herbal chamomile tea is very calming

Garden chamomile - perennial flower, not requiring great care. Very beautiful, aesthetic, and the white petals just beg to be told fortunes. If you are lucky enough to visit a chamomile field at least once, you will never forget this beauty. White - a white field as if covered with snow; the wind slowly brings to you the light scent of these beauties...

Growing garden chamomile - without seedlings

Seeds are sown directly into the ground in late May - early June. Garden chamomile seeds are very small, so they are lightly sprinkled with soil on top. Seedlings do not need to be picked. When a chamomile grows 4-5 leaves, it can be planted with 2-3 flowers at a distance of 40 cm. Over the summer, the flowers will grow and form luxurious bushes; by autumn they will bloom.

The Big Alaska variety can be sown before winter, then the chamomile will bloom in the summer.

To be honest, I once tried to grow garden chamomile in a seedless way. I live in an apartment and constantly make a choice of who to grow. There are not enough windows for everyone. Almost all the space is taken up by tomatoes.

I made a row of majors, and behind them I made a row of garden chamomile. How upset I was that not a single seedling sprouted, but the majors sprouted very thickly. I didn’t experiment with it anymore; I grow it only through seedlings. Oh, it's a pity...

garden chamomile growing through seedlings

The seeds, like fluff, are sown in March in pots with very good drainage. They are planted in damp soil and covered with a very small layer of soil; you don’t need to cover them with soil. Do not scatter the seeds very thickly, otherwise you will need to dive. If you still dive, you can use the usual 100g. plastic cups, just make a hole in them. Spray the top with water from a spray bottle and cover with film until the first sunrises appear. Place in a dark and warm place.

When the first shoots appear, the film must be removed and placed on the window; now the seedlings need light. The seedlings sprout in 10 - 14 days. In May, when the threat of frost has passed, garden chamomile can be transplanted into the ground in groups of 2 - 3 at a distance of 30 - 40 cm.

Growing garden chamomile seedlings is no different from any other flower.

Nivyanik is considered a symbol of Russian nature

Caring for garden chamomile

Flowers love feeding organic fertilizers, you can use manure or humus (even in fresh). Once a month you can apply standard flower fertilizer. When there is a drought, garden daisies need watering, especially during the flowering period. To maintain moist soil, it is advisable to mulch the flowers. When the flowers fade, the shoots should be trimmed.

It is necessary to cover for the winter; in early spring, the cover must be removed so that the bushes do not rot. And, of course, in the 3rd - 4th year, it is necessary to divide the bush.

Garden chamomile varieties

Half the battle is choice suitable variety. Chamomile garden princess- the most popular and beautiful variety. The flowers are large, reaching 10-12 cm in diameter. They are often used for cutting. They can grow in the garden for 4 years in a row in one place. They stay in water for 8 - 10 days. The variety blooms profusely and for a long time.

Garden chamomile silver princess - snow-white flowers, 10 cm in diameter. It blooms for a very long time from July until frost. Plant height is 30 cm. Looks good in group plantings.

Garden chamomile grandiflora Alaska - the heads are very large up to 12 cm, the flowers are tall up to 90 cm. The variety is unpretentious and drought-resistant. Blooms July - August. A huge plus is that you can plant it before winter, and it will bloom in the summer.

growing from seeds

A very popular chamomile variety, Winner. I bought it for myself too. The inflorescences are beautiful, large, 8 - 12 cm in diameter and 50 - 90 cm in height. With snow-white petals. Without dividing the bush and replanting, the winner grows for 3-4 years. Chamomile blooms only for the 2nd year, and the flowering period is long: June - August.

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Garden chamomile, growing seedlings, how to care: 24 comments

  1. Natasha

    I also grow chamomile in my garden. I like that they are unpretentious and long-blooming flowers.

  2. tatjana

    Alaska chamomile, grown from seeds, does not bloom in the first year; good care gives only a strong socket. Sowed in February, planted in May. I'm looking forward to flowers this summer.

  3. Stanislav

    For two years now I have been trying to grow “Alaska grandiflora chamomile”, there are no shoots, I have already soaked the seeds so that they germinate, but from the package (the same packaging as indicated in the article) only 5-8 seeds sprouted and that’s it. I really want to see this variety of flowers, but luck doesn’t allow it.

  4. Tatiana

    Is it necessary to pinch chamomile while it is growing?

  5. Tatiana


    My chamomile has been growing in a fairly large area of ​​the flowerbed for about 5 years. But this year, for some reason, there is still not a single sprout. When does chamomile usually start to emerge from the ground? Somehow it seems to me that it’s time... but there is no hint of this in the flowerbed.....

    photo from a year ago distilleryimage2.s3.amazonaws.com/e6f62496ca6911e1b2fe1231380205bf_7.jpg

  6. Andrey

    Unfortunately, it is not possible to plant seedlings. Have you tried sowing a princess before winter? I think I might take a risk. Your thoughts and experiences will be interesting. Thank you!


    I have been struggling for three years to get the daisies to sprout. I planted them this year and before winter there is nothing yet. She collected the seeds from a bush which she planted with roots and sowed them on next year I trimmed the bush (maybe not correctly?) and the bush disappeared and the seeds did not germinate. Planting in warm climates.

  8. Hope

    Chamomile is the most favorite flower in the world. I have a whole chamomile flowerbed at my dacha. The main thing is to plant (rejuvenate) the bushes in time, then the flowers will not disappear.

  9. Ruslan

    Hello. I really liked the chamomile flower bed - I admired it when I was at a friend’s dacha. Last spring I tried to plant the seeds in the ground. Not a single sunrise came in - I’m guilty of spoiling a batch of seeds (I sowed several bags of seedling seeds). This year, about 10 days ago I planted the seedlings. I have no experience in growing seedlings - please tell me. The seedlings are planted and stand in a warm, shady place covered with film. Now the first shoots have appeared. When to remove the film and move it to a sunny place - now, or when more shoots appear? And then, when I remove the film, how thoroughly should I water it and for how long? They also wrote that when two leaves appear, they need to be replanted in separate pots. My seedlings are planted in a container with a diameter of approximately 5 cm. I sowed approximately 3-5 seeds. It is necessary to plant them in separate pots, and if planted, then in what size container?

Touching and fragile garden daisies perfectly decorate the front garden.

They, like little suns, cheerfully wink at each other and give joy to the gardener.

Unpretentious and undemanding flowers have long won the hearts of not only beginners, but also experienced flower lovers.

What is hidden under the guise of a garden chamomile? It turns out that by this concept, flower growers mean various plants, the flowers of which resemble it in appearance.

All varieties of garden chamomile belong to the Asteraceae (Asteraceae) family. They are easily recognized by their petals and the middle eye.

In the flower beds you can find flowers of various colors.

Let's get to know them better.

Garden daisies, photos and names

Cornflower (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum)

To the classic chamomile with yellow center and white petals are primarily attributed. It is popularly known under such names as milky chrysanthemum, gigantic chamomile, golden flower and popovnik.

The most common types of garden daisies in cultivation are the common daisy. It grows in height up to 60–70 cm, and the inflorescences are 6–7 cm in diameter. It blooms for 2 months, starting from the beginning of June. And its large-flowered form Nivyanik is the largest.

There are more than a dozen varieties that differ in the size of the flower and the shape of the petals.

  • The Crazy Daisy variety has terry lush flowers with a diameter of 10 cm. They reach a height of 90 cm. It blooms in July.
  • "Snow Lady" Differs in snow-white color, diameter simple flower reaches 17 cm. Unfortunately, the variety does not tolerate winter cold, is susceptible to freezing, so it is often grown as an annual.
  • The largest variety of cornflower “Wirral supreme” grows up to 90 cm in height. It blooms from July to September with white double flowers, the center is yellowish. Winter-hardy plant, unpretentious.

The flowers of the Real Neat variety look interesting - the bushes reach 45 cm in height, and the flowers have unusual tubular petals white, which bifurcate at the ends and create a grooved edge. The bush looks very original at the time of flowering.

Pyrethrum (Pyrethrum roseum Adam)

It has small flowers of various colors - white, pink, scarlet and crimson.

With red flowers, the pyrethrum species is known as Caucasian chamomile;

with pink ones like Persian.

It differs from the cornflower in the structure of its leaves; they are fern-like.

This garden chamomile has varieties with simple and double flowers, differing in color.

  • Popular variety Robinson. tall plant(up to 80 cm) has large carmine or pink flowers with a diameter of 12 cm. It blooms from mid-June and pleases with flowers throughout the month. The variety is winter-hardy and tolerates light partial shade.
  • Paradise. It is distinguished by slightly corrugated petals, the color range from white, pink to crimson.
  • The hybrid “Terry Pink” grows up to 50 cm. The flowers are 5–6 cm in diameter, densely double, pink-crimson in color.

Pyrethrum parthenifolium aureum looks great in borders, easily recognizable by the color of its leaves. They have a yellow-golden color. Breeders also worked with this species and developed several varieties that will become a real decoration of the garden.

  • “Golden ball” - the entire bush is strewn with small (3–4 cm) yellow, double, spherical flowers. This low-growing plant reaches only 20–25 cm in height, but looks great in borders or edging a flower bed.
  • 'Carlos' is a low-growing plant with fragrant white flowers. The lower petals are slightly longer than the rest and frame the flower in a “skirt”.
  • The Snow Globe variety is distinguished by larger, white, spherical flowers.


Or, in other words, a goat. An early flowering plant, the yellow flowers of which decorate the flowerbed from early May to June. And although the genus includes 36 species, only three species are popular in floriculture.

Doronicum Caucasian, reaching a height of 50 cm, with large flowers. They have a dark yellow head and an orange disc.

Doronicum travelum - is distinguished by a high peduncle up to 140 cm and a large yellow inflorescence up to 12 cm. It blooms in mid-May. Flowering duration is 1 month. One minus is that it quickly loses its decorative effect; the leaves begin to die off by the end of June.

Doronicum orientalis is a shade-tolerant flower; large flowers bloom on erect stems 30–50 cm high yellow flowers up to 8 cm in diameter.

Flowering continues from mid-May to mid-June. However, after flowering, like the road plant, it quickly loses its decorative effect due to the dying off of the leaves. That's why experienced flower growers It is recommended to plant them in the background.

Anthemis (Anthemis tinctoria)

Another variety of garden daisies, otherwise known as navel daisies.

The flowers have a rich yellow, with a diameter of up to 5 cm. The plant grows in length to a maximum of 30 cm. It branches well, the gray-green leaves are slightly pubescent.

Flowers tolerate the July heat well. They are distinguished by long and abundant flowering, blooming from mid-June. They reproduce by self-sowing.

Daisies are beautiful, romantic flowers that are often preferred by gardeners to decorate their garden landscapes.

Garden large daisies easy to grow, they do not require special care and relate to perennial plants- what not ideal option to decorate your favorite cottage. But before you grow a herbaceous plant, it doesn’t hurt to familiarize yourself with the basic conditions for growing healthy and flowering daisies.

Chamomile - description

Chamomile belongs to the Astrov family, and as was mentioned, daisies are classified as perennial herbaceous plants, although some varieties can be annual. The stem grows from 30 to 60 cm in height; drooping, two-fingered leaves with an interesting ornament are arranged alternately along it.

At the top of the peduncle there is a single large flower or inflorescences of several. The petals are characterized by a white color. The flower grows quite quickly.

Popular types and varieties of large garden chamomile

The familiar yellow core surrounded by white petals can look completely different depending on the plant variety. To date, botanists count 25 species of garden daisies. It seems that such a simple flower cannot look differently; depending on the variety, some inflorescences can be called especially original and interesting.

Alaska is one of the most popular large-flowered chamomile varieties:

  • The petals, as the name suggests, are pure white.
  • Inside the circular two-row petals is an orange-yellow core.
  • The flower often reaches 10 cm in diameter.
  • Such flowers are quite fair and durable, which allows them to be planted on any given plot.
  • Bushes grow up to 60-80 cm.

Let's celebrate! Chamomile is planted at intervals of 35-40 cm. The first flowering can be seen in early summer, the second occurs in September-October. Alaska loves light and moderately rich, moist soil. For propagation, the bushes are divided.

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive big harvest With large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to obtain the desired result.

Often plants lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase productivity by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get a good one harvest even on low-fertility soils and in unfavorable climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

Another popular one among fans country flowers variety white flower. This plant is also a perennial plant and is easy to care for.

In addition, the bushes winter well in domestic conditions:

  • Nivyanik has tall, straight stems reaching 80cm.
  • The alternately growing leaves have an oblong shape and have small teeth on the outline.
  • The inflorescences of this variety are represented by single baskets with a diameter of 6–7 cm.
  • The flowers at the edges are white and reed-shaped, while the middle ones are characterized as tubular with a bright yellow color.
  • Flowers bloom in several rows at once.

Note! The variety blooms a little earlier than the previous one; the first blossoming inflorescences can be seen in mid-May. If you constantly remove faded shoots, flowering can be extended up to 1.5-2 months.

  • This chamomile is considered a compact variety due to its height of 30 cm.
  • White princess flowers reach 8 cm in diameter.
  • Typically, shrubs are planted near borders due to the height and good resolution of the plant.
  • Such daisies take root well in open ground and can withstand frost almost without damage.
  • To grow and provide long flowering plant shrubs in bright areas where the soil is rich in good mineral elements and sufficiently hydrated.
  • The Princess blooms for about a month, but by cutting off old inflorescences, the growing season can be extended.

  • North Star is considered another favorite among perennial varieties garden daisies. This name was given to the variety of shrub because of the snow-white inflorescences-baskets, the petals of which are slightly thinner than those of the previous representatives, and slightly pointed like those of an aster.
  • The flower itself reaches 16 cm in width, and the stems grow up to 40-50 cm in height.
  • Although the northern star is classified as a compact daisy, which is mainly planted on borders and fences.
  • In addition, the seeds grow quite quickly, within 2-3 weeks, and the bushes themselves grow well.
  • These daisies are planted in sunny areas with moist soil.
  • The variety tolerates domestic frosts well.

Stories from our readers!
"I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together and yielded more than usual. And they didn’t suffer from late blight, that’s the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives more intensive growth garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Nowadays you can’t grow a normal harvest without fertilizer, and this fertilizing increases the amount of vegetables, so I’m very pleased with the result.”

Although classic version daisies present with white petals, various garden varieties destroy such stereotypes.

For example, Persian chamomile is easy to distinguish from ordinary chamomile, precisely due to its unique color:

  • The shrub itself is also durable.
  • The stems of Persian chamomile reach from 50 to 100 cm in height, but on strong stalks with a yellow core, the petals will not be white, but bright red.
  • Although hybrid varieties may differ in colors of pink, burgundy, yellow, crimson and even purple flowers with terry petals.
  • In addition, such a chamomile will bloom all summer.

Another representative of colored daisies is the perennial Erigeron:

  • The height of the bush reaches 60-80 cm with flower baskets up to 5 cm in diameter.
  • The petals of this daisy-like shrub are slightly narrower than those of its distant relative, but there are more of them and they are arranged in several rows.
  • Erigeron is credited with blue, lilac, lilac, violet or red flowers, depending on the variety, which bloom in early summer and continue to delight until early September.

How to grow a large garden chamomile on a plot?

There are no special difficulties in planting daisies on garden plot No. At the same time, you can grow a shrub in several ways: using seedlings, dividing bushes or sowing seeds.

Seedling growing method

With the help of seedlings, chamomile is planted quite often and very effectively. This growing option is well suited for areas subject to severe frosts. Although mature bushes tolerate cold much better than seeds. Plant seedlings at intervals of 25-30 cm, 3-4 plants each.

Dividing the bush

By dividing the bushes they reach best results growing. Although this method is considered the simplest, only daisies that have reached the age of 3-5 years are suitable for it. The replanting procedure is carried out in early autumn so that by winter the flower is fully established in the soil.

Growing from seeds

Summer residents sow seeds extremely rarely, since this method of planting is not so popular due to its low efficiency.

But by doubling the number of seeds in the hole, you can still grow several healthy shrubs. It is better to buy seeds in trusted specialized stores along with accompanying drugs and mineral fertilizers to strengthen growth and stimulate absorption.

How to plant a large garden chamomile in the garden?

Before planting garden chamomile, it is imperative to prepare the soil for more efficient absorption of the shrub, regardless of how it is grown.

The most a good option Transforming any soil into a favorable environment for any variety is considered feeding with universal flower fertilizers. They can be either organic (low concentration) or mineral. Although, if you wish, you can purchase special preparations for such purposes in the store.

When and how to plant?

If the method of sowing seeds was chosen for planting, it is better to start growing in March. It’s good if the seed is not planted in open ground, but in special containers (it is quite possible to use disposable plastic cups), because there they will germinate better and be better accepted on the site.

Seedlings are planted in early May, so that the plant has time to assimilate into the new environment.

When the ground is ready, holes are dug for planting, 20-30 cm deep with indentations of 20-40 cm from each other. After planting, water the plant abundantly clean water or diluted agents to stimulate growth.

Chamomiles will begin to bloom within a year.

When is the best time to replant garden chamomile?

September is a good month for transplanting and dividing bushes, since mature plant is accepted quickly and by the cold weather he already feels comfortable in the new place.

Caring for large garden chamomile

Chamomiles are not particularly picky, but they require sufficient lighting. For comfortable growth, the shrub will only need a drained sandy bud and a low lime content. Adequate nutrition of the flower is supported by fertilizing. Don’t forget about constant weeding.

Watering and fertilizing

  • There is an unspoken rule for growing daisies - the more often the bushes are watered and fertilized, the better and more abundantly they bloom.
  • Young chamomile is watered frequently and abundantly, but as soon as the plant has become established, it is sufficient to prevent the soil from drying out and frequent water treatments for shrubs reduce.
  • But you will have to feed more often: after winter, before flowering and after it.

Care after flowering and preparation for winter

Phosphorus-potassium fertilizing, necessary for high-quality flowering of bushes, is carried out in the fall. In addition, a well-fed plant will overwinter better. Closer to October, it’s a good idea to water the soil with organic fertilizers (for example, cowshed with water in a ratio of 1:10)

Nitrogen fertilizers are used more often:

  • with the onset of spring;
  • during the period of appearance of the first buds;
  • in the middle of the summer season.

For such purposes, ammonium nitrate, urea, or diluted bird droppings are often used.

Let's celebrate! An additional means of preparing the plant for winter is to provide shelter for the bushes. To do this, the ground is sprinkled with sawdust or covered with non-woven material.

Bush pruning and rejuvenation

Pruning and rejuvenation of the bush is carried out for 5 summer daisies. To do this, half the bush is simply removed and left to grow. After 3 years, they do the same thing, but the second half of the root system must be cut off.

In addition to pruning, the bush is transplanted to another place, since in 5 years the bush takes everything nutrients from the soil underneath.

Diseases, pests and treatment of chamomile

Chamomiles are especially sensitive to fungi, especially if the bush is watered too often and abundantly. The most common causes of deterioration in plant development are rust and powdery mildew.

