Any festive event is very rarely complete without flowers. They decorate rooms, streets and courtyards. Of course, first place among wide range cut crops are occupied by roses. Many women love these flowers for their indescribable beauty, aroma, variety of shapes and colors. Which ones are the most beautiful among them? Rose varieties that can be classified in this category are not only sold in flower shops, but also grown by experienced summer residents.

Among the wide range of popular roses, it is very difficult to choose the most beautiful one. The experience of many gardeners and flower growers, as well as summer residents, will help you decide which types of beautiful roses you should focus on.

Among the many varieties, there are those that are classified by many gardeners, gardeners and hobbyists as fancy crops. These include:

  • Rose de Resht. This is the so-called Portland variety, a characteristic feature of which is a persistent, heady aroma emitted by large flowers of unusual shape. Some gardeners and hobbyists position Rose de Resht as exotic roses precisely for this reason. The first mentions of these flowers were recorded back in the 17th century in Iran. (Resht is the name of one of the Iranian cities). Experts note that it was from this corner of the planet that Rose de Resht came to Europe. A feature of the culture is the continuity of flowering. In place of the cut flower, a new one immediately appears. Thus, it belongs to the beautiful varieties of roses that bloom all summer.
  • Golden Showers. Very beautiful roses, despite the promising name, which describes the shape of the bush (thin stems hanging above the soil surface), the flowers bloom only once a year and the flowering period lasts no more than 7 days. The petals seem to be covered with a velvet blanket, and the plant itself is gaining strength. The stems do not burn out after flowering, continuing to grow until frost. During this period, you can form a bush.
  • Vendela. A fastidious variety of roses. It is susceptible to fungal infections. A rose seedling of the Vendela variety must be very well protected from harmful microorganisms. This plant requires careful care and special attention florist It is necessary to especially monitor the moisture balance, since transfusion can provoke the development of fungal diseases. Therefore, many gardeners spend a lot of time growing these flowers at home. But the result is worth it.
  • Eiffel Tower. This variety of beautiful roses also requires a lot of attention, which is why novice gardeners spend a lot of time. It is recommended to grow them under cover during sudden temperature fluctuations. According to reviews, Eiffel Tower is very beautiful, has an intoxicating aroma, which is emitted by flowers of a delicate crystal pink hue.
  • Bleu Magenta. Very rare but beautiful roses (see photo). This forces many gardeners to start growing Bleu Magenta. The flowers have a rich violet-purple hue. The plant is low-growing, reaching about half a meter in height. On the dense brushes of one bush you can count up to 25 flowers. The flowering period lasts about a month. The leaves are very small with a glossy, shiny surface. The shoots have almost no thorns. The plant is very demanding of itself.

Beautiful roses of the Topalovic brothers

In all corners of the world, many gardeners are engaged in growing scrub roses with great diligence. The word “shrub” translated from English means “bush”. So it’s not hard to guess what we're talking about. Shrub roses are very popular because they are grown in commercial purposes. But on many summer cottages You can see scrub roses that decorate flower beds and flower beds.

In Serbia there is a very popular and one of the best nurseries in Europe that grows beautiful varieties of roses (see photo), and it is named after the Topalovic brothers. Its history begins in 1931. Despite many difficulties, it has retained its primitiveness, which is now combined with innovative approaches to breeding beautiful types of roses. As a result of its activities, many exotic varieties were bred. Over the entire period of its breeding activities, the Bratev Topalovich nursery has received many awards and recognition in many countries around the world.

A distinctive feature of the nursery's roses is the combination of the classic waviness of double petals with large flowers, the diameter of which is at least 10 cm. They also have brightly colored buds, strong stems, and the splendor of the bush.

Many experts note good resistance to cold and absolute immunity to some pests (aphids, locusts).

What variety of roses is the most beautiful? The most popular are:

Despite many advantages, these roses require careful, painstaking and attentive care.

Beautiful roses by David Austin

Famous breeder from England David Austin long years experimented with creating the unusual beauty of roses. In his numerous studies, he used several types of plants (Bourbon, Floribunda, Tea and some varieties of French roses). His deepest dreams were to combine modern colors and continuity of flowering without losing the classic beauty inherent in roses. And this dream became a reality, which made it possible to position its varieties in a separate group - . The color schemes are dominated by shades of peach, red, apricot, and yellow.

