Obesity is not a few extra pounds, but a deadly condition that can lead a fat person to death at any time. But the problem of this pathology does not apply only to modern man; data from archaeological excavations indicate that fat people existed back in the Stone Age, which is 30-50 thousand years BC. Let's talk about the fattest people in the world who have been officially registered.

How much does the fattest man on the planet weigh?

The fattest people in the world gain their weight due to a sedentary lifestyle, insatiable appetite and numerous stresses. It has always been believed that citizens of the United States of America suffer most from obesity, but a few years ago Mexico came out on top in terms of the number of overweight people. According to the UN, fat Mexicans make up 70% of the country's total population.

But when it comes to obesity record holders, Americans remain ahead of the rest. Thus, according to unofficial data, US citizen Carol Yeager was the fattest person on the planet. Its maximum weight reached 727 kg, although it was not officially confirmed. As for the registered fattest man in the world, he is the American John Minnoch, who weighed 630 kg. His name is inscribed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Top 10 fattest people in history

The problem of fat people occurs in all countries of the world. But residents of developed countries, where the lifestyle is sedentary and the available foods are very high in calories, are most susceptible to obesity. In addition to the fact that a fat person constantly gains extra pounds, he has an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, pathologies of the kidneys, liver, diabetes, cancer of the digestive system and other diseases. Here are the stories of the fattest people in the world.

Carol Yeager

According to Wikipedia, the fattest American woman, Carol Yeager, was born on January 26, 1960, and suffered from an eating disorder since childhood. The trigger for obesity, according to Carol herself, was sexual aggression in her family. As a young girl, Yeager could not walk or stand because her muscles could not support the weight. The fat girl was in the hospital 2 times a year, and each hospitalization took place with the participation of firefighters. In her daily life, Carol was cared for by visiting nurses, her family and friends.

Nutritionists tried to treat the fattest American woman several times, but this never led to positive results. Yeager suffered from immunodeficiency, various skin infections and constant swelling. In 1993, a fat American woman was hospitalized and was prescribed a daily diet of 1,200 calories, during which the girl independently lost 236 kg. However, after discharge, the lost kilograms were regained. The fattest woman in the world died in 1994 (34 years old) from kidney failure.

John Brower Minnoch

Another fat man was born in the USA on September 29, 1941. John Minnoch suffered from obesity since childhood, and at the age of 12 he already weighed 132 kg. The fat young man constantly gained weight until, at the age of 37, he was hospitalized with respiratory and heart failure. At that time, Minnoch weighed 634 kg. To hospitalize the fat guy, it took the help of more than 10 firefighters, a special stretcher and a ferry to transport the patient to the Washington Medical Center.

Fat man Minnoch spent 16 months in hospital, during which he lost 419 kg, which was the largest weight loss of any man in the world. But a year later, the fat American was again taken to the medical center; during this period, John gained more than 432 kg. Doctors recognized this man's obesity as an incurable disease and stopped treating the fat man. In September 1983, weighing 362 kg (41 g), John Brower Minnoch died.

Manuel Uribe Garza

Mexican national Manuel Uribe was born on June 11, 1965, weighing 2.7 kg, which is normal for the average newborn. As he grew older, due to his good appetite, the increasingly fat Manuel constantly gained kilograms and by the time he reached adulthood he already weighed 121 kg. By the age of 25, the young man’s weight was 184 kilos, and by 30 – 245. Realizing the scale of his problem, Uribe turned to surgeons for help, who performed abdominal plastic surgery on the fat Mexican, removing excess fat, after which the man managed to lose 160 kg.

However, during the operation, doctors damaged Manuel’s lymph nodes, which over time caused extensive tumors to appear on his hips, which did not allow the already fat man to move freely. With such problems, the man found himself bedridden and gained 342 kg in three years. In 1999, the fat Manuel Uribe's body weight was 502 kg. But this was not yet a record weight for the fat man. In 2004, the Mexican became the fattest man in the world, weighing 597 kg. Manuel died in May 2014 (48 years old) from complications caused by obesity.

