Today, it is rare that any interior, like a landscape, can do without expressive and spectacular accessories. One of them can rightfully be called a floor vase. In order for it to look stylish and harmonious in its designated place, it is not at all necessary to buy a finished product. It is quite possible to do it yourself, which is what will be discussed in this article.

Selecting size and shape

Floor vases can be different: tall, medium height and width, large and moderate in size. The parameters of a floor vase depend on a number of factors. One of the key ones is the design of the surrounding space. For example, the dimensions may depend on the footage of a particular room, because the smaller it is, the smaller the vase itself should be. If you do not take this fact into account, the accessory may look too bulky in the interior, thereby disrupting the visual balance.

The height of the product can vary from 40 to 90 cm. It is selected paying attention to the height of the walls and the spaciousness of the room, since an accessory that is too tall can visually make the height of the walls smaller, which is unacceptable. The width is selected based on your own preferences, as well as the mold available for production. In addition, it may depend on the chosen style, which should coincide with the interior design.

The shape of a floor vase can be conventionally round, square, or triangular. Each type has its own nuances, for example, the rounded shape is considered the most harmonious for blending into different stylistic directions of design. It can be made using bottles or even three- and five-liter glass jars. The papier-mâché technique is also suitable for this.

A square floor vase is good for modern interior compositions. The basic form for its manufacture can be an ordinary cardboard box. It is somewhat more difficult to make triangular-shaped options, since it is less common to choose such shapes. Products of this type are often made from improvised raw materials or various components (for example, newspaper tubes).

Manufacturing methods

You can make a floor vase with your own hands from waste material, improvised materials and even ordinary utensils. Craftsmen make such accessories not only from three-liter jars and papier-mâché, but also from plumbing pipes, plaster, twine, and linoleum. To make it stand out against the background of the interior, and also fit harmoniously into it, it is better for a beginner to choose the option of a symmetrical round shape to create. It is important to take into account: the product looks better against the general background if its shade does not match the color of the floor covering, furniture and wall cladding.

From a three-liter jar

This kind of work is notable for the fact that without drawing skills, it allows you to get a product with an imitation of artistic painting. In addition to the jar, to make a vase you will need napkins for decoupage, acrylic paints, brushes, twine and special glue, as well as the necessary decorating accessories (selected at will). The method of making such a floor vase consists of several successive steps:

  • the surface of the jar is degreased and coated with white acrylic paint;
  • after it dries, twine (or tape) is wound around the neck;
  • prepare decorative elements (cut out from napkins);
  • they are glued on, straightened with a brush, creating a pattern, ornament or other composition;
  • After they dry, transparent acrylic varnish is applied on top.

The decor in gold and bronze looks beautiful, and to create a vase like this, it is enough to use a contour gel and draw a simple design with it. If you cover the top of such a product with dark paint and spray gold in places with a sponge, such a vase will look expensive.

Out of a beautifully shaped box

Such vases look quite unusual in the interior; they are very impressive, but are suitable mainly for modern style, as well as landscape compositions. To make it you need a box (mold), plaster (cement), a container for forming the internal space and cling film to make it easier to remove the vase from the base:

  • gypsum is mixed with water until smooth, achieving the consistency of thick sour cream;
  • it is poured into the box in a small layer;
  • a smaller container is placed inside, placing it in the center;
  • add the mixture to the desired level;
  • when the composition is completely dry, the vase is removed from the mold;
  • processed with fine sandpaper and decorated.

If you want to add a design to such a product, you can do this using spray paint and lace braid. The braid is tightly attached to the base, and paint is sprayed on top of it. If you want more chic, you can add a little silver or gold by applying it with a sponge.

From a plumbing pipe

For such a product, sometimes not only the usual improvised materials are used, but even nylon stockings and knitted fabrics. The design of the future vase depends on the type of product itself, its material and shape. Options with kinks are more suitable for decorating landscapes and cottages. Products with a straight cylindrical shape are relevant for city apartments.

The best materials suitable for the job are plastic and metal plumbing pipes. They can be pasted over with various decors (including even cereals), or they can be given a relief pattern. For example, you can make a plastic trio from pipes of different heights by cutting their tops at an angle. The bottom of such vases is made of cardboard, although if desired and appropriate skills can be welded to metal.