Ostinki have very beautiful, compact, powerful bushes, on which abundantly flowering large-flowered inflorescences are placed. The diameter of each bud reaches about 13 cm. The petals are double and do not fade in the sun, for a long time delighting people with its indescribable beauty.

The flowering of the most beautiful varieties roses (see photo) selected by David Austin occur in waves, but the break between these periods is short (about 14 days). The height of each bush reaches a meter in height. This makes them very attractive.

Beautiful varieties of roses (photos with names):

  • Beveler (Beveler).
  • Artemis (Artemis).
  • L.D.Braithwaite (L.D. Braithwaite).
  • Summer Song.
  • Queen of Sweden.
  • Crocus Rose.
  • The Mayflower.
  • Munstead Wood.
  • Grace (Grace).
  • Susan Williams-Ellis (Susan Williams Ellis).
  • Tea Clipper.
  • Gertrude Jekyil (Gertrude Jekyll).
  • Crown Princess Margareta.

The rose belongs to the genus Rosehip of the Varicolored family. The plant itself is a shrub, the size of which can vary greatly from 15 cm to over 2 meters. The branches of the plant are covered with thorns, and the leaves are green and imparipinnate. We distinguish roses by color. But they differ not only on this basis. They can be dwarf, climbing, bush, tree-like, differ in the shape of the petals and aroma. There are more than 20,000 different varieties roses, and today they continue to develop more and more new varieties of these beautiful flowers.

The rose flower is heat-loving plant, but it is able to grow and bloom in quite harsh climates. An important condition for a plant to flower is sunlight. If the plant is planted in the shade, it may stop blooming or the flowering will be weak.

Rose is the queen of flowers. Every person knows about its existence. This is a very ancient plant. The first mentions of it date back to the 2nd millennium BC. Persia is considered the birthplace of the rose. Today, one of the oldest roses is considered to be a rose growing in Germany on the territory of the Hildesheim Cathedral of the Ascension of St. Mary. It is called the thousand-year-old rose, its height is 13 m, and its trunk diameter is 50 cm. This rose has its own legend: “One day in 885, King Louis went hunting and got lost in the forest. He took the cross off his chest and began to pray. After that he fell asleep. When he woke up, he saw that a rose bush had blossomed around the cross. Later, on that site, he ordered the construction of a chapel dedicated to Our Lady.” During the Second World War, the bush was severely burned, but in May 1945 it came to life again and blossomed.

Hildesheim Cathedral of the Assumption of St. Mary.

Thousand-year-old rose bush.

In the USA (Arizona) in the city of Tombstone in 1885, a rose was planted, which is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest rose. It occupies 740 m². The diameter of its trunks is 3.7 m.

The most beautiful and expensive varieties of roses in the world:

The most beautiful varieties of roses in the world video

Pierre de Ronsard

This rose was named after the French medieval poet and literary figure. This variety of roses is considered not only beautiful, but also expensive. Louis de Funes was a big fan of these roses.

Hybrid Tea Rose – Rosa Augusta Louise

This variety of roses is one of the best. The color of this rose depends on the weather. She may have pink color wine, champagne or peach. The aroma is reminiscent of a fruity raspberry scent.

English rose – Grace

This flower peach color recognized as one of the beautiful varieties of English selection. It is shaped like a dahlia with a peach scent.

Rose de Resht

The Portland variety of roses was known back in the 17th century. Rasht is the name of the Iranian city from where this variety came to Europe. This is one of the best varieties of roses, which is characterized by a strong aroma and long flowering.


This beautiful, rare variety of roses grows in the tropics and can bloom all year round.

Rainbow Rose:

This delightful rose was created by the man who owns the flower company - Peter Van de Werken. Peter cut the stem of the white rose into several sections so that each channel could carry colored water to the petals. There will be as many colors on the rose petals as there are colors.

Rare flower - twin rose:

Sometimes such roses are found in nature - there are two buds on one stem.