Walter Hudson

New York's fattest man, Walter Hudson, was born on July 20, 1944, and as a child was distinguished from his peers by being overweight. But the fat man became a famous person 43 years after his birth, when he got stuck in the doorway of his house. Nine firefighters rescued the fat man, which required making a hole in the wall of the house and pulling the man out using a fire hydrant. At that time, Walter's weight was 217 kg. But Hudson was included in the Guinness Book of Records not as the heaviest man on the planet, but as the fat man with the widest waist - 3 m 02 cm.

The fat American hardly left his house, and his business was related to online trading, which allowed him to gain weight very quickly. For many years, Hudson was happy with his appearance, although due to obesity he did not get out of bed. But one doctor nevertheless persuaded the fat man to go on a diet, after which the man lost 90 kg. Death overtook the heavyweight in his sleep in December 1991 (47 years old), when he weighed 510 kg.

Michael Edelman

Another famous fat man in the world, Mike Edelman, was born in the USA in 1964, and began to gain weight from early childhood. At the age of 7, the boy weighed 70 kg, and at the age of 10, he stopped going to school, because the fat child did not even fit at his desk. Michael spent his life lying in bed from school until his death, and his family could not resist the heavyweight’s excessive appetite. For example, for breakfast this fat man ate:

  • 4 bowls of porridge;
  • toast;
  • several cakes;
  • waffles;
  • large pizza;
  • 1 liter of soda.

Michael Edelman went on a diet several times, but all the restrictions ended with a call for pizza delivery and a piece of chocolate cake. The fat man corresponded for some time with another fattest man on the planet, Walter Hudson. After the death of the latter, Michael feared for his health and almost completely refused to eat, quickly losing tens of kilograms. But this did not help the poor man, and in 1992 (28 years old), having practically starved himself to death, weighing 272 kg, the fattest American, Edelman, died.

Francis John Lang (Michael Walker)

American Michael Walker was born in 1934. The young man had no problems with obesity - during his military service, the future fat man weighed only 68 kg. After the army, the man began to quickly gain weight, and explained his uncontrollable appetite as a side effect of the medications prescribed by the doctor. When the fat American stopped getting out of bed, he quickly realized that even this could make money.

Walker bought a mobile home and traveled around America, flaunting his huge body for money. He lay on a large bed, telling those interested about the dangers of modern medicines. Michael weighed his maximum in the summer of 1971 (538 kg), and six months later the fat American was hospitalized on suspicion of a heart attack. After the hospital, Walker began to lose weight, and by 1980 he had lost 180 kg.

Paul Mason

The fattest man in Great Britain, Paul Mason, was born in 1961. He is one of the few fat men in the world who was able to overcome his illness and become a full member of society. From early childhood, Paul suffered from an uncontrollable appetite and by 2007 weighed 444 kg. The fat man's stomach consumed up to 20,000 calories a day, but did not feel full. When the fattest Briton's extra pounds made it impossible for him to move around, he was transferred to the care of the National Health Service.

Doctors said that Mason did not have long to live, so the fat man decided to undergo gastric bypass surgery, as a result of which his stomach shrank to the size of a chicken egg. As a result of this surgical intervention, Paul was able to lose weight, because satiety occurred much earlier. The operation gave the fattest man in the world hope for a normal existence and long life.

Keith Martin

Another famous fat man in the world is British citizen Keith Martin. When the young man was 16 years old, he began to gain extra pounds after the death of his mother. By the age of 25, the fat Briton could no longer fit into clothes of even the largest size, but he did not stop eating a lot. By the age of 32, Keith ordered clothes only from specialty stores, and by 2008 he stopped climbing the steps of his house and settled on the ground floor.

