A new column has appeared in receipts for utility services - hot water supply. It caused confusion among users, since not everyone understands what it is and why it is necessary to make payments on this line. There are also apartment owners who cross out the box. This entails the accumulation of debt, penalties, fines and even litigation. In order not to take matters to extreme measures, you need to know what hot water supply is, DHW heat energy and why you need to pay for these indicators.

What is DHW on the receipt?

DHW - this designation stands for hot water supply. Its goal is to provide apartments in apartment buildings and other residential premises hot water with an acceptable temperature, but hot water supply is not the hot water itself, but the thermal energy that is spent on heating the water to an acceptable temperature.

Experts divide hot water supply systems into two types:

  • Central system. Here the water is heated at a heating station. After that it is distributed into apartments apartment buildings.
  • Autonomous system. It is usually used in private homes. The principle of operation is the same as in the central system, but here the water is heated in a boiler or boiler and is used only for the needs of one specific room.

Both systems have one goal - to provide home owners with hot water. Apartment buildings usually use a central system, but many users install a boiler in case hot water will be turned off, as has happened more than once in practice. An autonomous system is installed where it is not possible to connect to the central water supply. Only those consumers who use the central heating system pay for hot water supply. Users of an autonomous circuit pay for utility resources that are spent to heat the coolant - gas or electricity.

Important! Another column in the receipt related to DHW is DHW at one unit. Decoding ODN - general house needs. This means that the DHW column on one unit is the expenditure of energy on heating water used for the general needs of all residents of an apartment building.

These include:

  • technical work that is performed before the heating season;
  • pressure testing of the heating system carried out after repair;
  • repair work;
  • heating of common areas.

Hot water law

The law on hot water supply was adopted in 2013. Government Decree No. 406 states that users of a central heating system are required to pay a two-part tariff. This suggests that the tariff was divided into two elements:

  • thermal energy;
  • cold water.

This is how DHW appeared on the receipt, that is, the thermal energy spent on heating cold water. Housing and communal services specialists came to the conclusion that risers and heated towel rails, which are connected to the hot water supply circuit, consume thermal energy for heating non-residential premises. Until 2013, this energy was not taken into account in receipts, and consumers used it free of charge for decades, since outside heating season The heating of the air in the bathroom continued. Based on this, officials divided the tariff into two components, and now citizens have to pay for hot water.

Water heating equipment

The equipment that heats the liquid is a water heater. Its breakdown does not affect the hot water tariff, but users are required to pay the cost of repairing the equipment, since water heaters are part of the property of homeowners in an apartment building. The corresponding amount will appear in the receipt for the maintenance and repair of the property.

Important! This payment should be carefully considered by the owners of those apartments who do not use hot water, since their housing has a autonomous system heating. Housing and communal services specialists do not always pay attention to this, simply distributing the amount for water heater repairs among all citizens.

As a result, these apartment owners have to pay for equipment they did not use. If you discover an increase in the tariff for repairs and maintenance of property, you need to find out what this is connected with and contact the management company for recalculation if the payment was calculated incorrectly.

Thermal energy component

What is this - a coolant component? This is heating cold water. The thermal energy component does not have a meter installed, unlike hot water. For this reason, it is impossible to calculate this indicator using a counter. How, in this case, is the thermal energy for hot water calculated? When calculating the payment, the following points are taken into account:

  • tariff set for hot water supply;
  • expenses spent on maintaining the system;
  • cost of heat loss in the circuit;
  • costs spent on coolant transfer.

Important! The cost of hot water is calculated taking into account the volume of water consumed, which is measured in 1 cubic meter.

The amount of energy payment is usually calculated based on the readings of the common hot water meter and the amount of energy in the hot water. Energy is calculated for each separate apartment. To do this, water consumption data is taken, which is learned from the meter readings, and multiplied by the specific heat energy consumption. The received data is multiplied by the tariff. This figure is the required contribution, which is indicated on the receipt.

How to make your own calculation

Not all users trust the payment center, which is why the question arises of how to calculate the cost of hot water supply yourself. The resulting figure is compared with the amount on the receipt and on the basis of this a conclusion is made about the correctness of the charges.

To calculate the cost of hot water supply, you need to know the tariff for thermal energy. The amount is also affected by the presence or absence of a meter. If there is one, then readings are taken from the meter. In the absence of a meter, the standard for the consumption of thermal energy used to heat water is taken. Such standard indicator An energy saving organization is being established.

If in multi-storey building an energy consumption meter is installed and the housing has a hot water meter, then the amount for hot water supply is calculated based on general house metering data and the subsequent proportional distribution of the coolant among apartments. If there is no meter, the rate of energy consumption per 1 cubic meter of water and the readings of individual meters are taken.

Complaint due to incorrect calculation of receipt

If, after independently calculating the amount of contributions for hot water supply, a difference is identified, you must contact the management company for clarification. If the organization's employees refuse to provide explanations on this matter, a written complaint must be submitted. Company employees have no right to ignore it. The response must be received within 13 working days.

Important! If no response is received or it is not clear from it why this situation arose, then the citizen has the right to file a claim with the prosecutor’s office or a statement of claim in court. The authority will consider the case and make an appropriate objective decision. You can also contact organizations that control the activities of the management company. Here the subscriber's complaint will be considered and an appropriate decision will be made.

Electricity used to heat water is not a free service. Payment for it is charged on the basis of the Housing Code Russian Federation. Each citizen can independently calculate the amount of this payment and compare the data obtained with the amount on the receipt. If any inaccuracy occurs, you should contact the management company. In this case, the difference will be compensated if the error is recognized.

It's hard to imagine comfortable home or an apartment without warm water. Proper organization necessary not only for household needs, but also is the basis of individual hygiene. A warm morning shower or a relaxing evening bath have become familiar everyday procedures. But few people know the specifics of organizing hot water supply. What is this, what important requirements must be observed when designing a system and how to monitor its condition? To answer these questions, you need to understand the fundamental principles of hot water supply.

What is hot water supply: tasks and functions

The main function of this system is to provide water with the proper temperature for residential or production premises. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the quality of the liquid, the characteristics of its pressure in the pipes and the method of increasing the temperature to the required value. Depending on the last parameter DHW system divided into 2 types:

  • Central. Water is heated at thermal substations (CHS) and from them, using pipelines, it is supplied to consumers.
  • Autonomous. To achieve the required temperature conditions, special heating devices- boilers, storage boilers or This type of DHW organization is intended for small area premises - apartments or houses.

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. The central system is more convenient for consumers, but only if its operation is constant and complies with temperature standards. Unfortunately, this situation in our country is the exception rather than the rule. Central hot water supply - what is it, reliable way ensure comfort in the apartment or " headache» for consumers? This largely depends on the degree of efficiency of local regulatory and control authorities.

The autonomous method is more expensive, as it requires the installation of special equipment, laying water pipes. However, his performance characteristics and the degree of comfort far exceeds central hot water supply. The consumer can set the temperature level and control energy consumption.

Hot water requirements

Not uncommon planned outages and low temperature regime are the main disadvantages of central hot water supply. Such situations occur frequently, but according to current laws their frequency is strictly regulated. Russian Government Decree No. 354 defines the following standards:

Composition of water in mandatory must correspond sanitary standards SanPiN

To control coolant flow, install special devices for DHW. Meters are installed only by representatives management organization, with which an agreement is concluded for the supply of hot water to an apartment or house.

Autonomous systems

The practical implementation of these systems requires professional approach to each stage of work. For design, you should know the main types of autonomous hot water supply. What it is, and how effectively a certain type will work, depends on the initial technical parameters.


To the boiler storage device water is taken from external source and its subsequent heating to the desired temperature. DHW scheme this type is applicable for country houses and cottages.

Modern boiler designs have a number of additional functions:

  • Several operating modes - economical, optimal and maximum. It is also possible to delay the start of heating.
  • Thermal insulation of the housing ensures heat retention, which directly affects energy consumption.
  • A large selection of models differing depending on the useful volume, functional and performance characteristics.

To achieve the desired temperature level, electric heating elements- Heating elements.


In apartment buildings, the use of heat exchange water heaters is popular. Depending on installed equipment exist following types devices:

  • flow heaters;
  • double-circuit heating boilers.

Can be used as energy carriers electrical energy or thermal, resulting from gas combustion. The latter method is preferable, since it is less financially expensive and more effective due to its low inertia.

Regardless of the choice, any domestic hot water system must comply with standards, perform its direct functions and be absolutely safe for users.

