Beetroot - annual, biennial and perennial herbaceous plants family of goosefoot. Biennial plants are cultivated: sugar, fodder and table beets, which form roots and leaf beets, or chard, whose leaves are used as food.

Sugar beets are the most important sugar crop in our country. Its root vegetables contain up to 20% sucrose. Sugar beets are also grown for livestock feed, as they are superior in nutritional value. fodder beet, rutabaga and turnip. Tops, as well as waste from beet sugar production (pulp, molasses) are good nutritious feed for farm animals.

In Russia sugar beets began to be grown at the beginning of the 19th century. It is grown in Ukraine, in Voronezh, Kursk, Tambov and Lipetsk regions, in the Baltic states and Belarus, Georgia and Armenia, in the Volga region, Western Siberia, Kyrgyzstan. Crops occupy 3.7 million hectares. The average yield of sugar beet is about 240-250 c/ha. Beet growers of advanced farms receive more than 800 c/ha. Abroad, sugar beets are cultivated mainly in European countries oh and the USA.

Sugar beet - biennial plant. In the first year, it develops a thickened root crop and a rosette of basal leaves. In the second year, flowering shoots appear with a large number flowers and then seeds. In ordinary, multi-seeded beets, the flowers are collected in inflorescences. Growing together, they form infructescences - glomeruli containing up to 4 or more seeds. When seedlings germinate, the roots become intertwined and the plants suppress each other. They need to be thinned out, and this is a very labor-intensive process. In the Soviet Union, varieties of single-seeded sugar beets were created for the first time in the world. The introduction of these varieties into production made it possible to mechanize crop thinning and reduce costs manual labor. The most common varieties of sugar beet are Ramonskaya, Yaltushkovskaya single-seeded, Kuban polyhybrid, Belotserkovsky polyhybrid.

The best soils for sugar beets are rich chernozems organic substances. High yields Beetroot also grows on soddy-podzolic soils of the Non-Black Earth Region with deep cultivation and the application of organic and mineral fertilizers. Autumn processing soil consists of stubble peeling and deep autumn plowing with a plow with a skimmer. To retain moisture in early spring the soil is harrowed and tilled, and before sowing it is carefully loosened with a cultivator and harrowed again (see Tillage]. The best predecessors in crop rotation are fertilized winter grains, leguminous crops and row crops (potatoes, corn for silage). This crop should not be returned to its original place. sooner than 4-5 years.

During the period of growth and development, sugar beets must be provided with all nutrients. Per 1 ha, approximately 30-60 kg of nitrogen, 30-90 kg of phosphorus and 45-60 kg of potassium are required. Very good results are obtained by applying 20-30 tons of manure per 1 ha. The application of microfertilizers: zinc, copper, boron, etc. is also effective.

Sowing of beets begins when the soil at a depth of 5 cm warms up to 6-7°. When sowing, beet seeders are used; for single-seeded beets, dotted combined ones are used, which simultaneously apply mineral fertilizers to the rows along with the seeds. The most common sowing method is single-row with a row spacing of 45 cm, and in irrigated conditions - 60 cm. The sowing rate with single-seeded balls is 6-8 kg per 1 ha. When sowing with polyspermous balls, the rate is increased to 15 kg per 1 ha with a germination rate of at least 75%. On light soils and chernozems, the best seed placement depth is 3-4 cm, on heavy soils - 2.5-3 cm.

Caring for crops comes down to keeping the soil loose and free from weeds, fertilizing, thinning and watering. After emergence and before the rows close, 2-3 inter-row cultivations and 1-2 fertilizing are carried out. When thinning at each linear meter 10-12 plants are left in a row. Lack of light and heat sharply reduces the yield and sugar content of beets. It is also demanding on moisture. In dry years, crops are watered 4-5 times, using 500-600 m3 of water per 1 ha for each watering. The harvest is harvested using a beet harvester and other machines.

Table beet is one of the main vegetable crops. Root vegetables are used as food, and in early spring and summer - leaves (tops) and young root vegetables. Beet roots contain 8-12% Sugars, protein, microelements, vitamins C, B1, B2, P.

