Why are crafts made from tires and tires so popular? Many owners of summer cottages try to make them look aesthetically pleasing and well-groomed using crafts made from tires. However, in order to improve and decorate the territory of the dacha, free time and money are required. As for the financial side of the issue, there is a wonderful way to improve your dacha area without much expense. We are talking about crafts made from old car tires. To implement it, you will only need a little free time, a creative approach and outdated car tires, which can easily turn into fairy-tale swans, giraffes, horses, turtles, snails and other interesting characters.

How to make crafts from tires and where to get tires

In addition to free time, imagination and old car tires, in the process of making such crafts you will need multi-colored paints, brushes, knives, ropes, chains, and a shovel. You need to prepare all this in advance, and also decide what exactly you want to do. It should be taken into account that in this case it is better to use tires from foreign manufacturers, since domestic ones are harder and more difficult to turn out, and also that summer tires are more difficult to turn out than winter ones. In general, fake tires are easy to make with your own hands; you just need to be patient and imaginative. You can look for the tires themselves near any large tire shop in your city - they are often simply thrown away there.

Flower bed made from car tires

Any summer cottage is transformed by flowers, illuminating everything around with bright colors and delicate aromas. Flowerpots made from tires will help bring order to the flower garden and give the flower beds a well-groomed appearance. They are made quickly and simply, but at the same time they look very attractive. The flowerpot is made of a tire with a disk. It is necessary to lay it horizontally and draw a zigzag pattern around the disk with chalk. Next, cutting is carried out along this marking with a sharp knife. To make this task easier, it is recommended to soak the knife in water. The tire is then carefully turned inside out. If the tire is thick, you may need outside help. After the tire is turned out, it must be turned over, washed thoroughly and coated with paint. Next, the finished flowerpot is filled with earth, and your favorite flowers are planted.

You can simplify the task and not cut out the flowerpot, but simply wash and paint the old tires and make a whole flower bed out of them. This flowerbed looks bright and impressive.

Video: DIY tire flowerbed

Functional crafts made from tires

These crafts include items that can be used in everyday life. For example, you can make garden tables and stools from old tires. By covering them with paint in natural shades, they will harmonize wonderfully with the surrounding landscape. You can also make ottomans, coffee tables for a country house or a garden washbasin from car tires.

Furniture made from tires - 14 photos

As we wrote above, you can easily make garden furniture from old tires. Of course, not everyone will agree to sit on rubber, since in the heat of summer it may not be very pleasant for the body. But if you paint it in bright colors, it will look really chic. You can also use additional materials, for example, put sofa cushions on chairs and benches made of tires for greater comfort, and use a rope to make an ottoman from an old tire. By the way, you can read more ideas for country house renovations from old things here.

And here is a step-by-step master class: how to make a stylish ottoman from a tire and a rope with your own hands

Video: furniture made from tires - DIY crafts for the garden

Animals and fairy-tale characters made from tires and car tires

Such crafts will certainly enliven your summer cottage and bring a lot of positive emotions, especially to your children. One of the most popular tire crafts for the garden is a swan. To do this, you will need a tire without metal cord - it will be easier to cut. The cuts must be made according to the previously prepared markings on the tire with a sharp knife. The neck of the finished swan can be strengthened with an iron rod. At the final stage, paint the finished frame with the appropriate paint colors.

It won’t be difficult to make a funny giraffe, zebra or horse out of old tires. To do this, you need to dig a tire and a small wooden beam into the ground, paint and decorate the blanks in such a way as to convey the characteristic external features of a particular animal.

Also, outdated car tires and an old enamel basin can easily turn into a fairy-tale frog or turtle.

Crafts made from tires are an easy and economical way to decorate your summer cottage. Sleight of hand and a creative approach will allow you to create beautiful and funny compositions.

Video: DIY tire animals

Crafts from tires for the garden - photo

There are so many crafts made from tires to decorate a dacha. Finding old tires is not difficult, just go to several tire shops, choosing a time when everyone goes there to “change their shoes” for the summer or winter, and you can reap a very rich harvest. And then at your disposal are detailed step-by-step master classes on making complex crafts from tires like a swan or a parrot, or you can just look at the photo - how to make, for example, a bear, a frog or a ladybug.

Country crafts from tires: 30 photos

You can also make furniture from old tires - benches and chairs, ottomans and coffee tables and other things. But what is most valued in such things is originality, so we have collected for you the most interesting photos of what can be made from tires. We liked the bright and cheerful yellow minion of three tires the most, as well as the ladybug, the frog princess and large crafts from several characters using additional things such as a wheelbarrow and other garden tools - such a composition can decorate both your dacha and garden.

Elvira Goleva for Decorwind.ru

It's not good to throw away what you can reuse.

This is especially true for environmentally harmful materials such as tire rubber.

Used tires are a valuable material for craftsmen.

At home, in the country and in the yard you can build many interesting crafts from old tires.

Skillful hands of craftsmen transform them into proud swans, decorative wells, and comfortable benches.

How to make furniture from tires with your own hands - further in our article.

There are several options for creating tables from tires. Let's look at each of them in detail.

On two stacks of wheels

Washed, dried, degreased rubber wheels without discs are first painted with acrylic, bitumen, enamel paints.

The most suitable coloring mixture for treating tires is rubber paint. It can withstand hundreds of cycles of sudden temperature changes, as well as precipitation, without cracking or deforming.

The tires are stacked one on top of the other in the place where the table needs to stand. You need to install two stacks tires 4 pieces each, preferably in different colors, at a distance of about half a meter between the outer walls.

A rectangular sheet of strong material, which is at hand, is placed flat on top of two stacks of multi-colored tires:

  • flat plywood;
  • plastic;
  • thick unbreakable;
  • metal sheet.

To the top rail of each stack tabletop fixed with four screws diagonally in places of contact.

The edges of the sheet should protrude beyond the outer diameter of the tires by at least 10 centimeters.

The table cover can also be painted in any color pleasing to the eye.

To prevent the wheels from moving, there are two ways to fix them:

  • inside each stack of tires pour earth or sand;
  • every joint between tires coat with a layer of binder- hot, 1 cm thick, which will allow the tires to stick securely to each other after drying.

Depending on the design, such a table will be perfect for a country house, a playground, or a garage.


This type of product is made from one tire, but larger sizes. Using the same principle, you can make stools and chairs.

Of course, it will not work as a full-fledged dining table, but it can serve perfectly as a coffee table.

Let's get started:

  1. Tire of the right size wash and dry.
  2. Find four legs from an old chair or make them yourself.
  3. Screw legs to the tire with screws.
  4. Above put a circle made of glass, plywood or plastic to cover the disk seat.
  5. Decorate- completely wrap the tire on all sides with yarn or create a pattern on the tabletop.

Such a decorative table with legs will serve as an effective stand for a beautiful vase, magazines, or pocket items.


The next method will require a little more effort and creative skills.


  1. Cutting a truck tire along the tread into two equal halves. One half will serve as a countertop.
  2. Cut the outer beads from five smaller diameter passenger tires to create five rubber rings.
  3. Fasten with screws four rings from below on four sides vertically to the table top. Using the fifth ring, connect together the vertical rings on the floor surface. This will be the reference plane of the table.
  4. Remains of rubber strips weave the seat hole tightly for a disk in a table top.

At such a table it is perfect to play board games in the evening at the dacha and read newspapers.

Making chairs

To make chairs from tires, you need to complete the following steps:

  1. Prepare one whole tire - wash, dry, degrease.
  2. From another clean, dry tire cut off one outer side.
  3. Paint both blanks in any color you like.
  4. saw off using a hacksaw, four round wooden blocks with a diameter of 6 cm. Two of them are 90 cm long, and the second two are 45 cm.
  5. Close the disc hole in the whole tire with a plastic mesh, sewing it to the sidewall with a strong thread. This will be the seat of the chair.
  6. Pull and sew the same mesh to the bead cut from the second tire. This will be the back of the chair.
  7. Screw with long screws to the whole tire, two short blocks on one side - these will be two legs. Also screw two long logs on the opposite side - these will be the other two legs with a back.
  8. Using screws, screw the cut round bead from the second tire with a stretched plastic mesh to the back between two tall blocks.

The country chair is ready, you can relax on it during breaks between work on the site.

Country chairs made from old tires

There are several options for creating a product. Let's focus on the most popular, spectacular and uncomplicated.

