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Houseplant Kalanchoe - ideal compact home flower for decorating a window sill or a small shelf. To prevent the bush from growing upward, it should be pinched after the third pair of leaves appears. The wide range of colors of the potted Kalanchoe plant allows this flower to be used in a wide variety of floral compositions.

Kalanchoe belongs to a genus of tropical succulent (i.e. succulent) plants from the Crassulaceae family. In Russia, the “relatives” of Kalanchoe have long been known, that is, succulents that are more adapted to our climatic conditions: young, rhodiola, sedum. But unlike Kalanchoe, none of the listed plants has so many medicinal properties.

Motherland indoor plant Kalanchoe - warm tropics of South Africa, island of Madagascar.

Kalanchoes are also widespread in tropical Africa, southern Arabia, India, China, the islands of Ceylon, Taiwan, Indochina and Indonesia. There are only 2 species in the New World: K. pinnata (Lam.) Pers. – in Mexico, Central and South America; K. brasiliensis St. Hil. - in Brazil.

By the way, botanists still cannot come to a consensus on how this plant appeared on the territory of our country.

Kalanchoe grows in nature on rocky, poor soils, in open sunny places, in mountain valleys, in mountains at an altitude of 300 to 2500 m above sea level. The taxonomy of the genus is not clear enough. Some authors include here the genus Bryophyllum - BryophuUum. In this book, the genus Kalanchoe is considered with the inclusion of species of the genus Bryophyllum.

In Madagascar, Kalanchoe Mangina spreads along the ground. On its short shoots, a peduncle sometimes appears with drooping bell-shaped flowers. At the ends of other shoots, small daughter plants are formed and thus a whole carpet of Kalanchoe is gradually formed.

The first mentions of the plant are found in half-decayed records of medicinal plants dating back to the beginning of the 18th century. They led scientists to the idea that the Kalanchoe flower was brought to Russia by merchants. By the way, one of them wrote in the ship's log very interesting story healing of a Russian sailor who fell ill with a rare form of tropical fever. The sailor was removed from the ship on one of the islands off the coast of South Africa and left in the care of local residents. A month later, a completely healthy man boarded a ship loaded with various goods. His pockets were filled with thick-skinned leaves, which the sailor chewed and called them “kalankh,” which translated from the native language means nothing more than “health.” Perhaps it was this story that served as the beginning of a new life amazing plant, only not in the tropics, but on the territory of our country.

Kalanchoe is successfully bred in greenhouses and at home. Only, probably, few people know that in reality there are more than 100 species of this plant. And only one type of plant has Kalanchoe healing characteristics- This is bryophyllum, it is considered both medicinal and decorative. The remaining species only superficially resemble Kalanchoe officinalis. That is why there are so many disputes about the plant, whether the plant really has healing properties.

Kalanchoe owes its ability to accumulate moisture to the special structure of the aquiferous tissue, which is responsible for the distribution of liquid.

As you can see in the photo, indoor flower kalanchoe stems and the leaves are covered with a thick film of waterproof substance that prevents moisture from evaporating:

This feature allows the plant to survive during periods of tropical drought. By the way, resistance to moisture evaporation processes was used with great success in African tribes - the succulent shoots of Kalanchoe could quench thirst. Some varieties of Kalanchoe have a pleasant, slightly sour taste. Such juice could support the strength of a tired traveler. Tribes have always used healing properties of Kalanchoe. To prevent the scorching heat and hot wind from drying out the skin, people rubbed their bodies with the juice of the plant.

What does a Kalanchoe flower look like and characteristics of the plant

Kalanchoe is a plant belonging to the genus of succulents of the Crassulaceae family. Depending on the species, it varies in height from a few centimeters to 2-3 meters in height. When describing the Kalanchoe plant, special emphasis should be placed on its fleshy leaves. They can be covered with hairs or completely smooth, of various shapes and sizes, with jagged or smooth edges, on which rooted buds are often found. As these buds mature, new plants are formed. Kalanchoe flowers are large, formed on a high peduncle. They can have a color from soft pink to burgundy.

In summer you can only admire the foliage, because the flowers do not appear until daylight hours are longer than 12 hours. This plant " short day» does not bloom until autumn, winter or early spring. When it blooms, hang the pot in the room. Later, it requires a period of rest: the pot is placed in a cool, bright place and watering is limited. After a few months, you can “revive” the plant again by providing it with more water and heat.

Look what a Kalanchoe flower looks like in these photos:

Sometimes housewives grow a completely different type of Kalanchoe and, being completely unaware, bury completely useless juice in the noses of their children. Of course, there will be no harm from this, since Kalanchoe is not one of the poisonous plants, some of them even have good taste, and they are eaten. But if you decide to grow medicinal Kalanchoe, you need to know that the only species that will not only decorate your home, but also help with the first signs of a cold and other diseases is Kalanchoe pinnate. The plant received this name due to its feather-like leaves.

