Literary and musical evening dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day for high school students “Glory and honor to you...”

Goals: broaden the horizons of students; to cultivate patriotism and pride for one’s Motherland.


Coat of arms, flag, anthem of Russia;

Book exhibition;

Russian Awards;

Photos of fellow countrymen who died in hot spots, as well as those who, having passed the tests with honor, returned alive;

In front of the photographs of the dead - lit candles, flowers, a helmet, a cap, a model

Automatic machine, tank model;

Tape recorder, audio cassettes;

Metronome, stopwatch.

Progress of the evening

The Russian anthem sounds (1st verse).

1st reader.

Boys get summonses

And the boys leave to serve.

They have this duty:

Protect the Fatherland from the enemy.

Mothers see off their sons

And they give them their orders,

They will kiss you deeply and cross you

And they will cry pitifully like a woman.

And the fathers, waving at the glass of “bitter”,

Knowing how hard a soldier’s path is,

They say, squeezing their hand tightly:

“Don’t forget to write, son.”

The young men of Russia take the oath,

They take an oath in front of the banner.

The young men do not yet know

That they won't all come home.

There are fewer and fewer graying mothers and fathers,

They all go to another world...

And my son remains in granite -

Remains forever young.

L. Plyatseva

The song “Soldier” is performed by the group “Lube” (1 verse).

Leading. On February 23 we celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. In 1918, on this day, near Pskov and Narva, the first detachments of the Red Army gave battle to the regular troops of Kaiser Wilhelm, who were rushing to Petrograd.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday of people with a clear conscience, a holiday of people who know how to stand up for themselves and for their land. This has always been the case.

The song “Call me...” performed by the group “Lube” (1 verse).

Leading. These wonderful poetic lines of the famous Soviet poet Konstantin Simonov are dedicated to all the veterans who courageously fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War for the honor and freedom of the Motherland, who strengthened the defense and rear with selfless labor, who bore on their shoulders the most difficult trials that have ever befallen a person, written by him in 1941.

2nd reader.

Do you remember, Alyosha, the roads of the Smolensk region,

How the endless evil rains fell,

How tired women brought us krinkas,

Holding them to my chest like children from the rain.

How they wiped away their tears furtively,

As they whispered after us: “Lord save you!” -

And again they called themselves soldiers,

As was the custom in great Rus' of old.

Measured by tears more often than by miles,

There was a road, hidden from view on the hills:

Villages, villages, villages with graveyards,

It’s as if all of Russia has come to see them,

As if behind every Russian outskirts,

Protecting the living with the cross of your hands,

Having gathered with the whole world, our great-grandfathers pray

For their grandchildren who don’t believe in God.

You know, probably, after all, the Motherland -

Not the city house where I lived on holiday,

And these country roads that our grandfathers passed through,

With simple crosses from their Russian graves.

I don’t know about you, but I feel like a villager

Road melancholy from village to village,

With a widow's tear and a woman's song

For the first time, the war was fought on the country roads.

Do you remember, Alyosha: a hut near Borisov,

For the dead, a girl's crying cry,

A gray-haired old woman in a corduroy cloak,

All in white, as if dressed to death, an old man.

Well, what could we tell them, how could we console them?

But, understanding grief with my woman’s instincts,

Do you remember the old woman said: - Dear ones,

While you go, we will wait for you.

“We will wait for you!” - the pastures told us.

“We will wait for you!” - said the forests.

You know, Alyosha, at night it seems to me

According to Russian customs, only fires

On Russian soil, scattered behind,

Comrades are dying before our eyes,

In Russian, he tore his shirt on his chest.

The bullets still have mercy on you and me.

But, having believed three times that life is all over,

I was still proud of the sweetest one,

For the Russian land where I was born,

Because I was bequeathed to die on it,

That a Russian mother gave birth to us,

What, accompanying us into battle, is a Russian woman

She hugged me three times in Russian.

K. Simonov

The song “Come on for...” performed by the group “Lyube” (1 verse).


This undeclared war began in 1979.

The first cries for the dead,

The first breaks of fate...

In time with the guard of honor

The first coffins floated...

The war in Afghanistan continued for ten terrible years; it was once called “fulfilling an international duty.” On February 15, 1989, our troops under the command of Lieutenant General Boris Gromov were withdrawn from Afghanistan. The army fulfilled its duty with honor. The war in Afghanistan will remain in our history, not fully understood, unconscious of its necessity.

The song “Boys” is performed by Alexander Marshal (1st verse).

Leading. As you know, there are no wars without victims. The ancients said that only future generations can assess the damage of war.

You are used to the kindness of water -

He pressed his greedy lips.

But I was at the evil spring

The insidious gaze of a demolition...

These lines are about Alexander Leonidovich Karpunin.

He died in Afghanistan on July 16, 1985. He was only 20 years old. For the exploits he accomplished, Alexander Leonidovich Karpunin was posthumously awarded the Order of the Red Star.

3rd reader.

Today the tanks walked without stopping

With the roar of shrapnel on the armor...

There are no teachings here, and there are few rainbows

In this undeclared war.

Hot, non-Russian weather

Dust settles on the armor,

It's been settling for two years now

On this Afghan side...

Dear seconds here, guys,

Not a field training tankodrome,

There is also a price to pay for mistakes:

We learn the value of life through blood.

This is our life - no return

Once lived peaceful days...

It seems too early for us to die,

But not following an order is worse.

The girls are waiting for their boys somewhere,

The photographs are carefully stored.

It's time for us to greet the sunrises of love,

Not bullets in the line of fire.

Dust will fly through Afghanistan,

Taking someone's life in a whirlwind,

Let it become an eternal monument to them

This song has a simple motive.

V. Verstakov, correspondent of the newspaper “Red Star”

Leading. That war ended a long time ago. So why are mothers worried when they send their sons off to the army?

More and more “hot spots” are flaring up on the map of the country, and among them, which has become simply horror for many, is the word “Chechnya”.

A recording of the song “Prisoner of the Caucasus” performed by Alexander Marshal (1 verse) is playing.

