Installation and lowering of the USP

For lowering into the well, an inspected (repaired) sucker rod pump with an operational certificate is delivered. Disassembling the pump at the well is prohibited.

The pump is subjected to a visual inspection: the stroke of the plunger in the cylinder is checked, the pump markings are checked against the data in the passport,

the plunger stroke and condition are checked threaded connections, extension pipe, filter or GPU.

Before carrying out the emergency operation, the working platform and receiving walkways must be cleared of dirt.

The sucker rod pump is lowered into the well according to the layout specified in the work plan (work order).

Before lowering, the length of pipes and rods is measured and a measure is drawn up.

When lowering a pipe pump, you first need to lower the protective device (GPU, filter, etc.), then the cylinder with the suction valve, with the branch pipe and coupling for the elevator and pumping pipes to the required depth.

Tubing lowered into the well on the inner surface should not have deposits of salts, paraffin, scale and dirt. To check the condition of the internal surface, as well as to confirm the flow area (especially when lowering NN2B - 57 and plug-in sucker rods of all sizes), the tubing is templated using the template:

After lowering the tubing, check and, if necessary, replace the hanging pipe on the faceplate, and after operating the sucker rod pump for more than one year, the hanging pipe must be changed.

After the faceplate is seated on the flange of the column head, the plunger is lowered onto the rods. Avoiding the last three rods, flush the pump with killing fluid, in a volume of at least 16 m3, to clean the pump from possible impurities, scale, etc. When completing the assembly with an automatic coupler, the plunger is lowered in the cylinder, having previously screwed on the automatic coupler assembly (pike or gripper), and then the rod string is lowered.

The insert pump is lowered in the following sequence:

Protective device (gas anchor, sand anchor, filter, etc.);

Castle support;

After the faceplate is seated on the flange of the casing head, an insert pump is lowered into the tubing string on sucker rods.

Sucker rods lowered into the well must be straight and clean (without any deposits or damage to the outer surface of the rod body, their threaded connections and couplings).

The last three rods should be lowered at low speed to avoid sudden landing of the plunger into the pump or the insert pump into

the lock support, otherwise it may lead to the plunger scuffing or damage to the seating surface of the lock support.

When collapsing rods with centralizing scrapers, it is necessary to use a guide cone-shaped funnel to prevent chipping of the centralizing scrapers. The rod lowering speed is 0.25 m/s, and it is necessary to visually monitor the integrity of all scraper-centralizers.

After lowering the pump into the well to the required depth, it is necessary to adjust the sucker rod string to ensure normal operation sucker rod pump.

Landing the plunger is the most critical operation. When the plunger is allowed to reach the cylinder, the last rod is lowered slowly to avoid hitting the bottom of the pump.

Turning the entire string of sucker rods with a circular wrench clockwise (no more than two turns), slowly insert the plunger into the cylinder.

When planting is done, make a mark on the rods, lift them and plant them again. If the mark on the upper (control) rod remains in the same place, then the plunger is in the pump.

After this, the stroke of the plunger is adjusted using a lifting unit.

Carefully raise the rods until the IVE-50 - electronic weight indicator records the weight of the entire column of rods, after which a second mark is made on the top (control) rod. The distance between the first and second marks is added to the correction for the rod extension during the operation of the sucker rod, and the total distance will be 350-400 mm.

In addition to the total distance, the distance corresponding to the height of the SUSG and the lower position of the balancer head of the pumping machine is marked on the upper (control) rod.

Raise the upper (control) rod, unscrew and measure the polished rod with this rod; if the upper (control) rod corresponds to the length of the polished rod, then it is replaced with a polished rod. Polished rods are produced with a diameter of 32 mm and a length of 2600-4600 mm. The length of the polished rod is selected depending on the stroke length of the pumping machine.

If the length of the upper (control) rod does not match the length

polished rod, adjustment (selection) of the length of the replaced upper (control) rod is carried out using adjusting rods (half rods) of various lengths. The diameter of the fitting rods (half rods) must correspond to the diameter of the upper part of the rod column.

The length of the replacement upper (control) rod must be selected so that the connection of the column of rods or adjusting rods (when selecting the length of the control rod to be replaced) with the polished rod, even with the highest position of the plunger, does not touch the SUSG.

After completing the work on adjusting the plunger stroke, assemble the wellhead equipment and, using a lifting unit, move the rod string, make at least 6-8 strokes of the plunger and trigger the flow (at a low static level, top up the well to the mouth).

