera and carrot root vegetables (1:1), grate into strips on a coarse grater, sprinkle with lemon juice, salt, add herbs, season as desired vegetable oil, sour cream or mayonnaise.


700 g scorzonera, 250 ml vegetable broth, 3 tbsp. spoons of orange juice, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 4 tbsp. tablespoons olive oil, 2 teaspoons curry seasoning, a bunch of green onions, freshly ground white pepper.

Rinse the scorzonera thoroughly and put it in salt water into a large saucepan and bring to a boil. If individual roots are too long for the pan, you can cut them in half. Choose roots of the same thickness as possible so that they are equally soft when finished. After the scorzonera has boiled, it must then be simmered over low heat until tender. Depending on the thickness of the roots, this may take from 5 to 10 minutes. Then drain the water and cool cold water and remove the peel. Place on a plate.

Add citrus juice, curry powder and olive oil. Pour this marinade over the scorzonera on a plate and leave to steep, covered, for three hours.

To serve, remove the scorzonera from the marinade, add salt, pepper and sprinkle green onions. We recommend baked potatoes as a side dish. published

The root that heals.

Scorzonera ( Scorzonera Hispanica L.) or corcioneer, also known as black root, sweet root, Spanish root, kozelec - this is a less common root vegetable crop from the Asteraceae (Asteraceae) family.

From 170 types of scorzonera, widespread in the world, 80 grow in the CIS. They are found from the Caucasus to Siberia, the Baltic states, Central Asia and Ukraine. Despite the fact that the roots of several species are edible, only one species is currently cultivated - as a vegetable and medicinal crop. Root vegetables (to a lesser extent, leaves) are rich in sugars (about 20%), vitamins C, B1, B2, potassium salts, manganese, iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, calcium. But its main advantage is the high content of inulin in root vegetables (about 10%), as well as asparagine and levulin. This is just a medicine for diabetics. In addition, scorzonera root vegetables contain up to 2% pectin. And she is also a good honey plant.

In Russia, scorzonera is still not very popular, although it can be cultivated up to the very northern regions European part of the Russian Federation. It is widely used in North America, Western Europe (France, Belgium, Holland, etc.), and the Baltic states.

On the market Russian Federation few scorzonera seeds. The varietal diversity of this crop in our country is not rich, which, first of all, explains its weak distribution. However, in the “State Register of the Russian Federation... 2004” there is already a variety called Solnechnaya Premiere of the Stavropol Research Institute of Agriculture. One of the Russian companies supplies seeds, apparently under the arbitrary name of Gypsy, obviously of foreign origin. In the North-West of the Russian Federation, mainly local populations are cultivated, obtained from the reseeding of old (XVIII - XX centuries) varieties such as Vulcan, One-year-old giant, Russian giant, as well as collection samples of scientific institutions and amateurs, which, as a rule, are exchanged between “experts”. In a store, a gardener can only buy seeds of foreign varieties (as a rule, the variety is not designated). These are either the German Schwarz Pfahl, Schwarz Peter, or the Dutch Pronora, Prodola, Pilotis, Duplex. One of the Danish companies supplies seeds of the Einjarige Risen variety.

Growing scorzonera

Scorzonera gives good harvests only on neutral, humus-rich, fertilized, deeply (30-40 cm) cultivated soils. On clayey, dense soils, as well as when applying fresh manure root crops turn out ugly, branchy, and full harvest don't get it. The culture is responsive to mineral fertilizers.

Scorzonera seeds large, 15-20 mm long, about 1.5 mm thick, ribbed, grayish. Weight of 1000 seeds is 15-20 g. It is better to sow with fresh seeds (germination lasts 1-2 years). It is better to germinate them for 5-7 days at a temperature of 25C. After 10 days, the sprouted ones are selected and sown, the rest are washed and sprouted for another 5-7 days, then sown. The sowing pattern is 20x8-10 cm, the seed placement depth is 2-3 cm.

In conditions Leningrad region They are usually sown in mid-May. Shoots appear on days 4-10 at a temperature of about 20C. To move the dates of use earlier, you can sow in July and September.

Care consists of watering and weeding. Feed crops twice a month until mid-August with complex mineral fertilizers with microelements.