4th reader.

High, high above the earth is blue.

This is a peaceful sky over our homeland,

But I hear simple and strict words:

This means that somewhere in the silence of the night

Evil bullets whistle hysterically,

And that in this struggle, as in any war,

Life and death are close again.

This means that in this harsh battle

Your peer, fellow countryman, your neighbor

Protects his love and hope,

There is a welcoming light from our windows.

Protecting everything that we value so much,

He is fighting this righteous fight.

Our happiness and work, our peaceful life

Shielding you from trouble.

High, high above the earth is blue,

This is a peaceful sky over our homeland,

But we hear simple and strict words:

"A combatant is awarded an order."

M. Muromov

A recording of the song “Sniper” performed by Alexander Marshal (1st verse) is playing.

Leading. It was in the ancient Russian city of Pskov in 2001. Russian President Vladimir Putin sincerely mourned with the mothers and soldiers on the anniversary of the death of the guardsmen of the sixth company of the 2nd battalion of the 104th regiment of the 76th Guards Chernigov Red Banner Airborne Division.

There is still a lot that is unclear in the tragedy of the sixth company. On the night of February 29 to March 1, 2000, someone again tried to open the “corridor” to Dagestan for militants. The number of Khattab's gang (now destroyed) reached 2.5 thousand militants. As it became known from radio interceptions, Khattab intended to return Vedeno, Khatuni and a number of other settlements under his control. But the paratroopers countered the twenty-fold superiority of the bandits with their own courage.

On March 1, at 5 a.m., the militants launched an attack with all their might from several directions at once. Having taken the neighboring Bezymyannaya height and seeing how few Russian soldiers remained at point 776.0, the bandits rushed there. Guard sapper Senior Lieutenant Alexander Kolgatin, wounded in the chest, managed to install two guided mines and put them into action under militant fire.

The explosions laid dozens of bandits writhing in pain on the ground. But the brutal militants again launched an assault. There were so many of them that even at the cost of their lives, the paratroopers could no longer stop them.

The surviving small group, led by battalion commander Mark Evtyukhin, took the last battle.

5th reader.

Winged Infantry

Didn't come out of the fire...

Sorry, 6th company,

Russia and me.

Lost, immortal

You have become reality

In the battle near Ulus-Kert,

Like in the battle for Moscow.

Farewell, 6th company,

Gone down the centuries, -

Immortal Infantry

Heavenly Regiment.

V. Verstakov, officer

Leading. All personnel of the 104th regiment, who took part in battles with militants on February 29 - March 2, 2000 in the Ulus-Kert area, are forever included in the unit's lists, and 22 paratroopers (13 officers, 9 soldiers and sergeants) were nominated for the title of Hero of Russia , including Alexander Kolgatin.

The song “The Company Goes to Heaven” performed by Alexander Marshal (1st verse) is played.

Leading. “Take it easy, don’t rush,” he told the soldier. “Everything will be fine.”

Private Danila Bondarev, who served for 7 months in the reconnaissance unit of the Kamyshinsky airborne regiment, took a grenade, pulled out the ring, swung it and threw the ammunition over the parapet of the trench. Senior Lieutenant Vitaly Popov tried to trace where the grenade fell, but suddenly realized that only the bracket flew forward - the trigger lever had sunk. Where's the grenade?! He did not see, but rather felt with his skin that the grenade, having caught on the parapet, flew right under the soldier’s feet. There were split seconds left to make a decision. The officer, pushing the stunned soldier aside, covered the grenade with his body...

This is how Vitaly Popov saved the life of Private Danila Bondarev. Fortunately, both survived. Danila was slightly wounded. But Vitaly’s life was in danger. But thanks to the skill of doctors, Vitaly remained alive.

6th reader.

Whoever you are

Soldier or marshal, -

You will leave your mark in history.

And solemn marches are heard,

As a symbol of future victories.

We are rightfully proud of you -

You were not looking for another fate,

And may the glory always be

Dear army soldiers!

1st reader.

Take our earthly bow

Saint to great Russia!

2nd reader.

You carry the banner of Victory over us,

True to oath and duty.

And valor and faith are behind you, behind you -

Sons of Great Russia!

3rd reader.

Multiplying the traditions of grandfathers in battles,

In the name of fathers, mothers

Stand on guard, giving yourself,

Our Great Russia.

4th reader.

Preserving the dream and freedom for us,

Be proud of your destiny

Silently bending your knees

Before Russia alone!

5th reader.

Glory and honor to you, gentlemen officers!

Take our earthly bow

For your love and hope without measure

Saint to great Russia!

S. Kovalev

The last two lines are spoken by all readers.

A minute of silence is announced. The metronome and stopwatch start.


1. Warrior of Russia [Text]: gas. - 2002. - No. 11.

4. Red star [Text]: gas. - 2005.

5. Poetry of the period of the Great Patriotic War and the first post-war years [Text]. - M.: Soviet Russia, 1983.

There is such a day on the calendar,

It is marked with a red date.

A wonderful holiday in February,

Day of the Warrior, Russian Soldier.

And on this day we congratulate

The male half of humanity,

we dedicate poems and songs

To your defenders of the fatherland!

They are faithful to the military oath,

A reliable shield for peace on earth!

They have courage, courage, bravery

And the strength of spirit that will win!

Always defeating all enemies,

All the dashing thunderstorms flew,

The pride of the Fatherland is fighting -

Defenders, sons of Russia.

The song “My Army is the Strongest” plays

Soon our huge country will celebrate a holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. This means that we must congratulate all living warriors and honor the memory of the heroes of past years. This is a day of remembrance. who defended their homeland from nomads, Germans, Swedes, those who defended the country during the Great Patriotic War, who went to their death in Afghanistan and Chechnya, who did not spare their health, working for the prosperity of their homeland!

Against the background of the song “Where the Motherland Begins”

1.- What does “My Motherland” mean?

You ask, I will answer:

First the path is earth

Runs towards you.

2.Then the garden will beckon you

Each fragrant branch

Then you will see an orderly row

Multi-storey houses.