You can put a nylon stocking on each pipe, forming folds. The surface is impregnated with glue and waited until it is completely dry. After the base has been created, they begin to decorate the vases, covering each of them with special paint in cans.

The color is chosen based on the color scheme of the specific room in which the accessory will be installed. All you have to do is add a little gilding or even glitter - and the unique decor is ready.

From a paper tube from linoleum

This product can be used for dry branches. Creating it is simple: you will need the pipe itself (you can buy it at a hardware store), twine or rope thread, some cardboard, a hot-melt gun with glue and a saw for cutting the pipe. The manufacturing method is as follows:

  • the required amount is cut from the pipe, having previously decided on the height of the vase;
  • take thick cardboard and, placing a pipe on it, trace it, and then cut out the bottom;
  • Having glued the bottom to the future vase, they decorate it using rope thread or twine;
  • thread is wrapped around the vase from bottom to top, gluing it to the base using hot glue (you can also use other adhesives);
  • Having tightly wrapped the product to the very top, cut the thread;
  • For stability, place a little paper or small stones inside.

Made from thick cardboard and cardboard tube

To create a Greek vase you will need old newspapers, a cardboard tube and several large boxes that you can get from the store. You will have to cut out the base of the vase from them, so it is advisable to take boxes of approximately the same size (there is no point in gluing them). This option for making a floor vase is more labor-intensive, but the appearance of the finished product will delight not only the owners of the house: such a product will be a rather bright and memorable accent of the interior. Such a masterpiece is created using the following technology:

  • correlate the height of the pipe, the desired height and the size of the existing boxes (everything should be the same);
  • cut out a vase template, trace the blanks along it, cut it out and fold it in half;
  • when there are enough of them, they paste over a cardboard tube (it looks like an accordion);
  • then they tear the newspapers into pieces, soak them in PVA glue and create the base of the vase, pasting it from bottom to top in several layers, trying to ensure that the shape is even;
  • after the newspaper, you can stick on several layers of toilet paper;
  • when it dries, the surface is covered with dark paint;
  • an ornament is drawn using contour gel or special contour paint;
  • You can cover the vase with another thin layer of paint, and then mark the relief pattern with bronze or gold paint.

To make a vase look expensive, you need to make it as carefully as possible, paying attention to the neck and bottom. When coating, it is important to paint them too; the lines of the design must be even, and when decorating, identical.

Decorating the finished product

Decorating a finished accessory will require knowledge of basic stylistic skills, without which it is difficult to make it appropriate in a particular interior. Today, fashion trends are aimed at a combination of conciseness and functionality. The decor should be minimal; it is important that, despite its apparent simplicity, the product looks status, impressive and professional, as if it had been purchased in an expensive store. Therefore, you need to approach the issue of decoration especially carefully.

Depending on the type of material used and the technique for making a floor vase, you can use the following to decorate it:

  • mosaics, including homemade ones made from multi-colored tiles and mirrors;
  • flat buttons of different sizes and shapes;
  • coins;
  • coarse salt;
  • cereals, sunflower and pumpkin seeds;
  • dry branches of different lengths and curvature;
  • cuttings of branches;
  • twine;
  • tree bark;
  • newspaper tubes;
  • stationery erasers;
  • bracelets made of beads on a rubber thread;

  • decorative fabric;
  • burlap;
  • kraft paper;
  • textiles with relief texture;
  • rope thread;
  • acrylic paints, including spray paints;
  • contour and stained glass paints;
  • shells of different shapes and sizes;
  • napkins for decoupage;
  • acrylic glue;
  • newspapers and magazines;
  • cardboard and white paper;
  • bamboo rods and wheat ears;
  • self-adhesive decor.

In the skillful hands of a stylist, even an ordinary glass jar or bottle can become a work of art. Moreover, as a rule, it does not take much time to decorate it. Someone simply puts a deep container inside the jar, and fills the entire internal space with small candies or even a variety of cereals, alternating them in layers. A more interesting solution is to put a knitted fabric (or even a cut sleeve from a knitted sweater) on a glass container. Thanks to such “clothing”, the product can bring a certain amount of home comfort to the interior.

What makes our home truly cozy? Of course, nice and stylish little things! Floor vases can become an important element that complements the design of your apartment or house.

And here's good news for you: you don't have to spend a lot of money on expensive designer new items. Floor vases can be made with your own hands, and from fairly ordinary raw materials!
Today you will learn how to make a beautiful floor vase from waste material with your own hands, easily and efficiently.