The smallest rose

In India, in the city of Indore, florist Sudhir Khetawat bred a rose whose inflorescence is only 1 cm in size. He devoted several years to experimenting with breeding miniature rose at the Pyramid Research Center. This miracle of nature was created thanks to the influence of an electromagnetic field on the rose, which stops the growth of the plant. This rose belongs to the petite polie variety. The size of its flowers usually reaches up to 3-4 cm. Botanist Sudhir Khetawat called his rose “diamond”. She, as the smallest, was entered into the national book of records. Perhaps in the future it will be included in the Guinness Book of Records.

For many generations, bouquets of roses have been especially valued. They delight with their beauty and luxury.

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We present to the reader the top 15 the best roses, which have proven themselves well in the difficult conditions of the Russian climate. These are hardy winter-hardy varieties, different lush flowering. Many of them make us happy amazing beauty flowers all summer until the first frost.

Timeless classic

'Paul's Scarlet' (1916) - old variety, which celebrated its centenary last year. This is a classic rambler, that is, a once-blooming climbing rose, in which flowers appear on last year's shoots. He gained enormous popularity in the countries of the Old and New Worlds. Last year's shoots must be preserved in winter. Flowering is long-lasting, up to one and a half months. Semi-double crimson-red flowers with purple flashes are collected in lush drooping inflorescences. The leaves are dark green, resistant to black spot and powdery mildew. Tolerates partial shade and poor soils; flowers are not afraid of rain. If the rose vines are tied horizontally to the trellis, flowering shoots will grow along their entire length from bottom to top. Otherwise, only the top of the bush will bloom. Thanks to such a horizontal garter it is easy to create a flowering wall. It fits into the shelter without any problems. Before this, you need to cut out the vines that have faded in the summer.

'New Dawn' (1930)- climbing rose of American selection.

In terms of winter hardiness and endurance, there is hardly any other variety comparable to it. Flowers of an ideal classic shape with a high center, an amazing pearlescent pink hue, with a delicate aroma. It quickly grows to a height of up to 3 m, flexible lashes are tirelessly covered with flowers all summer long. It can spend the winter with virtually no shelter, just under the snow.

But if it freezes in harsh winter, easily restored. This rose should be placed not in the open sun, but in sparse shade - in this case, the flowers do not fade and last longer. It is better to tie rose vines so that they do not stick out in different sides, and plant it itself either in the background of the mixborder near the fence, or against the western wall of the house. The only drawback is that it is very prickly.

If the first two varieties seem banal, even “rustic” to someone, we can recommend the delightful climber ‘Schwanensee’ (‘Swan Lake’, 1968), bred in the Irish nursery McGrady. The nursery soon went bankrupt, but his business lives on. I must say that this is one of the best large-flowered climbers I have encountered on my way. Forms a neat upright bush up to 3 m tall, studded with large snow-white flowers reminiscent of paper. I'm afraid this is a dubious compliment for a rose, but nevertheless it is so! The flowers, despite their huge size and 50 petals, are light, airy, as if floating, bloom from white and pink buds of a classic shape, and are resistant to rain. They stay on the bush for a surprisingly long time and do not fall off ■ for up to 10 days. Flowering is long and abundant. The variety has one drawback - it is rare. But it's worth hunting for.

THE MOST fragrant ROSES! 'Astrid Grafin von Hardenberg', 'Augusta Luise', 'Charles de Gaulle', 'Double Delight', 'Frederic Mistral', 'Gloria Dei', 'Jasmina', 'Mainzer Fastnacht', 'Parole', 'Paul Ricard' , 'Renaissance', 'Violette Parfumee', 'Westerland' and all English roses.

'The Fairy (1932) - charming variety, representing a group of old-fashioned polyanthus roses. Remains the most popular and widespread in the world due to its fantastic unpretentiousness and abundant continuous flowering. Extreme ease of cultivation, winter hardiness and excellent landscape qualities place this rose on a par with other outstanding varieties. It blooms with myriads of small pink flowers, strung in 10 - 40 pieces. on thin, barely noticeable branches, capable of self-cleaning. Easily formed by cutting into a neat round bush. Cuttings without problems. It can be used as a ground cover and also looks impressive on a trunk.