The fattest Briton at 42 years old suffered from severe asthma, arrhythmia, terrible migraines and constant joint pain. Weighing 358 kg, the man did not leave the house for 10 years, and for the last 7 years he has not gotten out of bed. Martin was cared for by 7 doctors who visited him daily. One of the fattest men in the world tried to kill himself several times, but died after suffering from pneumonia at the age of 44.

Suzanne Ehmann

The fattest woman in the world is American Suzanne Ehmann, born in 1979. But the story of her obesity began already in adolescence, when the girl came across an article about the fattest people in the world. At that time, Suzanne worked as a model for fat women, but after thinking a little, she decided to break all records in order to achieve fame in this field. Emann calculated that she would need to eat more than 20,000 calories daily to achieve the title of world's fattest woman, but this did not prove to be a problem for her appetite.

Although doctors warn Susan that obesity can lead to dangerous health consequences, the fat woman continues to gain weight, claiming that she feels better with every kilogram. In the period from 20 to 30 years, Emann gained 225 kilograms, and is now confidently moving towards her dream - to become the fattest woman in the world, not only today, but at all times. Posting her photos and videos on YouTube, the fat woman has a large army of fans.

Jessica Leonard

7-year-old Chicago resident Jessica Leonard is called the fattest child in the world. Upon reaching the age of 7, the girl weighed 222 kilograms. Fat Jessica could not sit, walk, or roll over on her side on her own. The fat child was helped to move by her mother, who fed her daughter to enormous size, constantly stuffing her with fried meat, French fries, chips and other fast food.

When the news about the fat girl spread throughout America, it was decided to admit the child to a clinic, where she was put on a diet and forced to exercise. After 1.5 years, Jessica lost 140 kilograms, but one more problem remained - excess skin. After several operations, the fattest girl in the world turned into an ordinary child, began to attend school, and communicate with peers.

Video selection of the fattest and heaviest people in the world

As you can see, being the fattest man in the world is not easy. All fat people suffer from a variety of different diseases and do not live long. If obesity is caused not by a constant desire to fill the stomach, but by some disease, then it is possible to return a fat person to normal weight. But if increased appetite is caused by mental disorders, then the problem of obesity is difficult to eliminate, and not only nutritionists, but also psychotherapists have to treat the patient for a very long time. Watch the video to see what the fattest people in the world look like:

The problem of obesity in the world has become most acute in recent decades.

Nervous work, stress, the environment, fast food - everything contributes to rapid weight gain. Read in our article all about the fattest people on planet Earth.

The fattest man in the world

The fattest person in the world in history is an American named Carol Yeager, with a maximum weight of 727 kilograms. She is also the fattest woman on earth. Carol was born in 1960 in Flint, Michigan, USA. And already as a little girl she began to differ from her peers in weight and impressive dimensions. The main reason for her obesity is her insatiable appetite. Carol admitted that the desire to eat haunts her after she experienced severe stress - one of her relatives molested her.

At 20, Carol Yeager weighed so much that her own legs could not support her. The girl was chained to the bed; she could not even make basic movements. She was cared for by her daughter Heather and paramedics. Gradually, everyone began to understand that the weight would play a rather bad joke on Carol's health. Every day the situation went downhill - the girl gained weight. As a result, the American was able to contact nutritionist Richard Simmons and showman Jerry Springer. At the latter, Carol began to participate in the program, promoting it. And as payment I received free treatment. However, it later turned out that she did not receive any help from the nutritionist.

Hoping to somehow improve her well-being, Carol Yeager began visiting local clinics. But here, too, failure awaited her - the doctors could not help her. Due to excess weight and bed rest, the girl began to develop new diseases and their complications. Hospitalizations became regular - the American woman was taken away 8-10 times a year. Moreover, firefighters and their special equipment were involved in each transportation, otherwise it would simply not have been possible to transport such a fat man to the hospital.

In 1993, during another hospitalization, Carol's weight reached 540 kilograms. She suffered from swelling. The liquid did not have time to leave the body, as a result it put pressure on the internal organs and even leaked through the skin. At the Hurley Medical Center, Carol Yeager managed to get rid of 235 kilograms by sitting on a special diet. They helped her remove excess water from her body. In addition, nutritionists allowed her to eat only 1200 kilocalories per day. But losing weight did not relieve the woman of heart failure, impaired breathing and excess blood sugar.

Carol returned from the clinic three months later and began to gain weight again. The lost kilograms returned in full, the woman gained unprecedented weight - 727 kilograms. And, as a result, she became known as the fattest man in the world and as the fattest woman. The width of her body reached 1.5 meters, and her mass index was 251, at a time when the norm was only 18-25. However, the weight of 727 kilograms was not officially registered. It was only confirmed by the public. Previously, representatives of the Guinness Book of Records measured Carol, then, with a height of 170 centimeters, she weighed 544 kilograms. This mark was not enough for a new record.

After another hospitalization in 1994, Carol Yeager died. She died at the age of 34. Doctors recorded his weight at the time of death as 545 kilograms. The fattest woman is buried in a private cemetery in Flint. Only her family and friends saw her off on her last journey.

The fattest man in the world

John Minnoch is not only the fattest man in the world, but also officially the fattest man. He was born in 1941 on Bainbridge Island, Washington State. He was fat all his life. Despite this, he worked, communicated with people, in a word, lived a full life. When he was young, he worked as a taxi driver. Then he was about 20 and already weighed 180 kilograms. At the age of 24-25, the first problems came with extra pounds. In 1966, his weight reached 317.5 kilograms, and John Minnoch was getting fatter every day. After 10 years, he was already enormous - 400 kilograms. The man stopped moving independently and was very limited in funds. A recumbent life and constant eating led him to weigh 635 kilograms with a height of 185 centimeters. There was a huge amount of fluid in his body - about 400 liters. It took 14 helpers to turn him over on the bed.

Nutritionists came to the aid of John Minnoch. And they prescribed him a strict diet - only 500 kilocalories a day. The man claimed that such a restriction in food was only killing him. Only muscle mass decreases, not weight.

After the diet, John went to the clinic and took a special weight loss course. The treatment was effective and already in 1981 the fattest man began to weigh only 215 kilograms. During the course, the man lost 5 kilograms per week. It was possible to remove excess fluid from the body. But after discharge, the weight that had been lost with such great difficulty returned back. In just a week, John gained 90 kilograms. After such a dubious record, Minnoha was again hospitalized and allowed to eat 1,200 kilocalories per day. In 1983, the fattest man on the planet passed away. At the time of his death, he weighed 363 kilograms. The man left behind a wife and two children.

The fattest man in the world who was able to lose a record number of kilograms

Already at the age of 22, Mexican Manuel Uribe weighed 130 kilograms. And he began to rapidly gain weight. It got to the point that since 2002, the man could not get out of bed and, accordingly, leave his house in Monterrey. In desperation, he asked specialists for help. The Italians offered to perform an operation on him - to perform an anastomosis on the gastrointestinal tract. But the man refused and went on a diet.

He ate low-carb, high-protein meals. Doctors monitored the weight loss process. The situation changed dramatically when the woman he loved moved in with Manuel Uribe. Claudia was already married, and her husband died of a heart attack due to obesity, she began to help the man exercise and dance.

As a result, the 42-year-old Mexican lost 230 kilograms. Now he dreams of losing another 2 times the weight so that he can kick the ball with Claudia’s son.

The fattest child in the world.

Jessica Leonard was born in Chicago. The world learned about her in 2007, when the girl shocked everyone with her appearance on popular American television channels. At that time, the 7-year-old child weighed 222 kilograms. And there were very specific reasons for this. Food was her greatest passion. Mom says that her daughter constantly asked for food as soon as she got up after another meal. Moreover, her diet included only unhealthy dishes, mainly fast food. The girl happily devoured giant portions of French fries, fried chicken, chicken, pizza, cheeseburgers, hamburgers, and washed it all down with soda. There were 10 thousand kilocalories in the “baby’s” belly per day, while the child’s norm was only 1800. Caroline Shu Guzh’s mother reported that she simply could not refuse a hungry child. Jessica threw hysterics and tearfully asked for more food.

