Today you will learn about selective breeds of cattle that can boast greater weight and unsurpassed productive qualities. Let's look at record-breaking bulls, and also talk about the largest wild even-toed ungulates.

The largest cattle breeds

Selection work, culling and selection of partners have made it possible to obtain breeds that have unimaginable weight indicators.


An English beef breed that was developed in the 18th century by culling from available local cattle. US breeders were subsequently involved in improving the qualities of the breed. In 1928, Hereford cows were brought to the USSR, where they were used for crossing with dairy and beef breeds.

Both bulls and cows have a muscular, massive body and are also distinguished by shortened limbs. At birth, young animals weigh 28–33 kg, but the weight of adult representatives of the breed is 30–40 times greater. The maximum weight of a cow is 850 kg, and that of a bull is 1350 kg. It is worth considering that the average height is only 125 cm.

Important! Initially, the breed was used as a draft force, which is where the efforts of breeders were directed.

“Herefords” have a chest girth of about 2 m, a chest depth of 72 cm and a body length of about 1.5 m. The animals are valued for the marketability and taste of marbled meat, the slaughter yield of which reaches 70%.


Which is one of the most productive and widespread in the world. Americans were engaged in selection in the middle of the 19th century. At the same time, efforts were aimed at increasing the volume of milk and live weight of horned animals.

The average weight of adult cows is 650–750 kg, and bulls - 0.9–1.2 tons. At the same time, breeding work does not stop to this day, since the goal is to bring the minimum weight to 850 kg.

The body constitution of the animals is familiar, height at the withers is 140 cm, chest depth is up to 80 cm inclusive. They are distinguished by a large volumetric udder, which has a cup-shaped shape.

Despite the fact that the weight of bulls exceeds a ton, the slaughter yield of meat does not exceed 55%, which indicates the weighty skeleton of the animals. At the same time, milk yield can exceed 10 thousand kg per year.

Chiana (Italian)

An Italian breed of meat production, the selection of which was carried out back in Ancient Rome. Animals are distinguished by aggressiveness and mobility. Given its size, a cow can kill a person with a blow from its hind or front hooves. “Kians” jump over fences, the height of which reaches two meters, without any problems.

The average weight of an adult cow is 750–1000 kg, and that of a bull is 1.2–1.5 tons. Such a large weight is due to the average height at the withers of 150–180 cm, which makes the animal seem huge. The main difference of this breed is its rapid growth. The daily weight gain reaches 2 kg. Moreover, at the age of 1 year, the average weight is 475 kg.

The slaughter yield of meat is 60–65%, while the products are dietary, as they have a low percentage of fat.


A Russian beef breed that was bred from local cattle that came from Western Mongolia. Cows are distinguished by a well-developed maternal instinct, because of which even the owner cannot approach the young animals.

The weight of cows is 450–600 kg, bulls - 750–900 kg. The body constitution is similar to that of draft oxen. It is worth noting that Kalmyk cows are well adapted to the sharply continental climate. They can store a lot of fat to survive cold winters.

Did you know? Kalmyk cows can walk up to 50 km a day in search of food, even in severe frosts, due to their thick wool and fat deposits.

Slaughter yield - 60%. Moreover, 70% of the total mass is muscle and only 10% is fat. The annual milk yield is small: no more than 1500 kg. Milk has a fat content of 4.2–4.4%.

A French breed of meat production, which was bred in the 18th century in the Charolais region, which is how it got its name. Charolais cows are characterized by difficult calving, which requires a caesarean section.

These are truly huge muscular animals, looking at which it seems that their body constitution is unnatural. The weight of a cow is 650–1100 kg, and that of a bull is 950–1400 kg. It is worth considering that the maximum height at the withers is 145 cm, and the oblique length of the body does not exceed 170 cm. Young animals quickly gain weight and already at the age of 6 months have a mass of 230 kg.

Important! Cows can be used for milk production until they are 15 years old.

The breed is valued for its high quality dietary meat, the yield of which is up to 80%. As for milk production, in this regard, Charolais cows are greatly inferior. In a year, each individual can produce no more than 2.5 thousand kg, and the fat content of the product is 4%.


An English breed, which is classified as both meat and meat and dairy. It was bred in the 18th century by crossing local cattle with breeds such as Dutch and Galloway. It is interesting that initially the selection was in the meat direction, but already in the 19th century individuals with a large mass and good milk yield were selected.