Luck of Cordes

Wilhelm Cordes considered the climbing rose ‘Flammentanz’ (1955) his best creation. And quite rightly so. Winter-hardy and hardy, immune to diseases, it is able to delight with its lush flowering More than a month. It blooms profusely with bright red flowers with a scarlet sheen, collected in bouquets of inflorescences of 5-7 flowers. In the garden classification of roses, it occupies a special place that belongs only to it. Although it is a one-time bloomer, it is not a classic rambler and does not need to remove faded shoots, since they will bloom again next year. At favorable conditions shoots are driven up to a height of 4 m. They must be tied to a trellis and not tried to grow the rose as a bush: in this case it will not look as impressive as on a trellis. It fits quite easily under cover and confidently withstands even the most severe frosts. It is noticed that lives longer as its own root, so it is better to take cuttings.

'Westerland' (1969)- amazing scrub. This is a rose of unique beauty, with bright semi-double cup-shaped flowers. The complex color as it blooms changes from fiery orange to salmon pink. The golden yellow center of the flower glows from within. The edges of the petals are wavy, which gives the rose grace and unique charm. The foliage is large, leathery, dark green, and resistant to disease. It blooms almost without interruption all season and winters well. And extremely fragrant.

'Jasmina' (2005)- branched climber with flexible shoots, up to 3 m long. The shoots are covered with whole bouquets of lilac-pink flowers of an ancient shape, hanging down like a waterfall. Very fragrant variety. It is best to grow on a trellis near a seating area to enjoy the aroma. Looks good in company with clematis.

‘Rosarium Uetersen’ (1977)- this is the famous lushly blooming rose with large, densely double, bright pink flowers with a silvery bloom, which are collected in heavy drooping brushes. Each flower has up to 100 petals and a tiled structure. The leaves are beautiful, glossy, disease resistant. The bushes are spreading, with whip-like shoots. It is famous for its abundant flowering until frost.

Wrinkled rose variety 'Hansaland' (1993) may seem simple at first glance. However, in terms of its decorative and economic qualities, it will give a hundred points ahead to its more eminent fellow tribesmen. Forms an upright, well-leafed bush that blooms all summer. Clusters of wine-red flowers pair well with healthy, bright green foliage. Overwinters without problems, with virtually no shelter. Pruning is only sanitary. Does not require removal of faded inflorescences and extensive winter shelter. Even if unfavorable conditions freezes, easily restored.

Rose 'Angela" (1984)- literally a bright representative of the romantic trend in selection. This variety is now at the peak of its popularity. It blooms with charming caps of small carmine-red cup-shaped flowers with the most delicate pale pink center. Not afraid of heat or rain. A beautifully leafy bush up to 1.5 m high resembles a pink cloud. This rose is good for solitaire planting. Smells green apple. This wonderful floribunda produces three waves of flowering. Its foliage is healthy, shiny and elegant. Hardy and frost-resistant variety.

Meyhan's masterpieces

'Gloria Dei' (1945)- legendary hybrid tea variety, the most famous in the world. This is a rose of all times and peoples, one of those that belong to the must have category.

Also often found under the names 'Madame A. Meilland 1, 'Peace'. It grows as a large bush with healthy dark green glossy foliage. Huge, up to 15 cm in diameter, classically shaped flowers are beautiful at all stages of bloom. The petals are creamy yellow with a crimson edge. Exudes a bright fruity aroma with surprising notes of banana. It blooms all summer, and the flower lasts about a week and is resistant to rain and fog.

Demonstrates excellent winter hardiness, despite its French origin.

'Bonica 82'- one of abundantly and continuously flowering varieties, who has repeatedly received prizes and awards. Forms a rounded bush with shiny dark green foliage, bright pink buds and soft pink flowers that fade to white at the end of flowering. This is my favorite variety landscape designers. This floribunda has one wonderful quality - the ability to self-clean.

THE MOST WINTER-HARDY VARIETIES! ‘Alexander Mackenzie’, ‘Aspirin Rose’, ‘F. J. Grootendorst’, ‘Fantin-Latour’, ‘Flammentanz’, ‘Frau Karl Druschki’, ‘Hansaland’, ‘J. P. Connell', 'John Cabot', 'John Davis', 'John Franklin', 'KnockOut', 'Konigin von Danemark', 'Madame Hardy', 'Morden Blush', 'Morden Centennial', 'New Dawn', 'Paul's Scarlet', 'PinkGrootendorst', 'Prairie Dawn', 'Robusta', 'Rosa Mundi', 'Rose de Rescht', 'Rugelda', 'Westerland'.

