Weather-compensated automatic with mixing three-way valve(valve) and circulation pump. In this article we continue to analyze possible options for schematic solutions for implementing the device weather-dependent automation in an individual heating point (ITP) or multi-storey control frame residential buildings. This time we have a weather-compensating automation circuit with a three-way mixing tap (valve) and a circulation pump.

In this scheme, regulation temperature in the heating system occurs due to changes (limitations) of coolant flow through a three-way valve and at the same time drawing (admixing) network water returned from the heating system of a residential building using network water or as it is also called circulation pump and supplying the already diluted water again to the apartment heating system. There are already three main elements in this scheme - three-way valve, pump and controller - computer. It is the controller that constantly, at certain intervals, polls temperature sensors of the coolant, outside air and air inside the apartments of a residential building (if any), processes the received information and in accordance with the program entered into it (in in this case temperature graph) generates a signal that commands the three-way valve mechanism to open or close.

This influence of the controller adjusts the opening or closing value of the flow area of ​​the control valve. If this weather-dependent control system does not have an air sensor inside the apartments, then the weather regulation is carried out in accordance with the temperature schedule.

And finally, the last type of automation for maintaining the temperature in apartments of residential buildings, depending on the temperature outside, is weather-dependent automation with a shut-off and control valve and a circulation pump.

Let's look at the principle of operation of this automatic temperature control system in an apartment, or rather, in an entire apartment building.

Here, the temperature control in the heating system occurs by changing the throughput of the valve and, just like in the previous scheme for mixing returned (reverse) network water from a residential building using a circulation pump, installed now on return pipeline heating system. In principle, where the network or circulation pump will be installed is generally unimportant; it’s just that for a two-way valve such a scheme is still preferable due to its design features.

During the regulation process, the controller also periodically polls the coolant temperature sensors in the heating system of the house, indoor air sensors (if installed) and an outdoor air sensor. After processing the received information, the controller generates an output control signal to open or close the actuator of the two-way valve, and the value of opening or closing the flow area of ​​the control valve changes accordingly. With absence indoor air sensor The main priority of regulation is also to maintain the temperature in the apartments according to the temperature schedule.

There is only one drawback of control circuits with valves - loss of electricity; for more information about the advantages and disadvantages of weather-dependent automation, see the article.
Advantages of weather control circuits with valves before the regulating elevator, the depth of regulation is usually called, although in our opinion this advantage is controversial and can easily turn into a disadvantage if, for example, the ITP has a thermal energy metering unit, and its measurement limits are worse than the operating limits of automatic weather control. After installing automatic weather control without agreement with the energy supply organization, such a UTE can legally be recognized as non-profit, which means that instead of saving you will again receive.

Weather-compensated control circuits with valves should be used in those ITP of residential buildings where elevators are technologically impossible to use, and this is:

  • insufficient pressure at the inlet to the ITP, less than 0.07 mPa
  • increased resistance internal system heating the house, more than 5 m.w.c.
  • installation of automatic control valves on heating devices and risers, for example from Danfoss
  • usage independent system heating through heat exchangers.

I would also like to warn residents, especially about weather-compensated automation schemes with mixing valves cannot be used without a pump or with the pump turned off . In operating mode with the pump turned off, the pumping of coolant through the heating devices sharply decreases, the difference in temperatures between the temperatures in the heating devices different apartments sometimes reaches 45 degrees, instead of twelve recommended for the economical mode of operation of weather-compensated automation. And most importantly, due to the lack of mixing in cold weather, the temperature in the heating devices of the first apartments along the route can reach 115 degrees or more, which will inevitably lead to the failure of modern polypropylene pipes , as well as burns from accidental touching of heating devices - this is at a minimum. At the same time, the residents of the last apartments along the coolant path will sit in the cold.

This is the savings, and everything will be OK according to the instruments. And most importantly, if the check valve on the jumper between the direct and return pipelines fails, not only your home, but the entire area may be left without heat. The coolant will not go to the apartments, but will return back to the boiler room.

We've sorted it out possible options schematic solutions for the implementation of weather-dependent automation in the control framework of multi-storey residential buildings. In any case, the decision to choose one or another weather-dependent temperature control scheme in the apartments of a residential building, and most importantly the selection of equipment, should be entrusted to specialists. You, as residents, should have your say only when choosing a design organization and the type of equipment - domestic or imported. depends on this.

Everything purchased and installation and commissioning of automatic weather control in apartments of residential buildings is on the next page.

Weather regulation heating systems

Heating radiators are the most common appliances for most Russian cities. They bring warmth into the house. We only notice them when the room is cold or hot. Meanwhile, the operation of the heating system in our homes is connected not only with the temperature and humidity in our living environment, it also affects our budget.

System central heating

Fundamentally, central heating of houses is very simple. There is a boiler that heats the coolant circulating through the heating radiators in the house. They heat the air, while the coolant cools and returns to the boiler for heating. The system is divided into several circulation circuits. The movement of the coolant is provided by pumps. The most common coolant is water.

The described scheme is simple and understandable to anyone. But for large quantity consumers it cannot be effective:

  • Radiators have different height arrangements, this has a significant impact on the convective movement of water;
  • Consumers of one circuit are connected in series and the heating of the coolant decreases as it moves;
  • Resistance is different in all circuits and depends on many factors;
  • The dependence of the speed of movement of the working fluid on resistance is of a complex nonlinear nature;
  • The heat transfer of each radiator and the circuit as a whole is not the same.

In order for the premises to create the required comfortable temperature control means are used in urban heating networks and individual circuits. They consist of circulation pumps, water and air heating sensors, adjustable valves and mixers. However, in addition to the listed influences, the operation of heating means is significantly affected by weather: ambient temperature and humidity, wind load.

Stereotypes and misconceptions

Without going into details of the action various factors on the quality of solving the problem of providing heat in the human environment, it is difficult to imagine the importance of their influence. Therefore, in a non-professional environment, there are a number of common stereotypes and not entirely correct opinions:

  • Many citizens believe that installing a common house meter allows them to achieve complete savings in energy consumption. The cost savings after installing a meter can really be quite significant. The meter records the actual value of the amount of heat consumed. Accordingly, consumers pay only for the amount of heat they receive. But how optimally was the heating energy used?
  • The most comfortable room temperature for human habitation is within 20-22C. Many people believe that only the temperature value determines the feeling of thermal comfort. Wherein important factor Air humidity also serves as a perception factor.
  • There is an idea that in order to significantly save resources, it is more important to first carry out measures to insulate the premises. It often seems that installing double-glazed windows, modern door designs will provide greater energy efficiency than heating network management. This is not entirely true. Of course, the reduction in heat transfer to the environment contributes to overall consumption. However, as a rule, quality management circuit, taking into account all the properties of the thermal system and its energy efficiency, allows us to obtain significantly greater cost reduction parameters.
  • Very often you can hear that energy consumption regulation is determined by only two parameters: the number of degrees in the room and the degree of heating of the coolant. As stated above, conditions in residential spaces are influenced by many factors. Wherein highest value bring parameters of weather conditions: temperature environment, air humidity, wind load on the external parts of heated structures.

Difficulties of regulation and management

Structure automatic control and regulation of heat flows in modern means heating houses is quite complicated. Networks are laid taking into account the number and types of consumers; they can be open - with selection hot water from the system or closed - with coolant circulation only for heating devices. There are multi-circuit systems in which the heat carrier with different temperatures transfers energy to another carrier through a heat exchanger. However, even in the simplest system, automation of UTE control is associated with the need to solve a number of technical problems:

  • Different temperatures of the working fluid that transfers heat in different areas
  • Taking into account the influence of local radiator adjustments;
  • Effective maintenance of air temperature with significant inertia of the heating circuit;
  • Changes in heat transfer to the environment due to weather conditions and ventilation.

Oddly enough, the factor of system inertia with changing heat transfer parameters is the most significant reason for excess consumption of temp energy. Wherein UUTE installation instead of an ordinary meter, it does not solve the problem of energy-efficient heat management if weather factors are not taken into account.

Modern opportunities in energy efficiency

Existing technical means allow saving 25-35% of consumed thermal energy due to qualified control of temperature and circulation speed of the working fluid, taking into account weather factors. Basic elements to take into account weather changes:

  • Air temperature sensors installed at various heights;
  • External and internal humidity sensors;
  • Room temperature measuring instruments;
  • Anemometers or other types of devices for obtaining information about wind load;
  • Control valves;
  • Peripheral processors and actuators;
  • Process Controller
  • Metering device.

To control parameters and establish effective modes, it is required big number automation elements. This amount may seem too expensive. However, modern industry produces all the required devices and mechanisms in the form of serial products. Experience in using heating parameters control elements that take into account weather conditions shows a quick return on investment. The meter readings of the consumed thermal energy will reduce costs immediately after installation. The cost of purchasing the complex will pay off already in the first year of its operation, subject to competent installation and configuration.

Some important aspects use of UTE and metering devices

A common house meter installed in the central heating system only registers the amount of energy consumed by the housing unit. Metering devices save homeowners' costs only by calculating calories, without reducing the actual volume of resources consumed. For full savings and building energy efficient consumption, one of the most significant aspects is the ability to regulate central heating parameters taking into account environmental weather factors. Such systems are somewhat more expensive than simpler analogues. But they pay for themselves faster, providing higher efficiency in the use of resources.

At ANK group company great experience implementation of weather control at various facilities, we are confident that we can help you, quickly and efficiently carry out this work.

Currently, the share of payment for HEATING is the largest line in the receipt for utility bills. In this regard, many owners are interested in the possibility of reducing these costs.

One way to do this is to equip the home heating system with an automatic ITP (weather controller).
The weather control system for heating is justified only if a heat meter (thermal energy metering unit) is already installed in the house.

It is difficult for power engineers to comply with the temperature schedule (temperatures on the supply and return heating pipelines depending on the outside air temperature). Their goal is to provide as much heat as possible to consumers, so that all houses located in the area around the central heating point (nearest and remote) have enough temperature. Also, at the central heating station, the coolant parameters do not change reciprocally depending on the time of day (sunny day, night, day of the week, etc.)

Automatic heat control system

After equipping with automatic ITP, each house will be able to individually regulate the parameters of the coolant of the internal heating circuit (battery temperature), according to the specified parameters, depending on the external air temperature. Also, constantly maintain the circulation of the coolant inside the house at a sufficient level, during low drop pressure provided by power engineers. (Example: Autumn 2013, complaints about cold batteries due to a difference of less than 1 m between supply and return at ITP elevators).

Automatic ITP allows you to save up to 35% (or more) Gcal, and therefore money. Considering that apartment house If they pay several million rubles for heating during the heating season, savings of even 25% will pay for the entire system in just one season! And with an increase in the tariff (price per Gcal), the payback time decreases.

Automation operating principle

Automatic ITP (Weather Control Unit) consists of a control valve with an electric drive, a circulation pump, a check valve, temperature sensors, electrical cabinet controls (with a software controller), shut-off and control valves, filters, etc. The characteristics of components for the weather regulator are selected by an experienced designer based on a specific object. This takes into account thermal loads, flow speed, hydraulic resistance, drop and much more.

Our company has extensive experience in the design, installation and commissioning of these devices.

The weather control system works as follows. The outdoor air sensor (located on the shady side of the street) measures outside temperature. Two sensors on the supply and return pipelines measure the temperature of the heating network. A logical programmable controller calculates the required delta and, by controlling the valve, regulates the flow rate of the coolant. If the heating network does not have the required differential, then the problem is eliminated by installing an automatic balancing valve.

Examples of an automation unit

Automation services for central heating and heat supply systems in order to save heat in Perm and the Perm region. Automatic central heating and heat supply systems are installed in multi-apartment and multi-story houses, residential buildings, factories, kindergartens, schools, apartment buildings, homeowners' associations. Automatic regulation of thermal energy consumption increases the energy efficiency of buildings connected to central heating networks.

Weather-compensated automation heating, heat supply. Weather regulation is a type automatic systems management of thermal energy consumption for heating. The basic principle automatic adjustment, embedded in the system - maintaining the coolant temperature from the actual outside air temperature, according to temperature chart.

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The cost of installing an automatic control system for thermal energy consumption.

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5 year warranty.

7 years legal entity, which means we will complete the work on time, and the guarantee will be fulfilled.

Manual adjustment of central heating, heat supply to homeowners' associations, apartment buildings

Automatic control of heat, heating, heat supply.

To create comfortable heating in the apartment mandatory element involves the use of automation. You won’t constantly sit in a heating unit and control the work manually thermal unit. Yes and comfortable conditions in the house it is better to provide not with open windows, although no one has canceled ventilation in the rooms, but by setting the desired temperature. Creating a mild climate in the house is not easy, with sharp fluctuations in room temperature and frequent drafts. These are the tasks that the automation of heating systems performs.

Automation of the heating system has never been so accessible, see for yourself!

The technical feasibility of installing automation is determined by a heating engineer on site. Specialist visit free and does not oblige you to anything.

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Saving heat, heating, heat supply.

How are savings achieved?

  • The consumer himself decides when and how much heat to consume.
  • Even distribution of heat throughout the house.
  • Preventing overheating and overheating in residential buildings, enterprises.
  • No boiling of plate or shell-and-tube heat exchangers.
  • Limiting the flow of excess coolant into the house.
  • Increasing the service life of pipelines and heating systems.
  • ITP control online, with notification of emergency situations.
  • You don't pay for someone else's unused heating during the thaw.

Comfort of living.

  • There is no need to use electric heaters.
  • Drafts due to wide open windows and balcony doors are a thing of the past.
  • The stuffiness in the apartment is not a nuisance.
  • You no longer have cold batteries.

Automatic control system for heating and heat supply of the building.

The facility operates without permanent maintenance personnel, and information is displayed on the dispatch control panel or on a cell phone.

The remote control function allows you to change system settings from a distance and adjust its operation manually. See system parameters online.

Central heating points provide residents with heat year-round during the heating season. The main task of the ITP automated control system is round-the-clock monitoring and control of the coolant supply with constant pressure, maintaining the set temperature in the room. For service efficiency, information from actuators and sensors is collected and transmitted to a single dispatch console via wired (cable Internet) and wireless (cellular) communications. This allows you to monitor the operation of automated control system equipment heating point in real time and, if necessary, adjust the operating parameters of the equipment.

Heat, heating, heat supply regulators.

The regulators are designed to automatically change the coolant flow in the heating system at central and individual heating points, as well as to automatically regulate the temperature in systems supply ventilation by acting on the valve with electric drive. The devices provide for regulation of the difference in water temperatures in the supply and return pipelines of heating systems or the temperature of water in the supply pipeline according to the schedule of heating systems, depending on the outside air temperature. Moreover, the regulator maintains a constant value at a certain value of the outside air temperature and its further decrease adjustable parameter coolant, excluding misadjustment of heating networks operating according to a schedule with an upper cut. The regulator provides for correction of the heat supply schedule when the internal air temperature deviates from the set value.

Circulation and correction pumps.

Pumps in the automation system perform a very important function:

  • They maintain the calculated coolant circulation in the heating system for the duration of the closure of the control valve.
  • They increase the circulation rate of the coolant in the heating system in cases where the heat supply organization does not provide the calculated heat supply parameters.

Autonomy of the automation systemheating, heat supply.

Our systems use a special fail-safe scheme, which allows, in case of emergencies on heating networks, to automatically transfer the system to the previous operating mode (the old way). A power outage or communications failure will not affect the normal heat supply to the building’s heating system.

How to reduce, reduce, reduce heating fees?

Insulation of facades, roofs, doors, windows will raise the temperature of the room, but will not save money, because... residents will simply begin to release excess heat through the windows, although these measures are necessary to solve the complex problem of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency.

What to do?

Automatic adjustment of the heating system will help to avoid overheating of the premises after measures have been taken to increase the thermal resistance of the enclosing structures. The system will create conditions under which heat will be supplied within reasonable sufficiency, creating comfortable living for all residents.

Adjustment of batteries and heating radiators.

Separate apartment-by-apartment heating adjustment did not take place because... Residents who are at home during the day turn up the heating in their apartment, warming themselves at this time with heat radiated from the walls, floor, and ceiling of neighboring apartments. At the end of the month, the figures in heating bills vary greatly between apartments. Many residents find this unfair.

Manual adjustment of heat, heating system.

Principle: The colder it is outside, the harder you should work heating system and, conversely, when the air temperature in the house rises above the limit value, the temperature of the coolant in the heating devices should decrease.

The simplest way to regulate a heating system is to manual control operation of the control unit - limiting the flow of coolant, shutting off shut-off valves (valves, Ball Valves, butterfly valves). The level to which the tap is pressed can be determined by the readings of the heat meter. On the heat meter, you must select the parameter display mode - instantaneous coolant flow.

Why didn't manual adjustment catch on?

After pressing the valve, the coolant flow from the heating network drops, and the heating system of the house slows down. The circulation of water through the risers of the heating system slows down, the temperature difference between the supply and return increases. As a result of these processes, cooled coolant reaches the last batteries on the riser.

In houses with top spill heating system- there will be excess heat on the upper floors, while the lower floors will freeze.

In houses with bottom spill heating system vice versa - upper floors freeze, the lower ones are forced to release excess heat to the street.

Disadvantages of Manual Heating Control:

  • Coolant circulation is inhibited.
  • The heating system becomes unbalanced.
  • It's cold in one wing, hot in the other.
  • If there is a sudden cold snap, the mechanic may not have time to open the valve.
  • If the valve is closed excessively, the heat meter may generate an error.
  • Wears out shut-off valves, it is not intended for adjustment.
  • The mechanic is tied to the heating unit.
  • The need to personally respond to weather changes.

Find out more about manual adjustment!

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How is the heating system adjusted?

  • Weather-dependent automatic adjustment according to the temperature graph of the dependence of the coolant temperature on the outside air temperature;
  • Adjustment of heat consumption to maintain specified air temperature parameters in rooms with central heating.
  • Programmatic reduction of coolant consumption for heating at night, weekends and holidays.
  • Limitation of the temperature of the return network water according to the graph of its dependence on the outside air temperature in accordance with the requirements heat supply organization in heating systems

The coolant from the central heating system comes to your IPT, to the control unit. Next, the coolant enters the heating system of the house. Having passed through all the batteries, the coolant from all risers is collected in the return pipe and again enters your control unit. The automation controller analyzes the temperature parameters on the street, the supply pipeline (supply), the return pipeline (return) and automatically adjusts the coolant consumption, determining what volume of coolant and what temperature needs to be supplied to the heating system of the house, according to the constructed PID coefficients. PID coefficients are tuned by engineers service department, when setting up the system.

PID coefficient - Proportional-integral-differentiating coefficient. Used in automatic control systems to calculate the control signal in order to obtain high process accuracy.

Automation schemes for heating networks.

Primary heating circuit - 150/70 °C

Second heating circuit - 95/70 °C

  • lubrication of moving valve mechanisms
  • work check check valves, shut-off valves
  • manual control of valves and pumps
  • reconciliation of temperature sensor readings with the reference
  • archive data analysis
  • maintaining the automation system settings within the specified technical specifications within
  • diagnostics technical condition and prevention of failures of control systems and equipment
  • Next to the node there is a diagram of the heating pointA3 format and instructions for use of the ATS.

    At competent organization process of servicing automated process control systems, it is possible to transition from a system of scheduled preventive maintenance to carrying out work in accordance with the actual condition of the equipment.

    Price after-sales service 480 rub./month.

    Get advice from a service engineer!

    We offer services for the design of automated systems for regulating heat energy consumption for heating in the housing and communal services sector, connected to the central heating supply.

    The ATK company specializes in the development and coordination of projects for automatic control systems for coolant consumption in resource supply organizations for the following consumers:

    • multi-apartment residential buildings (HOA, MKD, TSN, UK)
    • office centers
    • industrial enterprises, factories
    • public sector buildings (schools, kindergartens, gymnasiums)

    What is special about housing and communal services: Design and technical documentation must be coordinated with many organizations: AHSSO, ROSTEKHNADZOR, PSK, TGK, NOVOGOR. Withstand control switchgear inspections.

    Each area has its own characteristics. Our clients consider us excellent specialists in the field of housing and communal services. Their good reviews confirm this.

    The cost of designing automatic control depends on the number of circuits, the volume of the building, the complexity of installation, and the temperature schedule (150/70 or 95/70).

    In the project for regulating heat consumption, we offer a comprehensive solution to problems: dispatch, remote control of the system, setting up the regulator, instructions for your service personnel, training of your employees.

    Find out the cost of the project!

    This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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