The rules and regulations of social protection of the population directly depend on the regulated law and the direction of this type of support to the population.

The basis of the state social guarantee is a minimalized social standard that determines people’s living conditions.

For example, certain rules for support are established for the mother of a newborn child, and different rules for an elderly person (pensioner).

The protection of the population is intended to determine the necessary minimum standard of living so that citizens of the Russian Federation do not find themselves below the poverty line, to establish benefits that are important for certain social groups, and to allow some to use certain services for free.

The essence of social protection

Social protection itself is a system for distributing resources among vulnerable segments of the population. Insecurity is classified and determined according to certain principles.

Public funds are based on the source of funding from the budget.

Thus, funds allocated to social services are generated through taxation. Social protection is:

  • the Russian Federation’s care for people who have lost their ability to work;
  • implementation of guarantees for the population;
  • framework ensuring the maintenance of a minimum established standard of living.

Principles of social protection

Social protection of the population is created in such a way that it can be based on the following basic principles:

  • partnership. The state undertakes to fulfill its obligations to people regarding social protection, but partnership is an integral part. Therefore, close cooperation between the state and private organizations is observed everywhere;
  • economic justice. The very structure of the state is largely based on economic relations. Without ownership of certain resources, which are obtained through the ability to work, the livelihoods of citizens cannot be supported. The state must equalize the capabilities of people by determining, based on the principle of economic justice, priorities for the distribution of funds, and each category of citizens must satisfy its own established individual needs to maintain a comfortable life;
  • adaptability. Social protection should work in such a way that it gradually improves itself, for which different parts of the entire system of social relationships functioning in the state are responsible;
  • priority of state principles. The main task of the Russian Federation in the social direction is the need to help people who, for objective reasons, cannot do this on their own, achieve a certain standard of living that will be acceptable;
  • preventive measures for social protection. Identification of risk factors associated with social orientation. As a rule, it works at the regional level, has its own levels of management priority, the main task of which is considered to be the most flexible combination of providing services on a paid or free basis to maintain normal living conditions.

Social protection bodies in the Russian Federation

The structure of the bodies responsible for the social status of citizens consists of:

  • government bodies (provide the legal basis, strategy and tactics of social policy);
  • civil communities (associations, organizations, firms and enterprises);
  • charitable and voluntary.

The Ministry of Labor is responsible for managing social protection at the federal level in Russia.

They are managed by Pension, Social Insurance and Medical Insurance Funds.

In the regions, the executive bodies of social protection in the Russian Federation are the Department. For questions in Moscow districts, you can contact the district administration.

Social protection objects

  • pensioners, including single people;
  • disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War, families of fallen military personnel;
  • unemployed;
  • Chernobyl people;
  • disabled people;
  • orphans;
  • large families and low-income families;
  • single mothers;
  • citizens without a place of residence;
  • infected with HIV.

Another measure to protect the social protection of citizens is social insurance, but this area is generally considered auxiliary on a national scale.

It covers persons who have lost their ability to work, and also applies to those who support disabled citizens.

Social protection means

The means of the state for creating social protection include:

  • regulatory restrictions. They are created so that through the use of certain tools it is not possible to influence the condition of unprotected sections of the population. For this purpose, minimum wages and benefit levels are established, there is free medicine and free education;
  • social stimulants in the form of subsidies, preferential forms of assistance, services partially paid from the budget;
  • analysis of the results of work carried out to maintain an average standard of living. As part of these programs, they are developing;
  • the existence of non-state pension systems, which allows people to invest funds allocated to the budget for subsequent receipt of pensions, to contribute them to private funds on other terms;
  • creation of a set of actions to provide services and social protection to disabled citizens. For example, medical supplies or supplies for sick people may be provided;
  • organization of charitable foundations that direct funds to maintain a higher standard of living for different social groups.

Participants in insuring people against life difficulties that prevent them from maintaining a minimum standard of living are the state, non-state insurance funds and commercial as well as charitable organizations.

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The structure of social protection is a set of legislative acts, measures, as well as organizations that ensure the implementation of measures of social protection of the population, support for socially vulnerable segments of the population

It includes:

1. Social Security BE%D0%B5_%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%B5%D1%81%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%87%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5 - - arose in Russia in the 20s of the twentieth century. and meant the creation of a state system of material support and services for elderly and disabled citizens, as well as families with children at the expense of the so-called public consumption funds. This category is essentially identical to the category of social protection, but the latter applies to a market economy.