'Leonardo da Vinci' (1993) made the top list due to its exceptional health and decorative properties. Densely packed fuchsia flowers

pink flowers first have an ancient pom-pom shape, then open into neat quartered bowls with tightly packed petals that do not fade. Blooms continuously until late autumn. Resistant to adverse weather conditions and diseases.

It forms a strong, erect bush with strong shoots that is quite tall for a floribunda. The only drawback is the lack of smell.

'Zambra' (1993)- floribunda with semi-double pink-coral lace flowers of rare beauty. The buds are a deep crimson color, when bloomed they resemble a strawberry soufflé. In cool weather, the color intensifies to orange with raspberry nuances and lemon strokes in the depths of the flower. This rose is especially beautiful when half-opened, when the slightly opened flowers have a rare appearance for roses. triangular shape. The variety with its scalloped flowers collected in lush bouquets The inflorescences, set against a backdrop of shiny, leathery, dark green foliage, require full sun.

‘Pierre de Ronsard’, also known as 'Eden Rose' (1987)- a spectacular climber with large, antique-shaped, white-pink, cup-shaped flowers with a twisted center. The color of the outer petals has a greenish tint. The foliage is dark, shiny, practically not affected by diseases, the flowers are resistant to rain. The shoots are thick and tough, with few thorns. The bush is compact, up to 2 m in height. Shows good winter hardiness. It blooms almost continuously all summer.

ROSES OF CONTINUOUS BLOWING! 'Albrighton Rambler', 'Angela', 'Aspirin Rose', 'Ballerina', 'Bouquet Parfait', 'Buff Beauty', 'Knirps', 'KnockOut', 'Leonardo da Vinci', 'Mozart', 'Palmengarten Frankfurt' , 'Pink Grootendorst', 'Poesie', 'Polarstern', 'LesQuatre Saisons', 'Rosalita', 'Salita', 'Sea Foam', 'Sommerwind', 'The Fairy', 'Westerland', 'White Grootendorst'.

This, in my opinion, is the short list of the best roses currently available to our gardener. Frankly, I had a difficult task to select the most worthy varieties. I admit that someone may disagree with this choice, because everyone has their own favorites. But all the proposed roses are about

Tests were carried out among one and a half hundred varieties growing in my garden, and they were selected not so much for their beauty as for their ease of cultivation and their economic qualities. At least I can vouch for them and I’m sure they won’t disappoint you!

Most people believe that flowers are the most beautiful creations of nature, and the most beautiful are roses. These flowers symbolize affection and respect; they are given as a sign of attention and love, for any holiday and for any occasion. Choose from a variety of varieties the most beautiful roses It’s difficult, because everyone has their own taste, their own preferences. But through sociological surveys, three varieties of roses were identified, which almost all people find the most attractive in color, smell, bud size, and appearance:

"Rose de Resht"

Third place was given to the Portland rose variety “Rose de Resht”, which was cultivated back in the seventeenth century. The bushes of these beautiful roses are not tall, and the buds themselves can be up to 20 centimeters. Roses “Rose de Resht” have an incredibly persistent and pleasant aroma.


The second place is occupied by the variety of beautiful roses “Dijon”, with large wavy petals and cupped buds ten centimeters in diameter. This variety is considered quite rare; it grows mainly in the tropics and can bloom all year round. In place of the fallen buds, after a short period of time, fragrant flowers appear again. By the way, this variety of tropical roses is often included in the list of “The most beautiful photos of roses”.


The championship in the ranking of the most beautiful roses was given to hybrid variety"Gallica", which was known in Europe already in the 15th century, and became widespread among gardeners in the 17th century. The bushes of these roses are tall - about one and a half meters, and the buds are small - up to nine centimeters in diameter. The color of the buds varies from pink to purple-scarlet, and maybe even rare - striped.

