If you don't use it modern service for deratization of premises, and trying to get rid of rodents on your own, then poisoning with rat poison is quite possible. It is important to know the methods first emergency care in case of poisoning and the basic rules that must be followed when deratization of premises.

Types of poisonous baits and poisons

IN free sale you can only buy poisonous substances from the group of pesticides that are widely used in agriculture. The composition of modern rodenticides (rat poisons) cannot lead to human death, unlike previously used compositions based on arsenic, lead, strychnine and thallium sulfate.

The main active toxic substance of any rat poison that can be purchased over the counter is zoocoumarin. This is a complex of chemicals that disrupt the blood flow in the body of rodents and cause internal bleeding.

Poisons of the second and third class of danger

When starting deratization, you need to carefully study the rules for using the pesticide and its components. The effect of rat poison depends on the degree of its toxicity:

  • "Krysid" is a professional rodent control product that is approved for use only by professional sanitary and epidemiological services. The presence of zinc phosphide can cause rat poison poisoning in humans;
  • Ratindan or Warfarin, Ethylphenacin, as well as Izoindan are weak anticoagulants, since they are completely eliminated from the body within three days. Rodents quickly become accustomed to the active components of these drugs. The toxicity class is low - active substances are excreted in the urine after four days;
  • Bromadiolone, Difenacoum, Brodifacoum, Flocumafen are toxic drugs with a cumulative effect. Toxic substances accumulate in the liver and interfere with normal blood clotting, causing internal bleeding. When working with these poisons, it is important to remember that the lethal dose for humans of this drug ranges from 60 (Warfarin) to 300 mg (Bromadionone) per kilogram of body weight.

Important! When working with rat poisons, be sure to carefully read the instructions and study all the active components of the anticoagulant.

Modern rat poisons, which can be bought in stores, cannot be fatal for adults, since they contain a maximum of two percent of the active toxic substance. In terms of human body weight, the percentage of the active component is only five hundredths of a percent, which is not lethal.

But security measures cannot be neglected. When working with any toxic substances, you must wear gloves and a mask to avoid contact with active substance on the skin, in respiratory tract and on mucous membranes.

It is necessary to observe safety precautions when working with any pesticides, since human poisoning from rat poison is quite possible. When preparing bait, be sure to use rubber gloves, as toxic substances can enter the blood through the skin.

Signs of Serious Rat Poisoning

How does rat poison affect humans, and what symptoms indicate poisoning:

  • causeless weakness and fatigue – the entry of toxic substances into the bloodstream causes a lack of oxygen supply to the brain;
  • nausea and vomiting may appear on the second or third day after poisoning, as poisons slowly penetrate through connective tissue and gradually dissolve in the intestinal tract;
  • bleeding from the gums and redness of the eyeballs is the effect of toxins on the smallest blood vessels. Rat poison slows down blood clotting;
  • You can be poisoned by rat poison if a large concentration of the active substance enters the body with food. In this case, acute diarrhea and signs of blood in the stool are observed, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help;
  • headache, dizziness and temporary loss of orientation;
  • burning and itching of skin areas affected by the drug;
  • at high blood pressure nosebleeds and general weakness may be observed, characteristic tinnitus and sudden changes in blood pressure appear;
  • when the components of the poison get on the mucous membranes, a temporary decrease in visual acuity and a burning sensation in the mouth are observed.

If there are allergic reactions to the components of the coagulant, if chronic diseases cardiovascular system, signs of rat poison poisoning may appear as bright bloody spots throughout the body. This is due to damage to blood vessels and local internal bleeding.

Rat poison is especially dangerous for children, since the concentration of toxic substances in the child’s body is increased and acute allergic reactions. It is necessary to immediately induce vomiting in the child, give plenty of fluids and immediately contact a doctor by ambulance.

First aid for rat poisoning

Self-medication is dangerous. Having taken the necessary emergency measures, you should definitely consult a doctor to avoid serious consequences. Only a doctor can prescribe the necessary dose of drugs that will help neutralize toxic substances that have entered the body.

