One of the very common plants that has incredible benefits for the body is rose hips; we will look at a photo and description of the plant in the article. Grandma's tea based of this plant He healed many of us from colds and flu in childhood. No wonder. After all, the red berries of the wild rose are endowed a huge amount beneficial properties and vitamins.

What does the plant look like? Rosehip belongs to the rose family, grows in the form of a bush with rather sharp thorns and oval leaves of a rich green color. The bush blooms in summer. Most often the inflorescences are pale pink shade with small rounded petals. The fruits ripen in late summer or the first half of autumn.

Types of rose hips with photos

Rosehip officinalis or common has great benefits. In nature, there are the following varieties of plants.


Black rosehip differs from its relatives in the unusual dark shade of its fruit. The berries contain components such as a large amount of ascorbic acid, thiamine, saturated acids, vitamins and many other substances.

The fruits of the plant are used for treatment of cardio-vascular system, colds, various inflammatory ailments internal organs and many other diseases.


Rosehip May is another species rose bush, also called cinnamon rosehip. Berries of this type are rich in vitamin C, B, K and many others. In addition, the composition includes saturated acids, pectin, as well as microelements such as calcium, manganese, potassium, and phosphorus.

Recipes based on the fruits of this variety have beneficial properties for pathologies such as diseases of the kidneys, gall bladder, liver, and stomach. Often, decoctions and teas are used for hepatitis and nephritis.


Wrinkled rosehip has large berries, up to 3 centimeters in size. This type is widely used both in medicine and in cooking. In addition to the fruits, rosehip leaves and flowers are used. Based on them, aromatic vitamin tea is prepared for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.


Garden rose hips, another name for decorative rose hips, can often be found in the garden and dacha of many housewives. The bush is a wonderful decoration, as well as an indispensable medicine. It is worth noting that for the preparation of many products, not only berries and leaves are used, but even the roots of the plant.

The bush blooms with flowers of a delicate pink hue with a delicate aroma.


In nature you can often find wild rose hips, also called wild rose hips. Despite the fact that the plant’s berries are small and the flowers are not very attractive, this variety is not inferior to other species in its beneficial properties.

The fruits are used to prepare aromatic restorative tea, as well as in the form of decoctions for gargling and healing wounds.


Often inexperienced housewives confuse dog rose with hawthorn. What is the difference between hawthorn and rosehip? Externally, the fruits of these two plants are really similar. You can tell them apart by opening the berries. The hawthorn has a hard seed inside, surrounded by pulp; the rose hip has a seed box.

This variety has anti-inflammatory, disinfecting, and wound-healing properties.


Rose hip is another unusual species useful shrub. A distinctive feature of the plant is the large presence of thorns located very close to each other.

TO medicinal properties include disinfection of wounds, the ability to relieve inflammation, strengthening the immune system and much more.


Apple rose hips received this unusual name because of the similarity of the fruits to small red apples.

The plant contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, saturated acids, as well as microelements necessary for the body.

It is also worth noting such varieties as white rosehip and terry. All of them are healthy and help strengthen the body and increase resistance to many diseases.

Important! The amount of vitamin C in the fruits of the bush exceeds its content in products such as lemon and black currant.

Composition and use of rose hips

The composition of wild rose includes the following components:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • flavonoids;
  • useful acids;
  • tannins;
  • sucrose;
  • cellulose;
  • minerals and trace elements.

Often, when treating wild roses, patients wonder which rosehip is healthier: round or oblong? It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. Different varieties of plants are useful in their own ways.

The beneficial properties of rosehip are as follows:

  1. The fruits of the bush are indispensable for blood diseases, as well as for cleansing the body of waste and toxins. A decoction of berries normalizes blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  2. During epidemics of colds, red fruits have an excellent immunomodulatory and restorative effect.
  3. Rosehip roots are used as a good astringent.
  4. Diuretic and choleretic effects provide the possibility of treating pathologies of the kidneys, liver and pancreas.
  5. The ripe product is brewed as a tea to treat coughs, bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

Besides, aromatic tea with fruits and leaves it can have a calming effect. It is recommended to take it for severe fatigue, sleep disturbances, nervousness, stress and other disorders of the central nervous system.

Important! Due to the large amount of vitamin C, wild rose berries should be used carefully in patients with high stomach acidity and dental diseases.


The use of raw materials is very diverse. We propose to consider several popular remedies for the treatment of certain ailments.

Cough collection

To soften a strong dry cough and improve expectoration, the following medicine is recommended: take 2 tablespoons of crushed wild rose fruits, marshmallow root, licorice, and coltsfoot herb. Mix the products thoroughly and brew with a liter of boiling water. After cooling, take 2-3 glasses per day. You can add honey or sugar for taste.

Stomach treatment

For intestinal disorders, excessive gas formation and other dyspeptic disorders, experts recommend the following remedy: pour a tablespoon of crushed berries into a glass of boiling water and leave to brew for 12 hours. After this, the medicine is filtered and taken 30 ml three times throughout the day. The course of treatment is 10-12 days.

For inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system

For various inflammations of the kidneys and urinary organs, you should drink a decoction of red fruits and leaves of the plant. To do this, berries and crushed dry leaves are poured with water in a ratio of 1:3 and the medicine is placed on water bath. Simmer the product over low heat for 30 minutes. After this, the drink is taken 2 tablespoons three times a day.

To strengthen the body during the cold season, it is recommended to drink aromatic vitamin tea. The drink will perfectly boost your immunity and help you cope with colds and flu faster.

Nature has given us many useful gifts, use them with pleasure and be healthy!

When propagating rose hips, planting is possible in all possible ways: by seed method, cuttings, by dividing the bush, rooting stem layering and root shoots. Basically, garden varieties of rose hips are cultivated in the Northern Hemisphere, and in the tropical zone these plants are found only occasionally.

Photo and description of decorative rose hips

Decorative rosehip is a large shrub with arched hanging branches covered with strong sickle-shaped and very sharp thorns. Young shoots have a greenish-red tint with small bristles and thorns.

There are species with very long shoots that creep along the ground or cling to the trunks and branches of neighboring plants, rising to a considerable height. Some grow in the form of dense, low bushes - cushions, very decorative during flowering. The leaves are imparipinnate, with elliptical or ovate, sharply serrated leaflets, with two leaf-like stipules, partially adherent to the base of the petiole.

As you can see in the photo, the flowers of the decorative rose hips are large, fragrant, bisexual, solitary or collected in inflorescences:

Flower sizes range from 1 to 12 cm in diameter. There are 5 sepals. The corolla is free-petalled, formed, as a rule, by five obverse-heart-shaped petals of pink, red, dark crimson, white or yellow color. There are many stamens, and there are also numerous pistils, located along the inner wall of the concave receptacle. Sometimes there are flowers that have more than five petals, with some of the stamens or pistils turning into additional petals. This is how semi-double or double flowers. In some cases, the number of petals can be very large - the wrinkled variety has up to 180. Double flowers, as a rule, are larger and more decorative than simple ones.