The most expensive varieties of roses

Today, many gardeners grow the most outlandish varieties of roses on their plots as a hobby. From such flowers you can create an incredibly beautiful bouquet, which certainly cannot be called “banal.” Usually, rare varieties of grown roses are expensive and can become a luxurious gift for an anniversary, marriage, or wedding anniversary. The following plant varieties invariably fall into the top “The most expensive roses in the world”:

1. Dutchman Pieter Van de Werken, owner of a large flower company, brought amazing variety of roses “Rainbow”. Experiments were carried out for several years, starting in 2004, to achieve the result of a real miracle of color mixing. To make the rose petals of this variety multi-colored, the breeder came up with the idea of ​​dividing the stem into separate channels through which the flower absorbs water from the soil.

Through painstaking efforts, each small plant channel was supplied with its own small reservoir of colored water. This dye was absorbed by the fibers of the plant, coloring the petals unusual colors. This is a real miracle of inventive technology at the level of fine jewelry work. In this way, a variety of white roses can be turned into a unique flower, the cost of which varies within $10, and bouquets of “Rainbow Roses” cost from $300 and above.

2. One more expensive variety roses count "Eden Rose" (the second name is “Pierre de Ronsard”), which also bear the title of one of the most beautiful flowers in the world. This is a variety climbing roses with heavy cream buds, which have an incredibly rich color border. "Eden Rose" has several variations of shades. Flowers of this variety have their own charm and charm, which is why they were named after the French lyric poet.

Each flower of "Eden Rose" ("Paradise Rose") costs about 20-21 dollars. By the way, “Paradise Roses” were the favorite flowers of the famous actor Louis de Finesse. Fans of the actor’s work knew this, and were ready to lay at his feet huge bouquets of flowers, valued at fortunes.

3. Lovely roses "Sweet Juliet" were bred by a breeder from England, David Austin. The gardener spent 15 years of his life and 15.8 million dollars on this project. These graceful flowers were first presented to the world in 2006 at the international British rose exhibition “Chelsea Flower Show”, where they created a real sensation.

A single Sweet Juliet flower can be bought in the UK for $25, while a small bouquet of apricot-colored roses with small buds costs about $150.

Unusual varieties of roses from around the world

The most beautiful roses in the world, photos of which today adorn the covers of calendars, glossy magazines and posters of flower exhibitions, have been bred by breeders for many years. It is a whole art to bring out roses of unusual colors and shapes, while preserving the aroma of flowers, their natural grace and thirst for life. The following varieties of roses are considered to be the most unusual:

1. Variety "Ruffles"

These roses come in several shades, from rich apricot to smoky terracotta. Rose petals are wavy, deeply “cut” into the bud.

2. Rose variety “Polka”

It was developed in the “Romantica” series, intended for gifting on unusual, most romantic occasions. Roses have a rich apricot color with scalloped wavy petals and grow on bushes in original tassels (clusters).

3. Corrugated roses

“Crimped roses” have an unusual shape of petals. This variety includes varieties of roses: "Tequila" - with a pleasant copper-apricot color and fluffy delicate petals, as well as "Soleillade" - with flowers of a sunny yellow hue and small buds.

4. Double roses

Incredibly beautiful varieties of roses in their bloom "Wedding Cake", "Augusta Luise" and "Cesar" , which belong to the variety “Double roses”. The buds of these flowers resemble small heads of cabbage with dense buds.

5. Rare varieties

This variety of roses is considered very rare Clematis Rose , which got their name because the buds really resemble a clematis flower. Such “similarity” in the world of breeders is great achievement. Roses of this variety have soft cream colored petals.

If today you won’t surprise anyone with roses in the form of peonies, then roses in the form of bindweed (variety "Roville" ), phlox (variety "Phlox Meidiland" ) or dahlia (variety "Grace" ) are considered very original.

The largest rose buds

The largest roses also look unusual, majestic and solemn in bouquets. These varieties include roses: "Helen Robinson", "Diamonds Forever", "Paul Neyron", "Karen Blixen" and "Belvedere" . The size of their buds can reach 13-14 centimeters.

It is difficult to say which roses are the most beautiful, but a bouquet of these flowers should be collected by professionals in order for it to have a certain style, represented the uniqueness of proportions and harmony of color.

Roses are different, each variety is beautiful in its own way, as the video below clearly demonstrates:

Almost all women love to receive bouquets of roses as gifts. Magic world The flowers are mesmerizing, there is room for both good and luxurious varieties. We present to your attention the most beautiful roses among all the splendor of the plant kingdom.

When asking themselves which roses are best, true connoisseurs of beauty look through a large number of flower ratings on websites. Flower growers and summer residents who are passionate about their business want to choose only the most excellent variety. Next we will talk about 10 roses that have gained recognition and popularity in many countries.

Video “Caring for Roses”

In this video you will hear useful tips for caring for roses.

Rose de Resht

These gorgeous roses are named after the Iranian city from where they came to Europe. The history of the variety, which is also called Portland, began in the 17th century. The bushes usually bloom a couple of times a year. A feature of the culture is the continuity of flowering - a new one quickly appears in place of a cut specimen. Therefore, you can admire these beautiful and luxurious roses throughout the summer months.

Double flowers have a spherical shape and a pronounced aroma. Bushes can even be in partial shade and do not need high temperatures. When caring for plants, they need to trim off buds that have already finished flowering.

Rose Dijon

This rose is a tropical guest, blooming and pleasing the gardener's eye with cup-shaped buds all year round. The large, wavy petals are traditionally colored a light coffee shade and also have a persistent scent. If you cut them off, you will soon see new roses growing in the old place.

This gorgeous flower feels uncomfortable in a climate with low temperatures because it loves warmth. When pruning, only the tops should be removed. The procedure allows you to achieve luxurious flowering of bushes.


These very beautiful roses date back to the 15th century, although most flower growers were able to appreciate them only two centuries later. Flowers of this species came to France from the Middle East and Asia Minor. Then the purpose of their cultivation was to use the plant’s petals in medicinal purposes. Since the beginning of the 18th century, many new varieties of this culture have appeared (more than 1 thousand!), which indicates its popularity. Gallica became the progenitor of the famous Damask roses.

The bushes grow up to 1.5 m tall, flowering occurs only once a year. You can admire the beauties, whose color varies from pink to purple, as well as striped ones. This exquisite flower not only has a beautiful appearance, but also a pleasant, unobtrusive aroma.

Eden Rose

Continuing the story about the most beautiful and exquisite roses in the world, it is also worth mentioning Eden Rose. This one is good, or rather, luxury flower was named after the medieval poet and literary figure Pierre de Ronsard. Flowers were bred for the Mediterranean warm and humid climate. When planted on a plot, the crop is a bush strewn with double buds of delicate pink and cream color.

Sweet Juliet

These magnificent flowers are also among the best modern varieties roses that amaze with their beauty. They became famous thanks to the English specialist David Austin. It took him 15 years to breed these beauties. Roses were first presented to the general public at a British exhibition held in 2006.

This type of rose blooms with buds of delicate apricot color.


These roses are the result of the painstaking work of breeders. According to statistics, they are the ones who occupy the leading position in sales on Valentine's Day. The flowers have wavy petals, the colors of which vary from apricot to terracotta. It differs from other varieties in the unusual shape of its large buds, as well as its delightful subtle aroma.


Florists manage to create fabulous romantic compositions from such beauties. Flowers usually grow in clusters, each of which contains up to 5 pieces. They look original thanks to their wavy, scalloped petals, colored apricot. Roses also have a delicate and pleasant scent.

Clematis Rose

The flowers are named this way because their external similarity to clematis is noted. Breeders continue to work tirelessly to create specimens that are similar to other flowers. The culture has single-double pointed flowers of a delicate cream shade. Its bushes can decorate any garden plot.

Japanese chameleon rose

From the name itself it becomes clear that such a flower tends to change its color. It became an invention of the Japanese, who managed to obtain specimens that change the shade of the petals depending on the time of day. If roses are deep red during the day, then by evening they acquire a milky white hue. The shape of the petals is also interesting - they are pointed at the ends, although the leaf itself is almost round. The achievements of Japanese breeders also include the appearance blue roses, called Applause, which has been in the works for about 20 years.

Rainbow roses

In 2004, the Dutchman Pieter Van der Werken had the idea to create beautiful roses with buds of all the colors of the rainbow. This is how creative rainbow flowers appeared. The breeder carried out a difficult, almost jewelry work. He connected tubes with colored liquid to the stem of the rose, which was absorbed by the plant.

The experiment was a success, and after the appearance amazing flowers with red, yellow, green, blue, orange, gray and purple petals, crowds of people began to line up behind them.

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area
    I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet.