Modern suburban areas are equipped with the latest technology. At the same time, an important factor influencing the comfort of living is the presence of all communication systems, including country sewerage and water supply.

How to move away from the old antiquated methods of wastewater disposal and move on to more modern options? Is there a sewer system that will operate automatically, without requiring human presence? Of course there is. But first, let's look at all existing types of sewage systems.

Cesspool systems

Cesspools are an old sewage collection system from the recent past. It is still used today, but the design and materials have changed slightly:

  • Firstly, they stopped using clay for insulation to make it.
  • Secondly, the design has become more powerful, because the criterion of protecting nature from household pollution has come to one of the first places. Environmental authorities strictly monitor this, so you can get a fairly large fine for improper sewer construction.

Therefore, now, instead of ordinary pits, sealed containers made of different materials are used. These could be:

  1. Concrete rings.
  2. Metal barrels and containers.
  3. Plastic products of various configurations.
  4. Pits made of brick or concrete blocks, insulated on both sides.

A cesspool is the simplest and cheapest sewage system for a dacha. It is not difficult to build such a system, but it will have to be maintained constantly. As the container fills, it will have to be cleaned in one of three ways:

  1. Using a sewer truck - fast, simple, but expensive.
  2. Using a special pump - quickly and cheaply. But you will have to do it yourself and take out the sewerage somewhere.
  3. Using a bucket and your own hands - long, cheap, dirty and unpleasant. In addition, you will also have to export it yourself.

Septic tanks

This sewer system for a dacha is the most successful. It is not very expensive, and at the same time its recycling efficiency is quite high.

What is the essence of her work? The principle of natural decomposition of organic matter is applied here. Under the influence of bacteria, any organic matter almost completely disappears within three days. However, sewage contains water and other substances that bacteria cannot process. What to do with them?

Choosing a septic tank

Let's go in order. A septic tank consists of two or more compartments in which different processes occur. The first compartment is designed to collect waste and sewage. Here they settle - heavy particles sink to the bottom, and water with small particles flows further. Heavy particles immediately begin to be processed by bacteria, as a result of which sludge forms at the bottom - an excellent fertilizer for the garden.

The recycling process also takes place in the second compartment. Small particles practically disappear, and the water purified in this way flows through the bottom of the compartment into the ground, and then deep into the groundwater. And the more compartments, the cleaner the output water.

There are several types of septic tanks. There are solid devices - a single tank divided into compartments. There are separate containers connected to each other by sewer pipes. So, in the first case, you will have to add a device through which purified water will penetrate into the soil. Such areas are called filtration fields. You can build them yourself.

In the second option, the first container is a sealed tank. And the second has a perforated bottom, or is generally made without a bottom. This is necessary so that purified water can freely penetrate deep into the soil.

What containers can be used? Everything that was noted in the previous section applies here. However, modern septic tank manufacturers offer ready-made models. They need to be cleaned every 3-5 years, depending on the size of the containers.

Autonomous recycling system

Local treatment facilities

This is the most modern design, classified as sewer equipment. Such septic tanks perform complete wastewater treatment, so that the output water is practically clean. Some models are distinguished by cleaning efficiency reaching 100%.

True, such equipment costs a lot. Its installation is usually carried out by professionals, and some models only work in the presence of electric current. They contain a large number of different filters, pumps, a security system and an alarm system. This is a rather complex unit that is in no way inferior to city sewer systems, although it has compact dimensions.

It is better to purchase such sewer systems for a summer residence together. Neighbors of several houses get together, buy one such septic tank, install it, connect and live without any troubles. Here it is important to correctly and accurately select the power of the unit and its productivity - the amount of waste that it can process.

What to choose?

Country sewer system for a country house

Which country sewer system is best suited for your home? It all depends on your needs and capabilities. First of all, you need to determine the budget allocated for the creation of a sewerage system. If you have enough money, we recommend automated septic tanks. They installed it, connected it and forgot about its existence.