As a result of such concessions, at 3 years old the girl weighed 77 kilograms, and at 4 - already 100. The American could not move independently or even stand. But she could crawl, sit and roll, but with severe shortness of breath. And at the same time, Jessica had her first problems - first with movement, then with speech. Due to the heavy weight, Leonard's body has changed - the bones of his legs are curved, the joints are frozen in an irregular shape. All this is accompanied by constant pain. Facial obesity has led to difficulties in conversation, so the baby rarely speaks.

After a series of reports about the fattest child, the public was horrified. The police were inundated with requests to help the child. People demanded that the abuse of the girl end and that the mother be brought to justice. Jessica was admitted to the clinic and put on a strict diet. She was forbidden to eat fried, fatty and starchy foods, and was forced to do physical exercise. A year and a half later, Jessica weighed 82 kilograms. However, there remains stretched skin that needs to be removed. After a series of operations, doctors plan to return Jessica Leonard to normal life.

The editors of “Find Out Everything” advocate for a healthy lifestyle - healthy eating and exercise. In our another article you can read about the most pumped up man in the world.
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Sometimes a person gains excess weight as a result of illness. But most people have a different reason - they eat too much and move too little. Obesity can make a person's life incredibly difficult, both mentally and physically. However, some people have even become famous due to their weight. Here top 10 fattest people in the world of those living today.

The fattest man in Russia was born on September 24, 1999 and by the age of 1 he already weighed 17 kilograms. And by the first grade, Dzhambulat’s weight reached 115 kg, thanks to which his name appeared in the Guinness Book of Records. His mother says that the son inherited his heroic dimensions from his grandfather.

Dzhambulat gained worldwide fame thanks to the documentary video “The Biggest Boy in the World,” which was broadcast on many television channels around the world.

Currently, the young man’s weight reaches 240 kg, and he is not at all embarrassed about it. On the contrary, Khatokhov consciously increases his body weight and plans to compete in sumo competitions. He is actively involved in sports, participated in television shows and, at the invitation of journalists, visited Japan and England.

9. Donna Simpson - 290 kg

This enterprising, overly curvy lady created her own website where her fans paid to watch Donna eat to gain even more weight. According to foreign publications, she earned $90,000 a year in this way. In 2010, Donna received the title “The Fattest Mom in the World” and immortalized her name in the Guinness Book of Records.

However, in 2011, the woman decided to lose weight to 170 kg in order to be more independent and be able to fully care for her two children.

Simpson is a proponent of the fat acceptance movement and ridicules people who "feel guilty when they overeat."

However, even at her “peak form,” Donna was far from the late Carol Yager, who, with a height of 170 cm, weighed 544 kg.

8. Terry Smith - 320 kg

Once upon a time, this dark-skinned American woman was an active woman, despite the fact that she had been overweight since childhood. By the age of 20, she weighed 100 kg, but at the same time lived a full life, and then got married and became a mother.

As Terry naturally aged, she steadily gained weight and eventually became bedridden. The situation is complicated by the fact that the woman suffers from constant headaches and doctors suspect a brain tumor. However, there is no MRI for patients of this size.

7. Paul Mason - 445 kg

Mason's breakfast was food for ten people and included bread, bacon, sausages and chicken eggs, and snacks consisted of 40 bags of potato chips and 20 candy bars a day. The NHS in England had to widen the doors and corridors at Mason's home so restaurant staff could deliver food directly to the fat man's bed.

Mason was called the fattest man on Earth, but this did not make him happy. The Briton is tired of his appetites; he no longer wanted to consume nearly 20,000 calories every day.

