Larisa Lukanskaya
Scenario of the military sports festival “Zarnitsa” at a preschool educational institution

Scenario of a military sports festival« Zarnitsa»

On signal (fanfare sounds)- gathering of troops (groups) for the ceremonial formation.

Leading: Hello, dear children and distinguished guests! Today we celebrate a wonderful holiday"Defender of the Fatherland Day". On this day we congratulate everyone military, as well as all men and boys - former and future soldiers - Defenders of the Motherland.

Our Army Day today

There is no one stronger than her in the world

Hello defenders of the people

Russian Army.

All: Hello!

The trumpets sing loudly

Our Army

All: Firework!

Child 1: So that under the sun there is peace

We lived with you

Russian Army

Protects peace!

Child 2: Planes in the sky

Ships at sea

Guard the borders

Our entire land!

Child 3: Who wants to become a soldier?

He, of course, should know -

You need to be brave and strong

Don't get lost!

Don't be shy!

Don't be afraid and don't whine!

Child 4: The border guard won’t whine!

And the rocket scientist won’t whine!

Even if it falls

And he'll break his knee!

Because bruises-

Nothing for a soldier!

Child 5: We are still preschoolers

And we walk like soldiers

We will serve in the Army

Let's protect the Motherland!

So that we always have

It's good to live in the world!

Child 6: The years will fly by quickly

Let's serve in the Army!

We will be like our dads

Wear a new uniform!

Leading: In honor holiday"Defender of the Fatherland Day" today we are holding

military sports game« Zarnitsa» . Let's shout loud: Hooray!

Leading:The floor is given to our students. Introduce your teams!

Presentation of commands. (Representation of various branches of the military, demonstration military uniform).

Leading: Well done! Now let's check your commands in action! I invite commanders to come to me! (Team commanders come out). Now the commander will receive a route map and your squad must follow the given route. At each stage you will complete a task and for this you will receive a bright stripe. This means you completed the task. You must deliver all colored strips to our headquarters.

The commanders come up for the route sheets and begin to follow the given route.

Stage 1- "Crossing". Two adults must drag children with clasped hands to the designated line.

Stage 2 – "Firing line". From the designated line, children throw balls into buckets buried in the snow. (Two or three buckets are used, all children participate).

Stage 3 – "Field hospital". At this stage "nurses" provide medical care to the wounded. (6 nurses and 3 wounded are participating, 2 nurses for each wounded).

Stage 4 – "Intelligence". At this stage "scouts" must crawl under "prickly" wire, take the pin and return with it. Each point has a letter written on it. When the children have collected all the skittles, they must use them to make words: 1 group - word "Motherland", 2nd group-word "Russia", 3rd group - word "Moscow". (6 people participate, 2 or 3 people in a group or one person at a time).

Stage 5 - "Minefield". At this stage "sappers" use shovels to dig out balls in the snow (mines). (6 people participate, 20 balls to bury in the snow).

Stage 6 – "Signalmen". At this stage "signalmen" lay the cable and check communication with headquarters. "Signalmen" unwind the cable (a thin rope wound on a round stick and tied at one end to a peg, moving towards the telephone, which is located at a distance of 5-7 meters. As soon as the communication line is laid, the signalmen pick up the telephone receiver. Then they roll up the cable. (4 people participate, 2 first, 2 later).

Stage 7 – "Battlefield"- Obstacle course. (All children participate).

At the first 6 stages, the squad leader receives a colored strip, which must be saved and then delivered to headquarters.

In the middle of completing stages military An urgent telegram will be delivered to each detachment by mail, in which there will be instructions to urgently report to a given object. (The object will be marked with the Russian flag).

Upon arrival at a given object, the squads are formed.

Leading: Unit commanders take a step forward and report the arrival of the team.

Commander: Team «.» arrived at the place. (All commanders report upon arrival at the scene).

Leading: Now I will test your knowledge and your combat ingenuity.

(The presenter asks questions on military theme, children answer).

Soldier's battle cry? (Hooray)

The room where soldiers live? (Barracks)

Tankman's headdress? (Helmet)

Explosive projectile? (Grenade)

- Military battle(Fight)

What is the name of the kitchen on the ship? (Galley)

What to wear military on the shoulders? (Epaulettes)

What does a commander give to his subordinates? (Order).

Leading: Now let’s check the combat readiness of our dads.

Task for dads:

1. Strength relay race (dads do push-ups, abdominal exercises, etc.)

2. Obstacle course.

3. Relay "Snipers"(The child, sitting on his dad’s shoulders, must hit the target with a ball or ball).

Leading: And now we return to our original positions.