Carry out an inspection of the SUSG, change the lower stuffing box seal, if defects are detected in the SUSG, submit a request to the oil field to import a new one and replace it.

2 hours before the well is launched, the team confirms the request to call a representative of the oil field. The application is submitted to the oil field dispatcher or technologist.

In the presence of a representative of the CDNG, call the supply and pressurize the tubing with a pump, drawing up a report on the acceptance of the well from repair, then, using a rope suspension, bring the rod string to the head of the balancer and put the pumping machine into operation.

The foreman of the workover crew (workover) fills out the operational passport of the sucker rod pump indicating all the parameters of the layout of the lowered underground equipment (diameter of the tubing, rods, presence and number of centralizers, filter, gas pump, etc.).

The act of handing over the well from repair is signed, after 72 hours of trouble-free operation of the sucker rod pump, by a representative of the oil field. The basis for signing the act of handing over the well from repair is a di-gram taken after the launch of the well. The well repair report is accompanied by an operational certificate for the sucker rod pump, which must be stored together with the report and, during subsequent repairs, be transferred to the CPRS with data on the operation of the pump filled in.

In short, there are two main processes going on inside:
separation of gas from liquid- gas entering the pump may disrupt its operation. For this purpose, gas separators are used (or a gas separator-dispersant, or simply a dispersant, or a dual gas separator, or even a dual gas separator-dispersant). In addition, for normal operation of the pump, it is necessary to filter out sand and solid impurities contained in the liquid.
rise of liquid to the surface- the pump consists of many impellers or impellers, which, when rotating, accelerate the fluid.

As I already wrote, electric centrifugal submersible pumps can be used in deep and inclined oil wells(and even in horizontal ones), in heavily watered wells, in wells with iodine-bromide waters, with high salinity of formation waters, for lifting salt and acid solutions. In addition, electric centrifugal pumps have been developed and produced for the simultaneous and separate operation of several horizons in one well. Sometimes electric centrifugal pumps are also used to inject mineralized formation water into an oil reservoir in order to maintain reservoir pressure.

The assembled ESP looks like this:

Once the liquid is brought to the surface, it must be prepared for transfer to the pipeline. The products coming from oil and gas wells do not represent pure oil and gas, respectively. Produced water, associated (petroleum) gas, and particulate matter mechanical impurities ( rocks, hardened cement).
Produced water is a highly mineralized medium with a salt content of up to 300 g/l. The content of formation water in oil can reach 80%. Mineral water causes increased corrosion destruction of pipes and tanks; solid particles coming with the oil flow from the well cause wear and tear on pipelines and equipment. Associated (petroleum) gas is used as raw material and fuel. It is technically and economically feasible to subject oil to special preparation before entering the main oil pipeline for the purpose of desalting, dehydrating, degassing, and removing solid particles.

First, the oil enters automated group metering units (AGMU). From each well, oil along with gas and formation water is supplied to the AGSU via an individual pipeline. The AGZU records the exact amount of oil coming from each well, as well as primary separation for partial separation of formation water, oil gas and mechanical impurities with the direction of the separated gas through a gas pipeline to the GPP (gas processing plant).

All production data - daily flow rate, pressure, etc. are recorded by operators in the cultural booth. Then this data is analyzed and taken into account when choosing a production mode.
By the way, readers, does anyone know why the cultural booth is called that?

Next, the oil, partially separated from water and impurities, is sent to an integrated oil treatment unit (ITU) for final purification and delivery to the main pipeline. However, in our case, the oil first passes to the booster pumping station(DNS).

As a rule, booster pumping stations are used in remote fields. The need to use booster pumping stations is due to the fact that often in such fields the energy of the oil and gas bearing formation is not enough to transport the oil and gas mixture to the treatment unit.
Booster pumping stations also perform the functions of separating oil from gas, purifying gas from dropping liquid and subsequent separate transportation of hydrocarbons. The oil is pumped centrifugal pump, and the gas is under separation pressure. DNS differ in types depending on the ability to pass various liquids through them. Booster pump station full cycle it consists of a buffer tank, a unit for collecting and pumping out oil leaks, the pumping unit itself, as well as a group of spark plugs for emergency gas release.

In oil fields, after passing through group metering units, oil is taken into buffer tanks and, after separation, enters the buffer tank in order to ensure a uniform supply of oil to the transfer pump.

