Some of the plants listed in this article are quite beautiful and harmless in appearance. But you definitely shouldn’t touch them, much less eat them - after all, they are the most poisonous flowers in the world.

The more popularly known name for this plant is fighter. It belongs to the ranunculaceae family and blooms with beautiful purple inflorescences. unusual shape. Aconite grows mainly in the northern hemisphere - Siberia, Far East, Central Asia. Often grown as an ornamental plant. In terms of toxicity, aconite can be compared to the Indian poison curare. Just 0.2 mg can cause severe poisoning. By the way, even the scent of a flower can be dangerous.

Such powerful toxic properties are associated with alkaloids (especially aconitine) contained in unripe seeds and rhizomes. The smell of the plant's root is similar to that of horseradish. Aconite is used in medicine in minimal doses, in particular in homeopathy.

Poisoning has symptoms such as nausea, weakness, tingling of the tongue, enlarged pupils, convulsions, arrhythmia, and dizziness. Ultimately, if first aid is not provided, death from respiratory arrest may occur. Help consists of washing the stomach with a manganese solution, drinking plenty of hot drinks, and applying heating pads. And, of course, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Some healers claim that they can cure oncology

Despite the toxicity, the most poisonous flower quite widely used in folk medicine in some regions - Tibet, China. There it is used in the treatment of diabetes, anemia, stomach ulcers, angina pectoris, tuberculosis, and potency disorders.

This perennial grass also known as belladonna. It has powerful branched roots, pointed leaves and large flowers of purple-yellow shades. The fruit is a black shiny berry, similar to a cherry and sweet in taste. Belladonna grows in the mountains, most often in the Caucasus and Carpathian mountains. She likes moist, loose soil rich in humus.

Belladonna also has benefits: it has an analgesic effect and can improve heart function.

Absolutely everything about belladonna is poisonous: from the roots to the berries; they contain the alkaloid hyoscyamine, as well as atropine. There are even cases where people died after eating honey from its pollen. Just two berries can kill a child, but many birds feed on them without harm.

The plant is used in medicine, but products with it must be used extremely carefully, observing the dosage. Belladonna poisoning usually occurs by eating the berries (most often by children). Plantation workers who touch the plant while collecting it can also be poisoned. Symptoms of poisoning include dry mouth and nose, dilated pupils, redness of the face, and vision problems. Skin rash is possible. Less common but serious symptoms include hallucinations, wheezing, vomiting and diarrhea.

In the Middle Ages, beauties dripped its juice into their eyes to dilate their pupils, which often led to blindness and increased eye pressure.

It is necessary to immediately call an ambulance, and while it is on its way, rinse the stomach with a solution of manganese or weak tea (they contain substances that prevent the absorption of poison into the walls of the stomach). After this, the poisoned person should begin to vomit. Finally, you need to crush twenty tablets of activated carbon, pour them into a glass of cold water and give the poisoned person a drink. Even if you feel better, this does not cancel a visit to the hospital.

Other names for this plant are crazy grass or water drinker. It is a powerful hallucinogen. His bad smell worsens when touched. Datura is found almost everywhere and even grows in many yards as a weed, especially near walls or fences, in damp, shaded areas.

It is also cultivated in Ukraine and in the southern regions of Russia as a medicinal raw material. Leaves and seeds are collected in dry weather after flowering begins, and berries as they ripen. Then the raw materials are dried.

In case of an overdose of dope, hallucinations, nausea, tachycardia, convulsions, and temporary memory loss will occur. First aid is to lavage the stomach and induce vomiting, in the meantime you need to call a doctor.

From useful properties Datura is noted to have a sedative and analgesic effect; it is used in the treatment of bronchial asthma and gastrointestinal diseases. In particular, for the treatment of asthma there are special cigarettes filled with dope. Tinctures, decoctions, and mixtures made from different parts of the plant are also used. However, before use, you should consult a qualified doctor.