3.Then the wheat fields

From edge to edge,

All this is your homeland,

Your native land.

4.The older and stronger you become,

The more in front of you

She's tempting ways

He will trustfully reveal.

Motherland, Fatherland... How do we understand these words?

1. Our homeland is Russia -

Our common destiny.

Your holiness is indivisible,

The light illuminates you.

2. Truth is revealed by will,

The clear dawn of the world,

Our homeland is Russia -

Our common destiny.

3. The air is azure - blue.

Steppes, oak groves, stubble -

All this is our Russia -

My proud happiness.

4. All yours were fairy tales

They live in souls for centuries.

So much hope and affection

Russian songs are coming!

5.And the legends of antiquity

We must not forget.

Glory to Russian antiquity!

Glory to the Russian side!

Historically, our people have had to fight foreign warriors for centuries. Since ancient times, brave warriors have stood guard over our Motherland; legends and epics were written about them. An ancient legend, through the mouth of one of the conquerors, warns: “I punish both my children and grandchildren - do not go to war against great Rus', it has stood for centuries without shaking and will stand for centuries without moving.”

Host: - What do you think these people were called?

The heroes and heroes of Ancient Rus' lived 1000 years ago, and the glory of their exploits from ancient times has reached the present day.

And strong, mighty

Bogatyrs in glorious Rus'!

Don't allow enemies to gallop across our Earth!

Don't trample their horses on the Russian Land!

They will not outshine our red sun!

Rus' stands a century - it does not waver!

And it will stand for centuries without moving!

The “Bogatyr Symphony” by I. Borodin is playing. Ilya Muromets enters.

I – M: I'm from the city of Murom

From the village of that Karocharova,

And my name is Ilya Muromets!

I stood for Rus' for many years and winters,

Sparing no effort and time,

So that Rus' never, for all time

There was no one to fight, to ruin!

(The heroes - Dobrynya and Alyosha - come on stage and stand on both sides of Ilya)

Dobrynya : Hello, dear friend, Ilyushenka!

Hello, you all are good people!

Alyosha and I hastened to you

Serve your dear Motherland!

A – P: (putting his hand on, inspects the borders)

Let's look around like a keen falcon

The cleanliness of the fields, the height of the forests.

So that the enemy does not dare to attack Rus'.

We will always stand here at our post.

I – M: - Well, brothers? Shall we show off our heroic strength?

The dance “Heroic Strength” is performed.

For many centuries, Rus' repelled attacks from enemies from all over the world: first, the Cumans and Mongol-Tatars rushed to Rus', then the knights-crusaders from the West, Lithuanians, Poles, Swedes. But Rus' withstood the attacks of enemies.

A lot of people died defending their native land from Napoleon’s invasion in 1842. The names of princes Svyatoslav and Vladimir, Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Peter the Great, Alexander Suvorov, Georgy Zhukov sounded menacing to the enemies. Their names are countless. And the list of these names continues to grow to this day.

The song "Brave Soldiers" is performed.

But still, when did the tradition of celebrating Defenders of the Fatherland Day appear on February 23?

In 1818 Our state finds itself in a very difficult situation. It was engulfed in internal civil war. German troops also decided to attack a weakened, hungry Russia. The First World War broke out. A real threat arose to the then Russian capital, Petrograd. A new one was created - the Red Army. She fought back the aggressor.

The beginning of the widespread formation of detachments and units of the Red Army was on February 23, 1918. A year later, this day was declared a holiday - Red Army Day. In 1945 The Red Army was renamed the Soviet Army, and the holiday was named the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. And February 10, 1995 The State Duma of Russia adopted the Federal Law “On the Days of Military Glory of Russia”, in which this day is called “Day of Defenders of the Fatherland”.

The dance "Apple" is performed.

The most terrible test for our country and our army fell in 1941. The peaceful labor of millions of people was disrupted. The Great Patriotic War began, which was imposed on us by fascist Germany led by Adolf Hitler

1.Sunday the day before

Cloudless skies.

2. Black shadows grew in the fog,

The cloud in the sky is dark.

The first shell exploded in the distance,

This is how the war began.

The song "Holy War" is played.

The memory cannot be erased from the heart...

The wound in my soul has not healed,

The sound of war roars in my ears.

It would probably be very strange

Don't see front-line dreams.

I learned from the loudspeakers

The country in June is about the war.

She stood up for mortal combat,

Remembering this black day.

To him, a veteran soldier,

Don't forget your military journey.

A through wound cannot be healed,

The memory cannot be erased from the heart.

Holy Rus' was crawling

Spider swastika banners.

The Fatherland called its sons

To the battle, and the enemy was defeated.

You should know that 600 residents of our village, called up to the front, did not return from the war. In total, 18 thousand soldiers died a brave death from the Azov region. And you must also remember the date - February 6, 1942. This is the day of liberation of our village from the Nazis. On February 14, the city of Rostov-on-Don was liberated. And in general, the month of February became significant: the Azov region and the Rostov region were liberated from the German invaders.

Warmed by the sun of a peaceful sky.

Glorious sons of the winners,

So, children of the Great Victory.

When enemy threats are heard.

Well, let them remember throughout the whole wide world:

Whose children are we?

And whose sons are we?

And they take this into account wisely!

"Victory Waltz" is performed

The Great Patriotic War... No matter what they say or write now, time will never erase from the memory of the people the Great Patriotic War, the most difficult and cruel of all wars in the history of our Motherland.

We sometimes ask ourselves the question: where did they, these gray-haired people today, exhausted by wounds and illnesses with the Order of the Fatherland on their chests, get the heroic strength to survive and win? Can a person be stronger than stone and metal? But strength increases tenfold if the fate of one’s native land and home is at stake.

Once upon a time there was a war,

She passed away a long time ago

For those who are alive

She once was.

But we remember how we walked into the flames,

And how the country was saved for us

Soldiers, soldiers, soldiers.

The soundtrack of the song “When the Tulips Cry” plays. Presentation

Returning to their homes, to the vastness of the country torn by the enemy, they crowned their military feat with labor, raising cities and villages from the ruins, resurrecting grain fields to life.