Having passed all the tests and received 6 colored stripes, the units return to headquarters and complete tasks with stripes. Then they are built into place.

Leading: It's come to an end military sports game« Zarnitsa» . The teams coped with all the tasks perfectly. You have shown yourself not only to be dexterous, strong, brave, fast, but also friendly, able to be a united team.

Team awards.

Publications on the topic:

Scenario of the military sports game “Zarnitsa” with children of senior preschool age Goal: To instill in preschoolers the spirit of readiness to defend.

Scenario for the military-patriotic game "Zarnitsa" Elena Lits Goal: to form military-patriotic feelings based on impressions.

Scenario of the military sports festival “Zarnitsa” for children of the senior and preparatory groups Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 17 of a combined type" Military sports game scenario.

Military sports game “Zarnitsa”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War. Authors: Zolotarenko Marina Vladimirovna, Avisova Nadezhda.

Scenario of military sports leisure dedicated to the celebration of February 23 at a preschool educational institution (senior preschool age)

Scenario of the military sports game “Zarnitsa”

Target:patriotic education of children.

Tasks:acquaintance with military specialties, branches of the military; educating preschool children in the spirit of readiness to defend the Motherland; the formation of camaraderie and friendship, collectivism, will, courage, resourcefulness, endurance.

Attributes and equipment : gymnastic sticks, cubes, envelopes, snowballs - “grenades”, first aid kit, flag, hoops, barriers, “tank”, visual material, audio cassettes with recordings of marches and war songs.

Attributes for each group : squad emblems, squad motto, nurses' clothing items, route sheet.

Preliminary work: creation of a group for the preparation and conduct of the military sports game “Zarnitsa”; the formation of detachments from children of senior and preparatory groups, with the appointment of commanders, artillerymen, sappers, nurses; conducting classes on military topics; production of attributes for the military sports game “Zarnitsa”.

Progress of the game

Marching music sounds, children of senior and preparatory groups, under the leadership of the squad leader, gather on the site, line up along the perimeter of the site, and the commander-in-chief of the military sports game “Zarnitsa” comes out.

Commander-in-Chief: I wish you good health, young army members!

Children: Hello!

Commander-in-Chief: Parade to attention! Head to the flag!

Carrying out the flag.

Leading:The volleys of war have long died down

There is a peaceful sky above us.

People work calmly. You children live in peacetime. This is happiness gained in harsh battles and battles. Our peace is guarded by our glorious Army.

Lightning game We dedicate it to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland.

Word to the head of the MDOU Abetova M.S.

Commander-in-Chief: Squads, match up! Attention! Get ready to introduce the teams.

The units are introduced: name and motto.

Tankers: We are brave tankers,

Friendly, skillful.

We will serve in the Army,

Let's protect the Motherland!

Sailors: We are strong for each other,

This is our maritime custom.

Greet every morning with a smile,

If a friend is in trouble, help him out!

Commander-in-Chief: Parade, right and left! Step, march!

Children parade to the song “My Army.” Rearranged into columns.

Commander-in-Chief: Comrades, Young Army members, today an emergency occurred in the kindergarten: a flag was stolen. Your task is to find the flag and deliver it to headquarters. The task is very difficult; you will need to overcome many obstacles. Are you ready to carry out a combat mission?

Children: Ready!

Commander-in-Chief: To complete this task, you will need to use a plan where an arrow indicates your movement along the route. The squad that finds the flag must quickly return to headquarters and report on the completion of the task. Is the task clear?

Unit commanders receive a route plan.

The commanders approach the commander-in-chief and take route sheets.

Your actions will be monitored by members of the jury and guests.

Commander-in-Chief: Start the task! Parade, right and left! Step, march!

Children parade to the song “My Army.” Rearranged into columns.

The squads get acquainted with the route sheets, determine the place from which they need to start completing the task, begin their route, performing one task after another.

Stage 1: relay race “Pass an urgent message”: run a snake back and forth with a postal package.

Stage 2: obstacle course "Minefield": with the help of gymnastic sticks, children in the snow must find buried cubes and pull them out.

Stage 3:“Sharp Shooter” competition: children must use grenades (snowballs) to hit the tank.

Stage 4: competition “Providing first aid to the wounded”: bandage the wounded, transport him on a sled to his team (1 wounded, 1 nurse, 2 transported).

Stage 5: answer questions on military topics.

1. A turtle crawls, 2. He hums and draws with chalk

Steel shirt. He paints white-white

The enemy is in the ravine On paper, blue

And she is where the enemy is. ( tank) He draws himself, sings himself

What is this ( airplane)

3. The buckle sparkles on the belt 4. And the sailor’s cap

And it shines from afar It doesn’t have a visor

Striped shirt Called a cap -

Called ( vest) (sailor's cap)

Stage 6: obstacle course “Labyrinth”: stepping over barriers, climbing through hoops, running around a stoic snake.

Stage 7:"Tug of War"

Stage 8:determine the location of the flag on the route sheet, find it and bring it to headquarters.

When the flag is found, all units gather on the site again. The jury sums up the results.

Commander-in-Chief: Squads, stand at attention! Comrades, Youth Army members, the task has been completed - the flag has been found and returned to headquarters. Thanks for your service.

Children: Hooray!

Commander-in-Chief: I want to express my gratitude to you for participating in today’s game “Zarnitsa” and reward the squad that was the first to find the flag and all the participants in the game. The squad that wins today's game is awarded.

The squad is awarded in the nominations “The most resourceful”, “The most friendly”, “The most courageous”. (?)

Leading:What is the most powerful weapon on earth?

Children: World!

Leading:Soldiers defended the world

They gave their lives for us

Let's keep it in our hearts

Bright memory

About them!

Leading:Along the road, thundering,

The regimental kitchen is on its way

Cook in a white cap

With a ladle in hand

He's bringing a sumptuous lunch

Soup with a samovar pipe.

Leading:All participants in the game and guests are invited to the clearing:

"Field kitchen"

(the cook treats him to porridge and tea)

Children leave the playground to the music.

The first part of the event takes place in the music hall. To the sounds of a solemn march, the children enter the hall.

Leading. Guys, today is the most wonderful holiday - Victory Day. This holiday is celebrated not only by our entire country, all the people of Russia, but also by the whole world, all of humanity. After all, it was on this day, May 9, 1945, that the most terrible, bloodiest war ended.

Children are invited to the presentation “Victory Day” with musical accompaniment.

Leading. What is Victory Day?

This is the morning parade:

Tanks and missiles are coming,

A line of soldiers is marching.

Leading. What is Victory Day?

This is a festive fireworks display.

Fireworks fly into the sky

Scattering here and there.

Leading. What is Victory Day?

These are songs at the table,

These are speeches and conversations.

This is my grandfather's album.

These are fruits and sweets,

These are the smells of spring...

Leading. What is Victory Day?

This means no war.

Leading. The war lasted 1418 days. How much grief and tears she brought! It took millions of lives all over the earth - both adults and children - forever. Thousands of cities and villages remained destroyed.

Let us honor the memory of those who fell in the Great Patriotic War with a minute of silence.

A minute of silence.

Commander-in-Chief: Parade to attention! Head to the flag! Hello, fellow fighters! Today we have gathered to congratulate everyone on one of the greatest holidays in our country, Victory Day! The salvos of war have long since died down. There is a peaceful sky above us. People work calmly. You children live in peacetime. This is happiness obtained in harsh battles and battles by our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. Our peace is guarded by our glorious Army. We dedicate the lightning game to Victory Day!
Commander-in-Chief: Comrade soldiers, secret documents were left in the designated place on the territory of the kindergarten. The task is to find a package with documents, a route sheet is attached to help, only after overcoming all the obstacles can you get to the secret package. The package of documents must be submitted to the General Staff. Start completing the task.

Tasks for teams

1 "Ammunition Delivery"(skittles in basket)

Soldiers, your task is to transport the shells here one at a time as quickly as possible.

2 "Helping the Wounded"(bandages according to the number of children)

Soldiers, while preparing shells, some of our comrades were wounded, you need to help your wounded comrade. One by one, the children run to the doctor for a bandage.

3 "Knock down the enemy missile"(3 rockets, balls)

There are three enemy missiles in front of you; you need to knock them out with prepared shells. Children shoot in turns of three from a landmark.

4 "Crawl under the barbed wire"(string)

Soldiers, your task is to get through the front line. There is an alarm on the wire. If you touch it, the bell will ring and you will be captured. Your task is to crawl under the “barbed wire” or step over it without getting hurt.

5 “There are no difficult tasks for a soldier”

At this stage, you need to guess all the riddles correctly, only after that we can proceed with the further completion of the task.

He flies on an airplane
He protects our country.
He carries out the order:
Protecting us from the sky. (Pilot)

Peak cap and vest,
Ribbons curl behind your back.
Goes to sea for six months,
Did you find out who he is? (Sailor)

Caterpillars, tower, cannon,
The hatch is open at the top.
That car in the open field
Operated by...(Tankman)

Will replace the robot-machine -
He will defuse a bomb or a mine himself.
Shouldn't be wrong at all
To stay alive later. (Sapper)

Who's at the border guys?
He guards our land,
To work and study
Could our people calmly? (Border Guard)

Miracle bird, scarlet tail,
Arrived in a flock of stars.
Our people built this
Interplanetary... (Rocket)

6 “Clear the field”(sandbags and buckets)

Comrade fighters, you need to clear the field. Collect all neutralized mines in a bucket.

7. Sapper. Before you begin the task, answer my questions. What does a soldier take with him on a campaign? If this thing is needed, clap your hands; if not, stomp your feet.

Attention game "Soldier's Bag"

  1. Matryoshka.

  2. Rattle.

  3. Accordion.


8. "Search for the Secret Package"(envelope with holiday symbols)

Comrade fighters, you have overcome all obstacles with honor and we have one task left, to find the secret package. You are given 3 minutes to search the territory of your site. Once you find the package you need to deliver it to me.

(When the children find the envelope, they find congratulations on Victory Day from the General Staff of the Russian Army, medals for excellent combat training and candy.)

Commander-in-Chief: Fighters, form in one line! You did an excellent job with the headquarters task. All documents will be delivered to headquarters. Now let's open the envelope.

Commander-in-Chief: The General Staff of the Russian Army congratulates you on Victory Day!

Children: Hurray! Hooray! Hooray!

Commander-in-Chief: In honor of the Victory Day, and for excellent combat training, the detachment is awarded medals.

Children: Hurray! Hooray! Hooray!

Commander-in-Chief: After the battle, during wartime, soldiers made a fire, warmed themselves by the fire, wrote letters and sang songs. We will also organize a stop and drink tea with sweets. (At the stop, the children sit down, sing a song, listen to wartime music, and then go to the group)

Scenario of a military sports game for preschool children

Description: I offer a winter version of the military sports game “Zarnitsa” for children in the pre-school group. This scenario will be useful for teachers of senior and preparatory groups and physical education instructors.

Target:- formation of patriotic feelings in preschoolers.
- educational: introduce military specialties, branches of the military;
- developing: develop strength, agility, speed, coordination of movements, endurance.
- educational: to cultivate in children the qualities necessary for the future defender of the Motherland, a sense of mutual assistance, endurance, resourcefulness, courage, perseverance.
Equipment: Russian flag; cones – 8 pcs.; basket; plastic balls (according to the number of participants); cardboard silhouette of a tank – 2 pcs.; skittles - 3 pcs. for throwing and 15-20 pcs. for marking ski tracks; skis - 11 pairs; 3 envelopes with a plan for each team; 3 envelopes with a task at the “Scouts” stage; arrows – 15 pcs.; cards with letters - “Russia”, “Motherland”, “Victory”; team emblems; prizes.
Preliminary work: creation of a group to prepare and conduct the game “Zarnitsa”; formation of teams from children of the preparatory group, with the appointment of commanders; conducting classes on military topics; production of attributes.
Participants: children of the preparatory group for school, teachers.
To the sound of marching music, children walk around the edge of the playground and line up in a “P” formation.

Leading: Attention! Be equal! Attention!
Commanding: I wish you good health, comrade fighters!
Children: Hello!
Commanding: On June 22, 1941, the Nazis attacked our Motherland, and the Great Patriotic War began. The entire Soviet people rose up to fight against the enemy. Courage, heroism and love for the Motherland helped our soldiers defeat the Nazis. Today we are holding a war game "Zarnitsa". You are the future defenders of our Motherland - Russia. Defenders must be strong, brave, dexterous, smart.
Brave - so as not to be afraid of the enemy, strong - to defeat him, dexterous - to cope with difficulties, and smart - to handle weapons correctly. Congratulations on the start of the military sports game “Zarnitsa”. Hooray!
Children: Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
Commanding: Fighters, first you need to introduce your teams.
Brave pilots are flying in the sky,
They will defeat any enemy.
Our tank will always go everywhere,
Tankers strive only for victory.
Border guards:
We protect the borders
And we don’t let the enemy through.

Leading: Guys, now we are going to play a warm-up game called “Combat Alert”.
On the command “At ease” you run in all directions, and on the command “Alarm” you stand in your place (2 times)
Commanding: Soldiers, you have to pass difficult tests. After completing each task, the teams will receive one letter; at the end of the game, the team captains will make up words that are related to our game today. Commanders come and get combat packages!
The commanders come up, take the package with the task, and return to their places.
Leading: I will explain to you how to complete the tasks correctly. In your envelopes there is a card with the stage numbers. At the signal, the team with the instructor runs to the stage indicated first on the card. At each stage, the instructor will explain the task to you. For a completed task, the team receives a letter. Then the whole team runs to the next stage. Having completed all tasks, the teams return to the site. We wish everyone good luck!
Commanding: Teams to begin the task! Ready, attention, march!
Children leave the playground in their own stages.
1."Knock down the tank"- Goal: to hit the tank, which is located on the field from a distance of 3m, with “shells” - pins (3 pieces). Rules of the game: You cannot step over the line.
After completing the task, team captains receive a letter.

2."Transport the wounded man on a sled"- in pairs, transport each other on a sled to a landmark. After completing the task, team captains receive a letter.

3."Ski march". Children put on skis and independently walk along the track in a small circle. After completing the task, team captains receive a letter.

4."Halt". Riddles about military professions and military equipment. After completing the task, team captains receive a letter.
Goal: children must find white plastic balls scattered in the snow. Participants, one by one, “snake” the cones into the minefield, take the “mine” and carefully carry it into the basket. Only in this case the mine is considered neutralized. Rules of the game: if a child drops a “mine,” then it is considered to “explode.” After completing the task, team captains receive a letter.

6."Scouts". The teams are given a task - follow the arrows, find the package and repeat the proverb. After completing the task, team captains receive a letter.

General fee. Squads line up in the letter “P”
Commanding: Guys, you completed all the tasks and collected the letters. Team captains collect letters and pronounce the words “Motherland”, “Russia”, “Victory”. The team that composed the word first is given a plan of the area, on which the place where the prize is hidden is marked.
Commanding: Our “Zarnitsa” has come to an end. All the guys coped with the task of the game perfectly. You have shown yourself to be not only dexterous, strong, brave, fast, but also friendly, able to be a single team. For demonstrated dexterity, courage, mutual assistance, and friendship, teams are awarded gifts.

Leading: The motto of the game "Zarnitsa":
In order to serve the Motherland, you must be strong, brave, and smart!

Goal: To promote the preservation and strengthening of traditions associated with the patriotic education of schoolchildren in the framework of military sports games.

  • Formation of quick reaction skills in children in non-standard situations. (civil defense skills)
  • Teaching schoolchildren how to provide first aid in an emergency.
  • Development and strengthening of physical fitness of schoolchildren.

Conditions and requirements for participants

The military sports game “Zarnitsa” is held for students of the MBOU “Gustomoisk Secondary School” on the school grounds in the village. Thick.

To participate in the school, 2 teams of 16 people each were formed. Children from grades 2 to 8 + class teachers take part in the game. Dress requirements: closed shoes appropriate to the time of year (sneakers, boots).

The main stages of the game and their contents

The game is built in the form of a military sports relay race, where teams move along the track, the route of which is indicated on the map. There are checkpoints along the route - checkpoints. At the control point there is a leader of the stage, who reports the content of the stage and records the correctness of its implementation. The mediator records the completion of the stage on the route sheet.


Participants in the military sports game “Zarnitsa” line up in front of the main entrance to the school to the sounds of a ceremonial march. Congratulatory words from the school principal invited to “Zarnitsa.

From history: During the Cold War in the USSR, military-patriotic education of the younger generation was carried out in schools. Song and formation parades, paramilitary games, military lessons, and military sports camps were organized annually.

Stage 1. “Search for a map”(Vetchinov N.V.)

3 scouts from each team search for hidden packages in azimuth. Their goal is to find a package with encryption and, returning to the team’s location, solve it according to the code by the number of the letter of the alphabet (1-A, 2-B, ..., 33-I). If everything is done correctly, the team receives a route map.

The Russian alphabet is numbered (numbered) in order.
A 1 B 2 B 3 G 4 D 5 E 6 Yo 7
F 8 Z 9 And 10 J 11 K 12 L 13 M 14
N 15 O 16 P 17 R 18 From 19 T 20 U 21
F 22 X 23 Ts 24 Ch 25 Ш 26 Shch 27 b 28
S 29 b 30 E 31 Yu 32 I'm 33

Stage 2. Tourist all-around “One for all, all for one”(Voskov A.A.)

( time and correctness of the stage )

  • crossing on a log;
  • overcoming a ditch;
  • overcoming the “swamp” over bumps;
  • cobweb - each participant in turn crawls along an area of ​​6 meters on their bellies under taut ropes.
  • 60 meter run with backpacks
  • tying tourist knots (straight, counter, figure eight, grasping)
  • tug of war
  • setting up a camping tent

Stage 3. "Sharp Shooter"(Latkina L.V.)

Shooting from an air rifle, standing at targets No. 6, / distance 8 -10 m. It is estimated by the arithmetic average of the points scored.

Stage 4. “Topography”

The whole team takes part. Participants are given a map with topographical signs. In a certain time you need to write their name.

Stage 5. “Ammunition carriers”(Voskova L.M.)

The starting line and 45 m from it are marked with flags on the field. For this stage, 2 “cartridge” boxes weighing 8 kg each were prepared in advance. A group of 4 people competes from each division. 1 gr. drags a “cartridge” box of 15 m, then they are replaced by 2 gr. /15m/, then the third. The first team to get the “ammunition” to the finish line wins. For violating the rules, participants are penalized with points.

Stage 6. “Chemical attack”(Nesinova M.V.)

The competition begins with putting on gas masks. Each participant has a gas mask with him. Next, the command “Attention, gases” is given and, having put on gas masks, team members take turns running to a flag located at a distance of 15 meters and returning to pass the baton to the next team member.

Stage 7. “Sanitary posts”(Gorchenko I.V.)

All team members participate in the competition. The competition takes place in 3 stages. The team goes to the start with the equipment necessary to provide first aid.
Stage 1. Orderlies. Tell us what first aid should be provided if your friend has:

  • Broken nose.
  • Abrasion on the knee.
  • Bruise or “bump” on the forehead.
  • Mild fainting.

Stage 2. Providing primary care for hip fractures. Transportation of patients to the collection point.
Stage 3. Providing primary care for venous bleeding.

Stage 8. “Throwing a grenade at a distance”(Voskov A.A.)

This post is held by fighters from both teams (3 guys, 3 girls). The best result is taken into account (boys - 500g, girls - 500g)

Stage 9. “Grenade on target”(Voskov A.A.)

For the game, 200 g grenades are used. Throwing is carried out in two squares drawn on the ground one inside the other, the size is internal -1 * 1 m and external 3 * 3 m. The distance for throwing a grenade is 15 m. Each participant throws one grenade at the target from a standing position.

Stage 10. “Who is faster and tastier”(Sycheva A.V.)

Properly organize the fireplace. Lighting a fire and boiling water in a pot. 4 cooks from each team participate in the competition.


  • speed of lighting a fire;
  • water boiling time.

Stage 11. “Combat leaflet” and “Symbols of Russia”(Ryazantseva V.N.)

1. Teams create a “Battle Sheet”.

2. Team members need to write the main state symbols of the Russian Federation.

  • State anthem of the Russian Federation
  • State emblem of the Russian Federation
  • State flag of the Russian Federation

3. Draw the flag of the Russian Federation. Particular importance in judging the competition should be given to the correct location and range of colors of the flag. The flag of the Russian Federation is a rectangular panel of three equal horizontal stripes: the top is white, the middle is blue and the bottom is red. The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is 2:3. White color represents freedom. Blue color – Mother of God (patron of Russia). Red color – sovereignty (courage, generosity). The task completion time is 5 - 6 minutes.

Stage 12. “Military ranks”(Kholmakova A.V.)

The teams are given blank sheets and pens. The team must, within a certain time, remember and write down military ranks, from “private” to “army general”. The best score is for the correct sequence of ranks and a greater number of ranks.

Stage 13 . "Military polymath"(Turchaninova E.N.)

The whole team takes part. The participant must answer questions related to military service within a certain time.

Stage 14 . Musical— “Staging a war song”(Bormotova S.I.)

Each team prepares homework - this is a song from the war years. The song needs to be presented, played.

The jury judges the competition based on the following criteria:

  • originality of design;
  • extras;
  • arrangement;
  • quality of performance
  • song selection.

Summing up the results of the competition

Judges consisting of three teachers evaluate the result of each competition and sum it up. The winners are determined by the highest amount of points. The winning teams are awarded with diplomas and valuable gifts, the teams that did not take prizes are awarded with diplomas and sweet gifts. The winning teams of each stage of the competition are also awarded.

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):