Since breeding work was aimed at producing high-quality meat and milk at the same time, the mass of adult animals does not break records. Cows weigh on average 550–750 kg, bulls 800–1100 kg. In rare cases, there are individuals that weigh up to 1300 kg inclusive. Representatives of the Shorthorn breed have a small height at the withers - up to 130 cm. The oblique length of the body is 155 cm. The chest circumference is 185–200 cm.

The breed is valued for its slaughter yield of marbled meat, which reaches 81%. The milk production of cows varies between 2.5–6 thousand kg per year. The products are of high quality, which is why the breed is bred not only in Europe, but also in the USA, Canada, Australia and in some regions of the Russian Federation.

The largest and heaviest bulls in the world

The Guinness Book of Records lists representatives of breeds that amaze with their weight, height or physique. Next, you will learn about the most massive bulls on the planet.

Donetto (Kian breed)

The record holder was determined at an exhibition in 1955 in Arezzo (Italy), it turned out to be a representative of the Chian breed, a bull named Donetto. Its mass was 1740 kg. Moreover, the average weight of bulls often does not exceed 1500 kg.

Field Marshal (Charolais breed)

An eight-year-old bull named Field Marshal became the heaviest bull in England. His weight is 1670 kg, and at the age of seven he weighed 136 kg less. The animal was not bred for exhibitions, but was used on the farm for insemination and various work.

Did you know? The heaviest cow in the world, nicknamed Mount Katahdin, lived at the beginning of the 20th century. Her weight reached 2270 kg, and her torso girth was 400 cm.

Daniel (Holstein breed)

They want to include Daniel the bull in the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest cattle representative in the world. Its height at the withers is 194 cm. The animal consumes 4 times more food than its counterparts. The bull is more than 40 cm taller than its relatives. Interestingly, the Holstein breed is usually not famous for its enormous height.

Repp (Podolsk breed)

The Ukrainian record holder, the insemination bull, representing the Podolsk breed, has a mass of 1.5 tons and a truly terrifying appearance. This is the largest and heaviest bull in the CIS. More than 50 thousand young animals are born per year due to his sperm.

The largest wild bulls

There are a considerable number of cattle species living in the wild, which can boast large weight and body length. They will be discussed further.

Gaur (Asian bison)

Belongs to the genus of true bulls. Distributed in some areas of India, Pakistan, Thailand and Cambodia. The domesticated form is called "gayal".

In natural conditions, animals grow gigantic. Their average weight is 1.5 tons, and in some cases reaches 2 tons. The height at the shoulders is 230 cm, and the length of the horns reaches 90 cm. At the moment, the gaur population is estimated at 20 thousand individuals. In many regions the species is endangered.

Bison (European bison)

The European bison belongs to the bison genus. Previously, this animal was found throughout Russia and Europe, but already in the Middle Ages, the bison’s habitat decreased. They remained only in Central and Eastern Europe. Now only a few representatives remain in the wild, but many European countries breed animals in zoos and then release them into the wild in a nature reserve.

Did you know? Bison do not get along well with other large herbivores, which is why in the reserves where they are bred, carcasses of elk, deer and horses are often found in feeding areas. At the same time, the animal is afraid of people and attacks only in case of danger.

The bison is the heaviest land mammal in Europe. At the beginning of the 20th century, there were individuals whose weight reached 1.2 tons. In captivity, animals grow less weighty, up to 900 kg. The body length of males reaches 300 cm, the height at the withers is 190 cm, and the chest circumference is more than 2.5 m. Females are distinguished not only by their smaller size, but also by the fat content of the milk they feed their calves. It is 3 times fattier than cow's milk.

At the beginning of this century, the bison population numbered about 3.5 thousand individuals.

Interest in outstanding people has not spared animal husbandry either: the largest bulls and the smallest cows are listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Among all the diversity of artiodactyls, bulls are rightfully impressive with their size. Once domesticated, these huge, massive animals maintain and increase their size through human care and selective breeding processes. But there are also cows that are only as tall as a large dog, which also became such thanks to human care.

Giants of the wild forests

The largest bull in the world is found in the dense thickets of South Asian countries. These are Indian bison, or gaura bulls. They are often found in mountain forests or bamboo groves in small groups. Sometimes a small herd may consist of only young bulls, but more often it is a dozen cows, calves and several males. The leader of the herd is usually an old cow. Many adult males leave and live separately.