Plants of most garden species bloom for a short time - from May to July. Evergreens and subtropicals bloom almost continuously.

The fruits ripen in August - September, gradually acquiring a yellow, scarlet-red or black-brown color and remain on the branches until winter. The overgrown receptacle is fleshy, juicy, and berry-shaped. Inside it is a large number of fruits - angular-shaped nuts with a slightly pointed tip. The inner wall of the hypanthium is covered with long bristly hairs.

Easily cultivated plants, they are widely used in green construction, in particular, when creating soil conservation plantings. Drought-resistant and undemanding to soil conditions. Most species are photophilous and grow well in moderately humid, loamy soils, do not tolerate waterlogging well.

Rose hips can be propagated by seeds, dividing the bush, suckers, layering, stem and root cuttings.

A huge variety of varieties and hybrids are widely used in gardening construction. Bush and standard - for flower beds and parterres, lining paths and in group planting in the foreground; climbing species and varieties - for vertical gardening. The variety of colors and structure of the flower, unequal flowering periods allow you to create highly artistic, decorative compositions from them, moreover, they bloom at a time when most have faded, and color palette the flowers are inimitable.

Decorative cultivars and forms are grouped into groups with common morphology and developmental characteristics.

Majority fruit varieties bred on the basis of cinnamon, wrinkled, daurian and gray. Based on the size of the fruits, they can be divided into two groups: varieties with large fruits with thick, fleshy pulp, and varieties with thin-walled, small fruits.

Garden rose hips wrinkled: photos and descriptions of varieties

Rosehip wrinkled- a shrub up to two meters high. The branches are thick, erect, and seated with numerous small straight or curved needle-like spines and bristles, and the spines are also pubescent. On old branches the bark is gray or dark gray, on young branches it is brownish or brownish-brown, in places covered with pressed grayish fluff. The buds are small, reddish, round-ovoid, slightly spaced from the shoot. The leaf scar is very narrow, almost linear. Characterized by wrinkled leaves, slightly flattened orange-red fruits and flowers of various shapes and colors.

Look at the photo of the wrinkled rosehip - its flowers are large, up to 6-8 cm in diameter, carmine-pink and very fragrant, collected in few-flowered inflorescences or, less often, located singly:

Blooms from June to late autumn.

When describing the wrinkled rosehip, it is especially worth noting the fruits of the plant: they are fleshy, spherical or somewhat flattened-spherical, up to 3 cm in diameter. Bright red or dark orange. Sepals are erect. The fruits begin to ripen in mid-summer.

The range is Primorye, southern Kamchatka, Sakhalin, the Kuril and Shantar Islands, and outside Russia - China, Korea and Japan. Grows on sandy and sandy-pebble soils sea ​​coasts. Often forms thickets, so-called coastal rose gardens.

The most spectacular varieties of wrinkled rose hips are “Blanc Double de Coubert”, “Mont Blanc”, “Henry Hudson” with white flowers, “Pink Grootendorst” and “Therese Bugnet” with pink flowers, “Scarbosa” and “Hansa” with lilac-violet flowers. Height different varieties varies from 1 to 3 meters.

Varieties of the group “Grootendorst”, or “Grootendorst”, obtained by crossing rugosa rose with polyantha. They inherited from their parents the erect shape of the bush, good winter hardiness and abundant long-term flowering.

The varieties of this group are “F.J. Grootendorst" with crimson flowers, "Pink Grootendorst" with pink, "Grootendorst Supreme" with dark red, "White Grootendorst" and "Fimbriata" with pure white flowers are considered quite winter-hardy even for the middle zone, but in too harsh winters they may freeze slightly.

Planting, care and pruning of wrinkled rose hips

Planting and caring for wrinkled rose hips is not difficult, since this species is completely undemanding to the composition and nutritional value of the soil, it tolerates even slight salinity and drought, although it develops better with regular watering on southern and western slopes protected from the wind and well-lit. The powerful spreading crown does not require support, and the disease-resistant foliage does not require preventive spraying.

It is better to plant rose hips in the spring before the buds open, and to create a high hedge, seedlings should be placed according to a pattern of 60 × 60 cm (80 × 80 cm), medium-high - 30 × 30 cm (50 × 50 cm) and at a distance of 1.5 - 2 m apart when planting in groups. Despite the fact that it produces an effect during flowering and in mono compositions, it looks good against a background with a spreading or vertical crown, and a combination with an early-flowering spirea can brighten up its “dull appearance” in the spring.

To prevent overgrowth, bushes need to be pruned regularly. Or, when planting and caring for rose hips, dig vertical sheets of slate around the bush, which will “hold” root shoots in a limited space.

If fertilizers are applied when preparing planting holes (at least a bucket of humus), then the plant is not fed for the next 3-4 years, and then, if necessary, every 3-4 years it is fertilized with compost or full mineral fertilizer, which is applied after spring pruning.

The first pruning of rose hips is carried out immediately after planting - all shoots are shortened by a third, and subsequently, from the age of 3, annual spring pruning of the bush is an exclusively sanitary procedure - the removal of dried shoots growing inside the bush and unproductive branches older than 4 years of age. For better branching, which in turn stimulates more abundant flowering and fruit formation, the remaining branches can be further shortened by a third. With this easy care will be able to grow without replanting for at least 25 years, and with regular feeding and proper pruning - for more than a hundred years.

A video of pruning rose hips in spring will help you correctly perform this agrotechnical technique:

Description of French and May rose hips

French rose hips- the ancestor of the pharmaceutical rose, famous in medieval Europe. Grows in southern Europe, European Russia, Crimea. Low-growing, less than a meter high, low-branched bushes that grow due to underground horizontal rhizomes and often form continuous thickets. The stems and all the branches, including the peduncles themselves, are densely planted with straight, sharp spines and smaller spines and needles. The flowers are formed at the ends of the shoots, large, bright red. The sepals of the French rose hip are large, with large, inaccurately spread lateral feathers.

Rosehip May or cinnamon- the most common species in central Russia, so the exact number of its varieties has not been calculated. Everyone is familiar with the description of the May rosehip, since these bushes grow everywhere in forest clearings, clearings, and are often found in gardens. When grown in the garden, it is extremely unpretentious to soil conditions, and species from temperate latitudes are distinguished by high winter hardiness and resistance to. But, despite this, you should not forget to protect the bush so that in the fall it will give you its wonderful fruits, which have unique medicinal properties.

Hybrid varieties of musk rose: “Buff Beauty”, “Felicia”, “Penelope”.