But again, much will depend on the size of the house, the number of connection points to the sewer system and the number of residents permanently living in it. It may turn out that the capacity of the septic tank must be so large that you simply do not have enough money to purchase it. Therefore, weigh your needs against your capabilities.

And one more piece of advice - move away from structures where you have to do everything yourself. This refers to cesspool options. For small dachas that owners visit only in the warm season, they are still suitable. But it’s better to invest a little money and set up a good, even small, autonomous system. You will live comfortably, it will work without problems, and it will be safer for nature.

Conclusion on the topic

A sewage system in a dacha is a necessary thing. You can’t go anywhere without it, so every self-respecting summer resident must first make a choice and be sure to install it. Gone are the days when all conditions were outside. Civilization is gradually moving into country houses and dachas.

The improvement of a private home is accompanied by the laying of communications that form the basis for the comfort and well-being of the owners. Even a temporary home - a summer cottage - cannot do without a simple sewer system designed to collect wastewater.

Let's try to find out how to install a sewer system in a dacha with your own hands and what standards are fundamental.

As you know, dacha communities and country villages are located far from large populated areas, so owners of garden houses cannot count on centralized service. The way out of this situation is to organize a separate local system for each suburban area separately.

In elite villages, powerful VOCs are often installed that can simultaneously serve several large cottages, but this is rather an exception to the general rule. More often, owners of garden plots ranging from 6 to 15 acres make do with more modest budget devices - cesspools or simple septic tanks.

Diagram of the simplest sewerage system in a country house: simple internal wiring (sink + toilet), a straight pipe for household waste, a cesspool with an access road for special equipment

Both can be built from inexpensive building or alternative materials, such as:

  • factory-made concrete blanks;
  • red or white brick;
  • cement mortar (to create a sealed monolithic container);
  • car tires.

There is another way, more expensive, but quite effective - installing a ready-made factory container made of modified plastic, equipped with a pipe for connection to a pipe, ventilation and a technical hatch.

It is prohibited to dig a drain hole without creating a sealed tank, as this is contrary to sanitary standards. Sewage, teeming with pathogenic bacteria and chemically aggressive substances, goes directly into the soil and groundwater, polluting it.

Option for installing a country street toilet. The cesspool partially extends beyond the “house”, and a technical hatch for emptying the storage tank is located near the building - this makes it possible to do without a pipeline

There is also no point in installing expensive biological treatment stations, since the volume of wastewater will most likely be minimal, and the treatment facility will more closely resemble the same storage tank.

So it turns out that the best option is a large cesspool or a septic tank-type structure. On a large plot there may be several cesspools, for example, a peat pit for an outdoor toilet and two storage tanks - at the bathhouse and at the house.

Possible sewer schemes

Depending on the number of residents, albeit temporary ones, the number of plumbing fixtures, the total number of drains, and objects connected to the sewerage system, the schemes can be completely different.

All parts of the system have distinctive features:

  • internal wiring;
  • simple or branched pipeline;
  • type of pit or septic tank.

Let's look at a few of the most popular schemes.

A modern dacha bears little resemblance to a utility room or barn. Owners of even modest suburban plots are trying to build high-quality, reliable, spacious housing, so a two-story building has long ceased to be a rarity. The optimal wiring option for two floors is shown in the diagram:

The toilet and bathroom are located on the second floor (sometimes just a modernized attic space), and the kitchen is downstairs. Pipes from the plumbing lead to a riser located at the wall closest to the septic tank

In small one-story houses, a toilet + sink set is usually installed. The shower, if present, is located on the street, not far from the garden area.

The wastewater from the toilet enters the inner pipe, then comes out and moves by gravity to the septic tank.

Diagram of the structure of the riser and sleeve for designing the transition of the pipe to the outside. The cross-section of the main, like the riser, must be at least 100 mm, and the pipe fragment in the wall must be wrapped in a sheet of metal and thermal insulation

The cesspool is most often placed near the building, at a distance of 5-10 m. Less than 5 m is not recommended according to sanitary standards; more than 10 m, difficulties may arise when laying the pipeline. As is known, to ensure the movement of drains by gravity, approximately 2 cm per 1 m of the main line is required.