Three-meter beauties with huge curved horns reach a weight of one and a half tons and have almost no natural enemies. At the same time, their numbers are critically small; the animals are listed in the Red Book. This is due to poachers, as well as changes in natural habitat conditions and the propensity of Asian bison to infectious diseases. Plague and foot-and-mouth disease cause great losses to the gaur population.

The most impressive among domestic

The largest domestic bulls are found among representatives of ancient breeds:

  • Kalmyk (distributed mainly in the territory of the former Soviet Union);
  • Charolais (a large beautiful breed of French origin);
  • Chianine (Italian meat breed, distinguished by a white body and black tail);
  • Shorthorn (the oldest English breed of cows with short horns).

Not each of the listed breeds was initially distinguished by its impressive size. For example, the Chianine is a breed with a thousand-year history. However, large calves began to be born when their genotype was enriched by the breed of Podolsk cows. Now the Italian porcelain bulls, so named for their color, are one of the largest, most powerful and strong representatives of the bovids.

Top Horned Celebrities Book of Records

The Swiss porcelain bull Donetto became world famous at the age of 8 years. In the last century, he took first place among his relatives with the highest weight of 1780 kg and height of 185 cm at the withers. Originally from Italy, this handsome Chianine breed had a cream color and a good disposition.

In the 21st century, the palm passed to a giant of the Charolais breed from England named Field Marshal. He surpassed Donetto in height, reaching 190 cm at the withers. The latest recorded weight of the new record holder has not yet exceeded 1700 kg. However, his annual weight gain reaches 100 kg, so the Field Marshal has every chance of becoming heavier and surpassing his predecessor in weight.

The giant has such a good-natured character that his owners do not see any danger in him and do not even think of depriving the huge muscular bull of his main weapon - his horns.

England - the birthplace of giants

One of the Kingswood cattle farms in England proudly shows tourists its record contender - the black and white Trigger. Four meters in length, almost two in height - these are not the final parameters of a Fresian bull. Fate, in the person of a neighbor who did not allow a young bull to be used for meat, gave him a long life and great glory.

The Fern Animal Shelter is also famous for its cloven-hoofed pets. Found as a six-day-old calf, this Fresian foundling named Chili gained 1,300 kg in weight and reached a height of two meters. These are the numbers that make up his world record for 1999. The giant's horns were cut off just in case, although his character is calm and peaceful. Even outwardly, Chile looks like a huge cow.

Slavic record holders

A Ukrainian celebrity named Repp is also one of the largest bulls in the world. Repp now weighs 1,500 kg and is functioning perfectly as a stud bull. His offspring are several tens of thousands of calves every year. Insemination is carried out exclusively by artificial means, because the Repp bull has a bad character: jealous, touchy and unpredictable. Even in the absence of horns, which had to be cut down so that one could even approach the giant, Repp looks very intimidating.

The largest weight in Russia belongs to a bull named Danube. He is also almost two meters tall and weighs 1250 kg. Danube is a Ural breeding Hereford bull, raised in the Chelyabinsk region. His offspring can set new records, because there are calves that gain 2 kg per day.

Two record extremes

Interest in cow records typically revolves around the amount of milk produced. But cows also have their own giantesses. The largest cow in the world, named Blossom, according to the Guinness Book of Records, currently lives in the United States. In terms of parameters, she is slightly smaller than the largest males of her tribe: with a height of 193 cm, the cow’s weight is 1300 kg. This representative of the Holstein breed is infertile, but she has her own Facebook page.

Another famous cow is named Manikyam and received a registration in the Guinness Book for her height of 62 cm. This baby lives in the family of an Indian farmer and environmentalist. Despite good care, she never grew up during her 8 years of life.

The owners of the smallest cow claim that she is unusually smart and consider her a member of the family. The cow is of an unidentified breed with some features of the Vechur, a dwarf Indian breed.

Advantages of miniature vechurs

Small cows of the Vechur breed are widespread in India. They grow to about a meter in height and gain no more than 200 kg. These animals are usually given to newlyweds as a wedding gift.

Now the population of miniature cattle is under protection; just a few years ago the breed was on the verge of extinction. In India, large donations are made for the maintenance and breeding of Vechurs.

Indian short cows have many advantages in terms of animal husbandry:

  • long life expectancy;
  • unpretentiousness and adaptability to tropical climates;
  • good health;
  • valuable milk with medicinal properties (up to 4 liters per day);
  • undemanding to feed;
  • easy calving and almost 100% survival rate of calves;
  • concentrated manure as a useful fertilizer.