Root crops ready for harvest 100-110 days after germination. They begin to be harvested after two months of growth, but for storage they are usually harvested in the middle - end of September when the weight reaches 100-150 g. Moreover, root crops, for example, the Schwarz Peter variety, cannot be over-exposed, otherwise they will become flabby. Old Russian varieties, as well as new ones Dutch varieties less capricious.

V. Alekseev,
general manager LLC "Search Petersburg",
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

Scorzonera Spanish ( Scorzonera hispanica) known as Kozelets, Black Root or darter, is an interesting, and not very popular root vegetable in our country. The plant belongs to the Asteraceae family and comes from areas located in Asia, Southern and Central Europe, where it is grown and prized for its excellent taste and high nutritional value. Scorzonera root resembles horseradish or long parsley root, with the difference that its skin is dark, brown or almost black. Hidden under the skin, the white and tender flesh tastes like asparagus. After peeling, the pulp quickly darkens (due to the presence of milk ducts), the root must be peeled with gloves, and placed in slightly acidified water for a few minutes before cooking. Scorzonera was initially viewed primarily as a medicinal plant to help overcome symptoms caused by snake bites (hence the name darter), but later the taste and nutritional value of scorzonera began to be appreciated and the plant was grown as a vegetable.

Nutritional value

Thanks to valuable nutritional properties, Scorzonera deserves special attention and popularity than before. The root contains a number of micro- and macroelements (phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium), vitamins (B1, B2, C), niacin, protein and natural sugars in the form of inulin, which do not increase blood sugar levels (recommended for diabetics). After a short boil, scorzonera roots are suitable for consumption or in salads and side dishes. You can prepare soups, casseroles and canned vegetables.


Scorzonera is a perennial plant with a long white root covered with a dark brown skin (25-30 cm in length and approximately 3-4 cm in diameter) and green, narrow, long, lanceolate leaves, collected in a small basal rosette. In the first year of cultivation, scorzonera usually develops leaves; in the second year, it forms tall, branched flowering branches with yellow, rather large flowers, collected in baskets surrounded by reed petals.


They grow mainly one, very productive variety « Long Yang", forms long, good quality roots have no tendency to flower prematurely. Other famous varieties: « Annual giant», « Schwartz Peter», « Volcano», « Russian giant», « Duplex" And " Meres».


The low popularity of scorzonera in our country can be dictated mainly by difficult cultivation and labor-intensive harvesting. The plant grows best in sunny and fertile areas, rich in humus and nutrients, moderately moist, deeply cultivated and warm soils with a neutral or slightly alkaline pH. Growing plants in acidic, light or heavy and swampy soil fails, the roots do not reach required sizes, become distorted or rot. Scorzonera has relatively low temperature requirements and does best in cooler climates, but in warmer parts of the country can also remain in the ground over the winter. Due to the long growing season (6-7 months), the plant is often grown according to a year and a half system, sowing the plant in August, harvesting is carried out the following year in October, unless the plant being grown belongs to varieties with a shorter growing season, the cultivation of which can be closed in one growing season. Annual cultivation of the crop can be used in regions of the country characterized by an early spring onset and a long autumn period.


Due to the long roots, the substrate for growing scorzonera must be deeply dug and supplied with appropriate mineral fertilizers with a high potassium content (per 1 ha, the amount of pure ingredient should be: 70 kg of nitrogen, 90 kg in three doses: half before sowing, the other half at two doses after sowing in VI and VII phosphorus oxide, 180 kg of potassium oxide). The fertilizer must be thoroughly mixed with the soil, otherwise the plant may develop unevenly, forming a poorly developed root. Scorzonera can be grown on manure only in the second year after fertilization, since more early cultivation leads to root distortion. Potatoes, cucumbers, onions and legumes can be grown before scorzonera; other root vegetables and cabbage are unsuitable, after which scorzonera roots tend to become distorted.

