Knowing how people used sphagnum moss before, you can successfully apply this information in practice. It has long been known that nature gave us all the best for farming and maintaining health.


Moss) is a genus of mosses that live in raised and transitional bogs. The upper part of the plant grows every year, and the bottom dies off. It almost does not rot and serves to form peat. This is due to the presence of carbolic acid in the body of sphagnum, which is a strong antiseptic.

Sphagnum moss usually appears in damp areas. Due to its ability to absorb and retain moisture, the accumulation of such moss leads to waterlogging. At the same time, the plant has a number of properties that make it invaluable on the farm. Today there is a huge amount of information about how people used sphagnum moss in the past.

Application in construction

Due to its low thermal conductivity, such moss was actively used in construction. So, special powder or plates were made from it, which were used in the construction of walls. But don’t think that this technology is a thing of the past. It is quite possible to use it today, because sphagnum has a number of undeniable advantages over modern building materials:

Sphagnum is an indispensable component when preparing earthen mixtures for indoor plants. The fact is that in a dry state, moss absorbs water 20 times more than its own weight. Thus, the soil remains moist longer and systematically nourishes the roots of plants. If you are going away for a while, but are not sure that your neighbors will conscientiously water your plants, make sure that they are planted in soil mixed with finely chopped sphagnum.

Use in livestock

How did people use sphagnum moss before? This plant played an important role in almost all spheres of human life. Thus, sphagnum has always served as a good bedding for domestic animals. And its bactericidal properties prevented the spread of livestock diseases. In addition, in barns where sphagnum is used, there will never be an unpleasant odor.

Rated beneficial features sphagnum and beekeepers. Moss bedding is placed under the hives for insulation and absorption excess moisture. In addition, sphagnum will disinfect the air, which will prevent the spread of diseases dangerous to bees.

Use in medicine

The use of sphagnum moss in medicine is due to its following properties:

  • good hygroscopicity, which means the ability to quickly absorb moisture (several times better than conventional cotton wool);
  • good breathability (even when wet);
  • antibacterial properties.

All of the above characteristics make sphagnum an excellent dressing material. This moss was used to treat wounds in ancient times, and in wartime this material saved more than one life. Here are some other ways to use sphagnum moss in medicine:

  • treatment of frostbite and burns;
  • splinting (sphagnum acts as a layer that protects the skin);
  • treatment of foot and nail fungus (special insoles made of moss are used for this);
  • treatment of psoriasis and others skin diseases infectious in nature (moss is infused in hot water, and then take a bath with the addition of this product);
  • fight against staphylococcal lesions (you need to wash the wound with the liquid squeezed out after collecting sphagnum).

Sphagnum moss: use in the garden

Avid gardeners and gardeners have long appreciated the benefits of sphagnum. This moss helps normal development young plants, as well as restoration of “sick” specimens. And, of course, gardeners could not help but note the hygroscopic properties of sphagnum. Moss helps support normal humidity soil even in extreme heat. Accumulating moisture during rain or watering, sphagnum gradually releases it as the soil dries.


An undeservedly forgotten plant is sphagnum moss. Its use in various areas of life is becoming popular again. Thus, in medical circles there is talk of producing a dressing material based on it. Also, this moss can bring considerable profit to builders. In the meantime, livestock breeders and gardeners actively and successfully use sphagnum in their activities.

Sphagnum is not the most common moss, and therefore deserves close attention and careful study. Among the rest of the forest vegetation, it stands out with a whole bunch of truly remarkable qualities. Sphagnum is swamp moss However, to be precise, the plant does not just settle in wetlands, but it is the one that creates them. In addition, peat reserves are formed from it. Today, sphagnum moss, thanks to its unique abilities, is actively used in medicine.

Sphagnum moss: description and composition

White peat moss is also popularly called sphagnum. It is a small herbaceous marsh plant, which is united under the common generic name - Sphagnum and is part of the separate family of sphagnum or peat mosses Sphagnaceae.
Science knows a lot various types sphagnum, differing in the structure of stems and leaves, as well as size, color and habitat. If you are interested in the question of where to get sphagnum moss, then go to the swamp, where it forms a continuous, unsteady carpet called turf.

Let's look at how sphagnum peat is formed and what it is. Sphagnum turf is found not only in swamps, but also on lakes. Here she floats peacefully on the surface of the water. The turf consists of many small specimens of sphagnum, which annually grow new tops, while their lower part dies and, sinking to the bottom, eventually forms peat deposits. In this simple way, swamps are formed.

Important! Remember: sphagnum grows in soils with low aeration. To prevent moss from growing on your site, you should organize high-quality ventilation soil.

Sphagnum has branched stems. The branches of the plant are very crowded at the top, but, thanks to the strong elongation of the internodes, as they grow, they begin to move away from each other, due to which their branches turn into different sides. As moss matures, cavities form in the older parts of its stem.

The bark of sphagnum stems consists of several layers of cells big size, which are devoid of plasma and its inclusions, due to which they are able to accumulate water like a sponge, and then long time hold her.

This type of moss has sessile leaves, which are attached with a wide part to its stems and look very similar to tongues. Leaves are divided into oblong, large and single. The leaves growing on moss branches are narrow, slightly elongated in shape and tiled in arrangement. And their heads growing at the tops of the branches are bent. By the way, all types of moss leaves have hollow cells that can accumulate water.

More than 300 different species of sphagnum moss are known in the world, and 40 of them live in northern Russia, forming sphagnum bogs there. Sphagnum moss mainly grows in forest areas and tundra of the northern hemisphere. In the southern hemisphere, moss is found high in the mountains and very rarely in temperate areas. climatic zones on the plains.

Sphagnum reproduces by spores or offspring, and the second method is more common: every year one of the branches begins to develop more intensively and reaches the size of the mother plant, as a result of which it moves somewhat away from the bush and turns into an independent plant.

What substances does sphagnum contain:

  • cellulose;
  • triterpenes;
  • sphagnol;
  • coumarins;
  • Sahara;
  • pectins;
  • phenolic acids;
  • resins;
  • mineral salts.
Sphagnum moss contains a phenol-like substance - sphagnol, which has a pronounced antiseptic effect. It is thanks to the high content of sphagnol that this plant does not decompose even when left in a humid environment for a long time, which contributes to the formation of huge peat deposits.

Did you know? Residents of the northern regions of Russia put sphagnum moss in their babies' cradles to keep the baby warm, dry and comfortable. It was also used in the construction of beehives, for insulating the walls of houses, or as absorbent bedding in stalls and barns.

What are the benefits of sphagnum moss, the use of medicinal properties

Today sphagnum found its way wide application both in folk and traditional medicine. Sphagnum has unique healing properties.

A thorough study of the plant confirmed that sphagnum moss has excellent bactericidal properties, due to the presence of coumarins, sphagnol and organic acids. In addition, it was found that it has a pronounced antifungal effect. Thanks to this, sphagnum moss has found its use in the treatment of purulent wounds, as well as other traumatic skin injuries. It is used as a support for immobilizing fractures under extreme conditions.

Sphagnum has three very important qualities for medicine:

  • high hygroscopicity;
  • excellent breathability;
  • antibacterial and antifungal action.

Did you know? Ordinary cotton wool is 25% less hygroscopic than sphagnum, which retains excellent aeration even when wet.

Sphagnum has priceless medicinal properties, which actively use in their practice traditional healers and herbalists.

Below we will look at what diseases sphagnum helps with and how to use it correctly.

Prevention of bedsores. The hygroscopic and bactericidal properties of sphagnum are involved here. Moss has long been used to make bedding for bedridden people, which prevents the appearance of bedsores and unpleasant odors, since it perfectly adsorbs sweat and has a powerful bactericidal effect.

Treatment of osteochondrosis, rheumatism and radiculitis. Dry moss is brewed with boiling water in a ratio of 1:10 and left to cool completely, then filtered and poured into the bath, diluting warm water. Take a bath with the decoction for no more than 40 minutes, after which all affected joints are rubbed with any warming ointment, wrapped up and go to bed. Sometimes, to relieve inflammation from one or more joints, moss compresses are placed on them. To prepare a compress, you need to take a tablespoon of sphagnum moss and pour half a liter of boiling water and let it brew. After this, the moss should be filtered and bandages moistened with the decoction should be applied to the affected joints.

For prevention acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and influenza It is recommended to wash your face with sphagnum infusion, gargle with it and rinse your nasal passages.

Using sphagnum moss to produce alcohol

Sphagnum peat is the richest source of various chemical products. Medical, wine and wood alcohol, bitumen, feed yeast and humic acids are obtained from it.

To prepare alcohol, young moss peat is taken, which is converted into sugar using sulfuric acid under pressure in an autoclave. Then the resulting sugary solutions are fermented into alcohol using yeast. And if you believe Professor Moser, then from 100 pounds of peat you can get from 5 to 6 buckets of 90-degree alcohol.

Bactericidal properties for cuts and burns

Such beneficial properties of sphagnum moss as high hygroscopicity and bactericidal properties make it possible to actively use it in the treatment of wounds as medicine, which has a pronounced antibacterial effect.

The use of sphagnum moss is advisable for:

  • fractures as a bactericidal and hygroscopic spacer between the body and the immobilizing splint;
  • superficial skin injuries such as frostbite, cuts and burns.

Did you know?From historical records it is known that sphagnum moss was used in medical purposes since the 11th century. In the 19th century, sphagnum was sent as a dressing material to all Russian provinces. Doctors of that time highly valued this plant and actively used its medicinal properties to alleviate the suffering of their patients.

To treat long-term non-healing, festering wounds and ulcers, you should take dry crushed moss, pour boiling water over it until a paste forms, which is then applied warm to the wounds. Such compresses will be no less effective in the treatment of burns, diaper rash, bruises and frostbite. To disinfect festering wounds and ulcers, they can also be sprinkled with dry moss powder, leaving the wound in this form for several minutes, after which it is washed well with sphagnum infusion and an aseptic bandage is applied.

How is sphagnum moss used for dermatological diseases?

Sphagnum moss can bring great benefit and in the treatment of dermatological diseases. It is often used to treat nail fungus. To combat the disease, insoles made from dried moss are placed in shoes and left in place throughout the day.

Sphagnum moss is perennial sphagnum family. Another name is peat moss. This plant grows in large quantities in swamps and wetlands. forest areas. Sphagnum contains a large number of antiseptic carbolic acid, so the remains of the plant do not rot and eventually turn into peat. The plant can absorb and retain enormous amounts of water, which is why it is sometimes used in construction. It has also found its use as decorative element in floriculture.

This is sphagnum moss photo

Where is sphagnum moss found and where does it grow?

In nature, there are several groups of mosses, sphagnum is one of them. Distinctive feature moss is its light green color. If the plant is dried, it will acquire White color. This plant grows in large groups-colonies. The plant has a very small root. The lower part of the moss gradually dies, but due to the high content of antiseptic compounds, the dead remains of the plant do not rot, but acquire a dense consistency. These organic residues are known on the farm as peat.

Although sphagnum can be found even in the subtropics, most of it grows in the temperate climate zone. This moss grows in huge quantities in the swamps. If sphagnum manages to capture most of the swamp, then over time it turns into the so-called sphagnum swamp. Such a swamp is a two-layer sandwich consisting of a layer of water with almost zero oxygen content and a thick layer of sphagnum moss. Even the simplest bacteria, including decomposition bacteria, cannot live in such water. If any animal accidentally ends up in such a swamp, the swamp will store it for thousands of years almost untouched.

Collection and storage of sphagnum

For collecting sphagnum special devices no need. You can assemble it directly with your bare hands, although, of course, it is better to wear gloves. The plant is quite easy to pull out of the ground, so there is no need for a shovel. After collection, the plant must be squeezed out of the water and placed in the sun until completely dry. If sphagnum moss is to be used as a decorative element, it should not be completely squeezed out or subjected to prolonged drying. Some useful tips for collecting, drying and storing sphagnum:

Don't pull out the plant completely. A good option collection will be the following way - cut with scissors top part plants, but don’t touch the bottom one; The lower part will eventually sprout new shoots and the plant will recover.
Give the collection hot water to destroy small insects that live on moss.
The use of artificial dryers is not recommended as the plant will dry unevenly.
The collection can be stored in the freezer.

Where is sphagnum moss used and what is it used for?

Moss is widely used on the farm. Let's look at the main ways to use it.


Moss has unique water-absorbing and bactericidal properties. Use it as a dressing material. The plant will absorb blood and pus, and carbolic acid will destroy all pathogens. If you have a fungus on your feet, you can buy sphagnum insoles. IN folk medicine sphagnum moss is used as an additive for warm cleansing baths.


Sphagnum is also used in construction. To wooden house stood for a long time, you need to install waterproof insulation, which is placed between the logs. Sphagnum moss is suitable for this purpose. This moss will absorb the liquid and kill all bacteria that come into contact with it.


In gardening, sphagnum is used as follows:

If you have a lot of house plants, but you are sent on a long business trip, sphagnum can come to the rescue. To do this, soak it in water and plant it in a pot with a plant. The sphagnum will gradually release water into the soil, and the plant will absorb it.
Sphagnum moss is also used for plant replanting. Sometimes a plant does not take root in a new place due to incompatibility between the root system of the plant and the soil. The root rots, the plant begins to dry out and die. To avoid this, you can “wrap” the plant’s root in moss before replanting.
Sphagnum is also popular with lovers of violets and orchids. There are several reasons. First, these plants like acidic soil, and sphagnum moss can easily create it. Secondly, plants also love high humidity. Of course, you can constantly water and spray the plant, but this is quite tedious. Sphagnum will simplify this task. Just plant it in a pot of violet and fill it with big amount water. The moss will absorb water, but then will slowly begin to release it back into the soil, as if watering the violet for us.
Mix sphagnum moss and animal droppings. This mixture can be used to fertilize the soil well before planting.