New direction in livestock farming

Cattle breeds, characterized by their small size, have long been used by local residents in accordance with traditions and served as a curiosity for tourists. In addition to the Indian Vechurs, the most famous of the small breeds are the shaggy long-horned Scottish Highlands; humpbacked Ceylon mini-zebu and Australian polled mini-Angus.

The main feature of miniature cattle breeds is the preservation of productivity. They produce about 3 liters of tasty milk daily, and the meat of dwarf cows and bulls has excellent taste. Practically devoid of fat, it has dietary properties and is indicated for many diseases.

Recently, dwarf cow breeds have begun to spread far beyond their historical habitats. More and more European and American farmers are paying attention to them. Even in good old England, famous throughout the world for its meat giants, the dwarf cow appears in barnyards. The disproportionately lower costs of labor and feed make breeding miniature breeds a very attractive business.

Tell us about your relationship with mini-cows. Maybe you already breed them or would like to have one? Write about it in the comments.

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Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 4 minutes


Farmers value cows and bulls with high productivity. For dairy breeds, an important characteristic is the amount of milk yield. In meat breed animals, live body weight and slaughter yield are assessed. However, there are giant cows and bulls that amaze people. They are listed in the Guinness Book of Records and are not distinguished by any productivity. What are animals famous for? How did their owners achieve outstanding results?

The largest cow named Blossom

Cows, which are considered the largest in the world, are distinguished by their mass, height and beauty. Animal owners claim that they achieved this result thanks to good food and careful care. Individuals cannot have calves. Animals are castrated. The castration process changes metabolic processes in the body. Cows develop some bull-like characteristics. They begin to gain weight quickly and their appetite increases. The volume of the stomach increases. The skeleton becomes stronger. Bulls have brighter colors. Their coat color is more saturated than that of females. Large cows have thick, smooth hair and thick skin. Good care provided them with high immunity and a pronounced exterior characteristic of a certain breed. Record-breaking animals are the pride of not only the owner, but also the entire country in which they live.

There are two cows listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Both are Holstein breeds. They are black and white. Based on their appearance, the animals are classified as dairy animals. Wedge-shaped and elongated body, wide loin, large shoulder girdle. The udder has the shape of a bath. The volume of the mammary gland is large.

  • The weight of a bull can be 1200 kg. The weight of a cow is not typical for a dairy breed - up to 900 kg. Height at the withers is up to 150 cm in a female and 160 cm in a bull.
  • The calf is born large - 45 kg. He is gaining weight quickly.
  • A Holstein cow produces up to 10 thousand kg of milk per lactation. The milk has a high fat content, 3.9%.
  • In addition, the animals have a high slaughter yield, up to 60%.
  • Black-and-white cows are very clean. They do not tolerate dirt in the stall. An animal will not eat from a dirty feeder or drink from a drinking bowl if there is hay in it.

The nickname of one of the record holders is Blossom. The cow lives in Illinois. The animal surprises with its height and body weight. Height at the withers – 195 cm. The individual is huge. To measure it, the owner, Mrs. Hanson, had to stand on a stepladder. The weight of the cow is 1.3 tons. She has no calves and does not produce milk. Blossom is the pride of the state. Many tourists come to see this unique animal. The cow lives on a family farm and eats regular feed without antibiotics or other drugs that affect the growth and weight of animals.

The name of the second largest cow in the world, Rio. She lives in the south of England, in Dorset. Her character is complex. She is willful and very active. To prevent the cow from injuring itself and people, its horns were removed. The animal's height is 180 cm, weight is 1.25 tons. The cow eats 3 times a day. The diet is balanced, traditional for dairy and meat breeds. She eats hay, forage or grain, sunflower meal, and vitamin and mineral supplements. The cow is not given any hormonal drugs for accelerated growth or rapid weight gain.

Chianina animals are large and meat productive. The weight of a bull reaches an average of 1200 kg, a cow - 1000 kg. Height at the withers is up to 170 cm in males and 160 cm in females. Animals have thick fur and thick skin. Voluminous folds form on the neck. Calves are born large, up to 45 kg. They are snow white. Bull meat has different taste qualities. There is little fat in it. Slaughter yield – 65%. Females do not produce much milk, up to 1000 kg per lactation. It is used not only for fattening calves, but also for sale. Fat milk – 4.1%.

The largest bull in the world lives in Switzerland. His nickname is Donneto. Bull height 180 cm. Weight – 2t. It belongs to the oldest Italian breed of cattle, the Chianina.