Sowing seeds

Scorzonera is grown from seeds. Seeds should be sown as soon as possible, they have a very short term service, in the second year after harvesting the seeds lose their viability. Varieties having short period growing season is sown in April (sowing is possible in March, however early harvest bears the risk of root destruction as a result of flowering in the same year), harvested in the fall, plants with long period growing season, or grown in weak soils, sown in August and harvested in October next year. Seeds should be sown in rows 30 to 35 cm apart and pricked after germination (germination time is 2 weeks at a temperature of 3-4 °C), leaving one plant in the row every 6-7 cm.


Most important methods caring for scorzonera involves weeding and loosening the top layer of soil; young seedlings are sensitive to the presence of weeds and soil crust. On small areas Weeding is usually done manually; on large ones, appropriate chemicals. In summer, watering is required, which allows the plants to develop better quality roots.


Depending on the growing method, scorzonera roots are dug up late autumn(X-XI) or October next year. Harvesting in winter is also possible, but then the roots lose quality and their color deteriorates. Due to the high fragility of the pulp, the roots must be dug out carefully using a wide-angle fork. The tops of the excavated roots are cut off (cutting them off right above the crown), after careful sorting, stored in a heap in the basement (storage temperature should be 0-1 ° C, humidity 95-98%), covered with a layer of wet sand.

Diseases and pests

Scorzonera is not a plant that is particularly sensitive to diseases and pests; it can be threatened by aphids, and symptoms of false fungus may appear on the leaves. powdery mildew. Monitoring changes reduces the risk of disease and pests. Before sowing, the seeds are treated with a T 75 solution recommended for root crops, which will help protect the germinating plants from the appearance of gangrene of the seedlings.

Until recently, the amazing properties of scorzonera were completely unknown in our country. Knowledge about this culture came to us from China. Experts in Tibetan medicine, the lamas, reveal to few people the secret of the medicine called sacred. They were the first to tell about healing power Scorzonera was veterinarian Luka Danilovich Simbirtsev, for a long time who lived in China and gained unquestioned authority among the local residents there. Tibetan priests taught him many of the secrets of their medicine. He brought one of them, associated with black carrots, to Russia, where he used it in the treatment of his hopelessly ill son, demobilized from the army. The shrapnel penetrated the skull and touched vital nerve centers. And junior lieutenant Simbirtsev was in best case scenario doomed to become disabled for life. He was treated for six months, but in vain. Nikolai Lukyanovich returned home with impaired coordination of movement and epileptic seizures. The doctors promised him two years of life, but no more. However, the father saved his 20-year-old son. With the help of weed, I literally pulled him out of the grave.

Description and medicinal properties

The herb is inconspicuous, like a carrot, and tastes like carrots. They have different names: scorzonera, kozelec, black root. This root has been considered a delicacy since the time of Alexander the Great. Specially prepared, it was served at the royal table.

There are about 80 types of this weed in our country. One of them, “tau sagyz,” became famous in the thirties as a rubber planter. Huge plantations were sown with it. But with the discovery of artificial rubber, interest in it disappeared. It never occurred to anyone that scorzonera could replace an entire pharmacy.

Scorzonera cells contain more than 40 percent protein rich in amino acids, a number of essential vitamins, and a lot of microelements.

But the most important thing is large number biologically active substances (inulin, levulin, asparagine, etc.). Thanks to which scorzonera has antitumor and radioprotective activity, it is used in the diet of patients with diabetes, various liver diseases, high blood pressure, the use of the plant leads to improved functioning of the heart and kidneys.

Conclusion of the Moscow Oncological Research Institute named after Herzen. It was there that preliminary tests of the scorzonera cell culture were carried out. It was given to patients with cancer of the esophagus and lungs as food additives, one teaspoon 3 times a day. Here’s what doctors write: “Improved health, patients are more active. A break in use leads to an exacerbation of the disease. For a final decision on the effectiveness of the drug, it is necessary to continue clinical trials on more sick."

Growing scorzonera

Sow scorzonera in spring or late summer. Root vegetables from spring planting grow larger. Between the rows is 25-30 cm, between the lines - 60 cm. In the row after thinning the plants, 5 cm are left from germination to germination. The seeding depth is 2.5-3 cm. This is a biennial plant, in the first year it produces root crops, in the second - seeds. Scorzonera is demanding on soil fertility. The soil must have a deep arable layer. Its best predecessors are cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes and onions. Fresh fertilizers They are not included in this crop. Root vegetables are stored in damp sand.

