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In order not to stop work when renovating a bathroom due to a lack of material or not to think about where to put the excess, it is important to correctly calculate the need for tiles. There are several calculation methods, depending on the type of tile laying and differing in accuracy.

When decorating a bathroom in a monotonous manner, when all surfaces are covered with the same type of tile laying (straight, diagonal or offset), the need for tiles is calculated in square meters or individually.

The amount of ceramics required to perform complex artistic cladding must be calculated separately for each independent fragment of the room’s decoration. Let's consider these methods.

Calculation of ceramic consumption in square meters

When choosing a monotonous type of tile laying, measurements are taken of the dimensions: length, width, height - the room in meters accurate to a hundredth of a centimeter, rounding up fractions of a centimeter.

Calculating the cost of finishing the floor

To calculate the quadrature of the floor, the metric values ​​of the length and width of the floor are multiplied, after which the resulting result is rounded to whole units. If laying is performed in a direct way or “offset”, 10% must be added to the resulting amount. If ceramics are laid diagonally, 15% is added to the floor area.

For example:

The square footage of a room with a length of 4.21 meters and a width of 2.34 meters is:

  • 4.21 x 2.34 = 9.8514 sq. m. Rounded up to 10 square meters. meters.

Add 10%:

  • 10 x 1.1 = 11 sq. m.

With the diagonal method, you need to add 15%, it turns out: 10 x 1.15 = 11.5 sq. m. ≈ 12 sq. m.

Calculation of material for wall cladding

The surface area of ​​the bathroom walls is calculated by multiplying the perimeter of the room and its height, the resulting value is also rounded up to whole units:

(4.21 + 2.34 + 4.21 + 2.34) x 2.68 = 35.108 sq. m. ≈ 36 sq. meters.

Then measure the height and width of the doorway in meters to the nearest centimeter, rounding fractions of a centimeter down. By multiplying these values, we get the area of ​​the doorway, rounding it down to tenths of a square meter.

For example:

  • the area of ​​a doorway measuring 2.1 x 0.8 is 1.68 square meters. ≈ 1.6 m2;
  • the area of ​​the doorway is subtracted from the surface area of ​​the walls: 36-1.6 m = 34.4 sq. m.

To the result obtained, add 10 or 15% depending on the type of tile installation and round up to whole values:

  • direct or offset method: 34.4 sq. m. x 1, 1 = 37, 84 sq. m. ≈ 38 sq. m.
  • diagonal method: 34.4 sq. m. x 1.15 = 39.56 sq. m. ≈ 40 sq. m.

If you do not cover the walls behind bathroom, then the area of ​​this hidden surface is also subtracted from the area of ​​the walls, but this saving leads to a weakening of the waterproofing of this area behind the bathroom, which is fraught with damage to the finish in the adjacent room due to seeping condensate.

Having calculated how many square meters of tiles are needed for repairs, they purchase finishing materials. The packaging of the ceramics indicates how many square meters of cladding it contains. To calculate the required number of packs correctly, the need for tiles in square meters must be divided by the square footage indicated on the packaging and rounded up to whole values.

Calculation of tile consumption per piece

Piece counting has a smaller error, but this advantage also has a downside - this method does not leave material in case of accidental damage to the tiles during installation or unforeseen spot repairs to the cladding.

With this method, measurements of the dimensions of the room are also taken, but in centimeters, rounding fractions of a centimeter up to whole values. For example, a length of 420.5 cm is rounded to 421 cm, a width of 233.7 cm is rounded to 234 cm, and a height of 267.6 cm is rounded to 268 cm.

Then the retail chain looks for a certain tile and measures the dimensions of one tile. For example, the tile chosen for the walls is 15 cm wide and 20 cm long, and for the floor they chose ceramics 20 x 20 cm. To calculate how many pieces of tiles are needed for wall cladding, the consumption must be calculated for each wall separately.