And here another page opens in the history of our country: the wars of the 80-90s. These wars have no history yet. It's not written. But these wars have witnesses. A thousand witnesses.

The song Afghanistan 2 plays. Presentation of Afghanistan.

December 27, 1979 The Afghan war has begun for our soldiers and officers. It lasted 2 times longer than the Great Patriotic War. It ended on February 15, 1989. They remained silent for a long time, hiding the truth about the heroes and losses. Mothers were not even allowed to cry over the graves. They skimped on medals. Tens of thousands of yesterday's boys who joined the army after school became crippled. Quite a few of them perished on that rocky ground: thousands of dead and dead from wounds and diseases, hundreds of missing people.

Time has chosen us

Spun in the Afghan blizzard,

Friends called us at a terrible hour,

We put on a special uniform.

And in the fire of mountain difficult roads

They sprinkled their blood on their campaigns,

Didn't notice in the whirlwind of worries,

How minutes are compressed into years.

Loyalty, valor, courage and honor -

These qualities are not for show.

The Motherland has countless heroes.

Time has chosen us!

Through the pages of times

They walked to the victory marches.

Many famous Russian names

Inscribed on granite eternity.

And when it was hard at times,

Strength melted away in the roar of battle,

We were thrown into pillboxes more than once

The unyielding audacity of the heroes.

Loyalty, valor and honor -

These qualities are not for show.

The Motherland has countless heroes.

Time has chosen us.

The song by Alexei Hvorostovsky “Thank you...” is playing.

No wars, pain and suffering,

Thanks to those who defended

Day of withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan,

Today has become a holiday for us.

We are proud of those who returned

Before whose eyes dramas flashed,

And those who remain forever,

Their wives, children, mothers are grieving.

Above us the sky is blue,

There are tears in my eyes from joy,

We remember everyone, this is sacred,

You are with us forever, you are in our hearts..

But Afghanistan was replaced by Chechnya, Tajikistan, Abkhazia... Mothers are still worried and crying as they see off their sons to the army.

The song “Don't be afraid, Mom” is playing.

What a wonderful spring

But the veteran has no time to sleep.

An old man with a drop of heart is looking for:

Well, why doesn’t the grandson write?

Then, back in forty-five,

He was a young soldier.

And he believed with inspiration,

There will be no more wars in the world.

He really wanted to live

Work and raise children.

And so that the son becomes a military man,

He defended his Fatherland.

He didn’t know then

What terrible years will come:

Native son-captain

They will send it in a coffin from Afghanistan.

He sighed and gave free rein to his tears,

Knelt down to the images

And I prayed to the Lord for a long time,

To forgive him his sins.

So that the grandson comes home alive,

Having ended the Chechen war...

...And it’s already dawn outside the window,

Valocordin doesn't help.

I wish I could hold out for another year,

If only I could wait for my grandson...

Russian soldiers, returning from the Chechen war, brought with them a renewed love for the Motherland. They to some extent returned the high concept of patriotism, courage, and military duty.

If I get lost on someone else's side,

Light a candle for me and be sad about me.

Even if it didn’t come true in the past, it didn’t work out for us,

I'll come back! If a sniper gives me a chance,

If the night takes him in a loop,

If not, then I will rot in a damp grave.

The order has been given. A bloody dawn is blazing.

And it doesn’t matter that I’m not twenty yet.

And it doesn't matter that I don't want to kill.

I am a soldier. To survive, I must shoot.

And it doesn't matter that I don't want to die.

I am a soldier, which means I must follow orders.

The scythe of death mows down both enemies and friends.

Every hour here is two in an infinity of days.

Through the scope I look at the flowers in the meadow.

It's a pity that I can't give them to you.

Light a candle for me and be sad about me,

If I disappear on someone else's side.

If I get lost in an unnecessary war,

As if you were a good friend, be sad about me.

The phonogram of the song “Light the Candles” plays

War is a terrible, cruel phenomenon. But as long as anger and hatred exist on Earth, there will also be wars that inflict wounds on people and take the lives of their sons. Russian people have a special love for their native land, for the place where they grew up, for their Motherland. From time immemorial, this love is manifested in their readiness to defend, without sparing their lives, their Fatherland.

Why do we lose people close to us;

Is this life's high price?

Why does it cut the soul more powerfully than knives?

Is that bitter word “loss”?

Why can't you change everything around?

So that you can breathe freely through your chest;

Why can't you live your life first?

So that it doesn't hurt us too much.

Hundreds of lives and destinies have been shattered by war:

They will see no more light;

They were enveloped in darkness with its eternal wall,

Without waiting for a silent answer.

Millions of defenders of our land

Heroes died to save us all;

And about the exploits of those who fell in the name of the country

We must always remember and know

But our calm is saturated with pain,

The pain of those who are not with us today.

Who washed the freedom of the people with his blood...

We bow our knees before you!

A minute of silence...

I ask you all to stand up

And in memory of the fallen -

Imagine the heroes

Forever in our heart

Immortal names their sound.

A minute of silence, a minute of silence

For everything that we have now,

For every happy hour we have,

Thanks to the valiant soldiers,

What the world once defended

Thanks to the Russian army,

Thanks to grandfathers and fathers

Because the sun shines on us

We honor the sons of the Fatherland in uniform,

That the glory of the flag is multiplied.

And in a difficult and dangerous age

I reliably guard our peaceful sleep

For all centuries, the Russian warrior

He won wars with his heroism,

He is worthy of glorification

He gave his life for the honor of Russia.

Everyone (in unison):

We praise everyone who is guarding the Fatherland -

Our best sons of humanity.

The song "" plays

Our meeting is a living memory, because those who participated in the battles of the Great Patriotic War or worked in the rear, who fought in Afghanistan and Chechnya, are alive. Alive, because the memory of the dead is sacredly preserved by their comrades in arms, their families and loved ones. And this memory will be alive as long as we remember it, as long as we talk about it.

Our Army is dear

Guards the peace of the country,

So that we grow up without knowing troubles,

So that there is no war.