Ready to create? Then let's go!

DIY floor vase from a jar

Sometimes you can create the most unusual things from the simplest materials. Look at this vase, would you think that the basis for it was the familiar three-liter jars? That's the same!

Admit it, did you want one for yourself? Then take out your reserves of creative energy from your pockets and go ahead!

To create a floor vase from a three-liter jar you will need:

  • Two 3 liter jars;
  • One tea saucer;
  • One plastic container from canned food;
  • PVA glue;
  • Cardboard egg trays;
  • Silicone glue “liquid nails”;
  • Acrylic paint;
  • Decorative elements of your choice;

Stage No. 1

Let's create the base of our vase. To do this, take two jars, fasten the bottoms with silicone glue, and glue an upside-down saucer to the neck of one of the jars. It will serve as a stable leg for the future masterpiece.

Then we cut off a plastic container from canned food and attach it to the neck of the top can with glue.
Let it dry overnight.

Stage No. 2

During this period, we can soak pre-shredded cardboard egg trays in water until completely limp. After this, the cardboard should be squeezed out thoroughly and mixed with PVA glue until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
Apply the slurry to the base of our vase in an even layer.
Leave for two days.

Stage No. 3

After the workpiece is completely dry, level the texture with alabaster.

Stage No. 4

In this form, the vase is completely ready for the final stage of finishing - decoration. Use your own imagination or the tips we will give below.

DIY floor vase made from plastic bottles

Another chic option for waste-free use of garbage. Don't throw away plastic bottles, you can use them to create real masterpieces for your home!

A floor vase from plastic bottles can be made in different styles. For example, a regular five-liter bottle with a cut-off neck, wrapped in thin birch bark, can be an excellent option.

Idea: “Dress” a plastic bottle in a stylish “sweater”, crocheted or knitted. This know-how will pleasantly surprise guests and fill your home with comfort and warmth.

Floor vase made of cardboard and papier-mâché

Yes, you read that right, you can also make a stylish floor vase from cardboard. It can’t be distinguished from an expensive designer one, just believe me. And if you don’t believe it, see for yourself.

To create a floor vase from cardboard with your own hands you will need:

  • Cardboard tube (can be taken from under a linoleum roll);
  • Thin cardboard;
  • Hot melt adhesive;
  • Newspapers and egg trays for papier-mâché;
  • Polymer putty;
  • Fine sandpaper;
  • PVA glue;
  • Acrylic lacquer;

Stage No. 1

We attach the pipe to the cardboard base and draw a shape for the future vase. We make 30 identical templates and cut them out.

Stage No. 2

We glue the cardboard blanks to the pipe, distributing them evenly around the perimeter. Leave for several hours until completely dry.

Stage No. 3

We glue the base of the vase with pieces of newspaper sheets in several layers.

Attention: the layer of paper must be thick enough so that the voids are not visible during subsequent finishing.

Stage No. 4

Soak the egg trays in water, squeeze them out and mix them with PVA glue. Apply an even layer to the base and let dry.

Stage No. 5

Coat the vase with putty in an even layer. When the mass dries, smooth out the texture using sandpaper.

Stage No. 6

We decorate the vase. This can be easily done using spray paint of any color. On top you can finish it in the style of decoupage, stucco, or apply the ornament manually using acrylic paints.

Stage No. 7

Cover the surface with acrylic varnish and leave to dry.
That's all the tricks. DIY floor vase made from papier-mâché and cardboard is ready. Enjoy!

Floor vase made of pipe

Everything is quite simple here. If after renovation you still have unnecessary plastic or cardboard pipes at home, do not rush to throw them away, it is better to make a wonderful vase out of them.

A stylish DIY floor vase made from a pipe is easy, practical and beautiful.

Simply wrap a cardboard or plastic pipe in newspapers, securing them with PVA glue, paint them white with acrylic paint and decorate.

Idea: to decorate a floor vase made from a pipe, use old nylon stockings. Soak them in PVA, squeeze them thoroughly, and then put them on the prepared pipe. Distribute over the entire area, creating curly folds. Let the workpiece dry, and then paint and decorate to your liking.

DIY floor vase made from newspaper tubes

The now fashionable technique of weaving from paper wicker allows you to create lovely crafts from waste material.