Table beets grow well on fertile, humus-rich loamy chernozems. Sow in spring, when the soil warms up to 6-8°. The Podzimnyaya variety can be sown in autumn. Mineral fertilizers are added along with the seeds. 30-40 plants are placed per 1m2, which corresponds to 12-15 kg of seeds per 1 hectare. Table beets are very responsive to fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers. 80 kg of ammonium nitrate, 120 kg of superphosphate and 60 kg of potassium chloride are applied per 1 ha. Beets are also responsive to irrigation. Depending on the zone, watering is carried out from 2 to 10 times per day. irrigation norm 250-300 m3 per 1 ha. In beet fields, regular inter-row cultivation is carried out and weeds are removed. The average yield of table beets is 300-500 c/ha.

The best varieties of table beets are Gribovskaya flat A-473, Incomparable A-463, Bordeaux 237, Polar flat K-249.

Fodder beet is a valuable succulent feed. This high-yielding crop. The yield of root crops reaches 1500 c/ha, leaves - 300-500 c/ha. Fodder beet crops are looked after in the same way as sugar and table beet crops. Common varieties are Eckendorf yellow, Barres, and Semi-sugar white.

The beet harvesting process is very important event for every experienced, and especially novice, gardener. Therefore, it is necessary to know all the nuances of this matter - how to find out the time of harvest, how to correctly collect it so as not to damage the root crops when digging, and what is the yield different varieties beets.

The beets should be harvested before the onset of autumn frosts. You should not rush and harvest beets too early - if you do this at the end of summer, you can get vegetables that have not had time to ripen, in which all the beneficial substances will not be formed.

Also, there is no need to harvest beets very late, since with the arrival of frost you will dig up root crops unsuitable for consumption and storage from the site. Even the choice the best varieties vegetables and vegetables proper care they may be lost if the beet harvest is not done on time.

How can you determine for sure whether the time has come to harvest your favorite root vegetables? There are some precise signs for this that can help both beginners and for experienced summer residents. So, if the vegetables have grown to the diameter that is considered characteristic of a given variety of table beet, specific growths are visually visible on the surface of the root crop, the lower tops have become yellow and dry, and weather forecasters indicate the imminent onset of the first frost - you can be sure that the harvest time the harvest has arrived.

Also, prolonged rains are risk factors for this vegetable, since after it the root crops can not only crack in the soil, but also begin to rot. Thus, if the autumn turned out to be rainy, then you should not delay the beet harvest either. Annually and depending on the region, the timing of collection of this vegetable crop may vary slightly. In some areas they will fall at the beginning of September, and in others at the end of October. On average, dry and clear weather before the temperature is stable at +5, but before the period when the soil begins to freeze, can also serve as a guide for harvesting.

Everyone knows that there are three types of beets - table, sugar and fodder. In any case, promptly removed from the site and placed in safe place, it will be stored perfectly for a long time and will retain not only its rich vitamin composition, but also its excellent taste characteristics. The harvest dates for table, sugar and fodder beets are almost the same. The only nuance when harvesting table beets is that, depending on the variety, the timing can shift - for example, root crops with early ripening reach full maturity after 50 days from planting. But among gardeners, late-ripening varieties have gained great popularity, since they can boast high degree

keeping quality.

Productivity of different types Provided that beets are grown in industrial scale the weight of vegetables and the amount of root crop harvest per 1 hectare will greatly depend on the timing of its harvesting from the site. That is why in those farms where this vegetable crop has been successfully planted and grown for many years, Special attention

focuses on the question of when to start harvesting. Many gardeners are also concerned about the yield. different types beets from 1 ha. After all, not everyone grows it both for their own needs, and for animal feed, and for sale, in order to make a certain profit. So, which one average

harvest different types of your favorite root crops from 1 hectare of usable area? As the experience of many summer residents shows, the yield of table beets per 1 hectare can be approximately 40 to 50 tons. This is relevant if the seeding rate planting material , that is, seeds, will be about 16 - 20 kg per 1 ha. To many for experienced gardeners that successfully grow highly productive modern varieties of this root crop using the method drip irrigation

As you know, sugar beets, which gardeners in almost all regions of our country have also been cultivating for many years, cannot boast of such high yields as its predecessor. According to experts, the average yield of this type of vegetable can be up to 18 tons per 1 hectare. If we take the data individual regions Russia, then, for example, in Belgorod region And Krasnodar region It is possible to collect about 30 tons of sugar beets from 1 hectare of usable area. Unfortunately, our country is not yet the undisputed leader in this matter, since in some European countries, as well as the USA, the yield of the same type of vegetables can reach approximately 60 tons per 1 hectare.