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 13, 2013 No. 406 “On state regulation of tariffs in the field of water supply and sanitation,” with a centralized hot water supply system in a closed system, a two-component tariff for hot water is established, consisting of “ cold water component "(rub./m3) and " component for thermal energy "(RUB/Gcal). The resource supplying organization supplying hot water makes settlements with the utility provider (management company, HOA) for 2 resources: cold water - at the tariff for the “cold water component”; thermal energy - at the tariff for the “thermal energy component”. The value of the cold water component is calculated by the tariff regulatory authority based on the cold water tariff. The value of the thermal energy component is determined by the tariff regulatory authority in accordance with methodological instructions based on the following components: thermal energy tariff; maintenance costs centralized systems hot water supply in the area from central heating points (inclusive), where hot water is prepared, to a point on the border operational responsibility the subscriber and the regulated organization in the event that such costs are not taken into account in the tariff for thermal energy; · the cost of thermal energy losses in pipelines in the area from the facilities where hot water is prepared, including from central heating points, including the maintenance of central heating points, to the point on the border of the operational responsibility of the subscriber and the regulated organization in the event that such losses do not taken into account when setting tariffs for thermal energy; · costs associated with the transportation of hot water. Providers of utility services in accordance with the “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), calculate the amount of payment for public services for hot water supply for the volume of hot water consumed in cubic meters. In accordance with the Rules, the amount of payment (P i) for utility service for hot water supply, in a room equipped with an individual hot water meter, is determined by the formula: P i = V i n * T k p (1), where: V i n is the volume (quantity) consumed during the billing period in i-th core or non-residential premises communal resource, determined according to the readings of an individual meter; T to p — tariff for a utility resource. Since the tariff for the utility resource “hot water” is set in the form of two components, the utility service provider with hot water consumers makes payments for the components: cold water and thermal energy for hot water supply needs. Amount of thermal energy (Gcal/ m 3) for hot water supply needs per 1 m 3, as a rule, is determined by the utility service provider on the basis of general house (collective) readings of hot water meters and thermal energy in hot water. It should be noted that the utility service provider makes settlements with the resource supplying organization based on the readings of the same common house (collective) metering devices for hot water and thermal energy in hot water. The consumed amount of thermal energy in hot water in the i-room (Gcal) is determined by multiplying the amount hot water by individual device metering (m 3) for the specific consumption of thermal energy in hot water (Gcal/m 3). The volume of hot water determined by an individual metering device (m 3) is multiplied by the tariff “component for cold water” (rub./m 3) - this is the payment for cold water as part of hot water. The volume of thermal energy in the consumed hot water (Gcal) is multiplied by the tariff “component for thermal energy” (RUB/Gcal) - this is the payment for thermal energy in the composition of hot water. In accordance with information letter of the Federal Tariff Service of Russia dated November 18, 2014 No. SZ-12713/5 “On the issue of regulation of tariffs for hot water in a closed hot water supply system for 2015”, it is stated that the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of state regulation of prices (tariffs) has the right to make a decision on the establishment of tariffs for hot water in a closed hot water supply system per 1 cubic meter. m. In this case, the calculation of the tariff for hot water (T hot water) per 1 m 3 is made according to the formula: T hot water = T hot water * (1 + K pv) + US central heating + T t/e * Q t/e (2), where :T hvs - tariff for cold (rub./cubic m); T t/e - tariff for thermal energy (rub./Gcal); K pv - coefficient taking into account water losses in closed heat supply systems from central heating points to the point connections;US central heating - unit costs for the maintenance of hot water supply systems from central heating points to the boundaries of the balance sheet of consumers (without taking into account losses) in the event that such costs are not taken into account in tariffs for thermal energy (power), per 1 cubic meter. m;Q t/e - the amount of heat required to cook one cubic meter hot water (Gcal/cubic m). At the same time, the amount of heat for preparing one cubic meter of hot water (Q t/e) is determined by calculation, taking into account heat capacity, pressure, temperature, water density, thermal energy losses in risers and heated towel rails Thus, the charge in the receipt for hot water depends on the form in which the regulatory body sets the tariff for hot water: for two components (cold water and thermal energy) or per cubic meter. In question the amounts of charges for 2 components (cold water and thermal energy) are given, but not indicated municipality and tariffs for components. If we assume that hot water consumption was 10 m3, then the tariff for the “cold water component” is 331 rubles. / 10 m 3 = 33.10 rubles/m 3. If we assume that the tariff for the “thermal energy” component is 1800 rubles/Gcal, the amount of thermal energy consumed is: 1100 rubles. /1800 rub./Gcal = 0.611 Gcal, respectively, to heat 1 m 3 of hot water, the thermal energy consumption was 0.611 Gcal / 10 m 3 = 0.0611 Gcal/m 3. Chief Economist of the Yurenergo Group of Companies Isaeva T.V.