In 2015, Paul Mason underwent a gastric bypass procedure. In order for the operating room to support the weight of the patient, engineers had to install metal supports under the floor. The man was driven to lose weight by his love for Rebecca Mountain. Thanks to this bright feeling, he lost 305 kg and got rid of 21 kg of excess skin. Unfortunately, the couple broke up.

6. Katrina Raiford - 454 kg

Katrina was sexually abused as a child and began to eat stress. At the age of 14, she had to undergo treatment in a psychiatric hospital due to problems with overeating. This Florida resident spent most of her life within the four walls of her own home, communicating with peers only on the Internet.

However, Katrina did not lose hope for a normal life and managed to lose 261 kg with the help of gastrointestinal surgery and a strict diet. She is not going to stop there and is already going to romantic dinners with her boyfriends.

5. Andre Nasr - 468 kg

Australia's fattest man sought medical help in 2015 after being unable to leave his home for the past two to three years. Andre consumed 12,000 calories every day - six times the amount recommended for Australians.

An Australian man became so overweight that one of the walls of his home had to be dismantled so that medical workers could take him to hospital. There he joined a special treatment program.

Nasr has since lost more than 170kg and says he wants to help others overcome extreme obesity.

4. Kenneth Bramley - 468 kg

At one time, Kenneth was considered the fattest man on Earth, and a documentary film “Half Ton Dad” was made about his life. He was bedridden for four years, and the fire department had to break down a wall in his home to get him out and take him to Renaissance Hospital in Texas. There, Bramley managed to lose 76 kg within 40 days.

The weight loss procedure involved limiting the man's daily diet to approximately 1,200 calories per day. For comparison: Kenneth consumed about 30 thousand calories daily.

3. Mayra Rosales - 470 kg

If you look at the photo of Myra in 2008 and now, it will be difficult to believe that this is the same person. This woman is living proof that it doesn't matter how much you weigh. The right motivation is important to lose weight.

In order to take care of her nephews, Myra lost weight to 91 kg. Her sister Jaime Lee is serving a prison sentence for the manslaughter of her two-year-old child. Rosales initially took the blame on herself, saying that she accidentally sat on her nephew and crushed him. However, during a high-profile investigation, the truth came out. And the real criminal was punished.

2. JuanPedro Franco - 585 kg

In 2016, a resident of Mexico was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the fattest person in the world. His weight at that time almost reached 595 kg. In a short film shown by the BBC, Franco explains that after a car accident at the age of 17, half of his body was "broken" and he failed to fully recover. However, doctors did not understand why the man gained so much fat.  Franco suffered from diabetes, high blood pressure and hypothyroidism.

He has now lost 132kg, down to 453kg. A whole team of 30 professionals helps him with this for free. A man’s goal is very simple - to get up from the couch on his own. This motivates him to exercise and even undergo gastric bypass surgery.

1. Khalid ibn Muhsen Shaari - maximum weight 610 kg

As a teenager, a resident of Saudi Arabia weighed 610 kilograms. He fell just short of the record set by the fattest man in history, American John Minnock, with a body weight of 635 kg.

Khalid’s achievement, which is extremely dubious from the point of view of health benefits, was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records.

In 2013, the king of Saudi Arabia ordered the young man to be hospitalized. He also paid for the treatment. The young fat man was taken to the clinic on a military plane.

Two hundred and ninety kilograms is how much the fattest man in the world weighs after all medical procedures. Through the efforts of doctors and Khalid himself, he managed to lose 320 kilograms. And by 2016, the heaviest man in the world gained the ability to walk.

In this post, I invite you to meet the record holders among fat people.

1. The fattest people in history


American Carol Yeager(1960-1994) is the fattest person in the world, she is also considered the fattest woman on earth. Carol was born in the American city of Flint, Michigan in 1960. While still a little girl, she was already distinguished from her peers by her heavy weight and respectable dimensions. The reason for the appearance of excess weight is an inexorable appetite that did not give her rest. According to Carol, the constant desire to eat haunted her because of the stress she experienced when one of her family members molested her. Although in subsequent interviews she indicated other reasons for her weakness for food.
Her weight is amazing, because it was 727 kg. But it is worth noting that her maximum weight of 727 kg was not officially registered, but only had public confirmation. The officially registered weight of the fattest person in the world was recorded at the age of 34, on the day of her death, then it was 544 kg with a height of 1.7 m.


Jon Brower Minnoch(1941-1983) This man was fat all his life. This did not stop him from living, working and communicating with people. In his youth, he worked as a taxi driver, then he was about 20 - 22 years old, already at that time his weight was 180 kg. But he still managed to fit in the car. Problems with excess weight came to John Minnoch at the age of 24 - 25; in 1966, his weight was 317.5 kg. From that moment on, his weight began to grow inexorably, by 1976 he was already 440 kg. With such a mass, he could no longer move independently and was limited in his means of subsistence. Constantly lying down and eating huge amounts of food led to the fact that this man began to weigh 635 kg! his height was 185 cm, and an unprecedented amount of fluid had accumulated in his body - about 400 liters! Who would have thought, but in order to turn him over in bed, the efforts of at least 12 - 14 people were required. Thus, history received the fattest man on earth and the fattest man in the world, officially registered in the Guinness Book of Records.

2. The fattest people alive

The 7-year-old girl on the right in the photo, of course, doesn’t look skinny, but you can’t call her fat either. By the age of 50, Terry Smith had lost weight to a life-threatening 370 kg. And she became the fattest living woman.

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Manuel Uribe
(born 1965) became famous in 2006 thanks to the documentary film about him, My Horrible Story.

At the start of the film, he weighed 560 kg.
However, the man purposefully lost weight through proper nutrition. This allowed him to lose weight so much that in 2008 he married his longtime girlfriend. And by the spring of 2011 his weight was already 178 kg, which is certainly a lot, but it’s still not 560 :)

Jessica Leonard from Chicago (born 2000)
In 2007, world television channels broadcast shocking stories about Jessica Leonard from Chicago, who at the age of 7 weighed 222 kilograms and was the fattest child in the world.

The video shows viewers a frightening sight. 7-year-old Jessica, who, due to her enormous weight, can no longer walk or even stand on her feet, moves around the house only by crawling or sitting. The girl has difficulty speaking and has constant shortness of breath. But at the same time she never stops asking for food.

Every day, her mother fed Jessica kilos of fast food and gave her five liters of soda. Thus, the girl received 10 thousand kilocalories per day, while the daily need of a child of that age is no more than 1800 kcal.

This outrageous situation stirred up public opinion. After the broadcast of the reports, television channels received thousands of appeals from indignant parents demanding that Jessica’s mother, who brought the child to such a state, be held accountable, as well as from children who were not indifferent to the fate of their peer.

Local authorities promised to start an investigation, because there were already precedents, as in the case of 7-year-old Connor McCready. And suddenly the mother decided to put her giant offspring on a diet.

Thanks to a strict diet and exercise under the guidance of the best specialists, Jessica Leonard lost 140 kilograms.

However, for a 9-year-old girl this weight is unacceptable. Only the excess sagging skin left after losing weight weighs about 10 kg and constantly causes inconvenience. Crooked leg joints cause pain when walking and require treatment. So the best form is yet to come.

Now viewers following the girl’s fate rejoice at her successes as if they were their own. And boys of the same age say that Jessica has become much prettier and even confess their love to her.