Today, the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of those to whom we dedicated our event study at our school:

How does one talk about family?
There's a conversation somewhere
I will definitely sing
A song about grandfather.
Someone's grandfather is an athlete
Or a brave pilot,
But there is no SUCH grandfather
Whole in the Universe.
One day my grandfather got sick
Do you think he's moaning?
The doctor came, but the grandfather was not there,
He's at the stadium.
There's no point in feeling sorry for him
And treated in hospitals,
To make my grandfather sick -
A stadium will do.
Grandfather can do everything!
And I have to admit
Fidgety for many years
And they give fifteen.
I want to become the same
I'm learning from my grandfather!
So that they can call me:
"Fidget granddaughter"!

Congratulations to dad

Happy Men's Day:

In my youth I know

He served in the army.

That means he’s also a warrior,

At least not a commander.

Worthy of a holiday

Protected the whole world!

For me you are the main one

You won't let me fall:

I am the glorious Fatherland

Small part.

Dad's holiday is the main holiday:

Both boys and men.

And that's why today

We want to congratulate them all.

We wish dads happiness

And our boys too.

If you suddenly feel bad,

Come. We will help.

When our boys become adults,

They will also be called up to serve as soldiers,

After all, any Russian man should

Be able to go into battle for Russia.

Let the guys protect the country from enemies

And they perform military service honestly.

We will be proud of our guys

Long live the valiant Russian soldier!

  1. We congratulate the boys

Happy twenty-third of February,

Let's tell all our guys

Only kind words.

  1. They'll grow up soon, guys.

They will undergo a medical examination

Without wasting a minute,

They will go straight into the army.

  1. To be strong and smart

And girls like it

Every boy in our class

He plays sports.

  1. Every boy in our class

Very clever and handsome

That's why I'm so glad, of course

Our entire female team!

  1. Our class is all boys

They love to distinguish themselves.

Who draws, who sings,

Someone's having fun!

  1. Don't yawn in class

Be careful everyone

And good grades

There will definitely be!

  1. Wake up the boys at night

In the very middle,

They will tell you the alphabet

Without one hitch!

The third quarter is already in full swing

The clock ticked

And the boys dream:

It would be vacation again!

  1. All the boys are late

They explain simply:

And study in class

It's never too late!

  1. It's all boys in class

Even very good

And change comes -

Don't look for mercy!

  1. And our boys are very

They love to run and play.

And they promise to study

Four and five!

  1. When to your brawls
    We look at the changes
    We believe - with your preparation
    We will always protect the country!
  2. Let it bloom under your eye
    The bruise is purple-blue.
    Studying can be hard
    The battle will be much easier!
  3. So, friends, let's
    From the bottom of my heart, without further ado
    Protect us from all adversity,
    But just, mind you, no bruises!
  1. The day of our army today is stronger than it in the world.
    Hello defenders of the people. Hello Russian army!
  2. My country is beautiful, it’s easy to love it,
    Long live, long live my Fatherland!
  3. February 23 is Russian Army Day!
    The guns are firing upward, everyone is treated to fireworks.
  4. They send gratitude from the whole country to the soldiers,
    That we live without war, peacefully and calmly.
  5. My grandfather served in the army. My father has awards.
    So I decided a long time ago that I would become a soldier!
  6. I know, I need to grow up... I need to become more mature...
    But I know how to behave like a man!
  7. I protect the small and weak in the yard,
    And I celebrate Army Glory Day in February.
  8. I would be able to carry out tasks like a soldier.
    I will ask you to accept me into the army in advance!
  9. I still have toys: tanks, pistols, cannons,

Tin soldiers, armored train, machine guns.

  1. And when the time comes for me to serve in peace,
    I am training with the guys in the game in the yard.
  2. We play "Zarnitsa" there - they drew the border for me,
    I'm on duty! Watch out! Once you trust me, I can do it!
  3. And my parents in the window look after me with alarm.
    Don't worry about your son. I am the future man!

The boys sing the song “We’ll Only Grow Up a Little”

Literary composition for Defender of the Fatherland Day for junior schoolchildren “Valiant Sons of Russia”

Russian warrior protects

Peace and glory to my native country.

He is on duty, and our people

He is rightfully proud of the army.

E. Trutneva

The song about the army “Indestructible and Legendary” is playing in the recording.

Leading. Dear guests! Dear friends! Our meeting today is dedicated to all defenders of the Fatherland. Day and night, in rain and snow, in heat and cold, our pilots, soldiers, sailors, border guards guard the borders of our great country, protect our peaceful life. A warrior is a man of honor. These are the best of us.

(Children read V. Sorokin’s poem “Warrior.”)

1st reader.

May it be in your name

Our anthems are heard today,

Young knight of the earth,

A soldier overshadowed by victory.

You are beautiful and powerful

Springy in his gait like a guard.

Everything is yours: from missiles to deep

And a formidable submarine.

You will strike, and night will reign on the planet for a moment.

Just revenge

In every enemy pillbox

He'll knock.

2nd reader.

But your sword is intelligent,

and your conscience is clear like a child,

There the dawn is rinsing

There are curtains at the family windows.

The fields turn golden and the crane creaks

Above the well

Blinded by the careless smiling

Joyful sun.

Leading. This holiday had different names over the years. Today is Defender of the Fatherland Day. This holiday arose in 1918 as the Birthday of the Red Army to commemorate the victory of Russian troops over the German conquerors near Narva and Pskov. This holiday expresses our respect for the heroes of the country, the defenders of our Motherland from enemy hordes at all times.

3rd reader.


Let no one scare us with war,

We are not afraid of the threat of war,

Because the world protects

The strength of our country is strong.

Let them remember how our soldiers

Defeated the enemy near Moscow,

And they crushed the Nazis in the Reichstag,

And they returned home victorious.

Many years have passed since then,

The winds blow over a peaceful country,

Glory to the invincible army!

Glory to our dear army!