UKPN is a small plant where oil undergoes final preparation:

  • Degassing(final separation of gas from oil)
  • Dehydration(destruction of the water-oil emulsion formed during lifting of products from the well and transporting it to the treatment plant)
  • Desalting(removal of salts by adding fresh water and repeated dehydration)
  • Stabilization(removal of light fractions in order to reduce oil losses during its further transportation)

For more effective preparation, chemical and thermochemical methods are often used, as well as electrical dehydration and desalting.
Prepared (marketable) oil is sent to a commodity fleet, which includes tanks of various capacities: from 1000 m³ to 50,000 m³. Next, the oil is fed through the main pumping station into the main oil pipeline and sent for processing. But we'll talk about this in the next post :)

In previous releases:
How to drill your own well? Oil and gas drilling basics in one post -

SRP types:
HB1 - plug-in with a lock at the top
HB2 - plug-in with a lock at the bottom
HB1 - pump type;
B - cylinder version;
44 - nominal size (plunger diameter) of the pump;

2 - landing group;
And - performance in terms of resistance to the environment.

SSN types:
NN - non-plug-in without catcher
НН1 - non-insertable with gripping rod
НН2 - non-plug-in with catcher
B - sleeveless pump cylinder
C - pump cylinder with bushings

SSN types:
NN - non-plug-in without catcher
НН1 - non-insertable with gripping rod
НН2 - non-plug-in with catcher
B - sleeveless pump cylinder
C - pump cylinder with bushings

HB1 - pump type;
B - cylinder version;
by design features:
T - with a hollow (tubular) rod, providing
lifting liquid through the channel of a column of hollow rods;
A - with a coupling device (automatic coupler) (only
for low voltage) providing column adhesion
rods with pump plunger;
D1 - single-stage, double-plunger, providing the creation of hydraulic
heavy bottom;
D2 - two-stage, two-plunger providing two-stage compression
pumped liquid;
У - with unloaded cylinder (only for НН2)
ensuring removal from the cylinder of the cyclic
work loads.
44 - nominal size (plunger diameter) of the pump;
18 - plunger stroke in mm reduced by 100 times;
12 - pump pressure in m reduced by 100 times;
2 - landing group;
1I- -lock;
2 - rod;
3 - emphasis;
4 – lock nut;
in terms of durability
5 - plunger cage; 6 - cylinder; 7 - plunger;
8 - discharge valve; 9 - suction

Insert pumps

Non-insert pumps

Non-insert (tube) pumps
lowered into the well in parts:
cylinder - on the tubing string,
and the plunger is assembled with the suction and
discharge valves - on rods.
1 - cylinder; 2 - rod; 3 - plunger cage;
4 - plunger; 5 - discharge valve;
6 - catcher rod;
7 - suction valve; 8 - cone saddle

The fit of the plunger in the pump cylinder is characterized by the maximum clearance values ​​(per diameter) between the plunger and the cylinder. Depending

from the maximum clearance values, pumps are produced in the following groups
“1” group - up to 0.063mm.
“2” group - from 0.025 to 0.078mm
“3” group - from 0.050 to 0.113mm
“4” group - from 0.075 to 0.138mm
“5” group - from 0.100 to 0.163mm
Groups for seating the plunger in the pump cylinder according to the API standard
(American Petroleum Institute).
1 – 0,025-0,088
2 – 0,050-0,113
3 – 0,075-0,138
4 – 0,100-0,163
5 – 0,125-0,188

SRP cylinders

Bushless cylinders:
a - insert pumps with a nominal diameter from 29 to 57 mm, with a plunger stroke of 1200 and
3500 mm; b - non-insert pumps;
c - insert pumps with a nominal diameter from 38 to 57 mm, with a plunger stroke of 4500 and
6000 mm.

Composite (sleeve) cylinder:
1 – turnbuckle; 2 – bushing; 3 – casing
Assembly of the plunger of a sucker rod pump:
1 – plunger; 2 – discharge valve assembly; 3 – valve cage

SRP plungers

Valve assemblies
According to OST 26-16-06-86, the seat-ball pair is manufactured in three versions: K, KB and KI
Valves K and KB (valve with shoulder) are equipped with standard pumps according to
resistance to the environment, and KI valves - abrasion-resistant pumps.
How larger diameter valve seat passage hole, the smaller
hydraulic losses on the valve assembly, which is especially important when pumping viscous
liquids. However, in this case, the ball may stick in the seat due to
elastic deformation of the latter, therefore the ratio of the diameter of the seat hole
dresponse to the ball diameter dsh is strictly specified by the standard and is set equal to 0.865
The ball is made of high carbon of stainless steel 95X18W with
hardness HRC 65, stainless steel seat 30X13, 95X18 with hardness HRC 45.