Kalanchoe officinalis (pinnate) has a thick, fleshy stem and the same leaves, pointed at the ends. Along the edge of the leaf there is a path of small drop-shaped processes filled with moisture. A healthy Kalanchoe should be a rich light green color. At the site where a stem or leaf breaks, a large amount of moisture – plant sap – instantly accumulates. At home, Kalanchoe usually grows up to 35–50 cm. But in greenhouses, where special conditions are created, the plant can grow much taller and become larger.

Useful properties and use of medicinal Kalanchoe at home

Kalanchoe is quite unusual. This is one of the few medicinal plants that can be grown at home. Kalanchoe looks very impressive and in quality decorative decoration your home, it is no worse than any other flower.

Many people mistakenly classify Kalanchoe as non-flowering plants, although such do not exist. In its homeland, Kalanchoe blooms in late summer or early autumn. At this time, fragrant flowers appear on it. If you can create the same conditions for your pet as he lived in in his homeland, he will certainly please you lush flowering. But even if this does not happen, do not despair, because the absence of flowers does not affect the medicinal use of Kalanchoe.

It has been established that the juice of the medicinal plant Kalanchoe has a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect against various groups of microbes. Thanks to its properties, the use of Kalanchoe gives a simply amazing effect: the proliferation of microbes completely stops, and the wound heals. It destroys especially well the causative agents of purulent infections - staphylococci and streptococci, therefore it is widely used in the treatment of burns, trophic ulcers, purulent wounds, abscesses, phlegmons, and pustular skin diseases.

Before using Kalanchoe juice as a medicine, the plant must first be prepared. The cut leaves should be kept in the refrigerator for a week and only after that the juice should be squeezed out.

What else is useful for Kalanchoe flowers grown at home? Cultivating this plant is useful not only because it can be used for treatment. It turns out that Kalanchoe absorbs all the harmful radiation that accumulates in abundance in our apartments as a result of the use of electrical appliances. It is especially useful to place pots of this flower next to the TV. With this use of Kalanchoe at home, the plant absorbs all harmful radiation and does not release it back thanks to a special substance that covers it and does not allow moisture to evaporate.

All that remains is main question: how to harvest? The leaves of an adult plant are the harvest. You can get healing juice from the leaves mechanically(juicer, meat grinder). However, it will not retain its magical properties for a long time, so the resulting “elixir” should be used within 24 hours.

Growing and caring for indoor Kalanchoe flowers at home (with photos and videos)

It should be noted that Kalanchoe is a very powerful plant and almost constantly stretches upward. Therefore, a lot of space is required for a flower. The first step is to choose the right, deep container. Entrepreneurs who grow Kalanchoe for business prefer areas with a humid climate, since the plant does not like sun and drought. With proper care at home, Kalanchoe pinnate seedlings can be grown at any time of the year.

Earth. Kalanchoe is a suitable soil for cactus or succulent plants. But even in ready soil Be sure to add a handful of sand from the store.

Location. The plant loves sun and light. Those varieties that bloom profusely (for example, Blossfeld) require a lot of light. Then the leaves and flowers have a more intense color.

Temperature. One of the conditions for growing Kalanchoe is a lot of heat. But this does not mean that you should place it near the battery central heating. Maintenance temperature: in summer not lower than 15 °C, in winter optimally – 10–12 °C (at temperatures below 12 °C, and especially 10 °C, leaf fall is observed. When high temperature the flowers are pale in color).

These photos of caring for Kalanchoe at home show how to grow the plant:

Watering. Water Kalanchoe abundantly in summer, and moderately in winter, only after waiting until the soil has become dry.

Feeding. Kalanchoe is responsive to organic and mineral fertilizers. Therefore, before planting, the soil must not only be watered, but also fertilized. To do this, you should use fertilizers containing phosphorus or potassium salt. Nitrogen fertilizers can be used as monthly fertilizing when caring for Kalanchoe during cultivation.

Transplantation. Kalanchoe is replanted in the spring only when root system will fill the entire pot.

Diseases and - mealybug and excessive watering in winter, which can cause leaves to rot.

Formation. To force bushiness, pinch the top of the shoot after the development of the third pair of leaves. Many Kalanchoes grow very quickly, losing their decorative properties, so it is necessary to rejuvenate them. For this purpose, the upper young parts of the shoots are cut off and re-rooted.

Watch the video “Caring for Kalanchoe at home,” which shows all the basic agricultural techniques:

Care and propagation of indoor Kalanchoe flowers

Kalanchoe flowers are propagated by seeds, cuttings or brood buds.

To get a sprout, just cut a leaf, turn it upside down and stick it into the ground. The soil must be sand mixture or a useful substrate, the layer thickness of which varies between 15–20 cm (depending on the depth of the container). It is preferable to prepare a planting mixture from garden soil diluted with humus and sand (1:1:1). The soil temperature should be around 20–25 °C. The planting distance between plants should be 10 cm.

Seeds should be sown in the spring, not covered with soil and covered with glass, building something like a greenhouse. Ventilate and water twice a day. After germination, the sprouts should be transplanted into a regular pot.

When reproducing by brood buds, everything happens on its own. Children also appear in fairly young plants. If your flower has grown to about 10–15 cm and has acquired a fairly dense stem and thick leaves, in other words, has entered into force, you can expect offspring - small sprouts. With such propagation and sufficient care, Kalanchoe sprouts take root easily and quickly, since the thinnest root threads hang under the tiny stem. When the young sprout reaches 1–1.5 cm, it can be carefully removed from the ground and planted in a separate pot. The adaptation period for a young plant is very easy. Within a week or two you will notice that small kalanchoe grown up. For the first 2–3 weeks, a newly rooted plant needs to be watered a little more often than an adult plant - 3 times a week in small portions. An adult plant is watered 1-2 times a week. Remember that Kalanchoe accumulates moisture in its stems and should not be watered too much.

Types and varieties of Kalanchoe flowers: photos, names of varieties and descriptions of plants

K. beharensis Drake et CastilloK. beharskoe. Shrubs, powerfully developed plants with shoots bare below and tomentose at the top. The leaves are almost entire or slightly serrated, pubescent. The flowers are small, up to 7 mm long, pubescent; the corolla tube is pitcher-shaped; linear shaped petals. Blooms profusely. Highly decorative plant. Does well in cool rooms. Homeland - the island of Madagascar (southern part).

K. bentii C. H. Wright ex Hook. f. (K. teretifolia deflers)K. Benta. Subshrubs are sparsely branched, powerful, up to 1 m tall. The leaves are arranged in 6 pairs, round, large, up to 40 cm in length, thick. The inflorescence is umbellate. The flowers are white, the corolla tube is swollen at the base, 2.5 cm long, the petals are obovate, no more than half the length of the tube. Blooms profusely in April – May. Highly decorative plant. This variety of Kalanchoe flowers is propagated by seeds and cuttings. Homeland - Arabian Peninsula (southern part).

K. blossfeldiana PoellnitzK. Blossfeld. Subshrubs are sparsely branched, erect, up to 30 cm tall. The leaves are ovate, up to 7 cm long and 4 cm wide, glabrous, green, reddish at the edges. The flowers are numerous, collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences. The flowers are erect, up to 1 cm in diameter and 1.2–1.3 cm long, red; honey scales are narrow-linear, dicotyledonous. At good care When growing Kalanchoe at home, the plant blooms profusely and for a long time, in February - May (it can bloom at other times of the year). Grows in tropical rainforests on humus soil on the island of Madagascar.

There are varieties of this type of Kalanchoe with a compact, low stem:“Compacta Liliput” – “Campacta Liliput” – with large leaves and red flowers; “Tom Thumb” – “Tam Thumb” a profusely flowering variety with red flowers; “Tom Thumb Tetra” – “Tam ThumbTetra” and “Orange Triumph” – “Ogange” Triumph" with red-orange flowers. Kalanchoe Blossfeld is suitable for forcing. To do this, plants are given a short day (9 hours) for three weeks in the fall and then grown in normal conditions. After 10–12 weeks from the moment of forcing, the plants bloom.

K. daigremontianum Hamet et Perrier (Bryophyllum daigremontianum (Hamet et Perrier) Berger)K. Dygremont. Shrub 40–80 cm tall. Leaves are ovate or elongated, up to 20 cm long and 6 cm wide, with petioles up to 5 cm long, bright green with purple spots on the underside; leaf edge with teeth. The flowers are violet-gray. This type of Kalanchoe flower blooms profusely. One of the popular indoor plants. The edges of the leaves are hung like a fringe with daughter plants, which easily fall off and take root. The juice of the leaves is used in folk medicine for runny nose and colds. Homeland - the island of Madagascar.

K. fedtschenkoi Hamet et PerrK. Fedchenko(synonym Bryophyllum fedtschenkoi (Hamet et Perr.) Lauzac-March.). Shrub with numerous aerial roots at the bottom of the shoots. The leaves are obovate with small petioles, 3.5–5.5 cm long and 2.5–3.5 cm wide, light green, with a red stripe along them. The teeth in the upper part of the leaf are large, and small in the lower part. Old leaves have purple spots at the base of the teeth. The shoot ends in an inflorescence, after the drying of which two new shoots develop from the two nearest buds. The flowers are brownish-pink. There is a variety with yellow-white spots at the top of the leaf and a bright pink stripe along the edges. Homeland - the island of Madagascar.

K. flammea Stapf.K. fiery red. Perennial herbaceous plants 30–40 cm tall, sparingly branched. The leaves are obovate, 6–8 cm long and 2.5–3 cm wide, tapering at the base, obtusely rounded, serrate. The inflorescence is umbellate. The flowers are bright orange-red; the corolla tube is expanded; petals are triangular-ovate, up to 2 cm in diameter. Propagated by seeds, plants bloom in the first year (December). High decorative look For pot culture. Feels good in cool rooms. Grows on rocky soil in Somalia.

K. grandiflora Wight et Arn.K. grandiflora. Subshrubs up to 60 cm tall. The leaves are lobed-toothed, sessile or on short petioles, light green (reddening in the sun). The inflorescence is umbellate. The flowers are light yellow; corolla tube expanded, 1.2 cm long; petals are ovoid, fragrant. Blooms profusely in May. An ornamental plant valued for the pleasant aroma of its flowers. Cultivated in cold greenhouses. Propagated by seeds and cuttings. Homeland - India.

K. longiflora Schlechter ex Medley Wood CoccineaK. longiflora, cultivar "Coccinea". Abundantly branching shrub. The stem is about 1 cm in diameter. The leaves are spatulate, up to 8 cm long and 6 cm wide, bright green, with large uneven teeth and a wide red (especially in spring and summer) stripe along the edges. Petiole up to 2.5 cm long. The flowers are yellowish. The homeland of the species is South Africa.

K. marmorata Baker (K. grandiflora A. Rich, non Wight et Arn., K. macrantha Baker)K. speckled. Subshrubs 50 cm tall. The leaves are obovate, 8-12 cm long, tapering at the base, notched-toothed at the edges, green, later grayish on both sides, with large brown spots. The inflorescence is umbellate. The flowers are white, the corolla tube is 7–8 cm long, 4-sided, the petals are ovate-lanceolate. It blooms rarely here, in winter and early spring(January – April). This is a very decorative species, suitable for landscaping rooms and shop windows. Requires a lot of light, dry and cool in winter. Propagated by seeds and cuttings. It is found in the mountains, at an altitude of 1600–2300 m above sea level, in Ethiopia, as well as in Somalia, Sudan, Kenya and Congo.

K. marnierata Jacobs.C. Marnier(synonym of Вуорhyllum marnierianum (Jacobs.) Lauzac. – March.). Shrub up to 30 cm tall. The leaves are almost round, 3 cm long, 2.5 cm wide, light green with a waxy coating and a red stripe along the upper edge of the leaf. The flowers are pink. Homeland - Southwestern Madagascar.

K. millotii Hamet et Perr.K. Millota. Low branching shrub. Stems and leaves with white felt pubescence. The leaves are obversely broadly ovate, 3–4 cm long and wide, light bluish-green, old ones are light yellowish-green with small teeth. The corolla of the flower is yellow-green, turning into yellow-orange and red-violet tones. Homeland - the island of Madagascar.

K. nyikae EnglerK. Nike. A succulent shrub, reaching 0.6–2 m in height in nature. Leaves are corymbose, up to 15 cm long and 12 cm wide, on a petiole attached almost in the center leaf blade, bluish-green with a purple-pink tint. The flowers are pale pink or salmon pink, collected in an erect corymbose inflorescence. Grows in coastal deciduous dry forests. Homeland: Kenya, Tanzania.

K. pinnatum (Lam.) Pers. (Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) S. Kurz., B. calycinum Salisb.). A shrub reaching 1 m in height in nature. The leaves are initially simple, then 3-5 divided, 7-13 cm long, oblong-rounded with rounded teeth along the edges, bright green. The flowers are greenish-pink. Blooms profusely, but not regularly. It grows on rocky soils at an altitude of 1000 m above sea level on the island of Madagascar, as well as in the tropics of the Old and New Worlds. Medicinal plant.

K. pumila BakerK. dwarf. A low shrub – up to 20 cm tall, initially with erect and then drooping stems. Leaves are wedge-shaped, up to 4 cm long and 3 cm wide, green with powdery coating, later turn purple. Upper part leaf with uneven teeth. The flowers are large, purple-pink. Homeland - Central Madagascar.

K. rhombopilosa Man. Et BoitK. rhomboid-pilose. In appearance it is somewhat reminiscent of dwarf Kalanchoe. Leaves have very short petioles, about 3 cm long and wide, with uneven teeth at the top, with a silvery coating and brown-red spots. The flowers are yellow-green with red-violet spots along the edges. Homeland - the island of Madagascar.

K. thyrsiflora Harv.K. paniculate flowering. Perennial herbaceous plants up to 60 cm tall, densely leafy. Leaves are obovate, up to 15 cm long and 7 cm wide, obtusely rounded, silvery-white; lower ones in a rosette, densely located; the upper ones are located less frequently, smaller than the lower ones. The inflorescence is a panicle. The flowers are yellow, the corolla tube is pitcher-shaped, swollen, 4-sided, 1.5 cm long, the petals are small, round, up to 0.5 cm long. Blooms profusely in April – May. Highly decorative plant. After flowering, the plants form many bulbous buds, which are widely used for propagation. Grows on rocky slopes in South Africa.

K. tomentosa Baker (K. pilosa hort.)K. felt. Bush up to 50 cm high with densely leafy branches. The leaves are sessile, oblong-oval, succulent, obtuse. This name for this species of Kalanchoe is given because its leaves are covered with grayish-whitish short bristles so densely that they give the impression of being wrapped in felt. At the top along the edge of the leaf there is a barely noticeable brown stripe in the form of a dotted line - small tubercles covered with brown bristles, which gives exceptional decorativeness. this species. This hardy plant can be used in any exhibition. It reproduces by leaves, stems and seeds, but does not bloom in our conditions. Homeland - Central Madagascar.

K. tubiflora (Harv.) Hamet (Bryophyllum tubiflorum Harv.)K. tubular-flowered. Perennial herbaceous plants, subshrubs up to 70 cm tall. The leaves are numerous, narrow and long, up to 13 cm long and 0.6 cm wide, grayish-green, with dark brown spots, in the upper part with many brood buds - “babies”. The flowers are numerous, red; corolla tube 2.5 cm long. Highly decorative plant. Blooms profusely. It grows well in rooms. It is widespread in culture as potted plant and is used to decorate bowls. There are many varieties of this type of Kalanchoe plant. The varieties differ in plant height: low-growing - 10-15 cm, medium-growing - 15-20 and tall - 25-30 cm in height. There is a significant variety of flower colors: scarlet red, dark purple, bright pink, fiery red, light yellow, orange, light purple, white. Grows on rocky sandy soils on the island of Madagascar.

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Homeland of Kalanchoe is the island of Madagascar. In nature, this plant is found in tropical and South Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Mediterranean islands. Kalanchoe belongs to the genus tropical plants from the Crassulaceae family. The genus Kalanchoe includes 200 species of plants with various shapes creeping and erect shrubs and subshrubs with succulent (succulent) fleshy leaves.

A characteristic feature of Kalanchoe, by which it can be distinguished, is bright flowers with a sphenolate corolla, which consists of four petals. In its homeland, Kalanchoe blooms in late summer - early autumn, and fragrant flowers appear on it at this time.

The birthplace of the Kalanchoe plant is Madagascar

Legends about Kalanchoe

The first mentions of this plant are found in records of medicinal plants, which date back to the beginning of the 18th century. Scientists believe that Kalanchoe was brought by Russian merchants. By the way, in the ship's log there was an entry about the recovery history of a Russian sailor who fell ill with a rare form of tropical fever. This sailor was left on one of the islands off the coast of South Africa. A month later, when the ship returned, loaded with various goods, an absolutely healthy sailor boarded it. He chewed the thick-skinned leaves, calling them “kalankh,” which meant health in the local language. Perhaps after this story began new life, but not in the tropics, but on the windowsills of houses in our country.

Application of Kalanchoe

The homeland of Kalanchoe with its climate allows plants to take root well in room conditions. Kalanchoe is successfully bred at home and in greenhouses. This medicinal plant looks quite impressive as a home decoration. However, few people know that there are more than a hundred species of this plant in the cultivated version. And only one - bryophyllum - is both medicinal and decorative. The rest only superficially resemble, which is why there is so much controversy surrounding this plant as to whether it really has medicinal qualities.

It is useful not only because it can be used for treatment. Kalanchoe absorbs harmful radiation that accumulates in abundance in rooms due to the use of electrical appliances. It is very useful to place a Kalanchoe flower next to the TV or computer. The plant absorbs harmful radiation without releasing it back due to a special substance that covers it and prevents moisture from evaporating.

Kalanchoe Kalandiva

Motherland ornamental plant Kalanchoe - Madagascar island. The genus contains about 200 species and belongs to the Crassulaceae family.

Kalanchoe is called Goethe's flower. 77-year-old Johann Goethe received a gift from his friend in 1826, a leaf of a plant. The poet was so surprised by its fertility that he wrote instructions in verse on how to grow this plant. According to information, it was a pinnate Kalanchoe, which reproduces by forming daughter shoots on the leaves. This feature is inherent only in some types of Kalanchoe.

More than a hundred years later by postal parcel N.M. Verzilin (naturalist writer, author of the book “Travel with House Plants”) was sent a similar gift. The author of the parcel asked to take care of the plant, which looked almost lifeless. But after some time a miracle happened: the plant took root and sprouted.

There is another story of the Russian people’s acquaintance with Kalanchoe. In the 18th century, according to the ship's log, a Russian sailor who fell ill with fever was landed on an island near South Africa. A month later, the same sailor boarded the cargo ship. He was completely healthy and chewed thick leaves, which he called “kalankh,” which translated from the local language meant “health.”


Kalanchoe is a succulent plant, ranging in size from 3 cm to 2 m, depending on the species. Leaves are thick plates that accumulate moisture. All Kalanchoe species to one degree or another have healing properties. They are used in medicine, cosmetology, and in household use.

Watering It tolerates drought easily, but excessive watering can lead to detrimental effects. In winter they irrigate once every two weeks, in summer more often.
Lighting When there is insufficient light, the stem becomes elongated. For full development, bright light is necessary. Transfers and straight sun rays, but still, with intense summer radiation, the leaves may turn red and burns may appear.
Temperature Unpretentious, can grow on outdoors. In summer no more than +27 degrees, in winter no lower than +12.
Humidity Doesn't really matter. Spraying in summer period, except for species with velvety leaves.
Well suited soil for succulents with the addition of sand large quantities. Suitable for self-preparation: leaf soil, turf soil, peat, sand - in equal proportions. You can add some brick chips or charcoal.
Fertilizer During the growing season - every two to three weeks with fertilizers for cacti. Flowering species- fertilizers for flower plants in a dosage divided by 2.
Reproduction Some species (pinnate, Degremona, etc.) are easily propagated by baby plants that form directly on the leaf.

Other species reproduce using apical shoots (stem and leaf cuttings) and seeds.

Transfer After flowering, once a year or more often. The diameter of the container is slightly larger than the previous one.
Bloom Blooming Kalanchoe needs a lot of light and short daylight hours. Some species require a period of rest in winter. A cool room and limited watering promote the formation of flower buds.

Kalanchoe Rosalina don Domingo


Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana (K. blossfeldiana)- bushy plant up to 50 cm in height. The leaves are dark green, smooth, wavy at the edges. Flowers of various colors: pink, white, orange, yellow.

Kalanchoe Kalandiva (K. Calandiva)- separate beautiful flowering variety, derived from the form of K. Blossfeld. It is distinguished by its small size and large number of inflorescences. The flower has 32 petals and forms a beautiful miniature rose.

Kalanchoe pinnata And Kalanchoe daigremontiana- these species were previously classified as a separate genus Bryophyllum. Viviparous species form babies (brood buds) between the notches on the leaves, then fall off and take root in the ground. Also characteristic is the external similarity - a straight stem and elongated, triangular leaves.

Kalanchoe thyrsiflora- small flowers, yellow in color. The leaves are rounded, green with a red edge.

Kalanchoe dissectifolia

Kalanchoe laciniata- leaves 10-15 centimeters long are intricately divided into lobes. The plant was popularly nicknamed “deer horns.”


There are more than two hundred varieties of flowers in the world, but only two species are classified as medicinal Kalanchoe:
  • Kalanchoe Pinnate;
  • Degremona.

Kalanchoe pinnate

What do medicinal species of Kalanchoe look like?
  1. 1. In its homeland, Kalanchoe Pinnate grows up to a meter in height. Potted culture is noticeably smaller. The first flowers appear on the stems of the plant already in the second year of life. The leaves of the species are oval-shaped and fleshy. The stem of the crop is soft and grows straight upward. Kalanchoe blooms with white or light pink flowers.
  2. 2. Distinctive feature Kalanchoe Degremona - “babies” located along the rim of the leaves. The stem reaches 50 cm in height, often creeping. The leaves are oblong in shape, pointed at the end. The color of the crop is dark green.
What properties do they have? medicinal species plants?

IN medicinal purposes They use exclusively the above-ground part of the flower. Healing properties characterized by the juice of the plant, which can help as follows:

  • clean the wound from germs, slow down the growth and spread of pathogens;
  • lead to the cessation of the inflammatory process;
  • stop the bleeding;
  • rid the damaged area of ​​skin of crusts of dead tissue;
  • restore the skin after injury.
A number of the mentioned advantages of Kalanchoe are complemented by the mild toxicity of the plant. The juice of the culture (diluted) does not cause irritation or redness of the skin and mucous membranes.

How to use Kalanchoe for medicinal purposes?

The medicinal plant can relieve many ailments. Kalanchoe is used:

  1. For inflammatory processes in the throat: sore throat, tonsillitis. The plant juice is diluted with water, and the solution is used for rinsing.
  2. In case of ulcers, purulent wounds and burns on the body. The pulp of medicinal varieties of Kalanchoe has a healing effect.
  3. If the patient suffers from a stomach ulcer or chronic gastritis. Regular intake of Kalanchoe juice orally relieves pain.
  4. For inflammatory processes of the eyes: conjunctivitis, blepharitis. The juice of the plant is dropped into the eyes.
  5. For inflammation of the urinary tract and bladder diseases. The diluted juice is consumed internally.
  6. If the patient has a runny nose or sinusitis. The juice of the plant is regularly dropped into the nose.
  7. For skin problems: acne, increased oily skin, enlarged pores. The face is wiped with medicinal juice.
  8. In case of development of an inflammatory process in the ear. Kalanchoe juice is instilled into the auricle.
Mature, fleshy leaves of the plant are used to obtain medicinal juice. It is recommended not to water the Kalanchoe 7 days before cutting. We place the whole leaves in the refrigerator for a week - during this time they will accumulate the proper amount of useful substances. The leaves are then crushed and the juice is squeezed out using a wooden spoon. Usually the concentrated juice is diluted boiled water room temperature in a 1:1 ratio.

When should Kalanchoe not be used for medicinal purposes?

It's important to remember that everything medicines should be used only after consultation with a doctor, the same applies to all drugs in the folk medicine cabinet.

Treatment of Kalanchoe is strictly contraindicated:

  • in case of an allergic reaction and individual intolerance to the drug;
  • during the period of bearing a child;
  • at reduced blood pressure;
  • patients suffering from liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, diabetes, rheumatism;
  • for oncological diseases.

In the case of treating children for eye diseases, runny nose and sinusitis, the concentrated juice of the plant should not be used - it can cause a burn to the mucous membrane.

Before use folk remedy, it wouldn’t hurt to do an allergy test. To do this, drop a small amount of juice on your wrist and wait. If after a few hours allergic reaction has not manifested itself, you can begin treatment.

The plant has occupied for several centuries place of honor in the first aid kit traditional medicine. However, even under such circumstances, you should not self-medicate, because any folk remedy, except medicinal properties, is also characterized by a number of contraindications. Remember: any application medicine should be preceded by medical consultation.

This type of plant has more than 200 varieties, not including all its hybrid varieties. Kalanchoe belongs to perennial plants Crassulaceae family. After it was introduced to Europe, it gained immense popularity as a houseplant. The Kalanchoe plant is native to different countries depending on its specific species.

Origin and legends

One of the very interesting and beautiful plants planets - Kalanchoe. The birthplace of this plant may be countries such as:

  • Madagascar.
  • India.
  • islands of New Guinea.
  • Australia.
  • tropics of Asia and America.
  • Moluccas Islands.

Under natural conditions this is the plant reaches about one and a half meters in height. However, indoor specimens are naturally much smaller.

The juice of the plant is used to prepare ointments and tinctures. In addition, Kalanchoe contains tannins, as well as vitamin C, copper, iron, manganese, etc. Its leaves contain organic acids, polysaccharides, from which biologically active substances are produced.

Of course, everyone useful properties this plant is innumerable. A long time ago it was brought from afar, and since then its popularity has been growing every year. His amazing qualities and aesthetic appearance will not leave connoisseurs of this beautiful plant indifferent.

International scientific name

Kalanchoe Adans.

Synonyms Type species

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The genus name is of Chinese origin.

Biological description

Naked or pubescent succulent plants from a few centimeters to 3-4 meters in height, among which there are epiphytes and lianas. In many species, buds form on the leaves and in inflorescences, from which new plants develop. Previously, these species were combined into the genus Bryophyllum, which is currently considered to be one of 3 sections of the genus Kalanchoe.

Diseases and pests

Kalanchoe can be affected by mealybugs, this disease can be recognized by the white tangles on the stems and leaves of the plant. The pest is removed with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol.

Excess moisture causes Kalanchoe to rot. Damaged leaves should be removed to prevent disease.


Sometimes species of the genus are distributed into two sections - Bryophyllum and Kalanchoe.

The most famous types:

  • Kalanchoe Blossfeld (lat. Kalanchoe blossfeldiana) originally from Madagascar - a plant with bare, weakly branching stems up to 30 cm high. The leaves are ovate, crenate along the edge, green, with a red border along the edge. Flowers up to 1 cm in diameter, red, pink, yellow or orange; collected in the apical inflorescence.
  • Kalanchoe Degremona (lat. Kalanchoe daigremontiana) - also a Madagascar species, reaches a height of 50 cm. Leaves are up to 20 cm long, narrowly ovate or narrowly triangular, fleshy, grayish-green, with purple spots below, sometimes folded along the main vein. The edges are jagged, between the teeth brood buds are formed, from which daughter plants equipped with roots develop directly on the mother plant. When they fall, they immediately take root. In culture in Europe since 1925.

List of species

See also

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An excerpt characterizing Kalanchoe

Wolzogen treated His Serene Highness with a certain affected carelessness, the purpose of which was to show that he, as a highly educated military man, was allowing the Russians to make an idol out of this old, useless man, and he himself knew with whom he was dealing. “Der alte Herr (as the Germans called Kutuzov in their circle) macht sich ganz bequem, [The old gentleman settled down calmly (German)] - thought Wolzogen and, looking sternly at the plates standing in front of Kutuzov, began to report to the old gentleman the state of affairs on the left flank as Barclay ordered him and as he himself saw and understood it.
- All points of our position are in the hands of the enemy and there is nothing to recapture, because there are no troops; “They are running, and there is no way to stop them,” he reported.
Kutuzov, stopping to chew, stared at Wolzogen in surprise, as if not understanding what was being said to him. Wolzogen, noticing the excitement of des alten Herrn, [the old gentleman (German)] said with a smile:
- I did not consider myself entitled to hide from your lordship what I saw... The troops are in complete disorder...
-Have you seen it? Have you seen?.. – Kutuzov shouted, frowning, quickly getting up and advancing on Wolzogen. “How do you... how dare you!..”, he shouted, making threatening gestures with shaking hands and choking. - How dare you, dear sir, say this to me? You don't know anything. Tell General Barclay from me that his information is incorrect and that the real course of the battle is known to me, the commander-in-chief, better than to him.
Wolzogen wanted to object, but Kutuzov interrupted him.
- The enemy is repulsed on the left and defeated on the right flank. If you have not seen well, dear sir, then do not allow yourself to say what you do not know. Please go to General Barclay and convey to him the next day my absolute intention to attack the enemy,” Kutuzov said sternly. Everyone was silent, and all that could be heard was the heavy breathing of the out of breath old general. “They were repulsed everywhere, for which I thank God and our brave army.” The enemy is defeated, and tomorrow we will drive him out of the sacred Russian land,” said Kutuzov, crossing himself; and suddenly sobbed from the tears that came. Wolzogen, shrugging his shoulders and pursing his lips, silently walked away to the side, wondering uber diese Eingenommenheit des alten Herrn. [at this tyranny of the old gentleman. (German)]
“Yes, here he is, my hero,” Kutuzov said to the plump, handsome, black-haired general, who was entering the mound at that time. It was Raevsky, who spent the whole day at the main point of the Borodino field.
Raevsky reported that the troops were firmly in their places and that the French did not dare to attack anymore. After listening to him, Kutuzov said in French:
– Vous ne pensez donc pas comme lesautres que nous sommes obliges de nous retirer? [You don't think, then, like others, that we should retreat?]
“Au contraire, votre altesse, dans les affaires indecises c"est loujours le plus opiniatre qui reste victorieux,” answered Raevsky, “et mon opinion... [On the contrary, your lordship, in indecisive matters the winner is the one who is more stubborn, and my opinion …]
- Kaisarov! – Kutuzov shouted to his adjutant. - Sit down and write an order for tomorrow. “And you,” he turned to the other, “go along the line and announce that tomorrow we will attack.”
While the conversation was going on with Raevsky and the order was being dictated, Wolzogen returned from Barclay and reported that General Barclay de Tolly would like to have written confirmation of the order that the field marshal gave.
Kutuzov, without looking at Wolzogen, ordered this order to be written, which the former commander-in-chief, very thoroughly, in order to avoid personal responsibility, wanted to have.
And through an indefinable, mysterious connection that maintains the same mood throughout the entire army, called the spirit of the army and constituting the main nerve of the war, Kutuzov’s words, his order for battle for the next day, were transmitted simultaneously to all ends of the army.
It was not the very words, not the very order that was transmitted in the last chain of this connection. There was not even anything similar in those stories that were passed on to each other at different ends of the army to what Kutuzov said; but the meaning of his words was communicated everywhere, because what Kutuzov said stemmed not from cunning considerations, but from a feeling that lay in the soul of the commander-in-chief, as well as in the soul of every Russian person.
And having learned that the next day we would attack the enemy, from the highest spheres of the army, having heard confirmation of what they wanted to believe, the exhausted, hesitant people were consoled and encouraged.

Prince Andrei's regiment was in reserves, which until the second hour stood behind Semenovsky inactive, under heavy artillery fire. In the second hour, the regiment, which had already lost more than two hundred people, was moved forward to a trampled oat field, to that gap between Semenovsky and the Kurgan battery, where thousands of people were killed that day and on which, in the second hour of the day, intensely concentrated fire was directed from several hundred enemy guns.
Without leaving this place and without firing a single charge, the regiment lost another third of its people here. In front, and especially on the right side, in the lingering smoke, guns boomed and from a mysterious area of ​​smoke that covered the entire area ahead, cannonballs and slowly whistling grenades flew out, incessantly, with a hissing rapid whistle. Sometimes, as if giving rest, a quarter of an hour passed, during which all the cannonballs and grenades flew over, but sometimes within a minute several people were torn out of the regiment, and the dead were constantly dragged away and the wounded were carried away.
With each new blow, fewer and fewer chances of life remained for those who had not yet been killed. The regiment stood in battalion columns at a distance of three hundred paces, but despite this, all the people of the regiment were under the influence of the same mood. All the people of the regiment were equally silent and gloomy. Rarely was a conversation heard between the rows, but this conversation fell silent every time a blow was heard and a cry: “Stretcher!” Most of the time, the people of the regiment, by order of their superiors, sat on the ground. Some, having taken off their shako, carefully unraveled and reassembled the assemblies; who used dry clay, spreading it in his palms, and polished his bayonet; who kneaded the belt and tightened the buckle of the sling; who carefully straightened and refolded the hems and changed his shoes. Some built houses from Kalmyk arable land or wove wickerwork from stubble straw. Everyone seemed quite immersed in these activities. When people were wounded and killed, when the stretchers were being pulled, when our people were returning, when large masses of enemies were visible through the smoke, no one paid any attention to these circumstances. When the artillery and cavalry passed forward, the movements of our infantry were visible, approving remarks were heard from all sides. But the events that deserved the most attention were completely extraneous events that had nothing to do with the battle. It was as if the attention of these morally tormented people rested on these ordinary, everyday events. An artillery battery passed in front of the regiment's front. In one of the artillery boxes, the tie-down line came into place. “Hey, the tie-down!.. Straighten it! It will fall... Eh, they can’t see it!.. - they shouted from the ranks equally throughout the entire regiment. Another time, everyone’s attention was drawn to a small brown dog with a firmly raised tail, which, God knows where it came from, ran out in front of the ranks at an anxious trot and suddenly squealed from a cannonball that struck close and, with its tail between its legs, rushed to the side. Cackling and squeals were heard throughout the regiment. But entertainment of this kind lasted minutes, and people had been standing for more than eight hours without food and without anything to do under the persistent horror of death, and their pale and frowning faces became increasingly paler and frowning.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):