The shelf life of Datura, even dried, does not exceed two years, then it must be burned

This plant has both enormous toxicity and benefits. The digitalis it contains has long been considered the best way to combat heart failure, but in case of overdose it becomes a terrible poison. Foxglove grows in hollows and other hidden, seemingly inconspicuous corners, which is why it is associated with elves and other forest dwellers.

Foxglove - extremely unpretentious plant. It is resistant to both frost and drought, so gardeners grow it without problems. The purple variety of the flower is mainly grown. The use of the plant in medicine dates back to 1650, it was considered a cleansing agent (in other words, a laxative and emetic). It was prescribed for many diseases and in huge doses, which often led to death, as a result of which the use of digitalis began to decline over time. In 1746, it was excluded from the pharmacological lists, but a little later, after ten years of scientific testing, it was reintroduced into practice.

In many countries, the name of the plant gives off something fabulous - for example, in Germany it is “gnome hat”, and in England it is “fox glove”

This herbaceous plant usually lives in forests or along river banks. He has many medicinal properties, but the same properties can result in poisoning if you overdo it. In medicine, the plant is used as a bile- and diuretic, cardiac and sedative. Only lily of the valley berries are used, collected in dry weather; they can be stored for several months, but not more than a year.

Incorrect doses, not agreed upon with a doctor, cause severe poisoning in a person, resulting in weakness, continuous vomiting, drowsiness, mental confusion, even hallucinations. If a person is not given immediate first aid, he may die.

Lily of the valley berries and flowers are poisonous both freshly picked and dried.

Because of its pretty red flower, poppies are one of gardeners' favorite plants for decoration. personal plots. In Europe, poppy is also popular and has been actively grown for hundreds of years, and has been used as a medicine for just as long, especially as a sleeping pill. All parts of the poppy have toxic properties, excluding the harmless seeds used in cooking. The fact is that the milky sap of the plant contains at least twenty different alkaloids.

Thus, the poppy plays a dual role in the world. On the one hand, the morphine it contains is a strong pain reliever, and codeine weakens cough. But poppy plantations are often used for the production of narcotic drugs. Particularly damaging to the plant's reputation is the fact that heroin can be produced from its alkaloids. In varieties grown in the Middle East, the content of alkaloids is significantly higher than in European ones.

In Afghanistan, a tenth of the total cultivated area is occupied by poppy fields

Initially, Brugmansia was classified as a datura, but was later separated into a separate genus. On at the moment Extracts from the plant containing several types of alkaloids are used in medicine. But the native Indians South America used it as a hallucinogen to perform religious rituals. It was quite possible to kill with a strong concentrate of poison.

This flowering plant grown almost all over the world as an ornamental

Plants, like animals, are links in food chains. In this regard, in the process of evolution, many have developed powerful defense mechanisms. Fortunately, most useful and harmful properties People already know plants, and this allows them to be careful when handling them.

An abundance of well-groomed indoor plants is considered a huge plus for housewives. When visiting such a house, people involuntarily admire and do not hide their joyful emotions, since the large number of plants often leaves no one indifferent.

Well-groomed flowers in flowerpots undoubtedly delight the eye and charm, harmoniously complementing the interior as a decorative attribute. Urban areas are not rich in clean air, and in open windows contaminated oxygen gases enter and harmful substances. Houseplants cleanse it of toxic contaminants. But there are also poisonous ones that are not recommended to be grown at home.

Plant experts do not recommend planting “flower greenhouses” indoors. Huge number does more harm to vegetation than good, releasing dangerous volatile compounds.

This problem is easily solved; it is enough to regularly ventilate the living area. But there are species that are dangerous not only to health, but also to human life, if they are not properly cared for.

What house plants are fraught with danger? We will consider the main most popular poisonous plants in floriculture in this article.

Belongs to the group of succulents, stunning everyone with its beauty. Called the Impala Lily and the Desert Rose, it is also known as the Star of Sabinia. The crown is decorated with fragrant flowers, reminiscent of lilies. Due to its simplicity and ease of care, Adenium is in demand among amateur gardeners and as a home ornamental plant.