Decorative rose hips with dense semi-shiny foliage and burgundy young shoots, have red berries.

Planting and caring for garden rose hips (with photo)

They are planted both in the spring, before the beginning of the growing season, and in the fall, in previously prepared planting holes. Preference should be given spring period, autumn planting of rose hips is allowed only in moist soil. Before planting, dig up the soil to a depth of 15-20 cm.

For planting and care decorative rose hips choose a well-lit place, protected from cold winds. If the soil is poor, a month before autumn planting, the following is added per 1 m2 for digging: 6-8 kg of compost, 40-60 g of superphosphate and 20-30 g of potassium salt. Acidic soils are limed a year before planting. slaked lime. For spring planting, fertilizers are applied and incorporated into the soil in the fall - in October.

Since plants cross-pollinate, several bushes of different varieties are planted at once, but bloom at the same time.

Both annual and biennial seedlings can be used for planting. Depending on the future vigor of growth, the bushes are planted after 1.5-3 m. Dig planting holes of at least 50 cm in diameter and depth, add 10-15 kg of humus, 150-200 g of superphosphate, 50 g of potassium sulfate and 60-70 g ammonium nitrate, after mixing well with fertile soil.

Before planting, the above-ground part of the seedling is cut short, leaving stumps 8-10 cm long, and the main roots are shortened by 3-5 cm. Then the plant is placed in a hole and, having straightened the roots, sprinkled fertile soil without fertilizers, gradually compacting and making sure that the root collar is level with the ground surface. After planting, the plants are watered abundantly and the soil is mulched with peat, sawdust or dry soil.

Here you can see photos of planting and caring for garden rose hips at your summer cottage:

How to care for garden rose hips

In dry weather it needs watering, especially in the first year after planting. As a rule, mature bushes are watered rarely, but abundantly. If during active growth shoots and ovaries there is no rain; when watering a young bush, 20-30 liters of water are spent, and a fruit-bearing bush uses 40-50 liters.

How to care for rose hips starting from the third year of life? During this period, the bushes begin to be fed with organic and mineral fertilizers. Minerals are applied in three periods: nitrogen - in the spring, at the beginning of plant growth, and in the summer, during the formation of fruits and shoot growth. During the period of active growth of shoots and ovaries, rose hips respond well to fermented bird droppings or slurry diluted with water, at the rate of a bucket per bush.

It is better to apply mineral fertilizers before watering, scattering them evenly over the entire crown projection and incorporating them into the soil by shallow loosening. It is advisable to pour liquid fertilizers into circular or longitudinal grooves 7-10 cm deep, located at a distance of 50 cm from the center of the bush. After fertilizing and watering, the furrows are filled in, and the soil around the tree trunks is mulched.

Reproduction and planting of rose hips in spring with seeds

All species can be propagated by seeds. Plants grown from seeds, as a rule, significantly deviate from the mother plant and produce a lot various forms, differing from each other and from the mother bush in significant characteristics - thorniness, size and shape of the fruit, shade of the petals. When planting rose hips with seeds, the overwhelming majority of vitamin content in the fruits of the offspring does not decrease, and in some forms even increases.

From the third or fourth year of life, seedlings are highly resistant to frost and drought, but begin to bear fruit later than plants obtained vegetatively. High-quality seedlings can only be obtained from the seeds of healthy, high-yielding bushes with large fruits and a high content of vitamins.

The seeds are covered with a durable woody shell, so they are difficult to germinate. They sprout only two, and some even three years after sowing. Therefore, to obtain seeds, the fruits are collected unripe (when the seeds in them are already fully developed, but the shell has not yet hardened). The seeds are removed from the fruit and immediately placed in boxes in damp sand (for one part of seeds - three parts of washed, pre-calcined sand). The boxes should be up to 20 cm high with small holes along the bottom. They are placed in a cool basement and moistened regularly.

To prevent the seeds from being washed away with sand, the holes in the boxes are closed (as when planting indoor flowers) shards of broken flowerpots or covered with loose fabric. The basement is ventilated, maintaining the temperature at 2-4°C in winter. Seeds that are being stratified must be protected from: cover the boxes with glass or metal mesh.

In the fall, you can place the seeds in ridges with well-drained, non-sinking soil, filled with humus and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. After 15-20 cm, cut furrows 4-5 cm deep and sow in them (at the rate of 150-200 pieces per linear meter) seeds. On heavy soils, furrows can be filled with a mixture of earth and humus (in equal proportions). To obtain friendly shoots, the ridges (or at least furrows) are mulched with humus. Mulch and regular watering prevent the seeds from drying out.

Rose hips are planted with seeds in the spring in prepared ridges, and until the emergence of seedlings, the soil is constantly kept moist.

Caring for ridges consists of removing weeds, loosening the soil, fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers (1 percent solution of ammonium nitrate or urea), and controlling pests and diseases. If the rosehip seedlings on the ridges are dense, they are thinned out. The seedlings obtained from thinning are placed in containers with a small amount of water, and then planted in prepared beds according to the pattern - 20 cm between rows and 10 cm in rows between seedlings. The best time to plant seedlings is when one or two true leaves appear. It is better to pick seedlings in cloudy weather or in the evening.

After picking, the rows of seedlings must be carefully watered and mulched. In the first three to four days, watering is carried out daily in the evening, and then as the soil dries. Seven to eight days after picking, the seedlings should be fed with a 1% solution of slurry. Feeding is repeated after two to three weeks. Caring for ridges of pruned seedlings is usual.

  • Bloom: in May-June from one to three weeks.
  • Landing: best in October-November, but also possible in spring.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • The soil: fertile, well-drained, in areas with deep groundwater.
  • Watering: the first year - frequent and plentiful, later - 3-4 times per season with a water consumption of 2-3 buckets for each bush.
  • Feeding: from the second year of life in trunk circle contribute nitrogen fertilizers: in early spring, in June-July and September. In spring or autumn, 3-4 kg of humus or compost should be added under each bush.
  • Trimming: from the age of three, in early spring, until the buds have blossomed, sanitary and formative pruning is carried out.
  • Reproduction: seeds, root shoots.
  • Pests: sawflies, aphids, leafhoppers (slobbering pennies), spider mites, leaf rollers, bronze beetles and deer beetles.
  • Diseases: powdery mildew, black spot, rust, chlorosis and downy mildew.
  • Properties: is a medicinal plant, the fruits of which are used as a tonic, tonic, and increase the body’s resistance. infectious diseases and an anti-atherosclerosis agent.

Read more about growing rose hips below.