Symptoms of poisoning by rat poison appear after a day (for severe poisoning) or after two to three days (for mild poisoning). What to do if poison gets into the stomach or skin:

  • If the poison gets into food, then it is necessary to immediately induce profuse vomiting. A warm, weak solution of potassium manganese (a couple of grains per glass of water) will help;
  • drink as much fluid as possible - at least three liters - to harmful substances excreted more quickly through the kidneys;
  • take two to three tablets activated carbon or another absorbent that will quickly remove the toxic components of the poison from the intestines;
  • A laxative with a salt composition that neutralizes the effect of zoocoumarin will also help cleanse the body;
  • if poison gets on the code, you need to wash off the drug with copious amounts of water and soap;
  • if the poison gets on the mucous membranes, rinse with water for two to three minutes.

In any case, if symptoms of poisoning appear, you cannot limit yourself to ambulance methods - you must consult a doctor. In case of severe intoxication with rat poison, inpatient treatment may be prescribed:

  • phytomenadione (vitamin K1) – an effective antidote for a month;
  • complex of hepatoprotectors;
  • diuretics.

In particularly severe cases of poisoning, blood transfusions are prescribed to prevent the effect of reducing clotting.

It is important to remember that rat poison is dangerous for pets, so baits should be placed in places inaccessible to pets and farm animals.

Important! If dead rodents are not disposed of, infections may spread and infect people and animals.

In order not to ask yourself the question - is it possible to get poisoned during self-deratization, be sure to use all protective measures when working with toxic drugs. Most best optionprofessional pest control using new generation drugs that are safe for humans and animals.

Every day throughout his life, a person interacts with various chemicals and reagents, some of which can be extremely dangerous. One of these substances is rat poison. Rats, other small rodents, have been constant companions of humanity for thousands of years.

Rat poison is the most radical remedy fight against rats and mice. It must be borne in mind that the toxic substances themselves, developed to kill rodents, are heterogeneous and carry varying degrees of danger.

To protect yourself, you should carefully understand the issue.

It should be noted that rat poison itself is heterogeneous. It's about about a group of similar toxic substances with varying degrees of effectiveness. The most dangerous to humans is the rat. It is used rarely and only in cases of high resistance of rodents to milder reagents. No less dangerous are drugs such as arsenic, phosphorus and others. Anticoagulant substances, such as zoocoumarins, have a mild effect. They are considered safer for people and pets.

Causes of rat poison poisoning

Get poisoned modern drugs against rats unintentionally is almost impossible. However, if we talk about old substances, the risk increases significantly. Fortunately, in recent years Not a single case of fatal poisoning has been recorded in Russia. But this does not mean that there are no cases of intoxication at all. There are several causes of rat poisoning:

1) Nutritional reason. Most common reason poisoning with rat poison. In this case, the toxic substance enters the body directly with food. The destructive reagent is quickly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and spreads throughout the body through the bloodstream. The risk group includes people living in places where rodents are exterminated and, especially, children. Over the past 4 years, 20 cases of poisoning have been identified. All patients are young.

2) Inhalation of particles toxic substance. It can also become a direct cause of intoxication. In this case, the route of penetration is the lungs.

3) Penetration of toxic substances through open wounds and cuts.

Intoxication can occur due to various reasons, the most common is eating food poisoned with poison.

Poisoning with rat poison: all the symptoms

All symptoms of poisoning by rat poison are usually nonspecific and can manifest themselves in various diseases.

Differential diagnosis (that is, distinguishing between one and other diseases and conditions) of poisoning is not the patient’s task, but the doctor’s. Therefore, you should not leave things to chance; at the first manifestations listed below, you should immediately seek medical help.

The typical picture of poisoning with “soft” drugs does not develop immediately.

The substance is slowly released and poisons the body.
The symptomatic complex appears 3-6 days after intoxication.

Signs of rat poison poisoning include:

Headache. Headache is a companion to any poisoning, poisoning with rat poison is no exception. The pain is constant and is relieved by analgesics only for a short time.

Nausea, vomiting. As well as are nonspecific symptoms.

Both the first and second signs of poisoning by rat poison are caused by the effect of the toxic substance on the brain.

Inexplicable. They are among the first to appear.

Internal and external bleeding. In case of poisoning with mild reagents, bleeding gums and deterioration of blood clotting develop. Heavy poisons, such as arsenic, increase the fragility of blood vessels and prevent normal blood clotting. If we are talking about severe poisoning, there is a high probability of internal bleeding and death.

Paleness of the skin due to poor blood circulation and insufficient nutrition of peripheral vessels and tissues.