Ancient African tribal communities used the juice to soak arrows, which, when they got into the prey, killed it. Therefore, when buying a flower, you need to think about a secluded place that children and pets will not have access to.

Scientists prohibit placing a flower in a child's room.

Contact with the plant only with gloves, then wash your hands and all equipment. Do not touch clothing or skin areas.

Popularly called “The Fragrant Source of Well-Being.” Its inflorescences are collected in clusters and create a pleasant, but slightly strong aroma, which very often causes headaches and dizziness. It grows very quickly and therefore its flowering is always abundant. But For the human body, the most dangerous element is the lanceolate leaves, which if ingested can cause the death of an adult and wood used as fuel.

When ingested, it causes cardiovascular abnormalities. The cardiac glycoside contained in the leafy part causes arrhythmias and cardiac conduction blockades. It is necessary to wear gloves when working with a pet.

One of the recognized plants of the Araceae genus in indoor microclimates. The flower contains oxalates in the juice - salts of oxalic acid. Contact with skin causes redness or allergic reaction, but it all depends individual characteristics person. , getting into the digestive organs often causes swelling of the larynx and a slight burn oral cavity. Considering the dangerous effect on the body, it is necessary to work with the plant carefully. Install at home in an inaccessible place.


The second name is Madagascar palm. A flower with a thick, spiny stem and a rosette-shaped tip that resembles a palm tree. Pachypodium contains poisonous milky sap, which manifests itself as a result of violation of the integrity of the flower.. On skin the substance does not have negative effects, it only has a bad effect on wounds and mucous membranes. Washing your hands after working with Pachypodium will help you avoid harm to your health.

The flower qualitatively restores the indoor air composition to the standards; it is not recommended to place it in sleeping rooms. Poisonous composition the juice contained in the stem causes severe disturbances in the digestive system, as well as difficulty breathing. Juice getting on fragile layers of skin causes burns.


Zamioculcas is a popular plant that can be found in every home. More common folk name. Dangerous juice found throughout the plant. Touching the flower does not cause pathological disorders in the body. Only the juice contained inside is poisonous. The flower itself does not produce toxic fumes that provoke chemical poisoning.

Avoid getting the juice into your eyes and mucous membranes.

Plumeria is considered a poisonous plant. To a greater extent, toxic substances are contained in the juice. Getting on soft fabrics, causes severe irritation and inflammation. Despite the negative fact, the flower takes root well at home and contributes to good indoor air purification.


Representative euphorbia plants, which are known primarily for their toxicity. Contains milky juice, which, in contact with the mucous membrane, causes itching and redness. The flower is so original that it is called the Star of Bethlehem. Each flower part is framed by a colorful bract. Milky juice is released due to the slightest damage to the flower.

Poisonous house plant With beautiful flowers And pleasant aroma. The juice contains alkaloid substances that trigger the gag reflex, sending signals to the brain. Poisoning occurs after eating the flower bulb, which looks like onions. The onion produces a strong bitterness. The sap released from the leaves has a sedative effect and also causes convulsions. The natives often use it to process hunting arrows.

Don't put your life and the lives of your loved ones at risk. Before purchasing a houseplant, carefully study its features. and required locations in the house.

We all love fresh flowers and, when we find ourselves in nature, we always try to pick them. beautiful bouquet to then put it in the room. At the same time, few people think that some of these beautiful creatures can be dangerous, and among them there are even those who deservedly enjoy the reputation of a killer. Indeed, some flowers can cause irreparable harm to human health, and some can even kill, such as the most dangerous flower in the world - Aconite Dzungarian.

Rating of dangerous flowers

Biologists say that there are more than 100 varieties of flowers in the world that can harm humans in one way or another. Of course, in most cases this influence turns out to be so insignificant that most often it simply goes unnoticed. But there are also plants that are best avoided, despite their external beauty and tenderness. The five dangerous colors are as follows.