In addition to pensions (for old age, disability, etc.), social security included benefits for temporary disability and childbirth, for caring for a child under one year of age, assistance to families in maintaining and raising children (free or on preferential terms, nurseries, kindergartens, boarding schools , pioneer camps, etc.), family benefits, maintenance of disabled people in special organizations (nursing homes, etc.), free or preferential prosthetic care, provision of means of transportation for disabled people, vocational training for disabled people, various benefits for families of disabled people. During the transition to the market, the social security system largely ceased to fulfill its functions, but some of its elements became part of the modern system of social protection of the population.

2. Social guarantees - provision of social benefits and services to citizens without taking into account labor contribution and means testing based on the principle of distribution of available public resources of these benefits according to needs. In our country, social guarantees include:

guaranteed free medical care;

accessibility and free education;

minimum wage;

minimum pension, scholarship;

social pensions (disabled children since childhood; disabled children; disabled people with no work experience; children who have lost one or both parents; persons over 65 (men) and 60 (women) years with no work experience);

benefits at the birth of a child, for the period of caring for a child until he reaches the age of 1.5 years, up to 16 years;

ritual benefit for burial and some others.

Since January 1, 2002, the amount of benefits associated with the birth of a child has been increased. Thus, the amount of a one-time benefit for the birth of a child increased from 1.5 thousand rubles to 4.5 thousand rubles and in 2006 - to 8000 rubles, a monthly benefit for the period of parental leave until the child reaches the age of one and a half years from 200 to 500 rubles, and in 2006 - up to 700 rubles. This benefit provided 25% of the subsistence level of an able-bodied person. The monthly allowance for a child under 16 years of age has not been revised and is 70 rubles. Its ratio to the child's subsistence level was 3.0% in 2004. In Moscow and some other regions, this benefit increased to 150 rubles in 2006.

A type of social guarantees are social benefits. They represent a system of public guarantees provided to certain groups of the population (disabled people, war veterans, labor veterans, etc.). In 2005, in-kind benefits for these categories of the population were replaced with monetary compensation. Since January 1, 2005, the preferential category of citizens has the right to use the social package and the right to receive monthly cash payments The cost of the social package is set at 450 rubles. It includes travel on suburban transport, free medicine, sanatorium treatment and travel to the place of sanatorium treatment. The law provides that from January 2006, beneficiaries will be able to choose between a social package and receiving the corresponding amount of money.

From January 1, 2006, monthly cash payments in accordance with the law were established in the following amounts: disabled people of the Great Patriotic War - 2000 rubles; WWII participants - 1500 rubles; combat veterans and a number of other categories of beneficiaries - 1,100 rubles.

Persons who worked during the Second World War at air defense facilities, the construction of defensive structures, naval bases, airfields and other military facilities, family members of deceased or deceased disabled war veterans, World War II participants and combat veterans will receive 600 rubles monthly.

Disabled persons with a third degree of restriction of work activity are paid 1,400 rubles monthly; second degree - 1000 rubles; first degree - 800 rubles; Disabled children will be paid 1,000 rubles. Disabled people who do not have a degree of limitation to work, with the exception of disabled children, receive 500 rubles monthly.

Social insurance is the protection of the economically active population from social risks on the basis of collective solidarity in compensation for damage. The main social risks associated with loss of ability to work, work and, accordingly, income are illness, old age, unemployment, motherhood, accident, work injury, occupational disease, death of the breadwinner. The social insurance system is financed from special extra-budgetary funds formed from contributions from employers and employees, as well as state subsidies.

There are two forms of social insurance - mandatory (with state support from its funds) and voluntary (in the absence of state assistance). Support for citizens is provided primarily through cash payments (pensions and benefits for illness, old age, unemployment, loss of a breadwinner, etc.), as well as through financing the services of health care organizations, vocational training, etc., related to the restoration of working capacity.

Social support (assistance) is provided to socially vulnerable groups of the population who, for one reason or another, are unable to secure an income for themselves. Assistance is provided through both cash and in-kind payments (free lunches, clothing) and is financed from general tax revenues. Social assistance is usually means tested. Assistance is provided to those people whose incomes are below minimum living standards, and is an essential element of the anti-poverty policy, ensuring a minimum guaranteed income, as the realization of the right to life.

Social support is not limited to financial assistance. It also includes measures in the form of assistance and services provided to individuals or groups of the population by social services to overcome life difficulties, maintain social status, and adapt to society.

The activities of social services for social support, provision of social, everyday, medical, pedagogical, legal services and material assistance, social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations have formed into a separate branch of the social sphere - social services http://www.

The system of social service institutions in Russia is developing at a very rapid pace. During the period 1998-2004, the total number of social service institutions increased by a third. At the same time, the number of institutions for the elderly and disabled has increased by more than one and a half times compared to 1985, and by 18% compared to 1998. Number of social assistance centers for families and children for 1998-2004. increased by 2 times, social rehabilitation centers - by 2.5 times. There are 25 rehabilitation centers for young disabled people and 17 gerontological centers. New types of social service institutions have appeared: crisis centers for women, so far the only crisis center for men, crisis departments for girls.

Work aimed at providing assistance, support and protection to people, and especially to the socially weaker sections of society, is called social work.

The object of social work is people who need outside help: the elderly, pensioners, disabled people, seriously ill people, children; people who find themselves in difficult life situations: the unemployed, drug addicts, teenagers who have fallen into bad company, single-parent families, those convicted and those who have served their sentences, refugees and displaced persons, etc.

Subjects of social work are those organizations and people who carry out this work. This is the state as a whole, implementing social policy through state social protection bodies. These are public organizations: the Russian Association of Social Services, the Association of Social Pedagogues and Social Workers, etc. These are charitable organizations and relief societies such as the Red Cross and Red Crescent.

The main subjects of social work are people engaged in it professionally or on a voluntary basis. There are about half a million professional social workers (that is, people with appropriate education and diplomas) all over the world (several tens of thousands in Russia). The bulk of social work is carried out by non-professionals, either as a result of circumstances or out of conviction and a sense of duty.

Society is interested in increasing the effectiveness of social work. However, it is quite difficult to define and measure it. Efficiency is understood as the ratio of the results of activities and the costs required to achieve this result. Efficiency in the social sphere is a complex category that consists of goals, results, costs and conditions of social activity. The result is the final result of any activity in relation to its goal. It can be positive or negative. In social work, the result is the satisfaction of the needs of its objects, clients of social services, and on this basis a general improvement in the social situation in society. Criteria for the effectiveness of social work at the macro level can be indicators of the financial situation of the family (person), life expectancy, level and structure of morbidity, homelessness, drug addiction, crime, etc.

Closely related to the efficiency criterion is the problem of limits on social assistance to citizens. As with the implementation of income policy, it is necessary to take into account the possible negative consequences of massive social support: the emergence of dependency, passivity, and reluctance to make decisions on one’s own and solve one’s problems. Negative phenomena may arise in the social sphere (for example, active support for single mothers may result in a decrease in the marriage rate and, ultimately, the birth rate).

Social protection of the population – a system of measures carried out by society and its various structures to ensure guaranteed minimum sufficient living conditions, maintaining the life support and active existence of a person.

The Institute of Social Protection as a complex system that is being formed in society to solve numerous, interconnected social problems caused by the need to help socially vulnerable social strata and groups of the population. The formation and development of such an institution occurs on the basis of the emerging legislative and regulatory framework, the creative use of historical experience, under the influence of the political, socio-economic, spiritual and moral situation in society, existing ideas about the nature and forms of social assistance to people. Its development as a mechanism for regulating the entire set of socio-economic, political, spiritual and moral relations in society is influenced by numerous factors: political, economic, ideological, moral and psychological, factors associated with social work as a professional activity.

Political factors. They are associated with the strengthening of power, the social policy it pursues, its ability to influence the state of affairs in the social sphere and carry out reforms here in the interests of people, to ensure peace and social stability in society. The political factor manifested itself in the intensification of the activities of public associations and political parties. Issues of developing and improving social protection, supporting people who find themselves in difficult life situations, have increasingly begun to attract the attention of public associations, be included in their programs and other documents, and have been submitted as an initiative for discussion by legislative bodies.

