8 wave slate is a material used for roofing, so its weight plays a very important role. Not everyone knows how much a sheet of 8-wave slate weighs when handling a roof covering. But it is so important to take into account the weight of the material, especially when developing the design of a future roof.

What kind of material is this?

Slate is a roofing material that has excellent performance characteristics and a relatively low cost. It is quite easy to recognize it among other roofing materials. It is made from a mixture of cement and asbestos, supplied in corrugated sheets. If slate used to be a rather difficult material to install and use due to its fragility, modern manufacturers offer us an improved version, mainly intended for covering the roofs of private houses.

Weight is an important aspect

Most often, 8-wave slate is used for work, as it is quite practical, inexpensive, and easy to install. The most important thing is to know how much 8-wave slate weighs. The weight of one square meter of roofing is approximately 9.5-17.5 kilograms, where everything directly depends on the thickness of the sheet. So, if you take an average sheet, it can weigh 23 kilograms.

Modern slate can have a regular, reinforced or unified profile, where, accordingly, the weight of the sheet changes. Thus, slate with a regular profile has the lowest weight, and slate with a reinforced profile has the highest weight. As for such an indicator as the weight of 7-wave slate, it is slightly less, and its width is 980 millimeters compared to its “brother”. The weight of this and so popular roofing material is ~20 kg and it consists of:

  • amount of asbestos;
  • how evenly it is placed in the cement;
  • grinding fineness.

Traditional slate made of cement and asbestos is not the only option on the construction market. For example, there is commercially available plastic material, which is much lighter in weight and easier to install. But it is unlikely that he is a full-fledged slate.

When arranging your roof, it is worth remembering not only the availability of available tools and the material itself, but also taking into account the weight of the slate chosen for the work. Otherwise, incorrectly selected material can negatively affect the overall condition of the rafter system.

Engineering and geodetic surveys are a set of geodetic works carried out in order to obtain information about the relief and situation of the area. Geodetic surveys are the basis for design, and for the purpose of conducting other types of surveys and surveys. The result of geodetic surveys is always a topographic plan of a specific scale. You can order geodetic surveys on the website www.spbgeo.ru.

Composition and types

Slate is a material made from a mixture of asbestos, Portland cement and purified water, which is used for roofing and wall cladding. During the production process, all ingredients are mixed in the required proportions, placed in a mold, and then left there until completely hardened. It is highly resistant to moisture and ultraviolet rays, does not burn, and is not afraid of temperature changes. Depending on the shape and purpose, there are 2 types of slate:

  • Wave. This type of material is a roofing material with rectangular-shaped sheets, which, as a result of molding, acquire a wavy profile. Wave slate is used for laying on the roof slope, since due to the gutters it drains liquid better. Manufacturers recommend using it if the slope angle exceeds 12 degrees. Considering how much wave-type slate weighs, installation is carried out on a reinforced sheathing.

  • Flat. Flat slate, unlike wave slate, does not have a characteristic relief. It is a flat sheet of asbestos cement in the form of a rectangle or square. This material is most often used for cladding walls, building fences, and also for insulating areas in contact with elements of the chimney and heat-generating devices. However, flat slate is sometimes used as a roofing covering if the roof slope is greater than 25 degrees. It has greater mechanical strength, high resistance to low temperatures and moisture.

    Pay attention! The weight of slate, depending on the size and type of sheet, is 23-39 kg. This means that per 1 m2 of area there is a load of 9-17 kg without taking into account the weight of the thermal insulation material. To make a covering from this material, you should take into account the possible weight of the roofing pie when calculating the foundation and rafter frame of the house. Without the necessary safety margin, the structure will collapse or warp.

    Number of combs

    However, wave slate is more often used to construct roofs. Manufacturers produce products in various sizes so that they are suitable for private construction, in which small-sized buildings predominate, as well as for the construction of large industrial buildings. According to GOST for this type of product, slate with a standard, unified and reinforced profile is distinguished. But it is easier for the buyer to navigate using another classification based on the number of waves in the sheet:

    1. 5-wave. Slate with 5 ridges on the surface is an innovation in the construction market, which has not yet been effectively used. The sheet size of this material corresponds to the dimensions of an 8-wave, but due to the larger wave width, the useful coverage area is only 1.6 m2. It turns out that 20% of the surface of the material is “eaten up” by the overlap.

  • 6-wave. This type of slate is produced with a sheet size of 1125x1750 cm, a thickness of 6-7.5 mm, and the distance between the ridges is 20 cm. It has a reinforced profile and weighs 26-35 kg, therefore it is used for construction in regions with high wind loads, for roofing large production facilities.

  • 7-wave. This type of slate with 7 ridges is traditional, therefore it has standard dimensions of 850x1750 cm, a sheet thickness of 5.8 mm and a weight of 23 kg. Due to the small coverage area and lightweight weight, 7-wave asbestos-cement roofing is widely used in private low-rise housing construction.

    7-wave and 8-wave sheet

  • 8-wave. The dimensions of this type of slate are 1130x1750 cm, thickness 5.2 mm or 5.8 mm, useful sheet area - 1977 cm. It is popularly used in industrial construction due to its impressive dimensions. The weight of each sheet is 23-32 kg, depending on the thickness of the material.
  • Important! Slate is considered a reliable and durable coating; it lasts at least 20-30 years. This inexpensive roofing material can withstand temperatures in the range from -50 to +80 degrees and does not burn. The weakness of the cipher is pinpoint strikes, which can easily lead to the sheet splitting. This feature must be taken into account when transporting, storing, and installing asbestos-cement coating.

    Weight of main slate grades


    Knowing how much a sheet of slate weighs, it’s easy to imagine how strong and bulky the roof truss system that they plan to cover with this material must be. Significant weight is the main feature of working with asbestos-cement roofing coverings. Professional roofers give 3 important tips to avoid problems in the operation of a slate roof:

    • Draw up a project and perform calculations. Slate roofing puts a tremendous load on the rafter frame, as well as the foundation of the house, so you need to calculate everything before starting installation.
    • Calculate your options. Slate is considered one of the cheapest roofing materials, however, the significant weight of the covering forces the foundation and roof frame to be strengthened. Large volumes of concrete and high-quality wood are expensive, so sometimes it will be cheaper to purchase lighter and more expensive materials (ondulin, corrugated sheets, bitumen shingles).
    • Don't forget about overlap. Inexperienced craftsmen, when calculating the required amount of material and the total weight of the roofing pie, forget to take into account the overlap of the sheets. Because of this, an error creeps into the calculations of the load-bearing capacity of the frame, which can result in a complete collapse of the roof.