Other symptoms are observed somewhat less frequently: anal, etc.

There are many signs, as far as one can judge. Determining the source of the problem on your own is not so easy.

First aid for rat poisoning

The prognosis and likelihood of developing complications depends on how well and timely first aid is provided to the victim in case of rat poisoning. Everyone should know the rules of first aid. How to provide emergency assistance?

1) When taking poison orally, the gastrointestinal tract should be cleansed. To do this, gastric lavage is performed (either at home or in a hospital). At home, you need to drink 3-4 glasses of salted water and press on the root of the tongue to provoke a gag reflex. The procedure must be repeated 2-3 times until clean water.

3) Reception of adsorbents. We can talk about activated carbon, “newfangled” products like white carbon, etc. Activated carbon is taken at the rate of 2-3 tablets for every 10 kg of weight. Adsorbents will absorb harmful substances and reduce toxic damage to the body.

4) The next step is cleansing the intestines. This is important for two reasons: firstly, toxins quickly “sneak” into the small and large intestines, especially if several hours have passed since the poisoning. Secondly, the substance may begin to be released a second time from activated carbon, which moves through the intestines. An Esmarch mug is used to flush the intestines. Children have a syringe.

To prevent the substance from penetrating through open wounds, it is enough to rinse off the rat poison with a running stream. warm water(will do plain water from the tap). The same applies to contact of the substance with the eyes and/or nose.

Treatment of rat poison poisoning

Treatment is required only in severe cases. In all other situations, treatment of rat poisoning is limited to first aid.

The duration of therapy is about a month in a hospital setting. In treatment, specific antidotes (Phytomenadione), diuretics, laxatives, and hepatoprotectors are used.

These drugs help reduce complications to a minimum.

In the most difficult cases can not do without blood plasma transfusion.

Prevention of rat poisoning

Special methods There is no way to prevent rat poison poisoning. It is enough to adhere to common sense.

If you still cannot do without poisons, it is necessary to give preference to mild toxic substances. Fortunately, today the market offers a huge range of relatively safe means long-acting. Buying is deadly dangerous drugs based on arsenic and other toxic compounds is not worth it. It's dangerous.

After any contact with poison, you must wash your hands thoroughly.

To prevent a child from being poisoned, poisons should not be scattered on the floor and the child should not be left unattended.

Complications of rat poisoning

No poisoning goes unnoticed. This is also true for rat poison. This is a very insidious and dangerous reagent, complications from which appear months or even years later.

The main and most terrible consequence is secondary hemophilia (blood clotting disorder). Hemophilia is manifested by the occurrence of bleeding gums, mucous membranes, nosebleeds, prolonged hemorrhages even with banal cuts, etc. In extreme cases, internal bleeding is possible.

In addition to hemophilia, liver and kidney dysfunctions are observed.

Rat poisoning does not occur as often as it used to. However, this does not make it any easier: having been poisoned by poison, the patient risks serious problems with the liver, kidneys, and hematopoietic system.

To avoid trouble, you need to adhere to the rules of prevention. If trouble does strike, you need to know how first aid is provided. This is a guarantee of maintaining health.

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Rat poison is used to combat rodents that cause harm to humans. Over time, the composition of this poison changed from very dangerous to human health to less dangerous. However, even the new generation of poisons is quite dangerous, so you need to know about their effects on humans and the rules for providing first aid in case of poisoning.

General characteristics of rat poisons

Rat poison used to include substances such as arsenic, lead, and strychnine. Then its production was closed, explaining this as a particular danger to the human body. The next variety was Warfarin, but it was not used for long. The fact is that the rats were able to develop resistance to it, so they had to create a new poison. This is how “Kumatetralil” and “Brodifacum” appeared. Today there are quite a few types of poisonous substances for rats. Conventionally, they can be divided into three groups.

The first group includes “Krysid” and zinc phosphide. However, their use is quite limited. This is due to the high toxicity of the active substance. Their advantage is that all rats that try the poison die. Moreover, the time required to destroy them is only a few hours. Despite their high toxicity, “Rat” and zinc phosphide are still used in cases where other poisons are absolutely powerless. The procedure requires close attention and control.

Another group includes rat poisons of the old generation, the use of which is strictly prohibited. These are strychnine, yellow and white phosphorus, arsenic, lead, thallium sulfate. Even knowing about their increased toxicity, people still occasionally resort to such means. You need to know that the consequences of their exposure can be irreversible, even fatal.