Castle supports

The lock support is designed to secure
insert pumps in the tubing string at the required
depth. The OM type support consists of two groups
- lowered onto the tubing (sub, support
ring, spring armature, support sleeve, casing,
guide sub;
- on the pump (thrust nipple and cone).
The pump is fixed by seating the cone on
support ring and the armature petals resting on the groove
Lock support:
1.6 - subs;
2 - support ring;
3 - spring anchor;
4 - support coupling;
5 - shirt

Use: in oil production. The essence of the invention: self-sealing cuffs are installed in annular grooves 4, communicating with the cavity (P) by 8 channels 7, 9. Channels 7, 9 are blocked by a plug 11, installed with the possibility of axial movement, made in P 8. P 8 is installed with a membrane 12, the edges of which are part of the outer surface of the plunger, separate P 8 from external environment and filled with liquid. The thickness of the indicator section of the membrane 12 corresponds to the amount of technologically permissible wear of the plunger. In the plug 11 there is a channel 13 for communication with P 8, limited by a membrane 12, with a groove cavity 4 2 sp. f-ly, 4 ill.



REPUBLIC(s)5 R 04 V 21/04



AT THE USSR State Committee for Science and Technology

"Engineering and technology of oil production" (72) V.A.Afanasyev, V.S.Zhuravlev and A.G.Sergeev (56) Author's certificate of the USSR

No. 535423, class. F 04 B21/04,1950. (54) PLUNGER OF A DEEP ROD PUMP (57) Use: in oil production. The essence of the invention: self-compacting

The invention relates to equipment for oil production, namely to sucker rod pumps (SRP). A cuff plunger SRP is known, in which, in order to increase service life, the annular groove under the upper cuff is connected by a channel (hole) with the cavity of the plunger, and the remaining annular grooves under the lower The cuffs communicate with the outer part of the plunger, due to which the cuffs must come into operation alternately as the higher cuff wears out (1). In the known plunger, the upper cuff is affected by the pressure difference in the cavity of the plunger and in environment(on the outer surface), which occurs when the plunger moves upward, No pressure difference will be created on all other cuffs, because, on their outer and inner surface the same external pressure is applied. Consequently, any noticeable increase in the period

SU 1756613 A1 cuffs are installed in annular grooves 4, communicating with the cavity (P) 8 channels 7, 9. Channels 7 9 are blocked by a plug 11, installed with the possibility of axial movement, made in P 8. P 8 is installed with a membrane 12, the edges are part of the outer surface of the plunger, separates P 8 from the external environment and is filled with liquid.

Membrane indicator section thickness

12 corresponds to the value of the technologically permissible wear of the plunger. In the plug 11 there is a channel 13 for communicating P 8, limited by the membrane 12, with the cavity of the casing 4.

2 z.p., f-ly, 4 il., the known design does not provide operation. The purpose of the invention is to increase the service life of the plunger. To achieve this goal, there is a channel in the plunger with self-sealing cuffs installed in the annular grooves. connecting the groove cavity with the plunger cavity, covered with a plug installed with the possibility of axial movement in the cavity made in the body of the plunger and brought out from one end of the plug into the plunger cavity, and at the other end covered with a membrane fixed on the outer surface of the plunger, separating it from the external environment, and filled with liquid.

For timely activation of the cuffs into operation, the thickness of the membrane (or its indicator section) must correspond to the amount of technologically permissible wear of the plunger, and in order to reliably fill the cavity of the channel blocked by the plug with liquid, a channel can be made in the plug to communicate the cavity, limited by the membrane, with the cavity of the annular groove, The proposed plunger operates in the metal plunger mode before the membrane is destroyed, and in the lip mode after its destruction. Putting the cuffs back into operation after technological wear metal surface significantly pro-. extends the service life of the plunger, Features the proposed plunger has not been found in known technical solutions, which indicates their compliance with the “Substantial difference” criterion. In Fig. 1 dan general form the proposed plunger; Fig. 2 - general view of the plunger insert with self-sealing cuffs; in fig. 3 - cross section of the plunger A-A in Fig. 2; in fig. 4 - cross section of the plunger B-B in Fig. 2.