    GOST for roofing products made from asbestos cement

    Remember! Slate is a construction product that does not require mandatory certification to be allowed for sale. Most manufacturers regulate the quality of their products not by GOST, but by their own technical regulations. Therefore, carefully examine the appearance of the material when purchasing so that the roofing covering will last no less than the period stated by the manufacturers.

    Slate roof installation

    Why is it important to determine the weight of a slate roof?

    If you decide to choose classic wave asbestos-cement slate as a roof covering, it is important to carefully select the material itself (slate sheets vary in size and weight), as well as to design the load-bearing roof frame.

    The thicker the asbestos-cement material, the higher its strength!

    By choosing asbestos-cement material of increased thickness, you can build a roof with high strength values. However, such a roofing covering will place an increased load on the frame, that is, it will be necessary to design a rafter system of increased strength - it will have to withstand with a reserve:

    • slate weight;
    • snow and wind loads (their parameters depend on climatic conditions and the slope of the slopes);
    • operational loads (weight of structures installed on the roof, people involved in installation work, cleaning or repairing the roof).

    A reinforced rafter system requires the use of thicker timber and boards and the installation of sheathing with smaller pitches. This not only increases the cost of constructing the roof, but also significantly increases its weight. In turn, the walls and foundation of the building must be strong enough to withstand the load from this structure.

    Rafter system under a slate roof

    Obviously, the weight of the roofing covering should be calculated at the design stage of the building in order to select the optimal parameters for all structural elements of the roof, walls and foundation. To do this, you should have information about how much a sheet of slate weighs.

    When designing a slate roof, it is necessary to decide on the method of laying the elements and the size of the horizontal and vertical overlaps. This parameter directly depends on the degree of slope of the roof slopes, snow and wind loads: a flat roof must have increased strength relative to the snow load and requires increased overlaps and reinforced sheathing. After calculating the asbestos-cement material for the roof (the required number of flooring elements is determined), you can calculate the total mass of the roofing covering.

    As for efficiency, asbestos-cement material is one of the most affordable. But if you are designing a reinforced roof, the investment in rafter system components may outweigh the savings in roofing costs.

    Main Features

    The material for making slate is a mixture of Portland cement with asbestos, with the addition of water (ratio 4:84:11), while asbestos fibers function as reinforcement, increasing the strength of the sheet material and resistance to tensile loads. Not all manufacturers adhere to GOST, so the strength indicator of a particular product may depend not only on thickness, but also on such parameters as the size of asbestos fibers, the fineness of cement grinding, and the density of the finished material.

    Two types of asbestos-cement roofing are available - flat and corrugated sheets with the number of ridges from five to eight. Wavy slate is divided into three types:

    1. VO - sheet of standard profile, rectangular shape 1120x680 mm;
    2. VU - reinforced, designed for use in the construction of industrial facilities, characterized by a size of 2800x1000 mm;
    3. CF is a material with a unified profile, medium format (most often 1750x1130 mm), primarily in demand in civil engineering.

    Types and dimensions of slate

    Private developers usually prefer 7-wave or 8-wave slate for roofing. Roofing materials vary in ridge height and the distance between the top points of the ridge. Accordingly, popular profiles have the following parameters:

    1. 40/150 (crest height is 40 mm, wave pitch is 150 mm);
    2. 54/200 (crest height is 54 mm, wave pitch is 200 mm).

    The wave height indicator is indicated for ordinary waves and overlapping waves, while the height of the extreme, overlapping wave is 32 mm for type 40/150 and 45 mm for type 54/200.

    The standard thickness of seven- and eight-wave asbestos-cement flooring elements is 5.2 and 5.8 mm (profile type 40/150), or 6 and 7.5 mm (profile type 54/200). This type of wave slate is in high demand among private developers due to the relatively small difference between the useful and nominal area of ​​the roofing elements.

    How to calculate the weight of a slate roof covering

    Using table values, you can obtain information about how much slate of a certain type and size weighs. But the actual weight of the material depends on the manufacturer - its composition may include chrysotile, the amount of asbestos and its mechanical properties may differ from those prescribed by GOST, etc. If you want to calculate the weight of the roof covering of a future roof as accurately as possible, it is recommended to select in advance a reliable manufacturer of asbestos-cement material - when making calculations, it is convenient to focus on the weight of the corrugated sheets that it produces.

    8 wave sheet with dimensions 1750x1130x5.2 mm type 40/150 weighs 20.6 kg.

    We calculate the sheet area (in meters) using a calculator: 1.75 x 1.13 = 1.9775 (m)

    Then divide the weight of the sheet in kilograms by the area of ​​the sheet in meters:

    20.6. 1.9775 = 10.417 (kg) weighs 1 m 2 of asbestos-cement sheet with the given parameters.

    This calculation allows you to find out the weight of one square meter. meters of wave material based on the total area of ​​the sheet, not the useful one!

    This point must be taken into account when calculating the weight of the roof. When designing a roof, the amount of material required, including asbestos-cement sheets, is calculated. The elements are laid overlapping, so part of the sheet is “lost” - this is why the concept of the useful area of ​​a flooring element appears. But when calculating the weight of the roofing, overlaps cannot be neglected - their mass does not disappear anywhere.

    It is also necessary to take into account that when laying slate with cutting corners, part of the mass is lost - this leads to a slight decrease in the total weight of the roofing decking!
    Trimming corners on a sheet

    This means that calculating the weight of an asbestos-cement coating by simply multiplying the mass of 1 square meter. meter of material per slope area is impossible. It is necessary to determine the required number of corrugated sheets, find their total nominal area, and multiply the resulting value by the mass of a square meter of material.

    Correct calculation of the technical characteristics and weight of the roofing covering at the design stage of the building will allow optimizing the costs of constructing the rafter system and arranging the roofing pie.

    Chrysotile cement slate is a traditional roofing material that has been used for over 100 years. Affordable price and high reliability have guaranteed it great popularity among buyers in our time. The composition of chrysotile cement slate includes elements such as Portland cement, chrysotile (a special fibrous mineral) and water. Depending on the properties of chrysotile, the properties of the slate itself may change.

    Thus, the quality characteristics of chrysotile cement slate are influenced by:

    • percentage of chrysotile input into slate;
    • chemical composition of the fiber;
    • features of grinding Portland cement;
    • storage conditions in production.

    Traditional chrysotile cement slate is quite easy to recognize - it has a gray color and a clearly recognizable texture. The color of a slate sheet can vary from light to dark gray depending on the intensity of the color of the cement included in it. Unpainted slate is in great demand due to its affordable price and versatility, as well as high frost resistance and impressive strength characteristics.

    Also, the advantages of this roofing material include:

    • non-flammability (due to which chrysotile cement slate can be used for roofing even the most fire-hazardous objects);
    • greater mechanical strength (such a roof is quite capable of supporting the weight of an adult without damage);
    • long service life.

    At the moment, many models of chrysotile cement slate are produced, which differ in sheet size and number of waves. Depending on the parameters, sheets of chrysotile cement slate can be used both for roofing and for the construction of various objects (greenhouses and greenhouses, fences, canopies, gazebos, etc.









    Chrysotile has another name - “mountain flax”. This mineral is separated into bundles of fibers whose tensile strength is comparable to the best grades of steel. Due to its low electrical conductivity, chrysotile is an excellent dielectric. Resistant to chemicals, solar radiation, ozone, oxygen, insoluble in water.


    The main purpose of slate is roofing. Slate is used to cover the roofs of residential and public buildings, industrial and outbuildings - workshops, warehouses, storage facilities, livestock farms, farms, shops, garages, and for the construction of weatherproof canopies over open areas.

    Slate is a universal material that is suitable for any type and modification of roofing, from complex multi-slope mansard-type options to the simplest roof options - simple single-pitch and gable roofs.

    Slate is also used for the construction of wall fences and ventilated facades in the construction of residential and industrial buildings.

    Such a wide use of slate is possible due to its unique properties, which have been proven by the centuries-old use of this roofing material. Slate, which is produced in Russia today, is a modern, aesthetic material, and the variety of sizes and colors can satisfy any most demanding customer.

    Also, wavy slate is used in private households to create fences and fences, strengthening beds.


    Another type of product made from chrysotile cement is free-flow and pressure pipes of various diameters.

    Pipes are used for the device:

    • heating networks, hot and cold water supply;
    • pipelines of free-flow and pressure sewerage;
    • drainage collectors of reclamation systems;
    • telephone cable channels;
    • instead of metal or wooden supports for fences;
    • for chimneys, air ducts and gas ducts;
    • garbage chutes in residential multi-storey buildings;
    • for covering the roofs of industrial buildings (instead of reinforced concrete);
    • for drainage through roads and crossings, etc.
    • for foundation supports during suburban and dacha construction.

    Pipes are also used in the construction of wells, as casing pipes for various wells.
    A pipe cut lengthwise is an excellent drain, and cut crosswise can serve as an excellent decorative element for a summer cottage - a flowerpot, urn or even a flower bed. Chrysotile cement trays (instead of reinforced concrete) are used for laying heat pipes with subsequent thermal insulation and covering on top with the 2nd half of the tray. The trays are made from chrysotile cement pipes of all diameters (100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500 mm) sawn lengthwise with a length corresponding to the standard pipe length, or another length at the request of the customer.



    Modern slate comes in various shapes and sizes, a huge selection of colors and high-quality coating, which makes slate even more durable and resistant to external influences: adverse weather, mechanical damage and time.


    This roofing material is made from natural ingredients: cement, water and mineral fibers. No chemical compounds are used in the production of slate. Chrysotile cement slate will make your home an organic part of the surrounding nature.


    Slate has the best sound insulation among roofing materials. Neither rain nor hail will disturb the silence in your home. The intensity of the sound that occurs on the slate surface is reduced due to the special structure of this material.


    Gray slate has been used as a roofing material for over 100 years!!! This is one of the most durable roofing materials used in mass construction.


    Gray slate is still the most affordable roofing material. It is advisable to use it for both residential and commercial buildings - the cost of slate sheets and the cost of preparing the roof will pleasantly surprise you.


    One sheet of slate can easily support the weight of an adult man. It is not scratched or damaged during installation (provided the technology is followed).


    Slate is produced in the Russian Federation by 15 enterprises covering the entire geography of our country. In any region you can buy both locally produced slate and those brought from neighboring regions.

    At the beginning of construction, when purchasing building materials in a store or at the market, knowledgeable people are always interested in how much the sheet of slate they are going to purchase weighs. The inhabitants shrug their shoulders in bewilderment - what difference does it make, how much it weighs, the main thing is that the material is of high quality. Of course, and this is important, but the mass of the block may be needed when calculating the rafter system during the construction of buildings and structures.

    It turns out that weight is one of the important technical characteristics of slate slabs, including when it comes to corrugated sheets. We propose to discuss this and other properties of different types of slate right now.

    Characteristics of wave products

    Roofs on a private house cannot be built without corrugated slate, and this is not surprising, because thanks to the large size of the blocks, the material is easy to install, quite practical to use and relatively inexpensive. The main thing is to be careful when transporting products, they can crack and break during delivery, even in disassembled form.

    The weight of a wave slate sheet depends on the quality of the mass, which is prepared from asbestos, Portland cement and liquid. Asbestos fibers must be thin; this provides a reinforcement function that has a beneficial effect on the impact strength and strength of the finished fabric.

    Wave slate is manufactured in the following designs:

    • with a regular profile;
    • with reinforced;
    • with a unified profile.

    The difference with slate is that it comes in different sizes. The regular profile is the smallest, the reinforced profile is characterized by large slate sheets.

    Now a few words about the profile, the blocks of which are found in 2 varieties:

    • 40/150 mm – 8-wave, weighing 26.1 kg, 7-wave, weighing 23.2 kg;
    • 54/200 mm – 5 kg with a thickness of 7.5 mm, 26 kg with a thickness of 6 mm.

    What do the indicators indicated through the fraction mean? The first determines the height of the wave-like shape, while the second can be used to determine the size of the slate wave.

    Like any other building material, wave slate is subject to standardization, all this is specified in GOST, according to which the size of the wave sheet varies within the following limits:

    • length reaches 1750 mm;
    • the width ranges from 980 mm, if we are talking about 8 waves, to 1130 mm, if the slate consists of 7 waves.

    Modern manufacturers today are allowed to produce slate in accordance with their own specifications, developed and accepted at factories by design engineers with specialized education. Therefore, do not be surprised if the indicated weight according to GOST differs greatly from the weight of the material that you see in the store.

    In order for the slate to deteriorate less, it should be coated with a special agent; this must be done in any case along the edges and seams. The composition may contain pigment; if desired, it is time to choose a transparent coating. Houses with roofs painted in brown and red shades look very stylish. The paint will improve the frost resistance characteristics and increase the service life of the roof by 2 times, at least that’s what experienced builders say.

    What is good about wave slate?

    We have already written briefly about why consumers prefer wave slate. During the application process, additional advantages are also noted:

    • the sheets do not burn, so they cannot cause a fire in extreme heat;
    • perfectly tolerate sudden temperature changes and harsh climatic conditions in winter;
    • the blocks have good strength and strength, so they can withstand large snow accumulations and lumps;
    • block the noise of rain and hail.

    Many consumers believe that the high weight of wave slate is a bad indicator, but in fact its quality depends entirely on other factors:

    • pay attention to the labeling and manufacturer; before purchasing, it is better to read reviews on the Internet;
    • the percentage presence of asbestos and fine grain, a good level of grinding is the key to the fact that wave slate will last longer;
    • the uniform layer of asbestos placement can only be traced during the production cycle;
    • compliance with technology is also a matter of responsibility and cleanliness of the manufacturer, so be guided by manufacturers who are always well-known, and be wary of newcomers to the construction market.

    What is wavy slate material afraid of? Point loads, so if you hit the canvas sharply, it will most likely crack. This often happens during the installation process, so be extremely careful; it is recommended to build special bridges to move from one area to another.

    Features of flat asbestos-cement slate

    If you need to equip a building envelope, it is better to choose a flat sheet of slate products. You've probably seen high fences consisting of several blocks. At the production stage, flat devices can be processed by pressing, although this can be done without it.

    The functional characteristics of the roof depend on a number of factors, including the characteristics of the rafter system, the characteristics of the base, the technical properties of hydro- and thermal insulation, as well as the roofing material. All components of the roofing pie must match the characteristics of each other and the supporting frame of the roof. The weight of the slate is one of the parameters that should be taken into account when designing a rafter system for a building with asbestos-cement sheet covering.

    Pallet with slate sheets

    Why is it important to determine the weight of a slate roof?

    If you decide to choose classic wave asbestos-cement slate as a roof covering, it is important to carefully select the material itself (slate sheets vary in size and weight), as well as to design the load-bearing roof frame.

    The thicker the asbestos-cement material, the higher its strength!

    By choosing asbestos-cement material of increased thickness, you can build a roof with high strength values. However, such a roofing covering will place an increased load on the frame, that is, it will be necessary to design a rafter system of increased strength - it will have to withstand with a reserve:

    • slate weight;
    • snow and wind loads (their parameters depend on climatic conditions and the slope of the slopes);
    • operational loads (weight of structures installed on the roof, people involved in installation work, cleaning or repairing the roof).

    A reinforced rafter system requires the use of thicker timber and boards and the installation of sheathing with smaller pitches. This not only increases the cost of constructing the roof, but also significantly increases its weight. In turn, the walls and foundation of the building must be strong enough to withstand the load from this structure.

    Rafter system under a slate roof

    Obviously, the weight of the roofing covering should be calculated at the design stage of the building in order to select the optimal parameters for all structural elements of the roof, walls and foundation. To do this, you should have information about how much a sheet of slate weighs.

    When designing a slate roof, it is necessary to decide on the method of laying the elements and the size of the horizontal and vertical overlaps. This parameter directly depends on the degree of slope of the roof slopes, snow and wind loads: a flat roof must have increased strength relative to the snow load and requires increased overlaps and reinforced sheathing. After calculating the asbestos-cement material for the roof (the required number of flooring elements is determined), you can calculate the total mass of the roofing covering.

    As for efficiency, asbestos-cement material is one of the most affordable. But if you're designing a reinforced roof, the investment in rafter system components may outweigh the savings on roofing.

    Main Features

    The material for making slate is a mixture of Portland cement with asbestos, with the addition of water (ratio 4:84:11), while asbestos fibers function as reinforcement, increasing the strength of the sheet material and resistance to tensile loads. Not all manufacturers adhere to GOST, so the strength indicator of a particular product may depend not only on thickness, but also on such parameters as the size of asbestos fibers, the fineness of cement grinding, and the density of the finished material.

    Two types of asbestos-cement roofing are available - flat and corrugated sheets with the number of ridges from five to eight. Wavy slate is divided into three types:

    1. VO - sheet of standard profile, rectangular shape 1120x680 mm;
    2. VU - reinforced, designed for use in the construction of industrial facilities, characterized by a size of 2800x1000 mm;
    3. CF is a material with a unified profile, medium format (most often 1750x1130 mm), primarily in demand in civil engineering.

    Types and dimensions of slate

    Private developers usually prefer 7-wave or 8-wave slate for roofing. Roofing materials vary in ridge height and the distance between the top points of the ridge. Accordingly, popular profiles have the following parameters:

    1. 40/150 (crest height is 40 mm, wave pitch is 150 mm);
    2. 54/200 (crest height is 54 mm, wave pitch is 200 mm).

    The wave height indicator is indicated for ordinary waves and overlapping waves, while the height of the extreme, overlapping wave is 32 mm for type 40/150 and 45 mm for type 54/200.

    The standard thickness of seven- and eight-wave asbestos-cement flooring elements is 5.2 and 5.8 mm (profile type 40/150), or 6 and 7.5 mm (profile type 54/200). This type of wave slate is in high demand among private developers due to the relatively small difference between the useful and nominal area of ​​the roofing elements.

    Weight of unified seven- and eight-wave slate

    A sheet with seven waves can be produced with the following parameters:

    • Standard length – 1750 mm;
    • The width is 980 or 1130 mm;
    • Thickness 5.2 or 5.8 mm.

    The weight of a seven-wave slate sheet depends on its thickness and width; The profile type and length are the same (see table below).

    Table. Types of seven-wave slate and its weight

    Eight-wave slate is produced in the form of sheets of the following format:

    • Standard length – 1750 mm;
    • Standard width – 1130 mm;
    • The thickness depends on the profile and can be 5.2/5.8 mm or 6.0/7.5 mm.

    The weight characteristics of eight-wave slate, taking into account the dimensions and type of profile, are in the table below.

    Table. Types of eight-wave slate and its weight

    The weight of one element of wave roofing is important to take into account when planning roofing work - each sheet must be lifted onto the roof, and if slate weighing 18 kg can be handled alone, then sheets weighing 26 kg or more must be lifted with an assistant.

    To calculate the weight of the roofing, you need to calculate how much weight one square meter of slate has.

    How to calculate the weight of a slate roof covering

    Using table values, you can obtain information about how much slate of a certain type and size weighs. But the actual weight of the material depends on the manufacturer - its composition may include chrysotile, the amount of asbestos and its mechanical properties may differ from those prescribed by GOST, etc. If you want to calculate the weight of the roof covering of a future roof as accurately as possible, it is recommended to select in advance a reliable manufacturer of asbestos-cement material - when making calculations, it is convenient to focus on the weight of the corrugated sheets that it produces.

    8 wave sheet with dimensions 1750x1130x5.2 mm type 40/150 weighs 20.6 kg.

    We calculate the sheet area (in meters) using a calculator: 1.75 x 1.13 = 1.9775 (m)

    Then divide the weight of the sheet in kilograms by the area of ​​the sheet in meters:

    20.6: 1.9775 = 10.417 (kg) weighs 1 m 2 of asbestos-cement sheet with the given parameters.

    This calculation allows you to find out the weight of one square meter. meters of wave material based on the total area of ​​the sheet, not the useful one!

    This point must be taken into account when calculating the weight of the roof. When designing a roof, the amount of material required, including asbestos-cement sheets, is calculated. The elements are laid overlapping, so part of the sheet is “lost” - this is why the concept of the useful area of ​​a flooring element appears. But when calculating the weight of the roofing, overlaps cannot be neglected - their mass does not disappear anywhere.

    It is also necessary to take into account that when laying slate with cutting corners, part of the mass is lost - this leads to a slight decrease in the total weight of the roofing decking!
    Trimming corners on a sheet

    This means that calculating the weight of an asbestos-cement coating by simply multiplying the mass of 1 square meter. meter of material per slope area is impossible. It is necessary to determine the required number of corrugated sheets, find their total nominal area, and multiply the resulting value by the mass of a square meter of material.

    Correct calculation of the technical characteristics and weight of the roofing covering at the design stage of the building will allow optimizing the costs of constructing the rafter system and arranging the roofing pie.

    Slate weight, how much does a sheet of 7 and 8 wave slate weigh, weight 1 m2

    Weight of 7 and 8 wave slate sheets. How to calculate 1m2 slate sheet. An example of self-calculation of the weight of 1m2.

    What is the weight of slate - technical specifications

    Technical characteristics of wave slate made of asbestos cement

    • wave slate having an ordinary profile;
    • wave slate with a reinforced profile;
    • wave slate having a unified profile.
    1. The length is 1750 millimeters.
    2. The width is affected by the number of waves:

    Slate in 8 waves: 980 millimeters - standard size of 8 wave slate;

    Slate in 6 waves - 1125 millimeters;

    Slate in 7 waves - 1130 millimeters.

    • If the profile has parameters 40/150, then the thickness should be 5.8 millimeters, with profile parameters 54/200 - 6 or 7.5 millimeters.
    • The height of the row wave of the overlapping sheet depends on the profile category and is 40 or 54 millimeters, and the height of the overlapping sheet is 32 or 45 millimeters (more details: “What is the size of slate”).

    How much does a slate sheet weigh?

    Despite the constantly expanding range of roofing materials, slate is still very popular among Russian developers. This is explained not only by affordability, but also by the rather high technical characteristics of the material.

    Slate sheets are classified not only by size and technical parameters, such as useful sheet area and weight, but also by composition. Today, the concept of “slate” includes asbestos-cement products containing chrysolite, as well as non-asbestos cement, bitumen sheets and other types of roofing, which are popularly called “slate” due to the presence of waves and a rectangular shape.

    The most popular among other types of roofing are asbestos-cement products with wavy and flat shapes. In frequent house construction, seven- and eight-wave sheets are used; non-residential industrial premises are covered with six-wave slate. The low demand for five-wave sheets is explained by the high waste of material (up to 20%).

    When installing a slate roof, you should take into account the size and weight of the sheets, the method of fastening and installation, and also the possibility of maintaining and repairing the coating.

    Advantages of slate:

    • Long service life.
    • Low cost.
    • Fire safety.
    • Moisture resistance.
    • Low thermal conductivity.
    • Frost resistance.

    Rafter system and slate weight

    The choice of roof covering for the roof must correspond to the characteristics of the rafter system. Considering the fact that the minimum weight of 7-wave slate is 18.5 kg, then after recalculation per 1 m2, the load exerted on load-bearing walls and rafters will be 9.5 kg. We calculate similarly for eight-wave sheets. Knowing how much a wave slate sheet weighs, we recalculate the load per 1 m2 and get 14.1 kg.

    In addition to the weight of the roofing, one should take into account the wind and snow load, the weight of the sheathing, counter-lattice and thermal insulation layer.

    If you decide to use slate roofing, it is not at all necessary to strengthen the supporting structures of the house: walls and foundation. It is enough to take into account the weight of the slate when constructing the rafter system.

    How much does a slate sheet weigh and what affects this parameter?

    The weight of this material largely depends on its composition and structure, as well as the size and thickness of the sheet. The final weight of the roof is influenced by the presence of asbestos and chrysolite in the composition, as well as the quality of grinding of raw materials during the sheet molding process.

    Some increase in the mass of the material occurs as a result of priming and painting the slate with phosphate or silicate paints. Many home owners choose painted roofing material, which is not only practical and weather-resistant, but can also add character to the home.

    In GOST 30340-95 you can find out how much 8-wave slate weighs. The weight of a 40/150 sheet with an area of ​​1.6 m2 is 26.1 kg, a seven-wave sheet is 23.2 kg. Asbestos cement sheets, depending on thickness, can weigh:

    • 54/200 – 35 kg (with a thickness of 7.5 mm);
    • 54/200 – 26 kg (with a thickness of 6.0 mm)

    The weight of slate 1 m2 also depends on humidity. According to GOST 30340-95, the weight of sheets of material and components is given taking into account a humidity of 12%. These data can be used as normative ones.

    Slate weight 1 m2: how much does a slate sheet weigh?

    Despite the constantly expanding range of roofing materials, slate is still very popular among Russian developers. This is explained not only by affordability, but also by the rather high technical characteristics of the material.

    How much does an asbestos cement sheet weigh?

    What is the average weight in order to understand what kind of transport will be needed for delivery.

    There are a large number of asbestos cement sheets, both in type of manufacture and in size in width and length, and of course thickness. Sheet sizes can be 1500, 1750, 2000 and 3000 mm in length, 1000, 1200 and 1500 mm in width, and thickness - from 6 to 40 mm. In addition, asbestos cement sheets can be unpressed (only up to 10 mm thick) and pressed monolithic. Pressed is much stronger, has a smooth surface and is extremely resistant to mechanical damage. Flat slate is now rarely used for roofing: its weight and cost are higher than wave slate. In addition, to prevent water from getting under the roof along the side joints, a significant overlap has to be made. The weight of one sheet is from 18.5 kg (1500x1000 mm with a thickness of 6 mm) to 348 kg (3000x2000 cm, thickness 40 mm). Using the method of determining the specific density of a material through ordinary mathematical calculations, you can easily determine the approximate weight of the type and size of sheet you need.

    The weight of asbestos-cement sheets depends on many factors, including the thickness and density and dimensions and even the humidity of the asbestos-cement sheet.

    For example, eight-wave slate with a thickness of 7.5 millimeters weighs 35 kilograms.

    This same 8-wave, with a thickness of 6 mm, weighs 26 kilograms.

    If the weight is “thrown” over square meters, then 8-wave slate (square meter) weighs from 10 to 14 kg.

    Humidity should not exceed 12%.

    Asbestos-cement sheet, so-called “flat slate”.

    A flat sheet can be pressed or unpressed, this affects the weight.

    Unpressed flat asbestos-cement sheet weighs from 18 to 104 kg.

    And exactly the same sheet, but pressed, weighs from 20 to 192 kilograms.

    Pressed asbestos-cement sheet is much stronger than non-pressed one.

    How much does an asbestos cement sheet weigh?

    There are a large number of asbestos cement sheets, both in type of manufacture and in size in width and length, and of course thickness. Sheet sizes can be 1500, 1750, 2000 and 3000 mm in length...

    How much does asbestos-cement slate weigh and why do you need to know it?

    The parameters of the roof and its quality are determined by the properties of the components: the rafter or truss system, the base, thermal and waterproofing and roofing material.

    And in order for a structure to function properly, all its components must have corresponding, rather than absolute, characteristics.

    This even applies to such a utilitarian parameter as mass.

    Why “weigh” the roof

    From a mechanical point of view, the mass of a structure is determined by the weight of its parts.

    However, in most cases it is also an indication of strength.

    Slate with a thicker sheet actually has higher strength characteristics and seems to be a more profitable solution.

    1. The large weight of the roofing material will require strengthening the rafter structure: choosing thicker timber, constructing additional elements, installing more frequent sheathing from more massive slats.

    As a result, the total weight of the roof increases significantly, which, in turn, will create an additional load on the walls of the structure and the foundation.

    • The weight of the roof depends not only on the weight of the slate sheet itself, but also on the installation method. Slate is laid with vertical and horizontal overlap.

    This value varies depending on the angle of inclination and wind load.

    • Another aspect is efficiency. Slate is one of the most affordable roofing materials.

    However, with the overall strengthening of the structure, the cost of the roof may turn out to be so high that the use of more expensive and reliable, but lightweight roofing materials will be more profitable.

    All about asbestos-cement wave slate

    Slate material is made from a mixture of asbestos, water and Portland cement in a ratio of 85:11:4.

    Instead of ordinary asbestos, chrysotile can be used, since it is supposed to be safer.

    WHO does not confirm this information.

    Release forms

    Slate is produced in two main modifications - wavy and flat.

    The first is used for roofing roofs with a slope above 12 degrees, the second option can be laid on a roof with an angle of at least 25.

    More about the sizes of flat slate.

    About the types of roofs of private houses here. Photographs of varieties of such roofs are provided.

    • VO is a standard material, the sheet is characterized by a regular rectangular shape;
    • VU - reinforced profile, used in the construction of industrial facilities;
    • CF is a material with a unified profile; the sheets are of medium size, therefore they are most popular in private construction.

    Wavy slate has a characteristic wavy surface and is produced in the form of sheets with a different number of ridges.

    From a consumer point of view, this classification is more convenient, as it allows you to quickly calculate material consumption:

    • 5-wave – the area of ​​the product is equal to 8-wave, but the sheet differs in profile parameters;
    • 6-wave – characterized by a large sheet thickness, used in conditions of high wind load;
    • sheet with 7 waves - most popular due to its convenient size;
    • 8-wave – has the largest dimensions.

    In addition, the height of the crest and the pitch of the wave can also vary:

    • profile 40/150 – wave height is 4 cm, and the distance between them is 15 cm;
    • profile 54/200 - the height and pitch between the ridges will be 5, 4 cm and 20 cm, respectively. The product is produced with a thickness of 6 mm and 7.5 mm.

    Technical Parameters

    In practice, the quality characteristics of all types of products are very similar.

    The most important indicators include:

    • bending strength - or resistance to applied load. For 7- and 8-wave slate it is 16 MPa;
    • density – determines the mechanical strength of the product and is equal to 1.6 g/cu. cm;
    • impact strength - indicates the ability of a material to absorb energy released during impact, thereby compensating for its own deformation, equal to 1.5 kJ/kV. m;
    • frost resistance – wave slate can withstand 25 cycles of complete freezing and defrosting.

    Consumer characteristics

    1. The cost is the most affordable on the roofing materials market.
    2. Fire safety - the material is non-flammable, does not support combustion and does not deform under the influence of temperature.
    3. Wide custom temperature range - from -50 to +80 C. Slate is used in any climate zone.
    4. Low thermal conductivity - the roof practically does not heat up in the sun.
    5. Good sound insulation performance - the coating absorbs rain noise.
    6. Repairability - damaged sheets are replaced with new ones separately and do not require dismantling the entire roof.
    7. Durability is up to 20–30 years, but is largely determined by operating conditions.
    8. Wave slate is little exposed to moisture, but is able to accumulate and retain some of it, especially if the area is in the shade. As a result, mosses and lichens may appear on the surface.
    9. The sheets are not resistant to pinpoint impacts; slate is easy to split with a hammer.
    10. With increasing service life, the product loses its strength characteristics. Therefore, if an adult can walk on a newly laid roof without fear, then after 10 years of service of the coating the risk increases significantly.

    Seven-wave: features

    • length (mm) – 1750;
    • product width (mm) – 980;
    • thickness (mm) – 5.8 mm;
    • the total sheet area is calculated as the product of the parameters - 1.72 square meters. m, of which the useful value is calculated taking into account the overlap - 1.34 sq. m. The recommended overlap is 16 mm, but in practice the value may vary.

    The weight of the 7-wave with a thickness of 5.2 mm is 18.5 kg, with a thickness of 5.8 mm - 23.2 kg.

    Eight-wave: features

    The product differs from the 7-wave sheet in width:

    • length (mm) – 1750;
    • width (mm) – 1130;
    • sheet thickness (mm) – 5.8 at a ratio of 40/150 and 6, 0 and 7.5 at 54/200;
    • total sheet area - 1.9775, useful (with 16 cm overlap) - 1.5717.

    The minimum weight of the product will be 26.1 kg, with a thickness of 7.5 mm - 35.2 kg.

    Wave slate parameters and possible deviations are standardized by GOST 30340-95.

    How much does a square meter weigh?

    During installation, the weight of one sheet matters, since it is

    it represents a unit of coverage.

    However, when calculating the load produced by the roof, it is more convenient to use another indicator - the mass of 1 square meter. m of product.

    The value is indicated based on the total area of ​​the product, not the useful area.

    This should be taken into account when calculating mass.

    Qualities of flat slate

    The material is made from a mixture of the same substances, but using a different technology, which gives it slightly different properties: higher strength, moisture and frost resistance.


    Flat slate is produced in two ways - under pressure and without it.

    The characteristics of the pressed sheets are above:

    • bending strength – at least 23 MPa for a pressed product, and 18 – for an unpressed one;
    • density – 1.8 g/cu. cm, and 1.6 g/cc cm, respectively;
    • Impact strength – for the pressed version reaches 2.5 kJ/sq. m,

    unpressed – 2.0 kJ/sq. m, which is noticeably higher than that of wavy slate;

    • frost resistance – products produced under pressure can withstand 50 freezing/thawing cycles without damage. The index of the unpressed sheet is the same as that of the corrugated sheet – 25.

    Custom qualities

    All the attractive properties of wavy slate are also present in the flat version.

    However, there are also distinctive ones:

    • higher mechanical strength, due to which the product is used in the construction of fences and for wall cladding;
    • higher moisture resistance and resistance to chemically aggressive substances - flat slate contacts the soil without consequences and does not become overgrown with moss.

    How much does a flat slate sheet weigh?

    The weight of the product, in addition to its dimensions, is determined by the manufacturing method: a pressed sheet (PL-P) weighs significantly more than an unpressed sheet (PL-NP).

    The choice of material is determined by the degree of reliability and functionality that needs to be provided.

    1. The most reliable option is to lay flat slate with a shift of half a sheet. However, especially when using pressed material, the weight of the roof is quite significant.
    2. Slate is one of the most affordable materials, but as the weight of the roof increases, the rafter system will need to be strengthened, which increases costs.
    3. Overlapping installation reduces waterproofing properties. From this point of view, corrugated slate is a more advantageous option, since its surface allows the formation of a tight joint of sheets.

    Slate weight: 7 waves, 8 waves (1 m2), flat sheet weight

    The house rests on a foundation, and its elements - walls, ceilings and roof - exert a load on it. Their weight is determined by the structure and material, and the roofing

    Slate is an inexpensive and accessible roofing material that we inherited from the Soviet era. This wavy gray coating has become a symbol of the heyday of country and garden construction. In a fiercely competitive construction market, slate has survived among more modern, attractive materials due to improvements in appearance as well as performance characteristics by manufacturers. A special feature of working with this roofing covering is the large weight of the slate, which must be taken into account when designing the roof and constructing the rafter frame. In this article we will talk about the technical parameters of the main types of asbestos cement materials.

    Slate is a material made from a mixture of asbestos, Portland cement and purified water, which is used for roofing and wall cladding. During the production process, all ingredients are mixed in the required proportions, placed in a mold, and then left there until completely hardened. It is highly resistant to moisture and ultraviolet rays, does not burn, and is not afraid of temperature changes. Depending on the shape and purpose, there are 2 types of slate:

    Pay attention! The weight of slate, depending on the size and type of sheet, is 23-39 kg. This means that per 1 m2 of area there is a load of 9-17 kg without taking into account the weight of the thermal insulation material. To make a covering from this material, you should take into account the possible weight of the roofing pie when calculating the foundation and rafter frame of the house. Without the necessary safety margin, the structure will collapse or warp.

    Number of combs

    However, wave slate is more often used to construct roofs. Manufacturers produce products in various sizes so that they are suitable for private construction, in which small-sized buildings predominate, as well as for the construction of large industrial buildings.

    According to GOST for this type of product, slate with a standard, unified and reinforced profile is distinguished. But it is easier for the buyer to navigate using another classification based on the number of waves in the sheet:

    Important! Slate is considered a reliable and durable coating; it lasts at least 20-30 years. This inexpensive roofing material can withstand temperatures in the range from -50 to +80 degrees and does not burn. The weakness of the cipher is pinpoint strikes, which can easily lead to the sheet splitting. This feature must be taken into account when transporting, storing, and installing asbestos-cement coating.


    Knowing how much a sheet of slate weighs, it’s easy to imagine how strong and bulky the roof truss system that they plan to cover with this material must be. Significant weight is the main feature of working with asbestos-cement roofing coverings. Professional roofers give 3 important tips to avoid operational problems:

    • Draw up a project and perform calculations. Slate roofing puts a tremendous load on the rafter frame, as well as the foundation of the house, so you need to calculate everything before starting installation.
    • Calculate your options. Slate is considered one of the cheapest roofing materials, however, the significant weight of the covering forces the foundation and roof frame to be strengthened. Large volumes of concrete and high-quality wood are expensive, so sometimes it will be cheaper to purchase lighter and more expensive materials (ondulin, corrugated sheets, bitumen shingles).
    • Don't forget about overlap. Inexperienced craftsmen, when calculating the required amount of material and the total weight of the roofing pie, forget to take into account the overlap of the sheets. Because of this, an error creeps into the calculations of the load-bearing capacity of the frame, which can result in a complete collapse of the roof.