If we talk about the yield of fodder beet, which worries all those summer residents who have decided to have livestock for their own needs or for sale, then its indicators are somewhat different from the two previous types of root crops. The yield of fodder beet can range from 30 to 60 tons per 1 hectare of land. Moreover, in the case when it is possible to collect about 60 tons of this vegetable, at the same time the livestock owner receives a pleasant bonus in the form of 30 centners of tops. The highest result of the fodder beet harvest, which was collected in our country on this moment– about 172 tons per hectare. Competent landing root crops, as well as compliance with all generally accepted standards of agricultural technology, the use of high-quality fertilizers and special biological products can help increase the beet yield per 1 hectare in our country, which gives hope to many gardeners.

Video “How to properly clean and store”

How to collect correctly

In order to properly harvest beets, you will need special gardening tools, as well as a knife with a sharpened blade and a container where you will put the root vegetables. They will need to be carefully dug up using a shovel or fork for this purpose, and then removed from the ground along with the tops. Then, when the beets are in your hands, you must clean them, removing the soil from the surface of the vegetable. After this, the root vegetables should be placed in a dry place so that they have the opportunity to dry thoroughly.

When you have removed all the beets from the garden and they have dried out normally (this will take about a couple of hours), you will need to trim the tops using a knife. This procedure is carried out carefully, leaving small shoots, the length of which should be no more than 2 cm.

You should not put off trimming the tops for a long time, as they tend to suck out useful substances from vegetables. After trimming the tops is completed, the vegetables should be thoroughly dried again. Experts do not recommend storing the resulting harvest quickly; it must first be kept for a couple of days at a temperature of about 10–12 degrees. This is necessary so that the wounds on the root crops can heal and dry out.

Since beet harvesting is a common event for all gardeners, most often it is successful. The main thing when harvesting your favorite root vegetable is to try to avoid careless mechanical damage to the surface of the vegetables and to trim the tops correctly. The length of the tops to be cut directly depends on the timing and methods of preserving this vegetable crop. If your plans include keeping it safe and sound until the beginning of spring, then the cuttings should be left about 2 cm long.

In the case when they want to save the beets until a new harvest next season, the tops are cut off right along with part of the vegetable head. This is done so that your favorite vegetable does not begin to sprout. But in in this case It is also necessary to remember that it will take more time for the cuts obtained during the pruning process to heal. minor damage. Also, during storage of beets, in this case it will be necessary to periodically monitor them to prevent rotting of the root crops.

Video “Mineral nutrition of sugar beets”

How to carry out the correct and healthy diet You will learn about the sugar beet harvest from the video.

Beetroot is considered a traditional member of the quinoa family, which we cultivate everywhere and quite successfully in gardens and use in cooking as a healthy and tasty ingredient. The plant is unique; not only its roots, but also its tops are edible. Borscht, vinaigrettes are prepared from it, and used in soups and vitamin-rich salads.

The vegetable is a biennial plant. Its root crops are large, their weight reaches one kilogram. Color – dark burgundy. Externally, the fruits look round or flat. The foliage is wide and green in color. After planting in the ground in the second year, the period of flowering and formation of seed material begins.

The period of planting and harvesting varies depending on climatic zones Cultivation of the plant lasts from two to four months.

According to the formation of the harvest, table beets are divided into four categories:

  • early ripening (from 65 to 80 days);
  • early ripening (up to 100 days);
  • mid-season (up to 130 days);
  • late ripening (from 130 days).

Vegetable contains a large number of proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, useful vitamins, carotene, acids, mineral components.

Beets are rich in vitamins and nutrients

Homeland and growing regions of table beets

Well known to us garden culture appeared about two hundred years ago. Its ancestor is considered to be chard, which grows wild in countries Western Europe, on the banks Atlantic Ocean. The plant was first mentioned in the fifth century BC. Chard became the founder of today's beet varieties - table, sugar and fodder. From him modern views adopted the main advantage - containing a large amount of iodine.

