Absolutely every person needs vitamins and minerals, and a pregnant woman is no exception; rather, she is the one who needs it doubly. The reason for this state of affairs is the growth and active development of the fetus.

Deficiency of vitamins and microelements, including in the first trimester, can have a bad effect on the formation of vital organs and the health of the child in general. Therefore, it is so important to saturate your body with these beneficial substances every day. Special vitamins designed taking into account the needs of a pregnant woman will help solve this problem. What vitamins should pregnant women take?

It is known that everything necessary for a person vitamins and minerals found in food. This is true, however, it is worth noting that we are talking about .

Alas, it is not always possible to monitor your diet and get all the necessary substances from foods. It is for this reason that very often pregnant women need taking vitamin complexes. Let's consider the main questions on this topic.

Can pregnant women take vitamins?

No doctor can give a universal answer to this question. On the one hand, a lack of nutrients will have a bad effect on the health of the unborn baby. But it should be remembered that their excess will also not be beneficial. The vitamin complex has a standard composition and is not adjusted individually to the needs of each woman, but the need depends on the region of residence, nutritional conditions and even the time of year.

Should pregnant women take vitamins?

As with many health issues, in this case the truth lies somewhere in the middle. If before pregnancy a woman had a deficiency of some vitamins or microelements, especially B12 and iron, and the situation is also aggravated by the cold season, then taking a special complex is quite justified. In addition, due to allergies to certain foods from which we obtain nutrients, it is also recommended to take vitamins. In the case when a pregnant woman eats fully and correctly, and besides, it’s summer outside and that means that you can eat fresh fruits and vegetables every day, there is no point in taking artificial vitamins.

Need additional vitamins women over 30 years of age and women whose previous pregnancy ended unsuccessfully or whose child was born with anomalies.


As before using any medications, before taking vitamins as well. need to know the side effects.

If we talk about contraindications, then first of all it is urolithiasis and an excess of vitamins A and D, as well as iron and calcium. Their uncontrolled use can cause health problems.

The need to consult a doctor and proper nutrition

Before you start taking a special vitamin complex for pregnant women, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Only he, having assessed the state of your health, can make the right decision about the advisability of prescribing vitamins. I would also like to note that it is still better if a pregnant woman adjusts her diet and thus receives all the vitamins and other beneficial substances in their natural form from food.

How many and what vitamins are needed for a pregnant woman?

What vitamins should women take when planning pregnancy?

Folic acid or B9. One of the important vitamins that are recommended for those planning pregnancy. The role in the birth of a new life can hardly be overestimated: it is responsible for the growth and development of cells, the correct formation of the neural tube, brain and soft tissues of the body.

A deficiency of this vitamin can lead to serious fetal defects even in the initial stages of pregnancy, and even when the woman is not yet aware of her situation. That is why gynecologists prescribe folic acid at the time of planning. As a rule, it is recommended to take this vitamin separately, since its share in multivitamin complexes is small. The norm of folic acid entering the body is 400 mcg.

B vitamins. We are talking about vitamins B1, B2, B6 before pregnancy. They are necessary already at the initial stage to ensure the normal development of the brain and nervous system as a whole. Also, these vitamins contribute to the growth and proper formation of the skeleton and muscles of the unborn child.

What vitamins to take in the first trimester of pregnancy

During early pregnancy, several more vitamins are added to the necessary folic acid.

Vitamin E. This is a vitamin that affects the ability to both give birth and give birth without pathologies. It is responsible for cell renewal. Also, vitamin E ensures the correct balance of hormonal levels necessary for conceiving a child. Normally, vitamin E should be supplied to the body in an amount of 100-300 IU per day.

Vitamin A. Provides the mother's body with resistance to infections, participates in the growth and strengthening of bones, hair and teeth. However, you need to be extremely careful with this vitamin, because its overdose can lead to pathologies. It is best to get it from natural foods. Its dose ranges from 250 IU per day.

With the beginning of the second trimester, they begin to play a leading role iodine, iron and calcium.

Iodine necessary to maintain the proper functioning of the endocrine system and metabolism of the mother and its formation in the unborn child. It is also involved in the mental development of the fetus. Ideally, a pregnant woman should receive at least 250 IU daily.

Calcium. Takes direct part in the formation of the skeleton, endocrine system and kidney function. It is best taken in the form of vitamins, since it is not very well absorbed from regular food. 1500 mg is the daily dose of calcium.

Iron. Necessary for the prevention of uterine tone. Also, iron prevents development and is involved in protein synthesis. Its amount per day is 30-60 mg per day.

Vitamins in the third trimester

In the later stages of pregnancy, a woman’s body especially needs iron and vitamins A, C, D. We have already mentioned the properties of the first two above, but we will consider the other two in detail.

Vitamin C. It has a direct effect on strengthening the immune system and increases the body’s resistance to various types of infections, which is so important at this stage of pregnancy. Its norm per day is 90-100 mg.

Vitamin D. Prescribed for the prevention of rickets in an unborn child. Its dose is 400 IU per day. However, if pregnancy occurs in the summer, you can simply be in the sun more often.

How to choose and which complex of vitamins for pregnant women is better

What vitamins to take during pregnancy? In practice, there is no such thing as the “best” prenatal vitamins. You can look at reviews, ask your friends for their opinions, but this should not become a determining factor when choosing.

Choosing a vitamin complex also depends on the time of year, stage of pregnancy, health conditions and even the woman’s weight.

Here are the key points need to pay attention first of all:

  • compound;
  • possible reaction of the body to specific components of the vitamin complex.

To choose vitamins, it would be better if you consult a specialist. Taking into account your health, characteristics of the course of pregnancy, time of year, place of residence and nutritional conditions, he will select which vitamins to take during pregnancy for you.

Rating of the TOP 5 best vitamins for pregnant women

To make it easier for you to navigate the variety of vitamin complexes available on the market today, we have highlighted the most popular of them.

  1. Elevit. This popular drug contains 12 vitamins and 7 minerals. Its peculiarity is its high content of magnesium and folic acid, which is why gynecologists recommend it for women at risk of miscarriage. However, there is no iodine, so it must be taken separately.
  2. Vitrum Prenatal. It contains all the vitamins a pregnant woman needs. Vitamins for pregnant women Vitrum Prenatal are especially rich in iron, which is necessary to prevent anemia.
  3. Femibion. The complex takes into account the latest scientific developments. It is divided into two types: Femibion ​​1 - for the first trimester and Femibion ​​2 - for the 2nd and 3rd. Femibion ​​prenatal vitamins do not contain iron and calcium, which is due to a possible overdose.
  4. Pregnakea. Another popular vitamins. Contains 11 vitamins and 5 minerals, including folic acid and iron. There is no iodine and must be taken separately.
  5. Alphabet. The Alphabet vitamin complex for pregnant women differs from the others in that it is divided into 3 capsules containing a different set of vitamins. So, if a pregnant woman is allergic to a certain vitamin, then taking a tablet containing it can be avoided.