In order to make a chic wicker floor vase with your own hands you will need:

  • Newspaper tubes (about 400 pieces);
  • PVA glue;
  • Scissors;

Stages of work:

  1. We make a 4x4 cross braid, then secure it with one tube around it. This will be the basis of our future vase. Next, we perform seven rows of regular circular weaving around the base, gradually spreading one tube at a time.
  2. After this, we begin to remove the walls of the vase, bending and weaving in the previously separated tubes. Moving up, we gradually expand the space of the product up to 22 rows inclusive.
  3. Then we weave about ten rows evenly without spreading, and coat the product with varnish.
  4. Then weaving continues, narrowing the rows and tilting the tubes inside the product until about 72 rows.
  5. We expand the neck of the vase over 12 rows and complete the weaving by creating sides in 3 rows. We cut off the remaining pipes.
  6. Cover the product with a thin layer of PVA and wait until it dries completely. Then comes the final finishing stage - varnishing. This should be done several times in a row.

DIY floor vase decor

There can be a lot of options for decorating a floor vase, the most trendy of them are: wrapping with twine, decorating with glitter, silicone glue, as well as good old decoupage.

Of course, the vase should be decorated in accordance with the style of the room; the method of its external decoration will depend on this.

Well, since we already have a beautiful vase ready, we can think about what to fill it with.

Please note that not all types of homemade masterpieces are suitable for living bouquets, which means we will also make flowers for floor vases with our own hands.

When creating an artificial bouquet, use the most common tree branches. It looks very beautiful and natural. At the same time, for greater harmony with the bouquet, an eco-style vase does not even need to be painted.
Attaching balls from leftover knitting threads to branches is an excellent and economical option for needlewomen.

In any case, DIY decorative branches for floor vases have not gone out of fashion for a long time. So feel free to use them to decorate your own home.

No matter how fashion changes, handicrafts are always in trend. Remember that you can create masterpieces of design art from the simplest and cheapest materials. The most important thing is imagination and a creative approach to business.
A DIY floor vase is easy, beautiful and stylish. Get creative and get inspired.

Good luck!

DIY floor vase: secrets, techniques and unexpected solutions updated: April 23, 2018 by: dekomin

If you have just recently made renovations at home, then there is always a heap of unnecessary garbage left and our advice: do not rush to throw it into the garbage chute, in this heap you can always stumble upon items that will be useful in inventing fakes - these can be various design details and different decorations for your home. Most often, unnecessary items are leftover pipes that no one needs, from which you can invent a wonderful designer vase. There are several methods for reproducing our vase.

So, first, let's look at the types of vases made from plastic pipes.


We will decorate with the help of unnecessary nylon stockings.

But before we use stockings, we'll take a look at creating a vase silhouette using plastic pipes. It would be great if these pipes were intended for sewerage. They are perfect in shape and material.

Now let's move on to the manual, which will describe the sequence of work and actions:

Composite decoration for a vase

The sequence of actions is practically no different from the first version of creating an invention, but there is still a slight difference and it lies in the fact that the decoration methods are different.

Now let's move on to the process of inventing a vase using this method:

  1. We put hosiery on the pipes, which we prepare in the same way as in the first option, on both sides so that there is a small empty gap in the middle of the pipe.
  2. We apply a small amount of PVA glue to this empty gap so that it is spread over the entire area.
  3. Now we pour any type of cereal onto this smeared gap, depending on your imagination.
  4. Let's wait until the glue hardens, and attach the pipe sections to each other and paint them in different colors, depending on your wishes.

At this stage we finish making the vase using cereal.

Making a vase from a metal alloy pipe

If you still have an unnecessary metal pipe, the edges of which are cut straight, then it will be useful for creating our craft. If the pipe has an edge, then it is perfect for us because there is no need to create a stand for the vase, it will be ready immediately.

Using this type of pipe, we will become familiar with the technique of creating it using sequential steps:

  1. To begin with, we will take a roll of ordinary cheap toilet paper and paste our pipe in a circle so that there are no empty spaces left. The formation of small folds is allowed.
  2. Now we need black paint, and with its help we paint the pipe in two layers to give it a natural look.
  3. Next, take powder with a powder effect and apply it with gentle movements over the black paint.
  4. For special beauty, you can decorate the vase with beads or beads.
  5. Using installation foam we create the bottom of our product. We do it this way: we put the craft on a plastic stand and we put the stream of foam in a vertical position. After waiting until the foam dries, you can paint the bottom with spray paint of any color.