Layout of the drainage pit. This is the most popular option among summer residents, which is chosen because of its low cost, simplicity of design and installation method.

Increasingly, instead of a cesspool, a cesspool is being built with an overflow into a filter well. Vacuum cleaners will also have to be called, but much less frequently.

Diagram of a self-made two-chamber septic tank. The filter well receives partially clarified wastewater and continues to purify it, transporting it through a sand and gravel filter into the ground

Common dacha sewerage schemes can be supplemented with branched internal or external wiring, connection of more waste disposal points, a more efficient septic tank, and a filtration field.

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Instructions for building a local system

There is no single plan for installing an autonomous sewer network, however, almost any system consists of three main stages - laying pipes inside the house with the connection of plumbing fixtures, wiring the external pipe and installing a cesspool (septic tank).

There are exceptions - for example, the complete absence of internal wiring, when all hygiene facilities are located on the street (shower, toilet, washbasin). Let's consider the full option.

Drawing up a project taking into account the standards

Half the success is correct design, which can be done in two ways: independently and with the involvement of specialists.

The first method is good when there are no plans to construct serious structures on the site - a septic tank, a swimming pool, a filtration field, a filtration well. Suppose you are planning to build an outdoor “birdhouse” toilet, which at the same time serves as a garbage disposal for household waste, and instead of full-fledged sinks for washing hands and dishes, you decide to install an ordinary washbasin.

To build a toilet on the street, it is enough to dig a hole, equip it with a sealed tank, select the optimal building layout and conclude an agreement on regular waste removal.

The washbasin, like the outdoor shower, can be connected to a plastic storage tank installed on a raised surface, the water in which is heated by solar energy

If you plan to make complex in-house wiring, install a septic tank, lay pipes from the house, bathhouse and summer kitchen, it is better to contact engineers who will draw up a well-founded project based on the layout of the house and landscape features.

In any case, when constructing a drainage pit or septic tank, you must be guided by SanPiN standards, according to which the distances from the waste collection tank to the nearest objects should be as follows:

The interval from the septic tank to the well (well) completely depends on the composition of the soil: for clay soils - 25-30 m, for sandy and sandy loam soils - at least 50 m

When choosing plumbing and sewerage equipment, we also recommend relying on the technical conditions and GOST standards that regulate the use of certain materials.

For example, to lay an external main, you must use only special ones (smooth and corrugated products made of PVC, PP or orange HDPE). Fittings must match the pipe material and diameter.

How to make internal wiring?

The internal wiring diagram includes a network of horizontally located pipes, which are connected to plumbing fixtures on one side and to a riser on the other. The riser, in turn, is connected to the main line leading to the storage facility.

It is advisable to lay internal communications during the construction of a house - this makes it easier to arrange holes in the walls and mask some parts of the internal pipeline.

By choosing high-quality polypropylene products and creating a hermetically sealed junction, you can “sew” part of the pipes into the floor, leaving only technical hatches for maintenance

When installing pipes, it is very important to take into account the slope, since in country houses they usually do not use special equipment, and the movement of drain water occurs by gravity. The amount of inclination is selected based on the diameter of the pipes: for large (150 mm in diameter) pipes - about 8 mm/linear meter, for medium (from 100 to 110 mm) - 20 mm/linear meter, for products with a minimum cross-section (50 mm ) – 30 mm/linear m.

Scheme for connecting a sink to a pipe. The optimal diameter of pipes leading to the riser is 50 mm, the diameter of the riser itself is 100 mm or 110 mm

The order in which the pipes are connected and assembled may differ, but usually the riser is installed first, then the pipes are supplied, and at the very end the plumbing fixtures are connected.

If a gas or solid fuel boiler is installed at the dacha and a hot water supply system is functioning, the minimum set of toilet + sink is supplemented with a shower stall or bathtub. Accordingly, the internal branch of the local sewage system for a dacha in this case will be more difficult.

Fully equipped bathroom in a wooden country house. When choosing a shower cabin, focus on simpler models that do not require strong pressure and high pressure in the pipes

The final point in laying the intra-house wiring is the installation of an adapter in the wall of the house, which is a metal protective sleeve. The ideal solution is to lead the pipe in the foundation of the house into a hole located below the freezing level of the soil.

Rules for laying external pipes

The choice of pipes of the appropriate quality is not the only condition for the proper installation of a pipeline connecting the intra-house network with a cesspool or septic tank. There are rules and regulations that must be followed when burying communications in the ground.

The first rule concerns the depth of the trench: pipes must be laid below the freezing level so that the liquid sewer medium does not freeze and rupture the pipeline with the onset of cold weather. On the other hand, the depth should not be too great, since it is necessary to maintain a slope - at least 2 cm / 1 m of trenches. It turns out that the difference between the depths of the beginning and end of a 10-meter ditch will be 20 cm.

If the pipeline section has a length of more than 10 m, connections or turns, inspection wells must be installed at pipe joints and bends - to monitor and eliminate blockages

In order not to make the trenches too deep, even in the northern regions, pipes are laid at a depth of 50-70 cm, carefully insulating all areas.

The following is used as a heat-insulating material:

  • polystyrene foam shell;
  • foam boxes;
  • basalt fiber;
  • mineral wool;
  • penoizol;
  • foamed polyethylene;
  • penofol;
  • expanded clay backfill.

In the northern regions, to increase efficiency, materials are combined, for example, pipes are covered with foam insulation and sprinkled with expanded clay on all sides.

There is another heating method - using. However, energy-dependent insulation is optimal for permanent residences. For dachas, where visitors are extremely rare during the cold season, conventional insulation is sufficient. If the pipes do freeze and an ice plug forms, it is recommended to try to break through it with boiled water.

You can read more about the rules for laying sewer pipes in the ground in.

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Installation of a cesspool

The procedure and timing of arranging a drainage pit depend on its type. For example, the installation of a factory-made plastic container is carried out in 1 day, and the construction of a concrete monolithic tank, which requires complete hardening of the solution, lasts at least a month.

Digging a pit can be combined with constructing a trench and laying pipes. The hole is dug according to the size of the storage tank, but so that approximately 0.3 m is left on each side for processing and backfilling. The volume is chosen based on the needs of the residents.

One of the options for a cesspool made of concrete rings. Usually, for country use, a tank of 2-3 pieces is sufficient, provided that it is filled to 1/2 or 1/3 of the volume (the wastewater level should not rise above the inlet)

To excavate soil, use construction equipment or shovels with buckets. After clearing the lower part of the pit, the bottom is reinforced with a drainage sand and gravel layer (from 20 to 40 cm thick).

If the tank is light, it is advisable to place a concrete slab on the bottom (or make a concrete screed) and secure the tank with anchors, giving it stability. For the same purpose, during backfilling, dry cement is added to the soil so that a reliable waterproof ring is formed around the container.

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Prefabricated structures - made of bricks, rings, cinder blocks - must be covered with two layers of waterproofing on the outside and inside so that the contents of the tank do not fall into the ground and mix with groundwater. Another important condition is the installation of a ventilation riser that removes gases to the outside.

After installation and connection of the pit to the pipeline, the hole is backfilled and the neck is formed. The upper hole, which performs technical functions, is covered with a durable lid.

How is a septic tank different from a cesspool?

Many people are interested in how to make an effective sewer system at their dacha so that waste water not only accumulates in a cesspool, but is also partially purified. The only way to make visits to sewer trucks less frequent is to install a septic tank, either factory-made or home-made, instead of a cesspool.

It is worth distinguishing between two types of septic tanks. Some of them actually purify water up to 68–97%, because the purification process occurs under the influence of anaerobic and aerobic bacteria. The lowest degree of purification is represented by systems in which wastewater is processed through sedimentation and the action of anaerobes.

Stages of construction of a septic tank from concrete rings

The installation of a treatment facility for their cylindrical billets follows a standard scheme. The process is simplified due to the large size of the parts, however, for the same reason, complexity arises - the mandatory rental of construction equipment and the participation of a team of workers. In low-moisture sands that crumble during the development and further actions, we strengthen the walls of the pit with a box made of unedged boards. The second chamber, the bottom of which should to be permeable, we construct it in the same order, but without installing a starting ring. If the work site is characterized by spring floods and autumn stagnation of water, if the water does not “seep” well into the ground and does not leave for a long time, it is better to arrange a filtration field for unloading instead of a second chamber. It is even better to discharge the treated water in the septic tank into a public sewer.

Stage 3: Installation of the starting link of the singing chamber

Preparing a pit according to the size of the structure

In the place indicated in the project, using a handy tool (shovel), winch or mini-excavator, dig a hole 2-3 rings deep + a neck. To the height of the assembled structure, add 30-40 cm for the foundation: 15-20 cm of sand + 15-20 cm of gravel (crushed stone, river pebbles). The drainage layer serves as a reliable base and filtering “cushion”.

The length of the pit should be such that it can accommodate two tanks connected by a short overflow.

Sandy soil at the pit construction site can cause problems in the form of crumbling walls. If there is no way to strengthen the walls, it is better to dig a wide hole, and after installing and waterproofing the septic tank, fill it with heavier soil containing clay

The soil should not be removed from the site - it will be useful for backfilling. The remains can be used to form landscape objects, for example, flower beds.

Installation of concrete blanks

Concrete rings are mounted one on top of the other, secured at the joints with staples and sealed with special gaskets. Manufacturers have simplified the installation of the lower ring of the storage tank - they have come up with a part with a solid bottom, which does not require additional weight.

One or two more parts are placed on it, covered with an overlap with a hole, a neck is placed on top and a technical hatch with a lid is equipped.

The second chamber is equipped in the same way, but instead of a blind lower part, a regular ring is used. For a filter well, the drainage layer is not enough - it is necessary to make a dense filter with a thickness of at least 50 cm

Now there is no need for any individual calculations. The dimensions of the blanks are standard, and you can always find out from the manufacturer what volume of wastewater the selected combination of elements is designed for.

Waterproofing measures

A concrete septic tank made from individual parts must be covered with waterproofing. In practice, two methods are used: applying protective material on both sides or applying waterproofing on the outside, and only finishing the seams on the inside.

One of the protection options that is suitable for objects buried in the ground. A layer of bitumen waterproofing is applied to porous concrete, after which the walls of the parts become more durable and waterproof

There are modern, deeply penetrating materials that surpass the bitumen layer in technical characteristics (for example, Penetron), but they are more expensive.

Pipe connection and testing

The fully assembled structure is combined into a single whole and connected to a pipe leading from the house. To do this, holes are made in the concrete blanks for the overflow - a short section of pipe, then the same hole - for the entrance of the sewer line. All elements are hermetically connected and covered with waterproofing. The ventilation riser is removed.

To check the functionality and tightness of the structure, the first container is filled with water. Then, when the first wastewater enters the storage tank, a bioactivator can be used to make the waste processing process more efficient.

As you can see, installing an autonomous sewer system at your dacha requires certain engineering knowledge and skills. If in doubt, it is better to seek help from specialists: there are many companies that successfully design and install local sewer systems.

Do you have experience in installing sewerage systems in your country house? Please share some practical advice with our readers, tell us what you need to pay attention to when setting up an autonomous system - the feedback form is located under the article.

Work on installation of sewerage systems performed by specialists of our company >>>

Any sewage system, including in the country, is divided into internal and external. The first consists of a system of risers and sun loungers and collects water from all plumbing fixtures in the house, the second discharges sewage into the general sewer network, treatment plant or storage tank.

Internal sewage system of the dacha

In-house country sewerage can be laid in open and closed ways. Of course, the closed method is more preferable, since all the pipes are located inside the walls or between the ceilings.

Laying pipes in an open way is mainly carried out in houses with finishing or in houses without a subfloor, without access to the floor.

The laying of sewerage pipelines has been carried out by our company’s specialists for 8 years! Having extensive experience in such work, we design and implement the most non-standard solutions!

Three options for external sewerage in the country

External sewerage in a dacha can be done in one of three ways, much depends on the soil, groundwater level, dependence on power supply, and of course your capabilities.

1 - drainage of wastewater to a septic tank

Excellent for sandy soil is the installation of a simple septic tank (a tank divided into three parts and a filtration well.

In this system, all sewage waste is discharged into a septic tank, where, due to aerobic bacteria, preliminary cleaning and screening of suspended particles occurs, after which the clarified water enters the filtration well, where it is absorbed and, passing through the layers of soil, is gradually completely purified.

Our company "Comfortable Dacha" installs systems of this kind only in sandy soil. Only in sandstones is this beneficial in terms of cost and convenience during operation.

Being completely independent of the power supply, this simple and inexpensive system has proven itself well in sandy soils.

The only and obligatory condition - the drinking well must be located at a distance of at least 25 meters from the filtration well. This is a mandatory condition, otherwise it is possible that sewage will get into drinking water.

2 - including the installation of a storage tank

Only wastewater from the toilet is sent to the storage tank; water from all other plumbing is discharged into a road ditch or ravine.

We carry out the construction of this type of systems in clay and loamy soils, where interruptions in power supply are possible and there is a possibility of access by a fallowing machine.

This country sewer system is divided into two independent parts, one of which drains sewage from the toilet into a storage tank, and the second, drains wastewater from shower sinks through a sand bedding into a road ditch or ravine.

This quite convenient sewer system is also energy independent.

3 - installation of a deep biological treatment station

Stations of this type are quite compact; sewage passing through them is purified almost 100%. This happens due to the forced enrichment of wastewater in the station with oxygen.

Depending on the performance, these installations are capable of cleaning sewage from one bathroom to entire villages.

Country sewage systems of this type have the only disadvantage - they are energy dependent. The compressors located inside must operate all year round. Preservation of such installations for the winter is possible, but quite troublesome and inconvenient. Also, having mothballed the sewer system in the fall, it will be impossible to use it during a short visit to the dacha in winter. You will also not be able to use the water supply system.

Why do we install septic tanks only in sandy soil?

Country sewerage, in which wastewater is discharged into a septic tank in all types of soil except sandy, involves the development of filtration fields or trenches, as well as the installation of receiving wells. Today it has become economically and technologically unprofitable. The cost and construction time of such a system are much higher, and the efficiency is much lower than that of deep biological treatment plants.

In connection with all of the above, we install septic tanks only in sandy soil, only in those places where the groundwater is deep enough and the distance between the sewer intake and drinking well or well is at least 25 meters.

We install deep biological treatment stations, mainly Topas, in almost any type of soil.

Dacha sewerage is one of our three main areas. Our company "Comfortable Dacha" carries out work on laying external and internal sewer networks (laying pipes in the house, connecting and installing plumbing), we also install various treatment facilities, storage tanks, filtration wells.

By contacting our company, you will receive a truly thoughtful, high-quality sewer system that best suits your conditions!

Contents of the article

Sewage for a dacha is, of course, necessary, since, having begun to develop a dacha plot, two main questions arise regarding the installation of sewerage and how to get water at the dacha. If everything is clear with the last question - drilling a well and installing a pump, then with the first there are certain difficulties. Sewerage at the dacha with your own hands is quite feasible. In order to avoid problems in the future, you need to decide on the drainage system.

Initially, it is necessary to decide how much wastewater that will be carried out at the summer cottage will be produced over the course of one day, since the more wastewater, the better. The required type will directly depend on this quantity.

Types of systems

Let's consider the types of dacha sewage systems and under what conditions their installation is possible:

  • The first type includes a cesspool, which, as a rule, is installed for small volumes of wastewater production. There are two types of pits - cesspool without bottom And sealed pit.
  • The second type of sewage system is a biological wastewater treatment system, which is divided into gravity And volatile.

A cesspool without a bottom is the simplest sewage system in the country that exists.

As a rule, such a system is installed for only one purpose - to satisfy the natural needs of a person; there is no comfort or convenience in this option.

Sewerage of this type is possible only in three cases:

  • if the total volume of daily waste is a maximum of 1 cubic meter;
  • it is necessary to remove the bottom of the cesspool from the top layer of groundwater by at least 1 meter;
  • and the distance from the cesspool to the drinking water intake must be at least 50 m.

Despite the fact that the construction of cesspools is officially prohibited, the installation of just such pits still takes place. Very often, for the construction of such cesspools, for the sake of economy, tanks, tires, barrels are used, that is, material that is at hand.

The most effective type of sewage system is a sealed cesspool. The functioning mechanism is the following system:

But with all the positive aspects, this system also has its negative properties. The cost of installing and using cesspools with a sealed bottom is quite high; for example, the services of a vacuum cleaner can reach up to $30, which is significant for people with an average income.

We recommend that, if you are using a plastic tank, pour a concrete foundation under the container and secure it with reliable belts made of a material that does not corrode, or secure it with strong cables. Without doing this, the plastic tank is likely to float.

Commercial cleaning system

The most modern country sewer systems include a sewer system that includes a full cycle of cleaning unclean masses with a septic tank and a drainage system that will function independently, or you can buy and install an energy-dependent cleaning system. Volatile systems in the commercial aspect have a huge number of advantages; thanks to its operation, a slight saving in the area of ​​a summer cottage is obtained, but for its operation, there must be uninterrupted access to electricity. If you are not on site, electricity must be left on, which in turn is unsafe.

When installing a commercial sewage treatment system, we recommend that you enter into an appropriate contract for installation, and also for subsequent maintenance, directly with the seller. Strictly follow the cleaning indicators stated in the documents.

How to make a sewer yourself?

The most common do-it-yourself country sewer system is with a drainage system for the destruction and disposal of clarified wastewater. The wastewater first falls into the septic tank, then various particles and contaminants settle to the bottom, after which the waste is broken down into components due to bacteria that are in the septic tank, as a result of which silt settles to the bottom, and the water, clarified to a 30 percent level, turns into drainage well and finally further purification of the liquid occurs. The water in the drainage well accumulates and goes into the ground.

A septic tank is a sealed structure that can be multi-chambered, which in turn makes it possible to purify wastewater an order of magnitude higher, and due to the fact that the water that comes out of the septic tank is already an order of magnitude cleaner, there is a positive effect on the ecological state of the region. As a rule, when building with a septic tank, brick, concrete or plastic structures are used.

If you own a large plot of land, then you can allow the construction of a drainage field, thereby increasing the drainage area. In this case, the water treated with a septic tank is absorbed into most of the area and acts as a natural fertilizer.

Laying a sewer system in a country house also has some features:

  • Drain pipes are laid to a sufficient depth to prevent freezing during cold periods;
  • surveyors will be able to accurately determine the depth in your region, or you can use the Internet; in central Russia this depth indicator is 1.2 m;
  • to ensure uniform drainage of unclean masses and eliminate noise created by draining water, it is necessary to create a pipe slope, which must be maintained at a level of 3 mm to 7 mm per linear meter;
  • The important point is the next stage - you should not firmly attach the pipe to the walls of the septic tank, since soil movements can cause damage to the pipe;
  • You also need to lay a special material between the edges of the hole and the pipe, which is impregnated with an inorganic water-repellent composition.

The result of the above is the following: building a sewer system on a summer cottage is not a difficult job if you have minimal experience in construction. By installing an autonomous wastewater collection system, you can give yourself and your loved ones convenience and comfort that is quite comparable to urban conditions.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):