Video about vitamins during pregnancy

We present to your attention a short video in which a specialist answers popular questions about prenatal vitamins. What are they for? What and how much does it contain? Should I use them?

A sufficient amount of vitamins necessary for normal functioning is a prerequisite for the full existence and development of any organism. What can we say about pregnant women, who during the crucial period of bearing a baby must take care of “supplying” the fetus with all the elements vital for it. These elements also include vitamins, the lack of which can cause the development of serious pregnancy disorders, deviations in the development of the baby, and in some cases even lead to premature termination of pregnancy.

What vitamins are needed during pregnancy

For example, vitamin A, which is found in carrots, butter, liver, cheese, eggs, apricots and dried apricots, rose hips, and fish oil, is necessary for normal fetal growth. With its participation, the formation of organs and tissues of the baby occurs, as well as the process of formation of erythrocytes - red blood cells. Symptoms of vitamin A deficiency during pregnancy include vaginal dryness, a general decrease in immunity and an increased tendency to diseases of the respiratory system.

No less important during pregnancy are B vitamins, which largely determine the normal formation and development of the fetus, and also ensure the normal well-being of the mother. Thus, vitamin B1 takes part in the development of the baby’s nervous system, its internal organs, and provides energy to the muscle and nervous tissues of the fetus. A lack of vitamin B1 in a pregnant woman manifests itself as irritability, increased fatigue, etc. Sources of this vitamin can be the liver and kidneys, milk, rye and wheat bread, yeast, and egg yolk.

The functions of vitamin B2 during pregnancy are protection against anemia and the formation of blood cells. Vitamin deficiency can affect the baby and lead to. Vitamin B2 is found in liver, meat, dairy products, milk itself, and eggs.

Vitamin B6 is responsible for protein metabolism between mother and fetus, ensures the development of important organs and systems of the baby, and for the mother it becomes necessary to combat toxicosis. You can extract vitamin B6 by eating wholemeal bread, liver and meat, beans and buckwheat porridge.

Vitamin B9, also known as vitamin B, is an essential component for the normal course of pregnancy. Since this vitamin is vital for the baby, ensuring its normal growth and development, folic acid is classified as a vitamin that is mandatory for all pregnant women to take. Vitamin B9 is responsible for many processes that occur during the formation of the fetus: it takes part in the formation of the baby’s brain, in its physical and mental development, in the synthesis of blood cells, in the development of the nervous and digestive systems. A lack of folic acid during pregnancy, and even shortly before its onset, can lead to the birth of a premature baby, defects in its nervous system and other congenital abnormalities. In addition to the fact that folic acid is prescribed to pregnant women as part of vitamin complexes or preparations, it can also be obtained from products such as buckwheat and oatmeal, soybeans, beans, liver, mushrooms, cottage cheese, cheese, millet, and wholemeal flour.

Equally important for the normal course of pregnancy and fetal formation is sufficient intake of vitamin E into the body of the expectant mother. This vitamin strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the endocrine system, and protects against weakness and stress. And most importantly, it is necessary to maintain pregnancy, since its deficiency can become a catalyst for its premature termination. Vitamin E is found mainly in vegetable oils; its sources can also be liver, egg yolk, buckwheat and oatmeal, and legumes.

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is another very important element for maintaining pregnancy and strengthening the immune system. Vitamin C is also necessary for the normal absorption of iron and for the formation of the placenta. Plus, ascorbic acid also takes part in the formation of bone and cartilage tissue in the fetus. Vitamin C deficiency is accompanied by a constant feeling of fatigue in a pregnant woman, and what’s even worse - can lead to toxicosis, premature termination of pregnancy, and the development of defects in the fetus. You can get vitamin C by eating fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits, currants, cabbage, red peppers, tomatoes, and parsley.

The normal formation of bone tissue and the fetal skeleton is ensured by vitamin D during pregnancy. It is needed both for the functioning of the cardiovascular system and for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. The indicated amount of vitamin D becomes the main condition for preventing the development of rickets in a newborn. And in pregnant women, a deficiency of this vitamin affects increased nervous excitability, tooth decay, etc. If vitamin D is contained in food, it is in very small quantities; It is formed in the body, first of all, under the influence of sunlight.

How to take vitamins during pregnancy

A sufficient amount of vitamins becomes especially important in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the formation and formation of the main organs and systems of the baby’s body occurs. This means that pregnant women need to not only take a responsible approach to the issue of diet while carrying a baby, but also, if necessary, after appropriate consultation with a doctor, decide on the advisability of taking multivitamin complexes. After all, many of the vitamins during pregnancy become one of the most important conditions for the normal course of pregnancy, the satisfactory well-being of the expectant mother and the health of the baby.

The need for various vitamin substances during pregnancy does not always remain the same. So, in the first trimester, the expectant mother’s body needs more folic acid and zinc; in the second trimester, the need for iron and vitamin C increases. Therefore, you cannot take any medications on your own: the choice of vitamins, method of administration and dosage should always be agreed upon with the doctor leading the pregnancy.

There is a group of vitamins that are mandatory for all pregnant women to take from the moment of registration. These include primarily folic acid. As a rule, it is prescribed as a single drug.

But if you take a multivitamin complex, you should always take into account the content of a particular vitamin in it if it is prescribed for additional use. Otherwise, the body may become oversaturated with certain substances, which carries no less danger than their deficiency.

Overdose of vitamins during pregnancy

Today there are a large number of different multivitamin complexes recommended for use during pregnancy. But it should be borne in mind that vitamins during pregnancy may not only not be beneficial, but also do a bad job if taken in excess.

For example, vitamin A in excessive quantities can cause malformations in the fetus, damage to the heart, nervous system, kidneys, and disturbances in the development of the genital organs and limbs. In a pregnant woman, excess vitamin A can cause nausea, weakness, fatigue, headaches, surges in blood pressure and even disturbances in the blood coagulation system.