The plunger of the sucker rod pump is made of components, (Fig. 1) - the main body 1, insert 2 with self-sealing cuffs and valve assembly 3. The plunger can be made of one piece, but the proposed design is made of components more technologically advanced: .

In insert 2 (Fig. 2) in the annular grooves

4 self-sealing cuffs are installed, consisting of rubber cuffs 5 and elastic split plastic rings 6 with sliding locks. The annular grooves 4 through channel 7, cavity 8 and channel 9 (continuation of channel 7) communicate with the internal cavity 10, while channels 7 and 9 are blocked by a plug 11 installed with the possibility of its axial movement in cavity B. A membrane 12 is installed in cavity 8, which forms part of the outer surface of the plunger, separates the cavity 8 from the external environment and with its configuration forms an indicator section “a”, corresponding to the amount of technologically permissible wear of the plunger. To fill the internal cavities and the plunger channel with liquid and exclude gas shock-absorbing volumes in them, a channel is made in the plug 11 13, connecting channel 7 to channel 14. Channels 7 and 14 are limited by sealed plugs 15 and

The rod pump plunger works as follows. When the plunger has exhausted its nominal service life, established by the maximum permissible wear of the plunger, corresponding to the indicator section "a", the membrane 12 (without completely collapsing and thereby eliminating the occurrence of jamming of the plunger by the remains of its parts) connects the cavity

8 with an external plunger cavity. During the course

25 а =д — Лд, 30

55 where d is the amount of plunger wear corresponding to the maximum permissible amount of leakage;

LD is the gap between the plunger and the cylinder, corresponding to the size of the accepted fit.

The value d is determined by the maximum permissible leaks and operating parameters of the pump (Reference book on oil production. Sh.K. Gimetudinov, M., Nedra, 1974, p. 258). / C

0.00497 l D g Н where q is the maximum permissible leakage, m/day! - plunger length, m

v – kinematic viscosity of the produced fluid, cm/s;

0 – plunger diameter, cm;

g is the acceleration of free fall, cm/s;

H is the height of liquid rise, m.


1. Plunger of a deep-well rod pump with self-sealing cuffs. installed in annular grooves communicating with the cavity of the plunger using a channel, characterized in that, in order to increase service life, the channel. connecting the groove cavity with the plunger cavity is blocked by a plug installed from the plunger upwards; the pressure in the internal cavity 10 is set higher than the pressure. communication with outside, due to leaks, Under the influence of this pressure, plug 11 moves towards the membrane and the internal cavity 10 is connected through channel 9, cavity 8 and channel 7 with annular grooves 4.

In this case, the self-sealing cuffs 5 and rings 6 come into operation.

As the plunger moves upward, under the influence of the pressure of the liquid column, the cuffs 5 stretch and move apart the rings 6, which seal the plunger. Relatively small section of the cuffs 5 and the presence in the rings

6 sliding locks provide maximum diametrical increase; compensating for wear. To prevent unauthorized movement of plug 11, cavity 8 and channels 7 and 14 are filled with degassed liquid, for example silicone oil.

The indicator section "a" of the membrane 12 determines the ratio

10 by the possibility of axial movement in the cavity made in the plunger body, while the latter is brought out into the plunger cavity from one end of the plug. and at the other end it is covered with a membrane fixed on the outer surface of the plunger, separating it from the external environment, and filled with liquid.

2 Plunger 1 differs in that the thickness of the indicator section of the membrane corresponds to the amount of technologically permissible wear of the plunger.

5 3. Plunger item 1 or 2, characterized in that a channel is made in the plug to communicate the cavity bounded by the membrane with the cavity of the annular groove.

Compiled by V. Afanasiev

Technical editor M.Mopãolítovë Proofreader S. Lisina

Editor A.3 is timid

Production and publishing plant "Patent", Uzhgorod, Gagarin St., 101

Order 3075 Circulation Subscription

VNIIPI State Committee on inventions and discoveries at the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR

113035, Moscow, Zh-35, Raushskaya embankment 4/5

Rod pump operation

Submersible equipment and wells with rods include:

    Rod deep well pump.

    Pumping and compressor pipes.

    Sucker rods.

    Various protective devices(gas or sand anchors, filters).

Operating principle of SHPU

The plunger pump is driven by a pumping machine. Where the rotational motion received from the electric motor using a gearbox, crank mechanism and balancer is converted into reciprocating motion transmitted to the plunger of the sucker rod pump through the rod string.