The third group is a new generation of substances that can be bought on the market or in special stores. The main component most often in them are zoocoumarins, which promote poor blood clotting. The effect of such poisons is that a rat or mouse, having tasted the poisonous agent, dies as a result of internal bleeding. Among the poisons of this group, anticoagulants of the first and second generations are distinguished.

First generation anticoagulants include Warfarin, Ratindan, Ethylphenacin, Izoindan, and others. Their peculiarity is that toxic compounds do not accumulate in the body, and after 3-4 days they are almost completely eliminated through the kidneys. The downside of these drugs is that rodents become addicted to them. That is why in some cases they resort to more strong means: “Brodifacum”, “Bromadiolone”, “Flocumafen”, “Difenacoum” and the like. Their toxicity is significantly higher than that of first-generation anticoagulants, and the exposure time is shorter. At the same time, they are able to accumulate in the body.

Human poisoning with rodent poison

Contrary to popular belief, poisoning from rat poison is not always fatal. Whether the dose will be lethal depends on the action of the main component and on the person’s state of health. Things will be easier for those who have a healthy liver. After all, its functions include the synthesis of factors that determine the required blood clotting.

As mentioned above, rat poison leads to their destruction. Here are some examples of the relationship between doses and body weight, resulting in death: Warfarin - 60 mg/kg body weight, Bromadiolone - 300 mg/kg body weight.

It is quite difficult to unintentionally eat a lot of rat poison. For the dose to be lethal, to the human body will have to be repeatedly exposed to anticoagulants. So, rats need to eat the substance several times throughout the week. It should also be taken into account that finished form the poison contains 0.1-2% of the active substance. To prepare a drug for rats, the poison is mixed with some kind of food: minced meat, grain. As a result, it turns out that the content of the main substance in the bait averages about 0.02%. It is not always possible to poison even a rat with poisoned foods that contain such amounts of poison.

Based on this, a person for fatal outcome You should consume at least 3-4 g of poison. And if, for example, the product is sold in briquettes, then you will need approximately 150 g of such poison. It is known that such briquettes contain only 0.005% of the toxic substance, so even a child would have to eat a rather large piece to be seriously poisoned.

The danger of some poisons is that they have the ability to penetrate the skin. To avoid this, you must wear protective gloves while preparing bait, not forgetting other precautions. Failure to comply with them can lead to poisoning, the first negative manifestations of which may not develop in the first days. Intoxication with rat poison most often manifests itself after 3-4 days.

If a person has eaten a certain amount of poison, resulting in poisoning, the disease will have a chronic course. Sometimes a large dose of a toxic substance can provoke a clotting disorder, which will become apparent no earlier than after 12-24 hours. Patients also experience other symptoms. Thus, the victim’s condition is characterized by weakness, nausea, headache, loss of appetite, pale skin, bleeding gums and hemorrhages on the mucous membranes.

In rare cases, the consequences for a person may manifest as disorders gastrointestinal tract: Along with diarrhea, a small amount of blood may be excreted. Gastrointestinal upset may be accompanied by abdominal pain. As a result of poor blood clotting, nosebleeds and bloody spots on the skin may occur.

Treatment of rat poison poisoning

Knowing how rat poison works, every person should understand the danger of intoxication with this substance. First of all, you should definitely seek help from a doctor. He will give a referral for examination (urinalysis, blood test, etc.) and, based on laboratory tests, prescribe the necessary medications. First of all, vitamin K is prescribed, which will take a lot of time to have a noticeable effect. It is vitamin K that helps restore normal blood clotting (other symptoms of hemophilia may also appear).

If a person has consumed rodent poison, he must be given first aid. If the ambulance arrived quickly, then experienced specialists will do it. If you have to wait a long time for an ambulance, you can perform a few simple steps yourself.

The poisoned person should be induced to vomit. To do this you will need to drink at least 3 liters of water. Then, to make your stomach work, you need to take activated carbon tablets based on your body weight. After this, be sure to drink a saline laxative. All these actions are performed if toxic substances enter the stomach. Important to know: if people eat a certain amount of poison over a period of time long period, then the poisoning is considered chronic. In this case, gastric lavage will not give any result.