To date, agricultural technicians have developed a large number of varieties. But most often gardeners prefer the following:

- cold-resistant. The variety is early ripening, the root crops are of medium shape, ripen in two and a half months. The fruits are round, slightly flattened, their upper part is located above the soil surface, which makes it easy to harvest. The pulp is tasty, cherry-colored, juicy. The average weight of the fetus reaches two hundred grams. When growing this species, from a ten-meter plot of beds you can collect from forty to seventy kilograms of vegetables, which will be perfectly preserved. The plant is unpretentious, can tolerate cold, and rarely gets sick with fungal growths. Beetroot is recommended for cultivation in the northern regions;

- fortune. An unpretentious beet plant of medium ripening, reliable, with a small rosette of leaves, gives stable yields. It is recommended to grow it in the gardens of the Urals. Suitable for all types of culinary processing, canning, and storing for long-term storage. Vegetables are large in shape, their weight reaches three hundred and fifty grams. Productivity is high, reaching from forty to sixty kilograms from ten square meters;

Cold-resistant variety Fortuna variety

- crimson ball. Beets are round, mid-early. Full ripening occurs in three to four months. The weight of vegetables ranges from three to five hundred grams. The plant resists diseases well, is not susceptible to flowering, and produces a yield of up to ninety kilograms per ten square meters. It is considered the best variety for all types of processing. Stored without waste for six to eight months;

- Pablo The variety is high-yielding and must be harvested three months after germination. Vegetables weigh up to one hundred grams, autumn season their weight reaches five hundred. The pulp is dark red, juicy and has excellent taste. The vegetable practically does not crack and is rarely subject to stemming. The hybrid produces stable yields of six to seven tens of kilograms per ten square meters, and is successfully used in cooking.

For this crop you should select loose fertile soils. Preference is given to loamy chernozems and peat bogs that have a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. Acidity is very important for beets, otherwise the root crops will be affected by diseases and will not be able to be stored for a long time.

It is forbidden to sow beets in beds into which fresh manure has been applied.

The best predecessors Cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes and onions are considered for this crop. Although the seedlings are able to survive light frosts, you should not take risks with this - it is better to wait a little.

The step-by-step instructions for sowing in open ground are as follows: the bed is loosened to a depth of five centimeters, furrows are made at intervals of thirty centimeters. The seeding depth should be about three centimeters. The seeds can be sown dry or pre-soaked in water. Before this, the soil definitely needs to be moistened. The interval between seeds is three to four centimeters. After planting beets, the furrows should be sprinkled and watered. Shoots will appear in about a week.

Sowing beets in open ground

At the initial stage of growth, beets should be fed with nitrogen, then preference is given to potassium compounds. Further use nitrogen fertilizers can lead to voids and cracks appearing in the vegetable.

To support the plant with potassium, it is best to use wood ash to improve the vegetable's resistance to disease.

Beets need constant watering and love moisture. But overwatering is not recommended for her, as it can cause diseases.

You can add a spoonful of salt to a bucket of water during watering. This will protect against diseases and improve sugar levels.

The soil in the beds must be loosened almost from the moment the sprouts form the second leaf. At the same time it is deleted weed, seedlings are thinned out. By the way, beets transplant well and quickly take root in a new bed.

The second thinning is best done at the end of July, leaving up to ten centimeters between beets.

Beet shoots

Harvest and storage

Mass harvesting occurs at the first frost. It is important not to miss this moment, otherwise frozen root vegetables will not be preserved well.

The beets should be carefully removed from the soil and the tops should be torn off with your hands. Then the vegetables are left in the garden so that their wounds dry out. Beets that have damage or disease are discarded and not stored. The entire harvest is placed in clean boxes and stored at a temperature of one to two degrees Celsius.

I would like to note that beets are best preserved if their growing season does not exceed five months. If you plan to preserve the crop for a long time, then you should use varieties early date ripeness, sowing them in mid-May. But for early landing Suitable beet varieties that will be eaten daily.

In order for beets to be stored for as long as possible and remain as firm and tasty as if they had just recently been dug up, you need to not only provide the plants proper care, but also choose the right time to harvest beets.

How do you know when it's time to dig up beets?

If you hurry up and start harvesting at the end of summer, the result will be unripe root crops that have not had time to accumulate sufficiently nutrients. And if you don’t remember about the beets waiting their turn in the garden for a long time, you can miss the first frosts and dig up frozen root crops that are no longer suitable for storage.

In both cases, all efforts aimed at growing and caring for beets will be in vain - the bulk of the harvest will be ruined. This is why it is so important to be able to accurately determine when to harvest beets!

Video about harvesting beets

Even if you chose the best ones, carefully approached the sowing of seeds and carefully looked after the plantings throughout the growing season, just harvesting red beets at the wrong time can lead to disastrous results. Therefore, since you have already decided to grow beets, finish the job you started according to all the rules, without relying on intuition alone.

Find out what happened best time to start harvesting beets, you can according to the following characteristics:

  • root crops have reached a diameter corresponding to their variety;
  • characteristic growths appeared on the beets;
  • the lower foliage turned yellow, began to wither and dry out;
  • According to weather forecasters, frosts are expected in the near future.

Beets should not be left in the ground not only during the first frosts - prolonged rains are also a negative factor, since large root crops begin to crack and rot due to the abundance of moisture. Therefore, delay harvesting beets for a long time when rainy autumn do not do it.

Since the timing of harvesting red beets changes every year, some specific date impossible to name. IN different regions, at different weather conditions Beet harvesting can be carried out from the beginning of September until November 1st. In any case, try to collect the root vegetables when dry. sunny weather before the onset of a stable temperature of +5 degrees and before the ground freezes.

When to start harvesting table, sugar and fodder beets?

The issue of timely harvesting concerns any variety of beets - be it table beets familiar to gardeners, grown for personal consumption, sugar beets cultivated for the purpose of sugar production, or intended for livestock feed. Regardless of the variety, beets dug up on time are stored much better, and this is of great importance both for large farms cultivators of this crop, as well as for ordinary summer residents.

Beet harvest

The harvesting times for beets of the listed types are approximately the same. The only difference is that cleaning sometimes starts earlier or later on purpose. due date by agreement with sugar factories, so that beet raw materials do not go to waste. But the timing of harvesting table beets can vary greatly depending on the variety - some early varieties reach technical ripeness already 50 days after they were planted in the beds. But they, as a rule, do not have high shelf life, so for long-term storage Gardeners additionally grow late varieties with ripening periods of more than 100 days.

Productivity of beets of different types

When cultivated on an industrial scale, the weight of root crops and the yield of beets per 1 ha largely depend on the timing of harvesting. In this regard, beet farms pay great attention to the issue of when to harvest beets.

Video about the timing and features of beet harvesting

Average beet yields:

  • On average, table beets yield about 40-50 tons per hectare with a seed sowing rate of 16 kg to 20 kg per hectare. Provided that highly productive varieties are grown and drip irrigation is used, yields of up to 90 tons per hectare can be achieved.
  • Sugar beets in Russia are no different high yield: on average in Russia it is possible to collect approximately 18 tons per hectare, in the Krasnodar Territory and Belgorod Region - up to 30 tons per hectare. And in a number of European countries and the USA, the average yield of sugar beets reaches 60 tons per hectare.
  • The yield of fodder beet varies from 30 to 60 tons per hectare, the maximum recorded result is 172 tons per hectare. Moreover, from 60 tons of fodder beet it is possible to obtain about 30 centners of tops, also suitable for livestock feed.

Taken together, proper agricultural technology, compliance with the timing of beet sowing and harvesting, as well as the use of fertilizers and modern biological products will help achieve higher yields. But so far beet yields in Russia are only declining.

Growing beets in the photo

Currently, there is practically no garden where beets are not grown. Beet seeds can be sown in spring, summer, and autumn. In spring, sowing begins when the soil temperature at a depth of 10 cm warms up to +8...+10°C (late April - May). Pre-winter sowing is carried out in November and the earliest products are obtained (at the end of May, mid-June).

When planting beets in open ground for winter sowing special varieties are used:

Beet seeds "Podzimnyaya A-474" in the photo
Beet variety “Podzimnyaya A-474” in the photo

"Podzimnyaya A-474",

Beet seeds “Cold-resistant-19” in the photo
Beet variety “Cold-resistant-19” in the photo

"Cold-resistant-19" etc., which are resistant to flowering.

To make caring for beets easier when planting in spring, the seeds are sown in furrows made at a distance of 15-20 cm from one another. The seed sowing rate is 1.5-2 g per 1 m2. Planting depth is 2-3 cm. The emergence of seedlings can take up to three weeks, and in the first period the plants grow very slowly. To speed up the emergence of seedlings, soak the seeds in Epin or another growth stimulant.