Rose hip bush - description

Rosehip is a deciduous and sometimes evergreen shrub with climbing, creeping or erect stems with a height (or length) from 15 cm to 10 m. Typically, rose hips are multi-stemmed shrubs up to 2-3 m tall, living up to 30-50 years. The oldest rose grows in Germany: according to various estimates, its age is from 400 to 1000 years, its trunk girth is about 50 cm, and the plant is 13 m tall.

The root system of rosehips is taprooted. The main root of the rose hip penetrates the ground to a depth of 5 m, but the bulk of the roots lie at least 40 cm within a radius of 60-80 cm from the bush. The branches of rose hips are erect and arched. They form numerous branched shoots: dark brown, dark red, violet-brown, brown-red, black-brown or gray with felt pubescence. Thorns on shoots and branches are located scatteredly or in pairs. The younger the shoots, the softer and thinner the thorns on them. There are also thornless species, for example, the pendulous rose hip. The thorns serve to protect the plant from being eaten by animals, as well as to hold branches among other plants.

Long-petiolate, odd-pinnate leaves of rose hips, reddish, bluish or green, are arranged spirally on the shoots. Cultivated rosehip species usually have five leaves, while wild ones have seven or nine. The shape of the hard, leathery, smooth or wrinkled leaves can be round or elliptical, their base is round, heart-shaped or wedge-shaped. The edges of the leaflets are serrate, serrate-crenate or doubly serrate.

Rose hip flowers, bisexual, from 1.5 to 10 cm in diameter, solitary or collected in corymbs and panicles, have a pleasant aroma, although there are species with an unpleasant odor, for example, fetid rose hips. The corolla of the flower is five-petalled, sometimes four-petalled or semi-double, yellow, white, cream, pink or red. Flowering begins in May-June and lasts from one to three weeks.

Rose hips begin to bear fruit at the age of two to three years. Rose hips are a special form of multi-nut (cinarhodia) 1-1.5 cm in diameter, orange, red, purple, and sometimes black, bare or covered with bristles, coarsely hairy inside, filled with numerous single-seeded nuts - ripen in August or September.

Planting rose hips in open ground

When to plant rose hips in the ground

Rosehip seedlings take root better when planted in autumn, so they are planted in October or November, but if necessary, the plant can be planted in the spring. Rosehip prefers well-lit, sunny places on hills. Since the roots of the rose hips penetrate the ground to great depths, in low-lying, saline or swampy areas, as well as where groundwater lies close to the surface, it will quickly wither. Acidic soils should be limed a year before planting rose hips.

Rose hips are attractive both in solo and group plantings. A rosehip bush can camouflage compost heap or unsightly outbuilding. Planted out thorny plant and along the border personal plot. Since rosehip is a cross-pollinated plant, its bushes should be located close to each other.

How to plant rose hips

The best planting material is two-year-old rosehip seedlings, in which, before planting, the main roots are shortened to 25 cm, and the shoots are cut at a height of 10 cm.

A planting hole for rose hips in pre-fertilized soil should be about 30 cm in diameter and depth, but if the area for planting has not been prepared, then the holes are made wider (50-80 cm) and deeper (40-50 cm) in order to fill them when planting soil mixed with humus (10 kg per plant) with the addition of 150-200 g of superphosphate, 30-50 g of potassium salt and 60-70 g of ammonium nitrate. If you are planting rose hips for a hedge, then the distance between the bushes should be 50 cm. In other cases, it is better to maintain a distance of about 1 m. For normal cross-pollination, it is advisable to plant bushes of at least three different varieties on the site.

The root system of the seedling is immersed in a clay mash, then lowered into the hole so that the root collar is 5-8 cm below the surface, and the hole is filled with fertile fertilized soil. After planting, the surface is lightly compacted, 8-10 liters of water are poured under the seedling, and after the water is absorbed, the area around the seedling is mulched with humus, sawdust or peat chips.

Caring for rose hips in the garden

How to grow rose hips

The first year after planting, the plant needs frequent and abundant watering. In general, rose hips are a drought-resistant crop and do not require constant moisture; in hot, dry weather, it is enough to pour 2-3 buckets of water under a young bush, and about 5 buckets under a fruit-bearing bush. During the season, rose hips are watered only 3-4 times.

For normal growth and development, nitrogen fertilizers must be applied to rose hips from the second year of life. The first feeding is carried out in early spring, the second in June-July, during the rapid growth of shoots, and the third in September. In the future, every three years, at least 3 kg of humus or compost should be added to each bush. After each feeding, the soil under the bush should be watered and loosened, and then mulched.

From the age of three, rose hips begin to be pruned, removing diseased, weak or shriveled shoots, and shortening annual growths to 170-180 cm. At the age of five, the bush should consist of 15-20 branches of different ages, evenly spaced from each other. Branches that have reached seven years of age must be replaced. Pruning is carried out in early spring, before sap flow begins, since autumn pruning rosehip does not tolerate well. Don’t get too carried away with shortening the shoots, otherwise next year you will get a lot of young shoots, which, alas, will not bear fruit.

Due to its prickly thorns, picking rose hips requires wearing durable clothing and thick gloves. The fruits begin to ripen in August, and this process continues until mid-October, so it will not be possible to harvest at one time. The last fruits must be removed from the bush before frost begins, otherwise they may lose their properties.

Rose hip transplant

Sometimes it becomes necessary to transplant the rosehip to another place. The reason may be impoverished soil or initially incorrect choice places for plants. Replant rose hips better in spring or in October-November. Prepare the hole in advance and fertile soil for a plant. Having chosen a cloudy day, carefully dig up the bush, loosen the soil, pull out the plant along with the earthen lump, trying not to damage the roots, and immediately move it to a new hole: rosehip roots do not tolerate heat well, so the longer they are on the surface, the less likely it is, that the bush will take root successfully.

Sometimes readers ask whether it is possible to replant flowering rose hips. Experienced gardeners It is not recommended to do this: the rose hips are transplanted either before the sap flow begins or after its completion.

Rosehip propagation

For seed propagation Rosehip seeds are collected from unripe brown fruits in August, while the seed coat has not yet hardened. Sow the seeds in the fall, in October, directly into the ground, the furrows are sprinkled with humus and sawdust. In early spring, a frame is installed over the crops and pulled over it plastic film so that the seeds germinate faster. When the seedlings have a pair of true leaves, they can be planted.

For spring sowing, it is advisable to stratify the seeds, that is, mix them with peat or river sand and place in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-3 ºC, removing and stirring from time to time.

If you want to be sure to preserve the characteristics of the mother plant, use the method of propagating rose hips by root suckers. For this purpose, in spring or autumn, you need to select a shoot 25-40 cm high, separate it from the bush with a shovel and plant it. Without separating the offspring, you can hill it high, water it and periodically add soil under it: the offspring will form adventitious roots, and next year, in the fall, it can be separated from the mother bush, and next spring, carefully dig it up and replant it in a new place.