The cause of allergic manifestations and neurological disorders may be the intake of increased doses of vitamin B1 into the body. An excessive amount of vitamin B2 has a negative effect on the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Indulging in vitamin C can lead to the opposite effect—suppressing the body’s immune defense instead of stimulating it. The same applies to vitamin D: instead of helping to enrich the bones with calcium in excessive quantities, it leads to calcium leaching. An excess of vitamin C during pregnancy is dangerous, among other things, by thinning the blood and increasing the risk of bleeding during childbirth. Also, given the abundance of this vitamin, glucose is absorbed worse and anemia is more likely to develop.

Excessive doses of vitamin E also pose a great danger: all vital systems and organs are affected, which leads to a sharp deterioration in well-being.

Scientists believe that hypervitaminosis during pregnancy is a risk factor for the development of late gestosis, and in particular such a dangerous condition as preeclampsia. However, an excess of vitamin substances is not so common.

In any case, the required norm, as well as the regimen for taking vitamins during pregnancy, is determined by the doctor, with whom you should definitely consult.

Especially for- Tatyana Argamakova

From Guest

There is a widespread belief that it is necessary to take prenatal vitamins in the 1st trimester, because a growing child requires many useful substances for full formation and development. This information was perceived as unconditional truth for a long time. However, are vitamins really that harmless?

A pregnant woman needs an increased supply of nutrients to the body, since most of the trace elements and minerals are taken by the baby. To make up for the deficiency, you need to take vitamins. It is advisable to ensure their supply from food products. But it is not always possible to establish adequate nutrition. In this article we will tell you which vitamins are essential and how to choose the “right” vitamin complexes.

If we take into account the recommendations of the World Health Organization, the question of whether vitamins are needed for the first trimester of pregnancy may have two radically different answers. The question of the need to take multivitamin complexes is decided individually in each specific case based on data on the state of health, the results of laboratory tests, as well as the adequacy of the pregnant woman’s diet.

If the intake of nutrients from food is insufficient, the expectant mother should enrich her daily diet with fresh vegetables and fruits, meat and dairy products, or start taking vitamin supplements.

There are minerals and vitamins for pregnant women that absolutely everyone needs in the 1st trimester:

Other vitamins should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

What is the body's need for additional vitamins during this period?

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes major changes. The formation and growth of the fetus requires significant costs from the maternal body. To replenish resources, it is necessary to ensure the supply of nutrients from food. In the absence of adequate nutrition, it is recommended to take vitamins and mineral complexes for pregnant women in the first trimester, which will maintain the woman’s condition and take part in the development of the baby’s organs.

In order to understand what the need for vitamins is during pregnancy, you need to remember some facts:

  1. Regardless of whether there is a supply of nutrients into the female body from the outside, the fetus will still take the amount of vitamins it requires, using the mother’s reserves.
  2. The child receives microelements not from food, but from the mother’s organs and tissues.
  3. With a lack of vitamins, it is the woman who begins to have health problems - teeth decay due to lack of calcium, vascular fragility occurs due to hypovitaminosis C, and skin elasticity decreases if there is not enough vitamin E.

Therefore, the consumption of vitamins is necessary primarily for a pregnant woman, and it is advisable that they come from food.

What you can't do without

Any expectant mother who cares not only about her health, but also about the normal development of the baby, is interested in what vitamins they take in the first trimester of pregnancy and whether it is worth taking them at such an early stage. Let's look at the best vitamins for pregnant women, which doctors recommend taking after conception.


Since iodine is intensively excreted from the body during pregnancy, it should be supplied from outside. Its deficiency causes pathologies in the baby's intrauterine development. Iodine is required for the formation of the thyroid gland, and also serves as a means of preventing cretinism, which occurs when there is a deficiency of thyroid hormones.

Vitamin E

Thanks to the action of vitamin E, metabolism in the body of a pregnant woman is normalized. This substance allows you to maintain pregnancy and reduces the likelihood, in addition, it takes part in the formation.

Doctors recommend drinking vitamin E, along with folic acid, as it is involved in the normal development of the child. At the planning stage, tocopherol helps regulate menstruation and also improves the functioning of the entire reproductive system.

Vitamin A

Taking vitamin A in the first trimester of pregnancy should be carried out strictly as prescribed by the doctor, since exceeding the permissible dosage can do more harm than good. In normal and controlled amounts, vitamin A takes part in the formation of the visual analyzer and also ensures skin elasticity.

It is best to obtain this substance from food than from drugs, however, when consuming it is important to remember that its absorption requires the presence of fat, since the vitamin belongs to the fat-soluble group.

Folic acid

Perhaps this is the most important vitamin that should definitely be taken in the first trimester of pregnancy. B9 plays an important role in the formation of the neural tube of the fetus, participates in hematopoiesis and allows for the full development of the internal organs of the unborn baby.

Obstetricians and gynecologists advise drinking folic acid not only from the first days after conception, but also during the family stage. Moreover, vitamin B9 will be useful not only for the female body, but also for.

A lack of folic acid can lead to the following consequences:

  • difficulties maintaining pregnancy;
  • congenital disorders;
  • mental retardation;
  • pathology of development of the brain and spinal cord.

Vitamin C

A lack of this vitamin in the early stages of pregnancy leads to a decrease in the mother’s immunity, which poses a threat to the development of the fetus. It also increases the elasticity of the vascular wall and protects it from fragility.

Vitamin D

Other vitamins

In some situations, in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is recommended to take a course of B vitamins, as well as minerals such as iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium and chromium. However, such a decision should be made only by a doctor if it is necessary to strengthen the mother’s body and create favorable conditions for the formation of the organ systems of the unborn baby.

Review of the most popular vitamins

There is a list of the best vitamins for pregnant women. The choice is based on the correct composition specifically for expectant mothers, as well as on positive reviews from patients.

Popular multivitamins for pregnant women:

  1. Elevit Pronatal. The complex contains 12 vitamins and 7 minerals. It contains folic acid and iron in the required concentration, so there is no need to take them additionally. However, iodine is not present in the composition. Multivitamins are recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers. More information about the drug
  2. Alphabet for pregnant women. The drug is presented in the form of colored tablets, the color of which depends on the content of a particular element. The complex contains vitamins, as well as iodine, iron and calcium compounds.
  3. Materna. Contains 10 vitamins. In addition to them, the medicine contains folic acid and iodine in a concentration that covers the daily requirement of a pregnant woman’s body for these microelements.
  4. Pregnakea. The complex includes 11 vitamins and 5 microelements, including folic acid and iron. However, the iron content is not enough, so it must be taken separately, as well as iodine, which is not included in the composition.