3. Other fat people

The fattest gymnast

His name is Matt Alaeddine, and at 181 kilograms he is the fattest flexible man. Or the most flexible fat man - as you like. The weight does not prevent him from curling up and touching his cheeks with his toes. Of course he works in the circus. Well, really - he’s not supposed to dance in ballet :)

The fattest prisoner

George Jolicoeur weighs 272 kilograms. This is the fattest prisoner. Do you know why he was arrested? Do you think that he entered houses through windows? Nope. He loved going to restaurants and didn't pay for food. It was on free grub that it rang out. He was arrested in 2007 because of 50 bucks that he did not want to pay for beef, claiming that it was covered with mold. True, there is one thing. The prosecutor's office calculated the costs of keeping such a prisoner in prison and decided not to imprison him. He was placed in a nursing home on house arrest, it seemed like it was cheaper to keep him there.

The fattest cat

The fashion for thinness dictates its own conditions. Women and men all over the world are struggling with excess weight, hoping to gain slimness and beauty. But for some people, excess weight is an asset that they flaunt. They are ready to appear for newspapers and magazines, TV channels and online publications, tell their stories, strive to gain additional weight in order to get into the Guinness Book of Records. They are obese and overweight, they are plagued by illnesses, but they are proud of their extra pounds. There are also those who are in a happy marriage and want to prove that excess weight is not an obstacle to pure and sincere love.

By the way, we would like to note that the unhealthy foods that you allow yourself occasionally do not harm your figure in any way, so sometimes you can safely eat what you want. Many people say that occasionally they want to eat a portion of French fries or Doshirak, and they cannot calm down until they do this. In such situations, you should not strictly limit yourself. In addition, when buying Doshirak, you can take part in the promotion, register the Doshirak code and win one of the super prizes.

The Miracle Diet portal has prepared for its readers a selection of photographs of the fattest people in the world.

The fattest man in the world, who was included in the Guinness Book of Records, was recognized Mexican Manuel Uribe. At the age of 43, his weight was 572 kg. However, after a while he broke another record. Having lost 231 kg, he was included in the book of records for getting rid of the most extra pounds. The Mexican claims that his future wife Claudia helped him do this. In 2008, Manuel Uribe got married, and all invitees were prohibited from filming the wedding celebration. You were not allowed to take video cameras, cameras or phones with you. Only the Discovery Channel had the exclusive right to film the wedding. Manuel Uribe was transported to the wedding on a special bed using a forklift. To feed such a giant, you need to send a loan application to all banks, collect tens of thousands of dollars in credit, and this is hardly enough for a year.

Watch a video about Manuel Uribe, his story and his wedding. ("My Horrible Story")

Donna Simpson also became famous due to her excess weight. At the age of 43, her weight was 273 kilograms. Her dream was to get into the Guinness Book of Records as the fattest woman in the world, for this she needed to gain weight to 450 kilograms. To achieve her goal, she needs to eat about 12 thousand calories per day (see calorie table). She has been married for about 20 years - she got married when she was 24 years old. My husband's weight is only 68 kilograms. But not so long ago it became known that they broke up.

Donna Simpson has already entered the book of records when she became the fattest mother in the world. She opened her website for fans who watch her life. She hosts video broadcasts on her website in which she shows how she consumes large amounts of food. The site brought her an income of 90 thousand dollars a year. As it became known, Donna Simpson has now gone on a diet () and decided to lose weight.

Terry Smith

Another woman known throughout the world for her weight is American Terry Smith. She weighs about 320 kilograms and has been bedridden for the past few years. She can hardly do anything on her own, not even get out of bed, let alone wash and get dressed. She was very large since childhood (see how to help a child lose weight) and at the age of 7 she weighed 51 kilograms. And at the age of 20 she already weighed more than 100 kg.

The woman also has a husband who is several years younger than her, a daughter and granddaughters. They support Terry as best they can. Doctors told her to urgently go on a diet, otherwise it could threaten the woman’s life. She had already tried to lose weight using untested diet pills () that doctors prescribed to her. But the pills did not help her, moreover, other doctors suspect she has serious brain damage. In such critical cases, most often only surgical intervention can help (see about liposuction), as well as the help of qualified nutritionists who can develop the correct individual diet for a given patient.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):