Piece calculation of ceramics for walls

In our example, the bathroom has two walls with dimensions of 421 x 268 cm and 234 x 268 cm. If the tiles are laid vertically, then from floor to ceiling it will fit 268:20 = 13.4 pieces. With a minimum width of tile joints, this value must be rounded to 14 products.

The length on one wall will fit 421:15 = 28.06 pcs., on the second - 234:15 = 15.6 pcs. Let's round up to 28 and 16 products.

We calculate how many pieces will be needed for finishing:

  • 14 x 28 = 392 pcs.; multiply by two walls, we get 784 products.
  • 14 x 16 = 224 pcs.; We also multiply by two walls, we get 448 products.

For vertical surfaces, 1232 pieces will be required, but from this amount you need to subtract the number of tile pieces corresponding to the area of ​​the doorway. Let's assume that the doorway has dimensions of 210 x 80 cm. Its height will fit 210:20 = 10.5 pcs. Round down to 10 pieces. The opening width will fit 80:15 = 5.33 pcs. Identically round up to 5 products.

Therefore, the area of ​​the doorway corresponds to an area of ​​10x5 = 50 pcs. tiles that need to be subtracted from the total quantity for the walls: 1232–50 = 1182 pieces.

Piece-by-piece calculation of ceramics for the floor

Let's calculate how many 20x20 cm format products will be required to cover a floor with dimensions of 421x234 cm:

  • length 421 cm: 20 cm = 21.05 ≈ 21 pcs.;
  • wide 234 cm: 20 cm = 11.7 ≈ 12 pcs.

Multiplying these values ​​gives the number of tiles per floor in pieces:

  • 21 x 12 = 252 products.

Calculation of ceramic consumption for complex artistic decoration

If it is decided to make the decoration of the bathroom exclusive, the calculation of ceramics is done in a combined way - by the meter and by the piece. On horizontal and vertical surfaces to be decorated, you need to make markings according to a pre-developed sketch map of the cladding. By this point, as a rule, the necessary types of ceramics have already been planned for purchase, and the format of the facing material with which the bathroom will be finished is known.

The marking is carried out with construction chalk; it begins with areas of the main plan that will be occupied by artistic panels and ornaments, the trimming of which is not allowed for aesthetic reasons. How many tiles are needed to cover such surfaces is easy to calculate individually.

Then they calculate the consumption of tiles for the frieze (if available on the sketch map) and cladding under the background for the panel. How much material is needed for laying the frieze can also be calculated by the piece method.

The choice of method for calculating the amount of ceramics when decorating the main background depends on the cost of the material, since not everyone plans to purchase surplus expensive tiles.


The accuracy of calculating ceramic consumption when decorating a bathroom depends on the pricing policy. If after finishing the work there is a meter or two of facing material left, do not rush to call it a calculation error. This surplus will be indispensable for unforeseen spot repairs of the cladding. It is much worse when there is not enough material, and this type is no longer available for sale.

It is important to avoid mistakes when tiling a bathroom with expensive imported tiles, as well as additional elements and accessories - cornices, decorative borders, inserts. In this article we will explain how to calculate how many bathroom tiles you need.

In fact, it is not difficult, you just need to take the correct measurements of the room and apply some mathematical calculations. There are various options, but here we will look at the simplest method using the example of given specific parameters.

Laying different tiles

List of components for the tile collection

To make the calculation, you need to make a list of the collection’s components:

  • floor (31x31cm);
  • dark wall (25x30cm);
  • light wall (25x30cm);
  • horizontal border (6x25cm);
  • decor (25x30cm);
  • pencil (2x25cm).

For example, let's take a bathroom measuring 1.8m x 1.9m and a height of 2.7 meters.

The doorway is 0.7m x 1.95m. We carry out the calculations for smooth walls, without taking into account possible niches and protrusions. For clarity and for ease of calculation, it would be useful to draw a plan of the room, marking the dimensions of the walls, doorway, and other planes of interest that need to be calculated.

Calculation of floor tiles

An original option for laying the floor in the bathroom

But the calculation by units is considered more accurate. Divide the width of the floor by the size of the tiles:

1.8m: 0.31m = 5.8, round up, to the whole or to the half. We get 6 horizontally.