Leader of the nomination

So which one the most dangerous flower in the world? The answer of biologists is Aconite Dzungarian, which in Russia is known under another name - wolf-killer or wrestler. This is very beautiful plant with unusual blue flowers, which often attract the attention of careless city dwellers who get out into nature for fresh air and a riot of natural colors. However, the fragility and harmlessness of Aconite is only apparent; in fact, the plant can easily kill large animals and even humans.

Alkaloids, which are contained in high concentrations in the juice of Aconite Dzungarian, affect the central nervous system - they can stop a person’s breathing and cause paralysis of the heart muscle. The effect of the poison is almost instantaneous– the victim of the wolf-killer has only a few minutes, and an effective antidote has not yet been found.

The Russian folk name Aconite Dzungarian received because even in ancient times, our ancestors smeared the tips of arrows intended for hunting wolves with poison prepared from the juice of this plant. Hence such a beautiful and unusual name - wolf-killer.

The inhabitants of Alaska and Russian Kamchatka used Aconite Dzungarian when hunting whales. To obtain poison, plant juice was mixed in certain proportions with human fat. Other additives have been used, but exact recipe Today it is lost, which is probably for the best. The resulting substance was used to lubricate the tips of harpoons. It was enough for hunters to simply wound the whale, after which a few days later its carcass washed up on the shore.

Very beautiful legend, related to Aconite Dzungarian, exists in India, where it is also known to be the most dangerous flower in the world. According to the myth, one girl, regularly taking a remedy from the roots of Aconite in small doses, was able to accustom her body and develop immunity to the poison. As a result, she was so saturated with it that simply touching her skin became deadly to other people. Of course, this is a common invention of ancient people, but from it one can judge the true attitude of Indians towards this flower.

And in Ancient Greece and in Ancient Rome, juice from Aconite was used as a means of official execution - a special poison was prepared from it, which was given to criminals sentenced to death. Once Emperor Troyanus even issued a decree prohibiting the cultivation of this plant in public gardens and gardens. This decision was dictated, as the chronicle claims, by a large number of deaths due to the poisoning of unwary gardeners by Aconite Dzungarian.

Today, the most dangerous flower is distributed mainly in the south, in Asia. It can also be found in central Russia, but its main habitat is foothills. The plant loves moist and rich soils, but it is not found in river valleys and floodplains of water meadows, but is more common on the northern slopes of foothills.

Plants produce poisons to fight their enemies. Phytotoxins are measures chemical protection formed in the process of survival. Many plants can defend themselves in this way, but, as a rule, only those that are dangerous to humans and domestic animals are considered poisonous.

Risk groups 1: children and animals
Toxic substances can enter the body in three ways: through the digestive tract with food, through the skin and through the respiratory tract. Statistics show that food poisoning from poisonous plants is the most common in children, as little researchers taste everything. The likelihood of poisoning in adults is much lower than in children. This often happens due to the fact that poisonous plants in the country are mixed with similar commonly used ones: for example, the leaves of dog parsley with ordinary parsley. In the same way, you can get poisoned by mushrooms, but this is no longer a garden topic.

Risk group 2: gardeners in the south
Some plants (example- in the photo) are poisonous not entirely, but in fragments - only stem, leaves, roots, seeds or fruits. Moreover, the content of toxic substances in a particular plant largely depends on the region in which it grows (the further north, the safer), on the composition of the soil, humidity and solar activity. The variety of the plant also plays an important role: it is believed that cultivated varieties are less toxic than their species counterparts.

Poisoning with berries and fruits
The greatest danger is from plants with poisonous berries, as the berries look very attractive and appetizing. Most likely, you avoid planting poisonous raven eye ( Paris quadrifolia), kupena (Polygonatum) and wolfberry (Daphne), which can be found in parks. However, lilies of the valley (Convallaria), snowberry (Symphoricarpus), privet (Ligustrum), yew (Taxus baccata) and many others are often found in gardens.