Bulls of this breed were valued in ancient Rome for their strength and high performance. Animals are white. Individuals are called porcelain. Not a single celebration would be complete without porcelain Chianin bulls, which are the largest in the world. Animals are very capricious and jealous. They become attached to one owner and are capable of causing harm to a stranger if he threatens or, on the contrary, expresses signs of attention. The stranger may be another person or animal. Record holder Donneto is no exception, despite the fact that the owner points out his calm character and good disposition.

Another record holder is the Charolais bull Field Marshal. He lives in England. His height is 190 cm. Weight is 1740 kg. He gained 100 kg every year.

Bull named Field Marshal

  • The breed is distinguished by its dimensions. The average weight of a bull is 1100 kg, a female is 850 kg.
  • Animals are polled.
  • Calves are born large, up to 50 kg. They gain up to 1100 g of mass per day. At six months the calf is transferred to the main herd. Its weight is more than 200 kg.
  • Large Charolais bulls are white in color. The exterior of the animals corresponds to the meat breed. They have a large head and a hump on a short, massive neck. The body is muscular, compact, legs are short but strong.
  • Dietary bull meat. It contains little fat.
  • The cows give some milk. It is used to feed calves.

The Podolsk breed has gained worldwide fame. The breeding bull Repp is distinguished by its productive abilities. Its weight is 1.5 tons. Height is 170 cm. The bull lives in a selective livestock breeding complex in Ukraine. His diet is no different from other breeding bulls, but the record holder loves soy and sugar. 50 thousand calves are born from it per year, which have strong immunity.

The Podolsk breed has meat productivity. Color: variegated white and brown. The animals have a wide and strong chest, a straight back, and barrel-shaped sides. Animals have a strong physique. The average weight of a bull is 1000 kg, females – 800 kg.

The Holstein bull Chilly entered the Guinness Book of Records. He lives in Britain and looks like a big cow. Its height is 2 m. This is the largest growth among cattle in the world. The weight at the time of measurement in 2008 was 1.7 tons. Every year the individual gains 100 kg. The bull is already 16 years old.

These are not typical characteristics for the Holstein breed. The animals, of course, are large and have high milk production. Holsteins did not show gigantic growth.

Biggest was found in Great Britain, whose height currently reaches 2 meters, and the weight of the bull reaches almost 1.5 tons! The nickname of this bull is Trigger. The interesting thing is that this bull was almost killed by its owner at a young age, wanting to cook it for his loved ones, but a neighbor living nearby stood up for the animal, which was still a calf, who discovered the calf’s enormous potential.

At the withers, the bull reaches an impressive size, namely 4.4 meters, undoubtedly not planning to stop there and will weigh more and more. This goby leads a sedate life in the fields, consuming grass and large quantities of apples as its daily diet. Despite its large size, the bull is very friendly, including a very easy-going and balanced character, according to its owner. However, the animal needed castration and separation of horns so as not to harm any person, but it can cause quite serious harm, believe me.

At the moment, “Trigger” has become a kind of landmark of Kingswood; all the population of the area, without exception, and sometimes even tourists, come to look at it. It is important to highlight that all, without exception, were awarded the title of the largest on the planet, fed naturally, without the participation of genetic engineering and similar types of food. The world is no worse than man, creating amazing, strong and, most importantly, life-loving creatures. The main goal of man is conservation of the animal gene pool.

Gallery: the largest bull and turkey in the world (25 photos)

The biggest bulls in the world

Record-breaking bulls:

  1. Nicknamed "Tur" whose height reaches 1.8 meters.
  2. "Chianine" whose height is 1.9 meters.
  3. Nicknamed “Kuprey”, its height is 1.8 meters.
  4. A breed of bull called Banteng whose height is almost 2.5 meters.
  5. "Gaur" whose height is 2.3 meters.

Bull inseminator

More in the old centuries In order to obtain offspring of livestock with excellent meat and dairy qualities, the use of breeding bulls that were optimal for a given mission arose. In animal husbandry, he was in a special condition and allowance. Previously, a purebred bull brought into the herd mated up to a hundred cows throughout the year. This grueling task required a period of time to restore strength. Experts conducted studies that showed that it is permissible to use breeding bulls for the purpose of unnatural insemination.

Inseminating bulls sometimes never encounter a cow during their entire existence, since their semen is collected by special devices, and then the cows are inseminated artificially. In this way, with the support of 1 bull, it is possible to impregnate up to one thousand cows every year. The seed obtained from the animal is frozen using liquid nitrogen. This method makes it possible to preserve it for more than ten years.