But having noticed the first signs of the disease, you can carry out an accelerated course of treatment with a 1% solution Bordeaux mixture. Spray at least four times and then sprinkle with ash. The interval between treatments is maintained at 10 days.

If the disease is already advanced, the missing bushes are disposed of by burning.

Good to know! But the most dangerous pests For flowers, snails and slugs are considered, for which chamomile leaves are used as a delicacy. Get rid of these uninvited guests can be sprayed with a weak solution of coffee, pepper or mustard powder.

Large garden chamomile in landscape design

  • Chamomile can grow on its own, decorating fences or flower beds near a country house.
  • Chamomiles are often planted near gazebos or benches, because tall flowers enclose the space, and looking at the romantic snow-white inflorescences is much more pleasant than looking at cucumber beds.
  • For a more rich landscape picture, giant daisies are planted mixed with delphiniums, cornflowers, bells and lilies.
  • An arrangement of white daisies and red roses, yellow tulips or pink peonies looks good.
  • Many gardeners are experimenting with chamomile varieties, planting shrubs with inflorescences of different colors.

Columbus not only discovered America to the world; chamomile also became one of the souvenirs the traveler brought after his round-the-world adventure. It is not surprising that the country discovered by Christophor is officially considered the birthplace of the much-loved domestic chamomile.

But about beneficial properties plants were already recognized in the Old World. Where it was called “Romanova grass”. In our homeland, the flower appeared already in the 19th century, but it was called a belyushka or a vorozhka.

In Egypt, chamomile has long been considered an antipyretic, and the creation of the flower was attributed to the ancient god sun Ra. While the Scandinavians and Germans offered snow-white flowers with a yellow core to the main Deity living in Asgard, Odin.

Let's celebrate! Tibetan sages still believe that chamomile is a real elixir of youth. The French believe that the best drug No one has yet come up with anything better than chamomile infusion for bloating.

Despite the growing popularity exotic plants, garden chamomile was and remains one of the favorites ornamental crops as professional landscape designers, and amateur flower growers.

She is valued for her ease of care, abundant flowering and the delicate beauty of the inflorescences. It is unlikely that there will be a person who will be indifferent to the sight of a blooming chamomile meadow; it is not without reason, according to legend, that daisies bloomed in the place of fallen stars.

Growing garden daisies does not require much hassle and material costs, so even a novice gardener can successfully handle it. However, it is worth taking into account the main character traits of the charming “sun on a leg.”

Features of growing chamomile

There are several ways to grow garden chamomile - sowing seeds for seedlings and then transferring them to the ground, sowing seeds in open ground and propagation by dividing an adult bush. Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in early March.

The sequence of work is as follows:

1. Low container, equipped drainage holes, filled with soil (you can use a universal peat mixture for vegetable seedlings).

2. After moderately moistening the substrate, chamomile seeds are distributed over the surface and lightly sprinkled with soil.

3. To create a favorable microclimate, plantings are covered plastic film and place the container in a warm place.

4. With the emergence of seedlings (after 2.5-3 weeks), the shelter is removed, and the container with seedlings is placed on a sunny windowsill.

5. Grown seedlings are planted in separate cups as soon as the first pair of true leaves is formed.

6. Planting garden daisies as seedlings in the ground is carried out towards the end of spring, when the threat of night frosts has passed. The seedlings are placed in small holes, keeping an interval of 30-40 cm between them, the soil is slightly compacted and watered abundantly.

If there is not enough time seedling method growing a crop can be successfully replaced by sowing it in the ground for a permanent “place of residence.”

The optimal temperature for the procedure is +16° C +18° C. To protect the crops from possible frosts, the beds with daisies are covered with polyethylene before emergence.

Dividing an adult bush - one more effective way chamomile propagation. To do this, dig up an adult, overgrown plant, lightly shake off the soil from the roots, after which you carefully divide the bush into 2-3 parts with your hands, and both the rhizomes and the above-ground part of the bush are subject to division.

New independent plants planted in holes with an approximate side length of 25-30 cm and a depth of about 30 cm, and then moistened abundantly.

The best time to divide a chamomile bush is considered to be from mid-September to early October, so that young plants have time to adapt to a new place before the onset of cold weather.

Since all the methods listed above are highly effective, the gardener can choose any one that is most suitable for him for one reason or another.

Garden chamomile flowers grow well in open, well-lit areas. To feel comfortable, your charming pet should spend at least 4-5 hours in the sun.

The culture prefers fertile, drained soils with a pH value close to neutral. Acidic soils before planting, it is recommended to alkalize by adding to the soil dolomite flour or slaked lime.

The following rules must be observed:

  • Watering;
  • feeding;
  • tillage;
  • plant rejuvenation;
  • disease prevention;
  • wintering.

1. Timely wateringprerequisite for the full development of a moisture-loving pet, especially during hot, dry periods. However, we should not forget that waterlogging and stagnation of moisture negatively affect the health of the plant’s root system and often cause the development of dangerous fungal diseases.

2. Fertilizing - garden chamomile responds well to regular fertilization. It is recommended to mulch the soil in the root zone with rotted organic matter, and periodically water it with a solution of complex fertilizers during the active period. mineral fertilizers for flowering crops.

3. Tillage , which consists of weeding and regularly loosening the soil of the root circle. Good soil aeration after loosening allows for free access of air to the root system of the plant.

4. Bush rejuvenation– a procedure indicated for adult plants. 3-4 years after planting, garden daisies grow greatly, old shoots in the center of the bush begin to gradually die off, as a result of which the inflorescence baskets become very small and the plant loses its visual appeal. To prevent this, every 3 years the bush should be divided, planting young strong shoots.

5. Disease Prevention , which, as a rule, are the result of violations of agricultural technology. Most often, garden chamomile suffers from fungal infections (fusarium, gray rot, rust, powdery mildew).

Main preventive measures are loosening the soil and regular weeding of the soil. Fungicidal preparations are used to treat infected bushes.

No less important is the fight against insect pests, which are not averse to eating the fresh herbs and flowers of the plant. Most often, garden chamomile suffers from attacks by all types of thrips and aphids, wireworms and star-winged flies.

6. Proper wintering – one of the most important conditions for a long life of the pet. At the end of autumn aboveground part Chamomile bushes should be trimmed short and covered with a thick layer of fallen leaves to prevent them from freezing during light or harsh winters.

First of all, the procedure is indicated for one-year-old daisies; adult bushes are more resistant to cold weather. On proper care Chamomile responds with long and abundant flowering.

Garden chamomile in landscape design

The beautiful chamomile looks great both in single and group plantings. It is planted around trees near tall medicinal herbs(mint, Melissa), used in the design of recreation areas and local areas.

Flower beds look very impressive, where all types of garden daisies are present (niverberry, doronicum, small-petalled, pyrethrum, chamomile). Large white flowers of cornflower are good in combination with scarlet decorative poppies, blue garden cornflowers, phlox And lupins.

All types of decorative bells will be excellent neighbors for expressive tall pyrethrum flowers ( foxgloves, aconite, aquilegia). The bright yellow inflorescences of small petal and multi-colored baskets of doronicum will look advantageous against the backdrop of fiery marigolds.

Depending on taste preferences, the happy owner of a flower garden can experiment and create his own unique flower combination using garden chamomile, the delicate beauty of which will add a sunny mood and naive charm to any, even the most unexpected, composition.

This wonderful flower Gardeners are very fond of it for its beautiful, abundant, long flowering, which lasts from the end of June until the very beginning of autumn. There are many varieties of garden chamomile with white, yellow, pink, as well as lilac and brown petals.

Terry chamomile is very popular, having large snow-white flowers, reaching a height of up to 60-70 cm. This flower is ideal for bouquets, it does not fade for a long time, maintaining freshness.

Looks beautiful in single or group plantings. Blooms by mid-summer, blooms for a long time, more than a month.

To the most popular varieties terry chamomile include the following: Aphrodite, Swan Lake, as well as Snow Maiden, Crazy Daisy. Often in gardens you will find daisies of the varieties Edelweiss, Snow Lady, Aglaya, etc. However, it does not matter which variety you choose for your garden, since they are all grown using the same agricultural technology.

Today our focus will be on terry chamomile, growing this wonderful plant from seeds, planting and caring for it. This is all we will consider now:

Growing terry chamomile from seeds

Seedless method:

If you choose this method, plant the seeds in the prepared soil when it is already warm enough, in late May or early June. Since chamomile seeds are very small, it is recommended to only lightly sprinkle them with soil.

The young shoots that appear do not need to be picked. After 4-5 leaves appear, the plants are planted in groups of two or three, maintaining a distance of 40 cm between plantings. Subsequently, the plants will grow into large bushes, and they will bloom closer to autumn.

Seedling method:

This is the most popular method of propagating chamomile. Early spring At the beginning of March, the seeds are sown in pots or boxes filled with soil with good drainage. First, the soil is moistened, then the seeds are sown not very thickly (so as not to pick the plants later), sprinkling them with a thin layer of soil. If you are going to pick, use plastic cups with a hole in the bottom to grow seedlings.

After planting the seeds, do not water them, but simply spray them with water from a spray bottle. Cover with film and leave in a dark, warm place until shoots emerge. After this, the film must be removed, and the pots with plants should be placed on a well-lit window.

Seedlings are planted in May, when there will definitely be no frost. 2-3 plants are planted in prepared soil at a distance of 40 cm from each other.

You can also propagate the plant by dividing the bush. This is also a very popular method. An adult plant is divided once every 4 years, preferably in August. Some gardeners advise dividing every year. It is believed that then the flowers will be very large.

Terry chamomile - planting and care

Soil requirements

To make chamomile delight you with abundant, long-lasting flowering, choose sunny areas of the garden for planting seeds or seedlings. Shaded, poorly lit places are not very suitable for this plant. There, chamomile blooms quite well at first, but subsequently its stems gradually lose density and the flowers quickly fade.

Also pay attention to the composition of the soil. For good flowering The plant requires moist, fertilized soil with good drainage. Loamy or sandy soil, especially highly moist soil, is not suitable at all.

What does terry chamomile like, how to care for plants?

Terry chamomile needs certain care. It is necessary to water the plants in a timely manner, apply fertilizers, and fight pests.

Young plants that you planted in May need to be watered frequently and also fed once every two to three weeks. Suitable for this nitrogen fertilizers. You can use mullein infusion. In dry weather, after fertilizing, you need to water the chamomile.

For adult plants, fertilize with urea (20 g per 1 m of planting). The second time, urea is added only if the leaves of the plant have lost their brightness and become pale green. This is often observed when the rules of agricultural technology are violated.

Plants grow quickly. To prevent their development from being choked by weeds, regularly weed the bushes and also loosen the soil under them.

When flowering begins, around the beginning of June, chamomile can be cut into bouquets. Just remember to leave the flowers for seeds. At the end of flowering, when the flower baskets begin to dry and turn light brown, they are cut off. The seeds are peeled, then scattered in paper bags and stored in a dry, dark place.

With the onset of autumn, when flowering finally stops, the stems are cut off at the root. The roots themselves need to be covered for the winter. A special covering material, spruce branches or dry foliage is suitable for this.

That's all, actually. You and I know how to plant something like this on our site. beautiful plant like a daisy terry growing from seeds, planting and caring for which we have discussed today.

I hope these tips will help you grow healthy, abundant whites. flowering plants. If I missed something important, please share your experience of growing terry chamomile. This will be of interest to many amateur gardeners visiting our site.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):