    Remember! Slate is a construction product that does not require mandatory certification to be allowed for sale. Most manufacturers regulate the quality of their products not by GOST, but by their own technical regulations. Therefore, carefully examine the appearance of the material when purchasing so that the roofing covering will last no less than the period stated by the manufacturers.

    Video instructions

    Contents of the article

    Slate has been known to mankind for a long time. Back in the Middle Ages, rocks of slate were used, which were split into flat sheets, which were later used to cover dwellings. As such, slate (asbestos-cement) became known about a hundred years ago. And since then its relevance has not diminished.

    Currently, the word “slate” refers not only to asbestos-cement sheets, but also to roofing materials made from bitumen or polymers. The wavy shape of the sheets was the reason for this.

    Asbestos cement slate

    This material is made from a mixture of:

    • asbestos,
    • water,
    • Portland cement.

    Asbestos fiber is a reinforcing component of the material, giving it mechanical strength due to the viscosity of asbestos.

    The weight of 8-wave slate can range from 10 to 14 kg per square meter.

    The difference in the weight of slate is formed based on the different thickness of the sheet produced.

    Asbestos-cement slate is produced in several types:

    • ordinary profile;
    • reinforced profile;
    • unified profile.

    Their difference lies in different sizes, wave height and wave pitch. Sheets with a minimum size are produced with a regular profile. Sheets of larger area are given a reinforced profile.

    According to the profile, there are two types of asbestos-cement sheets:

    • with profile 40/150
    • with profile 54/200

    Where the first numbers indicate the wave height, and the second numbers indicate its step. Dimensions are indicated in millimeters.

    Wave slate, if produced according to GOST standards, must have the following dimensions:

    • Sheet length at any width – 1750 mm;
    • Width of 8-wave sheet -980 mm;
    • Width of 6-wave sheet -1125 mm;
    • The width of the 7-wave sheet is 1130 mm.

    The weight of an 8-wave slate sheet, depending on the thickness, can be from 23 to 26 kg.

    The thickness of the slate sheets, accordingly, should be 5.8 mm for a profile of 40/150, and from 6.5 to 7.5 mm for another type of slate, with a profile of 54/200.

    However, modern manufacturers can produce asbestos-cement slate based not on GOST, but on their specifications , which are developed directly at the enterprise. Therefore, the dimensions of asbestos-cement sheets may differ from standard ones. In the same way, the weight of one sheet or one square meter of slate will differ from the weight of slate produced according to GOST.

    Manufacturers produce slate in different colors, but everyone can paint it themselves, choosing the color at their discretion. Painted slate:

    • lasts much longer than traditional ones,
    • mosses and lichens form on it to a lesser extent,
    • properties such as frost resistance are increased,
    • water absorption decreases.

    To paint asbestos-cement sheets, silicate or phosphate paints and various pigments are used.

    When installing a roof, you need to take into account how much the slate weighs and calculate the dimensions of the elements of the rafter system based on these parameters.

    Positive properties of wave slate

    First of all, the advantage of slate is its low cost, reliability and durability. In addition, asbestos-cement slate:

    • does not burn;
    • tolerates temperature changes in the surrounding air well;
    • can be used in all climatic zones;
    • has sufficient mechanical strength to withstand heavy snow masses;
    • absorbs the noise of rain and hail.

    Regarding the strength of wave slate, it can be noted that it depends on:

    • first of all, on the brand and quality of Portland cement;
    • percentage of asbestos;
    • from the fineness of asbestos grinding;
    • uniform distribution of asbestos in the cement mixture;
    • from compliance with technology during its production and other factors.

    But, despite its strength, slate does not tolerate point loads well. It may crack due to a sharp impact (hail, tools used for roof maintenance, etc.) or due to careless handling during installation. Considering that wave slate has a weight of 1 m/sq.m. that significantly exceeds the weight of, for example, corrugated sheets, you need to work with it with caution.

    Flat asbestos cement slate

    Flat slate is much less commonly used for roofing. To a greater extent, it is used for the construction of enclosing structures. It is used to make plumbing cabins, rough flooring in industrial workshops, and formwork. Quite often, fences are built from flat slate at dachas. The scope of flat slate is very wide, which allows it to be constantly in demand.

    It is similar in composition to wave, but some technical characteristics differ significantly, as well as the manufacturing method.

    Flat slate is made by pressing and without it. Pressed sheets of flat asbestos-cement slate are characterized by higher strength and frost resistance. If pressed slate can withstand about 50 cold-heat cycles, then unpressed slate can withstand half as much.

    The weight of unpressed flat slate, depending on the thickness and size of the sheet, can range from 18 to 104 kg. Pressed asbestos-cement sheets of the same sizes vary in weight from 20 to 192 kg.

    Judging by these figures, we can say with confidence that the strength of pressed slate is obvious, since the weight directly depends on the density of the material. And density plays a decisive role in strength.

    Due to the fact that the weight of flat slate can be selected for any structure, it can be used both as a roofing material and in the form of fences and independent structures.

    Bituminous slate

    Due to the fact that asbestos slate was banned for use in Western Europe, it was replaced by a new type of roofing covering - ondulin, which is a soft material made from bitumen. The wave shape of the sheets of this material gave rise to calling it slate, although it has nothing to do with traditional slate.

    Bituminous slate is produced by hot pressing of a mass consisting of:

    • from vegetable or synthetic fibers;
    • plasticizers;
    • dyes;
    • special types of bitumen.

    Bitumen serves to give the material a high degree of waterproofing, and fillers in the form of organic or synthetic fibers serve as a reinforcing ingredient and give the material the necessary rigidity.

    The technology for manufacturing bitumen slate includes several stages of pressing with a certain frequency. At the end of the pressing process, a multilayer material with sufficient mechanical strength comes out, after which it is painted in various colors.

    This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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      • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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          What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

    • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):