As the plunger moves upward, the pressure below it decreases and liquid from the intertubular space enters the pump cylinder through the open suction valve.

As the plunger moves downwards, the suction valve closes and the discharge valve opens, and the liquid from the cylinder passes into the riser pipes.

P During continuous operation of the pump, the liquid level in the tubing rises, the liquid reaches the wellhead and flows through the tee into the flow line.

Rod pumps

Rod pumps according to design and installation method they are divided into non-insertable(pipe) and plug-in.

Non-insert pumps differ in that their main components are lowered into the well separately: the cylinder is on tubing pipes, and the plunger and suction valve are on sucker rods. The non-insert pump is also lifted separately: first, the plunger with the suction valve is lifted on the rods, then the cylinder is lifted on the tubing.

Non-insert pumps are:

    two-valve NGN-1 (non-insertable deep-well pump of the first type);

    three-valve NGN-2.

The NGN-1 pump has three main components: the first is the cylinder, which consists of the cylinder itself 2, the extension pipe 4 and the cone seat 6; the second is a plunger, which includes the plunger itself 3 and the ball injection valve 1; the third is a ball suction valve 5 with a gripping rod 7, the head of which is located in the cylinder cavity.

After lowering a cylinder with a cone seat 6 onto the tubing, a plunger 3 with a suction valve 5, which hangs on the capture rod 7, is lowered into the well. The suction valve is inserted into the cone seat.

For normal operation of the pump, the stroke length of the polished rod is selected so that when the plunger moves downward, it does not reach the suction valve, and when it moves up, it does not engage the balancer head.

The NGN-1 pump is designed for the operation of wells at a suspension depth of up to 1500 m.

A significant drawback of the NGN-1 pump is that the volume of harmful space is too large. This drawback is eliminated in three-valve pumps NGN-2, in the lower part of the plunger of which there is a second discharge valve 8. The suction valve is lowered into the well seated in the cone seat, and raised using a shortened gripping rod 10 with a transverse pin on the head. Before lifting the plunger, lower it all the way onto the suction valve. A shortened rod with a transverse pin fits into a shaped groove 9 located in the lower part of the plunger, and when the rods with the plunger are turned to the right a quarter turn, it engages with it. After inspection, the suction valve is also returned to its place using a shortened rod. To do this, after the suction valve is seated in the cone seat, the rods are turned to the left and raised so that when the plunger moves down, they do not reach the shortened rod.

The disadvantage of non-insert pumps of the NGN type is that in order to troubleshoot or change the pump, it is necessary to first lift the rods with the plunger and suction valve, then the tubing pipes with the cylinder, which takes a lot of time.

Therefore it is proposed insert pumps type NGV , which are lowered into the well immediately assembled on rods.

In practice, pumps of the NGV-1 type are widely used, designed for the operation of wells at suspension depths of up to 2500 m.

The pump cylinder 5 has a suction valve 8 at the lower end, and a cone 3 at the upper end, which fits into the locking support 4 and seals the tubing pipes (tubing) 7. The plungers 6 are attached to the rod string using rod 1 so that during the downward stroke it did not touch the suction valve, and during the upward stroke it did not reach nipple 2. The nipple is mounted on the upper cone and serves to guide rod 1. A guide pipe is mounted at the lower end of the tubing.

Pump plungers of the NGV-1 type are manufactured with diameters of 28, 32, 38 and 43 mm.

For the operation of wells with depths from 2500 to 3500 m, pumps of the NGV-2 type are used, in which the locking support 1 is moved to the lower part of the casing 2, which makes it possible to relieve it from tensile forces during the downward stroke.

The pump cylinder is assembled from individual 300mm long bushings, which are made of modified gray cast iron or alloy steel. In order to increase wear resistance and hardness of the working surface, the bushings are subjected to special heat treatment. Depending on the type of pump and their flow, the working cylinders of the pumps are assembled from 2 to 29 bushings.

Rod pump plungers are made from seamless steel pipes 1200 m long and wall thickness from 5 to 9.5 mm.

To operate oil wells without mechanical impurities, plungers with a smooth outer surface are used.

In wells with a high sand content in the pumped liquid, special plungers of the “sandbray” type are used.

Rod pumps use ball valves; their seats have either a collar or a smooth surface. The latter are used as discharge valves.

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