  1. Cut off the sides at one of the tires. Cut the resulting ring on one side.
  2. Cut off one third of the second tire along with the bead.
  3. Paint two whole tires, one piece with the beads cut off to form a cut ring, and a second piece representing one-third of the tire with the bead.
  4. To make one chair from bald tires you need fold two whole tires on top of each other.
  5. To fix the joints between them it is necessary coat with hot bitumen mastic. Glue or sew a plastic lattice onto the top tire with a strong thread.
  6. To the top tire fasten with screws or bolt vertically one third of the tire with the bead at the bottom.
  7. To the top of the vertical one third of the tire with bead also screw the middle parts with cut sides. Bend this part into the shape of the back and handrails of the chair.
  8. Bottom ends secure with screws or bolts to the top lying tire.

It turned out to be a very comfortable chair made from tires for a summer house, a private farmstead, or a recreation center.

It is best to build several of these chairs for all family members.

Another chair option:

  1. You will need one whole tire, and from the second tire you will need cut a sector one-third the size.
  2. Wash both parts, dry them, and paint them with black rubber paint.
  3. Find legs from an old chair or from a Soviet TV. Screw the legs with screws to the bottom of the whole tire.
  4. Saw off two or three wooden blocks about 5x5 cm in size, 40 cm long. Sand and paint with black rubber paint.
  5. Hole for disc in whole tire on top cover with a plywood circle, covered with leatherette. This will be the seat of the chair.
  6. The inner cavity and ends of the second tire with the cut out sector are also covered with plywood and cover with leatherette. This will be the back of the chair.
  7. Assemble the structure: fasten with screws two or three bars to the tread surface of the whole tire.
  8. The backrest is also screwed higher to the bars.

The result is a cozy chair with a minimalist and laconic design.

It can be as in the photo or slightly modernized depending on the materials that are at hand.

Why not an impressive leather chair from a designer furniture showroom!

It’s not a shame to furnish not only a country courtyard like this, but also creative interior apartments or houses.

In Europe, such furniture in residential premises has long been not uncommon, because the environmental trend is gaining popularity every year.

Other furniture and crafts

At the dacha, every item, every useful thing is welcome. The spirit of fantasy and creativity is in the air here. Every seemingly unnecessary item will always have its own use. Worn automobile tires are a valuable material here, a strategic raw material.

It makes excellent front gardens for flowering plants and green spaces. Tires are used to make brightly colored houses.

Benches for sitting, rocking chairs, funny bugs and striped caterpillars, flowerpots - this list of uses for old tires can be listed endlessly.

Useful video

This video shows the process of creating furniture more clearly:


The main thing in the process of creating crafts is a flight of fantasy and collective creativity. The whole family can be involved in making furniture; children will also be happy to participate. This is how country masterpieces are born from old worn-out tires.

In contact with

Having a little free time and unnecessary tires, you can easily create crafts from car tires for the playground with your own hands. We will provide you with ready-made ideas, photos and diagrams that clearly show how to cut and make toys and products for children. Typically, in post-Soviet countries, tires are used to fence school and kindergarten areas and courtyard flower beds. We offer several fun craft options that will decorate the play area and delight the kids!

Options for children's crafts using old car tires.


One of the most common and easy to make crafts is a children's sandbox. To create it, you can use either one large tractor tire (convenient for one child under 5 years old) or several tires from a passenger car.

To make a sandbox you will need the following materials:

  • Tires (one or more).
  • Insulating material.
  • Spray cans with waterproof paints in the desired shades.
  • Washed sand.
  • Shovel.

It is convenient to make a sandbox for one child from one large tire. To protect from the sun, you can install an umbrella in the center.

Step by step process:

  1. You need to dig a hole along the diameter of the future sandbox. This will help secure the tire and reduce its height if you are using a large tractor tire.
  2. You need to lay insulating material at the bottom of the recess. Its use will allow the sand not to mix with the ground, prevent weeds from sprouting and insects from getting into the sand from the ground.
  3. The tire must be washed and coated with paints for exterior use.
  4. Next, all that remains is to install the tire in the recess and fill it with sand.

If several small tires are used to create a sandbox, they will first need to be cut with a jigsaw and laid in the chosen shape.

In such a large sandbox-flower it will be convenient for several kids to play.

A flower-shaped sandbox made from several tires is a convenient option for several children.


Another popular craft, so loved by all kids, is a swing. There are several options for how to do them.

Option 1

To make a hanging swing of this type, you will need reliable support in the form of a structure made of wooden beams or a metal frame. The tires must be cut into two parts, painted and tied with a strong cable to the support by two edges.

Hanging swing on a metal support.

Option 2

The next version of a hanging swing is more suitable for older children. They are made as simply as possible - a strong rope is attached to the tires, placed horizontally or vertically, using a metal hook and suspended from a support. Usually a strong tree branch acts as a support.