Also poisonous plants include the Cossack juniper (Juniperus sabina) with its black fruits with a bluish bloom, and the euonymus (Euonymus), the fruits of which are loved by birds, but are dangerous for humans. The same can be said about the blue-black berries of the maiden grape (Parthenocissus Planch). Tatarian honeysuckle ( Lonicera tatarica) and Honeysuckle Honeysuckle (Lonicera caprifolium) also have no edible fruits.

Belladonna- an extremely dangerous plant, a couple of berries of which are enough to cause paralysis respiratory tract and a disastrous outcome. Moreover, unlike other plants, its berries have a sweetish taste. Not only the berries, but the entire plant as a whole is poisonous, and even honey collected from belladonna flowers can be seriously poisoned.

Another poisonous plant- castor bean (Ricinus) - V lately has become very popular in our gardens. For its powerful stem and textured colored leaves, it is often planted in prominent places near houses. But- p Asthenia is poisonous in its entirety, especially the seeds from which the famous castor oil was made. Children are attracted to these unusually shaped seeds, and playing with them can end sadly. Eating just one or two seeds is deadly for a child, but for an adult- a little more.

What else can you get poisoned in the garden?
Except berry plants We eat garden greens. So, you can confuse the foliage of some bulbous plants with each other and use them in cooking, for example, the bulbs and foliage of daffodils. Therefore, never plant daffodils among the garden beds - have a separate flower bed for them!

But not only poisonous, but also the most common plants and their edible fruits can be dangerous in significant doses. Rhubarb leaves contain oxalic acid, which is harmful in large quantities. For the same reason, you should not eat old sorrel leaves.

When ripe, black elderberry is suitable for making wine and jam, but when unripe, the berries are poisonous, like other parts of the plant.

All green parts of tomatoes, potatoes, and nightshades contain corned beef, which causes food poisoning. Do not under any circumstances eat unripe tomato fruits or potato tubers that have turned green in the sun.

Children are also sometimes attracted to above-ground potato fruits, which in principle cannot be eaten.

The decorative physalis lantern is different from the vegetable one - it is not edible! Choose the right variety if you plan to decorate a cake with berries.

To avoid trouble...
First of all, you should know where and what plants (flowers) are located in your dacha. Clearly represent their potential danger and tell children about it in detail.

Do not eat unfamiliar berries and fruits and do not plant poisonous plants in the garden (or nearby), so as not to inadvertently confuse them with edible ones.

Strictly prohibit children in the garden from putting anything in their mouths without permission. After all, serious poisoning can be obtained even from unripe currants, although they certainly do not belong to the category of poisonous ones.

When sending your child to the garden to get some greens for dinner, you must be sure that he knows where the onions and parsley grow. And harvesting fruits and berries is better and more fun together.

Don’t leave young cooks unattended: children often prepare dandelion “soup” and plantain “pies” on the playground. Eliminate any possibility of poisonous plants getting into this game.

Keep track of which flowers they collect in bouquets and which ones they use to weave wreaths.

Contact damage to skin and mucous membranes
Poisons can enter the body not only through the digestive system, but also directly through the skin and mucous membranes with the juice of poisonous plants. The most famous for its adverse effects is hogweed. This plant is increasingly infesting fields, wastelands and roadsides in the European part of the country, and can easily penetrate gardens. There are several more dangerous plants from the Umbrella family. Children sometimes use their hollow stems as spittoons - this can be very dangerous.

Milkweed juice contains a toxic substance - euphorbine. It can cause skin burns and inflammation of the mucous membranes.

Another dangerous plant- fraxinella. In the shade and in cloudy weather it is quite harmless, but in the sun you can get a severe chemical burn to the skin if you are near it.

  • Poisonous flowers
There are a great variety of flowers, very beautiful and harmless at first glance, but poisonous to one degree or another (example- poisonous flowers in the photo).Among poisonous plants, a significant number of ornamental plants garden perennials belongs to the ranunculaceae family:Aconite, or Fighter (Aconitum), Adonis (Adonis), Aquilegia, or Catchment (Aquilegia), Anemone, or Anemone, Basil (Thalictrum), Black cohosh (Actaea), Delphinium, Marigold (Caltha) ), Bathwort (Trollius), Buttercup (Ranunculus), Hellebore (Helleborus), Shoot (Pulsatilla).

All parts of these plants contain highly toxic alkaloids, greatest number which is found in rhizomes and fresh juice. It easily penetrates the body through the skin and mucous membranes and causes various reactions- from irritation and inflammation to damage to the central nervous system, heart rhythm disturbances and respiratory depression.

Poisonous bulbous flowers (pictured) also pose a great danger: colchicum (Colchicum), hyacinth (Hyacinthus) and the already mentioned narcissus (Narcissus). All parts of these plants are poisonous, especially the bulbs. In addition to the food poisoning mentioned above, these plants can cause dermatitis of varying severity - if ingested fresh juice on unprotected areas of the skin.

You should be extremely careful when working in the garden with all these plants. Planting and dividing them should only be done while wearing gloves. Try not to touch your face while working, and do not eat or drink without first washing your hands. In case of accidental ingestion of juicepoisonous bulbous plantson the skin and mucous membranes - immediately rinse the affected area with plenty of water and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Many of the plants mentioned are medicinal, since the same substances different conditions and in varying dosages can be both poison and medicine. For example, digitalis (Digitalis) contains cardioglycosides, which are used medicinally to regulate heart rhythms, but an overdose can lead to a heart attack. The highest concentration of these substances is found in upper leaves foxgloves.

Even the seemingly harmless violet is fragrant ( Viola odorata) has poisonous rhizomes and seeds, which are used as raw materials for medicines.

Advice: If you don't have pharmacological education, do not self-medicate using medicinal plants from your site, as well as nearby forests.

Inhaling the aroma...
Foul-smelling plants such as Datura, all parts of which, not just the flowers, are poisonous, are unlikely to attract your attention. But it is better not to place bouquets of daffodils and bird cherry trees in the bedroom and nursery.

The strong aroma of some plants can lead to headaches, increased heart rate, and in some cases, allergic reactions. This mainly applies to older people and children.

In such cases, you should not plant strong-smelling trees and shrubs under the window and near the entrance, as well as in the recreation area: wild rosemary (Ledum), mock orange (Philadelphus), bird cherry and others.By the way, rhododendron dauricum is often confused with wild rosemary, which is poisonous, like all rhododendrons, but primarily dangerous for domestic animals.

Animal safety
Wild animals have well-developed instincts inherent in nature itself. They are well versed in plants and know what is edible and what is not. Sometimes animals deliberately chew some obviously inedible grass in order, for example, to get rid of helminths or cleanse the stomach.

But our pets, especially purebred"sofa" , have largely lost the instinct of self-preservation. When they get to the dacha, that is, into nature, they indiscriminately try to taste all the plants.

Each of the plants listed in the article - perhaps with the exception of trees, whose flowers and fruits are difficult to reach - can be potentially dangerous for« furry summer residents».

Poisoning of dogs often occurs when they dig up and eat daffodil and tulip bulbs. And if a cat begins to drool profusely and has an unfocused gaze, who will figure out what grass she chewed last.

With dogs, the situation can often be corrected with training and prohibitions, but with cats it is hardly possible to explain something in words, and it is more difficult to keep track of them. By removing this or that plant from your property, you will not protect your pet 100%, since in the neighboring area, where the cat can easily get over the fence, no one will remove this plant.We can only rely on the animal’s common sense and emergency veterinary care.

To at least somewhat reduce the risks, grow special green food for your pet throughout the year, so that by spring the animals do not develop vitamin deficiency and, when they get to the dacha, they do not pounce on everything green.

Many of the plants listed probably grow in your garden. Even after learning about their toxicity, you should not immediately get rid of these beauties. You just need to remember the precautions and follow them carefully.

And yet, if you still have doubts, it is better to remove from the site those plants that, in your opinion, may pose a danger.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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