Pests and diseases of rose hips

Sawfly larvae descending and white-belted ones bite into young shoots of rose hips and make passages up to 4 cm long inside them, causing the shoots to darken and dry out. The larvae are destroyed with pesticides and insecticides. In the fall, the soil around the bushes is dug up so that the sawfly caterpillars are on the surface and frozen, and the affected shoots are pruned and burned until their larvae emerge.

Caterpillars of the fruit moth and three species of roseate moth damage young leaves and shoots of rose hips. If their quantity is small, it is better to collect the caterpillars by hand. In the spring, before the buds open, rose hips are treated with a pesticide solution.

Spider mites- sucking insects that feed on the cell sap of rosehip leaves and shoots. In addition, they, like aphids, carry incurable viral diseases. Mites appear on plants during prolonged drought, especially if you are in no hurry to water the rose hips. You can try to expel the mites by spraying the undersides of the leaves 3-4 times a day with cold water, and they can only be destroyed with acaricidal preparations.

Slobbery Penny located on the underside of leaves and in their axils, sucking juices from the plant and secreting a foamy substance. When you touch the pest, it quickly jumps out of the foam and hides. The fight against pennies is carried out with a solution of an insecticidal preparation.

rose leafhopper, giving 2-3 generations per season, causes great harm to rose hips: the leaves of the plant become covered with white dots, become like marble, lose their decorative effect, then turn yellow and fall off prematurely. Pests can be destroyed by two or three treatments of rose hips and the surrounding area with an insecticidal preparation at an interval of 10-12 days.

rose aphid settles on the plant in large colonies located on the underside of leaves, peduncles and buds. Aphids, like spider mites, suck the juices from the plant and infect them viral diseases. In one year, aphids can produce more than 10 generations. To prevent the emergence and spread of a dangerous pest, rose hips are treated with a contact insecticide in early spring. Subsequently, preparations such as Karbofos, Actellik, Rogor, Antio and the like are used to treat the bushes.

Deer beetles and bronze beetles They eat up the stamens and pistils of rosehip flowers and eat up the petals. The plants that suffer most from them are light flowers. Beetles are collected early in the morning while they sit motionless on the flowers. After collection, the pests are destroyed.

The diseases that most often affect rose hips are powdery mildew, black spot, rust, chlorosis and downy mildew.

What is powdery mildew? you can read in the detailed article posted on our website. To combat powdery mildew, a one percent suspension of colloidal sulfur and other fungicidal preparations are used. Potassium fertilizers increase the resistance of rose hips to powdery mildew and other diseases.

Black spot appears as black-brown spots on the leaves and petioles of rose hips in the second half of summer. With severe damage, the leaves darken, dry out and fall off. To stop the development of the disease, cut off the diseased shoots, tear off and burn the affected leaves, and dig up the soil around the bushes with a turnover of the layer. In autumn and spring, treat rose hips with insecticides.

Rust looks like a dusty mass of spores and small orange-yellow pads on the underside of the leaves. As the disease develops, the leaves of the plant dry out, and the flowers, shoots and stems become deformed. Diseased parts of the rose hips need to be removed and burned, the soil under the bush should be dug up, and before covering for the winter, the bush should be sprayed with copper sulfate or any other copper-containing preparation. During the growing season, rose hips are treated with a copper-soap solution.

Due to chlorosis white or yellow spots. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the deficiency of magnesium, boron, zinc, manganese, iron or other elements, necessary for the plant. For example, from a lack of iron, chlorotic coloring appears throughout the entire leaf, except for large veins, and the damage begins with young apical leaves. If the soil lacks zinc, then chlorosis spreads along the edges of the leaves, while the leaf remains green along the central and lateral veins. From a lack of magnesium, the leaves turn yellow and die, but the veins remain green. Boron deficiency causes the tissue of young leaves to thicken and become pale and brittle. Determine the cause of chlorosis and add the necessary element to the soil. You can treat rose hips with a solution of microelements on the leaves.

Peronosporosis, or downy mildew, is one of the most dangerous diseases. We dedicated a separate article to him, which you can read on the website. The disease develops in hot rainy weather. It needs to be combated with fungicidal preparations and agrotechnical practices.

Types and varieties of rose hips

Currently, the rosehip classification is used, dividing the genus into four subgenera: three of them are very small, consisting of 1-2 species, standing out from common system, and the fourth is the subgenus Rosa, containing 10 sections and 135 species. We offer you an introduction to the most common garden culture types and varieties of rose hips.

Alpine rose hips (Rosa alpina)

or wild rose (Rosa pendulina) grows in the mountains of central Europe and is a shrub no more than 1 m high, devoid of thorns. He has bright and large flowers on long stalks that droop immediately after the petals fall, and long dark red spindle-shaped fruits hanging on the bush like earrings. Both pedicels and fruits are covered with long glandular bristles, giving the plant a unique appearance.

Rose hip (Rosa cinnamomea)

or cinnamon rose hip (Rosa majalis) - the most common type of rose hip for Ukraine and the European part of Russia, covered in May-June with large pale and bright pink flowers. This rosehip is very variable: it can reach a height of 2.5-3 m, and can grow to only 1 m, forming sparse thickets that occupy large areas. Characteristic feature species are thin paired spines on flowering shoots and the bases of stems densely covered with small needle-like spines. In group plantings, the terry frost-resistant form of the species with purple-pink flowers looks impressive.

Rosehip (Rosa acicularis)

grows singly or in groups in the northern regions of Europe, Asia and America and is a shrub 1-2 m high with arched bristles and shoots densely covered with a large number of thin, numerous thorns. The flowers of this species are large, pink or dark pink, single or collected in groups of 2-3 pieces. The fruits are red, oblong. The species is frost-resistant, adapts well to urban conditions, is relatively shade-tolerant, and is suitable for hedges and as a rootstock for cultivated varieties.

Rosehip (Rosa rugosa)

or rosehip rugosa grows in Korea, Northern China and Far East in thickets on sea coasts and coastal meadows and is a shrub up to 2.5 m high with heavily wrinkled, sometimes glossy leaves, consisting of 5-9 leaflets with gray-green pubescence on the underside. Single or collected in inflorescences of 3-8 pieces, fragrant flowers from 6 to 12 cm in diameter, depending on the variety, can be simple or double with a number of white or pink petals from 5 to 150. This rose hip blooms all summer, so on one bush you can see buds, flowers, and fruits at the same time. Most famous varieties of this type are:

  • Pink Grootendorst- a shrub 1.5 m high with a pyramidal-spreading crown, shiny wrinkled light green leaves and soft pink, densely double flowers with a diameter of 3-4 cm with petals carved along the edges. The inflorescences of this variety look like bouquets of carnations;
  • Grootendorst Superior– variety with dark crimson double flowers;
  • Conrad Ferdinand Meyer– a variety that blooms twice per season with densely double, bright, silver-pink fragrant flowers;
  • Hansa– a bush with fragrant reddish-violet double flowers with a diameter of 8-10 cm;
  • Agnes– rosehip with fragrant creamy-yellow double flowers 7-8 cm in diameter with a darker center;
  • Georges Quinn- a bush with very fragrant, large cup-shaped semi-double flowers of dark red color.