Scorzonera photo

Gardeners who are poorly versed in botany often sow black root seeds on their plots in the hope that there will be no mice there. But to their surprise, the mice are not going anywhere. This is explained by the fact that the root is black and black root, bad smell which repels rodents - completely different plants. The first of them is also called: sweet root, goat and scorzonera.

This plant is very valuable, but it is undeservedly ignored by our summer residents, gardeners and gardeners. In the old days it was considered excellent medicine, it was cultivated by many personal plots. Now black carrots can be seen on rare occasions. All this is unfair, and the plant is worth remembering.

Black root: description

Sweet root is a member of the genus of perennial herbaceous plants. The stem is erect, its height reaches 75 cm, sometimes no more than 25 cm. The branches are dense and protruding. The base of the stem is covered with green leaves, which are slightly pointed in the lower part, with numerous veins.

The plant blooms in May and has yellow, sometimes pink, fragrant reed flowers. Black scorzonera root cylindrical, quite thick. The pulp is white, with milky juice. The plant is self-pollinating.

Places of distribution

Black carrots grow well on rocky and steppe slopes and limestone. The favorite place of growth is the steppe strip. The homeland is considered to be Southern Europe, as well as South-West Asia. Scorzonera is cultivated in all European countries; it can be found in Georgia and Azerbaijan.

Residents of the Netherlands, France and some other countries began to grow this plant as a vegetable crop, starting from the end of the 16th century. In Russia they talk about it only as a wild representative of the flora that grows in the Caucasus. Manufacturers, and especially consumers, know little about it. Many people take it as a root, which is not true at all. US residents and Western Europe admire the medicinal and nutritional qualities of the plant.

Black root: beneficial properties and its composition

The beneficial properties of this exotic root vegetable are due to the various substances it contains, among which it is worth noting:

Micro- and macroelements (phosphorus, potassium salts, etc.);
. vitamins of group B, as well as C, K, E, PP;
. natural sugar;
. nitrogenous substances;
. glutamine, inulin (about 10%), asparagine.

Also present biologically active substances, thanks to which the plant acquired great value in dietary nutrition. Black root has been successfully used to treat rheumatic pain, radiculitis, trophic ulcers, snake bites and others. serious illnesses. Science has proven that biological composition This root vegetable is much higher than the revered ginseng, and its calorie content is quite small and amounts to only 17 kcal per 100 g of root. Leaves feed worms

Medicinal properties

Traditional medicine considers Kozelets very useful and tries in every possible way to use it as independent remedy, and in combination with others medicinal plants. Black root has proven itself in the treatment of atherosclerosis, obesity, vitamin deficiency and anemia. If you take this product frequently, you can achieve a gradual inhibition of the development of polyarthritis, gout and rheumatism.

For older people, scorzonera should always be on the menu. This way, they will be able to avoid serious health problems such as liver disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and many others. The plant contains the substance asparagine, which has a positive effect on the heart muscle and also enhances kidney function. It is also considered a natural pain reliever.

Use in cooking

In addition to the famous medicinal properties, Scorzonera is famous for its taste qualities. Root vegetables purchased wide application in cooking. They are used to prepare numerous healthy and at the same time quite tasty dishes. Black root is prepared like cauliflower or asparagus, used in vinaigrettes, as a seasoning for soups, and used to make delicious sauces for meat. The goat will be very tasty if you fry it in oil, removing the skin first.

When starting cleaning, you should do everything very carefully, as you can stain both your hands and clothes. After cleaning the solid part, it should immediately be placed in a bowl of water diluted with vinegar. Black root can be consumed raw, after grating and sprinkling with chopped parsley or other herbs. In this form it is very tasty and resembles a cabbage stalk.

This is the season useful plant starts in November. On festive table You can serve the black root with the addition of morel sauce. Duck breast served with root and cheese sauce also looks good. It is impossible to list all the dishes. It should be noted that the root crop of the plant is perfectly preserved even in cold winter while under the snow. This makes it possible to have on your desk delicious dishes all year round to everyone who has such a useful plant on their property.

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):