It is difficult to decide on the best vitamins for pregnant women in the 1st trimester, because the choice depends not only on the composition, but the price also plays an important role. Listen to your doctor's advice and choose the remedies he recommends for you.

What foods contain vitamins necessary for the first trimester of pregnancy?

With a nutritious diet, you can replenish the daily requirement of vitamins without the use of additional medications.

What vitamins do foods contain:

  • vitamin A – butter, liver, egg yolk, carrots, spinach, green onions;
  • vitamin C – rose hips, cranberries, currants, citrus fruits, sea buckthorn;
  • vitamin D - chicken eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, seafood, butter;
  • vitamin E – nuts, grains, legumes, sunflower seeds, broccoli, spinach;
  • vitamin B 1 – liver, wheat bran, oatmeal;
  • vitamin B 2 – white cabbage, peas, almonds, tomatoes, beans, veal, liver, egg yolk;
  • vitamin B 6 - bananas, pork, carrots, wheat bran, beans, cabbage;
  • vitamin B 12 – fermented milk products, liver, chicken eggs, greens.

Dosage and instructions

A woman should receive the following amounts of vitamins in the first trimester of pregnancy:

  • vitamin A – 800 mcg;
  • vitamin C – 70 mg;
  • vitamin E – 10 mg;
  • vitamin D – 10 mg;
  • vitamin K – 65 mcg;
  • vitamin B 1 – 1.5 mg;
  • riboflavin (B 2) – 1.6 mg;
  • pyridoxine (B 6) – 2.2 mg;
  • cyanocobalamin (B 12) – 2.2 mcg;
  • folic acid – 400 mcg.

Vitamins needed in the first trimester of pregnancy should be taken according to the instructions, following the recommended dose once or twice a day throughout the course.

Is there a danger in taking vitamins in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Very good , if beneficial substances enter the body of the expectant mother from food, since the use of multivitamin complexes in the early stages of pregnancy is not always justified, and in some cases may pose some danger. If there is a need to take vitamins, then before purchasing, carefully read the composition and give preference to products from well-known pharmaceutical companies, this way you will reduce the likelihood of the presence of impurities of various substances in the preparations.

Pregnancy is not only a joyful expectation, but also a huge burden on the body of the expectant mother. Now she has to provide energy and all the necessary substances not only for herself, but also for the baby growing inside her. Usually a normal, usual diet is not enough for this purpose and you have to take additional vitamin and mineral complexes. This drug should be prescribed by a gynecologist who is monitoring the expectant mother. But you can choose the complex yourself by studying the rating of vitamins for pregnant women. You should inform your doctor about your decision to take a certain drug.

What are the differences between prenatal vitamins?

When starting to choose a multivitamin, many women ask how prenatal vitamins differ from others. The main difference, of course, is the composition. Scientists have long determined how much and what substances an adult, child or expectant mother needs for the normal functioning of the body.

Pregnancy vitamins include all the substances any adult woman needs, plus substances that ensure the proper development of pregnancy.

Everyone knows that pregnant women need more calcium, because their body not only maintains bones in normal condition - a new little person is growing inside it. That is why the amount of calcium in vitamins for expectant mothers is significantly increased. There is also a lot of folic acid or vitamin B9 (800 mg instead of the usual 400 mg) and vitamin E. The volumes of other useful substances are also increased.

The best vitamins for pregnant women - TOP 10

The composition of prenatal vitamins differs very slightly from different manufacturers. After all, it is determined not by the wishes of pharmacists, but by the needs of the expectant mother’s body. At the same time, some complexes are expensive, others are much cheaper, some are popular, others are deprived of the attention of customers. We studied the most popular vitamins and compiled a rating. It is based on consumer reviews and popularity among expectant mothers. It may not be entirely correct from the point of view of scientists, but it reflects the sentiments of women.

These are the most popular vitamins, in constant demand among expectant mothers. They are produced by Roche (France). The main advantage of this vitamin and mineral complex is its perfectly balanced composition. Elevit Pronatal contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary during pregnancy, except iodine. Therefore, if the doctor recommends that the expectant mother take this element, she will have to buy it separately, or choose another complex. You can take Elevit from the beginning of planning until the end of breastfeeding

According to reviews from expectant mothers, Elevit perfectly strengthens hair and nails, reduces emotional instability, and also gives vigor and strength.

The disadvantages of this drug include high cost, 30 tablets cost about 700 rubles, and 100 approximately 1,700 rubles., and the tablets are quite large in size, making them not very convenient to swallow. Elevit also often provokes constipation, and this is already one of the main problems of many expectant mothers. Occasionally, allergic reactions in the form of a rash occur. Usually the stool also turns dark, but this is normal.

Vitrum Prenatal is manufactured by Unipharm, Inc. in the USA. It is intended for pregnant and lactating women who do not lack iodine, since this element is absent in the composition. The advantages of this vitamin and mineral complex include an increased content of folic acid and iron. The manufacturer explains this by inevitable losses during the absorption of these elements by the intestines.

If your doctor recommends a vitamin-mineral complex with iodine, you can give preference to Vitrum Prenatal Forte. It contains this element, as well as beta-carotene, vitamins B5 and B7, magnesium, manganese, copper, molybdenum, selenium and chromium.

Both drugs can be taken throughout pregnancy, as well as planning and lactation periods.

The main disadvantage of the drug is the same as Elevit - the price. A jar of Vitrum Prenatal No. 30 costs about 550 rubles, and Elevita Forte costs 650 rubles. 100 Prenatal tablets cost approx. 1500 rubles, and Forte is about 200-250 rubles more expensive. It is also worth noting that the tablets are quite large and may be difficult to swallow, especially for a future mother suffering from toxicosis. Occasionally, taking a multivitamin preparation causes side effects such as allergic reactions and nausea. There is also darkening of the stool caused by high iron levels. This is normal and does not require discontinuation of the drug.

3 - Vitamins for pregnant women Femibion

The Femibion ​​multivitamin complex is produced in Austria by Merck KGaA & Co. WerkSpittal. It is available in two types:

  • Femibion ​​I must be taken during planning and the first trimester;
  • Femibion ​​II is taken from the 13th week of pregnancy.

This drug is well balanced and contains all the substances a woman needs at different stages of pregnancy. In addition, it does not contain vitamin A, which has a teratogenic effect when taken in large quantities.