Divide the length of the bathroom floor by the size of the piece:

1.9m: 0.31m = 6.12. Vertically we have 6.5.

The total quantity for the floor is: 6 x 6.5 pcs = 39 pcs.

As a result, we see that the calculation for tiles differs from the calculation for area. The difference of three units compared to the first calculation is due to the fact that the dimensions of the surface of the floor or walls are not a multiple of the dimensions of the slabs, so they have to be cut. It is also necessary to cut in places of protrusions, niches, pipes, etc. We write down the first result - 39 floor slabs.

Calculation of tiles for walls

All components have the same width - 25 cm. Divide the width of the wall by the width of the slab:

1.8m: 0.25m=7.2 ≈7.5 pcs. ,

and the length of the wall by the width of the tile:

1.9m: 0.25m=7.6≈8 pcs.

In total around the perimeter we get: 7.5 pieces x 2 + 8 pieces x 2 = 31 pieces.

Now you need to subtract the cladding on the doorway from the total quantity:

0.7m: 0.25m=2.8≈2.5 (we round down to have a better margin than a deficit.

Subtract from the total: 31 - 2.5 = 28.5.

The row of borders around the entire perimeter is 29 pieces. Since the pencil is placed on both sides of the border (top and bottom), the required quantity of this element is 58.

Laying with decorative borders and pencils

We lay the dark tiles in three rows - the height will be 90 cm. The height of the bathroom is 60 centimeters, there will be 1 dark row above it. Multiply 3 rows by 28.5 (the number of tiles in a row along the perimeter). We get 86 pieces.

The light one will be glued above the border with a pencil and up to the ceiling. From the total height of the room (2.7m), subtract the height of the dark room (90 cm) and the border with a pencil (6cm+2cm+2cm=10cm):

2.7 m - 0.9 m -0.1 m = 1.7 m (height of cladding with light material).

Divide 1.7 m by the height of one:

1.7m: 0.3m= 5.67≈5.5.

In this case, we round down, since when installing a beautiful suspended ceiling, you can save some amount.

Decors in the bathroom can be glued at your discretion

Now multiply 5.5 in height by 28.5 around the perimeter:

5.5 x 28.5=156.75≈157 pieces.

We return to the area of ​​the wall above the door, which also needs to be lined. Here the number of units in width is:

0.7m: 0.25m=2.8≈3pcs (rounded to the nearest whole number).

The height is 2.7m-1.95m = 0.75m.

0.75m:0.3m= 2.5 pcs.

We multiply 3 in width by 2.5 in height, we get 7.5 (rounded) = 8.

The total number of light ones is: 157 +8 = 165 pieces.

We glue the decors at our discretion and taste: 1 or 2 on each wall, in a checkerboard or other order. Let the tiles that will be replaced with decors (if there are not very many of them, of course) be left in stock just in case (to replace those damaged during use).

Now you have a general understanding of the calculations. If done carefully, they will prevent situations where there may not be enough tiles when laying tiles, and will also save you from unnecessary cash costs.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 4 minutes

The most versatile and reliable wall covering in bathrooms remains tiles. That is why the ability to independently calculate tiles for a bathroom is a necessary skill for anyone who is engaged in or is planning to renovate.

There are two types of independent calculations of the number of required tiles. Both are simple - even a beginner can do it, although it will take a little time.

  • The primary calculation is based only on the area of ​​the surface to be coated. It must be carried out to determine the approximate budget for materials. If the desired amount is known, he will help you find out whether it is enough to purchase the selected tile.
  • Detailed - based on a sketch, taking into account layout, seams, etc.

Primary calculation (convenient calculators)

The method for this calculation is simple: you need to calculate the total area of ​​the walls.

All you need is a tape measure and a calculator.