To make a swing, it is important to choose undamaged, durable tires that can easily withstand the load of riding.

Hanging swing made from whole tires.

Rocking balancer

Another favorite type of swing for children is the balance swing. And the tires are perfect for making them. Typically, balancers are created in the shape of horses, but you should not be limited to any shape or color.

A bright balance beam with jumpers for two kids to ride.

A similar balancing horse is suitable as a toy and decoration for a playground, but if you remove the wooden base, the horse can be used for riding.

Balance beam in the shape of a horse.

If you attach a handlebar from an unnecessary bicycle to the balancer, you will get an excellent toy for a child, which will be comfortable to hold on to while riding.

Balancer, stylized as a bicycle.


Crafts made in the form of cars, tractors and trucks for the playground will delight the children! Products can be of varying complexity depending on the skills of the craftsman.

A car made of wheels and a plastic seat.

Animal and character figurines

Making figures of animals and characters is another original idea for using tires on the playground. Obviously, children will not be able to play with such products, but they will organically fit into the exterior of the play area and will definitely cheer up both children and adults.

Snowman made from car tires.

Arrangement of a sports and playground

A children's sports and playground can be made entirely of tires. In addition to the elements already listed (regular swings and balance beams, sandboxes, figurines), various obstacle courses, transitions, and climbing elements can be made from unnecessary car tires.

  1. The snail train can serve as a bench or climbing machine for the little ones.
  2. A simple snail-shaped walker for little ones.

  3. The walker in the photo below is more complex in design, so it can be used by school-age children. Manufacturing is as simple as possible: you need to attach the tire halves to the vertical supports using screws.
  4. A walker of a more complex design in the form of steps to a slide.

  5. For many elements of the children's playground, the tires do not even have to be cut. It will be enough to securely attach them to metal or wooden supports.
  6. The climbing element of their tires and pipes.

  7. The next climbing element is created very simply from painted wheels, metal supports and planks.
  8. Option for manufacturing a climbing element.

  9. You can build a type of exercise machine out of car tires by attaching them one after another using ropes (metal chains) to a wooden support.
  10. Tire walking and balance trainer.

    Thus, if you have several old tires lying around, do not rush to get rid of them - you can make original crafts for the playground from tires with your own hands in just a couple of hours, and using our diagrams and photos you will easily understand how to cut and assemble original products for playing area.

    You can find more ideas for crafts made from old car tires in the following video:

Human imagination is inexhaustible. Craftsmen from among the people create real miracles with what pragmatic consumers throw away. Almost everything is used: broken pots, seashells, pebbles, old equipment and other utensils that are no longer used for their intended purpose, but acquire a second life when the hands of a master touch them. And, of course, the list of “raw materials” for practical decor is not complete without outdated car tires.

Previously, they were used exclusively for economy-class playgrounds; today they have come up with many more creative uses: photo crafts made from car tires , accompanying our article is a clear confirmation of this.

Crafts from tires for the garden: garden furniture

The simplest thing, in our opinion, is tire product dining or coffee table. Glue two or three pre-cleaned and painted tires (depending on what height you want to get), secure any alternative tabletop on top: wood, plastic, glass, or simply cover the tire with twine. Movable wheels attached to the bottom add mobility to the product.

The unusual table will be complemented by one more tire product ottoman or armchair. Cut a circle from chipboard or thick plywood to fill the cavity inside the tire, put a couple of layers of foam on top - the pouf should be comfortable. The upholstery for such a “chair” can be knitted or sewn from any fabric or an old blanket in a spectacular Scottish check. Make the legs from blocks, and the back from another tire, cut in half.

How to make an ottoman from a tire: master class

Crafts from wheels for children

Tire crafts for They will not let your child get bored, providing him with productive and exciting leisure time. Cover the old wheel with colored twine and cut a “cover” to size for it - you’ll get a comfortable one box for children's street toys.

A massive truck tire easily turns into, and a pair of tires suspended from a tree will simultaneously become swing and an equilibristic projectile. The main thing is that the tree is strong, and the ropes and fastenings are reliable - appropriate for the age and weight of the child.

DIY tire swing: video

Crafts made from tires for the garden

A hollow tire is an excellent alternative. And it’s not at all necessary to cut swans or other intricate designs out of it. tire figures , as they did back in Soviet times. Just a few wheels, painted in bright colors and laid out in a certain sequence, look much more impressive and stylish.

Get creative - don't put flowerbed tires on the ground, and hang them from the ceiling on ropes or chains. A climbing, beautifully flowing flower, for example, an ampelous petunia or begonia, planted in such a “pot” will delight you with abundant and long-lasting flowering.

If you want to zone the space of your garden plot, make it low h abor from tires , placing garden lanterns next to it. When there are differences in elevation or access to water on the site, old tires will become alternative steps, the main thing is to reliably “mount” them into the ground.

In skillful creative hands, ordinary household items can turn into a good designer tool with which you can make decorative decorations for your garden plot. An original idea for crafts can be old car tires.

In this case, implementing the idea is simple. Some tools will be required. Namely, a well-sharpened knife, some paint, and fasteners. The main thing is to be patient!

It is easy to make pieces of furniture, ornamental animals for the garden, a garden fence, a swing, and much more from automobile rubber. It is enough to show a little imagination and you can get good crafts from tires for your home and garden.

Automotive rubber products withstand precipitation well. They are usually located right on the street. Such things will stand on the site for many years and will be a pleasant decoration for it.

In order for the manufacturing process to go as expected, you need to know how to properly make a craft with your own hands. It all starts with a sketch. Take a piece of paper and a pencil. We draw the future contours of the product on it and decide on the dimensions. Next, use chalk to transfer everything onto the tire.

Occasionally it is necessary to repaint them, since being in the sun will cause the paint to fade and crack. It is worth knowing that car tires can become very hot in the sun.

Therefore, it is better to leave the resulting pieces of furniture in the shade. They do not require special care, and can be washed with liquid soap for disinfection.

Creative crafts made from rubber tires

All owners of summer cottages want to decorate their gardens and vegetable gardens. They strive to make it different from other gardens and monitor its cleanliness and beauty. A rubber tire is a practical and useful thing on the farm. A person can turn it into a unique decorative item.

The creation process consists of several stages:

  • Cutting the outlined contours.
  • Bend the cut parts if necessary.

You can design anything. From various animals to cartoon characters. If necessary, the required part is made from plywood. This process may only take a few tires. By giving it a bright color, everyone around will like the craft.

There may be different options and instructions for making crafts with your own hands. There are a lot of different ideas on the Internet today. Using old tires, you can decorate a flower bed. Car tires can serve as a fence for it - this is the most common decoration.

Tires are often used to construct wells in which compost fertilizers are prepared. Tires make large flower pots and flowerpots.

Car tires are used to do a lot of useful things, for example:

  • Children's swing;
  • Sandbox;
  • Garden paths;
  • Garden steps;
  • Armchairs and ottomans;
  • Fences for personal plots;
  • Covering for steps;
  • Decorative ponds;
  • Animals;
  • Washbasins and trash cans;
  • Bicycle parking, etc.

For visual reference, it’s worth looking at photos of crafts made from tires.

Construction of furniture from tires

Let's consider making a chair. To do this, we will prepare the necessary tools and materials.

  • 2 car tires;
  • Thin plywood measuring 100x90cm;
  • Two pieces of foam rubber, one thicker, the other thinner;
  • Felt;
  • Set of tools: stapler, screws, screwdriver.

First, let's fasten two tires, placing one on top of the other. They are connected using screws. We staple felt material to the bottom of the chair. This will give it easy movement on the floor.

The prepared plywood must be bent and screwed to the side of the tire. It will serve as a backrest. For a soft seat we cut out foam rubber.

For the outer diameter of the tire, we make a thick layer of foam rubber and insert it into the inside of the seat. We cut out thinner layers, they are attached with a stapler to the outer surface. The result is a seat made of several layers of foam rubber.

To make the back soft, foam rubber is also attached to the plywood. The product will look neat if you put a cover made of some material on it.

Animals and birds made from tires

Swans are a favorite type of craft for many summer residents. They look impressive on the site. Make them a little longer than an ottoman or an armchair.

First, they draw a diagram for making a tire craft. Secondly, you cannot use a tire with metal cord; it is better to use ordinary, more flexible rubber. The main thing is to accurately cut the tire and turn it out.

The playground is often decorated with various animals or cartoon characters. Here, perhaps, you will have to cut less out of tires, since it is much easier to make, for example, a bear than a swan.

The Internet is full of videos on making various animals from tires. Experienced craftsmen can give a master class on crafts made from tires. Beginners should have patience and the desire to design unique crafts.

Photos of crafts made from tires

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