A. Laptynovach

Leading. About whom have people composed a huge number of proverbs and sayings? Who is the main character of Russian epics? Who have our songs glorified at all times? Their hero is a soldier, a hero, his courage, bravery, heroism, his selfless devotion to the Motherland. Do you remember Vasnetsov’s painting “Three Heroes”? The Russian warrior is also the hero on whom the Russian land rests! If he doesn’t exist, they will immediately tear him into a thousand pieces and steal away all the wealth that our ancestors collected for many years. In general, in Rus' firmness and courage, the ability to keep one’s word, kindness and sincerity have always been held in high esteem...

There is a song about Russia.

4th reader.

Better go on the other side!

We don't care about enemy threats!

We wield a spear and a sword!

5th reader.

Who sent an army to Rus', to Rus'?

We will be able to fight back like a hero!

Let's pour it in tightly and turn up the heat

In a formidable battle against your enemies!

6th reader.

Who looks at Rus', at Rus' with malice?

Try to take over our strength!

There is no need to touch us - to offend us,

So that you don’t tremble with fear afterwards!

Who is going to war against Rus', against Rus'?

Better go on the other side!

M. Plyatskovsky

Leading. Dear guys! I invite you to participate in the “Remember the Proverb” competition. Since our holiday is dedicated to the defenders of the Fatherland, the proverbs are dedicated to soldier’s service and life. I will name the proverb, and you will remember its last word.

1. For your homeland, neither strength nor life... (do not regret).

2. Motherland, know how to... (stand up for her).

3. The courage of the city... (takes it).

4. A bad soldier is one who does not dream of becoming... (a general).

5. The bullet is afraid of the brave, but the bayonet is not brave... (does not take).

Leading. The Kulikovo Field, the Battle of Poltava, the Battle of Borodino - all these are symbols of the glory of Russian weapons. Over the years, the fate of the Fatherland was decided in these battles. Russian soldier... How many trials befell him. 1941 - difficult, harsh, unforgettable...

7th reader.

Twenty second of June.

Suddenly trouble came.

The Nazis brutally bombed

Our Motherland cities.

Hitler shamelessly boasted:

“Victory will be easy.

To Moscow not today or tomorrow

I will bring the troops."

8th reader.

The bayonets turned white from the cold,

The snow shimmered blue.

We, putting on our overcoats for the first time,

They fought harshly near Moscow.

Mustacheless, almost like children,

We knew in that furious year

That there is no one in the world instead of us

He will not die for this city.

I. Ivanov

The song “The Last Battle” is played.

9th reader.

War - there is no crueler word.

War - there is no sadder word.

War - there is no holier word

In the melancholy and glory of these years.

And on our lips there is something else

It can't be yet...

A. Tvardovsky

10th reader.

In the days of siege

We never found out

Between youth and childhood

Where is the line?

We're in forty-three

Medals were given out

And only in the forty-fifth passport.

Yu. Voronov

11th reader.

Comrade, on bright Victory Day

Remember the long journey to her:

Our rightful anger and our troubles,

Trench life and military labor,

Remember the bitterness of retreat,

Lead and steel black hail.

And, like high vengeance,

Remember the name - Stalingrad.

In a crown of fire and clouds of smoke,

In the peals of weapon thunderstorms

There was a Volga stronghold

Unshakable like a rock.

The song “Hot Snow” plays.

12th reader.

At the burnt threshold,

Among the unimaginable ruins -

This is where the road began

Which we went to Berlin.

For all the great losses,

Raising the scarlet banner of victory,

Hence the Russian soldiers

The path was paved to the Reichstag.

13th reader.

Here, on Mamayev Kurgan,

The immortal feat is unquenchable.

To you who died on the battlefield,

We remain proudly faithful.

The song “At a Nameless Height” is playing.

14th reader.

Tanks and corps guns were buzzing

They kneaded the mud and got stuck to the axles...

You know, you are out of patience, Russia,

Kohl attacked with all her might!

What maniac dared to think

That you will be submissive even for a moment?

Russia - the prowess of the Gogol troika,

Russia is the muses of Pushkin's language.

Leading. The Great Patriotic War lasted for four long years.

15th reader.

The fathers are back! Everything is forgotten!

Don't swallow just a bitter lump...

There are no dearer people who have been unshaven for a long time,

Smell of strong tobacco!

There are no thin, tired relatives.

They have water in the washstand

From such a road it was not enough:

We went to wash at the ponds.

Then barefoot, in tunics,

And like a peasant, without belts,

Forgetting about scars and fragments,

They smoked peacefully near the fence.

16th reader.

The earth blooms under a peaceful sky,

The earth is fresh from the May dew.

An azure flower and bread

The trench track in the fields is overgrown.

There is no greater feat in the world.

Our military path is forever holy.

The planet you saved

Thank you, Soldier...

The song “Salute, Victory!” is played.

Leading. Years have passed. Heavy fighting died down. But so that those cruel battles are never repeated on earth, the Motherland calls upon its banners young defenders, those who will be able to worthily continue the work of their grandfathers and fathers. Among us in this hall are our grown-up boys, many of whom will soon become real defenders of the Motherland.

15th reader.

An overcoat for two years,

Uniform for two years

For two years father

The commander replaced him.

But far from family,

Far from loved ones

I'm in sight now

At the native land.

16th reader.

Once he trusted the people

Protect your peace

You can't help but be proud

I am destined to be like this.

They say it's hard

They say it's far...

Well, what and to whom

Is it easy to get?

17th reader.

If this is the duty,

And high honor?

I'm always on order

I can only answer: yes!

Because seriously

And for your loyalty,

And seriously for love

I'm taking the exam.

18th reader.

An overcoat for two years,

Uniform for two years

But for life

I am responsible for the world!

Leading. Our holiday continues. Dear guys! We all know that the defender of the Motherland must be brave and skillful. Our future defenders of the Fatherland must show us strength, dexterity, and courage.

First competition. "Demines the field."

There are two circles on the floor with checkers scattered in them. Blindfolded, you need to collect checkers.

Second competition. "Footcloths."

Who knows what foot wraps are?

Who can wrap a footcloth around his leg faster using a roll of toilet paper? The footcloth should not fall off your leg.

Leading. Our meeting has come to an end. To be a defender of the Fatherland means to be brave, strong, dexterous and honest. Our guys showed themselves exactly like that. I would like to wish them to prepare themselves for military service. Play sports, develop courage, perseverance, and, of course, study well. As A. Suvorov said, “It’s hard to learn, but it’s easy to fight.”

Thank you everyone, goodbye!

Extracurricular activity for elementary school.
Literary and musical composition.

Today we celebrate an important public holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. This is a day of remembrance for those who defended their homeland from nomads, Germans, Swedes, those who defended the country during the Great Patriotic War, who did not spare their lives, their health, working for the prosperity of their homeland.

There were soldiers on the battlefield
We went on difficult hikes.
They were not explained for a long time,
What does a sense of duty mean?

They are in conscience, in honor
This is where we ended up.
It is impossible without the Motherland,
We can live without a mother.
And it is a holy duty to be able to protect all this.

Everyone (in unison):


Everyone (in unison):


Everyone (in unison):


Everyone (in unison):

Year of birth: 1918!

4 student:

The winds blow in February
The pipes howl loudly,
Like a snake rushes along the ground
Light drifting snow.

Rising, they rush into the distance
Aircraft flights.
It celebrates February
The birth of the army.

Excerpt from the song “Officers” from the film (Words are read against the background of music)

In 1918, the Red Army was formed. On February 23, the Red Army soldiers won their first victories. This day became the birthday of the Red Army. This year she will turn 94 years old. A five-pointed star was chosen as the symbol of the Red Army.

Historically, our people have had to fight invaders for centuries. The names of Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Peter the Great, and Alexander Suvorov sounded menacing to enemies. Their names are countless. Courage and courage, perseverance and mercy - these are the qualities of the true defenders of the Fatherland.

The song “Civil War Rumbles” from the film “The Elusive Avengers”.
(Poems are read against the background of music).

Grandfather was a brave soldier
Into the civil war.
He protected from whites
Soviet country.

The anxious and stubborn path is over,
The bayonets are shining and the flag is rinsing,
Still flying through the night and the sleepy air
Those warriors whom Budyonny led,
In winged cloaks, with checkers in hands.

The soldier's step thunders in foreign fields,
Military commissars ride on tarataykas,
And the commanders race on horseback.
Can't cope with the Red Army glory,
She is like the wind blowing in the steppes.
Introduction from the song “Holy War.” (Poems are read against the background of music).

9th student:

Black shadows grew in the fog,
The cloud in the sky is dark.
The first shell exploded in the distance,
Thus began the war.

10th student:

When the alarm sounded
In your favorite land,
The boys froze
In a stern soldier formation.
Boys, boys,
You were the first to rush into battle!
Boys, boys!
The country has been obscured!

1 student:

Towards the peals of roaring thunder
People rose into battle lightly and sternly.
And on the banners is written the word:
Victory! Victory! In the name of the Fatherland -

Everyone (in unison):

In the name of the living -

Everyone (in unison):

In the name of the future -

Everyone (in unison):

We must crush the war!

2nd student:

And they brought it to Berlin
Your victorious banners!
And peace has come!
Breathe in, people.
Having crossed the threshold of war!

Song "Victory Day". (Poems are read against the background of music).

3rd student:

For everything that we have now,
For every happy hour we have,
Thanks to the valiant soldiers,
That they once defended the world.

Thanks to the Russian army,
Thanks to grandfathers and fathers
Because the sun shines on us.

We honor the sons of the Fatherland in uniform,
That the glory of the flag is multiplied.
And in a difficult and dangerous age
Our peaceful sleep is reliably guarded.

8th student:

For all centuries, the Russian warrior
He won wars with his heroism,
He is worthy of glorification
He gave his life for the honor of Russia.

Everyone (in unison):

We praise everyone who is guarding the Fatherland -
Our best sons of humanity.

In conclusion, everyone sings the song “Sunny Circle” together.

Heading 215

Attached files

This script is intended for a general audience.
The purpose of the event is:
- civic education of students based on the development of historical memory;
-strengthening the connection between generations to realize oneself as a successor to the legacy of the past.

Tasks:-Form positive motivation for studying the history of Russia.
-To foster a sense of patriotism, respect for the history of one’s Motherland, for the people who defended the Motherland.

Annotation: This event was developed for residents of the village of Yulovsky and was held on the stage of the House of Culture on the eve of February 23 - Defenders of the Fatherland Day. Veterans of the Afghan and Chechen wars and parents of conscript soldiers were invited to attend.

Call signs for the start of the evening. Musical background. Voice behind the scenes

I want the country to be proud
May your day be beautiful,
To fall asleep in captivity of a good feeling
Remembering good people...

The music intensifies. Presenters and children take the stage. The music is mixed.

Hello dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you as our guest today and hope that today’s meeting will remain in your hearts.
The holiday Defenders of the Fatherland Day is celebrated on February 23. This is a tribute to our respect to all generations of Russian soldiers, from ancient times to the present day, who courageously defended their native land from invaders.
This means that we must congratulate all living warriors and honor the memory of the heroes of past years.
The people love their warrior. Many epics and fairy tales have been written about him, proverbs and sayings have been invented, songs, stories, and novels have been written.
Our meeting takes place on the eve of the holiday and let this evening be a memory for everyone who fulfilled their civic and international duty in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Abkhazia, Transnistria, Chechnya... other hot spots.
Where does the Motherland begin...

The singer performs the song “Where the Motherland Begins.” During the performance of the song, the slide show “My Motherland” appears on the screen.

It just so happened that the Russian soldier defended not only his homeland, but also helped fraternal peoples. And this was called “fulfilling an international duty.” And then, back in 1979, the Russians went deep into Asia to help build a happy life.
We walked springily and together,
Two hundred legs in a single step,
And the glory of Russian weapons
It rang in my nerves and ears.
The war in Afghanistan continued for ten years.
At that time we learned how dangerous the profession of a helicopter pilot is,
That the word “spirit” can mean not only something sublime, but also an unwashed, bearded creature with a Kalashnikov at the ready.
Military jargon has been enriched with new terms: “green stuff”, “turntable”, “cargo - three hundred”, “cargo - two hundred”...