Take note! We can embellish the edges of our beautiful vase using a welding device by welding them a little. The result will be beautiful metallic lace.

I hope you understand that you won’t be able to place fresh flowers in this type of vase as they require water, and you won’t be able to pour it into such a craft, but don’t be upset, it’s perfect for placing dried or non-living flowers of various types into it. In it they will look aesthetically pleasing and tasteful.

Making a vase from a cardboard product

If during the renovation you ordered the required amount of linoleum to your home, then note that a cardboard tube is placed inside each such roll so that it does not wrinkle or move apart. But for the end result,

you just need to show a little of your imagination.

Of course, decoration plays the main role in the design of a room. But at the same time, do not underestimate the importance of decor. After all, with its help you can focus on the chosen style, add comfort to a particular room, or simply fill an empty space. Home-made decorative items look especially original in the room. For example, large hand-made floor vases will help you show your individuality and sense of taste in decoration.

Floor vases: rules for selection and decor

Regardless of whether you purchase a finished product or want to make it yourself, it is important to clearly understand what style you need to adhere to. After all, the room should be as harmonious as possible. And this is achieved not only by the choice of furniture, but also by suitable decorative design.

If you adhere to minimalism, then the most successful solution would be a vase with laconic shapes and minimal decoration. As for the color scheme, it should be restrained. Classic white, black and red colors in this case will be the most suitable. However, if you purchased a transparent vase, then you should not be upset. After all, it can be painted with acrylic paints.

Not every person likes the classic style in the interior. But if you like it, then you probably know that the decor can be not only with a pattern, but also as laconic as possible. Therefore, choose a vase that will highlight your room or the house as a whole.

It is impossible not to mention the Art Nouveau style. This is a rather interesting direction that is becoming increasingly popular. In this case, you can safely choose a vase made of wood or with a metal finish. This design looks stunningly beautiful, but at the same time restrained.

Fans of the avant-garde know that this style presupposes the presence of unusually shaped objects in the room. Take a closer look at the original designer vases. Often, specialized stores offer similar options. If desired, you can even turn a simple glass vase into a decor that will fit perfectly into such a room. All you need to do is paint it with bright colors inside or outside. But in this case, you definitely need to leave it for a day until it dries completely.

DIY floor vase decor

Of course, floor vases differ from ordinary ones in their size. These are often quite large items. Therefore, making them yourself can be difficult. In this case, we recommend paying more attention to the decor. This requires no less effort and imagination. But rest assured that the result is really worth it.

Perhaps the easiest way to decorate a vase is to paint it with acrylic paints. For this you will also need varnish, brushes and tape or stencils. Before work, you must protect your work surface, so we recommend placing sheets of paper or newspaper on it. Only after this can you start working.

First you need to paint the vase white. This will create a background against which the design or decor will stand out much more clearly. If necessary, you can apply two or three layers. You also need to wait until it dries so as not to ruin all the coloring. Next, apply a stencil to the vase or glue it with tape in vertical lines. Paint the intermediate space with contrasting paint. Once the stencil or tape can be removed, you will get a truly stylish and original vase.

Recently, eco-decor has become quite popular. Absolutely anyone can decorate a vase in this style. To do this, you just need to prepare even cuts of branches. Sand them with sandpaper to avoid any roughness. After this, you need to glue them onto the vase in any order. Agree, the process is quite simple, but the result is worthwhile.

A rather unusual design of a floor vase always looks advantageous. In this case, we recommend using coins. Of course, you first need to prepare the vase. That is, paint it in a suitable shade and wait until it dries completely. Only after this can you proceed to the next stage. Using a small amount of hot glue, fix the coins on the surface of the vase, making small indentations.

In fact, you can use pieces of mirror, small pieces of wood, mosaics, shells and much more for this. It all depends on your imagination and willingness to experiment.

If you are looking for a simple option for decorating a vase, then use twine or a not too dense rope as decoration. Simply wrap it around the vase and secure it with glue. Despite the simplicity of execution, such products always attract attention and raise questions from guests.

Themed decor looks great during the cold season. To do this, you can use an unnecessary knitted sweater. Depending on the size of the vase, cut off the sleeve or another part of the sweater. If necessary, you can sew the parts together. The result is a very beautiful, cozy DIY decor for a floor vase.

By the way, it is not at all necessary to decorate the outside of the vase. Fill the transparent product with sand, shells, various twigs, pebbles or even beads, wine corks. Each of the options looks original in its own way. Often, sticks, artificial flowers or cotton sprigs are placed in such vases. You can also decorate the composition with a garland. In the winter season, this indoor decor looks amazingly beautiful.

Floor vase in the interior

Absolutely anyone can decorate a floor vase with their own hands. This does not require special skills, experience or knowledge. Get inspired by ideas, watch various master classes and be sure to try it. This is the only way to create something truly worthwhile.


The vessels, which originated in ancient times, were previously used for practical needs. Various liquids and products were stored in them. Previously used household items gradually turned into decorative elements that decorate the interior of many rooms. The main thing in the design of vases is not the painting or the material from which they are created (also an important fact), but their unique, original shape.

Vases are used as containers for placing flowers, but for these purposes you can use any other vessel. Therefore, its purpose is related to the impression it makes on others, how it combines with the style of the room, or stands out against the general background, drawing attention to itself. Recently, many people have become interested in handmade crafts; this practice has given rise to the development of objects and the emergence of new elegant forms. Non-standard materials are used in the work.

Size, shape and properties of the vase

A correctly selected vessel can complement the flowers installed in it, or it can itself become an interior decoration. It will create comfort and coziness in the house, will delight the household and their guests. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, it is necessary to take into account certain characteristics related to the dimensions, design, and features of the item.

An important parameter is the size of the decorative element. Its width is selected individually, depending on the preferences and tastes of the owner, and the functional load is also taken into account. For example, if the bouquet is heavy, and the vase is short and has a narrow neck, then there is a high probability that it will turn over, or the flowers will be cramped and they will dry out. The height is selected depending on the type of product. For large floor structures, its parameter varies between 40 cm - 100 cm, while for those installed on a table, window sill, cabinet, 20 cm - 40 cm is sufficient.

The shape of the vase can be very diverse - oval, curved, cylindrical, elongated, expanding upward, round, conical, rectangular, spherical, asymmetrical, flat. The required type of product is selected for a specific bouquet. For flowers with long shoots, tall structures with a rounded, cylindrical shape are suitable. A field set with short legs will look good in low products with a wide neck.

Vase made of glass bottles and methods of decoration

A homemade product has a number of advantages over purchased ceramic analogues. First of all, it is unique, a piece of the soul is put into it. Having decided to make the structure yourself, you need to decide on the material for the work. The simplest, and also waste, raw material will be glass containers. Minimal manipulations with it will allow you to create an original vase, while the investment of time and money will be insignificant. All you need to do is decorate the item, which can be done in different ways:

  • Decoupage. It involves transferring the finished design and coating it with varnish.
  • Drawing various patterns on glass.
  • Decorating the surface by gluing bulk substances (sand, crumbs, salt).
  • Wrapping an object with ribbons, twine, threads.
  • Pasting with napkins, using additional decorative elements.

For clarity, let’s look at a master class using the example of coloring glass containers:

  1. Let's prepare the bottle. Remove the label, wash and dry.
  2. For work, you can use different paints, both canned and in spray cans. Their colors are optional. It is better to use acrylic aerosol options, since after painting with a brush, streaks remain.
  3. Apply the first layer and wait until it dries. Let's move on to the second one.
  4. To prevent the object from looking monotonous, we paint it with patterns. If you don’t have drawing skills, you can use special stencils.
  5. To give the surface a shine, apply several layers of varnish over the paint.

It is better to paint in the fresh air; in an apartment you can go out onto the balcony, in a private house - into the courtyard. Thereby protecting yourself and your loved ones from unpleasant odors and allergic reactions of the body.

If the vase is created not only for decoration, but is planned for practical use, in this case it is necessary to remove the neck of the bottle. To do this, we will use a simple safe method, which is as follows:

  • We mark a point on the container, preferably at the narrowing point towards the neck. Draw a line in a circle.
  • We take a ball of woolen thread, unwind it to half a meter of yarn, and soak it in a solvent.
  • Fill a bucket or basin with cold water.
  • We wrap the bottle around the mark in three layers and set the thread on fire.
  • After the yarn has completely burned out, immediately lower the item into a container with liquid. Due to temperature changes, the glass will burst along the marking line.
  • Clean sharp edges with sandpaper.
  • The finished product can only be decorated using any of the above methods.

Vases made from plastic bottles

In every home there is a plastic container left over from drinking a drink, milk, or hygiene products. You should not throw away these items, which are already overflowing landfills, city streets, and towns. This is an excellent material at hand for creating a variety of crafts. They can be reused to store liquids by simply removing the top or bottom and placing the bouquet inside. But in order for this item to turn into a vase, you cannot do without decorating it, which can be done in different ways. Let's take a step-by-step look at one of them, made using the decoupage technique.

Before starting work, we prepare the necessary tools and materials, namely: napkins for decoupage, glue, plastic containers, rope, satin ribbon. Let's get started:

  • Cut off the top of the bottle.
  • Coat the rest of the container with glue and wrap it with selected napkins with a pattern.
  • We cover the surface with varnish.
  • Use a hole punch to make a hole in the top.
  • We fasten the rope.
  • We glue a braid along the top edge, which will not only decorate the product, but also disguise holes and knots.

Making a vase from glass jars

Making a project is easy. There is no need to cut anything here, just apply the ornament, paint it, and wrap it with twine. At the same time, material for work can be found in every home. With the help of ingenuity and skillful decoration, ordinary jars of different sizes will be transformed into a magnificent object that will decorate the interior. Let's make a vase with our own hands from a glass jar and twigs; for this you will need the following components:

  • liter container;
  • a piece of fabric for wrapping;
  • twine;
  • branches;
  • glue.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. We clean the surface of the glass jar, rinse it with warm soapy water, wait until it dries.
  2. We prepare the branches. We cut them so that they are the same length, preferably so that they are higher than the container used.
  3. We take burlap or other coarse fabric, wrap the surface of our base, and fix it with glue.
  4. We lay out the branches in one row and tie them together with twine on both sides, stepping back a couple of centimeters from each tip.
  5. We attach the finished rug to the jar with the same thread to make the structure stronger, and glue the branches to the fabric.
  6. We place a couple of small stones at the bottom of the finished product, this will ensure the stability of the craft.

Cement vases

Building materials can be used not only for the construction of houses, decoration, but also for decoration. It makes stylish flowerpots and flower vases. Larger products are installed outdoors, while smaller ones will look great indoors. They can be cast, sculpted with or without a mold, using a plasticizer, or not using polymer additives. Let's consider a master class on creating a product for the home, using the example of an object cast in cardboard molds:

  1. We begin production by preparing templates. You can use standard boxes for gifts, perfumes, and small household items. Cut it out of thick paper and glue it into a custom shape.
  2. Having decided on the type of future product, we begin to create a stencil. For small items it can be printed on a standard A4 or A3 sheet.
  3. We cut out the blanks and glue the figure.
  4. We prepare the concrete mixture. Mix cement with sand at a ratio of 1 to 2. To increase the strength and fluidity of the solution, add a plasticizer 0.05% by weight of the cement. Gradually pour water into the mixture, bringing it to the consistency of thick sour cream.
  5. We pour the solution into the mold; to obtain an empty cavity, we insert a candle, a plastic pipe, a test tube, or a thin bottle into the middle of the template.
  6. We leave the concrete figure to dry for a couple of days. Then remove the cardboard. If there are any imperfections or irregularities, we correct them with sandpaper or a knife.
  7. The craft can be left as is, or decorated with paint, ribbons, shells, stone chips, and mosaics.

Plaster vases

Along with cement, gypsum is a malleable material. Any design can be made from it. Plaster models will look original and stylish, decorate the interior, and make an excellent gift. There are different techniques for creating crafts. Let's analyze the master class, using a two-liter plastic bottle as a template:

  1. We prepare the workplace. Cover the table, floor, or other surface with oilcloth.
  2. Add water to the gypsum mixture and stir to the required consistency. We spread the solution on the table in the shape of a circle, and place a plastic bottle on top in the center. At the first stage, you can use alabaster, however, due to the lack of impurities, it sets instantly, but its price is an order of magnitude lower.
  3. We begin to apply the solution to the surface of the template until it begins to narrow towards the neck.
  4. Take a bandage and wrap the sealed part of the bottle. Next, wait for half an hour until the mixture dries. Remove the plastic bottle.
  5. We dilute a new portion of gypsum putty. We begin to form the base of the vase. We apply several layers of the solution, wrapping each layer with gauze.
  6. When the base is ready, move on to the top. To do this, we will cut a 1.5-liter plastic bottle, or use a jar of the appropriate size; their height should be a third, maximum half, of the main template. We combine the workpiece with the lower part and follow the same procedures for applying the solution. We coat the joint well and make several layers.
  7. When the product has acquired its characteristic shape, give it time to dry. To do this, we send it to dry in a warm place for a day.
  8. After complete drying, we clean the craft with sandpaper.
  9. Let's start with the decor. You can paint with acrylic paints, do artistic painting, stick a photo, or make 3D decoupage.

The design is not intended for liquids. Serves exclusively for decorative purposes; only dried flowers can be placed in it.

Vases made from metal cans

Waste materials such as cans always end up in the trash. However, they can find other uses. They can become the basis for an original vase. Let's see this using a simple master class:

  1. Take a liter tin can.
  2. Paint the outer surface with acrylic paint white.
  3. We prepare the decor (glass, plastic multi-colored pebbles).
  4. Using a glue gun, we fix the decorations in a chaotic manner.
  5. We paint the gaps to match the decorative elements.

Wicker vases made from newspaper tubes

Needlework for weaving from newspapers is very popular. This type of creativity does not require serious expenses and is accessible to everyone. The result of the work will delight the eyes of household members and guests. There are several ways to create a vase with your own hands; it can be woven using the regular or spiral method. The second option has a beautiful pattern; using its example, let’s look at the step-by-step instructions:

  1. We prepare tubes from newspapers. To do this, we cut the newspaper into pieces, their width should be 7-10 cm, length - up to 40 cm. Then we wind the blanks onto a knitting needle diagonally, gluing the edges. The main condition is that the material used must not be wrinkled or old.
  2. Let's get to work. First we need a template; you can use a regular plastic bottle. The process begins with the formation of the bottom. To do this, take three tubes and place them on the surface like an asterisk so that they divide each other in half in the center.
  3. We set a template in the center of the intersection and begin to braid it. We take one end of the tube, wrap it, and put it on the next one. We also wrap the second one and cover the next two ones with it. We repeat these steps, building up the tubes in the process. Having reached the top, remove the plastic bottle.
  4. We paint the craft with spray paint, you can glue a satin ribbon, add an artificial flower, stick on pebbles.

Papier-mâché vases

This art allows you to make dummies. The frame of the product, made of glue-impregnated paper, looks fragile, but it is possible to create a fairly functional craft. If you do not remove the base, for example, a glass bottle, then the vessel can be filled with water and bouquets can be placed inside. Consider the following technique for creating a structure:

  1. Wrap the surface of the selected shape with cling film.
  2. We dilute PVA glue in water at the rate of 1 to 3.
  3. We tear the newspaper into many small pieces and separately make long rectangular pieces.
  4. We dip long pieces in the adhesive solution, form the first layer, let it dry a little and proceed to the second. The more layers the better, there should be more than eight of them. After completing the work, place the craft in a warm place and wait until it dries completely.
  5. After drying, remove the template. We cover the inner and outer surfaces of the structure with white paper.
  6. Cover the resulting base with a layer of paint.
  7. Let's start decorating. For decoration, you can use a knitted cover, wrap the surface in a circle with threads and ribbons. Beads, stone shavings, polystyrene foam, old coins, CDs broken into small pieces will also look great. If you wish and have the skills to work with polymer clay, you can create entire compositions.

Wood for making vases

A craft made from natural material will be an excellent decoration for any interior. You can use ordinary branches, boards, and logs as raw materials. There are also many ways to decorate, for example, wood carving, painting, adding forged elements. Let's look at two different master classes on creating original wooden products.

Rectangular vase made of boards:

Not everyone has a lathe and special wood saws on hand to create complex structures. Therefore, let’s consider a craft that everyone can do.

  1. We take a standard board with a minimum width and thickness of 100 x 25 mm. Cut four pieces of equal length. For the base you need a square piece from a 150x40 board.
  2. We fold the boards into a rectangle, glue the joints with PVA, and additionally secure them with screws.
  3. We secure the base in the same way.
  4. We treat the seams with mastic and paint the product.
  5. After drying, decorate the craft. To do this, we use beads, glass, ribbons, and other decorations.

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