The properties and skills for fertilization are completely stored. Before you start raising a breeding type of livestock, it is necessary to select the optimal specimens between bulls and cows, the properties of which must meet specific characteristics: livestock must be purebred and healthy physique. Then they are given to workers of special farms, since due to the properties associated with nutrition and maintenance, some problems arise.

Proper management of the inseminating bull

In livestock farming there is such a representation in the form of a bull bull. He is deliberately raised, selecting the best of all available. Its qualities must meet certain demands. As a rule, these are the largest and have good health. In order to strengthen the well-being and good physiological figure of a purebred bull, he requests special treatment:

The largest turkey in the world

Turkey According to its own scale, it exceeds other domestic birds. The average weight of an adult turkey reaches 11 kilograms. Like all animals, turkeys also have their own record holders. The largest such bird in the whole world belongs to the broad-breasted turkey breed, such breeds are common in poultry farms.

This turkey, named Tyson, had an unimaginable weight of 39 kilograms. They are praised for their soft and appetizing meat. Excellent market view. The snow-white color of the feather and fluff, as well as significant weight, are the advantages of this breed. Turkeys of this type were first bred in the 60s in America. By mixing Dutch and bronze turkeys, experts acquired a delightful breed. In the initial years of breeding, this type of turkey was bought by numerous countries.

Attention, TODAY only!

Chianine or porcelain bull

This is the largest bull. The meat of the Italian breed is the best and it is appreciated. This breed has a cream or white color, according to its name. We can say that the biggest bull is very good-natured. The same cannot be said about other bulls. Bulls are usually famous for their harsh temperament and periodic attacks on others.

Porcelain bulls do not fight with their brothers, but if an attack takes place, the fight will be serious and the victim may be trampled. The Chianine breed has been around for thousands of years. The bulls got their name from the locality where the breed was bred - the Tuscan Chiana Valley. But at first, representatives of this species did not differ in size. When the breed was crossed with the Podolsk one, calves began to appear weighing 45 kilograms. An adult now grows to 180 centimeters at the withers and weighs more than a ton. Cows are also large, they grow up to 160 centimeters. Their large weight is due not to fat, but to muscles. They have great strength and record breaking power. The Marble breed is the largest breed of bull.

Donnetto - the world's largest bull

His weight was 1740 kilograms and his height at the withers was 190 centimeters. There lived a bull in Switzerland in the middle of the last century. He was the kindest creature in the world.

Another notable individual is the white Fresian bull of Chile, his breed was bred from porcelain at one time. Its weight is 1300 kilograms. He was found very young in 1999 in Fern, England, near an animal shelter. The calf was six days old. Now Chile is popular and is more than 10 years old. He poses for tourists. The bull's annual gain is 100 kilograms. Chile is now included in the Guinness Book of Records. He doesn't look scary or massive. The animal is more like a cow. He is affectionate and gentle, but if he gets stubborn, he won’t budge even under pressure.

One of the giants is now an inhabitant of Britain named Trigger of the Fresian breed. He has grown to 196 centimeters and weighs 1.2 tons. They wanted to slaughter him for meat at an early age, but a neighbor stood up for him and was not deceived. The bull is 4.3 meters long from the nose to the beginning of the tail. The bull is very quiet, grazes in the field, eats meadow grass and a large number of apples. For safety, his horns were cut off.

Field Marshal is the largest bull by weight today. At the withers he is 190 centimeters and weighs 1700 kilograms. He lives on an English farm with Arthur Duckety, who purchased him at a breeding market several years ago. A bull with an impressive weight eats quite modestly, less than a cow. Field Marshal is on the pasture all year round. His character is balanced and his powerful horns were not cut off.

The biggest bull currently. The Charolais breed has a calm disposition and great weight, maternal properties and good feeding ability, high endurance and survival. Some individuals live up to 15 years. The breed is bred in France.

In Ukraine there lives an insemination bull named Repp, one of the largest bulls. It weighs 1.5 tons and is a seed producer. The animal produces approximately 50 thousand calves every year. The bull has never seen the cow; insemination is carried out artificially. His breed is the Podolsk bull. The animal is in the Cherkassy breeding center. Repp is an unplanned giant. The record holder is quite touchy, slightly vindictive and lazy.

The pet requires attention. And if the bull is offended, the offender may get a slight kick. But the bull does not conflict with its relatives and behaves friendly.

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