The drug Femibion ​​I is produced in the form of tablets, and Femibion ​​II - tablets and capsules. In the second and third trimesters, you need to take both a capsule and a tablet once a day with meals. The order doesn't matter.

The advantages of this drug include easy digestibility and a well-balanced composition, adapted for different stages of pregnancy. The main disadvantage is the high cost ( Femibion ​​I costs about 500 rubles, and Femibion ​​II costs about 1000 rubles.). Also, some expectant mothers noted the appearance of apathy, headaches and increased fatigue when taking the drug.

4 - Vitamins Alphabet for pregnant women

Alphabet "Mom's Health" is one of the many series of vitamin preparations from a Russian manufacturer. It is intended for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The peculiarity of this drug is that all the beneficial substances in it are divided into three tablets, white, blue and pink. This is done so that vitamins and minerals are better absorbed and enhance each other’s effects. You can take the tablets in any order during the day. There is no special order, but it is better to do this along with meals.

The unique release form allows you to add even more useful substances to the composition of the drug. In total, the complex contains 11 minerals and as many as 13 vitamins.

The advantages of the drug include its rich and perfectly balanced composition. At the same time, Alphabet for pregnant women costs less than other similar drugs. A package of the drug for 60 tablets, designed for 20 days of use, costs about 300 rubles. Among the disadvantages, some women note that the release form is not very convenient. For best absorption, the tablets should be taken every 2-3 hours, but many people simply forget and take it all together.

5 - Complivit for pregnant women

Complivit for pregnant women is an inexpensive multivitamin preparation made in Russia. This vitamin and mineral complex is available in three formulations:

  1. Trimester 1 – for the first trimester
  2. Trimester 2 – for the second trimester
  3. Trimester 3 – for the third trimester

You should start taking vitamins for the first trimester at the planning stage. They contain an increased amount of folic acid, which is very important during this period. There is less of it in tablets for the second and third trimesters, but the amount of other vitamins is increased, in accordance with the growing needs of the expectant mother.

The Pharmstandard-Ufavita OJSC company also produces another vitamins for pregnant women - Complivit Mama. Their composition is also well balanced, but without taking into account the duration of pregnancy.

Almost all expectant mothers who have used this drug note its high quality at low cost. Vitamins Compilivit Mama cost about 200 rubles per package of 30 tablets. 30 tablets of Complivit Trimester 1 cost about 330 rubles, Trimester 2 - approximately 340 rubles, Trimester 3 - 350 rubles. Another advantage of this drug is the small size of the tablets. Usually, swallowing does not cause problems even for those who do not like pills, even during the period of early toxicosis.

This vitamin-mineral complex also has disadvantages. Many expectant mothers note its low effectiveness. It also sometimes causes increased nausea in the first trimester, indigestion and diarrhea. Allergic reactions are occasionally observed.

6 - Vitamins for pregnant women Pregnavit

This is a German vitamin and mineral complex from the Merkle ratiopharm company. It contains only the most essential vitamins (A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C and D) as well as iron and calcium. The dosage regimen depends on the stage of pregnancy. In the first trimester, you need to take one capsule daily, in the second, two, and in the third, three. They are consumed during meals or immediately after it, washed down with water.

The doctor may adjust the dosage of the drug. If a woman eats well and does not experience severe hypovitaminosis, she may be advised to take one tablet throughout pregnancy.

The advantages of the drug Pregnavit include easy digestibility. All substances in it are in forms convenient for splitting and absorption. And the optimal combination of folic acid and iron helps prevent the development of anemia. This vitamin complex costs about 300 rubles for 30 tablets.

The drug has few disadvantages - the absence of iodine in the composition and the presence of a dye in the shell. Occasionally, it causes allergic reactions in the form of a rash. Pregnavit can also cause constipation and flatulence.

7 - Multi-tabs for pregnant women

Multi-tabs Perinatal is a vitamin and mineral complex developed by Danish specialists. It is produced today in Denmark, as well as in Russia using Danish technologies at licensed pharmaceutical enterprises. This drug contains all the vitamins and minerals a pregnant woman needs, including such rare ones as selenium. It also contains iodine. The drug Multi-tabs Perintal Omega-3 with polyunsaturated fatty acids is produced separately.

Multi-Tabs Perinatal is one of the universal or basic drugs that are suitable for almost any woman with a normal pregnancy.

You can start taking this complex even before pregnancy, at the planning stage. The amount of active ingredients is selected so that at any stage of pregnancy a woman only needs to take one tablet a day. It is better to do this during or after meals.

One of the main advantages of this drug is its low price and good quality. A package of 60 tablets costs about 400 rubles. Multi-tabs Perintal Omega-3 No. 60 costs about 500 rubles. Also, expectant mothers note the easy-to-swallow form of the tablets.

The drug has few disadvantages. Sometimes they cause increased nausea during toxicosis and allergic reactions in the form of a rash. An exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases was also recorded.

8 - Solgar Pregnancy Vitamins

Solgar Prenatal Nutrients are manufactured by Solgar in the USA. This is a well-balanced vitamin and mineral complex that contains more than 20 useful substances. All components of the drug are natural and are in forms that are optimal for absorption by the human body. They cost more than domestic drugs, for 60 tablets you will have to pay about 1200-1300 rubles.

According to numerous reviews from expectant mothers, Solgar Prenatal vitamins help get rid of nausea in the first trimester, and also improve metabolism and appetite in the long term.

The disadvantages of the drug include the relatively large size of the tablets. Sometimes they can be hard to swallow. The recommended daily dose of the drug at the planning stage and in the first trimester is 2 pills, in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters – 4 pills. Often, expectant mothers forget to take the right number of pills or get confused about how much they have already taken. Also, according to reviews, Solgar often causes constipation.

9 - Lonopan for pregnant women

Lonopan for pregnant women is a vitamin and mineral supplement that is produced in Russia by the Argo company. These are perfectly balanced vitamins that guarantee good absorption of all nutrients due to separate intake. Two types of tablets are sold in the kit:

  • Lonopan with iron and iodine – green pills;
  • Lonopan with calcium is a white pill.

It is better to coordinate the dosage with your doctor; perhaps he will decide that your body needs a little less additional nutrients.

The advantages of the drug also include its pleasant taste. The tablets contain fructose, natural flavors and aromas: green - “apple”, and white - “cream”. The dragees are tasty, you can chew them, and you don't have to swallow them.