Rosehip (Rosa spinosissima)

or rosehip (Rosa pimpinellifolia) grows in the Crimea, the Caucasus, Western Europe, Eastern and Western Siberia, Central Asia and the European part of Russia on forest edges and clearings, in hollows, on lime deposits and in forests. This is a small but very prickly shrub with thin thorns not only on the shoots, but also on the petioles of the leaves, with small graceful foliage, green in summer time and purple autumn, with single white or yellowish flowers up to 5 cm in diameter and spherical black fruits up to 1.5 cm in diameter. The species has many cultural variations and forms, it is frost-resistant, not very demanding on soil, and adapts well to urban conditions. The best varieties of the species are:

  • Golden Wings– a bush 1.5-1.8 m high with simple or semi-double pale yellow flowers with a diameter of 5-6 cm;
  • Frühlingsdaft– a plant up to 2 m high with fragrant peach flowers, single or in inflorescences, and red-brown spiny shoots;
  • Frühlingsmorgen– a variety with pale yellow simple but fragrant flowers with pink edging of the petals;
  • Karl Foerster– a variety with large white double flowers with a high center and a subtle aroma;
  • Prairie Youres– a variety with pale pink large semi-double flowers;
  • Schlos Zeutlitz- a plant with yellowish-cream semi-double flowers with a diameter of 7-8 cm and a faint aroma.

Dog rose (Rosa canina)

or rosehip native to Southern and Central Europe, Western Asia and North Africa, where it grows in small groups or singly in thickets of bushes, along ravines, river banks and on the edges of forests. This shrub reaches a height of 3 m. It has spreading arched branches with powerful, curved thorns, small leaves consisting of 5-7 greenish or bluish leaves, serrated along the edges, pale pink flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, collected in multi-flowered inflorescences, and smooth elongated oval or round fruits of bright red color with a diameter of up to 2 cm. Winter hardiness of this species is average, but it is the best rootstock for varietal roses.

Rose hip (Rosa rubiginosa)

or rose hips rusty red native to Western Europe, where it grows in ravines, on forest edges, on rocky slopes in thickets of bushes. This is a densely branched, multi-stemmed shrub up to half a meter high with a compact crown and prickly, hook-shaped thorns. Its leaves, like all rosehips, are odd-pinnate, consisting of 5-7 small leaves, slightly pubescent on the upper side and glandular, rusty on the lower side. The flowers of plants of this species are up to 3 cm in diameter, red or pink, simple or semi-double, single or collected in dense corymbs. The fruits are red, hemispherical.

French rose hip (Rosa gallica)

- an upright growing shrub up to half a meter high with leaves up to 12.5 cm long, consisting of 3-5 large leathery dark green leaves, lighter on the underside and covered with glandular pubescence. The flowers of this species are large, simple or double, solitary or collected in inflorescences of 2-3 flowers, colored in tones from dark pink to bright red. The fruits are spherical, up to 1.5 cm in diameter. The species is generally winter-hardy, but sometimes suffers from frost in the middle zone. The following garden forms of the species are known in culture:

  • medicinal - a plant similar to the main species, but with double flowers;
  • thornless - a form with double flowers, devoid of thorns;
  • variable - the color of the petals on one flower changes from dark red-pink on the outer petals to dark purple in the middle;
  • dwarf - a miniature plant with simple red flowers;
  • shiny - form with semi-double or simple flowers carmine color;
  • pubescent - a plant with flowers of a purple-red hue, rounded leaves, pedicels, shoots and sepals of which are densely covered with bristles;
  • Agatha is a form with double purple flowers that are not as large as those of the main species.

The most popular varieties of French rosehip are:

  • Complicate– a variety with simple, not very fragrant, bright pink flowers up to 10 cm in diameter with a white center;
  • Versicolor- a plant that has almost no odor, with semi-double light pink flowers with a diameter of 8-10 cm, covered with brighter strokes and spots, and with light green matte leaves.

Rosehip (Rosa glauca)

or red rose hips - a beautiful park shrub that grows wild in the mountains of Asia Minor, Central and South-Eastern Europe. It reaches a height of 2-3 m, it has thin, slightly curved or straight spines. The leaves, consisting of 7-9 elliptical leaflets, shoots and stipules of the glaucous rosehip are covered with a bluish coating with a red-violet tint. Flowers up to 3.5 cm in diameter, solitary or collected in inflorescences of up to 3 pieces, are painted bright pink. The fruits are cherry, round, up to 1.5 cm in diameter. The species is winter-hardy, drought-resistant, and tolerates calcareous soils and urban conditions. The form of flora Pleno is distinguished by double flowers light shade, standing out in contrast against the background of foliage.

In addition to the described species, in culture you can find rosehips white, Bourbon, stinking, or yellow, Damascus, Daurian, Chinese, Kokand, Maksimovich, multi-flowered, mossy, musky, Portland, centipedal, apple, or hairy, Elena and many others.

Properties of rosehip - harm and benefit

Useful properties of rose hips

The fruits of most types of rose hips contain a large amount of vitamin C: they contain 10 times more than black currants, 50 times more than lemons, and 60-70 times more than juniper, fir, pine or spruce needles . The highest content of ascorbic acid is in Begger's rose hips. In addition to vitamin C, the fruit contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, E, K, PP, carotene, tannins and coloring substances, apple and citric acid, sugars, phytoncides, essential oils, as well as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, copper, chromium, cobalt, molybdenum and manganese.

Rosehip flowers contain essential oil, organic acids, glycosides (bitters and saponins), sugars, fatty oils, flavonoids, tannins, waxes, ascorbic acid, anthocyanins (peonidin, cyanidin, peonin). Most essential oil Contained in the petals of rugosa rosehip. Rosehip oil has an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and astringent effect, it stimulates the regeneration of mucous membranes and damaged tissues, so it is often used for trophic ulcers, cracks, abrasions and dermatoses.

The leaves, in addition to vitamin C, contain catechins, flavonoids, tannins, phenolcarboxylic acids and their derivatives. Carotenoids and polysaccharides were found in the leaves of the May rosehip, and essential oil was found in the leaves of the blood-red rosehip.

The branches of rosehip contain saponins, catechins, vitamin P, flavonoids, the bark contains sorbitol, and the roots contain tannins, catechins, flavonoids, triterpenoids.

Rose hips cleanse the circulatory system, improve metabolism, they are indicated for scurvy, anemia, liver diseases, kidneys and Bladder. They are used as a tonic, general strengthening agent, increasing the body's resistance to infectious diseases and weakening the development of atherosclerosis: 2 tablespoons of crushed fruits are poured into 500 ml of water, boiled for 15 minutes over low heat, then wrapped and left overnight, and filtered in the morning. Take with honey as tea throughout the day.

A decoction of rosehip roots and fruits is a choleretic, multivitamin, weak diuretic and blood pressure lowering agent. It helps strengthen the vascular wall, produce red blood cells, and improves appetite.

Rosehip juice normalizes the activity of the liver, kidneys, stomach, removes toxins from the body, increases resistance to infections, normalizes blood circulation, activates metabolic processes, improves memory, stimulates sexual activity, relieves headache. This is a powerful antioxidant that also perfectly quenches thirst.

Rosehip - contraindications

Not recommended alcohol tincture rose hips for people with high blood pressure: they will help hypotensive people much more, and water infusions of the plant are recommended for hypertensive people, which, on the contrary, are contraindicated for people with low blood pressure.

Rose hips are not beneficial for those who have impaired blood flow. With long-term use of rose hips, you may experience liver problems because they inhibit the secretion of bile. It is not safe for people with chronic constipation to take rosehip infusions because they may make the problem worse.

Any rosehip preparations are contraindicated for those whose bodies are prone to blood clots. Heart patients should be careful: with endocarditis and other diseases, taking rosehip preparations in large quantities can cause complications.

People with dermatological problems should consult a doctor before consuming rose hips and its preparations.

Or a wild rose. And this choice occurs because the plant is unpretentious, and during flowering it looks bright and at the same time delicate. There are types of shrubs that are especially suitable for decorating a site.

It is not without reason that cultivated rose hips have found application in garden decoration. They are predominantly low-growing and easy to grow. Their powerful root system allows shrubs to grow in any area of ​​the garden; they do an excellent job of strengthening slopes from erosion and crumbling.

About fifty species of rose hips grow in Russian gardens, four hundred – in different countries of the world. Shrubs with double buds are especially valued by gardeners. Among them are the variety Agnes with yellow flowers, Kaiserin des Nordens, whose bushes are strewn with carmine-red terry buds. And Konrad Ferdinand Meyer has white, silver-pink buds; in the Nova Zembla variety they are soft cream.

Densely double flowers of a spherical shape of a rich pink tone are distinguished by the Muscosa variety. The Pink Grotendorst shrub is interesting. Its flowers with jagged edges like a carnation attract with a pearlescent pink hue and a delicate aroma.

All ornamental shrubs have a height of eighty centimeters to one and a half meters.

The powerful root system of the plant produces many offspring. The shoots of the bush are covered with thorns, both large and small, depending on the variety. On annual erect stems, short branches with fragrant flowers develop the following year. The plant blooms in May.

On ornamental bushes The berries with seeds develop small, barely noticeable and are of no particular value. Rose hips with bright double flowers of various colors are grown to create original design plot.

There are several ways to reproduce a representative of the Rosaceae family:

  • You can plant the seeds in the fall or spring directly into open ground. The fruits are planted to a depth of 2-4 centimeters. When planting in autumn, in October, the soil is sprinkled with sawdust and humus on top. Shoots that appear in the spring are protected from morning frosts by covering them with film.
  • Reproduction by seedlings is more efficient. They are planted in mid-October or early November to a depth of 20 centimeters. The shoots are cut short, leaving a length of ten centimeters. In order for them to take root better, it is necessary to make cuts on the roots, shortening them to fifteen centimeters. Dipped into a clay mash, the roots are straightened and placed in a hole, covered with nutritious soil. It is imperative to water the plants and mulch the soil around with sawdust or peat.
  • In order for the plant to retain its maternal characteristics, it is propagated by root suckers. Blank planting material produce late autumn or early spring. Having selected a shoot up to twenty to forty centimeters high, it is separated from the mother bush with a sharp shovel. Planted in a prepared hole so that the root collar is 5-8 centimeters below ground level. You don’t have to separate the shoot from the bush, but take care of it until it produces adventitious roots. After this, the shoot is carefully separated from the maternal roots and transplanted to a new location.

Terry rose hips are planted in sunny places, where there is no stagnation of groundwater. The soil for the plant must be neutral in acidity. Before placing the seedling, rotted manure and humus are added to the hole. From fertilizer will do ammonium nitrate (200 grams), potassium salt (30 grams).

Since the root system of the shrub is powerful and grows quickly, it is necessary to protect the rosehip with a small ditch twenty centimeters deep. The distance between bushes should not be less than half a meter. Planting and propagation of terry rose hips occurs without effort and expense, but do not forget to wear thick gloves on your hands to avoid injury from thorns.

The unpretentiousness and vitality of rosehip allows it to take root well and grow in the garden. The following shrub care procedures should be noted:

  1. The plant is resistant to hot temperatures. If the heat lasts all summer, then the bush is watered three to four times a season. It is enough to pour four buckets of water on one bush.
  2. From the second year of life they begin feeding decorative crops. Nitrogen fertilizers are suitable. They are introduced for the first time in March, as soon as the snow has melted. The second procedure is carried out in mid-summer, when the shoots are actively developing. The third feeding is carried out in September. Subsequently, fertilizers are applied every three years at least three kilograms or humus under the bush. After applying the fertilizer, the soil around it must be loosened, watered, and sprinkled with a layer of sawdust.
  3. Weeding of plantings is carried out as they become overgrown with weeds.
  4. To improve the structure of the soil and provide a good supply of oxygen to the root system of the plant, the soil around the rosehip is loosened to a depth of ten centimeters.

Caring for terry rose hips is simple; it is carried out to enhance the decorative properties of the shrub.

Types of pruning, preparation for winter

In order for the bushes to look neat and be a real decoration of the area, they must be trimmed. The branches are removed for the first time after planting, leaving three buds on the shoots. As the bush grows, they begin to prune so that flower buds form faster.

Usually, after three years of growth, a rose hip has many branches shading each other. Thin out, removing excess shoots to restore normal illumination of flower branches. Prune the bush every autumn and spring before the buds open, eliminating broken, dried out, diseased branches. Be sure to remove shoots that are more than five years old.

Terry rose hips tolerate winter well, but young seedlings are sensitive to low temperatures. They are equipped with a winding made of covering material or burlap, and the soil is sprinkled with straw around it. Before the onset of the cold period, the rosehip shoots are cut off, the plant is watered abundantly and fed.

Rosehip diseases are associated with pathogenic fungi, which actively multiply and destroy the plant during humid and hot summers:

  • Powdery mildew causes a white coating to appear on the leaves and buds. The plant begins to lag behind in development, shoots do not appear on it, the flowers dry out and fall off. Resistance to the disease increases if it is promptly fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.
  • Infection with rust fungus is determined by spots and brown stripes on the underside of the leaf. The disease is transmitted by insects.
  • Sooty fungus is spread by thrips. The black coating on the leaves of the rosehip slows down the processes of photosynthesis and respiration, and it begins to weaken.

Will save you from diseases. Among them, Fundazol is the most effective. They are sprayed with it for both medicinal and preventive purposes. Before the procedure, dissolve one gram of powder in a liter of water. Treatment with colloidal sulfur is also used.

Since terry rosehip is a hybrid of roses and wild shrubs, it is widely used in landscape design. After all, the shrub is close in beauty to a rose, but is unpretentious to its growing conditions. The plant takes root well in any garden plot. Most often, bushes are used to create. Luxurious foliage and delicate flowers will become a decorative wall on the border of suburban areas.

Rose hips are actively used as an introduction to large landscape ensembles and ridges. Compositions from different varieties of double hips will become a wonderful backdrop for a flower garden. They play the role of the main element in compositions on difficult terrain - rock gardens, rockeries. The selection of rosehip varieties for the garden and the choice of location for it depend on the design style of the site and the taste of the owner.

More information can be found in the video:

Cherry tomatoes differ from their larger counterparts not only in the small size of their berries. Many cherry varieties are characterized by a unique sweet taste, which is very different from the classic tomato one. Anyone who has never tried such cherry tomatoes with their eyes closed may well decide that they are tasting some unusual Exotic fruits. In this article I will talk about five different cherry tomatoes that have the sweetest fruits with unusual colors.

Salad with spicy chicken, mushrooms, cheese and grapes - aromatic and satisfying. This dish can be served as a main dish if you are preparing a cold dinner. Cheese, nuts, mayonnaise are high-calorie foods; in combination with spicy fried chicken and mushrooms, you get a very nutritious snack, which is refreshed by sweet and sour grapes. The chicken in this recipe is marinated in a spicy mixture of ground cinnamon, turmeric and chili powder. If you like food with fire, use hot chili.

All summer residents are concerned about the question of how to grow healthy seedlings in early spring. It seems that there are no secrets here - the main thing for fast and strong seedlings is to provide them with warmth, moisture and light. But in practice, in a city apartment or private house, this is not so easy to do. Of course, every experienced gardener has his own proven method of growing seedlings. But today we will talk about a relatively new assistant in this matter - the propagator.

Task indoor plants in the house - to decorate the home with your own appearance, to create a special atmosphere of comfort. For this reason, we are ready to take care of them regularly. Care is not only about watering on time, although this is important. It is also necessary to create other conditions: suitable lighting, humidity and air temperature, and make a correct and timely transplant. For experienced flower growers there is nothing supernatural about this. But beginners often face certain difficulties.

Tender cutlets from chicken breast It’s easy to prepare with champignons according to this recipe with step-by-step photos. There is an opinion that it is difficult to make juicy and tender cutlets from chicken breast, but this is not so! Chicken meat contains virtually no fat, which is why it is a bit dry. But, if you add to chicken fillet cream, White bread and mushrooms and onions will turn out amazing delicious cutlets, which will appeal to both children and adults. IN mushroom season try adding wild mushrooms to the minced meat.

It is impossible to imagine a beautiful garden that blooms throughout the season without perennials. These flowers do not require as much attention as annuals, they are frost-resistant, and only sometimes need a little shelter for the winter. Different types of perennials do not bloom at the same time, and the duration of their flowering can vary from one week to 1.5–2 months. In this article we suggest recalling the most beautiful and unpretentious perennial flowers.

All gardeners strive to obtain fresh, environmentally friendly and aromatic vegetables from their gardens. Relatives happily accept the food home cooking from your own potatoes, tomatoes and salads. But there is a way to show off your culinary skills to even greater effect. To do this, you should try to grow several aromatic plants that will add new tastes and aromas to your dishes. What greens in the garden can be considered the best from a culinary point of view?

Radish salad with egg and mayonnaise, which I made from Chinese radish. This radish is often called Loba radish in our stores. The outside of the vegetable is covered with a light green peel, and when cut open there is pink flesh that looks exotic. When preparing, it was decided to focus on the smell and taste of the vegetable and make a traditional salad. It turned out very tasty, we didn’t detect any “nutty” notes, but it was nice to eat a light spring salad in winter.

The graceful perfection of shining white flowers on tall stalks and huge shiny dark leaves of Eucharis give it the appearance of a classic star. In indoor culture, this is one of the most famous bulbous plants. Few plants cause so much controversy. For some, eucharis bloom and delight completely effortlessly, for others long years do not produce more than two leaves and appear stunted. It is very difficult to classify the Amazon lily as an unpretentious plant.

Kefir pizza pancakes - delicious pancakes with mushrooms, olives and mortadella that are easy to prepare in less than half an hour. You don’t always have time to prepare yeast dough and turn on the oven, but sometimes you want to eat a slice of pizza without leaving home. In order not to go to the nearest pizzeria, wise housewives came up with this recipe. Pancakes like pizza are a great idea for a quick dinner or breakfast. We use sausage, cheese, olives, tomatoes, and mushrooms as filling.

Growing vegetables at home is quite a feasible task. The main thing is desire and a little patience. Most greens and vegetables can be successfully grown on a city balcony or kitchen windowsill. There are advantages here compared to growing in open ground: in such conditions your plants are protected from low temperatures, many diseases and pests. And if your loggia or balcony is glazed and insulated, then you can grow vegetables almost all year round

We grow many vegetable and flower crops using seedlings, which allows us to get more early harvest. But create ideal conditions very difficult: lack of plants sunlight, dry air, drafts, untimely watering, soil and seeds may initially contain pathogenic microorganisms. These and other reasons often lead to depletion and sometimes to the death of young seedlings, because they are the most sensitive to adverse factors

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, the range of coniferous perennials has recently been replenished with a number of unusual varieties with yellow needles. It seems that the most original ideas, which landscape designers have so far failed to bring to life, were just waiting in the wings. And from all this variety of yellow-coniferous plants, you can always choose the species and varieties that are best suited for the site. We will talk about the most interesting of them in the article.

Chocolate whiskey truffles - homemade dark chocolate truffles. In my opinion, this is one of the simplest and most delicious homemade desserts for adults, unfortunately, the younger generation can only lick their lips on the sidelines, these candies are not for kids. Truffles are made with different fillings, filled with nuts, candied fruits or dried fruits. Roll in biscuit, shortbread or nut crumbs. You can make a whole box of homemade assorted chocolates based on this recipe!

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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