Phonogram “Black Tulip” Dance of a girl grieving for her dead lover.

We recognize those who served in Afghanistan not only by the order stripes on civilian clothes... We recognize them by their calm, firm faces. These are people you can always rely on. Everyone would like to have such friends. Someone has very correctly noted that human life is measured not by its duration, but by what fills it.
Our fellow villagers also had to serve in Afghanistan. In 1981-82, our fellow countrymen Anatoly Alekseevich Romanenko, Alexander Nikolaevich Cherny, Sergey Pavlovich Drobitsky, Riza Binalievich Ibragimov, Andrey Yurievich Gorin, Igor Vladimirovich Ozhiganov, Yuri Nikolaevich Kolomatsky, Alexander Valentinovich Safronov, Vladimir Dmitrievich Chumak were called up to serve. they love to remember those times and simply refuse to talk about this topic. But we have no right to forget what they had to endure on the difficult roads of war in a foreign country.
After all, our country lost more than fourteen thousand soldiers and officers in that military conflict.

The war ruined the lives of many young people. But no matter what, they honestly fulfilled their civic duty and remained faithful to the oath to the end. “Hot Spots” showed that our guys are worthy of the heroism of their fathers and grandfathers who defeated fascism during the Great Patriotic War.
He served the country as his heart told him to.
Profession – Defend the Fatherland!
Merits? – Loyalty to the Motherland, Russia...
I would like to say thank you to all those who fulfilled their military and patriotic duty in Afghanistan. I bow to you for your courage and heroism.

Musical number

More and more new “hot spots” are flashing on the map..... and among them is Russia’s pain - Chechnya.
I'm looking for a tiny dot on the map,
Doused with lead and blood salt.
To insert into a poetic line
Short name for Horsenoy.
I close the card and open it again
There is pain and heaviness in my heart.
So here it is - that fatal point,
Who knew her yesterday? She is Chechnya.
Twilight, snow helicopter
Ranged Glow.
So the year 2000 became our destiny.
High, high above the earth is blue,
This is a peaceful sky over the Motherland,
But I hear simple and strict words:
“The combatant is awarded the Order”
Our fellow villagers also went through the Chechen war.
All of them have military insignia for military services to the Fatherland.

Slideshow with photographs of guys who served in Chechnya

1986 Terrible news spread across our village - Nikolai Simonenko died. Nikolai served in the village of Polyarny, near Murmansk. Since childhood, he dreamed of the sea. He was drafted into the army to serve in the Northern Fleet. He served on a submarine. One day, electrical cables in one of the compartments caught fire.
There was a fire. To prevent the fire from engulfing the entire boat, the guys blocked the exits to other compartments.

On the screen is a portrait of Simonenko N.

The fire was extinguished, but everyone who was in that burning compartment died. Among them was our fellow countryman Nikolai Anatolyevich Simonenko.
A moment thinner than a hair,
It's like a sparkling glow,
But maybe a quick moment
Remain glorious forever...
One moment and in the darkness
The dawn rises over the gray ashes,
And you become an example for millions on Earth.
We bury our loved ones, but no matter how long
The loss was not immeasurable.
We are given a distraction from grief
For our fun things to do.
Joy and pride return
Mourning falls off the face -
Only Chechen tart bitterness
Slowly leaves the heart.
We cannot incarnate in the departed,
Bring back the faded light to them.
And a minute of silence lasts
In those who took out the lucky ticket.

Video from the film "9th Company"

In memory of all those who died in the Chechen and Afghan wars, in other hot spots. a minute of silence is announced

A minute of silence

It’s hard to talk about war, but we have no right to forget about it. About those who did not return, and about those who returned with a crippled soul. But despite everything, life continues, continues with its contrasts: black - white, dark - light. And we hope and wish you that the dark and dark days will never return, that for wives and mothers they will not repeat themselves, but that those painful days and nights of waiting and anxiety will remain in the past.

The singer comes on stage. She sings the song "Officers' Wives"

Today. On this pre-holiday day, one cannot help but say something about those of our boys who today are fulfilling their military duty - carrying out their service and standing at a combat post. They take care of our peace and tranquility. We remember you guys.
The cold winds make a loud noise,
And lights shine in the warm windows.
Soldier in ranks. He is always where you need him
Be it steppes, mountains or sands.
Soldier on the march. Oath to the Motherland
It lives unshakably in his soul,
Like the eternal light of a single banner,
Leading forward, always forward.
Soldier in action. Let the service not be sugar.
Above other feelings - duty to the Fatherland,
Moreover, in difficult times, male friendship
He will help and come to the rescue.
The soldier is studying. Everything must be comprehended,
To defend the country when thunder strikes,
And for him the cherished reward is
To be the first in combat.
Serve, soldier! You are the son of your native land;
And, keeping loyalty to the military oath,
Keep it like this - true, indestructible
Peace to the earth, to mother and to me.

While reading the poem, a list of conscripts is projected onto the screen.

I cry when Alyoshka Akishev, having given his breathing apparatus to a comrade and left alone in the submarine, writes a letter to Lelya.
-when the mortally wounded, blind Romeo lands his plane and dies in the arms of the Maestro,
- when Yegor Trofimov, engulfed in flames, standing up to his full height, fires the last burst from a machine gun at the enemy,
-when wounded soldiers, covering the departure of an ambulance train, tie grenades with bloody bandages and rise to attack against tanks...
-I'm not ashamed of my tears.
-These are tears of pride for my country and for the people who are ready to give their lives for it.
-Remember from “Officers”: “There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland”?
-This is really a profession. Difficult and dangerous. And the main thing about it is not the ability to shoot or drive a tank. The main thing is the ability to live with the feeling that your life does not belong to you, but to your entire country...

The song “Lord Officer” sounds

The script was developed by Alla Vladimirovna Matsegora - director of the MBUK "SDK Yulovsky rural settlement"

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):