Some livestock farmers use sphagnum moss as bedding for animals. The plant absorbs unpleasant odors and natural excretions of the animal.

Sphagnum moss is also used for breeding bees. From pressed moss you will get good insulation For bee house, and the bactericidal properties of moss will protect bees from various diseases.


Peat is an important combustible mineral. It can be used for cooking and heating rooms. Peat also increases fertility, so it is often added to the soil before planting.

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Olga Aleynikova 03/24/2014 | 16985

Sphagnum moss is known to gardeners for being an ideal assistant in rooting cuttings. In fact, this is unique plant with incredible properties.

Although sphagnum moss is often called “white moss,” it is not actually that kind of moss. In relatively dry areas of raised bogs, rusty-brown, red or pink, and even purple-red specimens can be found. It depends on the type of moss. For more damp places usually live light green or slightly brownish species.

What is sphagnum?

Sphagnum is a perennial spore plant. It has no roots. Each unit is a thin, constantly branching stalk, the lower part of which gradually dies off. The branches and stem are covered with small scaly leaves arranged in a spiral. Leaves consist of two types of cells. Some of them are small, narrow-tubular, green, with a solid shell. Photosynthesis occurs in them.

Others are much larger, hollow and colorless. Such cells are called hyaline cells. They have pores through which air penetrates into them in dry weather, making the color of the plant very light, almost white. During wet periods, water is sucked in through the same pores. It is believed that sphagnum mosses capable of absorbing water approximately 20 times its own weight! Hence Greek name moss "sphagnos" - sponge.

How to use?

It is this property of sphagnum that primarily attracts the attention of gardeners. Cut moss added to the substrate not only loosens the soil, but also gives it necessary structure, but also increases its moisture capacity. He takes away excess water immediately after watering, and then gives it to the roots as needed. But we must take into account that adding sphagnum to the soil significantly increases its acidity. Therefore, you should not take more than 10% of the total volume of the mixture.

With the help of sphagnum you can maintain high humidity and around the crown of the plant. To do this, just put moss around the pot and periodically moisten it. But there is no need to constantly keep it on the soil surface. This can lead to waterlogging and death of the roots. As an exception, this technique can be used when going on vacation for 7-8 days.

Antiseptic properties

Next important property sphagnum is that it contains antiseptics. First of all this sphagnol- a substance that has an anti-putrefactive effect. Thanks to this, as well as the ability to acidify everything around it, sphagnum creates an environment in swamps in which dead plants are preserved for centuries without rotting.

This quality of moss is also important for gardeners. The bactericidal properties and anti-rot effect of sphagnum can significantly increase the likelihood of rooting of many plants. Only succulents cannot be rooted in it. Excellent results are obtained by using sphagnum moss when propagating using the air layering. When transplanting a rooted cutting into the soil, it is useful to leave a little of the moss in which it grew on the roots.

Harvesting moss

Sphagnum moss can be harvested at any time of the year, but most often it is done in the fall, which makes it possible to keep it alive (by freezing) until the start of spring floriculture work, when there is usually no access to the swamps yet. The moss is easy to remove, but it is better to take only the upper parts of the stems, cutting them off with scissors. There is no need to be greedy. Remember that one liter plastic bag tightly filled with moss is enough to prepare at least 10 liters of planting mixture. The collected sphagnum moss (to reduce weight) is thoroughly squeezed out.

Moss brought from the forest must be filled with very warm, but not hotter than 45°C, water for 30 minutes. This will not only saturate it with moisture, but also get rid of insects.

Store moss cool in unsealed plastic bags, giving him the opportunity to breathe. In winter it’s just freezing.

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Hello dear reader!

I hope that past articles about mosses have already convinced you that mosses are by no means ordinary, unremarkable inhabitants of the forest, deserving of a certain amount of neglect. On the contrary, they are very interesting and important inhabitants. But even among them, sphagnum moss stands out with a whole bunch of truly remarkable properties.

What is so wonderful about sphagnum? Its significance in nature is enormous. After all, this is moss that creates swamps. That's right - not easy living in a swamp , A creating their! From sphagnum, to a very large extent, reserves of such valuable natural wealth as peat are formed.

Sphagnum moss, due to its characteristics, is currently widely used in medicine. And its use in medicinal purposes only increases.

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