If precautions are not taken when preparing rat bait, the poison may get on the skin. In this case, wash the skin immediately with warm water and soap. It happens that poisonous agent also gets on the mucous membrane of the eye or in the oral cavity. Then the affected areas are washed generously running water. If after all the measures taken there is no improvement, you should rush to the hospital.

When is hospitalization needed?

Sometimes, when trying to poison rats, people themselves are exposed to the harmful effects of toxic substances. In some cases, it is necessary to hospitalize the victim. Treatment in a hospital is carried out as follows. Drugs from the group of hepatoprotectors and forced diuresis are prescribed. In addition, as mentioned earlier, it is mandatory to administer an antidote in the form of vitamin K. It is administered for 15-30 days, depending on the degree of intoxication.

When especially complex form poisoning, the doctor may prescribe a blood plasma transfusion. This manipulation will help replenish the blood clotting factor. The degree of recovery of the patient can be determined by studying the prothrombin index. Taking B vitamins will help restore the immune system after illness. The patient should get plenty of rest and avoid stressful situations and physical stress.

So, is rat poison real? dangerous substance. To avoid poisoning, you can resort to other methods of fighting rats, for example, traps. If, nevertheless, the choice is made in favor of poison, all precautions must be taken.

Why do pets often die? Many people believe that from various infectious diseases, but this is not entirely true. Yes, the latter are dangerous, but much more often sudden deaths are the result of poisoning. Bad food, accidentally eaten poisonous plant... But the worst thing is poisoning from rat poison in dogs.

The dog can find these poisons anywhere - in the house, garage, on the street, etc., since there is practically no control over the use of this kind of drugs. The danger of the drugs used to fight mice and rats lies in their diversity: sometimes even drugs that are called and look similar have completely different compounds at their core. As is easy to understand, they act differently on the body, and different approaches must be used to neutralize them.

Thus, if your dog accidentally ate rat poison, you must urgently determine what exactly got into your pet’s body, since the animal’s life depends on correct diagnosis. Be sure to try to find the packaging, as all the necessary information is necessarily printed on it. As a last resort, try to remember yourself or ask the person who laid out the bait what the pack of rat poison looked like. It is possible that at least based on these signs it will be possible to accurately determine the type of poison.

Below we look at the four main compounds used to produce poisons. If you have even the slightest suspicion that any of them has entered the gastrointestinal tract of your dog, call the veterinarian immediately! The sooner you show the animal to a specialist, the higher the chances of saving its life and avoiding expensive drug treatment. Now let’s look at specific types of poisonous agents.

Anti-clotting drugs

Anti-clotting agents (LAACs) currently dominate the pest control market.

Mechanism of action. As you might guess, poison prevents blood from clotting. The rat or mouse that ate it, its life path ends from massive internal bleeding. The same can be said about poisoned dogs. In general, these compounds are completely similar in action (and sometimes in composition) to drugs actively used in medicine (for example, Warfarin (a natural vitamin K antagonist) or Coumadin®). Typically, in the case of dogs, the first symptoms are visible three to five days after poisoning. However, if the dog took a large “dose” at once, clinical signs will appear much earlier.

Read also: Microsporia in dogs: detailed information about a dangerous disease

General symptoms of poisoning. With massive internal bleeding, the dog may fall into a lethargic state, the animal becomes lethargic and apathetic, a cough occurs (and bloody foam is coughed up), difficulty breathing (due to bleeding in the lungs), all visible mucous membranes turn sharply pale. Vomiting, diarrhea (not necessarily bloody), nosebleeds, hematuria (blood in the urine), swollen joints and bleeding gums are common. No appetite.

Antidote and treatment. Fortunately, there is an excellent remedy that will prevent the severe effects of poisoning in most cases. We are talking about vitamin K, phylloquinone. Note that regular dog food already contains a sufficient amount of it, but it is not enough to suppress the effect of the poison, and therefore it is necessary to inject the animal with a course of Vikasol. As a rule, the course of treatment in this case takes approximately a month. Two days after the last administration of the drug, a complete blood count must be performed. If the level of prothrombin and platelets is normal, therapy can be considered complete. Otherwise, the Vikasol course must be extended.

It is worth remembering that the degree of threat to the animal’s life varies depending on the specific type of substance entering the pet’s body. In some cases (for example, Brodifacoum is a powerful anticoagulant) a very small dose is required for the development of poisoning. In other situations (for example, when using Bromadiolone), small doses are dangerous only for rodents, but it is much more difficult for dogs to get poisoned.

The age and health of the dog can be the main factors determining the degree of danger of an ingested dose of a toxic substance. Very old, young dogs, as well as animals with liver and gastrointestinal diseases are at risk. It is worth saying that all canines are especially sensitive to drugs that disrupt the blood clotting process, and therefore need prompt medical help in case of poisoning with them.

Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3)

A natural question arises: “How can a vitamin be used as a poison”? In fact, everything is very simple. ALL vitamins are extremely toxic when the dosage is increased, and cholecalciferol is no exception. Everything on the market today more funds deratizations produced on its basis.

Mechanism of action. When taking lethal doses, the concentration of calcium and phosphorus in the blood plasma sharply increases, which leads to acute renal failure and death.

Common signs of rat poison poisoning in dogs. Increased thirst and frequency of urination, weakness, lethargy, decreased appetite and bad smell from the mouth (“uremic” breathing). Acute renal failure develops 2-3 days after ingestion of poison. It should be remembered that when signs of the latter appear, a serious blow has already been dealt to the animal’s body, from which it does not always recover.

Read also: Panleukopenia in dogs: symptoms and treatment of the disease

Antidote and therapy.“Vitamin” poisons require urgent hospitalization and treatment in a clinic, with constant monitoring of calcium and phosphorus levels in the blood plasma. There is no specific antidote, but, if started in time, symptomatic therapy shows very good results. Diuretics, steroids, calcitonin and bisphosphonates, which help to quickly remove excess calcium from the body, have proven themselves positive. Please note that the dog will have to be treated for at least five to six weeks, and the pet will need to constantly undergo blood tests.

Degree of threat. Cholecalciferol (like all vitamins) is very unsafe. Even the slightest “overdose” is fraught with extremely serious consequences, so the injured animal should be treated as urgently as possible. By the way, why is vitamin D used as a basis for making poison? It's all about the low cost of its synthesis. In principle, vitamin A is even worse in overdose, but its production is much more expensive.

Bromethalin (aka calcium cyanide)

Causes rapid swelling of the meninges. In many ways, this poison is similar to drugs that cause bleeding disorders, so cases of poisoning with these substances are often confused.

Mechanism of action. The principle of operation of the drug is based on disrupting the functioning of mitochondria in nervous tissue and increasing the permeability of the blood-brain barrier, which together causes serious disruption of the central nervous system and leads to death.

General symptoms of poisoning. Incoordination of limb movements (ataxia), convulsions, neurological seizures, paralysis, death. The more poison the dog eats, the faster the clinical picture will develop. The minimum time for symptoms to appear is about two hours, but they can appear after 36 hours. Thus, if poisoning is suspected, the dog should be monitored for at least 24 hours.

Antidote and therapy. Alas, there are no specific antidotes in this case either. To alleviate the condition of a poisoned animal as much as possible, it is repeatedly given large quantities activated carbon and wash the stomach several times. The prescription of diuretics is indicated, which reduce the likelihood of developing edema.

Degree of threat. Dogs are not very sensitive to this type of poison (cats are much worse off). In addition, poison manufacturers try to calculate the dose so that it is dangerous only for rodents. However, given the general danger of compounds of this type, the affected pet in any case should be urgently shown to a veterinarian.

Rats and mice cause many problems to humans. They not only spoil things and products, but can also cause serious illnesses. This is why it is necessary to get rid of rodents. There are special chemicals for this called rodenticides.

Is it possible to poison a person with rat poison?

The chemical has a negative effect on both rodents and humans. It can not only provoke intoxication, but also lead to death.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to understand how rat poison works and what it is.

Rat (mouse) poison- a group of toxic drugs aimed at exterminating rodents different types. Previously, such poisons contained arsenic, lead, and strychnine. But recently, the production of such chemicals has been prohibited, since the content of these substances in them has a detrimental effect on human health and can even lead to death.

After these drugs, warfarin-based products appeared. But the rodents quickly adapted to it and new drugs containing Coumatetral and Brodifacoum had to be introduced. They are all similar in that they contain zoocoumarins.

First generation chemicals, with timely treatment, leave the body in a few days. Their names: Ratindan, Warfarin and others. New generation products contain active substance, which accumulates in the body and leads to severe intoxication. They are called Bromadiolone, Difenacum and others.

Lethal dosage for humans

Persons who deal with rodenticides, in order to avoid disastrous consequences, must know how rat poison acts on the human body, what dosage can be fatal. The chemical has several varieties, each of which has its own dose that is life-threatening.

The condition of the human body also plays a huge role. If there are pathological processes in the liver, then the poisoning will be very strong. This is due to the fact that toxins destroy necessary elements, which are responsible for blood clotting. And the liver replenishes them.

Getting poisoned by mouse poison is quite difficult. For example, the lethal dose of Warfarin is 60 mg/kg body weight, Bromadiolone is 300 mg/kg.

Based on these figures, it can be understood that such an amount of poison can enter the body only as a result of its repeated intake long term. Even mice must consume the bait within a week for them to die.

It should be borne in mind that stores sell chemicals that contain only 0.02% pure poison.

If we translate this dose into ready-made rat poison preparations, it turns out that in order for an adult to die, he needs to consume 150 g. This is a lot. Even a child needs to eat a large piece of the chemical to become poisoned. Therefore, rat poison is life-threatening only in large quantities, if consumed over several days.

The toxic substances of the drug are not only taken orally. Many of them can be absorbed through skin. That is why people who work with these chemicals must follow all safety rules (protective gloves, suit, etc.).

Symptoms of rat poison intoxication

Symptoms of rat poison intoxication do not appear immediately. Approximately 3-4 days after use. The main symptoms of poisoning are hemorrhage from the nasopharynx and bleeding during urine output. This is due to the fact that during intoxication, vitamin K, which is responsible for blood clotting, ceases to form in the body.

Also, the use of toxic chemicals can be determined by the following signs:

  1. Unbearable migraine, which is called toxic. The more intense it is, the more poison is taken;
  2. Gums begin to bleed;
  3. Poisoned people feel unwell and dizzy;
  4. Retardation appears in physical and mental reactions;
  5. Poisoning causes a feeling of nausea, lack of appetite;
  6. Bloody diarrhea painful sensations in the stomach;
  7. Paleness of the skin.

Once you notice the symptoms of rat poison poisoning, it is very important to provide first aid to the victim. After this, hospitalize him in a medical facility.

Emergency assistance for intoxication

Poisoning with rat poison can be fatal. That is why timely and correct first aid can save a person’s life.

As soon as you notice any symptoms of intoxication, you must follow these steps:

  1. Make the poisoned person drink at least 3 liters of clean water.
  2. Prepare a slightly pinkish solution of potassium permanganate and use.
  3. Take up to 5 pieces of activated carbon.
  4. Take a salt-based laxative.

When hit chemical substance on the skin, wash the area with warm water and soap solution. If poisons penetrate the visual apparatus, rinse your eyes with copious amounts of running water. To do this, place your head under the tap for half an hour.

Before rendering emergency assistance be sure to call an ambulance. While you wait for medical personnel, keep the victim awake. In a dream, someone who is poisoned may die.

Treatment after rat poisoning

Poisoning with rat poison is a very dangerous phenomenon. Under no circumstances should the victim be treated on an outpatient basis. Hospitalization required. Treatment is carried out under the 24-hour supervision of medical workers.

In a medical institution, as therapeutic measures, the victim in mandatory They rinse the gastrointestinal tract and replenish the loss of vitamin K.

It is very important to make an accurate diagnosis. Which is not always possible, since symptoms appear only a few days after intoxication. Severe poisoning may require a blood transfusion.

During the treatment period, the patient must rest. Must be avoided physical activity, stressful situations.

After 2-3 weeks of therapeutic measures, a laboratory test for blood clotting (prothrombin index study) is taken. After this, maintenance treatment with vitamin B is applied.

Summing up

And so, rat poison has several varieties, each with its own lethal dose for the human body. As a rule, for the poison to be effective, it is necessary to take it in large quantities for several days in a row. The poison can also be absorbed into the body through the skin.

To protect yourself from intoxication, follow all safety rules when carrying out work. If you have small children or pets in your family, it is better not to take risks. Hire specially trained people to exterminate rodents.

They have experience in this matter and will not allow intoxication of people and pets. In addition, now there are many other ways to get rid of rats and mice: traps, traps, etc.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):