  • First, we measure the height of the ceiling.
  • Now you need to find the perimeter of the room - the sum of the lengths of all the walls. Let's measure them and add up the indicators.
  • We calculate the area of ​​the bathroom walls by multiplying the perimeter by the height.
  • We divide the resulting area by the area of ​​one tile (length multiplied by width) and obtain the number of elements required for covering the surfaces.

Example of primary calculation:

The bathroom has 4 walls, the length of the short one is 2.43 m, the long one is 3.7 m.
The height of the room is 2.66 m.

We calculate the perimeter of the bathroom by adding the lengths of all the walls:

Perimeter = (2.43 + 3.7) × 2 = 12.26 m

We calculate the area of ​​the walls:

Area = 2.66 × 12.26 = 32.61 sq. m.

Round to the nearest whole number, we get 33 sq. m.

Therefore, to tile the walls in this bathroom, you will need 33 square meters. m of tiles.

Let's count the number of tiles in pieces for this area.

Let the size of the product be 20 × 30 cm or 0.2 × 0.3 m.

The area of ​​one cladding element is 0.2 m × 0.3 m = 0.06 sq. m.

Then the number of tiles for covering the entire room in this example will be:

33 sq. m: 0.06 sq. m = 550 pieces.

For a quick calculation, just enter the data in the form below.

You can calculate the number of packs of tiles, if this is more convenient in a particular case. For packaging, the manufacturer and seller usually immediately indicate the total area of ​​​​material in it. Therefore, we simply divide the calculated area of ​​the walls by the area of ​​the tiles in the pack and get the number of packages required for tiling the bathroom.

The calculation is approximate and does not take into account trimming at the corners of the room, gaps in pasting and decor.

Detailed calculation: drawing up a sketch

For detailed calculations you will need a sketch of the bathroom. To compile it, you need to consider:

  • what kind of tile pattern will be on the surfaces;
  • places without tiles (for example, behind the bathroom);
  • layout option.

The most popular tile designs:

  1. One type of tile, without decoration.
  2. Vertical and horizontal stripes.
  3. Chaotic inserts of piece decor on a tiled background.
  4. Using a ready-made panel.
  5. Breaking the walls into color blocks (for example, the top is one shade, the bottom is another).

Places that can be missed when laying tiles:

  • behind the bathroom;
  • for furniture;
  • behind the mirrors. Especially if you are planning only a mirror sheet, which is usually glued to an uncoated surface.

Economical option

Only the wet area can be tiled, that is, the place of direct contact of surfaces with water - near the bathtub or shower. The remaining walls are painted with specialized durable paints.

The advantage of selective cladding is obvious - financial savings. Each square meter is not only the price of the tile itself, but also the cost of work and consumables. The downside is that it won’t be possible to make a rearrangement, only during the next repair. The decision is always individual and depends on the budget and characteristics of a particular room.

Types of layouts

When drawing up a sketch, you need to choose one of the tile layout options, which can be as follows:

  • Seam to seam, or straight layout. This is the traditional, most economical way. The tiles are arranged in even rows, each next one is joined to the previous one at an angle of 90 degrees, both vertically and horizontally.
  • Diagonal. The finishing elements are placed not at right angles, but at an angle of 45 degrees. The most expensive layout in terms of tile consumption, since it results in a lot of scraps.
  • Laying with offset or “staggered” Similar to a straight line, but each row is offset from the previous one, usually by half the size of the finishing element.

Other types of layouts (herringbone, modular and others) are much less common than the three presented.

Draw a diagram for each wall

After drawing up the sketch, you can begin the final calculation. To do this, you need to draw up a diagram of each wall that you plan to tile.

The scheme should include:

  • the length of the wall and its height;
  • places where there will be no tiles, indicating the size of these areas;
  • decorative inserts.

You will also need values ​​such as:

  • length and width of elements;
  • seam width.

Calculation for direct layout

We count how many tiles will fit in a row.

To simplify the calculations, let’s immediately increase the size of the elements by the width of the seam. For example, the tile has dimensions of 35 × 25 cm, and taking into account the joint width of 3 mm, the parameters are 35.3 cm × 25.3 cm.

Let's look at an example:

Let the length of the wall (DL) be 235 cm. We will lay the tiles vertically, its width (W) – 25.3 cm.

DS: ШП = 235 cm: 25.3 cm = 9.28 pcs.

We round up to a larger whole value - to lay one row you will need 10 pcs.

The calculation for height is similar:

The height of the wall (WS) is 260 cm, the length of the cladding element (DP) is 35.3 cm.

VS: VP = 260 cm: 35.3 cm = 7.4 pcs.

Round up, we get 8 pieces.

Thus, to cover a surface of 260 × 235 cm with tiles 25 × 35 cm you will need:

Number of tiles in a row × number of elements in height = 10 × 8 = 80 pieces.

Similar calculations are performed for each wall.

After calculating the number of tiles, taking into account the layout, a grid of rows and columns is applied to the sketch directly on top of all existing designations.

How to take into account areas without tiles in calculations?

Let's take a door as an example. Let's turn to the diagram of the wall with the applied mesh.

Thanks to the real calculation of the arrangement of elements, immediately after applying the grid, you can see how many tiles cross the door. We count the number of whole elements that fall on the opening and subtract them from the total number. Tiles that partially crossed the door area are not subtracted.

We do the same with any area that remains uncoated.


Before you start laying tiles on the floor or starting to finish the walls, you need to determine in advance the required amount of tiles. Only by thoroughly understanding how to calculate the number of tiles and performing the appropriate calculations will you be able to avoid unnecessary costs and reduce waste to a minimum.

You need to buy tiles 10% more than the required volume for cladding.

What should be taken into account during the calculation?

  • decide what type of tile installation you will choose;
  • decide on the color scheme;
  • decide whether it will be necessary to adjust the tile according to the pattern;
  • decide whether the walls will be covered only with ceramic tiles or whether the decoration will be supplemented with various kinds of decorative elements.

There are several ways to lay tiles. You need to choose one of them and, based on the decision made, calculate the number of tiles. The floor can be covered in one of the following ways:

  1. Standard - in this case, the edges of the ceramic products are mounted along the walls.
  2. Diagonal - the edges are laid at an angle of 45 degrees.
  3. Diagonally checkerboard - tiles of different colors are laid alternating.

For wall cladding, you can choose one of the following methods:

  1. Regular straight - laying of elements is carried out parallel to the floor surface.
  2. Regular with borders (you can use 1 wide border or alternate narrow with wide).
  3. Checkerboard (tiles can be laid both in the usual direction and diagonally).
  4. Diagonal.

It is very important to choose the type of installation before calculating the number of tiles. Take into account the fact that if ceramic tiles are laid diagonally, the consumption of finishing material will increase significantly, because you will be forced to trim products to fit from the center of the room to the corners. If it becomes necessary to make adjustments to the pattern, the number of tiles required for cladding will also increase. Do not forget that the joints of the first rows should be made away from the walls. This will visually hide the unevenness of the partitions.

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There are a number of general rules according to which you can determine the required number of tiles for the kitchen, bathroom and any other premises.

You will need the following tools:

  • roulette;
  • calculator;
  • paper;
  • pencil or pen.

Take a tape measure and measure the height and length of the surfaces that you are going to tile with ceramic tiles. After this, measure the width and length of the floor. Record the resulting values ​​in centimeters. From the dimensions of the wall with the doorway, and if the tiles will be laid in the bathroom, then from the one in which the bathtub is installed, it is necessary to subtract the dimensions of the opening and the bathtub.

Next, you will need to decide on the size of the tiles you will be laying. To finish the floor, tiles measuring 30x30, 33x33 cm, etc. are used. The walls, as a rule, are finished with smaller tiles - 20x30, 25x33 cm, etc. Pre-calculate the result in square meters, and then count the number of tiles individually. It is necessary to add about 10-15% to the calculated value. During the installation process, you will have to trim the tiles; some products may be accidentally damaged or turn out to be defective, so such a reserve must be made.

No matter how perfect such programs are, they still allow some errors. For example, such applications do not take into account the width of the seams, and the developers themselves still recommend double-checking the results.

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Example of calculation of floor tiles

To determine the number of tiles needed for a floor, measure the width and length of the surface, as well as the size of the tile itself. In this example, we will consider the calculation for a room with a floor of 150x170 cm, for the finishing of which ceramic tiles measuring 33x33 cm will be used.

First, divide the width of the floor by the tile side. It turns out that for laying in 1 row in width you will need 4.54 tiles. The resulting value must be rounded to 5. Calculate how many such rows there will be in your room. To do this, divide the length of the room by 33 cm. The result will be 5.15 rows. Round up to 6. Now multiply 5 ceramic tiles in a row by 6 rows. You will get 30 pieces, to which you need to add at least 2-3 tiles in reserve. So you will need to buy 33 tiles.

If you were to perform a calculation based on surface area rather than per piece, you would make a rather significant mistake.

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The floor area in the room in question is 2.55 m². The area of ​​one tile used is 0.11 m². If you were to use this data, the result of the calculation would indicate the need to use 24 tiles (rounded up). That is, in the end you would not have enough material to work with. And the whole point is that when performing a piece calculation, the cutting of the tiles during laying is taken into account.

Example of wall tile calculation

As an example, we will consider a room whose wall height is 270 cm, width - 150 cm, and a 30x20 cm slab is used for cladding. Divide the height of the surface by the height of the tile. It turns out that there will be 9 ceramic tiles in the 1st row in height. Divide the width of the surface by the width of the tile. The result is 7.5, round to 8. Now multiply 9x8. In total, you will need to purchase 72 tiles. Add 7-10 tiles in reserve.

If you are planning a bathroom renovation and have chosen ceramic tiles as the finishing material, then you need to know exactly how much material you will need. Otherwise, you can end up in an unpleasant situation when you have to urgently buy more tiles, but the exact same one may no longer be on sale, or you will simply overpay for extra material. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to calculate the exact number of tiles, but in order to make the calculation, you first need to know the area of ​​the bathroom. Let's look at how to do this.

When planning a renovation, it is important to accurately calculate the area of ​​the surface to be coated.

Where to begin

The first thing you need to know is the size of the room. In order to take measurements and calculate the area of ​​the bathroom, we need a minimum set of tools that are found in every home:

  • paper;
  • pen or pencil;
  • roulette;
  • calculator.

Before you start taking measurements, you need to draw a sketch of the bathroom on paper to make it easier to record the results and make calculations. For maximum convenience, mark each wall in the drawing (for example, a wall with a door, with a sink, etc.) and do not forget about the floor.

For comfortable work, try to remove all excess from the floor and walls to ensure free access to the entire perimeter of the room.

Example of a detailed sketch: wall layout indicating the location of plumbing fixtures and tile layout

Taking measurements

So, let's start taking measurements. Using a tape measure, first of all, you need to measure the width and length of the room, then the height of the walls. You will also need to measure the width and height of the doorway and other objects that will not be tiled. For example, some people choose not to tile behind the bathtub or leave an untiled surface behind the cabinet. All received data is recorded on paper.

When taking measurements, be sure to take into account possible unevenness of the room. Therefore, to avoid inaccuracy in calculations, it is recommended to take measurements of each side, checking the values ​​​​at several points.

Please note: in some rooms, differences in the sizes of opposite walls can reach several centimeters; in this case, it is recommended to take a larger value, this will allow you to make calculations with a small margin.

For accurate calculations, measurements should be taken at several points


Let's assume that the length of the room is 2.2 m, the width is 1.8 m, and the height of the walls is 2.8 m. By multiplying the length and width, we get the floor area in the bathroom:

2.2 x 1.8 = 3.96 m2

Similarly, we determine the area of ​​the doorway by multiplying its height by width:

2 x 0.6 = 1.2 m2

Then we calculate the area of ​​all the walls. Initially, we calculate the perimeter of the room.

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):