Beets can be planted with seedlings previously grown in a bright, warm room, or you can use plants obtained by breaking through thickened crops.

After planting beets, when caring for seedlings in open ground, the soil is worked with a rake across the seed rows, and later the weeds are weeded, the beds are systematically watered and loosened.

Observing correct agricultural technology growing, beets are thinned out twice: the first - when 1-2 true leaves appear at a distance of 3-4 cm, the second - when the plants have 4-5 leaves and the root crop reaches a diameter of 3-5 cm, at a distance of 6-8 cm Young root crops from the second break are used for food.

When growing and caring for beets in open ground, do not forget that this crop is very demanding on soil. It needs a significant amount of nutrients, but during the growth period it consumes them unevenly. In the first month, he is quite content with what is in the soil. Root system at this time is poorly developed, so young plants assimilate only easily accessible nutritional elements. As they develop, the roots penetrate deep and to the sides, but the main part of them is still located in the soil layer where there are best conditions humidity and air exchange. Be sure to take this feature of growing beets into account and be sure to feed the plants before the leaves close.

Of the main nutrients, beets prefer nitrogen and potassium. During the formation of tops, more nitrogen is consumed, and when filling the root crop, more potassium is consumed. Phosphorus is needed throughout the entire growing season in approximately the same quantities. Recommended fertilizer rate when feeding in the first half of summer, g: nitrogen - 25, phosphorus - 20, potassium - 15, in the second - respectively 15:20:30 per 1 m2.

Beets are demanding of moisture, especially in the growth phase of rosette leaves. According to the right technology growing beets, the watering rate is 2-3 buckets per 1 m2.

Fertilizing with potassium nitrate (20 g per 10 liters of water) improves the taste and increases the sugar content of root vegetables.

When growing and caring for beets, do not forget that this is a plant have a long day. It places high demands on light; lack of lighting reduces the yield of root crops and impairs their quality. Therefore, when growing beets, choose a sunny place. The best predecessors are white cabbage and tomatoes.

Beetroot is harvested at the onset of technical maturity, characteristic of the variety. For example, the variety: “Red Ball” - on the 65-80th day after the appearance of mass shoots, “Bordeaux 237” - on the 80-105th day, “Egyptian Flat” - on the 110-120th, and “Cylinder” and “Kuban borscht” can be kept in the beds for up to 130 days.

Intensive growth of root crops usually occurs in September with the onset of cool weather, so beets for winter consumption must be sown so that the end of its growing season occurs at the end of September - beginning of October. For example, beets of the “Cylinder” variety, with a maximum period from germination to full maturity of 130 days, should be sown in mid-May, and early ripening variety"Bordeaux" for summer consumption can be sown in April.

Unsweetened and sometimes salty beets happen if they have been left in the garden for too long. Every 5-10 days, the loss of sugar content is 40-50%, while beets that are overgrown in the garden are poorly stored.

To keep beets well, do not dig them in rainy weather and stop watering two weeks before the expected harvest date. Ventilate the dug up root crops with tops under a canopy for several hours. If the day is hot, limit drying time. Root vegetables should not wilt. Then the tops are cut off, leaving petioles above the head no more than 1 cm long. Root crops up to 14 cm in diameter are considered standard.

Watch the video “Growing beets”, which shows all the main stages of planting and caring for the crop:

This is a very valuable food plant. Root vegetables of table varieties contain sugar, protein, fat, fiber, organic acids(apple, lemon, etc.)" mineral salts (magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, iodine, etc.), dyes, vitamins C, B1, B2, P, PP and folic acid. In cooking, fresh beets are used to prepare vinaigrettes, borscht, side dishes, and sauces. It is also consumed dried, pickled and canned.

IN Food Industry The pigment substances of red beets serve for harmless coloring of products.

Beet pulp contains betaine, which normalizes arterial pressure and prevents hypertension. Pectin substances help remove toxic compounds of lead and radioactive strontium from the body.

IN folk medicine To increase hemoglobin in the blood, beets are used in combination with carrots and black radish. Boiled beets are recommended for atherosclerosis, hypertension, liver and kidney diseases, intestines, etc.

Raw beet juice can be drunk as a means of improving metabolism and strengthening the body. This root vegetable contains a unique set of elements and a large number of substances that are not subject to destruction during thermal cooking. Beetroot is the body’s No. 1 “cleaner”; it sanitizes the intestines, including by destroying putrefactive bacteria, and not only mechanical impact fiber.

The best varieties of table beets for open ground (with photos)

Look at a selection of photos of beet varieties suitable for growing in open ground:

Beet seeds "Bordeaux 237" in the photo
Beet variety "Bordeaux 237" in the photo

"Bordeaux 237"- mid-early, from germination to harvesting 62-116 days. The shape of the root vegetable is round, the flesh is juicy, tender, sugary, intensely dark red. The mass of the root crop is 230-500 g. Immersed in the soil at 1/2 height. This is one of the best beet varieties for open ground– heat-resistant and durable winter storage.

Beet seeds "Red Ball" in the photo
Beetroot variety “Red Ball” in the photo

"Red Ball" - early variety, the growing season until technical ripeness is 65-90 days, productive. The pulp is juicy, tender, dark-colored with purple tint, root weight 220-500 g. Keeping quality is good.

Beet seeds "Egyptian flat" in the photo
Beet variety "Egyptian flat" in the photo

"Egyptian flat"- medium-ripe variety, from germination to ripeness 94-120 days. The shape of the root vegetable is flat, the flesh is red-violet. The variety is cold-resistant, drought-resistant, and has good keeping quality.

Beet seeds "Cylinder" in the photo
Beet variety “Cylinder” in the photo

"Cylinder"- late-ripening variety. Roots cylindrical, dark red color. The peel is thin and easy to peel. The root crop is immersed in the ground 1/3-1/4 of its length and is easily pulled out. The darker and more uniformly colored the root crop of this variety of table beet, the less woody fibers it contains and the higher its the nutritional value.

Beet seeds "Incomparable A-463" in the photo
Beet variety “Incomparable A-463” in the photo

"Incomparable A-463"- medium variety, growing season 70-100 days, external signs, shape, color and quality is similar to Bordeaux, but is more demanding on soil fertility. The weight of root crops is 150-360 g, productive. The variety is resistant to flowering and stores well.

Beet seeds "Mona" in the photo
Beet variety "Mona" in the photo

"Mona"- single-sprout cylindrical beets. Seeds must be sown immediately at the required distance. You don't have to deal with thinning. The root crops are leveled, smooth, weighing about 400 g. Immersed in the soil 1/3 of the length, easy to collect. The peel is thin, the pulp is juicy, good taste qualities, uniform dark red color.

Detroit beet seeds in the photo
Beet variety "Detroit" in the photo

"Detroit"- one of the best early varieties. From emergence to technical ripeness 80-100 days, the root crops are spherical, dark red in color, have an excellent structure and pleasant taste. The variety is productive and stores well.

Beet seeds "Baby Bit" F1 in the photo
Beet variety “Baby Bit” F1 in the photo

"Baby Beat" F1. Sweet and tender beets, with thin skin and beautiful juicy pulp without rings. Specially designed for growing early, tender bunched products. This variety of beet is one of the best, characterized by early setting, formation and gradual growth of perfectly round root crops, which are ready for consumption after 60 days.

Beet seeds “Ordinary Miracle” in the photo
Beet variety “Ordinary Miracle” in the photo

"An Ordinary Miracle" - mid-early variety. The root crops are round and round-flat, weighing 250-500 g, intensely dark red inside, juicy, without ringing.

Beetroot seeds "Barguzin" in the photo
Beet variety "Barguzin" in the photo

"Barguzin"- an early variety of beets for harvesting in summer and autumn. Ripens 110 days from sowing. The rosette of leaves is small.

Beet seeds "Pablo" F1 in the photo
Beet variety "Pablo" F1 in the photo

"Pablo" F1- mid-early hybrid. The rosette of leaves is erect, medium-sized. The root crop is round, smooth, dark red in color, and the “tail” is thin. Diameter 10-13 cm. Pulp, intensely colored, without division into annular zones.

Beet seeds "Bon-Bon" F1 in the photo
Beet variety "Bon-Bon" F1 in the photo

"Bon-Bon" F1 - mid-season variety, growing season 120 days. The plants are medium-sized, the rosette of leaves is small. Beautiful round root vegetable with smooth surface and intensely red, ringless flesh.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area
    I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet.