A cozy, warm home is probably every person’s dream. Today, most people prefer to live in private houses, because this has many advantages. But how to make your home the most comfortable, everyone decides in their own way. And, probably, it’s first worth considering the amount of heat and light.

Which heating is better for a private home?

There are several ways to heat a country house. Each of them has its own pros and cons, operating principles, and requires certain costs. The choice of a specific type of heating depends on many factors. For example, the presence of a fireplace or stove in the house, electricity, the availability of materials such as gas, fuel, firewood or coal.

Depending on this, the following types of home heating are distinguished::

  • Air;
  • Electric;
  • Water.

An air heating system passes air through a special device - a heat exchanger, after which the heated air is distributed evenly throughout the room. This type of heating is expensive and requires a huge amount of space. However, it provides quick heating of the house.

Electric heating is based on the conversion of electricity into heat.

This type is environmentally friendly and easy to install and use, but despite this, it significantly increases energy costs and forces you to constantly ventilate the room, as oxygen is burned. Water heating is based on the circulation of liquid through pipes, which heats the room. Such a system can be installed without the help of specialists, however, during frosts when the system is turned off, the water can freeze and rupture the pipes.

The most popular and economical heating method is electric. This will be discussed further.

Heating a house with electricity: cheap or expensive

There are a huge number of heating methods. But, unfortunately, not all of them can be used in your own home.

Electric heating is the cheapest and most convenient option:

  • The installation of such heating requires a minimum of effort;
  • Installation of the system does not require adjustment to any season;
  • The heating system is very compact and does not require building an additional room for the boiler room;
  • There is no need to provide maintenance;
  • The cost of using such a system depends on the degree of operation and temperature level;
  • The electric heating system is the most environmentally friendly.

Thus, electric heating does not require special physical and monetary costs and is most common in private homes.

Types of electric heating systems

Electric heating systems are designed to convert electricity into heat. The methods of such transformation vary, and this is what the main types of such systems are based on. However, they all have one minus, unlike gas - the cost of their use is high, since they are based on electricity.

Among them are:

  • Electric boilers;
  • Heaters based on the use of infrared rays;
  • Warm floor running on electricity;
  • Fan heaters.

Electric boilers operate by heating the liquid in the heating circuit that is connected to them. Electric convectors also use heating elements. Only in this case electricity does not pass through the liquid. Heating is carried out by heating the aluminum or steel housing and the air that is inside this housing. Hot air rises, changing places with cold air. With the help of such circulation, the room is also heated.

Electric heating is the most economical: without a boiler

Which method is the most economical? Convectors do not take up much space and can be placed on the wall, on the floor, built-in or external. They quickly warm up the air and accurately perform the assigned tasks. The only downside is that one convector will not be enough to heat the entire house.

Infrared heaters convert electricity into infrared rays that can heat any object. They can take the form of rectangles built into the floor or wall, or mounted on a stand. This heating system heats the air only in a certain area of ​​the room. In order to heat the entire house, you need to install a large number of such devices. On the one hand, they are cheap to use, but their quantity increases the cost.

Infrared heaters are economical because you can set individual temperature conditions in different areas of the house. Therefore, these heaters are on average 35% more economical compared to boilers. An electric heated floor is installed under the tiles and may not be the main heating system.

Advantages of heated floors:

  • The temperature in electric heated floors can be adjusted easily and accurately;
  • An electric heated floor does not need to be filled with new screeds, which require additional costs and put extra pressure on the floors;
  • Due to the ease of installation, electric heated floors can be installed both in a private house and in a multi-storey one.

The only disadvantages of such a system include energy costs. But, on the other hand, if an electric heated floor is still not the main one, then this drawback can be crossed out. Fan heaters (heater, not radiator) are not the main heating system. They have a quick effect only in small rooms, but at the same time they use a large amount of electricity, due to which they greatly increase the cost of costs. Electric batteries are not bad heaters.

Economical electric boilers: options

Boilers are divided into those based on heaters - heating elements - and electrode ones.

The work of heating elements is that they heat running water and distribute it throughout the system. Special pumps are often installed with heaters to help circulate fluid through the system. Usually there are 3 or 4 heating elements in the boiler, which can work simultaneously or one at a time - it all depends on the temperature level.

The power of electric heating boilers also varies. There are models that operate from a single-phase or three-phase network. An electrode boiler fails because electricity passes through the liquid from electrode to electrode. Instead of water, non-freezing liquid is used here.

Advantages of electric boilers:

  • Easy to install and regulate;
  • Do not take up much space;
  • Accurately and quickly regulate the temperature level;
  • Their work does not create noise;
  • Relatively low cost and economical maintenance.

Disadvantages of electric boilers: high energy costs; with prolonged use of heating elements, the heaters become covered with scale and stop working; in the absence of water, heating elements burn out. Often boilers do not cope with their tasks and cannot warm up the entire house, that is, they slowly heat the house. The operation of boilers depends entirely on the power of the electrical network. Correct circuits and high-quality batteries for a cottage allow you to heat your house inexpensively. A homemade device is quite possible.

The most economical electric heating and electrical appliances

The most economical and easiest to use is the electric convector system. They consist of an aluminum or steel body that heats the air from both the outside and the inside. Warm air gives way to cold air, and thus the entire room is heated.

Advantages of using convectors:

  1. The convector is the most efficient heating system. Due to the small size of the heating elements, the air heats up faster, being evenly distributed throughout the room.
  2. This is the highest quality type of heating, since it does not waste electricity, completely converting it into heat. This is also the reason for its efficiency.
  3. Convectors are easily adjustable and do not heat up above 100 ºС. Many models have a safety system that turns off the device if air access is blocked.
  4. This heating system is quite easy to install and use. All you need to do after purchasing is to install it on a wall or on a stand and plug it into the network.
  5. Convectors are much cheaper than electric boilers.
  6. Since one convector will not be enough to heat the entire house, you need to purchase more devices. However, this can be done gradually, depending on the need or availability of funds.
  7. Such a heating system does not respond to possible power surges and continues to work properly.

The choice of convector depends, first of all, on the expected price. However, it is best to buy a device from leading manufacturers, since the issue here is about home security. It is important to pay attention to the restart function after turning off the device. If in this case the convector requires human intervention, then this will create some problems in its use, including the risk of great damage from freezing the house. Efficient and profitable alternative heating according to new technologies.

Installation of electric heating in a private house

An electric heating system is very easy to install. Therefore, you can do this yourself. This will save money because you won’t have to call in specialists.

Installation consists of three stages:

  • Planning;
  • Installation;
  • Launch.

First, you need to prepare a heating circuit and appliances, taking into account the way it will be used. In order to carry out an economical heat calculation and choose an electric boiler for a private home, you can call a specialist or use ready-made programs.

Next, panels are equipped with separate circuit breakers for each room and the wiring is installed. You need to consider how many boilers and other equipment you need to purchase. You will need automation, ceramic or other pipes. An electric battery that will heat, with an electricity consumption similar to that of a light bulb, is everyone’s dream. Modular energy-saving gas elements for country house premises will help you save some fuel.

After the electrical wiring is ready, you can begin installing equipment that will help heat the room (energy or economical radiators). It is important to pay attention to the temperature regime. At first, the device will work hard. This will warm up the room very quickly. And then the system will go into normal mode and will turn on to maintain the set temperature level, like a drip device.

However, using only electric heating can cost a pretty penny. Therefore, you should use other means of heating your home to increase your living comfort.

Methods of additional thermal insulation:

  1. Insulating loggias, balconies and verandas will block the penetration of cold street air into the house. Thus, heating the house will be much more efficient.
  2. Replacing old windows with plastic ones. This will eliminate the occurrence of drafts, which is also good for heating in bad weather. If it is not possible to install new windows, then you can insulate the old ones. To do this, you need to coat the space between the frame and the opening with sealant and seal it with electrical tape.
  3. Using the same principle, old doors are replaced with new ones.
  4. You can insulate walls both outside and inside. Internal insulation reduces the size of the room, so experts recommend insulating walls from the outside. For this purpose, heat insulators are used.
  5. Ceiling insulation is most often carried out in the attic. In this case, mats are used, under which a vapor barrier is placed, and a water barrier is placed on the mats.
  6. You should pay attention to floor insulation. This is important because most often the floor does not warm up well, which causes some discomfort.

According to the laws of physics, warm air rises, giving way to cold air. Therefore, it is important to insulate the roof so that the heated air does not leave the house at all. The method of roof insulation depends on its type. If it is a pitched roof, then insulation is carried out inside the house using mineral wool. If the roof is flat, then hard materials are used on the outside that are not exposed to various negative influences. Homemade products (convection, autonomous, innovative heating for an apartment) are also possible, the panels will allow you to save money, but the equipment must be thought out thoroughly.

Through the efforts of equipment sellers and “crazy hands” craftsmen, a considerable number of myths about electric heating systems have arisen, either intentionally or out of ignorance. They are increasingly spreading across the Internet, misinforming future homeowners. Since the number of misconceptions on this topic is already approaching critical, it’s time to tell us the whole homespun truth about electric heating.

Is electric heating really the most expensive?

Most information sources lobbying the interests of manufacturers of heating boilers using gas, solid or liquid fuels report that heating from electricity is the most expensive. Those who sell electric heating systems claim the opposite, and the arguments on both sides are sometimes quite unclear. We estimated the average operating costs for different types of heating for an average private house with an area of ​​150 m2 in the climatic conditions of the Moscow region. Here is the result of the calculation of tariffs for individuals for the winter of 2013-2014:

The cost of fuel takes into account the average price of its delivery within the Moscow Region. Let's make a reservation that costs largely depend on the climate, the cost of fuel and its delivery. And if the price of natural gas and electricity is the same for all consumers in the region, then the cost of local fuels, especially firewood and pellets, can vary greatly

The table clearly shows who pays what. Heating with electricity comes in second place after liquid fuel. And if you use lower-quality heating oil instead of diesel fuel, heating with electricity turns out to be the most expensive. Slightly lower costs for direct electric heating (convectors, electric fans, cable heated floors, etc.) are due to the fact that in a water system part of the energy is spent on delivering heat to heating devices. However, due to good pipe insulation and proper wiring, the difference can be reduced to almost zero.

Is it possible to reduce electric heating costs? It’s possible, but let’s immediately make a reservation that all electric heating devices, without exception, have an efficiency close to 100%, therefore “energy-saving electric heating batteries” and other “wonderful” systems are a myth invented by sellers. In the direction of increasing equipment efficiency, the resource is almost exhausted. But you can significantly save on using night rates.

Depending on the pricing policy of local energy networks, reduced evening (usually after 17.00) and night (22.00) tariffs are established, valid until 8.00. Electricity prices at this time are 2-4 times lower than during the day. Heating with electricity compared to gas at daily rates costs 5:1, but by installing a two-tariff meter and integrating a heat accumulator into the water electric heating system, the proportion can actually be reduced to 2.5:1.

By wisely using night tariffs, heating costs with electricity can be reduced by half, or even more.

Cheap heating with electricity is a pipe dream, however, with the right approach, costs can be reduced to an acceptable level.

Once again about money - initial costs

A fact that is surprising at first glance is that private houses built in recent years in the countries of Northern Europe, whose climate is similar to Russia’s, are often heated with electricity. As a rule, this is cable floor heating. Why do thrifty Germans and Scandinavians often prefer expensive electricity to other types of fuel? It's a matter of initial costs. More and more houses are being built in accordance with the passive house concept: effective insulation and the use of artificial ventilation systems with thermal energy recovery make it possible to significantly reduce the need for thermal energy.

In conditions where operating costs are low, the initial costs of heating equipment and its installation become critical. But this is where the electric heating system surpasses all others. And if water electric heating is still comparable to gas and solid fuel heating, then direct-heating electric heating devices are several times cheaper. The most inexpensive are convectors, but warm floors are much more comfortable, so they are used in residential areas. Heating cables are embedded in the screed during construction; there are no extra costs, as often happens during repairs.

The ratio of costs for the purchase of heating equipment and its installation. For water heating, data was taken from circulation systems assembled using a two-pipe scheme; for electric direct heating, average figures were taken from cable underfloor heating, convectors and infrared panels.

Western European companies constructing energy-saving buildings in areas where there is already a centralized gas supply install, of course, gas heating equipment. Although it is more expensive than an electric one, it pays for itself in a few years. If there is no gas pipeline nearby, they prefer electric heating, because an electric cable will still have to be installed, and it will cost much less than a gas pipeline. At the same time, the level of comfort is no worse, the equipment is compact, there is no danger of explosion or fuel fire, and the electrical systems fit perfectly into the modern concept of a “smart home.”

Can the experience of Western countries be used here? Yes, sure. You just need to take into account that our European neighbors effectively insulate their homes and carefully calculate the balance of upcoming expenses. Good insulation, in addition to obvious savings, solves another problem: the requirements for electrical input power are reduced, and it is easier to obtain the necessary permits.

The horrors of electromagnetic radiation

Opponents of electric heating (more precisely, supporters of other systems) argue that heating a house with electricity creates a terrible electromagnetic field in the house that is harmful to humans. Is it so?

All household electrical equipment generates electromagnetic waves: kitchen stove, TV, lamps, cables and, of course, electric heaters of the heating system. Moreover, the highest level of radiation is observed not near electrical appliances, but in the area of ​​the input/distribution panel. However, the magnitude of the electromagnetic field of household electrical appliances (including heating) is much lower than the maximum limit of 500 V/m and is considered completely safe. Experts are more concerned about the ubiquitous EMF of mobile communications.

Still, the influence of the electromagnetic field on the body cannot be called fully studied, so we recommend playing it safe. The sleeping place should be placed away from switchboards and powerful electrical appliances. It is advisable to lay electrical cables at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the bed.

As for electric heating, the water system, except for the electric boiler, does not create EMF at all. Electric heaters for direct heating (convectors, fan heaters) have characteristics comparable to kitchen appliances; they should not be placed near the bed and desk. As for warm cable floors, only cheap single-core cable has a relatively high level of radiation. Its indicator - 2-3 µT is similar to the field strength generated by an electric kettle or iron. This level is not considered dangerous and drops significantly with distance from the wave source, but we would not recommend using a single-core cable in a child's room. A two-core cable and film floors are guaranteed to be safe; their EMF intensity is only 0.2-0.5 µT.

Conclusion: with the right approach, electric heating does not pose any health hazard.

Direct electric heating

All electric space heating heaters that have exposed heating elements are not a suitable choice for residential applications. Their coils and heating elements have too high a temperature and the house dust that falls on them overheats (a phenomenon called “sublimation”), acquiring harmful and, if heated too strongly, carcinogenic properties. Glass tubes of infrared quartz heaters, spirals of convectors and fan heaters heat up to 350-800 ºС. We can recommend such devices only for utility and technical premises. Quartz heaters suspended from the ceiling are well suited for greenhouses and poultry housing.

The convector releases most of its energy through the convective route, mixing the air and simultaneously “sublimating” house dust, which is why it acquires harmful properties. Radiant panels have a closed housing and the heating element does not come into contact with dust. The panel temperature does not exceed 80 ºС, and most of the energy is transferred by radiation, which heats objects rather than air

Aluminum heating elements in convectors also get very hot, up to 150-260 ºС; it is also better to limit their use in housing. Oil radiators are much less dangerous, their maximum temperature is 120 ºС, and when operating at minimum conditions they are completely harmless. Long-wave electric heating panels and heating baseboards have the best characteristics among compact electric heaters. Inside their cases there are heating elements isolated from the external environment, but the outer surface of the devices in contact with dust does not heat up above 80 ºС. In addition, their flat surface, without fins, releases heat to a greater extent due to infrared radiation, rather than convective air movement, like convectors and fan heaters. Our body perceives radiant heat as more comfortable.

Cable and film heated floors

Electric cable and heated floors do not heat up above 40 ºС, therefore they are absolutely safe from the point of view of exposure to dust. Heat is distributed more evenly, compared to batteries and convectors, and the real savings are 3-4% compared to local heating devices due to the fact that to achieve thermal comfort, the overall temperature in the room can be lower by 2-3 ºС.

Warm floors (on the right), unlike radiators (on the left), keep “your feet warm and your head cold,” which is beneficial for the body. In addition, the overall temperature can be maintained a couple of degrees lower, this allows you to save a little

Directly heated warm floors are suitable for both residential premises and greenhouses. Unlike water flooring, cable flooring cannot freeze and is excellent for country houses and dachas that are not permanently inhabited. With their help, you can maintain the “standby” temperature at a level so that frost does not cause damage to the finishing, and on the calendar-programmer you can set the day when the house should be warmed up in anticipation of the arrival of the owners.

The electric heating of a country house can be controlled remotely; just install a Wi-Fi control thermostat.

Water electric heating systems

Water systems do not have the disadvantages that we talked about earlier: heating devices do not create an electromagnetic field, and the heating of their surfaces does not go beyond safe values. The use of liquid (water or “anti-freeze”) as a coolant, coupled with modern automatic control, makes it possible to accurately distribute heat flows and stably maintain a comfortable thermal regime in the premises. An electric water system is no different from a gas or liquid fuel system in any way, except for a heat generator, and if necessary, a boiler using a different type of fuel can be replaced or added to the system without any changes to it.

The choice of heating devices is standard - radiators or underfloor heating pipes. Note that warm floors are gaining increasing recognition among residents of Scandinavia, whose climate is in many ways similar to Russia. Thus, more than 90% of new residential buildings in Sweden are heated, fully or partially, with underfloor heating, water or cable.

An electric heating boiler is more compact than a gas one, it is not subject to location restrictions and there is no need for a chimney


If there is a pipeline with natural gas running along the street of your village or city, forget about electric heating, gas is cheaper. The insufficient power of the power line from which the house is connected also poses serious limitations.

But if there is no main gas and it is not expected soon, electric heating systems are a completely acceptable option. To ensure that heating is comfortable, reliable and relatively inexpensive to operate, we advise you to entrust the calculation, design, selection of equipment and installation to trustworthy specialists.

Video: economical electric heating of a private house

To organize individual electric heating, you can use a wide variety of devices and devices. Here's an overview of the overall benefits of electrically powered systems, as well as the most important information about available electric heating options. After studying the information presented, you will be able to choose the most suitable devices for you and organize the most efficient and profitable heating.

To understand all the benefits of electric heating, you need to compare it with other existing heating options for a private home. For example, what needs to be done to install a gas heating system? At a minimum, spend a fairly significant amount on purchasing the necessary units and set aside several weeks to go through various authorities and obtain the required permits.

Electric heating does not require any prior permits. You just need to buy equipment, install it yourself or with the help of installers, and connect it to the network. The entire work takes a day, rarely two.

Under any circumstances, you will spend less money on purchasing and setting up electric heating than on arranging a boiler room, laying gas pipelines and purchasing a boiler.

Electric heaters do not require a separate boiler room. Warm floors, convectors, fan heaters, infrared heaters - all this is installed in a convenient place, placed under the floor screed or hung on the walls.

Gas heating is potentially dangerous. If connected and operated incorrectly, the boiler can poison the residents of the house or even explode. Electric heaters are completely safe, you just need to follow basic precautions.

Electrical installations are much more reliable compared to central heating systems. By refusing central heating, the home owner frees himself from not the most profitable and convenient cooperation with utility services.

Electric heating does not force its owner to allocate a separate place for storing fuel and constantly think about the need for regular replenishment of fuel. Electric heating does not force its owner to allocate a separate place for storing fuel and constantly think about the need for regular replenishment of fuel.

The issue of the economic benefits of heating a house using electricity deserves special attention. Previously, it was believed that electric heating was the most expensive option for individual heating. And this statement was absolutely correct. Today the situation has changed dramatically.

  1. Firstly, the home owner can install a multi-tariff meter. In most regions of the country, electricity is charged differently during the day and at night. Thanks to such a meter, heating costs can be reduced significantly.
  2. Secondly, the system can be equipped with heat storage batteries. Such devices are connected to the network at night, when electricity is cheapest. When connected to the power grid, the internal elements of such storage devices, made of high-tech magnesite, accumulate heat, and after disconnecting from the network, they release the accumulated electricity into the house.

A compact sensor is responsible for the correct operation of the drive. It also helps regulate the temperature in the rooms and allows you to maintain a comfortable microclimate. The drives are absolutely safe and are sold at a relatively affordable price. You will, of course, have to spend more money on installing a heating system, but all expenses will pay off very quickly, because The devices considered can reduce energy costs by up to 5-7 times.

The most popular electric heating option is special infrared installations. Such devices operate on a special principle, which compares favorably with the operating procedure of other existing heating systems.

If classical heating, regardless of what exactly it uses as fuel, first heats the air, and then it gives off temperature to surrounding objects and people, then an infrared heater will immediately give heat to objects located in its area of ​​​​action.

There are stationary heaters and special infrared films that can be conveniently mounted in any desired place.

The installation procedure for such heating is extremely simple.

First step. Unpack the infrared heater.

Second step.

Read the manufacturer's instructions carefully.

Third step.

Install the heater in the desired location if it is a stationary model or attach the film to the selected surface if it is a film heater. During the installation process, follow the safety recommendations given in the instructions for the selected equipment.

Films, as a rule, have an adhesive back side, which allows them to be fixed without much effort. Otherwise, refer to the manufacturer's instructions for mounting recommendations.

If desired, you can opt for a “smart” model of electric heated floor. Special sensors and other automation equipment will allow the system to determine the temperature in the room and independently change the power to ensure the most comfortable conditions. Installation of such heating is carried out in several stages.

First stage. Thoroughly clean and level the base using a concrete screed.

Second phase. Place insulation and waterproofing material on the dry base.

Third stage.

Lay the heated floor structure. There are several modifications. The instructions for the system you choose will provide the optimal installation scheme.

Fourth stage.

Install the thermostat and other related elements, and then connect the heated floor to the mentioned electronics. Manufacturers provide recommendations for the placement of all mechanisms, as well as their connection to each other, in the instructions for their products.

Fifth stage.

Pour the concrete screed and wait until it dries.

Sixth stage.

Apply the selected finishing coat to the dry screed.

No less popular units for electrical heating of a private home are convectors with their many modifications in the form of thermal curtains, “guns” and fan heaters. Thermal curtains are not used in residential premises. They are usually placed above doorways. When the door is opened, the curtain automatically turns on and prevents cold air from entering the room.

Modern models lack the main drawback of their predecessors - fan heaters no longer dry the air. An additional advantage of such heaters is the ease of connection and use - the device is simply placed in a convenient place, connected to the network and set to the required power.

An excellent option for an electric heating device is to use electric oil heaters. They have an attractive design and fit perfectly into the surrounding environment. Typically, such heaters are mounted under a window opening instead of a standard battery, or they are placed on the side of the doorway.

Installation is extremely simple.

First stage. Make marks for installing fasteners. On the body of the oil heater there are special elements with which it will be hung on fasteners. Position the heater body at the installation location and mark these canopies.

Second phase. Drill holes in the wall according to the markings.

Third stage.

Attach fasteners to the prepared holes. Typically, hooks for hanging heaters are included in the factory equipment. Otherwise, you will have to purchase these products at a hardware store.

Fourth stage.

Connect the electric oil heater to the network and set it to the desired operating mode. Modern models can be equipped with sensors, thanks to which the heating power will be set automatically. If your model can also work in conjunction with such sensors, install them according to the manufacturer's instructions. Electric fireplaces are not only an effective source of heating, but also an excellent design solution. There are models that operate in constant mode and “smart” modifications. The latter are equipped with special sensors that can respond to changes in room temperature and equalize it to a comfortable level.

Installation of electric fireplaces is performed in a manner similar to the installation of the previously discussed electric oil heaters.

  • There are several types of electric fireplaces, namely:
  • classic models. The design of such units is as similar as possible to the design of traditional “wood-burning” fireplaces. The finishing of such devices is usually done using wood, stone and other natural materials;
  • economy segment units. Made from expensive and high-quality metals. Fireplaces in high-tech style are equipped with functional automation. Fits perfectly into the interior and helps create the most comfortable microclimate;
  • inserts.

Designed more for decoration of rooms, and not for heating. Although they cope with the heating function quite well. Usually built into plasterboard walls. The finished design looks impressive, stylish and presentable.

Conclusions about electric heating

  • Thus, today, statements about the high cost of electric heating have completely ceased to be relevant. There is some strong evidence for this:
  • electric heaters are compact in size. Their work does not require the laying of additional demand lines, arrangement of boiler rooms, organization of places for fuel storage, etc.;
  • electric heating can be installed and configured independently, without the involvement of third-party specialists and additional costs;
  • the operation of electrical systems can be fully automated;

The heaters do not make noise and do not emit substances harmful to humans during operation.

Thus, with the help of modern devices it is possible to arrange the most efficient and comfortable electric heating for a private home. At the same time, all stages of installing the systems can be done with your own hands without any difficulty. It is enough just to study the manufacturer’s instructions and do not forget the recommendations received.

Happy work!

Video - Do-it-yourself electric heating of a private house

When thinking about which heating system to choose for your home or cottage, you often think about the use of electricity. The advantage of this type of energy carrier is its environmental friendliness, “cleanliness” and the high reliability of electric heaters. The downside is the considerable price, which is why electric heating is not the most popular heating method.

What can it be

Heating a home with electricity can be done in different ways. Whatever type of heating you choose, its efficiency largely depends on how well the house is insulated. This issue should be given maximum time.

Heating a house with electricity is the “cleanest” way

First of all, you need to decide on the type of system: it can be air, water and steam, and you can also heat it with heated floors. Let's take a quick look at the main advantages of each system.

Steam heating is very effective, but dangerous - the temperature of the heating radiators and the pipes going to them is about one hundred degrees (higher or lower depends on the type of system chosen). The system is very similar to a water system, but is more economical at the installation stage: much fewer radiator sections are required, pipes can be taken with a smaller cross-section.

In general, due to the high danger, it is prohibited in public and apartment buildings, but it can be done in a private house. An electric steam boiler can act as a heat source in this system. So this is also one of the types of electric heating, although it is completely unpopular.


Air heating using electricity can be organized using other heaters that run on electricity - ceramic heating panels, infrared emitters. These systems are good because they immediately begin to heat the air in the room. Another attraction is the low costs at the development stage - there is no need to build anything. We bought heaters, installed them, turned them on, and began to warm up.

The disadvantage of this heating method is the active circulation of air in the room (uncomfortable) and with this heating the air is dry (an installation to increase the humidity is required). Another disadvantage is the need for almost constant work. If electric heaters are installed with thermostats, this is not so critical, since they will turn off when the set temperature is reached. But low inertia leads to the fact that the room quickly cools down and, therefore, most of the equipment is in operation.

Among all electric heaters, infrared units are considered more economical, but they also consume a fair amount of electricity. So this heating method is often used as an additional heating method during extreme cold weather. The second area of ​​application is dachas where people live only periodically. With this mode of visits, upon arrival, only the necessary rooms can be heated. In this case, the advantage of this type of electric heating is that it is not afraid of freezing (only when selecting heaters, pay attention to whether they can withstand freezing).

Electric heated floors

This electric heating can be either additional - to increase the level of comfort, or basic. Electric heaters for underfloor heating can be different:

  • heating cables (resistive and self-regulating);
  • mats made of heating cables (easier to install);
  • carbon films (with infrared radiation);
  • carbon mats (not yet very reliable in operation).

This electric heating option is only suitable for houses with permanent residence - too much time (and resources) is spent on heating the concrete slab in which the heater is usually “packed”. And this seems to be a drawback. But on the other hand, a large heated mass helps maintain a stable temperature in the house. Another positive point: for such a stove to completely cool down, it takes several days, so temporary power outages in this case are not very scary.

Electric heating with heated floors cannot be called very economical. The amount of payment depends on the degree of insulation of the house. But it is worth remembering that you need to make an electric heated floor only in conjunction with a thermostat and temperature sensors. In this case, the heaters will only turn on part of the time and the bills will be relatively small. Well, there’s probably no need to say that heated floors are the most comfortable way of heating.

Water heating with electric boilers

In fact, this is a heating system familiar to everyone with pipes, radiators and, which circulates in the system. The only difference is that the boiler runs on electricity. Electric boilers come in three types:

  • on heating elements;
  • induction;
  • electrode.

Boilers using heating elements are the most common. Induction and electrode are used less frequently. Manufacturers (and many users) say that they are more economical. There are still debates about savings, but there is no debate about the size. An induction boiler looks like a piece of medium-diameter pipe. It takes up very little space, is easy to install, and can work offline.

With the electrode one it is a little more complicated: you need to monitor the condition of the electrodes, select the composition for the coolant (usually a certain amount of salt is added to increase the conductivity of the water). So periodic maintenance for such a boiler is a necessity.

What type of electric heating to choose

The type of heating system is usually chosen based on its purpose. It is more rational to make electric heating of a dacha of the air type - less installation costs, low inertia - this is what is required. But this is only if you do not plan to maintain above-zero temperatures in it all winter.

Electric heated floors or water heating are suitable for a permanent home. By the way, you can make a warm floor, but whether this makes sense when using an electric boiler, you need to think about it. Both of these systems have great inertia, which can rather be assessed as a plus - they take a long time to cool down. The disadvantages of these systems are the high costs of installation.

When installing electric floor heating under tiles, it is necessary to lay heating elements in the screed, and this takes a lot of time. If the flooring is laminate or linoleum (special), everything is much simpler. (and linoleum) is laid on a flat base, on a special substrate. A laminate or a rigid base under linoleum (plywood) is mounted on top.

Water electric heating is done as standard. However, in some cases there is an opportunity to save money.

How to make electric water heating economical

Many regions have introduced multi-zone tariffs. If such tariffs are provided in your region, you can reduce the cost of electric heating to a minimum. This will require the installation of a multi-tariff meter and a heat accumulator (TA). A heat accumulator is a large container of water. In our case, it serves to accumulate heat during the “night”, cheaper tariff.

While electricity costs much less, the water in the tank heats up to quite reasonable temperatures. During high tariffs, heating does not work, and the temperature in the network is maintained using the heat accumulated in the heat accumulator. Such a system really helps to save money, but the specific result depends on the region - tariffs are very different in different regions.

Long gone are the days when the only way to heat a private home was a wood stove. Modern technologies and materials make it possible to choose a heating method from a variety of existing ones, but experts unanimously say that in the future, electric heating of a private home will be a priority. Everyone knows that mineral reserves are far from endless and the time will come when we will have to completely abandon gas and switch to a cleaner energy source - electricity.

Electric heating systems have a lot of undeniable advantages, and often it may simply be the only heating method available.

It is very important to think through the electric heating project at the stage of building a house, since in the future, installing equipment in a ready-made room may lead to the need for remodeling, and, as a result, to additional costs. Accurate thermal calculations must be made taking into account SNiP standards. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in increased energy costs.

Pros and cons of heating your home with electricity

Electric heating of a private house has the following advantages:

Simplicity and ease of installation

Self-installation does not require expensive tools or special knowledge. All equipment is small in size and can be installed quickly and at minimal cost.

All devices are easily transported and moved to different rooms. A separate boiler room and chimney are also not required.


Electrical systems do not produce carbon monoxide and there are no combustion products. No harmful emissions are released even if the system breaks down or is disassembled.

Low initial costs

There is no need to prepare project documentation with the invitation of special services. No permits are needed.

Reliability and quietness

Electric heating does not require regular maintenance by specialists. All installations operate absolutely silently, since the system does not have a fan or circulation pump.

Easy to use

There are no elements in the system that could quickly fail. There is no need to constantly monitor sensors and fuel levels.

System control unit.

High level of efficiency

Allows you to quickly heat a private home even in the most severe frosts. Electric heating is always equipped with a special system that makes it possible to regulate the temperature in each individual room, which can significantly save financial costs during the heating season.

Disadvantages of work

The main disadvantage of electric heating is the high energy consumption. In some areas, energy prices are quite high, so this method may simply not be profitable.

The second disadvantage is energy dependence. If the electricity is turned off for any reason, heating the room will become impossible.

Using a generator.

Have you decided to heat your house with electricity? It is necessary to take into account the condition and power of the electrical wiring. For a large private house, a three-phase power supply may be needed. You will need to find out exactly how much power is allocated to the house and what part of the allocated power can be used for heating.

Options for electric heating of a private house

Currently, there are many heating devices powered by electricity on the construction market. Electric heating can operate either directly or with the help of a circulating coolant - antifreeze, oil or water.

Oil radiators

This type of heating has been known for a very long time, and it still retains its popularity. These are mobile units, often on wheels, that operate directly from an electrical outlet. The efficiency of such devices is 100%, since electrical energy is converted into thermal energy directly, without any transmission devices.

Using an oil radiator you can heat a small room, but this method certainly won’t work for a whole house.

This is a fairly popular and effective heating method that can maintain an optimal balance of humidity in the room without burning oxygen. Excellent technical characteristics and a wide power range allow the use of electric convectors for heating both a small room and a large private house.

The basis of the convector is a heating element - a converter of electrical energy into heat. The operating principle is based on air convection. Cold air enters through the slots in the lower part of the body of the heating device; inside the device, the air is heated by the heating element and exits through the slots in the upper part of the body.

The heating electric convector itself is enclosed in a metal casing, which has an aesthetic appearance and easily fits into any interior. The convector can be floor-standing, but most often the choice is made in favor of a wall-mounted device. The convector can operate either separately or in a system, under the control of one temperature regulator.

Air conditioners operating in heating mode can also be classified as electric heating devices. Experts believe that this type of heating is the most economical, since electricity costs are fully covered by the heat generated. In addition, costs can be reduced through adjustments.

But this type of heating has many disadvantages, and the most important of them is the technical complexity of maintenance. In addition, air conditioners have a high initial cost, and in the event of a breakdown, calling a specialist will bring additional financial costs.

Infrared heating

Infrared (film) heating can be called an innovative, but confidently gaining popularity way of heating a private home. Such heating is quite economical in use, but expensive in terms of equipment and installation costs.

The operating principle of infrared heating is as follows: the heat emanating from the heating element is uniformly radiated by the heater onto the surfaces of nearby objects, and they, in turn, give off heat to the air.

Infrared heaters consume little energy and avoid irrational temperature distribution, since both zonal and spot heating can be performed. After turning off the equipment, objects retain and release heat for a long time. Installation and dismantling of the equipment is very simple and can be easily done independently.

The placement of heaters is limited only by your imagination. They can be located on the floor, behind a hanger, on the ceiling, but not at the level of a person’s head.

Please remember that IR emitters heat up solid objects.

Warm floor system

Such a system can serve as both the main type of heating and additional. The principle of operation of the system is that the heat from the heated floor is evenly distributed to the ceiling. Heating sections consist of a single-core or double-core cable covered with a floor covering on top. The thermostat can be built-in, surface-mounted or programmable.

The advantages of this method include a long service life - up to 80 years, as well as ease of maintenance and environmental friendliness.

But heated floors are not resistant to mechanical damage, and the repair of such a system is accompanied by the dismantling of the floor covering, which leads to additional financial costs. In order to determine the location of cable damage, special equipment will be required.

If you have basic knowledge and skills, you can easily make a “warm home” system with your own hands.

Infrared heated floor

Heating a house with electricity using infrared heated floors can be assessed as an economical and quite effective, but rarely used method.

Infrared heated floors are not afraid of power surges and do not fail even if partially damaged. The equipment can be installed under any floor covering except parquet.

Infrared rays are capable of heating only solid objects, therefore, while heating the floor, the element itself does not heat up. The flooring gives off its heat to the air, which, through convection, spreads throughout the room.

Having basic skills in working with electricity, installing and connecting such a floor with your own hands will not be difficult.

Heating with electric boiler

Heating with electricity in a private home is most often carried out using an electric boiler, in which the coolant liquid is heated. Electric boilers are relatively cheap; installing them yourself does not present any difficulties.

Electric boilers are divided into three types according to heating method:

  • heating elements;
  • electrode;
  • induction

A heating element electric boiler can be classified as traditional, in which the liquid is heated by all the usual heating elements. The heating element heats up from electricity, transfers its heat to the coolant, which, in turn, carries it through the pipeline system to the radiators installed in the rooms.

System elements.

The boiler is easy to install and is equipped with a thermostat capable of maintaining the set temperature. Power consumption can be adjusted by turning off a certain number of heating elements.

The disadvantages of a heating element boiler include the accumulated scale on the heating element, which can quickly damage the boiler, especially if the water is hard. Therefore, sometimes you will have to use various anti-lime products.

Electrode boiler

An electrode electric boiler, instead of a heating element, is equipped with an electrode that acts on free ions in the water, resulting in heat. This design is unique in its safety, as it is completely immune to coolant leakage. If there is no water, the device simply stops working.

This method of heating the coolant does not provoke limescale deposits, but the electrodes tend to gradually deteriorate, and then they need to be changed. In addition, only water can be used as a coolant - non-freezing liquid cannot be used. The water itself must have a specific resistivity of a certain value, which is quite difficult to measure on your own.

"Insides" of an induction boiler.

An induction electric boiler consists of a radiator and a pipeline through which the coolant circulates. The emitter produces an electromagnetic field that interacts with the metal. Electricity creates vortex flows, which, in turn, transfer energy to the coolant. There is no heating element.

An induction boiler is easy to install and maintain, does not contain wearing parts, scale forms in it in minimal quantities, and is effective for heating large rooms. The coolant can be oil, water or antifreeze.

Making an induction boiler with your own hands is not difficult, and the cost will be much cheaper than a purchased one.

A significant disadvantage can be considered the rather large dimensions and high price, compared to heating element and electrode boilers. In addition, in the event of mechanical damage to the integrity of the circuit, the boiler will fail due to a dangerous increase in temperature. In this case, the device must be equipped with a sensor that turns off the boiler if there is no water in it.


Almost all popular methods of heating a country house with electricity were considered. Each method has many advantages - this includes the absence of the need for a fuel supply, environmental friendliness, safety, noiselessness and ease of operation. But given that electricity is currently not cheap, one cannot expect any special economic effect. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to the insulation of a private house in order to reduce heat loss to a minimum.

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