The disadvantages include inconvenient packaging and the high cost of the complex. The drug is sold in a cardboard box, inside of which there are two bags with a zip-lock fastener. They contain dragees, not by quantity, but by weight. Therefore, when the pack runs out, there are always “extra” tablets left. At the same time the cost of a box weighing 115 g is 600 rubles. It lasts for about 2 weeks.

Pregnakea is a multivitamin complex produced in the UK. It contains 11 vitamins and 5 minerals and is recommended for women at any stage of pregnancy, as well as during planning and lactation. A distinctive feature of this drug is that it does not contain calcium, since it is believed that this mineral interferes with the full absorption of iron when taken simultaneously. Therefore, the manufacturer does not recommend taking Pregnakea simultaneously with dairy and meat products. Several hours should pass between eating dishes made from these products and taking vitamins.

If the expectant mother’s diet lacks calcium, it will have to be taken as a separate drug. In this case, it is advisable to drink vitamins in the morning, and calcium after lunch, or vice versa.

The disadvantages of this drug include the relatively high cost - about 500 rubles for 30 tablets. Also, some mothers noted increased nausea after taking the complex. Occasionally, it provokes allergic reactions. A change in urine color to bright yellow and darkening of stool are not reasons to discontinue the drug.

Is it possible to do without taking vitamins?

It's definitely possible. A woman’s body is designed in such a way that it primarily protects the baby. If your diet lacks some elements, they will be removed from the body of the expectant mother. That is why children with malnutrition and developmental disorders associated with vitamin deficiency are relatively rarely born. Most often these are children of women with serious chronic diseases, or who abuse nicotine, alcohol, etc. Even strict vegans give birth to healthy babies.

But we need to think - at what cost? The mother’s body will give everything to the last, to its own detriment, and after childbirth and lactation, you can turn into a wrinkled old woman with thin hair, bad teeth, peeling nails and constant ailments. It is precisely in order to prevent such a development of events that it is necessary to take additional vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women.

According to studies that have been repeatedly conducted by the WHO, women expecting a child with adequate nutrition should only take pregnant women with iron and folic acid in the composition.

But if a pregnant woman’s diet does not comply with doctors’ recommendations, then in addition to the substances listed above, you should definitely take multivitamins: they will make up for the lack of components necessary for the normal development of the child.

Prescription of specific drugs is carried out taking into account:

  • individual characteristics of each woman;
  • medical biography;
  • age;
  • working conditions;
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • climatic conditions.

Taking multivitamins is mandatory if a woman is carrying more than one fetus, as well as if the pregnancy occurred less than 2 years after the previous one.

But there are also opponents to the claim that pregnant women should take synthetic drugs. They believe that a pregnant woman can obtain all the necessary substances from food, as, in fact, this happened in the times of our ancestors.

However, today this statement is not very logical, since the quality of the products leaves much to be desired. And therefore, you should not risk either your health or the condition of the baby.

Vitamins vital during pregnancy

Currently, scientists name 13 vitamins that have a certain effect on the human body.

All of them are extremely important for the biochemical and physiological processes occurring in the body and the prevention of various disorders in cells. During pregnancy, a woman most needs the following vitamins and chemical elements (there are 7 in total):

  1. Vitamin A. Important for the development of bone tissue, retina, promotes the production of red blood cells.
  2. Vitamin B9 (folic acid). It is necessary for the formation of the brain of the unborn baby, also promotes the proper development of the placenta, serves as the prevention of miscarriages, frozen pregnancies and embryonic defects.
  3. Vitamin C. Increases resistance to pathogenic bacteria and promotes the absorption of iron.
  4. Vitamin E. Important for the development of the placenta, regulating blood circulation, prepares the baby’s lungs for action, and minimizes the risk of anemia.
  5. Calcium. It is part of bone, connective tissue, dentin, and promotes the proper development of internal organs, skin, and eyes.
  6. Iodine. Helps the fetus receive hormones from the mother’s body, ensures the correct formation of the brain, genital organs, heart muscle, and musculoskeletal system.
  7. Iron. It is necessary for the prevention of anemia; with its participation, oxygen is delivered to the developing fetus.

Ideally, prenatal vitamins should contain all of the above substances. If any additional components are required, they are prescribed by a doctor according to indications.

What are the features of vitamins for pregnant women?

Multivitamin complexes that should be used during pregnancy differ from regular ones. Therefore, you need to take only special medications. At the same time, reviews from friends about which vitamins are the best during pregnancy should not be the determining criterion.

Read the instructions carefully before taking vitamins

After all, what suits one woman will not necessarily work properly on another. We should not exclude the fact that there may be an excess of some elements in the pregnant woman’s body (which is no better than their deficiency).

In this case, the question of whether to take certain vitamin preparations at all can only be answered by a doctor based on the tests prescribed for the pregnant woman.

When deciding which vitamins are best to take during pregnancy, it is also necessary to take into account the developmental period of the baby. After all, the child is gradually growing and, therefore, the woman needs more and more vital elements. Usually, taking a vitamin preparation is prescribed after the first trimester of pregnancy, according to indications.

What should be included in prenatal vitamins?

Multivitamins indicated for use by pregnant women should not contain:

  • folic acid (it is prescribed even before pregnancy, at the planning stage);
  • iodine (it is worth noting that in complexes its content usually does not exceed 150 mcg; this amount is not enough for a pregnant woman, therefore, to replenish iodine in the body, it is necessary to use an additional iodine-containing drug or include appropriate foods in food).
  • calcium (without it, the correct formation of the baby’s skeleton is impossible).

What amount of vitamins is considered optimal when carrying a child?

It is for women carrying a child that the norm of vitamins indicated for use is as follows:

  • A – up to 2500 IU;
  • B1 – 1.5-2.0 mg;
  • B2 – 1.5-2.0 mg;
  • B3 – 15-20 mg;
  • B5 – 4-7 mg;
  • B6 – 2.5 mg;
  • B9 – 0.8-1 mg;
  • B12 – 3.0-4.0 mcg;
  • D – 400-600 IU;
  • E – 10-15 IU;
  • C – 70-100 mg;
  • K – 65-80 mcg;
  • N – 30-100 mcg.

And the norm of microelements that should enter the body of the expectant mother is:

  • iron (30-60 mg);
  • magnesium (320-355 mg);
  • calcium (1000-1200 mg);
  • phosphorus (1200 mg).

Vitamins by trimester

As the child grows and develops in the womb, the need for certain substances that the baby receives from the outside also changes. Therefore, a deficiency or, on the contrary, an excess of vitamins and nutrients can lead to very unpleasant consequences, both for the fetus and for the health of the woman herself.

Folic acid is taken not only during pregnancy, but also at the planning stage

1st trimester

During this period, the child’s nervous system is being formed. For this process to end favorably, the mother’s body must receive a sufficient amount of folic acid.

And taking vitamin B6 helps prevent toxicosis, increased nervousness and convulsions in pregnant women. It is prescribed from the third month of gestation. For better absorption, the vitamin is taken together with magnesium.

They start taking vitamin A at the end of the 3rd month of pregnancy and continue to do so thereafter. From this time on, the fetus grows more intensively and it is very important that during further development the correct proportions of the embryo are maintained.

You cannot take several multivitamin complexes at once.

2nd trimester

At this time, to ensure the active growth of the baby, a pregnant woman urgently needs vitamin D. Its deficiency is fraught with the formation of intrauterine rickets and improper formation of the child’s musculoskeletal system.

Vitamin E, taken by a woman during this period of pregnancy, favors the growth and development of the baby, and also ensures optimal distensibility of the uterus, normal functioning of the placenta and minimizes the risk of premature birth.

By the end of the 3rd month of pregnancy, the woman, and, consequently, the baby, needs more iron and calcium, which are actively spent on building the skeletal system and the formation of the baby’s blood cells.

Last trimester

At this time, you can stop taking vitamin B9, since the need for it subsides.

Until childbirth, a woman needs to take vitamins B6, E, calcium and iron supplements - all of them help support the fetus during the completion of the formation of internal organs and serve to prevent developmental delays.

A pregnant woman's diet should be balanced and should not contain harmful foods.

Popular vitamin and mineral complexes

Women who are planning the birth of a baby and are responsible for their own health should listen to medical recommendations regarding the use of a complex of vitamins for pregnant women.

Modern pharmacological companies offer a large selection of drugs to maintain the health of the mother and the full development of the body of the future newborn. It is difficult to say which one is better or worse - each product has a useful composition aimed at solving a particular problem.

Complimentary Mom

This drug will be useful for nursing mothers (its components are absorbed into breast milk, which provides the baby with useful substances and minerals), as well as for those women who are just planning a pregnancy. And, of course, the composition of the vitamin complex fully corresponds to the physiological needs of the female body during the period of bearing a child.

In addition to the fact that the pills provide the expectant mother with 75% of useful substances, they are also very pleasant to take (and this is especially important if a woman suffers from toxicosis), thanks to the citric acid and sugar in the composition.


The peculiarity of the drug is that one blister contains pills of 3 colors. Each of them is intended for use at a designated time: morning, afternoon and evening.

The tablets contain a certain list of biologically active elements and vitamins that are best absorbed at a specific time of day.


The drug intended for pregnant women was developed by US pharmacists and exists in 2 forms: Prenatal and Forte. They differ in different composition, as well as the percentage of components.

Both versions are rich in all the vitamins necessary for the expectant mother’s body, as well as macro- and microelements. However, Vitrum Forte has a more extensive range of useful substances in its composition: so, in addition to calcium, iron, zinc, the drug also contains molybdenum, selenium, chromium, calcium pantothenate, biotin, iodine, beta-carotene, copper oxide, manganese.

Vitrum Prenatal is indicated as a prophylactic agent during pregnancy, and Forte’s purpose is to solve very specific problems characteristic of the physiological state of a woman expecting a child.


This is a complex that is rich in vitamin B9 and essential minerals. The product also contains an additional element - metafolin, which is an active form of vitamin B9 and is absorbed better than folic acid in its usual form. In particular, the drug is prescribed to those patients whose body is not able to fully absorb B9.

The drug is available in 2 forms: labeled “1” - it should be taken when planning conception, and in the first 3 months of gestation; and marked “2” – use is indicated from the 4th month of pregnancy.


The drug contains the usual set of vitamins and minerals, however, Pregnakea does not contain calcium, so if the female body is most deficient in this macroelement, then the drug will not be suitable.

Otherwise, one capsule of the drug per day is enough to increase a pregnant woman’s immunity, her physical activity, and also regulate metabolic processes. In addition, Pregnakea is a worthy remedy for the prevention of malformations of fetal development.

Only a doctor can choose the right vitamins


A feature of this drug (coated tablets) is the optimal selection of combination and concentration of essential vitamins (B9, B5, B12, B2, B1, B6, C, E, D) in combination with biologically important active elements (iodine, chromium, selenium, iron , manganese, zinc, calcium - the latter is especially valuable, because its deficiency is acutely noticeable in the last months of pregnancy).

The dose and regimen of taking the drug is determined by the doctor.


The multivitamin complex in the form of grayish-yellow tablets includes: 12 vitamins (A, E, D3, C, group B, PP), 7 minerals (manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, zinc, copper).

Each substance in the composition is carefully dosed in accordance with the needs of the body of the expectant mother and the growing fetus.

Elevit is prescribed for the prevention of hypovitaminosis when a woman is malnourished, and in connection with individual indications.

Multi-tabs Perinatal

The composition of the complex, rich in vitamins and minerals (in particular, Multi-Tabs is the optimal concentration of folic acid and iodine) provides the mother’s body with everything necessary for the harmonious formation of the fetus, easy gestation, serves as the prevention of stillbirth, vascular disorders of the embryo, and also promotes good health and excellent mood women.

The tablets are taken without chewing and washed down with plenty of water for better absorption. This is done once a day.

Other vitamin complexes

The list does not end with the above multivitamin complexes. The composition of such drugs is largely the same, but every woman expecting a baby is free to choose for herself the drug that will not cause allergic reactions and, of course, is acceptable according to the financial capabilities of the family.

In particular, pharmacies also offer the following:

  • Amway;
  • Magnelis;
  • Orthomol;
  • Pregnavite;
  • Emfetal;
  • Fertilovit;
  • Pregnazon.

What are the benefits of vitamin tablets? With them, precise control and regulation of the dose of useful components is possible. After all, including food with such substances in your diet is not easy to do.

It should be noted that all iron-containing preparations can turn a pregnant woman’s stool and urine dark; this should not alarm the woman.