A few years ago, a new line appeared in receipts - water heating. Many people don't know what this service is and why they should pay for it. After all, previously payments were made only for warm water. Therefore, many people do not want to pay double fees. However, failure to deposit the money specified in this column results in debt. Since the amount for heating water in receipts is charged for a separate service.

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Heating in the bill - what is it?

What is heating is one of the frequently asked questions. The document has 2 columns thermal water supply(DHW) and heating.
What is hot water supply? It is hot water supply. But people don't understand why they have to deposit money twice. But in reality everything is different. DHW is not warm water, but the heat energy that is spent by housing and communal services to bring the liquid to the desired temperature. Therefore, a double tariff was introduced for hot water supply and for consumed energy.

This tariff was established due to the fact that to achieve normal temperature, additional energy is expended. Previously, fuel consumption was not taken into account when calculating utility bills, and money for this was charged only in heating season.
Because of this, during this period, people’s expenses for heating and heating increased greatly. To prevent people's costs from increasing sharply, the Government divided the costs spent on achieving normal temperatures for the whole year.

Is it legal to charge for this?

When people see an additional column on a check, they wonder if this is legal. Some immediately contact company employees and clarify what the new column means and why they need to pay. And some simply don’t pay money for it.

However, such actions by consumers will be considered illegal, since the obligation to pay for water heating is specified in the articles of the Housing Code. Also, the legality of demanding payment for this is also indicated in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of June 6, 2011.

What if the equipment breaks down

If the heater breaks down, then utility bills for heating will not increase or decrease. Therefore, it is important to quickly return it to service. In this situation, payers must immediately inform the management company employees about the breakdown. After receiving the application, the legal entity must immediately send specialists to restore the operation of the water heater.

Residents are also responsible for purchasing equipment.

How to determine the cost yourself

The cost of heating cold water is indicated in the receipt. It is quite simple to calculate the total amount for cold and hot liquid, but how to calculate the amount of payment for additional service few know.

How is water heating calculated in the bill in summer and winter, and what data will you need to know:

  1. You definitely need to know what tariff is set in the region.
  2. What losses did the management company incur for transporting the resource?
  3. How much energy was actually used to achieve the required temperature.
  4. How much resource is spent each month?

Not all management organizations provide such data to residents of apartment buildings. However, anyone can request this information from the HOA or management company, and employees legal entity are obliged to provide reliable information on payment for apartment supply services.

If you refuse to respond to the request, the applicant can file a complaint against the employees of the management company with Rospotrebnadzor. Having received all the necessary data, you can independently calculate and compare the heating bill indicated in the invoice.

Calculation of the total amount in 2018

Heating is the most expensive public service. This is due to the fact that special heating devices are used for heating, which consume a lot of energy.

To calculate the amount of payment for heating up a hot water supply, it is necessary to determine how much resource was spent; to do this, you need to take readings from the meter or make a calculation for hot moisture if there is none. The amount of remuneration for DHW heating is calculated using the following formula:

P gv = Vgv × Txv + (V v cr × Vi gv / ∑ Vi gv × Tv cr)

V gv - the volume of hot water consumed during the billing period (month) in an apartment or non-residential premises

Tхв – tariff for cold water

V v cr – the volume of thermal energy used during the billing period for heating cold water during independent production of hot water management company

∑ Vi gw – the total volume of hot water consumed during the billing period in all

T v cr – tariff for thermal energy in the premises of the house.

The rate established in the region is multiplied by the heat standard required to heat a cubic meter of liquid. The resulting figure is multiplied by the amount of resource consumed.

For residents who do not have a meter, the calculation must be made as follows: the standard is divided by the number of residents in the house (apartment).
The resulting result will not be accurate, since the management company also adds costs spent on repairs, maintenance and ensuring the functionality of special devices.

Utility payments for heating hit homeowners' budgets hard. In connection with this, people do not want to contribute money for unknown reasons. And the appearance in a paper of a new column for heating always raises questions, especially if you have to pay a considerable amount for the innovation. Heating recently appeared on the receipt, which is why many people still don’t understand why they have to pay for it separately, because they already pay for water supply.

Currently, hot water supply is an integral part of the lives of most people on the planet. No apartment or residential building can live without it. Installing a hot water supply system is a complex process; moreover, there are several types of system connections. In this article we will look at all hot water supply systems, calculations and types of water heaters.