Economic forces determine the nature and specifics of the functioning of the institution of social protection: economic consequences associated with the use of certain methods of regulating social protection; the value of the general level of consumption of the most important types of goods; modeling income through the collection of contributions, considered as a form of taxation and the provision of benefits in cash or in kind. The family, being the most important unit of society, becomes a natural protective mechanism for its members, ensuring the development of a worldview of basic behavior patterns and life strategies, and the ability to adapt to the changed conditions of society.

Ideological factors play an important role in the development of the institution of social protection. They reflect, through a system of public views and ideas, the economic life of society, and actively influence its development through the activities of the state, public associations, parties, groups and layers of society. Their influence on the performance of the emerging social protection institution is also real.

Moral and psychological factors are the most important regulators of relations arising in the sphere of human social protection. Moral and psychological problems arise frequently and manifest themselves in all areas of social assistance and human support - during the interaction between a social worker and a client, in the family, and in the activities of social service institutions. Therefore, the task of the institute of social protection is to contribute to the restoration of social justice, the legal rights of the client, to achieve the realization of his basic needs, and respect for human values. When providing social protection, the influence of psychological factors that accompany a significant part of clients’ social problems increases - problems of interaction between people, their influence on each other, relationships between them. Establishing interaction with people and providing them with assistance in social functioning is the area of ​​interest of the institute of social protection.

Factors associated with social work as a professional activity. The social protection system and professional social work are closely related and interdependent. Becoming a professional activity, social work presupposes the presence of the necessary legislative and regulatory framework, developed infrastructure, trained personnel, in a word, everything that social protection as a social institution can provide. The social protection system is a kind of “organizational and legal field” for social work, where it fulfills its goals and objectives and implements its main functions. In turn, with the help of social work tools, social protection functions are implemented. The arrival of trained specialists in social work, an increase in the level of professionalism in working with clients, an increased ability to ensure interaction in activities to provide assistance and support to people with government organizations and public associations - all this increases the effectiveness of social protection measures.

The system of social protection of the population is based on the principles that constitute its scientific basis. Principles are scientifically based provisions that express the nature of the requirements for its content, forms and methods for the social protection of people. The most important principles social protection are humanism and social justice.

To be humane and fair when implementing social protection means to recognize the intrinsic value of the human person, its right to freedom, the development of one’s abilities, a decent, full and happy life, regardless of national, racial, religious and other individual or social characteristics. This is the creation of selfless relationships between people based on mutual assistance, understanding and kindness.

To be fair and humane in social protection is to be able to correctly assess a person’s personal potential, his internal resources, to be aware of the main causes of life’s difficulties and to determine ways to overcome them. This is also an assessment of a person from the point of view of his ability to carry out specific self-defense activities, show initiative, and entrepreneurship. This is also important because it is necessary to protect the emerging system of social protection from the danger of its transformation into an instrument of general homogenization and the spread of general poverty at a time when it should be a means of helping and supporting a truly needy person.

Justice and humanism in social protection are provision, on a legal basis, to all members of society, all layers and groups of the population, of equally accessible protective guarantees and benefits, taking into account the labor contribution.

The social protection system is based on the principles of consistency and complexity. It is created as an ordered set of interacting components, as an integral formation made up of parts, as a complex of interconnected structural elements that, in the process of integration, form a certain integrity.

Closely related to consistency in the organization and content of social protection is complexity, i.e. ensuring close unity of the entire range of economic, social, legal and other measures to ensure the state-guaranteed minimum level of social protection.

Complexity is ensured by: unity of goals, principles and areas of activity; a combination of historical experience and traditions with modern practice of helping people; a comprehensive study of the object of social protection (individual, social group, territorial community, work collective); coordination and consistency of actions of social protection subjects; control over the implementation of measures to provide assistance and support to people.

The principle of preventive measures for social protection, which means that the causes of social ill-being should be prevented, revealed at the very initial stage of formation and eliminated. Preventiveness is the creation of conditions when people themselves can cope with a difficult life situation, use personal resources in case of social risks: old age, illness, unemployment.

The most important principle of social protection is its targeting, i.e. implementation of a set of measures to support decent living conditions for specifically needy people who find themselves in difficult life situations, taking into account their individual needs and the ability to satisfy them in accordance with established criteria. In modern conditions, providing means of subsistence to old, sick people, as well as people in difficult life situations, is not always targeted and fair: benefits are often not paid to those to whom they should be allocated in the first place, assigned pensions do not fully take into account the length of service of citizens, the list of social services is narrow. Targeted social protection, based on scientific methods and calculations and taking into account the individual difficult life situation of a particular person, is a means of ensuring social justice and a factor in activating his internal potential. Thanks to the principle of targeting, it is possible to achieve the main thing - to help people who find themselves in difficult life situations, to encourage and support their social initiative and activity, their desire to independently resolve problems that have arisen.

Social protection of the population

Social protection of the state population is today one of the highest priority areas of social policy.

The essence of this direction is to establish and further maintain a stable and socially necessary position of the population and each of its members in accordance with its needs and social capabilities. But this definition refers to the most extensive; further we will analyze a more local definition.

Note 1

In a narrower sense, social protection is interpreted as providing and further guaranteeing a stable, fixed level of income for that part of the population that, due to certain reasons and due to specific circumstances and difficulties, is not able to independently ensure its full existence.

  • disabled people,
  • unemployed,
  • persons without a fixed place of residence,
  • people suffering from serious physical and mental illnesses and disabilities,
  • single mothers or single fathers,
  • large families,
  • orphans and pensioners in need of patronage.

As the principles that formed the basis of social protection of the population today, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • firstly, it is humanity and tolerance, understanding of human rights and freedoms, even if he suffers from any deviations from the norms.
  • secondly, targeting - before assigning social assistance to a person, it is necessary to check his level of living and income, as well as the circumstances due to which he found himself in such a rather difficult and contradictory situation.
  • thirdly, the complexity of social protection, which will affect not only the economic situation of a person, but also his social protection, cultural uplift, increasing the level of education and subsequent employment.

Social protection system and its structural features

The social protection system acts as a whole set of measures. This includes legislative acts and orders of the president or head of state, planning and implementation of special events, as well as organizations that ensure the full implementation of measures for social protection of special categories of the population, support for the most vulnerable segments of the population. The system implies the presence of a fairly complex structure, which includes the following elements.

Social security for the most disadvantaged individuals or certain social groups. In Russia, this direction arose much earlier than all others - in the 20s of the 20th century. It meant the creation of a special state system of material support, as well as to serve elderly and disabled citizens. Social security is expressed in the form of pension payments, as well as benefits for temporary disability, maternity, and child care; subsidies and preferential conditions for accommodation, education and healthcare. After the social security system became more market-oriented, it lost its usual functions, but some of its most important elements were included in the modern system of social protection of the population;

Social guarantees- another type of social assistance that is aimed at providing citizens without taking into account their labor contribution, as well as without special means testing. In this case, the principle of distributing social guarantees depending on human needs, as well as taking into account available resources, works.

In Russia, social guarantees include a number of aspects. Firstly, it is a guarantee of free medical care; secondly, the universal accessibility of education, the possibility of free education for any person, regardless of his social status and status, as well as origin; thirdly, providing everyone with a minimum wage, as well as a minimum scholarship and pension payments.

Social insurance– another type of social security that is aimed at protecting the economically active population. In this case, the presence of certain social risks based on collective solidarity in further compensation for damage plays an important role. The authors identify old age, loss of a breadwinner, loss of ability to work, unemployment, illness, and disease associated with professional activity as social risks.

Social support as a form of social protection

Social support (social assistance) is one of the methods of social protection of the population, which is aimed at helping specific socially vulnerable and unprotected groups of the population. Assistance can be provided in several ways: cash payments, as well as in the form of payments in kind (providing free clothing and food). Funding comes from general tax revenues.

In order for a person to receive social support, it is necessary to check how much he or his family members need this type of help. to identify the degree of need, a check is carried out based on income data (a mandatory condition is that income must be below the subsistence level and minimum living standards). This condition is a mandatory element of the policy to combat poverty. It provides a minimum guaranteed income that will allow a person and his family to satisfy their vital needs. Also, thanks to social protection, a person can declare his rights and freedoms, as well as his importance to society.

Activities in the field of social protection are possible only in the process of training and development of specially trained personnel - social workers. These are people who must navigate not only the social sphere, but also the economic, political and cultural sections of society. It is also important to explore the field of psychology, since social assistance is often in the nature of forced rehabilitation, diagnosis and further adaptation to constantly changing conditions.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):