The best vitamins for pregnant women, reviews

If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to eat a balanced and healthy diet - whether due to a lack of time for frequent cooking, a stressful work schedule, or a lack of funds - taking vitamins will solve the problem of saturating the body, and, consequently, the unborn child. And to determine the best vitamins for pregnant women, reviews of women who took medications during gestation can help.

You can highlight for yourself both the advantages and disadvantages of the presented vitamin complexes, and then choose the most suitable option.

Proper nutrition will help provide a woman with vitamins, but not fully



  • the interaction of microelements contained in the preparation is taken into account;
  • since the tablets are multi-colored, in case of allergies, you can stop taking pills of a certain color;
  • contains the largest amount of iodine compared to other drugs of a similar nature, so you do not have to take this mineral additionally.

Disadvantages: insufficient vitamin B9 content, so you will have to ensure additional intake until at least 3 months of pregnancy.



  • high iron content, the intake of which serves to prevent anemia and helps treat it in the initial stages of development;
  • optimal amount of vitamin B9.

Disadvantage: lack of iodine, although this disadvantage is compensated for by the drug VitrumPrenatal Forte.


Advantages: optimal amount of iodine and vitamin B9.

Disadvantage (and it is quite significant): high saturation with vitamins A and B, which often leads to allergic reactions.


Advantages: provides the body with all the necessary vitamins during pregnancy.

Disadvantage: there is also no iodine, so additional medications containing this mineral are required.

Iodine is extremely important for a pregnant woman



  • rich in magnesium (this is the best prevention of possible miscarriage);
  • improves blood circulation.

There were no deficiencies identified in the reviews.


Advantages: It is considered the best drug to date, containing all the elements important during pregnancy. Therefore, there is no need to take additional medications.

Disadvantage: this mainly concerns not the composition of the drug, but its high cost.

Having weighed and compared all the pros and cons, we should not forget that any multivitamin complex (and this does not depend on its quality) has its contraindications. Therefore, choosing the best vitamins for pregnant women, as well as determining the methods of their use, should be exclusively done by the doctor who is observing the woman while she is expecting a baby.

Vitamins that are given to pregnant women free of charge

Currently in Russia the law provides for free provision of vitamins to pregnant women. This is carried out on the basis of relevant laws and regulations.

They, in particular, indicate that women expecting a child have the opportunity to receive free vitamins, calcium and iron supplements (all of which are included in a special list) in an amount not exceeding 30% of the cost of the birth certificate.

It is not difficult to get free vitamins: for this, the gynecologist must write out a special prescription for the woman, and it must be used within 10 days at the state pharmacy in the area where the antenatal clinic is located.

You can get a prescription for free prenatal vitamins from your gynecologist.

The only aspect that somewhat limits the provision of free vitamins to pregnant women is the following. The procedure for issuing such drugs is carried out by territorial medical associations.

Each of them, unfortunately, is financed differently (this depends on the number of people assigned to it), accordingly, the situation with the provision of free vitamin preparations to pregnant women may also be different.

In some antenatal clinics, all pregnant women are given the amount they need. And in others, where there is no sufficient funding, vitamins are given free of charge only to certain categories of women expecting a baby: those with many children, the unemployed, etc.

The following vitamins and other medications are currently available free of charge:

  • Alpha tocopherol acetate capsules;
  • Beviplex dragee;
  • Bio-Max tablets;
  • Vitamin E and Vitamin E Zentiva;
  • Vitrum vitamin E;
  • Vitaspectrum tablets;
  • Vitatress tablets;
  • Vitrum tablets;
  • VitrumPrenatal, VitrumPrenatal forte and Vitrum Superstress tablets;
  • Doppelhertz vitamin E;
  • Hexavit dragee;
  • Gendevit dragee;
  • Glutamevit tablets;
  • Zithrum vitamin E;
  • Iodine balance;
  • Iodomarin;
  • Potassium iodide;
  • Complivit, Complivit Mama, Complivit Active tablets;
  • Maltofer solution and tablets for oral administration;
  • Megadin and MegadinPronatal tablets;
  • Microiodide;
  • Multimax tablets;
  • Multi-Tabs Active, Multi-TabsIntensive, Multi-Tabs Classic and Multi-Tabs;
  • Perinatal tablets;
  • Multivitamin tablets;
  • Revit and Revit-UVI tablets;
  • Selmevit tablets;
  • Supradin tablets;
  • Teravit, TeravitAntistress, TeravitPregna tablets;
  • Tocopherocaps;
  • Tocopherol acetate 5%, 10% and 30% solution;
  • Tri-V Plus tablets;
  • Undevit and Undevit-UVI tablets;
  • Fenyuls Complex;
  • Ferretab complex;
  • Ferrovit and Ferrovit forte tablets;
  • Folic acid, tablets;
  • ElevitPrenatal tablets.

Often pregnant women decide to take so-called fish oil, but its use must be agreed with a doctor

Why is it important to choose vitamin supplements with a doctor?

Do not forget that any multivitamin complex cannot be a harmless drug, and without consulting a doctor, the expectant mother should not prescribe anything for herself. Since both an excess of substances and their deficiency are fraught with serious consequences for the fetus and mother.

And if a vitamin preparation is prescribed by a gynecologist, you should strictly adhere to the prescribed dosage.

It is also worth remembering that often taking such pharmaceutical drugs leads to the appearance of allergic reactions. In such cases, the doctor reconsiders his prescription and selects for the pregnant woman drugs that will be well tolerated by her body.

Instead of a conclusion

The purpose of multivitamins, which can be freely purchased in pharmacies, is exclusively prevention. That is, they cannot be used as a method of treating diseases that develop from a deficiency of vitamins and nutrients. When taken according to medical recommendations, they do not cause an overdose.

Do not forget the following: like any drug with many active ingredients in its composition, multivitamins can cause allergic reactions.

One more important nuance should be noted: during pregnancy, it is not recommended to take several medications containing a complex of vitamins and biologically active substances at once.

It is rare that a pregnant woman’s diet is sufficiently balanced, so taking vitamins is mandatory

As for whether it is worth taking vitamin complexes at all for up to 3 months of pregnancy, or whether it is enough to limit yourself to taking medications containing specific vitamins, the opinions of experts are divided.

Thus, gynecologists-obstetricians who have a negative attitude towards the embryo being subjected to additional exposure to chemicals advise against taking multivitamins.

Other doctors, on the contrary, are supporters of early vitamin prophylaxis, citing the fact that scientists have not proven the harmful effects of these drugs on the development of the embryo.

Therefore, the final decision should still remain with the expectant mother.

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