Regardless of the type of hot water supply, a set of equipment is connected, which are designed to heat water and distribute it to various water intake points. IN this equipment The water is heated to the required temperature, after which it is supplied to the house and through the pipeline using a pump. There are open and closed system hot water supply.

Open system

An open hot water system is characterized by the presence of a coolant circulating in the system. Hot water comes directly from the centralized heating system. The quality of tap water and heating equipment no different. The result is that people use coolant.

The open system is so named because hot water is supplied from the open taps of the heating system. DHW scheme multi-storey building provides for the use open type. For private homes, this type is too expensive.

You should know that the cost savings of an open system occur due to the no need for water heating devices to heat the liquid.

Features of open hot water supply

When installing an open hot water supply, the operating principle must be taken into account. There are two types of open hot water supply depending on the type of circulation and transportation of coolant to the radiators. There are open systems with natural circulation and those using pumping equipment for these purposes.

Natural circulation is carried out in this way: an open system eliminates the presence of excess pressure, so at the highest point it corresponds to atmospheric pressure, and at the lowest point it is slightly higher due to the hydrostatic action of the liquid column. Thanks to a small pressure, it occurs natural circulation coolant.

The principle of natural circulation is quite simple, thanks to different temperatures coolant and, accordingly, different densities and masses, cooled water with a low temperature and greater mass displaces hot water with a lower mass. This simply explains the existence of a gravity system, which is also called gravitational. The main advantage of such a system is absolute energy independence, if parallel heating boilers do not use electricity.

Important to know! Gravity pipelines are made with a large slope and diameter.

If natural circulation is not possible, use pumping equipment, which increases the rate of coolant flow through the pipeline and reduces the time it takes to warm up the room. Circulation pump produces coolant movement at a speed of 0.3 - 0.7 m/s.

Advantages and disadvantages of an open system

Open hot water supply is still relevant, thanks primarily to energy independence and other advantages:

  1. Easy to fill open hot water and vent. No need for control high pressure and release additional air, since the release is carried out automatically when filling through an open expansion tank.
  2. Easy to recharge. Because there is no need to monitor the maximum pressure. It is also possible to add water to the tank even with a bucket.
  3. The system functions properly, regardless of leaks, because working pressure not big and the presence of such problems does not affect it.

Among the disadvantages is the need to control the water level in the tank and its constant replenishment.

Closed hot water system

The closed system is based on the following principle: cold water is taken drinking water from central water supply and heating it in an additional heat exchanger. After heating, it is supplied to water intake points.

A closed system implies separate operation of the coolant and hot water; it is also distinguished by the presence of a return and supply pipeline, which are used for circular circulation of water. Such a system will ensure normal pressure even when using a shower and sink at the same time. Among the advantages of the system, the ease of regulating the temperature of hot liquid is also noted.

DHW can be circulation or dead-end. A dead-end system consists only of water supply pipes, the connection method of which is the same as in the first case.

Advantage closed DHW is to reduce costs by ensuring stable temperatures. It is possible to install a heated towel rail. A closed hot water system requires water heaters, the types of which we will consider below.

Types of water heaters

All water heaters are classified as follows:

  1. Flow devices. Such heaters heat water continuously, leaving no reserve. Since water has a high heat capacity, constant heating requires increased energy consumption. In addition to this factor, the flow-through heater must be immediately brought into working condition: when turned on, supply hot water, and when turned off, stop heating. To traditional flow heaters include a gas water heater.
  2. Storage devices. They are characterized by slow heating of a certain volume of water, which often consumes 1 kW/hour. Hot liquid is used as needed. Storage heaters They operate instantly after opening the tap, but the power is much less. Among the disadvantages of such devices are also noted large sizes, the larger the volume, the larger the device.

Calculation and recirculation of hot water supply

The calculation of hot water supply systems depends on the following factors: the number of consumers, the approximate frequency of shower use, the number of bathrooms with hot water supply, some technical specifications plumbing equipment, required water temperature. By calculating all these indicators, you can determine the required daily volume of hot water.

Recirculation of water in the hot water supply system ensures reverse feed liquids from a distant water intake point. It is necessary when the distance from the heater to the farthest water intake point is more than 3 meters. Recirculation is used using a boiler, and if it is not possible to use it, it is started directly through the boiler.

The hot water supply system can be of two types, which are used depending on the specified parameters. IN open system a heating boiler is used, and in a closed one - a water heater. In some cases, it is necessary to additionally organize water recycling. Before installing and purchasing equipment, it is important to calculate the hot water supply.

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